Monday, March 31, 2014

Growing in All Areas

Text: Luke 2: 40
More Lessons: Psa.18:32-34
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Philippians 1-4

Jesus grew into the greatness we see in Him today. There is no sin in being small or being a child; the only crime is choosing to remain a child. Some believers are always complaining about people and the church not giving them enough attention and care, so they move from one church congregation to another. Everybody needs attention but there is a degree of attention that a man looks for and you know that he is still a child. If you are a new convert in Christ, there is nothing wrong with always needing people to visit you, buy a Bible, books and devotionals for you. But a time should come for you to grow and start doing those things for somebody else. If you always need to be followed up and encouraged before you attend church services, you need to grow. It is a child that always looks for attention and wants to be carried; an adult gives attention and carries others.

The major defining point in growth is assuming more responsibility and less dependence. When you start taking responsibility, then you become mature. It is a sign that you have refused to grow up when you don't stop complaining of not being taken care of by people. An evidence of growth is that you learn to handle some things for yourself and have a personal vision and target for your life physically, financially and spiritually.

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man: Luke 2:52. Jesus grew and waxed strong in spirit. Growth and advancement must be all round. Any man who grows in one direction and doesn't grow in others is not growing. If you see a human being with one part of his body growing while the others remain the same, such a person is obviously sick. Kwashiorkor is a medical problem in children in whom you could see just the belly growing big while other parts of the body are emaciated. If you concentrate only on making money and doing well in your career but your spiritual life is going down, that is not growth. At the same time, if you are growing spiritually and there is no growth in other physical aspects of your life then something is wrong.

Remember the Bible says” Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth: III John 1:2. So as you prosper in spiritual things, there must be corresponding growth in physical and material things. Advancement is growing physically and spiritually, and may this begin to find expression in your life from today, in Jesus’ Name.

* Ask God to train your hands to battle so that you can break the bow of steel
* T ell God that you surrender to all His will and plans to make you grow.
* Pray that you will grow and increase in all areas like Jesus did.
* Resist every anti-growth agent in and around you.

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Sunday, March 30, 2014

God is not a Failure II

Text: II Kings 7: 1-20
More Lessons: Isa 55: 8-1 1
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Ephesians 4-6

Then Elisha said, Hear ye the word of the LORD; Thus saith the TLORD, T o morrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria: II Kgs. 7:1. One day Prophet Elisha said that by the next day the famine in the land would end and there would be overflowing provision. But a man looked at the prophet and said it was not possible even if God would open the windows of heaven. The prophet told him that it would happen but the man would not partake of it, and everything happened just as Elijah declared. The unbelieving man was wondering how on earth the supply would come; he didn't know that before God makes a promise He already has excess of the provision needed to meet the promise.

Nothing can compete with the faithfulness of God. He will always make good His Word; as long as you stay with Him you cannot end up a failure. It is only if you turn back from serving and trusting Him that you become a failure. It is the lie of the devil that makes you think that you will fail when you are with God. But I want you to know that no matter how long a lie lives, the truth will catch up with it. The faithfulness of Jesus is the truth. According to Evang. Reinhard Bonke, 'You can't kill the truth; even when you do, it will resurrect on the third day.'' The lie of the devil that says you will be a failure is about to expire in your life. Just keep holding on to Him who is the Truth and you will see that every failure in your life will turn to success.

If you believe that you will not fail, then you should always live in gratitude and thanksgiving to God, regardless of what you are going through. Even when you seem to meet failure face to face, just keep giving God praise, knowing fully well that with God involved something will happen to change the situation. Do you join those who complain? If so, it shows you have accepted failure. Rather, be like the three Hebrews who insisted on the faithfulness of God even in the face of the fiery furnace (Dan 3: 1-30). They were so confident that God would deliver them, but even if He did not, He was still not a failure.

Have a permanent consciousness of thanksgiving whatever happens or does not happen, Do not allow doubt and double mindedness in your heart. If you have not received what you are praying for, stay on with God. God is not a failure

* Ask God to help you trust His faithfulness even when there are no signs.
* T ell God you believe He is the God of miracles.
* T ell God nothing you believe Him for will fail, in the name of Jesus.
* Give God thanks because He cannot fail.

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Saturday, March 29, 2014

God is not a Failure I

Text: Num. 23:19
More Lessons: Heb 6: 13-18
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Ephesians 1-3

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?: Num 23:19.

God has no single precedent of failure. He who created the heavens and the earth from nothing in six days cannot be a failure. He alone is the One who made promises before the world began, when nobody was there to hold Him over His Word and still fulfilled them because He cannot lie. In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began: Tit. 1:2. He definitely cannot fail.

I don't have a single experience in all my life of when God failed me and no man can ever prove that God ever failed. Somebody asked me if I had ever prayed before and didn't receive an answer. I replied, ‘Yes’, and then he remarked that it means God failed me. No, God didn't fail!! I only failed to receive an answer. The book of Hebrews talks about the fathers of faith who had the promise but did not receive it till they died, yet they knew that God did not fail but He only had better plans unknown t o t hem. These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect: Heb 11:40 (NIV).

God gave Isaiah the prophecy of the coming Messiah which did not come to pass hundreds of years after. But today we are witnesses that God cannot fail because the promise has been fulfilled. Someone might say God has failed him and so he wants to give up on God. Another might lament, ''I’m giving offering, paying tithes and pledges and nothing is happening. I'm not giving again” With or without your offering God is God and He is not a failure. Who will dare judge the Almighty or examine Him? With whom took He counsel, and who instructed Him, and taught Him in the path of judgment, and taught Him knowledge, and showed to Him the way of understanding?: Isa. 40:14.
Today God is saying to you, Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?: Jer. 32:27. There is no promise that He cannot and will not fulfil. Never doubt God anymore; I make proud to tell you that He will not fail you. He is not a failure. He is faithful. For if the word spoken by angels was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward; Heb. 2:2.

* Take a worship song and give God thanks for being the God who never fails.
* T ell God you believe in His unfailing power and remind Him of your requests.
* Ask Him to help you never to be moved by the issues of your life that are pending before Him.

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Friday, March 28, 2014

The Believers Growth

Text: Acts 17:10-12
More Lessons: Lk. 11:1-2
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Ecclesiastes 10-12

The eternal truth for today is that anyone who sincerely desires to grow in the Christian faith must do more than whatever others are doing. Given the circumstances surrounding the end time Church today, the general food from the pulpit will not be sufficient for the proper growth of any believer. The Church today is confronted with two problems: (I) That of a congregation that is too restless to sit and learn and a congregation more interested in survival prayer than revival, in some cases people even tell the pastors what to preach and what not to. (ii) The problem of the Church not being focused, some have outgrown their capacity to pastor effectively by their slumber and of course the end time spirit that is working so hard to weaken the Church of Jesus by sin, money, politics, distractions etc.

It is therefore important for every growth conscious believer to go an extra mile beyond the pulpit to personally develop himself / herself. If you don't ensure a growth in your Christian life, you will gradually die off although you may still be sounding like brass. The church ought to provide the learning materials, the inspiration and skill, while the individual picks from that point to develop himself. The Berean church exemplified this when, after learning from Paul, they created time to read over what they had been taught and to study further whether those things were true. Also, after Jesus’ public teaching, His disciples came back to Him privately to seek further clarification of what they had been taught in public. Any believer who truly wants to grow must create time for extra  information, reading and asking leaders questions like the disciples did (Lk. 11:1) on healing (Mk. 9:29), and on Jesus’ parable( Mk. 4:10). Every believer must learn to create time beyond church sermons to study the Bible, fast and pray alone, and do night vigil with their family.
You  have a responsibility for whatever you want to become in life and destiny, do take up the challenge today.

* Ask God to lead you to everything you need to become what you need to be in Christ Jesus.
* Pray that the negative spirit and forces of the end time will not be your portion.
* Pray that you will find all it takes and you will give all it takes to grow in your Christian faith.
Examine yourself critically, locate areas where you need to do more and what you need to do to grow into maturity, and do them.

