READ: Heb 12: 2
MORE LESSONS: Isa. 51:1-2
Bible Reading in one Year: Daniel 1-3
Jesus endured the cross for the glory that was set before Him. The glory of sitting at the right hand of God was the end result that Jesus wanted to achieve. But He had to make the sacrifice of enduring the cross in order for Him to get to the place of glory. Sacrifice is the price to pay for the prize of glory. You must get ready to make sacrifices if you want to see your glory manifested. There might be temporary pain or shame but there is always glory at the end. Jesus despised the shame and is now set at the right hand of the throne of God. Get ready to despise the shame, get ready to sacrifice something.
A man who will have glory cannot live the way everybody lives. Carriers of glory do not go just anywhere or do anything without bounds. In the Old Testament, the Israelites were asked to wash and purify their bodies. That is a symbol of spiritual purity, holiness and washing by the Word. A carrier of glory must stay away from sin. You were bought with a price, so you must magnify Christ in your body. Righteousness and holiness bring glory, beauty and honour.
There is no price that is paid for holiness that can compare with the glory that comes out of it. However, sin is not the only hindrance to glory. Therefore, there are other sacrifices to be made for glory to manifest. There are certain things that are actually not wrong or sinful but they are not expedient for a man who is on a quest for glory; there are certain things that are not sinful but are not needful for glory.
For example, eating is not a sin but fasting is a necessary sacrifice for glory. When others use their money to buy things that gratify the desires of the flesh but you decide to lay down your first fruits, pay your tithes and give to God, those are sacrifices. Others can be playing and watching movies but you invest your time in studying, developing yourself, praying and reading the Bible; you are making sacrifices. All these prices will eventually bring out glorious testimonies for you.
* Ask the Lord for grace to be able to make the required sacrifice for your glory.
* Declare that all your sacrifices (spiritual, financial) shall bring forth glorious testimonies.
* Receive the power to live in righteousness and holiness.
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