Monday, August 31, 2015

Generational Praise II

Monday 31 August
READ: 2 Sam 7: 1 - 16
MORE LESSON: Psa 89: 1

You can give God a praise that will last through all generations. In yesterday’s reading, we saw how David decided that he wanted to give God a praise that would last all generations and he did it by making his praise into songs that will be sung forever. But he didn't stop at that; he decided to build a temple for God. As many as praised God in that temple through all generations would be helping David to give God praise. Even though God didn't permit David to build the temple, he made all the resources needed available and commanded his son Solomon to build it. It was Solomon that eventually built the temple. Innumerable people in different generations praised God in the sanctuary built by one man: that is generational praise. One way you can give God praise that will last through generations is by sowing a seed that will last beyond you.

I heard a saying in the university that if you want to plan for a year, plant corn; if you want to plan for a decade, plant a tree but if you want to plan for a life time, train a child. In the same way, each time you want to give God thanks, plan for generations. Look around and ask, ‘What can I do for someone or in the house of God that will last even when I'm gone.' Do something that many people will benefit from and praise God long after you have gone. You can pick an orphan to sponsor in school, you can build a church for God like David did. If you can't afford that, there is something you can afford for God – a block, a bag of cement or a window. It is not how big it is that matters, it is the heart that loves to give a generational praise that God commends.

Someone wanted to give God praise at my consecration as a Bishop and bought a rug to decorate God's altar. Others after that day would dance and roll on the rug to praise God. They benefit from the praise the first person gave. However they too should not stop at dancing and rolling. They should do something that will stand as a generational praise before God. Dancing to God is good but when you dance and roll, people around you have not benefitted, not to talk of many generations to come. So dance all you can but go beyond it, do something that generations will benefit from. That is what is called generational praise.

Today give God generational praise by planting a memorial that will last beyond you and many generations after you will benefit from.

* Ask God for a life of positive influence beyond your generation.
* Ask God to empower you to do memorable things in life.
* Promise God you will no longer live for yourself alone but that you will be a blessing as you have been blessed.

Helper of Israel, Your strength will not fail in my matter forever, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Generational Praise I

Sunday 30 August
READ: Psa. 89:1
MORE LESSON: Psa. 149: 1

Every man lives in only one generation, but the Psalmist says in Ps 89: 1 that he would give God thanks that will last through all generations. How does a man give God generational praise? Generational praise is the praise you give God that lives beyond you. It is a 'thank you' that has a beginning but no end. David knew he wouldn't live forever but he said he would give God thanks that will last forever. It is important that we discover how he intended to achieve this so that we can follow his example. The first thing David did to ensure his praise to God lasted beyond his generation was to write the praise down. In fact, he captured them in songs to be sung forever. As long as those songs are sung, David still praises his God. If you want to show gratitude to God that will last beyond you, express your heart felt praise to Him in songs; write the songs and sing them to others. You don't have to worry about the melody, just express your worship to God by letting a song rise in your spirit, write the song down, teach somebody and also sing it in the congregation of the saints (Psa. 149: 1).

Many times God gives us songs in the place of prayer, these are spiritual songs that no man knew before. We sing these songs in prayer, enjoy them and then forget them. However, every song the Lord gives you is a gift that is meant to be passed on to others. The experience and revelation in the song might be what somebody needs for the situation he is going through. So let someone be blessed by that song and sing it too, by so doing you would give generational praise to God. When you are not there or when you are gone, people will praise God from the experience of your praise.

Every powerful song that we sing today came as an inspiration from somebody's experience. When God gave them the experience, they wrote them down, captured them in song and passed it to people. This is how the hymns we sing today came to be. There is power in worshipping God in your secret place with new songs. Many believers don't have songs for the Lord when they pray; they come to God and start talking and reciting their requests like a cassette player. You see them sweating after prayer but they never feel refreshed because they didn't enjoy Him in worship.

Prayer is not only about presenting needs to God like a news presenter. God wants to talk back to you, He wants to give you songs and hear you sing to Him. He wants to enjoy your prayer time as well. You give Him this opportunity when you sing to Him and you make His praise generational when you bless others with the song He gives you. This is one way of giving God generational praise. However, a life of impact, righteousness, sacrifice and service to God and humanity are also some other ways of generational praise.

* Ask God to make the life you live a generational praise.
* Ask God for an encounter with Him in the place of prayer.
* Tell God you want to be a tool of generational praise.