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Thousand Times More

Text: Deut. 1:1-11
More Lessons: Gen. 22: 17
Bible Reading in One Year: Ecclesiastes 7-9

The LORD God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you! (Deut. 1: 11).

A hundred fold blessing is what people think is the highest that God can give but I have discovered that God is able to give a thousand fold. God wants to showcase His children so that the world may know that what comes out of Him can never be small. The God that created such a large universe as this is surely able to make you a thousand times more than you are now. And by the time God has fulfilled the promise to make all His children a thousand times more than they are now, the resources of heaven would not even have been scratched a bit; He has in abundance all we need for life. God has abundance of riches in heaven but He doesn't need them; it's only here on earth that we have needs. It is God's will to give you a thousand times more . . . May you increase to thousands upon thousands; may your offspring possess the gates of their enemies." Gen. 24:60 (NIV). May God give you a thousand times more, in the name of Jesus!

A thousand fold is a different order of increase. It is a special type of increase because it has broken all natural laws. A thousand fold is that which only God can give. The help a man needs to enter into a thousand times more can only come from God.
A student that receives a thousand fold blessing starts getting results that are a thousand times more than his ability. A civil servant, by the hand of the Lord God Almighty, can receive a thousand times more than his labour till he stops being the servant they have been calling him. A business person with the thousand times anointing gets a thousand times return on investment for his business. The laws of the market; supply and demand, all begin to work together to favour him and they deliver a thousand times more to him.

My prayer for you today is that spiritually, physically, materially, and in all the results of destiny, you will be a thousand times more, in the name of Jesus. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will not leave you at this level. May He make you a thousand times more than you are. Amen!

* Ask God for the blessing of a thousand times more.
* Ask God to open the windows of heaven and pour upon you His limitless blessings.
* Ask God to pour upon you such blessings that only God can give.
* Command the door of smallness to be replaced by a net breaking harvest.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Acceptable Fast

Text: Isa. 58:6-7
More Lessons: Isa. 59: 1
Bible Reading in One Year: Ecclesiastes 4-6

Fasting is not just a hunger strike. When the children of God fast, it should be to achieve some definite results by the help of God. Some people take pleasure in boasting about how many days they have fasted, thinking it portrays them as being spiritual. Boasting goes against the very spirit of the act of fasting. The purpose of a fast is for a man to humble himself before God. Fasting is to repent from any dead work and every sin in your life. If your fasting and prayer must deliver results, then you must truly repent of your sins, humble yourself and be broken before God. Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear: Isa 59:1-2.

Another major thing that must accompany a fast, in order to make it effective, is sacrificial giving. When fasting, you are not only to give up food but also to make a sacrifice to meet somebody's need. Y ou should also make a sacrifice for God's work in the church. Every fast must be accompanied with a practical sacrificial act of doing good. These are the scriptural responsibilities attached to moving the hand of God by your fast.

Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter -when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?: Isa 58:6-7 (NIV). God told the children of Israel that the reason they had fasted and not received answers is because they fasted and still did as they pleased (v 3) and also fasted for strife (v 4). The kind of fast a man does and still fights will not be acceptable, and a fast borne out of competition with others will never get a man anywhere.

I pray for you that your waiting on the Lord shall not be in vain. May your fasting, prayers and sacrifice be acceptable before the throne of God, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God to help you prevail over carnal fasts.
* Pray that you will never fast in vain.
* Ask God to help you fast the Jesus way and get Jesus' type of result.
* Ask God to purge you of every act that hinders the blessings of fasting.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Zealous for the Lord

Text: Num 25:1-13
More Lessons: Exo. 32:22-29
Bible Reading in One Year: Ecclesiastes 1-3

Israel had transgressed the law of God by committing sin with the Moabite women. While Moses, the servant of God, stood on the altar and was rebuking them for the evil they had done, one of the Israelite men took a Midianite woman. He probably put his hand round her neck and leaned over her as they walked like they were not concerned with what the man of God was saying, determined to go into the camp to commit sin. Phinehas went after them with a javelin and stabbed them to death. Thereafter, Jehovah turned His anger away from the house of Israel because Phinehas was zealous to avenge unrighteousness on behalf of God. God also made a covenant of a lasting priesthood with him.

The zeal and enthusiasm with which you serve God can determine what you get from Him. The reason many people are serving God and are not getting a return for their services and giving is because they are not doing such acts zealously. Anything you are doing for God reluctantly is a waste of time and energy, you will not get a reward. Worse still, you can even incur God's anger and punishment. Be zealous to do right and to serve God.

But it is not just enough to be zealous to do right; you must also be zealous to do something about the wrong that is happening around you. Phinehas took spear and avenged iniquity. Many of us need to learn a lesson from this. Sometimes while doing things right and you see a colleague doing wrong but you don't bother to correct him, you have aided the wrong act. Phinehas was living right; if he was not, he wouldn't have been able to correct someone else. But he also didn't stop at just living right, he went ahead to confront wrong. If you see a brother doing wrong and you turn your face the other way or encourage him, you have partaken of the sin. Instead, he needs to be confronted and corrected.

God's blessing to Phinehas was that he and his descendants shall be priests for all times. By this one zealous act, he rescued the nation, distinguished himself and got his unborn children blessed. Some of the blessings we are enjoying today are the products of the zeal of our parents. This is where parents have to pay due attention to their lives. If as parents, being in church three times a week is already a problem, what will the children inherit? This man left an unforgetable heritage for his children; this should be our zealous pursuit in this generation.

Prayer/ Action
* Pray that you will serve God in an extraordinary way all your life.
* Pray that the spirit of immorality will not prevail over you.
* Ask God to help you live a consecrated life.
* Pray that you will never be a partaker of sin.

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Monday, March 24, 2014

Prevailing II

Text: Est. 6:1-13
More Lessons: Est. 7: 1-10
Bible Reading in One Year: Numbers 34-36

And Haman told Zeresh his wife and all his friends every [thing] that had befallen him. Then said his wise men and Zeresh his wife unto him, If Mordecai [be] of the seed of the Jews, before whom thou hast begun to fall, thou shalt not prevail against him, but shalt surely fall before him. And while they [were] yet talking with him, came the king's chamberlains, and hasted to bring Haman unto the banquet that Esther had prepared: Est. 6: 13-14. Haman was the enemy of the Jews when they were in exile in Babylon, and because of his hatred for Mordecai, he vowed to see the entire nation of Israel destroyed in one day. While he was working at it, things started to turn against him. The evil he planned for the Israelites was given back to him; God gave him 'back to the sender'.

Zeresh, Haman's wife and his wise friends had advised him, ''We wish you would stop fighting against these people because Mordecai is a seed of the Jews and you surely cannot prevail over him. You have already started to fall before him and you will continue to because he is born of Abraham.'' (v13). Haman's wife and friends were speaking from revelation and knowledge because earlier in Scripture, God had said to Abraham: And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed: Gen 12:3 (NKJV).

These people understood that anybody who curses a believer will bear the curse and anyone attempting to work against us is planning his own death. We don't have to do anything physically against these people; just by praying, the enemy gets into the grave. Mordecai prevailed just because he was a seed of Abraham and the word from God had already gone ahead of him that anyone who blesses the seed of Abraham is blessed and anyone who curses him shall be cursed. He prevailed by the covenant God made with his fore-father Abraham. Similarly, the enemy cannot stand against you; you are the seed of Abraham by faith, and you only need to activate the covenant. As Mordecai, the seed of the Jew, had greater strength and influence than Haman, so shall you always prevail over everything that confronts you, in Jesus’ name.

I wish your enemies will have the wisdom to know that they should no longer attempt to work against you because from today things have started turning against them, in Jesus’ name. Praise God!

* Ask for the strength of God that never fails over your battles.
* Ask the covenant of Abraham to go to work in your matter.
* Ask God to turn the battles against every Mordecai confronting you.

