Sunday, August 31, 2014

Break that Box

Text: Mark 14:3-9
More Lessons: Prov.18:16
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Corinthians 10-13

In the reading above, Jesus was in a house and a woman brought an expensive alabaster box of ointment or perfume. She broke the box and anointed the head of Jesus with it. The sweet fragrance of the perfume filled the whole room. It was only poured on Jesus but everyone in the room felt the impact of the fragrance. Some people started complaining about why she broke such expensive perfume and poured it on Jesus but the Lord commended and blessed her, 'V erily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her. Mark 14:9. All the while she had the box closed, the fragrance didn't come out and she didn't get the blessing but immediately she broke the box and poured the ointment, the fragrance from the box spread round You are a special alabaster box containing very precious and expensive ointment. But until you break the box, the fragrance and the glory will not come out. Don't be boxed in your thinking, living, expectations and prayers; break out of the box. You might have ideas but unless you put those ideas to use, you might be poor for life. There is a skill inside you that is actually the key to the glory you are looking for all around. That is the ointment inside your alabaster box.

Use that gift! What you need to become a celebrity on earth has been deposited in you by God before you were born; just locate it and bring it out. God has deposited in every human being a measure of glory; what you need to do is discover the glory in your inside and put it to work.

There is a glory locked up within every one. You have to bring it out. Like Daniel, your glory could lie in your wisdom and ability to untie knotty matters. Like Joseph, it could be in your ability to have a dream and vision and also interpret dreams. Like Esther, it could be in your God-given beauty and attractiveness. Like David, it could be in skills and the anointing. God could have given you a parental pedigree that can open doors for you. It could even be in your certificate. Don't lock up whatever God has given you; put it to use. Break your alabaster box, your glory is within.

* Receive grace not to die with any un-utilised glory, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God for the wisdom and grace to do the works that will stand as memorial for you before God.
* Command every gift of God in you to burst forth from obscurity to limelight, in Jesus’ name.

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Saturday, August 30, 2014

No Alternative

Text: I Sam. 28:1-7
More Lessons: 2 Kgs. 1:1-6
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Corinthians 7-9

A very heart-breaking story is that of King Saul. Saul had once been anointed by God; and the day he was anointed, the Bible says that he prophesied. God gave him a new heart and he led the children of Israel in victories. However, he began to step out of the boundaries God gave him; he began to lose it till finally , ...the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him: 1 Sam 16:14.
In 1Samuel 28, we find a story that bothers me. King Saul was in a crisis; Samuel had died and Saul needed to hear God on a matter. Saul, the man that was chosen and anointed by God, became a man who said, ...Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her, and enquire of her. And his servants said to him, Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor: 1 Sam 28: 7.A king ordained with the oil of God began to consult witches and familiar spirits as if there is no God in Israel any longer. He began to seek alternatives to God. No matter what happens, please do not ever consider an alternative to God. Many believers start patronising all forms of ungodly and unscriptural places in search of solutions to their needs. Some ministers of God do all sorts of diabolical things to move in power and anointing or gather crowd.

That is the way of Saul; it is the way of destruction. Another King named Ahaziah fell sick and he sent messengers to Baalzebub the god of Ekron to inquire. Then God told Elijah to go and send a message to the king that he would surely die because he was consulting with an alternative instead of the living God. Friend, when things happen, you may see many 'advisers' suggesting several alternatives and trying to justify their action. Some will tell you that 'heaven helps those who help themselves' but the truth is that God helps those who have come to the end of themselves because if you can help yourself, you don't need heaven's help.

No matter what you are going through, know there is a God in Israel. A good example of a man that refused to consider an alternative to God is the man Job. Many people including his wife, suggested several things to him but he said, Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him: Job 13: 15. For such a man and for you, there is no alternative to God.

* Renew your commitment to God that you will never seek any alternative to Him.
* Ask God to deliver you from anything that can make you walk away from Him.
* Ask that the Lord will keep you from evil.

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Friday, August 29, 2014

Life Without Stress

Text: Gen 3: 1-19
More Lessons: Matt. 11: 28-30
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Corinthians 4-6

If you go to a very busy township market, you can't but notice the whole lot of activities and stress that take place there. In such a market, you see different people shouting, screaming, haggling, running, carrying loads and sweating under the heat of the sun. A person might be stressed, running helter-skelter, in the market from morning till night in order to make some money which is just a token. If you go there to buy or sell something, you might get it done but with a lot of stress. Let us compare and contrast this scenario with the Central Bank and Stock Exchange Market where all you hear is the humming of air-conditioners and the clicking of computers while people are seated comfortably transacting business in billions without stress. The point is that stress is not an indication of result.

When God created man, it was all good and comfortable. But when man sinned, God cursed the earth for man’s sake: ' . . . cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return: Gen 3:17-19. God said man would eat out of his sweat. Sweat is a symbol of stress because when you see a man sweating it is an indication that he has laboured. Stress is not the original intention of the Creator; it came after man broke the commandment of God. God didn't create man to toil throughout life. Even when men design machines, they make a provision for maintenance break when the machine will rest and be serviced. Your destiny is not designed without a provision for rest and comfort.

Jesus came to redeem man from the curse of the law and return man to the state of blessing before the curse. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith: Gal 3:13-14.
Today, Jesus is calling you to believe and accept His provision of a life free of stress. I see God terminating your labour and bringing you into comfort. You shall not live by your sweat anymore but by the provisions of Heaven, in Jesus’ name.

* Thank God for making provision for a stress free life for you.
* Declare every stress and labour ended in your life and destiny.
* Proclaim that the blessing of the Lord that maketh rich and add no sorrow is a reality in your life from today.

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Thursday, August 28, 2014

He is with You

Text: Matt 28: 16-20
More Lessons: Is. 43: 1-5
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Corinthians 1-3

Imagine that you are in church and Jesus walks into the service saying, ''I have come to answer people's prayers and I want them to pray for the next 10 minutes''. I'm sure nobody will push you to pray that day. Imagine that Jesus Christ is physically present with you where you are right now. Imagine that He follows you to work, market and everywhere you go. How holier would you live as the Holy One Himself walks around with you? How powerful and full of faith you will be as the Miracle Worker Himself accompanies you through each day. As He walks with you to your place of work or business, I'm sure you will believe there is no difficulty or impossibility that can overcome you at work that day.

The truth is that all these scenarios happen every day but you just don't key into them. Jesus is really present with you where you are right now, even if you can't see Him with your physical eyes. He literally accompanies you everywhere you go daily. Every time you come to church, He actually walks in and says, 'I have come to answer prayers'. The reason we do not capitalize on the power of the presence of Jesus is because we walk by sight and feelings and not by faith: we only want to believe He is with us when we see Him physically. ...for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me: Heb 13:5-6. These and more promises make us know that Jesus is with us and will never forsake us. He is with you right now and will be with you everywhere you go.

There is a certain knowledge that every believer must have. The Bible in Rom 6:6 says Knowing this.... You must know that the Lord is with you and keep saying it in order to substantiate it in your heart. The Lord takes delight in being with you and you are never alone, the writer of Hebrews says, so that we may boldly say..., which means you must say it, confess it, affirm it to yourself until it becomes your mindset. Since God's Word cannot be separated from Him, it then means that as you keep proclaiming the Word, you are proclaiming God and creating His presence around you. He continued by saying that the Lord is his helper and he cannot fear what man can do unto him. Fear dissipates when you know that the Lord is with you. So walk tall, fearing nothing, for the Lord is with you. There is nothing comparable to knowing that God is with you.