In the name of Jesus, every enemy operating behind a mask in my destiny, be exposed.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Need for Help II

Saturday 29 August
READ: Gen 2: 18 - 25
MORE LESSON: Heb 4: 16

We saw yesterday that though man was blessed and perfectly created in God's image, he still needed help. So a man's blessing is not complete until it leaves a window of help for him. The mandate for fruitfulness, dominion and productivity that God gave man at creation is impossible in the absence of help; by implication God created man to need help. This means that no matter how blessed, strong, comfortable or privileged a man is, there is a deficiency in his life that only the help of God can deal with.

It is true that a man can be so blessed and comfortable that he doesn't realise his need for help; it is possible that a person is so rich that he thinks that he doesn't need help from anybody. If you are so wealthy that you feel you don't need God or anyone else, you have made a very costly assumption. It is like some developed nations that have made so much economic and infrastructural progress that they feel they do not need God and so they try all they can to remove God from their national system; that is walking the path of destruction.

You cannot be wealthier than Adam in the Garden; He was the only man who had the entire world to himself and, probably because of that, he also didn't know that he needed help until God Himself had to help him identify his need for help. It was actually God that identified Adam's need for help and gave him help; it was only after Adam received the help of God that he realised what he had been doing without all the while. Adam never knew he needed the bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh until God gave Eve to him but when he got her he felt complete (Gen 2: 25). This concept should not be limited to marriage; it is a general principle that there is a gap in every man's destiny, whether he is aware of it or not; and only the help of God can fill that gap.

You might even have been doing things on your own and feel you have been doing a good job of succeeding on your own but today I want to let you know that you have been missing a whole lot of good if you have been living without God’s help. Even the wealthy and influential need God; blessing and prosperity without God are a waste. Today, I want to help you identify the need in your life; it is the need for the help of God. Your life takes a better dimension when the help of God locates you and your eternity becomes assured. I declare that you have help from the Lord from today, in the name of Jesus.

* Ask that God will add more help to your blessings.
* Prophesy an unprecedented help upon your life and destiny with evidence from today.
* Pray that helplessness will never be your portion in life.

I declare them troubled that trouble my destiny today, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, August 28, 2015

The Need for Help I

Friday 28 August
READ: Gen 2: 18 – 20
MORE LESSON: Gen 1: 26 - 31

God created man in His image and likeness and gave him dominion over the fish of the sea, the fowls of the air, beasts in the field and over all the earth. Being in God's image is already great enough, but God didn't stop at that, He went ahead to bless man with the power to be fruitful, to multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it and dominate over all creation (Gen 1:26–31). Man is obviously in a highly privileged position among all of God's creation. However from the Scripture, we discover that as blessed and favoured as man was at creation, something was still missing in his life: despite the blessing, power and dominion, there was a need in man's life,
And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him: Gen 2:20.

From this scripture, we see that despite all the blessing bestowed on man at creation, there was a need in his life, and the need is help. When God finished the creation job in Gen. 1:30-31, He declared that everything was very good but later He took a look at man and said that it is not good for man to be alone (Gen 2: 18); he needs someone to be there to help him. So the only need in man as perfect and blessed as he was at creation was the need for help. So God decided to make him a help meet for him. The understanding of this scripture should not be narrowed down to only marriage; the point being made from this scripture is that as blessed as man was at creation, he needed help. This shows that even a blessed man has the need for help: every man needs help – and man, in our context, is not gender specific.

The source of help is God; it was God that created help for man in the garden. So no matter how comfortable or privileged a man appears to be, like Adam in the garden, he still needs the help of God. A man may be rich, educated and socially privileged so much that he doesn't know that he needs help but today I want to bring it to your notice that every man needs help; every man needs God. It is when you get God that He gives whatever form of help you need; for Adam God gave him help in form of Eve, for you it might be another form of help you need. Whatever help you need is in God and He will give it to you as you come to Him acknowledging your need of Him. You need the help of God for your life here on earth and for a secure eternity; come to Him today and receive help.

* Give God thanks for making help available for all creation.
* Ask God to connect your destiny with His help today.
* Pray that you will never run short of God’s help.