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Prevailing I

Text: Psa. 18: 29-40
More Lessons: I Sam. 2: 7-9
Bible Read in one Year: Numbers 31-33

One of the sports I used to enjoy watching is wrestling. I wouldn't take part in it but I loved to watch it. In wrestling, the hero is the one that eventually prevails over the opponent to the point of getting him to surrender or getting the opponent so defeated and pressed down that he is unable to stand before the count of three. The referee then lifts up the hand of the winner. The two wrestlers are strong but the winner is stronger and so prevails. Prevailing is a state of being greater in strength or influence; you prevail when you have a stronger and greater influence.

Another dimension to prevailing is becoming so more effective that you win. So prevailing has to do with these three; being greater in strength, being greater in influence and being more effective, by the reason of which you get on top of the situation that competes or is in conflict with you. The underlying concept in prevailing is that there is comparison of one with another and prevailing is the consequence of being greater than something or someone.

It is important that you understand prevailing from the perspective of being stronger, greater and ever staying on top. It is the will of God that you stand above and conquer the things that contest with you and conquer them. God’s will is that you don't stay under in any situation but that you be greater. You excel in an examination by staying on top of failure.

When you have a stronger spiritual strength and influence, you deal with demons, sins and sicknesses; you start pursuing things that have been pursuing you in the dream and when you pray, miracles happen. That is prevailing. Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth: 3Jn. 1:2. This scripture is actually not only referring to prospering in finances but it also refers to every area of your life. It is my prayer for you to do well spiritually, and that in business you don't bow to financial needs nor be under in any matter.

Many people are defeated because they lack strength, influence or efficiency. But King David in our text testified of God's strength to run through a troop, (v29). How? By the strength supplied by God (v32). Look at the secret of that strength: He teacheth my hands to war, …… given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up,... Thou hast enlarged my steps under me,… v 33-36. And the result in vs 37-40 include power to pursue, overtake and consume enemies. This is all because … thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle:… v39a. Today, receive strength to prevail over all your battles.

* Give God thanks for His promise of victory to His children.
* Ask God for power to be greater in strength, influence and effectiveness in all matters of your life.
* Pray that you will never be a victim in life but a victor to the glory of God.

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Saturday, March 22, 2014

It Matters who You Marry

Saturday, 22 March
Text: 2 Cor . 6:14-18
More Lessons: Eph. 5:7-10
Bible Reading in One Year: Numbers 28-30

If indeed you are a true child of God, then it matters who you marry. As a believing parent, it matters who your child marries. Marriage is so central to a person's life, future, and happiness as well as the fulfilment of the plan and purpose of God for his/her life that one can’t afford to be careless about the choice of a life partner. It is an issue that should be given all the diligence and prayer it deserves.

Throughout the Scripture, God treats marriage as a very serious matter and God's covenant people in the Scripture gave the matter of marriage a very careful and proper attention. It was God that gave Eve to Adam (Gen.2:18). Abraham insisted that Isaac his son should not marry a Canaanite. He sent his servant to go and pick a wife from among his people for Isaac (Gen.28:1-4).

How properly you marry will determine how well connected you will be with the covenant blessings of God. In several places in the Bible, God warns His people not to intermarry with the idolatrous Canaanites; rather they should marry from among God's covenant people. So also our text says you cannot be unequally yoked with an unbeliever. As a believer you cannot marry someone who (is):
1. Not yet born again,
2. A backslider,
3. Living in sin and is not ready to repent,
4. Already married,
5. Eager to go to bed with you before marriage, and
6. Does not share your faith, belief, and core-values.

You are to marry by God's leading and to a person in Christ. It is important to seek the consent and approval of your parents and spiritual leaders before you finalise any marriage deal. In fact, it is better to carry them along from the beginning. May the Lord lead and guide you in this vital decision of life, in Jesus' mighty name. However, if you have already made a mistake in this regard, seek the face of the Lord for divine intervention and help. Don't take any rash decision, seek for counsel from a Bible-believing spiritual leader and carry your spouse along in any decision. Marriage needs care, so handle it God’s Word and wisdom.

* Give thanks to God because His Spirit is ever willing and ready to direct you.
* Pray for young people that God will direct them in this crucial issue of marriage and that they will hear and obey the voice of the Lord.
* Pray against any doctrine of satan in marital issues that they will no longer prevail over our youths.

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Fruitfulness II

Friday, 21 March
Text : John 19: 30-34
More Lessons: Psa. 92: 12-15
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Numbers 25-27

Bareness, as we discussed yesterday, is not only when a person does not bring forth a child biologically. Every child of God who has led a soul to Christ is fruitful. The blessing of fruitfulness has been upon the earth before man started to bear children, which means it is not just about child-bearing. However, by His work on the cross, Jesus also made provision for biological fruitfulness.

But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs: But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water: John 19:33-34. When Jesus' side was pierced, blood and water came forth. This brings a picture to my mind of when mothers give birth, how water and blood also come forth. The relationship is that when the side of Jesus was pierced and water and blood came out, the price for fruitfulness was paid. Jesus actually brought forth water and blood from His side close to where the womb is located in women as a symbol of the defeat over barreness.

What Jesus paid for here, according to this scripture, is inclusive but not limited to just child bearing. He paid the price for your all round fruitfulness. You can appropriate the piercing of the sides of Jesus against any unfruitfulness in your life whether financial, material, physical or biological. By the blood and water from the Master's side, every unfruitfulness is terminated in your life, in Jesus’ name. The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing: Psa. 92:12-14.

You shall also be fat with the good of life means you will be full of good results. Flourishing talks about expansion, enlargement, extension and be established beyond all deficits in life. Fatness, fullness and flourishing are your portion because the earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof' (Psa. 24:1). This is not only for some select people, but for every child of God. It is the will and the desire of the Father that each of His children flourishes and be fruitful. To bring forth fruit in old age can be directly applied to bringing forth biological children even in old age. With God, age is not a barrier to child bearing; menopause is a pause, it is not a stop. I declare you fruitful in whatever area of your life you desire it today, in Jesus’ mighty name.

* Say with me, “Every natural and demonic force confronting God's command for me to be of fruitful, be swallowed up, in Jesus' name.”
* Declare that you are a planting of the Lord and must flourish, in Jesus’name.
* Command that none shall be barren in the house of our God.

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Topic: Fruitfulness I

Text: Gen 1: 20-31
More Lessons: Gen 21: 1-7
Bible Reading in One Year: Numbers 21-24

Fruitfulness means to bring forth an increase, to produce or reproduce. Fruitfulness predates man. In other words, before God created man, He had already ordained that everything He created would bring forth fruit. So your life and destiny must bear fruit. Fruitfulness was the gift God gave man after creation. The first major thing God did after He created man was to bless him: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth: Gen 1:28.

Fruitfulness is not just a wish or mere desire, it's a commandment of God to man. It is a declaration, a decree from God. So when you are doing something and it is not bringing forth fruit, you should let that thing know that it is not obeying the law of God. Breaking the commandments incurs punishment as recorded in the Bible, therefore, whatever prevents your fruitfulness is an enemy of the Word of God; rebuke it. Fruitfulness is not limited to child bearing; if it was, we would have to conclude that Jesus was barren but this is obviously not so. The fact is that you and I are His spiritual children. Barreness is not only when a person does not bring forth a child naturally. Any child of God who has not led a soul to Christ, whether he brought forth children physically or not, is unfruitful. If you have led someone to Christ, then you are not barren. We should not always limit fruitfulness to biological child bearing.

Every time God said to be fruitful we see things brought forth; the birds of the air, the trees and fishes in the sea are all evidences of multiplication and fruitfulness by the commandment of God. The law of fruitfulness in the Scripture has never been contravened and it won't be broken in your life, in Jesus’ name.

When God wiped off the first earth, He asked Noah to bring the animals into the ark in their twos, which Noah did (Gen 6 :19). After the flood, the blessing of fruitfulness over the earth was repeated; And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth: Gen 9:1. That was the second time God was blessing the earth with fruitfulness. He did this to ensure that you are fruitful no matter what happens. By all means you shall be fruitful, in Jesus’ name.