* Give thanks to God for His promise to ever be with you.
* T ell Satan to get lost because your Saviour is with you as a mighty warrior.
Celebrate the presence of God with you by waving your hands to God and saying, ‘Thank you Lord for being by me now and always.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Have Faith in the Father

Text: John 14: 1
More Lessons: Matt 21: 18-22
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Corinthians 13-16

A friend of mine who is a servant of God in the United States was approached by the school teacher of his child who asked,‘ ‘Please sir, can you find a way of reducing your daughter's confidence in you?'’ The man of God was surprised and asked why? The teacher replied that he felt the extent of his daughter's confidence in him might be disastrous because if he fails to meet those expectations, the girl would be so deeply disappointed and there is no telling what she might do. The preacher asked the teacher to further explain what he meant.

The teacher explained that the girl had actually been going around boasting that if anyone dies, there is no need to worry; they should just send for her dad and he would pray for the dead person to come back to life. The girl actually had so much confidence in her father that she went around boasting about him. So the teacher came to warn the father because he felt if he fell short of the expectation, the might be permanently affected. The man of God replied that his girl had believed rightly that he could do anything by God. He walked over to his daughter and further encouraged her, believe in God, believe also in me: Jn. 14:1. Faith is the confidence and assurance in a person's ability and willingness to do a thing. It is amazing that some children of the Creator of heaven and earth do not have as much faith in Him as this little girl had in her dad. Have faith in God, His Word and His ability. Believe that He can do what He says, and there is nothing greater than His Word. Stand on His Word and you will see mountains move for you. After having faith in God, also have faith in yourself. Have faith in the prayers you pray; believe that your own prayers also can command results. Until you believe in God and also in yourself, there is no prophecy that can be fulfilled in your life. Believe the message and also the messengers that God sends to you so that you shall prosper.

You have the honour of being God's child and He, your Father. Whatever God is, is what you are here on earth. Hence, be confident when you come before Him in full assurance of faith and do not be like a beast that perishes because it does not understand who it is. ‘‘Come boldly’’ is what the Word of God says; anything short of such confidence is borne out of ignorance which can bring even a believer to destruction. It is written, my people perish for lack of knowledge. So child of God have faith in your Father and be confident always about Him.

* Ask God to help you keep your faith in Him in all situation.
* Rebuke and renounce everything that could make you doubt God.
* Lift up your face to heaven and say to God, “Oh Lord, I believe in You!”

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Confession of Faith

Text: 2 Cor. 4:15-18
More Lessons: Josh. 14:6-13
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Corinthians 10-12

Faith is about having assurance that what God has said will happen. Men who will stand on what God has said with all confidence have the authority to make things happen. So you make things happen by believing the Word of God with all your heart. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation: Rom. 10: 10. In making confessions of faith, the state of the heart should precede the speech of the mouth. The reason many people have made 'confessions of faith' without getting an answer is because they do not realize that the heart precedes and supersedes the mouth. You must believe before you confess. Locate what the Lord has said concerning you and believe it in your heart. It is after you are confident, assured and convinced of what the Lord has said that you can now speak. Don't confess until you are convinced. Stand on what God says, then believe it and keep saying it.

A man of faith is a mountain mover. You can move any mountain if you believe it. You, however, must follow the sequence: find what God has said, believe it and then start confessing it with your mouth. I have seen people insist on what God has said until things that men considered impossible became a reality. Believe in your heart and don't keep shut; confess the Word with your mouth. That is how to activate the promises of God. Caleb the son of Jephuniah believed God’s Word spoken to his life by prophet Moses and kept holding on to the promise for forty five years. One day he went to Joshua, a partner in the promise and said to him, ... Thou knowest the thing that the LORD said unto Moses the man of God concerning me and thee...: Josh 14:6. He knew what is said concerning him and confessed it to the appropriate person and he got the promise.
In the midst of Joshua’ s fear that he might not be able to achieve success where his master Moses failed, God spake to him how not to fail, This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth ... for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, ... have good success: Josh.1:8.

* Today, make a faith confession by confessing a verse of scriptures in every one hour for the next 10hours.
* Ask God to turn every scripture you confess today to a reality in your life.
* Give God thanks for the expected answer.

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Monday, August 25, 2014

Lifted Heads

Text: Psa. 43:1-5
More Lessons: Psa. 3: 3-8
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Corinthians 7-9

But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head: Psa. 3:3. I always tell people, when they come to the altar in church to pray not to cast down their head but to lift it up. This is a symbol of the lifting of a man's destiny that happens every time he comes to God. David asked in the Psalms that we read, Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God: Ps 43:5. I ask you the same question, 'why are you cast down?' In the same Psalms, David said, O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles. Then will I go unto the altar of God, unto God my exceeding joy: yea, upon the harp will I praise thee, O God my God. Ps 43:3-4 KJV. I want you to know that the cure for a cast down destiny is the altar of God.

Do not allow anything to keep you depressed and downcast. God is your glory and the lifter up of your head. A cast down countenance is a sign of defeat while a lifted head is a sign of boldness and confidence. No matter what you are going through or what you are trusting God for that you have not received, I want you to keep the excitement. Be lively and vibrant in countenance and sustain the joy of God in your heart. Keep your confessions alive; don't speak like a feeble man manifesting fear and discouragement on your face. Keep your heads high and lifted because He is your glory and the lifter of your head. Each time you cast down your head or allow depression to take a hold of you, Satan celebrates, your strength diminish, fear replaces faith, defeat is closer, the enemy is empowered to do more and gate of hell is opened wider. Therefore, you must refuse the temptation to give in to depression by singing a victory song. Instead make scriptural confessions, find a fellow believer to pray with, read the scriptures and mediate on them. Victory will immediately rise up for you.

* Take Psalm 121 and pray 8 prayers from verse 1-8, then say to the Lord “I have confidence in You, oh Lord! Keep my head above every troubled waters’’.

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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Build upon the Rock ll

Text: Matt.16:16-17
More Lessons: 1 Cor . 3:9-17
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Corinthians 4-6

Yesterday, we saw the need for every life to be built on the Rock which is Christ. In the text, Jesus Christ makes us to understand that He is not only the right foundation for building of individual lives and destinies but also the building of His Church. Peter said, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Matt 16:16 NIV and Jesus replied him, you are correct! And on the Rock that I am Christ the Son of the living God will I built my church . . .Many people have erroneously thought that Jesus meant that Peter is the rock on which He will build His church. No, the truth is that, Jesus is the only sure foundation for the Church. The implication of this is that the Church of Jesus will not be built on any man no matter how anointed or celebrated; neither will it be built on philosophies, ideas or traditions of men. There is a Rock, the foundation upon which the Church of Jesus will stand and this Rock is Christ Himself. That is the Rock against which the gates of hell cannot prevail. A church built on something other than Christ is destined to collapse Traffic from hell has taken over some churches because the builders have neglected the Chief Cornerstone who is Christ. A church not built on the doctrine of Christ will fail. Christ is the Chief Cornerstone and the Church will only thrive on a clear understanding of the revelation of the person and the power of Christ for without him, we can do nothing.

Christ is the essential foundation for building a strong Church that will not bow to the sway of hell. One of the strategies of hell is to cause division in the Church by spreading doctrines of the devil (1 Tim. 4:1). Division is the root of carnality, confusion and weakness. God needs men who will build together with Him. And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness: Mal.3:3. These are the days of purging, when Christ will yet purify the sons of Levi that they may offer acceptable sacrifices unto God in righteousness. God is washing the Church from all filthiness and removing the dross from her silver. God is removing those things that have hitherto caused division.

God is taking away those things that we have but not from Him.
A new day is dawning; a new order of worship is being restored to the Church and in these days shall we see the Church of Christ in her full strength. Christ is gathering all things together in Himself (Eph. 1:9). Christ is the builder of His Church.

