Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Not Just a Cloud

Text: Gen. 15:1-18
Bible Reading in one Year: Nehemiah 4-6

Glory is a divine currency for getting the good things of life. You need a better understanding of what glory is beyond the religious understanding of glory as a cloud. Glory has passed the stage of being a cloud, it is the manifestation of God such as favour , help, honour e.t.c that makes things happen in an unusual way. Even when glory appeared to the Israelites as a cloud in the wilderness, it was a manifestation by which the Red Sea was parted, the Egyptians were drowned and the Israelites walked on dry land in the sea and ate manna in the wilderness. Each time God was about to reach the people, the cloud descended and God began to demonstrate the very act. And the moment the people saw the cloud they knew that God had descended and something was about to happen. So the manifestation of the glory is a release or sign that God is about to show His power. .

The cloud itself was not the glory; it was the symbol of a presence that made something happen. So the moment you know that there is a release of God's glory upon you, it is a divine manifestation that makes things happen. Gen. 15 is an account of an occasion when God came down and had a crucial discussion with Abraham on His entire plan for him. It started in verse 1 with a vision. In verse 9, Abraham wanted a proof that God would do what He promised and God asked him to prepare a sacrifice on an altar . Then in verse 12, God visited the altar but first a dark cloud fell upon Abraham and God spoke to him. It was beyond a cloud for Abraham because he heard God.

As God visited Abraham, God will visit you beyond the cloud. He will reverse your misfortune. He will clear your doubt and establish His promises for you. In verse 17, the cloud returned in the form of a smoking fire pot. God’s visitation to you will not be limited to one time. You will see the glory . I prophesy to you right now that your destiny will not be over until you taste glory . A life without glory is a wasted destiny . When you lack glory , you can’t enjoy the good things of life. Glory is the thing that makes things happen in your life, it is that very atmosphere that attracts the good things of life to you without struggle; it is the realm of rest. Therefore a life without glory is a dead destiny . Glory is not just a cloud, it is about walking in God’s acts.

* Ask God to visit you in a special way today.
* Ask that God's visitation to your life will not be limited.
* Pray against hindrances to divine visitation.

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