* Release the spirit of fruitfulness upon your destiny.
* Rebuke every attempt of the enemy to make you stagnant and barren.
* Pray for everyone around you that the enemy has hindered from fruitfulness.
* Pray that you will never be barren of good things.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Breaker Anointing II

Text: Isa. 10:20-27
More Lessons: Isa. 61:1-7
Bible Reading in One Year: Numbers 18-20

Life is full of layers of obstacles and challenges. Whether white or black, rich or poor, sinner or saint, the barriers that life creates around us seem to be no respecter of persons and pedigree. The only thing that the storms and mountains of life respond to is the breaker anointing in Christ Jesus. Life does not favour complainers and murmurers, it only submits to people with definite empowerment from God on their lives. This empowerment is called the breaker anointing. It is the breaker anointing that displaces the enemy and installs you to ride upon your high places.

It took the anointing that shatters the yoke of satanic captivity for Moses to have led the children of Israel out of the land of captivity after almost half a millennium of slavery. It took a definite yoke destroying anointing for Joseph to pass from the pit to Potiphars wife's claws and prison and thereafter becoming the prime minister. The Bible is actually a testimony pack of ordinary men under the breaker anointing who recorded extraordinary feats, acts and victories.

We have often said the anointing breaks the yoke but that is not correct. The original rendering suggests rather that the yoke is broken because of the anointing. And the difference is that the anointing doesn't fall on the yoke to break it but rather when yokes fall, the yoke is broken because of the already resident anointing. So it doesn't matter how many yokes the enemy loads against you, and it doesn't matter what machinations are fashioned to take you out, because of the anointing that is already resident in you the yoke cannot hold up, it must be broken. Jesus put it clear when He said, the Spirit of the LORD God is upon me because he hath anointed me...that's the breaker anointing. He was aware that there was an anointing on His life that can take on any circumstance and bring it to its knees. He was sure. He was convinced. He was persuaded. He didn't just believe it, He knew it. He didn't just think it, He said it. It wasn't an assumption, it was an assurance. That is why He never fell sick or struggled with depression because the breaker anointing; (the Spirit of the LORD God) was upon Him. Life doesn't give you what you deserve, it gives you what you demand for. Place a demand on the anointing. Ask for the breaker anointing today and the difference will be clear.

* Thank God because He is the same yesterday today and forever
* Pray that God will fortify your life with the yoke shattering anointing of His Spirit afresh today
* Ask that by the anointing, every bad habit, oppression of the enemy and evil cycle of failure is broken now in Jesus’ name.
* Declare that you are walking in dominion power and whatever could not afflict Jesus will not afflict you anymore.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Breaker Anointing I

Text: Nahum 1:9-15
More Lessons: Gal. 5:22-23
Bible Reading in One Year: Numbers 15-17

We sing breakthrough in every song of faith and declaration. We pray for breakthrough at the slightest offense from the enemy. We rehearse all the promises of God that assure us of victory and breakthrough. In fact, some people have taken it to the extreme by coveting other peoples property and praying fire from heaven to consume everything that stands in the way of the next breakthrough. Do we really know what it means to have breakthrough the goldy way? A few questions, if answered will lead us to understanding the very nature and dynamic s of the breakthrough anointing of God’s spirit.

First, can we really experience any breakthrough we didn't have a go through? The answer is NO. David the king said even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, proving that he knew he had to walk through. There is a process and a path in purpose that we must walk through not fly over. I love to see miracles and instant healings happen by the supernatural power of God but we all can testify that not everything God does happens instantly. When we go through adversity , and the valley of the shadow of death, we develop our faith stamina. That is why patience and longsuffering are parts of the fruit of the Spirit.

Fruits are grown and gifts are given. The list in Galatians 5 is about fruit not gifts of the spirit because there is a growth process that must be observed and engaged without a skip before these virtues are released into our lives. God didn't promise us smooth sailing In fact He emphatically said, in this world you will have tribulation...but He promised us safe landing when He ended thus of good cheer I have overcome the world. This is the confidence we have to live because Jesus overcame, we too in Him will always overcome. I call it the breaker anointing. Whatever it collides with is inevitably broken and whatever resists it is surmounted. Jesus demonstrated it in His life and ministry. There was never a time He had a need that couldn't be met and He never faced a situation that He couldn't fix. It is the overcomers’ life. So be encouraged today over that pain that seems like it will never end its only a process. It is not the end of the matter. It can only get better. Don't throw in the towel.

Prayer/ Action
* Thank God because by the reason of the anointing every yoke released against your life is broken.
* Pray that the Lord will teach you to wait on Him even when it seems like breakthrough is not forthcoming and you will develop the fruit of the Spirit in the process.
* Ask that the breaker anointing will crash into every situation that has resisted you thus far and create positive results.
* Decree that the Spirit of the Lord God is upon you for good today.

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Monday, March 17, 2014

Word Prevailing

Text: 2 Sam.24:4-10
More Lessons: Eph. 1:15-23
Bible Reading in One Year: Numbers 11-14

Though David was a man after God's heart, a few things he did were not pleasing to God. Nevertheless, we can draw out lessons and inferences from these things. In II Samuel 24, David wanted the children of Israel to be counted but Joab, the commander of the army, did not because he remembered that God's promise is that the seed of Abraham would be as numerous as the sand by the seashore that cannot be counted for multitude. Joab knew that counting the people was against God's will. Now there was a conflict of opinions between the king and the commander of the army, but in the long run, the king's word prevailed against Joab, and against the captains of the host. And Joab and the captains of the host went out from the presence of the king, to number the people of Israel. II Sam 24:4. This is superior strength and influence at work. King David was in the wrong position but the commander and captains had no choice but to submit and obey him; this is an example of superior influence, power and authority in operation.

What do you think is responsible for the commander of the army's submission even when he didn't like what he was told to do? Power and authority! This also happens in the spiritual. One brother was casting out a demon and the demon, unwilling to go, said, “Please leave me alone, Bro M.....” The demon had not left but the brother started celebrating: “Praise the LORD, he demon referred to me as brother!” This sounds like a joke but the truth is that it shows that the demon recognized his authority and superiority. No wonder after that cry, the demon responded to the command and left.

Goliath terrified everybody till David showed up. It was first a battle of words between David and Goliath, then the power of the Word came into action. As the child of the Most High God you have enough power to influence the earth and the heavens if only you know the enormous powers placed on you by redemption (Eph.1:19). This power includes but is not limited to the power in the name and Blood of Jesus, which is sufficient for all the battles of life and destiny. Today rather than cry, take hold of the power of God at your disposal.

By the time the battle ended, David went home with Goliath's head. That is one word prevailing over the other by spiritual influence and authority. You will prevail by God's authority, in Jesus ‘name.

* Thank God for the power of His Word to prevail at all times in all things.
* Command that God’s promises will swallow up every enemy’s threat over your destiny.
* Use the following scripture to terminate every enemy’s word over your life:
Psa. 18:37-38; 68:1

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Being Relevant

Text: Prov . 18:10-16
More Lessons: Dan. 5: 1-17, 29
Bible Reading in One Y ear; Numbers 7-10

A man of God once said, “Several people are looking for relevance and significance outside themselves whereas what makes a man important is what comes out from him.''

Many people live and die without finding relevance, not because they are not created to be famous but because they are looking for importance in the wrong place. What you are looking for outside is inside. What makes a man relevant and important is on his inside. The only way to find relevance and importance is for you to locate that valuable gift inside you and start working at it. Stop striving or lobbying with people for relevance, concentrate at working out the gifting of God inside you and giving it out.

If you need to get more training to bring out the importance on your inside, please do. First, locate where your relevance is and then relate with people from there. If what you need to bring out the potentials on your inside is relationship, then break the wrong relationships that will not take you to where you are going and pay the price for the right type of relationship. It may take time but you have to put yourself there by service. You can get to a church or an organization and in one month become more relevant than someone who been there for 10 years. All it takes is putting what is inside you into use. When you first enter a place, don't start looking for what to get or take away , look for what you can add. This is because what you add determines your value and relevance.