*Ask God to help all spiritual leaders to build the Church on Christ and His Word only.
* Declare every wind against the Church a failure.
* Pray for your local assembly and pastor by name that Jesus will be their all in all.

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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Build upon the Rock l

Text: Matt. 7:24-27
More Lessons: 1 Pet. 1:23-25
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Corinthians 1-3

The foundation is very important in any building. A building is only as strong as its foundation. A particular house had cracks on the wall and a civil engineer was called to detect the fault. He reported that the cracks on walls were as a result of faults in the foundation. So even if the walls were removed and new ones built on the same foundation, cracks will still appear on the new walls unless the problem with the foundation is dealt with. That shows how important a foundation is and the implications of having a faulty foundation.

Every life is built on a foundation but many build their lives on faulty foundations while some build on the words of men, or on what their parents told them, many build on their own experiences. But the only right foundation to build your life on is the Word of God. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. Matt 7:24-25 KJV. In a normal occurrence of rainfall, one would expect the storm and rain to come first, and then a flood. But here, Jesus tells us that the rain will first come down, then the flood and then follows the wind. The flood came first when the rain started so as to test the foundation and since the foundation was strong, the winds also could not bring it down. If it was built on sand, the flood would have carried the sand away and a little wind would be sufficient to bring down the whole house. The house did not fall on the strength of its foundation. A foolish man will build on the sand because he cannot go through the stress of digging a foundation on the rock. People prefer to get it quick so they device many ungodly ways and methods to get to their goals so they do not end well, because they have neglected the true foundation.

The Word of God is the Solid Foundation for destiny. Be a wise man today and build on the foundation that stands sure. Undoubtedly, trying times will come but whether you will stand in the face of these challenges or not depends upon what foundation you are building your life on. The wisdom for building a life that will not crumble is in the Words of Christ which can never fail. Be a doer of the word of Jesus because all things will fail …but the word of the Lord endures forever: 1 Pet. 1:25. This Word is the Rock upon which you should build. Today, ask yourself, does your life principles correspond with God’s Word, or contrary to it? Does your life run based on God’s Word? There is hope that you will not fail in destiny if you have built on the rock.

*Ask God to help you build your life only on what God’s Word says.
* Ask God for His divine guidance and leading for daily living.
* Pray that your labour will not be ruined by any rain, flood or storm.

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Friday, August 22, 2014

Children's Roles II

Text: Ps. 127: 3-5
More Lessons: 2Tim.1:1-6
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 64-66

The presence of children in the home brings joy to the parents because: 1. they are gifts from God; 2. an addition to the family; 3. the joy of nursing somebody for a beautiful future; 4. assurance of continuity of the family; 5. companion for family members, particularly when a partner is away for a reason. Children have great roles to play in homes and thereby can 'infect' the home with happiness or with sorrow, pain, regret or shame, depending on handling. T o contribute to the happiness of the home, you must be in tune with the Lord Jesus.

The major role of a child in the home is obedience to parents (Eph 6:1-3,Prov 6:20, Exodus 20:12, Prov 15:5, Col. 3: 20) which affects every other responsibility. Obedience to parents’ instructions serves as a way of training the child in different areas of life. Participation, practice and following parents’ examples via deliberate process of learning from them, help children fulfil their roles. For instance, Isaac must have been following Abraham for sacrifice and knew things required. That was the reason for Isaac's question to Abraham ...but where is the lamb for a burnt offering...: Gen 22: 4-8; a suggestion to avert failure. Isaac believed what Abraham told him in reply. This was a trait of Abraham's faith already in Isaac. Isaac also showed a great act of obedience in accepting to be the lamb for the sacrifice. Therefore, observe your parents pattern of actions at home and church and as parents set good examples in actions or reactions at home. Also, join your faith with that of your parent's in family and other matters of life.

Jesus went about doing good while living in the world. He even obeyed His parents even while in discussion with doctors of law despite saying ...wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?(Luke 2:46-51). Also, at the marriage of Cana, despite inital remark that His time had not yet come, He gave instruction for the pots to be filled with water and turned the water into wine. His glory was manifested and Mary and Joseph must have been overwhelmed with joy for their 'child' and family being a blessing. Jesus also was obedient to God the father (Heb. 5: 8, Phil. 2: 8).
The prodigal son's brother said, ...Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment...: Luke 15:29. His father did not refute this. Also, God said concerning Jesus: ...This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: Mat. 3:17. What are the testimonies of your father, mother, church leaders and God about you? Do you make your parents and church leaders happy by obeying them and following their examples? You have a great role to play at home and in church. Be faithful in all and God will reward you.

* Lord, our children will not reject God's Word and the necessary training given to them.
* Our children will be a blessing at home, church and society.
* Lord, we will not bring forth for trouble and sorrow.

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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Children's Roles I

Text: Ps. 127: 3-5
More Lessons: Prov. 17:6
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 61-63

Children are compared to an arrow in the hands of a mighty man. Arrows are weapons of war and a potential during warfare or a device to help achieve a purpose, they are useful and effective only when they are sharp, strong and handled properly. Our text shows that children have great roles to play in homes. Therefore, parents must be strong in the Lord and diligently train (instruct, teach, correct and encourage) their children (Deut 6: 4-9, Prov. 22:6) to be arrows that can glorify God and make their parents happy . However, a child left untrained will not amount to anything good at home and in the society but a tool in satan' s hand (1Sam. 2: 12-17).

Children’s potentials as arrows become evident when they accept God's Word and necessary parental training as the lives of some children in the Bible show. In 2Kings 5:1-15, Naaman's wife's housemaid was bold and had faith to tell her mistress of the living God in Israel who could heal Naaman of leprosy. Naaman got his healing via the counsel by that small Israeli girl. In Genesis 37:1-11, Joseph knew and feared God at a tender age (Gen 39:9) and did not participate in the evil acts of his brethren while in the field. Also, in Portiphar's house he refused to engage in sexual immorality with Portiphar's wife (Gen. 39: 8-12). Do not engage in evil acts or join others to do the same anywhere. The exploits of Daniel in Babylon: refusal to eat the king’s meal, determination not to defile himself (Dan 1:4-8) and the manifestation of the excellent spirit in him in understanding visions and dreams (Dan 2:17-19) were based on training in Israel and his company . Have godly friends that can help you to be closer to God and enjoy His help to do exploits. James and John the sons of Zebedee were at the sea side with their father, mending their nets (Matthew 4:20-22) when Jesus met them. They were involved in their father's occupation to give him hope, help, defence and companionship not minding the risks involved. No wonder they also stayed and became special disciples of Jesus. Help and encourage your parents in their occupation.

Jeremiah 35:6-10 records the exploits of the sons of Jonadab (the son of Rechab). They did not question their father's instruction. God recognized the obedience of the Rechabites and declared that the family “will always have descendants who will worship me” (a blessing). God will help you to stand by godly instructions of your parents, in Jesus’ name. May God help you to be a blessing indeed in your home and society in Jesus name.

* Lord, help me to be strong spiritually and be able to help my children achieve their potentials.
* Declare that your children will not serve their enemies.
* Ask the Lord to help your children to be obedient like the Rechabites.
* Say, “Lord, use me to do great exploits in your name”.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Parenting: Father and Mother

Text: Psa. 127:3-5
More Lessons: Eph 6:1-5, Deut. 4:9-10
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 58-60

A father has a priestly role in the home. The work of a priest is to bless the people and represent them before God. A priest is the cover for the people he represents because he appears before God for them. So a father is a burden bearer of the house. He carries the burden of all his family members before God and intercedes on their behalf. A priest blesses the people he represents and prays against any curse that might be placed on them. A priest also guides and leads: the leadership of the father should first be seen in creating a spiritual atmosphere where the wife and the children can grow. He leads them in the way of the Lord by first being an example for the whole family to follow.