I celebrate the God of heaven, the one who rules and reigns in my life forever; ride on Jesus.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Exploits of Nehemiah

Thursday 27 August
READ: Neh. 2: 7 -8
MORE LESSON: Neh. 6: 15 -16

Nehemiah was a man who did exploits. When we talk of exploits, many people think it is only for men of war but Nehemiah is an example of a man who did exploits without being a warrior. He was a slave in the kingdom of Persia where he was a cupbearer to the king. However, he had a dream that an average slave will never even think about. A slave who had no money had a dream to rebuild his nation’s fence and reinforce it. You can imagine how much it will cost to build a fence around a whole city but Nehemiah conceived the thought. Great exploits always start with having a great thought in your mind. You cannot be greater than the greatness of you vision, so people who will do exploits must dream big. You never do any exploits until you have succeeded in the place of dreaming and planning big.

Another factor that helped Nehemiah to achieve great success was that he was passionate about what he wanted to achieve. Neh. 1: 3 -4 shows this; And they said unto me, The remnant that are left of the captivity there in the province are in great affliction and reproach: the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire. And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven. Brilliant success does not just come because you wish for it. The passion to achieve must apprehend you, reflected in your fasting, praying, speech and countenance. A man with a great dream must have a great passion for it or else his dream will ever remain a dream. Brilliant achievements do not come to idle people. Your quest for exploits must drive you to work hard. Laziness is incompatible with doing exploits. Nehemiah made up his mind that Jerusalem must be built again, he worked at it and he achieved it.

It was his passion that made way for his performance of exploits. In Neh. 2:1 – 4, we see that he was so passionate about his dream that the passion changed his countenance without being conscious of it. The king noticed the expression on his face and asked him what he wanted. He prayed to God for favour and God crowned his desires with success. It is by the favour of God that a man is crowned with brilliant achievements. God's favour through the king met with his passionate pursuit of his dream and it became a reality. As you go out today and for the rest of your life, God's favour will rest on your efforts to achieve your dreams and you will do great exploits, in Jesus’ name.

* Say to yourself, “ I shall dream big, and God will perform it”.
* Pray about every great idea on your inside to receive the power of performance.
* Rebuke every form of road block on the pathway of your success in life.
* Give God thanks for the promised greatness He has given all His children.

Holy Spirit of God, move into my life afresh and do new things with my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Favoured by the King

Wednesday 26 August
READ: Neh. 1: 1-9
MORE LESSON: Neh. 2: 1-8

Nehemiah was brought from Israel as a war captive and he became the cupbearer in the king's palace. He had a vision to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem but he personally didn't have the means to fulfill his heart desire for God's kingdom. Nevertheless, he decided that he would not be deterred by his financial limitation because of his lack of personal resources. He chose not to look at what he had but what God had to bring his aspiration to pass. So he fasted and prayed. One day Nehemiah took drinks to the king as he always did but the king, instead of facing his drinks and enjoying it, he looked at Nehemiah's face. The king noticed that he was not looking happy and then asked him why he was sad. It was an offence to be gloomy in the king's presence and he could have been punished by death. Because of God's favour on him, instead of the king punishing him for appearing sad in his presence, the king decided that he would do everything to remove the cause of his sadness and make him joyful. So the king asked Nehemiah what he wanted him to do for him. When God favours you, kings of the earth will favour you.

Then the king said unto me, For what dost thou make request? So I prayed to the God of heaven. Neh 2: 4. Even though Nehemiah prayed before he met the king, he prayed again when the king asked him what he wanted. It is only when God favours you that men can favour you. It was because God answered Nehemiah's prayer that the king granted all his requests ...And the king granted me, according to the good hand of my God upon me. Neh 2: 8 KJV.

When God favoured Nehemiah, the king granted his requests by providing all the materials needed to rebuild the walls destroyed by his own predecessors. Nehemiah went ahead to rebuild the walls as he aspired. This great feat was not achieved as a result of Nehemiah's burden alone but God’s favour which He granted him through the king. A slave became a man of achievement and he was even promoted to be the governor of the land through the King's favour.

Today is the day you will find favour with God and this favour will be expressed by men; kings and nobles, opening up their treasures to you in Jesus’ name. This did not just happen for Nehemiah worked assiduously for it by praying, weeping, mourning and fasting, his own way of showing great commitments and love for his Father’s land - Jerusalem. It was not in vain, God answered. Don't wait for favour like magic, do all that is needful spiritual and physical then wait and see the salvation of the Lord in a special way.

*Prophesy it upon your life that nothing will stand on your way to achieving great facts in destiny.
* Declare that like Nehemiah, you will not trust God in vain.