The point is, to be relevant in any relationship or community, among other things, learn to serve. Service makes a man prominent and noticeable. When the Bible says that a man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men (v16) it is not only referring to what you have as a talent, it also means what you have to offer. The New Living Translation puts it this way; Given a gift can open doors; it gives access to important people! So what makes you relevant in life is not what you get but what you give, either in sacrifice or in service, or in offering to God and to man.

People like Solomon in Scripture and others in contemporary times have shot themselves into limelight by giving extra- ordinarily and the same opportunity still exists for you too today. Choose to be relevant, go for service.

* Thank God for honouring your life with some great giftings.
* Thank Him for not allowing you to be an empty destiny.
* Ask God to make a way for you in destiny by the gifts He has given you.
* Prophesy to your gift to come alive and take you to great places.

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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Power of the Word

Text: Est.3:8-15
More Lessons: Psa. 107:20
Bible Reading in One Year; Numbers 4-6

It was by a word from the king that the whole of the Jewish nation was to be destroyed. The king uttered a decree, put a word into writing and spread it abroad the whole kingdom of Babylon, saying that anyone who was a Jew should be destroyed. Esther and the whole of Israel went into fasting and prayer and took steps which made the king to reverse his word. The king wrote another decree that said no man was to lay a hand on the Jews but that the Jews were permitted to destroy anyone that rose against them; and it was so. That's the power of words.

Herodias' daughter danced very well before King Herod and the king said, 'I will give you anything you ask, up to half of my kingdom.'' She requested for the head of John the Baptist on a platter. The king did not go to the prison to remove the head of John the Baptist; he just sent a word. With just a word, the head of a great man was cut down (Matt 14: 6-11).

The day Joseph was to ascend the throne, Pharaoh didn't have to go to the prison. He just sent a word to bring Joseph and gave another word to make him the highest in Egypt, and that was all. These are powerful words of mere men, how much more the Word of the Almighty God.

Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? (Jer 23:29). The Word of God is a hammer and the Word of God is fire. The Word of God does not only affect the natural but it also reaches right into the spirit of a man. One of the strongest weapons that gets the devil out of his hiding and deals with him to the outermost in a man's life and destiny is God's Word. He sent His Word and His words healed them and delivered them from destruction (Ps 107: 20).

The Word of the Lord cannot fail. So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it: Isa 55:11. You can use the Word of God to destroy whatever the devil is doing in your life and to defend your destiny.

* Send God's Word ahead of the rest of your year and command obedience before your arrival.
* Declare that no promise of God will lack its mate in your life.
* Command that your victory will come like the word of Joseph came to him
* T ell the devil that by the unfailing Word of God you are more than a conqueror.

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Friday, March 14, 2014

The Goodness of God

Text:Jer . 31: 12- 14 
More Lessons: Psa. 65: 4-1 1
Bible Reading in One Year: Numbers 1-3

Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion, and shall flow together to the GOODNESS of the LORD, for wheat, and for wine, and for oil, and for the young of the flock and of the herd: and their soul shall be as a watered garden; and they shall not sorrow any more at all. Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, both young men and old together: for I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow. And I will satiate the soul of the priests with fatness, and my people shall be SATISFIED WITH MY GOODNESS'', saith the LORD: Jer . 31: 12-14.

There is one thing which if God gives you on the face of the earth you will be satisfied; it is called GOODNESS. God's goodness comprises of all the acts of the Almighty that prove that He is good. God demonstrates His goodness by His practical acts in your life that give you the satisfaction that money cannot give. May you taste of the goodness of God, in Jesus’ Name.

It is out of goodness that God takes a man out of sin and brings him into grace. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us: Rom 5:8. It is out of goodness that God takes a man from the prison and sets him upon the throne to reign.

Beloved, your sacrifices and your offerings are not just what induce the goodness of God. There is nothing you can pay God to stir up His goodness; it is just God's nature to be good. May you be satisfied with God's goodness. For example, what can we possibly do to earn the death of Jesus on the cross for us? Furthermore, He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Rom 8:32-33. This is the goodness of God; Jesus died for us and in addition gave us all things to richly and freely enjoy.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psa. 23: 6 (NIV). Mercy, grace and favour from God are all to perform acts of goodness to us: they are to the end that He might prove Himself good to us. The peak of prayer is to ask for the goodness of the Lord. I connect you to Jehovah’s goodness today in your going out and coming in, you will be satisfied with His goodness. O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days: Psa.90:14.

* Give thanks to God for being your good God.
* Ask Him to crown your year and labour early with His goodness.
* Ask God to compensate all the pains of your life with His goodness.

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Lessons from King Uzziah

Topic: Lessons from King Uzziah
Text:II Chron. 26: 1-15 More Lessons:II Chro.. 28: 19-27
Bible Reading in One Year: Hebrew 11-13

Uzziah was a young boy of 16 years when he became king. Like Uzziah, you mustn't become very old before you become a responsible, great and prosperous person; you can start now. You don't have to be as old as your father before you achieve what he achieved. Y our dream should not be to inherit your father's property when he is gone but to surpass his achievements and to do better than he did. God expects you to go farther and higher than the previous generation; that is the plan of God for you. Even though Uzziah was young, he had great achievements. W e can learn a lot from both his achievements and mistakes.

He built Eloth, and restored it to Judah… II Chron. 26:2. That is restoration. The city of Eloth was taken during his father's reign but he restored what his father lost. You should be a son like Isaac who prospered to a point where he reopened his father's wells that were taken over and closed by the enemies. Abraham was great but Isaac waxed greater (Gen 26: 12-18).

He reigned fifty and two years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was also Jecoliah of Jerusalem… v 3 That is longevity. He was one of the longest reigning kings of Israel; he reigned for long. His father's and mother's name were mentioned and then his names. He added to the family name and his parents' good reputation. Children from good homes should not destroy a name and reputation that their parents' have laboured to build by their dressing, rascality and misbehaviour. While in school, some children do certain things that bring disrepute to their parents' name.

And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his father Amaziah did (v4). He followed after the footsteps of his father Amaziah. Christian parents, it is time to start checking whether your children are following your footsteps or not And he went forth and warred against the Philistines, and brake down the wall of Gath, and the wall of Jabneh, and the wall of Ashdod, and built cities about Ashdod, and among the Philistines: v 6. He prevailed over his enemies and you will also prevail over your enemies, in Jesus’ name. He was strong and was a threat to the enemy. He wasn't a kind of believer that was always looking for someone to rescue him from the enemy, he rather put the enemies to their heels. You should not remain a kind of Christian always seeking someone to deliver you from demons and sicknesses; you should grow and be a threat to the devil, and start delivering others from him.

And the Ammonites gave gifts to Uzziah:…v 8. When your enemies start celebrating you, you are made. As you apply these principles, the enemies of your destiny will come to your feet and submit, in the name of Jesus.

Unfortunately, Uzziah died of disobedience after becoming very strong, which is a lesson we must learn and stay in obedience even in prosperity.

* Ask God to satisfy you with His goodness like he satisfied Uzziah.
* Prophesy that for the rest of life you will not bow to any enemy and declare, “I am a terror to every Philistine of destiny.”
* Prophesy that your life will be an all round achievement, in Jesus' mighty name.
* Pray that you will not end badly like Uzziah did.

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The Power of Counsel

Strength For Your Days Wednesday, 12 March
Text: Esther 1:13-14 (NL T)
More Lessons: Prov .20:18
Bible Reading in One Year: Hebrew 8-10

Today's scripture tells about the critical nature of counsel. King Ahasuerus had a very challenging matter in his hand. It had to do with his home, kingdom and his personal comfort. Unknown to him, it had to do with the purpose of God. Rather than taking unilateral decision, he chose to take counsel from his seven highest officials and he got it right. King David of Israel had two great counsellors that advised him in the times of peace and war. One of them was Ahitophel, whose counsel was like the counsel of God. The man was so anointed that when he switched from David to Absalom, David had to pray that God would rise and defeat the counsel of Ahitophel. By experience, David knew how powerful a wise counsel is in the affairs of life and in determining how a battle goes.