The Lord says of Abraham …I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD… Gen 18:19. This is the role a father should play in the house. Doing the will of the Lord should not be a matter of choice for the wife and the children; it is what the father should command to be done. The days we live in are days where there are laws and regulations that have collapsed the true nature of the family institution that God created. Many of our fundamental rights are totally against the Bible. A child in some developed countries can get his parents arrested for correcting him for doing what is wrong.
This is what the world is becoming and we should not forget that we are Christians and are not of the world. The father is an instructor. As an instructor he should not spare the rod. The Bible says in Pro 13:24, He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him quickly. The little things you ignore today may later hunt the future of the child you spoilt. A son who is without chastisement is like a bastard. Children have their excesses and most times these are not to be ignored. There are stories all around of parents who go to their children's school to fight because a teacher disciplined them. Discipline does not kill a child but ignoring discipline does (Pro 23: 13-14). Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying: Pro 19:18. When you truly train up a child in the way he should go, you have secured the future for him because he will not depart from what he has learnt.

Children are God's heritage and we have the responsibility of raising them for the glory of God. Parenting is not limited to fathers alone, it is an assignment for fathers and mothers together. Since it took the two to bring forth, the two must also build them. Fathers must carry their wives along in building the children and leading the home. The consequences of a divided home can only be imagined. A home comprises of the father, mother and children and all have a God-given role to play in the making of a good home.

*Ask God for a priestly anointing upon all present and future parents.
* Ask God to help all mothers to be true help meets and co-builders in the bond.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Parenting: The Father

Text: Gen.18:19
More Lessons: Eph 6:1-5, Deut. 4:9-10
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 55-57

Fatherhood is a blessing because a lot of things culminate into maturing a man to the position of a father. A father has the oversight because he has seen what others coming after him are just seeing or about to see. … keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen…especially the day that thou stoodest before the LORD thy God. Deut. 4:9-10. A father is a bundle of experience, experience with man and God. A father, as the one in our text should be able to share with his children certain experiences, especially the ones where he encountered God. It is not enough to be called a father because a man is able to impregnate a woman.

Experience goes with fatherhood. It is by the experience garnered over the years that a father can lead others to becoming fathers. A person who fathers without experience will fail in his role. The experiences God has taken you through as a father are not for fun, but they are proofs of God's faithfulness and should be taught to the younger generation. Fathers should tell the younger generation about the faithfulness of God and His ability to perform His counsels. The revelations of God that the fathers have received are to be taught to the children so that the children can in turn seek God and have something to teach the generation after them. That is the plan of God as we can see in our text.

A father is also a provider. The providing ability of the father comes from trusting God for supply. When a man ceases in his responsibility to provide for his own house, that moment he ceases to be a man of faith and he's worse than an infidel, for the just lives by faith. A father has the responsibility of teaching his children to trust in God for the supply of their need. Though most of the things the children need come directly from the father, he should use this to teach them that God is the Jehovah Nissi like Abraham told Isaac when he asked for the ram for the sacrifice. Our children should be taught the faithfulness of God in providing their need.

A father is the defender and protector of the family. He is the Chief Security Officer of the house. This is not only physically but spiritually. He must be sensitive to the things that happen around him. He must keep his home from intruders and make sure that every member of his house is secure. He has the spiritual oversight of the house and must do all to be on guard at all times.

* Pray that fathers will not fail in their God-given assignment to lead the home.
* Pray that parents will be good and positive role model to their children and wards.
* Pray that God will rescue our homes from Satanic hijackers.

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Monday, August 18, 2014

One Body in Christ

Text: Col. 4:16
More Lessons: John 17:21-23
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 52-54

After this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read in the church of the Laodiceans and that you in turn read the letter from Laodicea: Col 4:16 (NIV). The Church of Christ must function as a single entity. In today’s text, the Apostle Paul instructed the Colossian Church to share the revelations they were taught with the Church at Laodicea and vice versa. The early New Testament churches did not have conflicts of teaching and doctrines because they received from one Spirit, one Lord, one God and Father of all who is in all and through all. The reason for the many differences in doctrines, revelations and teachings today is that people are teaching the traditions of men and not the Word of God.

The Word of God is the standard for one and every church congregation. God still speaks to His church and what He says to one, He says to all. That is why all the books of the Bible written by different people in different ages do not conflict and all speak of the same subject; they all point to Christ. This should be true of the words God speaks to us today. Jesus in John 17 says: I pray that THEY ALL may become one even as I am one with the Father. The will of Jesus is that all of us may be one and not divided. Anything that causes division is not of the Lord. There are many doctrines that have come into the church but not from the Lord. Those are the horns that have scattered the flock of Jesus. They don't have their source in God. When we see much of differences than oneness in the church and emphasize on these differences than what unites us as Christians, then we are not functioning as the Lord desires. The divided church is not of Christ because a house that is divided against itself cannot stand. Jesus promised to build His Church and that the gates of hell will not prevail against it. That means that the Church Jesus builds is not a divided Church and will stand in the face of all the barrage of the artillery of hell against her. The Church of Jesus will be strong again and hell will not overcome it.

* Pray against all the forces that are working against the unity of the Church.
* Ask God to bind His Church together again in answer to Jesus’ prayer.
* Ask God to use you to unite your local assembly and not to break it.

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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Don't Wash your Net Yet

Text: Luke 5:1-7
More Lessons: Psa. 1
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 49-51

We often find ourselves in certain situations and the only option we think of is to give up. That was the case with Simon Peter; he and his crew had laboured all night but with no result. With all the skills he had in the fishing profession, he toiled all night but caught nothing. There are certain forces that can make a man labour without any result to show for it. They make him do much but with little to show for the much that is done. I pray for you today, that those forces will not overcome you. Do you feel discouraged? Do you think that things are not working the way you planned? You may even wonder why things are not working despite all the experiences you have. I tell you this morning that God is not sleeping; He knows your plight. Do not wash your net yet. What you need is just a word from the Master. His word never fails. God is set to bless your labour. You shall no more labour in vain. This year will not pass without people celebrating with you. Jesus entered Peter's ship and taught the people from it. If you study this scripture very well you will notice that it wasn't only Peter's ship that was there, in fact there were two and it wasn't only Him who did not catch any fish. He was not even the only person who had washed his net. His colleagues were there with him but Jesus entered into his ship. Once the Master's need was met, He in turn met Peter's need. Can you use your business for the Lord? Can you allow God to do what He wants with your job? We may be finding it difficult to make progress because we have not opened up ourselves for the Master's use. When we allow Him access into our life, He blesses us in return. Don't give up on that business. Don't drop that project yet. All you need is submit it to Jesus, hear what He will say and do it.

The devil may want to dissuade you and make you disbelieve the Word of God; your experience of the past may be the enemy you have to face. Because it did not work out last year does not mean that it will not work out this year. That you dug before and you could not get water does not mean that if you dig today, there will not be water. This might just be the last trial you have to make to catch the draught that will break the net. Peter’s testimony was that he had to call unto his partners to help him as the catch was great. He got this result because he acted on the Word of God.

* T ell Jesus you will not quit nor give up.
* Ask God to lead you like Peter to a sacrifice that breaks the siege.
* Ask God to grant you the faith, hope and strength to wait until the darkness is over and a new day dawns.
* Today, sow a seed to break your siege like Peter did.