Father, I receive the force of righteousness to take over and rule my life right now, in Jesus’ name.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Good Success

READ: Josh 1: 7 - 8
MORE LESSON: Psa. 115: 13 - 15

When we talk about good success, it is absolute and complete success that God represents. God is an epitome of excellence and success and so everything He created is to be successful. You are created by God and you should have good success because you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139: 14). Good success is a character of God's kingdom. Salvation doesn't only mean to be free from sin, it also means freedom from all mentality that is not coherent with the mindset of the kingdom. Failure is not part of the kingdom lifestyle: you will find it difficult to successfully witness to people to accept Christ when your life does not have a symbol of success. As believers, we should make a success of our work, businesses, careers and academics, then, we will have a solid basis for telling the unbelievers to follow us to Church.

Good success has some characteristics. It is progressive and involves continuous addition. A successful man may start small but he doesn't remain small. The way water drops little by little until it becomes a mighty ocean, so does success accumulate till it becomes good success. Little success, a little more and a little more and you become great. Another characteristic of good success is that the continuous progress is made by means that are pleasing to God and approved by Him. This implies that a doctor, who performs abortion to accumulate money, even if he builds houses and buys cars through his abortion specialist practice, it is bad success. It is a bad success when you put charm in your shop to draw more customers; you may be making money, but the source is wrong.

God gives good success. The psalmist in Ps. 121 understood that his help was from nowhere but God and He had to lift up his face unto Him. God is never against good success for He expects His children to be successful and live in this reality (1 John 1:2). God spoke to Joshua and told him of what he needed to do so that he will be guaranteed good success. It is the Word of God that gives good success by renewing our mind and making us live by the principles of God. Therefore, good success comes when you receive the Word of God, allow it to change your thinking, start to live according to its principles and continue steadfastly in it. Good success is yours in Jesus’ name.

* Command the forces of success to begin to work for you.
* Lift a standard against the spirit of failure in all its ramifications.
* Invoke the spirit of excellence upon your destiny with evidences following by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus’ name.

Every force of sin, error and mistake that the accuser is using against my open door, be broken to pieces now, in the name of Jesus’.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Greater Works

Monday 24 August
READ: John 14: 10-14
MORE LESSON: Heb 11: 39 - 40

There is provision for greater achievements for us today than men of old ever had. If there is any great thing done by ancient men in the scriptures, there is opportunity for every man who is in Christ to do greater things. We know about the faith of Abraham; we have celebrated the exploits of Moses at the Red Sea and in the wilderness, we know about the conquests of Joshua and miracles of the prophets but none of these men are as great as Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God. Now Jesus Himself said, Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. John 14:12 NKJV. If Jesus, The Greatest, gives us room to do greater works than He did, then we automatically have provision to do greater works than all ancient men of renown.

As you study the Bible, you should do so with the consciousness that you have a greater opportunity for greatness today than the men of old. We are living in a privileged era- the era of the fulfillment of all the promises that God made to the fathers of faith. This is expressed in Heb 11: 13, 39 – 40; These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. . . and all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise. God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us. What they had were promises but we have the fulfillment which is Christ. It was recorded several times in the Bible that the Spirit of the Lord came upon men of old and they did exploits.

It was the Spirit of God that came upon Samson that gave him strength; it was the Spirit of God that came upon the prophets and they prophesied, it was the Spirit of God that visited Solomon and he became the wiset and richest man ever. That same Spirit of God doesn't just come upon you today but He is resident inside you. This is the reason Jesus said to you as His disciple, Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see; for I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see, and have not seen it, and to hear what you hear, and have not heard it. Luke 10:23-24 NKJV
You have the Spirit of Christ in you. You have the privilege to do the works of Christ and even do greater works. The hour has come for the manifestation of the sons of God; step out today and do unprecedented exploits.

* Ask Jesus to fulfil the promise of greater works through you today.
* Anoint yourself with oil and declare that the spirit of greater works will begin to function upon your life now.
* Ask for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon you.
Create time today to pray in tongues for an hour.

