Text: Mark 11: 20-24
MORE LESSONS: Deut. 6:26, I Kgs.16:34
Bible Reading in one Year: Daniel 7-9
One day while traveling to my village in a festive season, I stopped over to see a leading man of God in Nigeria, whose hometown is next to mine. While we were sitted at dinner someone brought a photograph of a lady who had burns all over her body and they were using her photograph to solicit for money for her. She obviously could not come out again so she sent people with her pictures to go beg for her.
They came and gave the man of God the photograph and the letter of appeal for funds for medical treatment. He looked at it and they were expecting him to write a cheque but he took the photograph and said, I curse the root of the burns, in Jesus’ name. He spoke to the malady as if the woman was present physically even though he had just the photograph. This problem is not ordinary, he said, I curse the root of the burns; woman, get healed in the name of Jesus; and he gave the photograph back.
In the first text, Jesus saw a tree and cursed it because the tree was occupying space and deceiving people with flamboyant leaves without bearing fruit.
The Bible says that by the next day, the tree dried up from the roots. It is unusual for a tree to dry up that way; trees start drying up from the top to the roots. And even if you cut a tree down from the roots it doesn't dry up the next day. But Jesus spoke and instantly the tree started drying up ; by the next day , the tree had dried up from the roots. What do you think dried that tree? It was the word that came out of the mouth of Jesus that dealt with the tree. When things are not the way you want them to be in your life, that is not the time to keep quiet. Use the words of your mouth to make things right. If anyone has spoken a word or a curse on you and it is causing problems for you, you have the right to speak your own words to your situation and the Spirit of the Lord will empower your words and the situation will change. From today, learn to speak words of command to your situations. Whatever is not planted by the Lord in your life, I command it to dry from the roots, in the name of Jesus.
The strongest weapon on the earth is the word on the lips of the believer; the heavens and the earth were created by the Word, and by the Word they are upheld. It is by the Word that man can operate his dominion mandate; by the Word a man is raised and by the Word he is brought down. Speak the Word of God and rule your world, ...upholding all things by the word of his power ,...: Heb.1:3.
Today, make authoritative declarations on any unfruitful situation in your life or a fellow child of God that you care for - Job 22:28, Isa. 45:11
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