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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Love, don’t Hate

Text: Lk. 11: 4
More Lessons: Matt. 22:37-40
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 46-48

A good person will not think of killing any other person. Now the Bible says, Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and… eternal life and murder don't go together: 1 John 3: 15 (MSG). The person who hates has no eternal life and so he is spiritually dead. God equates hatred to murder; hatred is darkness and is of death which is separation from the source of life. And the true source of life is God. Therefore, any man who hates his brother separates himself from God. Hatred is the nature of the devil. The man that is not born again does not have the capacity to love because he does not know God. We know that we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren. Love is the expression of the new life the believer receives at new birth. At regeneration we receive the ability to love.

A brother shared a testimony of how God healed his mother of a disease. This woman had experienced long years of health crises. She had visited many doctors, spent a lot of money, and visited men of God for prayers but to no avail. Medical science could not diagnose what was wrong with her until the disease reached a terminal stage. People fervently interceded for her, and then she was finally diagnosed of cancer. The doctor said she needed to go through surgery. Then, during a fasting and prayer programme, he Lord revealed to this brother that the cancer was a product of hatred, which the devil used as a foothold to afflict her. It was also revealed to this brother that if she would repent and forgive the person who had offended her, she would be healed. She reconciled with the person and asked God for mercy and then went for the surgery. After the operation, the doctors confirmed that there was no trace of cancer in what they brought out of her. She had been healed. Hatred is a foothold for satan to afflict a man.Hatred is the nature of the devil and it is a mark of spiritual death. A spiritually dead man cannot love because love comes out of life. As you determine to forgive those who have offended you and let go of your past hurts, prophesy today that death will not have power over you.

In the Scripture passage we read, the man came to Jesus to ask him what good thing he would do to have eternal life, and he answer Jesus gave was to keep the commandments. The commandment of God is love. Love is the key to life. Love he Lord your God and love your neighbour, your distant and close brother, your hurting friend and all! Let a new season of love begin today, that we might be forgiven and healed.

* Ask God to destroy every trace of hatred (little or large) in your heart.
* Ask God to forgive you of every bitterness, hatred, and hurt that you have nursed.
* Ask God to forgive you and heal you wherever you have allowed hatred.

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Friday, August 15, 2014

Beyond my Seed

Text: 2 Cor. 9:10
More Lessons: Gal. 6: 9-10
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 43-45

When a seed is planted, there is need to nurture it by weeding, adding fertilizer, watering, and doing every other thing needed to ensure a good harvest. A farmer who plants and goes to sleep will soon find himself begging for bread no matter how skilful he is in planting. There is a place of skill in every profession but there is also a place for work. For a farmer, planting the seed is not the end. After planting, there is more to do if he must harvest. Harvest doesn't just come, it is worked for. It is possible for a person to plant a seed and not see harvest if he does not follow up the planting with continuous nurturing and tendering of the plant until it is mature.

At the beginning of the year, decide to do and achieve a lot of things in the year but it should not be left at that; you are to continue to work towards it. Andrew Murray, a renowned man of God, once said God’s desire is to accomplish the desire He has in your heart if the ideas and the plans are according to His will. But the onus still lies on you to work out the results you want. In between the planting and the harvest of every seed is a time to work on that which was planted. I pray for you that your seed will not die and your harvest will not waste. Things we blame the enemy for at times may be a result of our negligence of what we should have done but didn't do. You should not be ignorant of the fact that things don't just happen; people make them happen. And that is the message I have for you this morning. If you want to be able to say that God has blessed your effort this year and has made all your plans to prosper, then you must be ready to work at it. It is not too late to do the right thing and the Lord will bless what you do. Psalms 1:3 says, …and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. God will not prosper what is not done because it will be a contradiction of His Word and His nature. I believe you have planted your seed; it is now time to nurture that seed to harvest.

Nurturing your seed involves: living right, doing the will of God, confessing positive things in the face of negative things and living in divine instructions among other things! Take note of those who refuse to obey what we say in this letter. Stay away from them so they will be ashamed: 2 Thes. 3: 14 (NL T).

* Ask that every seed you have sown will find a place in your future and destiny.
* Pray that you will never be weary or faint in well doing.
* Pray that your harvest will not be stolen.

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Christ in You the Hope of Glory

Text: Col.1:25-29
More Lessons: II Kgs. 22:1-2
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 40-42

Redemption is an activator of God’s glory. A lot of people carry glory but are not manifesting it because the redemption that activates the glory is missing in them. When Mary was carrying the pregnancy of the Lord Jesus Christ, she was carrying a glory. The glory did not start with the pregnancy but with the righteous life she lived before being appointed to carry the Saviour’s pregnancy; she was a virgin. Lazarus' glory was terminated before his time but when the one who raises the dead up came, the glory that men concluded was over came forth. The glory of David was in using the sling. He wasn't born using the sling but he learnt how to use it. None of your ancestors may have manifested that talent, but you just learn it and the Spirit of the Lord takes that over and uses it to bring you to prominence.

Because Lazarus had a relationship with the Saviour, Therefore his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick: Jn. 11:3. Just like in today's text, it is Christ in you that gives the hope of glory. If no relationship existed between Jesus and Lazarus, Lazarus would not have the hope of coming back to life. Jesus was sent for because the sisters knew that Jesus loved Lazarus and would therefore be interested in anything that would make Lazarus good.

David used a sling to kill Goliath but we all know that it was beyond the sling. God was involved and God would not have been involved if David had not had a connection with God earlier, But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the LORD will hear when I call unto him.: Psa. 4:3.

Joseph is another example of glory. He was blessed with the gift of dreams but had to live righteously both in the secret and in the open for his gift to benefit him. How many people today have countless dreams o f becoming a millionaire and are still poor. It is not first the gift but the contact and the relationship with God and then the glory within the talent on the inside, will come up gloriously. Is Jesus on your inside? Then get ready for glory. No Jesus, no glory.

* Ask that the glory of redemption will manifest in your life.
* Ask that the glory attached to your salvation will not be covered up.
* Ask God to make your life a glory centre.
* Pray that every hidden gift of God on your inside come up to the praise of God.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Healing is God's Will

Text: Mark 1: 39-45
More Lessons: Matt. 10: 5-8
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 37-39

A leper met Jesus and said, Master, I know You are able to do anything and You can heal me but I don't know if it is God's will for me to be healed of this leprosy or not. In a time when lepers were not permitted to appear in public places, this particular leper was courageous enough to make his way to Jesus despite all odds. However, like many believers today, he wasn't sure whether it is God's will to bring him out of the problem he was facing. Some people are sick, poor, challenged with difficulties, unfruitfulness and confronted with other problems but they say, Maybe it is God's will for me to face this. God is trying to teach me a lesson. When the leper got to Jesus, he said, If it is your will heal me. In other words, he meant, I know you can heal me as long as it is according to the will of God, but I don't know whether my leprosy is part of God's will for me. Jesus looked at him and said Son; I have good news for you. It is God's will for you to be healed. So be healed.

There are countless scriptures that show us that your healing is God's will, But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed: Isa 53:5. ...If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee: Ex 15:26.

All of God’s promises are available for God’s children to activate provided the following scriptural conditions are met:
1. You must be a child of God - Mk.7:27, Deut.28:1-3.
2. You must have knowledge of God’s promises for your life - 2Pet.1:3-4.
3. You are able to seek God by prayer and fasting - Mk.9:29.
4. You have absolute faith in God - Heb.11:1-2.

* Command every promise of God due you to be activated now.
* Rebuke the delays, cancel the hindrances, prophesy the promises into action.
* Say to yourself, “The promises of God will not fail over me!”