Every evil spiritual arrow targeted against my destiny and well-being be paralysed today, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Spirit of Exploits

Sunday 23 August
READ: Dan 11: 32
MORE LESSON: Jn. 14:12

Exploits are brilliant achievements. They are great successes that surpass what the ordinary man can do. God is a God of exploits and so He is interested in doing exploits for us. We are in the days of exploits; the era of fulfillment of prophecies. We are the generation that must declare the might of God by our brilliant achievements. If you are really interested in revealing God properly in this generation, you must not just reveal His righteousness, sanctity and holiness; you must reveal Him by the Spirit of power and exploits. We are in a result-oriented generation and as children of God, we must engage the power of God to deliver uncommon results in everyday life. It is those results that are called exploits. In Rom. 1: 4, the Bible says that Jesus was declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead. Jesus didn't claim to be the Son of God without backing His claims with exploits. He was holy but He went ahead to demonstrate power and rise from the dead. He was distinguished by those two exploits. As believers, we must back our faith claims with tangible exploits that the world will bow to.

Righteousness and holiness are actually seeds. When we live righteous and holy lives, we are planting seeds that should bring forth brilliant achievements. Righteousness brings exploits, success and results. Righteousness brings a man into friendship with the Almighty God and when you come in league with the Almighty, exploits become the order of the day for you. The righteousness of Enoch is what gave Him a name that everybody loves today; he walked with God and pleased God. He had an exploit that is rare in all generations; God took him away, he didn't die.

Elijah stood in God's presence and so pleased God that when it was time to die, God decided that he would not die and so he was translated to heaven in a chariot of fire. Exploits are the expected results of our righteous living. Moses and Joshua are also examples of people that lived right and did exploits. God put the spirit of exploits upon the lives of these great men and all the price they paid was righteousness. They lived their lives to please God and God decided that they would not go the way of mere men. They would be extraordinary. As you live righteously in this generation, I pray that you will also contact the spirit of exploit and you won't die small. Greatness in exploits is yours today in Jesus’ name.

* Command the anointing for an uncommon result upon your life.
* Prophesy against the spirit of smallness in life and destiny.
* Ask God to make you a symbol of righteousness and greatness like the great men of God of old.

Oh God, thou “Jehovah Jealousy” arise in Your jealousy and silence the enemies of my greatness, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Covenant of Peace II

Saturday 22 August 
READ: Num 25: 12 – 13
MORE LESSON: 2 Tim. 4: 2

Aaron was the first high priest of the nation of Israel. After Aaron, Eleazar his son became the high priest. Phinehas the son of Eleazar won the office of the high priest to himself and his generation by his zeal for God at the plains of Moab. The Lord gave him an everlasting covenant of peace. The following things can be leant from his story.

1. He saw something wrong, and did something about it. Many are not even observant enough to see things. You have to open your eyes, see things and learn. Some people have been in the house of God for long but are not observant to see how things are done much less know when they are not done correctly. Open your eyes, be observant, be a learner and be teachable so that when responsibility falls upon you, you will do valiantly.

2. Phinehas was a man of action: Many would have seen what he saw and did nothing, but he acted. Where is your zeal? It was zeal that brought him the covenant of peace.
3. He was battle ready: He didn't go home to start looking for a javelin, he was prepared. Preparation will win you the covenant of peace. It is not when they tell you to share the Word or lead prayer that you will start thinking of how to do it. Believers ought to be battle ready everyday-in fasting, prayer, study of the Word and evangelism. Be ever ready. God makes a covenant with men who are zealous and ready in and out of season (2 Tim 4: 2).

4. He was in the congregation: He was always around, some would have been absent on an occasion like that. It is someone who is available that can get the covenant of peace. It is also noteworthy that he was in the congregation and not even on the ministers' seats, but he went ahead to do exploits for God. Stop waiting for ordination before you give your best to the Lord. If everybody in church is ordained, who will be the members? Your home and workplace can be your pulpit where you pastor. You can preach to many on the street and in your parlour.

By the action of Phinehas, the anger of God was removed from the entire nation. The whole of Israel would have been destroyed but he rescued them. Your action can rescue a whole land and generation. He was zealous for God and avenged God. No wonder God by-passed millions of people and gave him a covenant of peace. It wasn't only him that benefitted from his action, even his unborn seed after him benefitted. What can you risk for God? What will you do for God; go today and serve Him with all your heart and a covenant of peace awaits you in all your ways.

* Ask God to remember your labours of old in the Kingdom and bless you speedily.
* Ask God for a divine visitation that can catapult you to global attention.