Do you want to do great things for God? Do you want to win in the battles of life? Then you must avail yourself of wise counsel. Get advice from people who are well informed. By the time you pick from here and there, you will be better informed and be able to come to sound conclusion. Are you faced with crucial decision to make? Do you have in your hand a project and you don’t know what to do? Are you confused about a vital matter? Seek wise counsel. Gather vital information, analyse your findings, the pray and ask God for His mind. You will surely get to a conclusion that will be best for you, For by wise counsel thou shall make thy war: and in multitude of counsellors there is safety Prov. 24:6.

Finally, always make sure you align your decisions with God’s Word because there are so many psychologists and self ordained prophets out there, giving evil and carnal counsel. Beware of them. Any counsel short of God’s Word is evil and must be totally rejected. Everyone who sincerely seeks God will find Him, …I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you Psa.32:8 (NLT).

* Give thanks to God for the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of counsel.
* Rebuke every spirit of confusion and ask for a clear direction in the affairs of your life.
* Ask God to bless you with wise counsellors.
* Reject every spirit or force of confusion over every area of your life.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Helped by His Presence

Helped by His Presence
Text: Psa. 97: 5-10 More Lessons: Exo. 3: 11-18
Bible Reading in One Year: Hebrew 5-7

Jesus did not experience failure at any moment during His life on earth and He wants us also to live a life free of failure. This can only be achieved when you have all round strength. The extent of your strength determines the results seen in your life, either physically or spiritually. However, strength comes not only from within but strength can also come from above. One of the secrets of strength from above is the presence of God with a man. The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth: Psa. 97:5.

The earth cannot stand the presence of God and there is no mountain that can stand the presence of God. When you have God with you there is no mountain that can stand in your presence. Tremble, thou earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob: Psa. 114:7.

The presence of God was the secret of the strength of the people of old who shook the world in their generations. It was the presence of God with Moses that made him become a god unto Pharaoh even though he was a stammerer. God who called him stood by him and he became unstoppable.

God was also with Joshua. God helped him and because God was with him, even the sun stood still for him until he finished the assignment God gave him. There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them: Josh 1:5-6. So the Lord was with Joshua; and his fame was noised throughout all the country: Josh 6:27.

David enjoyed the presence of God. Even Saul got to a point when he had to confess that the presence of God was with David. That was after he had done all he could to kill David but couldn't succeed. On one occasion Saul encamped David and there was no way David could have escaped but Saul received news which made him leave and that was how God delivered David from the hand of Saul. David had many battles but he prevailed in all.
Only the presence of God with a man can make him untouchable to his enemies (I Sam.23:23-29). God's presence is with you, and no situation will be able to stand against you, in Jesus’ name.

Prayer/ Action
* Thank God for the power of His presence. * Ask God to help you stay away from anything that can take His presence away from your life. * Ask God for the power of His presence all through the rest of your life. * Pray that the power that makes mountains melt like wax should fall upon you today.
Take a fast use today's prayer.

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Monday, March 10, 2014

Forgive and Rise Again

READ: Matt. 26:31-35, 69-75
MORE LESSONS: Micah 7: 8
Bible Reading in One Year: Hebrew 1-4

Peter was an influential figure in Jesus' team. When Jesus predicted His suffering and death, Peter boasted and vowed that he was going to die with Jesus but all it took was a little damsel to question him; he swore and denied ever knowing Jesus. He fulfilled what Jesus had prophesied: Before the cock crows thou shalt deny me thrice . . .and he went out and wept bitterly: Matt 26:75. He did what needed to be done: he wept bitterly in repentance. He told God, “I thought I couldn't deny you but I did, I'm sorry .'' After crying, Peter forgave himself and continued with God; and later in the book of Acts we saw the same Peter become a preacher . Peter was not the only one who missed it during the trial and suffering of Jesus. Another person was Judas Iscariot who led people to come and arrest Jesus. He sold Jesus for thirty shekels of silver; he allowed Satan to get him inside. A theologian suggested that may be Judas thought after betraying Jesus into the hands of the enemies, Jesus would be too powerful to be arrested and then he would have made away with the money without any guilty conscience. This still shows that Judas was being ruled by the love of money. However, he was disappointed when Jesus allowed Himself to be taken. Destiny had already determined for the Son of man to go as it is written concerning Him but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed (Matt 26: 24).
After Jesus was crucified Judas also repented: “I have sinned, I have betrayed the innocent blood” (Matt 27: 4). He refused to spend the money. He went to buy a plot of land: …and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out: Acts 1: 18. He committed suicide. It was Peter that stood up and selected a replacement for Judas. Read Acts 1:15-20. Was Peter not also guilty? Yes he was, but he accepted forgiveness; and rose again. What about Judas; would God have forgiven him? Yes. But he didn't accept the forgiveness; he killed himself! The difference between the two of them is that one forgave himself while the other one refused to forgive himself. When a man refuses to forgive himself in destiny , he is digging a grave for himself. Learn to forgive yourself so that you will not go the way of Judas. It's time to forgive and rise again. If you can just forgive the mistakes of yesterday and face tomorrow , there is hope for you. If your destiny is cut down, don't just sit down weeping; don't commit suicide. Begin the process of healing by first forgiving yourself like Peter did. That's what the Word of the Lord says-Forgive.

* Ask God to help you break the siege of unforgiveness over your life and others.
* Command destruction upon every weapon of quilt intended to destroy your destiny.
* Ask that the blood of Jesus will cleanse you of every wrong doing and give you grace to go on.

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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Breaking the Force of Dryness

READ: Luke 9:10-17
MORE LESSONS:II Kings 4: 1-7
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Leviticus 24-27

The people mentioned in the text probably had food at home before they came to Jesus but after some days in the desert they were hungry. There was an abundance of the Word of God for the people but they lacked physical food. You need physical prosperity plus your spiritual vitality so that there won't problem. With God there ought not to be any form of dryness. When the disciples complained to Jesus that there was no food, they were announcing what they could see physically but Jesus told them to give food to the people because He saw what they couldn't see. Jesus was teaching them that to break the siege of dryness, you need to see w hat others can't see There are physical solutions to dryness but there is also a spiritual solution. Physical solution for a hungry man is to go and work. You have to do something your hands to end your drought and dryness. Even pastors, whether full time or those involved in 'tent making' like Apostle Paul need to be hardworking. Being a pastor doesn't mean going from house to house doing nothing and being a burden to people. When the Bible says he that does not work should not eat, it is also talking to the pastors.
To break the siege of dryness, change your confession: stop words. The disciples said what they had was too small but it was that same small that fed the five thousand. If you know what to do with your small, it can become great. Jesus took that which they called small, lifted it up to Heaven and blessed it and they ate and still had left-over. God's blessing ends dryness! Learn to present what you have for God to bless; ask for a blessing on your projects, businesses and work and the dryness on them will end. Also, speak prophetically to your dryness to end. Crying has never solved a problem. Learn to speak life! You can also end your dryness by divine wisdom. Go for divine wisdom to generate ideas on what to do and how to do it. The wisdom of God also links you to the right people and location to do it. Sometimes you only need to understand the principle of financial management.
There is a divine wisdom for sowing, saving, avoiding wastage and investing tomorrow. When you finish praying, take a step. Do something about the little you have. If you have a property, you could sell it and use the money for a profitable business. What is the need for a car you cannot fuel when you don't have a job? Sell it. Put the money into something productive; you will later buy a better one. The disciples kept serving the small food they had by believing in what Christ had said. If you want to terminate your dryness, sow a seed (Pro. 11:24). That is foolishness to men but with God that is the way.

* Rebuke the forces of famine over your work, in the name of the Lord.
* Release the power of increase and overflow upon your endeavours today.
* Lift your voice and pronounce blessings on your work, business, career and destiny.
* Ask your spiritual head to speak a word of blessing to your business this week.