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Gift of Prophecy

Text: 1 Cor. 12:10
More Lessons: 1 Cor. 14:3-5
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 34-36

Prophecy is inspired utterance in a known language. It is not conceived by human reasoning or thought. As with the other gifts of the Spirit, genuine gift of prophecy will point to Jesus as Lord. The manifestation of prophecy is not to elevate or magnify man or to show that a man is powerful and gifted or even to prove that a man is a genuine man of God. The gift of prophecy is not to prove anything; it is to glorify Jesus. Any prophecy that is always creating division in the Body of Christ is wrong, ...he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to EDIFICATION, and EXHORTATION, and COMFORT: 1 Cor. 14:3. A true prophecy will edify, exhort, and comfort people, helping them to be better Christians. Some people who supposedly speak by prophetic utterance never speak comfort to the Church. They never edify or build up the Church—they give only denunciations and terrify people with predictions of doom. That is not the gift of prophecy in operation.

Believers are to be guided by the Word of God. Prophecy is to edify, exhort and comfort (1 Cor. 14: 3). Notice that prediction and guidance are not even mentioned here. Even though prophecy might tell things of the future, the primary purpose of prophecy is not prediction but edification. There is a vast difference between the gift of prophecy and the prying into the future by fortune-tellers, whether ‘in the world’ or on the pulpit. Some predict which football team is going to beat the other one or which number will win in a pool all in the name of prophecy. But God is not in the business of doing that because I don't see how that edifies the church or bring men to Jesus. The Spirit of God can tell us things if He wishes but a man that has an opinion on every issue in the name of prophecy has gone astray.

The simple gift of prophecy must not be confused with the office of a prophet. It is not everyone who prophesies that is a prophet. The Bible says to desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy; And for ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted: 1 Cor. 14:1; 31. So we know that everyone and anyone can be used by the Holy Spirit in the gift of prophecy but that doesn't mean to go and open a church and put the title 'Prophet' before his name.

The office of the prophet is strictly a calling into ministry. Ephesians 4:11 says, He gave SOME Apostles, SOME prophets . . .. I pray that God will endow you with His gift of genuine prophecy and also give you wisdom and maturity so that you are not to be carried away by fake manifestations.

* Ask God to cleanse His Church of all false prophets.
* Pray that your heavens will remain open for revelations, comfort and strength.
* Pray that you will not miss your way into the hand of any fortune teller in a prophet’s cloak.

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Monday, August 11, 2014

Faith and Patience

Text: Heb. 6:12
More Lessons: Heb. 6:13-15
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 31-33

The dictionary defines patience as the ability to endure waiting, delay, or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset. It is the ability to persevere calmly when faced with difficulties. Patience is part of the fruit of the Spirit as listed in Gal. 5: 22. Another word used in the Scripture for patience is longsuffering; so patience means to be long spirited, that is, being able to forebear. The word also connotes the tone of being cheerful or hopeful in forbearance and endurance. Patience is endurance that is characterised by cheerfulness during the period of waiting or in the face of difficulties. Faith is the requirement for accessing salvation and other things from God; so every believer has a measure of faith, at least, sufficient to get him saved.

Many believers know that with faith, we can possess what we want but their understanding of faith is incomplete. Patience is what completes faith. The proof that you believe God is that you wait for Him, . . . he that believeth shall not make haste. Isa 28:16. Nowadays, people say if it is truly faith, then it must happen right now. But Scripture makes us to understand that, Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing: James 1:3-4. Patience is a test of faith. How long you are willing to wait shows how much you believe. When God gives a promise and it has not materialised, the person without faith will quickly go out and explore alternatives while the man of faith will keep waiting on God because he knows that God will unfailingly come around for him.

Searching through scriptures, you will discover that the words 'faith' and 'patience' appear together most of the time because faith without patience is incomplete. Abraham, the hero of faith, was also renowned for his patience as he waited on God for years till God fulfilled the promise made to him, And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained promise: Heb 6:15. Henceforth as you hold forth strongly in the patience of faith, I assure you that your fruitfulness will appear to all men, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God for the faith that endures
* Ask that you will henceforth not lack the strength to wait on God.
* Ask the Lord to add faith to your patience and patience to your faith.
* Declare that your faith will not fail.

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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Faith and Love

Text: Gal 5: 6
More Lessons:1 Cor . 13: 1-13
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 28-30

The above reading makes us understand that faith works by love. You must walk in love to God and towards men if you want to have a productive faith life. It is easy to believe and trust someone that you love because LOVE beareth all things, BELIEVETH all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things: 1 Cor 13:7. The reason many find it difficult to have faith in God is because they do not love Him with all their heart. So they are always looking for alternative solutions to their problems because they are not ready to wait on Him. They do not spend enough time with Him and so do not know Him well enough not to doubt Him. When a man has no deep rooted knowledge of God, doubt and unbelief are natural to such a man, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment: Matt 22: 37-38.

Today, remove everything that takes your heart, love and attention from God and you will see your faith soar. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: Matt 22: 39. When a man is filled with unforgiveness, hatred, bitterness, resentment and lack of care for others, no matter how many scriptures such a man knows, he can't be a man of faith. If you are exercising faith only for things to consume on yourself, you will keep 'faithing' and nothing will happen. If your motivation for whatever you are believing God for is to help others, expand the Kingdom and show God's love to people, you will get what you want, And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love: 1 Cor. 13:13 (NIV). If faith won't work without love, then love is greater than faith. Faith moves God's hand but love moves God's heart. With sincere love for God and people, you can be a man after God's heart, And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him: 1Jn 4:16. God is love. Whosoever has the fullness of love has the fullness of God, And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God: Eph 3:19.

As you make the Agape love of God your pursuit in life, faith ceases to elude you and you become a blessing to everyone around you. I pray that from today you will grow more and more in love for God and show God's holy love to people around you, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that God’s love be shed abroad in your heart.
* Break out of your life everything that makes you doubt God and His Word.
* Ask for a fresh and renewal flow of your first love for God.

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Saturday, August 9, 2014

Discerning of Spirits

Text: 1 Cor . 12: 10
More Lessons: Acts 16:16-18
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 25-27

Paul and his fellow labourers in Christ were in Philippi and a certain girl followed them through the street shouting, 'These men are the servants of the Most High God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.' Acts 16:17. Many of us would have been happy if such affirmation were made of us, but that was not for these men who had the gift of the Holy Spirit to know that even though the girl was seemingly saying the right things, she was speaking by the spirit of the devil. Paul rebuked her and cast the evil spirit of divination out of her in the name of Jesus. It is not every one who says the right things that is operating with the right spirit. It is not every one who quotes scriptures and preaches that is of the Holy Spirit of God. It is not every song in which the name of Jesus or God is mentioned that is of God. This is the reason you have to be careful who and what you watch, listen to and open yourself to.

The discerning of spirits is the supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to a man to have insight into the realm of the spirit to detect spirits, their plans, activities and intentions. It involves the ability to detect and differentiate the activities of the Holy Spirit from those of the devil, angels from demons, and that which is of God from that which is of man. There are many spirits at work in these end-times. This is the reason the Bible says, Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world: 1 John 4:1. And also, Test everything. Hold on to the good. 1 Thess 5:21-22 (NIV).

Every believer that is well established in the Word of God can have the ability to judge and discern every spiritual manifestation, whether they are from God or not. Every manifestation that contradicts the Scripture does not glorify Jesus or reveal the nature of God is not of God. There are, however, some believers that are gifted to see visions into the realm of the spirit; they can see demonic or angelic activities. Discerning of spirit can also be by hearing in the realm of the spirit or feeling a sense of rightness or wrongness of a spiritual manifestation.

However, the discerning comes only when a man is well grounded in the Word of God and can ultimately discern correctly spiritual activities. When a genuine servant of God advises or warns you against certain company, relationship, songs, programmes, gathering or people, don't be quick to claim there is nothing wrong with such things. The man of God may be talking from discernment of spirits. I pray that God will sharpen your discernment and you will not be swayed by deceit any more, in Jesus’ name.

