Sunday, June 17, 2018

I Will Make You I

Sunday 17 June
READ: Malachi 3:2-4
MORE LESSON: Romans 5:3-5

Sometimes ago, one of my daughters in church was misbehaving and the mother came to report her to me. I prayed and even placed her on days of fasting but all efforts to stop her proved abortive as she still continued in the act. So one day I called her, and I told her that the Bible says that foolishness abounds in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him (Prov. 22:15). Then I gave her a few strokes of the cane and from that day she never again repeated that thing (but looking back maybe I would have done the correction differently). She's now married to a pastor and recently she brought her child to me. I looked at both of them and I asked the child; “How will you assess this woman?” He said, “She is the best woman on earth”. Something made her the best woman on the earth; fasting, prayer, and cane. She said; ”Daddy this is my child”. I told her that was what we were disciplining her for, and that good day would not have become a reality if we didn't correct her. What we did yesterday has made her a better person today.
The point is this; the making process is never a palatable one. It involves pain, hardship and many other unpleasant experiences. But all these happen so as to reveal the excellence of what is being made. Everyone likes gold and wants to own golden articles. In fact, some people will do unimaginable things only to ensure that they own it. Gold is however refined by very hot fire; the fire needs to be hot enough to burn off the dross and reveal the beauty of the gold. Assuming the gold has a choice and it decides not to go through the flames, would it still portray the same radiance? Of course not. In the same way, God makes us go through very difficult and unpleasant situations. I tell God all the time; “Whatsoever You want to do with me to make me what You want me to be, Father, go ahead. Don't look at my complaints, God; just help me reach the prize”.
As we pray this type of prayer, accepting whatever God will want to do, we must also remember that we also still have a role to play in God making us. Certain things God wants to do for us include helping us to live a disciplined life, watch over our relationships, walk in a spiritual positive environment and being willing to accept God's orders and ordinance. He who helped others ahead of us will help to make us.

* Ask God for grace to go through the process to your greatness, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that as clay in the potter’s hand, God will mould you for His glory and beauty.
* Ask God to make you an instrument of blessing to the lives of others around you.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Faithful God of my fathers, I shall be faithful to You to the end. Strengthen my hands, in the mighty name of Jesus.


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