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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Your Prosperity is God’s Will

READ: Psa.1 12:1-10
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Leviticus 20-23

The God we serve is not a poor God. There is, therefore, no Treason why a father is rich and the son is poor. If a man is poor while his father is rich, something is wrong; he needs to reconnect to his source. It is not right for a Christian to have such a great God and be small. If we serve God, we should be the best. Christianity is not about looking wretched. Poverty and righteousness are not kinsmen and they are not friends. In the past, men thought that when your shoes are worn out or your trousers are patched and your face is gloomy, then you are righteous. That is not Christianity. We need to desist from that perspective of Christian living and get the right understanding. You don't have to get to heaven with its streets of gold and be miserable because you rejected gold on the face of the earth. The dress Jesus wore when He was on the face of the earth was seamless. On the day He was to be crucified, the soldiers were casting lots to decide who would take the dress; that could not have been a rag. Give up wearing rags and a shameful look; you don't deserve such. Look good, look fine both inside and outside for that is the plan and the purpose of God for your destiny . Today’ s reading is a clear expression of God's plan for the righteous: v1. – the righteous is blessed. v2. – his seed shall be mighty on the earth. v3. – wealth and riches shall be in His house. v9. – he shares freely and gives generously to those in need. (NLT)
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… Gen 1: 26. You are made like God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; what they can do, you too can do. They made the heavens and the earth, so you too can create your own world by your words. If your parents gave birth to you in poverty, create your own prosperity by the words of your mouth and by your relationship and connection with the God who made you. God made man to be master over all, so you shouldn't have God and be the one being pitied, kicked around and always borrowing money. This must change in Jesus’ name; you will not be a shame and reproach to the Kingdom. God created you to rule and He blessed you to have dominion over all things. You can only dominate from the top and that is your position, in Jesus’ name.

* Give God praise for His plans of prosperity for your life.
* Ask God to fulfill His counsel in III Jn.2 in your life from today.
* Declare that the inheritance of the wicked will not be your portion.
* Ask God to give you the blessing of riches according to His Word.

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Friday, March 7, 2014

A Good Result

READ: Heb.11:2
Bible Reading in One Year: Leviticus 17-19

Results are positive impacts and achievements. The issue is about having something to show for your labour, being outstanding among equals; it is achieving, prevailing, impacting, conquering and being a champion. The word 'good' brings in a different dimension to it. It denotes that there are certain achievements in life that are negative, which implies that not every result is positive. There are results people call good but which are not. For example, it is good to be wealthy but a man who made money by dubious means does not have a good result. Bagging a first class degree is a good result but a first class got by cheating is not a good result. Having good result is not just in having an achievement but in having an achievement that is positive. It is possible to have good result. The best things should be done by God's children; electricity, cars, the telephone and many other scientific exploits were by Christians. The best universities in the world started as Christian universities. The best university today on this side of Africa is a private Christian university. The first private university in Nigeria was established by a Christian Bishop.
Being a Christian is not about living pitiably. The God you serve is not one t o be pitied, so you must not be. Redemption, salvation and righteousness are about showing off the beauty and glory of your God who created the sun, the moon, the stars. We are called to represent the of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who calls those things that be not as though they were, and they answer Him. The whole of creation is a proof of a God of good result. This beautiful world, including you, is a product of Jehovah's good result, for you are beautifully and wonder fully made .Therefore, His greatest desire is that all His products will also in turn be a source of good result. He wants you to do great things; be an inventor, a ruler, great mover, an achiever (III Jn. 2). He has also given you promises on how to achieve this: Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, thou knowest not: Jer .33:3. The age of thinking Christianity is for mediocrities and the weak has passed: therefore, think great, act great, prepare great. Go for the great things from today and I see God helping you to achieve them according to His promise: Thou shalt know also that thy seed shall be great,... Job 5:25.

* Before you go out today, anoint yourself for good result, breakthrough and help.
* Prophesy to your destiny to stay above every spirit of smallness.
* Ask the Spirit of God to fall upon you today and produce a God-kind of life.
* Proclaim yourself a celebrity in destiny by the power of God.

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

God Cares for You II

READ: Mark. 4:35-41
MORE LESSONS: Matt.10:29-31
Bible Reading in One Year: Leviticus 14-16

Today we want to use two analogies from the Bible to show that God cares for you. And the same day, when the even was come, He saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side. And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he in the ship. And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, ‘Master, carest thou not that we perish?' And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. And he said unto them, why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith? Mark 4:35-41. The storm was so great and the devil had the audacity to attack the ship with Jesus inside. This is a lesson we should learn; even with the presence of Jesus there could still be an attack on your ship but the question as the disciples asked is: Master, carest thou not that we perish? He cares! And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. In Matthew 14:22-32, the devil restrategised. This time Jesus was not there when he attacked. Jesus told His disciples to go to the other side of the lake while He went to pray.
When the disciples were in the middle of the sea, the devil attacked them; he sent a contrary wind to destroy them. The devil didn't attack at the brink of the water; he knew they would swim and escape to the land. Moreover, the attack came in the early hours of the day when no man would be able to help them. But when it looked as if there was no more hope, Jesus appeared walking on the water. That is what the Bible means when it says God will not leave you nor forsake you. Whatever situation you are passing through today, God is connected to you; He cares for you and He will never leave you nor forsake you. At the end of the day, the storm not only ceased, but Peter also had a testimony that he walked upon the water. I see you walk upon the waters of your troubles, in the name of Jesus. All you need to do is to never give in to Satan’s blackmail that God does not care; it discourages you and weakens your faith. Don't give up your faith. Hold on to God and trust His Word; it will not fail.

* T ell the devil, “I will walk on top of my challenges, in Jesus’ name.”
* Rebuke every type of fear and satanic threats over your destiny.
* Lay your hands on your head and declare that you will not sink in destiny.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

God Cares for You

READ: Heb 13:5-6
Bible Reading in One Year: Leviticus 11-13

There is a question people often ask when in the midst of adverse unexplainable situations and circumstances. Does God care? When John the Baptist was in prison, he expected Jesus to do something to get him out but Jesus did not do anything. Also the Scripture records that a friend that Jesus loved was sick to the point of death and his sisters sent for Jesus but He didn't come on time, so Jesus' friend, Lazarus, died from the sickness. Martha asked as other people ask, Lord, Don't you care that . . .? Lk. 10:40. This same question was asked by Martha when she was busy and tired in the kitchen and her sister was not helping her. When there are difficulties, failures or marital problems ; when something negative happens to you or when others are receiving letters of promotion but you get the opposite; when those that got married after you have given birth to five children but you are still waiting on God, the question you ask is: God do You really care? I want you to know that God cares for you. Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Deut 31:6 That is what God is saying. Whatever the situation you are facing, God says He will not leave you nor forsake you. For the LORD will not forsake his people for his great name's sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you his people. 1 Sam 12:22 Are you a child of God? Then the Lord will not forsake you; He will keep you and help you. When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up. Ps 27:10.
A mother may forsake her sucking child but the Lord will not forsake you. Isa.49:15How can you have these promises and allow anything to tell you that God does not care for you? In every area of your life and no matter what you are passing through, hear what God says today: ''I CARE FOR YOU.'' Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you: I Peter 5:7. More than the care of a wife, husband or pastor, God cares. All you need to do is to cast your care, worry and trouble upon Him because He cares for you. This is the testimony of Peter who had been with Jesus and his conclusion is that God cares for you. Only cast your care upon Him.