Prayer /Action
*Ask God for the gift of the discerning of spirits.
*Ask the Spirit of God to scan through all relationships around you and expose the wrong ones.

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Friday, August 8, 2014

Enemies of Glory II

Text: Ezek.37:1-14
More Lessons: Job 14:7-14
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 22-24

Be assured this morning as you step out that there is no hopelessness in God. Today's scripture clearly tells the truth that even in written off matters, there's hope, For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease: Job 14:7. This is the season of the Lord's glory. Whatever the enemy has done to your glory and things seem hopeless, this morning, I announce that your glory will sing again. What else can satan do to hinder a man's glory?

1. Satan defiles glory (Psa. 4:2). Take care to avoid the defilement of sin that can turn glory to shame. Avoid the silent invasions of a defiled spirit that comes in various shades of emotional entanglements. These include bitterness and unforgiveness.
2. Satan exchanges glory (Gen 48:20). Walk with God and seek His face for your divine purpose in life. There is that right connection, right place, right time for the manifestation of your glory. It will not be exchanged, in Jesus' name. Y our portion will be given to you and your lot another will not take, in Jesus’ name.
3. Satan causes a man's glory to sleep. (II Sam. 9: 5-7). The glory of Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan was sleeping until God caused David to remember him, And David said unto him, Fear not: for I will surely shew thee kindness for Jonathan thy father's sake, and will restore thee all the land of Saul thy father; and thou shalt eat bread at my table continually: II Sam 9:7. When Mephibosheth's glory awoke he moved from an obscure, crippled man to a celebrated land owner with a permanent seat in the royal palace. Indicators of a sleeping glory to pray about include:

1. Thick stiff opposition everywhere.
2. Worthless life with no respect.
3. Opportunities elude you mysteriously;
4. You arrive late instead of on time.
5. Your benefactors depart just before you arrive and helpers of destiny disappear for no reason or refuse to help.

Hear the testimony of a man whose glory awoke, This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him: Jn.2:11. The Lord Jesus paved the way for your glory to manifest. Declare that as the Lord showed forth His glory, so also will my glory manifest in the land of the living.

* With your hand raised declare with authority:
- Let all enemies of my glory be consumed by fire.
- Opportunities of glory will not elude me, in Jesus’ name.
-I command my glory to wake up and manifest to the full.

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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Enemies of Glory I

Text: Judg.16:1-20
More Lessons: Psa. 91
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 19-21

It's been said before that glory must be discovered, pursued and defended. Any glory that will last must be well managed. When glory is not well managed, it can turn to shame. 'Kabowd' can become 'Ichabod'. This implies that the glory, though heavy and weighty, placed on a man by God can depart. The devil does not want anyone to manifest his created glory; therefore, he lays different traps for the one carrying glory to fall into. A man must recognise that not all like his existence; there are enemies of glory. To have a lasting glory, you must know satan's tricks to spoil the glory and labour to defend it. You will not experience Ichabod, in Jesus' name. What can the enemy, satan, do to a man's glory?

1. He can strip him of his glory (Job 19:9). The devil used calamities, disasters and death to strip Job of his glory. The blood of Jesus will speak for you. You will not be stripped of your glory; you will not be made naked by the enemy.
2. Satan sometimes steals a man's glory (Judg 16:20). Glory can be stolen at various levels; individual, family and community. Even national glory can be stolen. In Judg. 16: 19, Samson's glory was stolen by the tool of sex. How do you know your glory is stolen?
a. When you become a shadow of yourself.
b. Constant set backs though you are labouring.
c. When you become an object of ridicule as a weakling just as Samson after Delilah emptied him of his glory.
d. When there is perennial barrenness of good things.
e. When you lose self-confidence and become scared to step out in greatness.
These are all indications that the enemy has stolen your glory. You need to cry out to the Lord of glory if any of these indicators occur in your life. Check yourself like Samson did! Several times sin opens the door for glories to be stolen. If it’s sin that led to it, then quickly confess that sin to the Lord, repent of it and the Lord will forgive you. Now cry out for a restoration of what the thief has stolen from your life. Don't stop insisting on a restoration until you see your abilities/glory returned.

* Lord, forgive me for allowing sin into my life.
* Deliver me from glory robbers.
* Restore to me all that the enemy stole. I take it back.

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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Glory Within II

Read: Prov.18:15-16, Matt. 25:14-30
More Lessons: Prov.24:30-34
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 16-18

A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men: Prov . 18:16. This text makes it clear that every man has the glory within that when discovered and managed well, it will take him to the limelight, out of obscurity . Some people live beggarly lives today because they believe they have to live on other's welfare and leave their own talents untended. Know this today , child of God, that all that you need to excel in life has been packaged by God and put within you.

Every man has a talent, an ability , a gift just waiting to find expression in him and take him to glory , And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey: Matt 25:15. Cease envying others for the expression of their glory within. Locate yours because God gave every man. How can you locate yours and get into glory?

1. Fellowship with God and ask Him to show you what He put in you as talents and gifts.
2. Focus on your area of interest and allow it to work as soon as you discover the talent. Put it to work at home, school and in church. Joseph's gift was so expressed that it became a title for him by his brothers, …Behold, this dreamer cometh: Gen. 37:19. Put those singing, writing, imaginative and creative talents to work. Some people have the talent but because of laziness, they hide it from being expressed. Don't allow fear, laziness or procrastination to hinder you from putting your gift to work. That is the key for your lime light glory. Take avenues of service to others to utilise your talent and soon someone will be ready to pay huge sums for that same service you rendered. Daniel's gift made him a vice president in a foreign land, Joseph became a prime minister in Egypt due to his God-given talent, David entered the palace and took over the throne by his musical ability. May your gift take you into great places.
3. Develop the gift by prayer, correct relationship, education and service.

* Lord, breathe upon me and let my talent take me into glory.

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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Glory Within I

Text: 1 Sam.16:15-18
More Lessons: Col.1:26-27
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 13-15

Any man devoid of glory is a wasted destiny. This is because lack of glory is equal to lack of the good things of life. Several people think that glory is just the ability to do supernatural things and that only some people carry glory. I have good news for you; glory is not allocated to some alone. God has put in every man what is called created glory. Every man has the created glory, though in the Garden of Eden, when man disobeyed God satan succeeded in using deceit to strip man of his glory. Salvation through Christ Jesus activates the created glory untamed.

Redemption is the key that breaks the outer covering hindering the full measure of the created glory. If you want to manifest the glory God created in you then get into a love relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the way to glory, the truth of glory and the life of glory. Receive Him and you've engaged your life in the full process of manifesting the created glory as ordained of God from the beginning. Redemption makes the glory to work. You ignore Jesus and your created glory stays stagnant forever.

After a man is saved, what else will he do to activate the glory within? He must discover the glory within. Glory that will shine for all to see must be discovered, pursued and defended. The glory within can be activated by recognising God-given talents, work at the talents and with the talents until you break forth in glory. David in the text of today was located and taken to the king's palace because God helped him locate the glory within, Then answered one of the servants, and said, Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, that is cunning in playing, and a mighty valiant man, and a man of war, and prudent in matters, and a comely person, and the LORD is with him: 1Sam. 16:18. David's talent paved way for him into glory in the palace. He was so known with how he used his talent that a servant spoke about him in the place and introduced him to glory . Cease to hide your talents, give them expression at home, at school and in service to humanity and you'll manifest the glory in great shining.

* Write out your God-given talents and ways to use them positively .
* Pray: Lord, let the glory within take me to great places in destiny .

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Monday, August 4, 2014

God of Glory II

Read: Psa.29:1-11
More Lessons: Exo. 19:16-19
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 10-12

Today, we will continue on the various meanings of glory that we may be able to step into the experience of glory. Glory is the visible manifestation of God to a man (Exo. 19: 16-19). This visible manifestation of God announces that God is at work. It’s a display of God’s power for men to see. Paul and Silas in the jail (Acts 16) experienced this when the foundations of the prison were shaken, doors opened and their bands loosed. This was similar to the Israelites’ experience when they came out to meet God at Mount Sinai.

Glory is also the fullness of God’s presence on earth. The expression of the attributes and character of God on the face of the earth, the normal acts of God are His glory, He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD's, and he hath set the world upon them: 1Sam.2:8. The acts of God, which only God does on earth are His glory. That ability to kill or make alive, bring up or pull down, make rich or make poor are His glory. The more of God a man has, the more of God’s glorious acts that man enjoys and experiences. It is the nature of God to cause men to inherit the throne of glory. God gives permanent glory to men. This day, I urge you to seek the nature and character of God and the glory will come. Do this by accepting Jesus into your life through prayer and fasting, evangelism and doing good to others. Another manifestation of the God of glory is that God’s glory on a man makes man (who ordinarily is just clay) to have dominion. The presence of God upon a man causes him to enter dominion and he becomes a ‘godbeing’ by God’s glory, . What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet: Psa. 8:4-6.

God’s glory is deliberately packaged into man to have dominion on earth. This is why man can tame any creature; man can rule in various domains and operate any machine; it’s by God’s glory . You will have dominion by God’s glory, in Jesus’ name. You will dominate your enemies, you will dominate haters of glory and creatively be a blessing in your locality by His glory

* List out areas in which you desire dominion and ask for God’s glory on them.
* Declare: Oh! Lord, display Y our power in my life that men may glorify Y ou.

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Sunday, August 3, 2014

God of Glory I

READ: Exodus 24:12-18
MORE LESSONS: Acts 7:55-56
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 7-9

For any man to experience glory, he must have contact with the God of glory. There are definite meanings of glory and explanations for glory that must be understood before a man can really partake of glory. When these things are understood, a man can pray aright for glory and step into the experience of that glory .

The Oxford dictionary defines glory as a special cause or reason for pride. God will give you things to be proud of, in Jesus’ name. The reverse is shame; things of shame are things you want to hide from others because you are ashamed of them. But the desire of the God of glory is to give you things to be proud of.

Pause a bit in meditation and list those glorious things that you will like to see in your life that will give you pride: a debt free life, a beautiful home, a flourishing career, a distinguished academic performance, a loving spouse and godly children, good position in high places of the earth. Make the list because it is God’s desire and delight to give you those things.

Secondly, glory is defined as anything that brings splendor. These are the blessings of God upon your life that bring splendor and glory. God is a glorious God that blesses His people with things that bring splendor and honour. Stay with God; forget all alternatives to Him and you will see His glorious splendour Jn.11:40. Believe in God’s promises as spelt out in His Word and you’ll see the glory of God.

Thirdly, glory is the spiritual visa that gives access to the best things of life. It’s a currency to get the good things of life. Therefore, seek the glory of God because when sought, it brings the experience of “Doxa”. Doxa is a Greek word for splendor, beauty and reputation. When a man seeks the glory of God in whatever he does and with the best things of life, such a man will not be at the receiving end of evil and terrible events. Rather, because he seeks God’s glory, he will be beautified and experience splendor. Seek God’s glory at work and at play; choose to be different by refusing to cheat and extort in order to make it as others do.

When you do so, God’s glory will not only be revealed but it will also be seen in your life and all endeavours. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God

* Meditate on glorious things and believe God to experience them.
* Prophesy that things to be proud of will happen to you this year, and that there shall be no shame.
* Declare that by the glory of God, you will experience good things of life.

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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Your Tongue is a Weapon

Text: Num 14: 21-38
MORE LESSONS: Prov. 18:20-21
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 4-6

When Moses sent twelve men to spy the land which God had promised, ten of them came back with bad reports of how they could not take the land and how they would die in the hands of the giants. They all, except Joshua and Caleb, used their tongues to seal their own doom. The words of your mouth determine your destiny. The words you speak are seeds which will bring forth fruits after their kind. When you use your tongue to talk wealth, success, goodness and greatness these things will follow you. Also, when you talk poverty, failure, how bad the economy is and how there is no job and money, these things will also pursue you.

A man will be satisfied with good by the fruits of his words, and the deeds of a man's hand will return to him: Prov. 14: 14. Whether a man will live long or die young can be deduced from the kind of words that he speaks, Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it will eat the fruit thereof: Prov. 18: 20-21. Do not use your tongue to kill but use it to speak life to your destiny and everything around you.

Every word you speak has an effect in the realm of the spirit, so you must be careful to speak only what you want to see in your life, Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; neither say thou before the angel that it was an error: where fore should God be angry at thy voice and destroy the works of thine hands: Eccl. 5: 6. Don't speak loose and careless words over your destiny and other people's lives and later claim that it was a joke which you didn't mean. Say what you mean and mean what you say; say only words that are positive, edifying and seasoned with grace because shall have whatsoever you say: Mark 11: 23.

The way to make the right use of your tongue is to first stuff your heart with the right thoughts and ideas because . . . out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh: Matt 12: 34. Make sure that it is the Word of God that fills your heart and not the situations, news and crises in the world. When the Word of God fills your heart, it will flow out in form of right and powerful words which will cause a change in your situation for the better, Therefore let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord: Col 3: 16 (NKJV). As you engage your tongue for lifting and prosperity , God is committed to that which you say. .

*Ask that the Spirit of God will rule over your tongue from now on.
*Ask that no evil will ever again proceed from your tongue.
* Ask that any negative act happening anywhere as a result of a misuse of your tongue be reversed now, in Jesus’ name.

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Friday, August 1, 2014

Times and Seasons

Text: Gen. 1:14
MORE LESSONS: Eccl. 3:1-10
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 1-3

God created day and night; He put the sun, moon and stars in place. The reason the law of the day and night has not been broken is because of God's consistent decree. God made a proclamation in the beginning that day and night must always be and whatever He says stands. God also created times and seasons and so there has always been changing seasons. Some places have rainy and dry seasons while some have winter, spring, summer, autumn. God made different times and seasons. However, we ought to know that God made times and seasons for particular reasons. God doesn't just give seasons; there are reasons for each season, T o everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Eccl 3:1.

Every season is linked to a purpose. For example, God doesn't just give a rainy season for the fun of it. He sends rain to water the earth so that seeds can germinate and give food to the eater and seed to the sower. The reason for the rainy season is for the fruitfulness of the earth. God has said the earth must be fruitful and one ingredient the earth needs in order to be fruitful is water, so God sends rain, For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither , but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: Isa 55:10.

When you are going through a season, you must look beyond the season to the purpose for the season. Many people want a season of blessing from God, but for what purpose? If your purpose is not to glorify God, impact lives and expand the Kingdom, then God may not be obliged to give you that season you are asking for. This is because God ordains times and seasons for particular purposes. In your season of fruitfulness, plenty and glory, remember that God has a reason for that season. It is not for you to just feel good but for you to achieve His purpose.

In the same way, you may be going through a trying time and season today and are complaining. There is a purpose for every season; ask God for the purpose of the season you are going through instead of complaining. If the purpose of the season is to develop your character and prepare you for greater things ahead, then patiently allow the season to do a complete work in your life. It is just a matter of time; it will soon be over and you will be tested and proved, knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing: James 1:3-4.
Today, I pray that the times and seasons of God will not be a waste in your life, in Jesus’ name.

*Ask God for a blessed season from now on.
*Prophesy a good season for the rest of the year.
*Command Satan to take his hands off your times and seasons.
*Give God thanks for a great season ahead.

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