* Give thanks to God for He cares for you and for all His promises over your destiny.
* Praise God for being a faithful God.
* Tell God you believe His faithfulness over you will not fail.
* Read Psa. 23:1-6 and claim the promises.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Live in Your Own Kingdom

READ: Luke 17: 20-21
MORE LESSONS: I Cor . 6:9-1 1
Bible Reading in One Year: Leviticus 8-10

The word 'Kingdom' is a two syllable word: King and dom(Domain) where the king stays. When you get born again a kingdom is set up on your inside. There are two dimensions to possessing God 's Kingdom- His Kingdom is right now inside us and we will also enter into His kingdom in heaven when we leave this temporal world. His Kingdom inside us is brought about by the presence of God in our lives through the Holy Spirit and the Kingdom we are looking up to enter in heaven is also by the Holy Spirit of God. So the Kingdom of God, both now and here after, is about the power, righteousness, peace and joy of the Holy Spirit (Rom 14: 17).
There is yet another kingdom-the kingdom of Satan. This kingdom also has two dimensions to it: the kingdom of darkness as located in the heart of every wicked sinful person and the kingdom of darkness which every sinner goes to after this temporal earth passes away, that is the lake of fire. Man is created to rule over the earth. This means men have their own kingdom on the earth but every man is either part of the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of Satan. So, we have three kingdoms; the Kingdom of God (spiritual), the kingdom of Satan (spiritual) and the kingdom of men (physical). In this present age there is a conflict between the kingdom of God on our inside and the work of wickedness of the kingdom of darkness in the children of disobedience. Jesus has His Kingdom here on earth in the same way as Satan. Every kingdom has a king; those he rules (the subjects) and the rules that guide that kingdom (law). The king who rules your destiny determines the kingdom to which you belong. A believer already belongs to God's Kingdom so he goes to heaven when he dies because the King takes him/her to the location where He physically dwells and rules. The same thing happens to the sinner in whom Satan has a throne; so when he/she dies, he is taken to where his king lives.
The Word of God is the constitution or law of God's Kingdom. When a believer is born again and is full of the Word of God then he is fully of God's Kingdom. For many people, Jesus is the Lord of their lives but they want to live by the law of Satan's kingdom. You cannot implement the law of one kingdom in another kingdom. As a child of God, there are certain things you cannot do. In God's Kingdom there is law but in the kingdom of darkness there is lawlessness. If you want to remain a member of the Kingdom of God, you have to keep the laws of the Kingdom. Many believers love the power and joy in the Kingdom of God and also the lawlessness in the other kingdom, but you have to choose on. Stay under God's Kingdom and

* Rededicate your life and ways to Him and His Kingdom afresh today.
* Proclaim that the power of the kingdom of darkness will not prevail against you.
* Plead the Blood of Jesus over your spirit and body now.

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Monday, March 3, 2014

Celebrate God by His Works

READ: Psa. 19:1-10
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 139:14
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Leviticus 5-7

What you don't get by praying to God, you will get by praising Him. Prayer will take you into the presence of God, and give you what you are asking for while praises will bring God from heaven into your situation. Imagine the Almighty vacate His throne in glory and come down to stand right before you and ask, ''What can I do for you?'' That is what praising God gives to you. It is good to give Him praise. Praise God for all His manifold works in creation because even the heavens declare the glory of God; and the skies proclaim the works of His hand (Psa. 19: 1). This means that when you consider the heavens, the firmaments and all nature, praising and glorifying God should be the spontaneous response from you. Each time you see the graphic works in the sky and the different designs, colours and formations of the clouds in the rain, you know this is beyond the fingers of man. Learn to observe, appreciate and enjoy nature; don't just live on earth like someone who never passed through it. Look at the mountains; some of them leaning and hanging as if they are about to fall, and they have been like that for ages without crashing down. Sometimes you look ahead of you and it is as if a mighty mountain is sitting in the midst of the road but you get there and realize that the road actually passes by the mountain side.
Then there are the waterfalls with water cascading down from the mountain tops every moment of the day for years, and you wonder where the source of the water is that it never dries. There is a water spring with warm and cold issuing from the same rock source. These and more should make us sing the song, “Oh Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the works thine hands hath made...”. The heavens declare the glory of the Lord by their beauty- the beautiful things in nature announce the praise and glory of God in heaven. As you praise and glorify God in response to nature's beauty, the glory and beauty rubs on you and your life also begins to declare the glory of God. God makes your life so beautiful that things begin to happen such that when people see you, they cannot but praise God. People look at your life and say, ''As soon as I saw you, I just felt like praising God.'' Elizabeth said to Mary, For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy: Lk. 1:44. May you get to the point where your academics, health, career, finances and destiny begin to declare the glory of God.

* Ask God to make your life an example of His glory forever.
* Expose and destroy today whatever is the secret of reproach in your life, in Jesus’ Name.
* Prophesy a daily life of glory to your destiny.

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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Staying in Your Purpose

READ: 1 Cor.7: 20-24
MORE LESSONS: Phil. 3:7-14
Bible Reading in One Year: Leviticus 1-4

Grace becomes available when purpose is found. God endows grace on a man in the place of his purpose. And since a man cannot prosper nor make contact with heaven without grace, it means then that discovering your purpose is not only important for now but even for eternity. Y our eternity is tied to your purpose, and the moment you step out of what God has prepared for you to do, your eternity becomes jeopardized.
This is because when you are doing what God didn't design and wire you for, in the midst of it you will mess up. When you are functioning in your purpose, difficult jobs look so easy but without grace the easiest job on earth becomes the most difficult. God is not a waster of grace; He only gives you grace to do what He has sent you to do, not what He has not assigned to you. There is security and defense for a man inside his purpose. He might be going around in risky situations and be safe as long as he is pursuing God's purpose for his life. Please locate your purpose and don't copy another man's purpose because you may not survive what he is doing in his purpose. There is joy and accelerated promotion for a man inside his purpose. That is why the devil fights your purpose; he knows that life is easy if you find your purpose because everything you need is inside that purpose. You are dangerous to the devil in your purpose.
A young lady told me that God asked her to do something. She stepped out and saw everything God said to her coming true but she was also getting the greatest persecution, and so she wanted to quit and do something else. I told her to continue with what she was doing. If the enemy does not oppose a man's purpose what else do you think is his job? Purpose is the most fought battle on the face of the earth. When you are in the will of God, be prepared to get the hottest fight from the devil because he knows that if only you can stay in your purpose you become a threat to him. He wants to get you out of where you are defended to where grace is not available for you so that he can attack you when you make the slightest mistake.
Have you found something doing for God? Ask Him for grace for that assignment. Never be bothered about the size or type of the assignment, small or great, toilet or pulpit. Just ask for grace to fulfill God's purpose for that assignment. Don't get attracted to someone else's assignment, no matter how attractive it is. Abide in His grace and be a servant of Christ not a servant of your choice.

* Ask God not to hide your destiny from you. * Pray that nothing will be strong enough to distract you out of God’s assignment.
* Pray against every satanic confrontation targeted at uprooting you out of your purpose in life.
* Write down five possible threats to your life mission and in 30 minutes before the end of today pray against them.

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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Raising Men of Purpose

READ: Hab. 2:2
MORE LESSONS: Joel 2:7-8
Bible Reading in One Year: Matthew 26-28

One of the vital preparations for the coming of the Lord is building and raising men who will do the job. Our desire is that God will raise a new generation of men that will do greater things than we are doing. If God uses a man to raise a good number of people and send them, each to a nation of the world to make great impact, that is when the ministry of the man actually becomes global. Global impact and ministry is activated by raising men. In raising men, you have to identify and launch each man into what he has actually been called to do. The best result comes when a man is found doing exactly what he is called to do. You can't get the best of results by copying somebody else because you will always be behind the person you are copying. As a matter of fact, you can only copy what the man has done; you can't know the remaining concepts, ideas, dreams and visions inside him. He has a purpose and destination which his methods and actions are geared toward. Meanwhile, you can enter into error copying his methods because you don't know his purpose for those methods. Be sure you are doing exactly what God asked you to do and not just copying somebody. And when you do it, you can be sure your allocation will meet you in your location.
Get your priority right: put God first in your life. Making the most of life begins with recognizing that you are in destiny for a purpose. God didn't bring you here without a purpose. What God wants you to do and from which you are running away may actually just be the key to those things you think you are pursuing around. Be prompt in pursuing God's purpose for your life. Several people have made God to be prompt in attending to their matters by being prompt in what they are doing for God. The men the Lord is raising at this time are men of purpose and vision. They are those who will be able to stand upon their watch like Habakkuk said: I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me… And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it: Hab.2:1-2 (NIV). Finding men that will run with an assignment is much more important than the method of the assignment. However, don't ever forget that you are not raised for yourself; you are raise for others. God raised you and blessed you for others around you. I pray that in life you will be numbered among God's men of purpose.

* Father, open my eyes of understanding to know your full purpose for my life.
* Father, I receive wisdom to guide everyone under my tutelage that they might fulfill the purpose they are called to.

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