Holy Ghost, open my eyes to see anything that is standing as a barrier to my breakthrough, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Friday, August 21, 2015

The Covenant of Peace I

Friday 21 August
READ: Num 25: 6 - 13
MORE LESSON: Psa. 69: 9

There was a time in Israel when the anger of God burnt against them because they were engaged in immorality with the Moabite girls. Twenty four thousand people died and the congregation mourned and cried to God for mercy. Then a man who was even a leader in Israel came before the whole assembly and brought another girl and went in to start committing immorality with her. The man must have looked at Moses and proceeded into the tent with the girl, he must have thought to himself that the people could do nothing to him. He disrespected God, His servant and all the congregation of Israel. You have to be careful how you act in the presence of God and His servants. Some people are rude and disrespectful in the house of God and to ministers of God; even if God’s servants do not say anything, judgment will fall on the rude person.

Moses didn't even say anything but then a young man called Phinehas saw it and rose up, took a javelin in his hands and went after the Israelite in the tent. He thrust both the man and the harlot through with the javelin and the anger of God calmed down and the plague was stayed from the children of Israel, And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, hath turned my wrath away from the children of Israel, while he was zealous for my sake among them, that I consumed not the children of Israel in my jealousy. Wherefore say, Behold, I give unto him my covenant of peace: Num. 25:11.

God rewarded him with a covenant of peace for himself and his generation. God gave him a covenant of an everlasting priesthood. So by his zeal for God, Phinephas secured an exalted position for himself and his seed after him. Ordinarily, a covenant is an agreement between two parties based on conditions. All the people God made covenants with had conditions and requirements to meet. But for Phinehas, God didn't attach a condition, that is why it is a covenant of peace. He would enjoy it eternally without labour or strife. No one can contest with him for it and nothing can disqualify him for it. God gave it to him unconditionally.

How did Phinehas obtain this covenant of peace? He was zealous for God like the Psalmist that says, For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me: Psa. 69: 9. I want you to know that there are things you too can do for God that He would vow to bless you and your generation after you. It could be in any area of life- service, giving, holy living, commitment, evangelism, prayer e.t.c. Choose to excel and move the hand of God for good in an extraordinary way in your life.

* Pray for grace to do extra ordinary things for God.
* Ask God to make you an icon of eternal memorial in His Kingdom.
* Pray that you will be an example of holy living.

Arise God of battle and let the enemies of Your works in my life be scattered, in Jesus’ name.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

A Life without Lack

Thursday 20 August
READ: Psa. 23:1-6
MORE LESSON: Phil 4: 19

The Psalmist made a boast in the Lord that I want you to retain in your consciousness. He said, The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want: Psa. 23: 1. He was more or less beating his chest in confidence that because he had God as his provider, his provision was sure. How can a man have Elshaddai, the All-Sufficient One as his God and be living in lack? Lack is against the nature of God. Have you ever seen a poor son of a president before? Never. A father's position automatically puts the son to an advantaged position. God your Father has the highest position; today I want you to reject any position that is contrary to His. As a child of the King with vast resources you cannot continue to live with meagre means. I want you to reject lack in your thought, mind and consciousness. Reject it in the place of prayer.

Wealth is a position and poverty is a position. By your relationship with the Possessor of Heaven and earth, your position has changed. Poverty is a state of mind that leads to a state of being before it materialises in your physical environment. Wealth also is a consciousness that leads to a state of being that also materialises in your life and environment. It is that consciousness that the God is communicating to you in Psalm 23:2-3, He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Your well-being is linked to your confidence in your relationship with God. This is the secret of wealth; a confidence in your relationship with the wealthy God, which guarantees you a wealthy life.

God wants you to make progress from that state of poverty to the state of abundance. He has everything you need to make that progress. But he wants you to believe in Him and His ability to supply your needs. Some people believe that God can save them from their sin but they do not see Him as their source of financial sustenance, so whenever they have a need, their minds explore all alternatives except trust in God. Today, God is asking you to take your place as a son of a wealthy God. Trust God and not men; do not even put your trust in your salary and income even though it is God that gave you that job. Stay open for God to bless you in whatever way He chooses; don't always go around begging, borrowing and taking overdraft: talk to your Father and trust Him. He will come through for you. You have a wealthy Father, choose to rely on Him for supplies and blessing. As you put your trust in God for supplies, from today, you will live a life without lack.

* Pray the following scriptures into your destiny repeatedly - Psa. 23:1-6, Ezek. 34:14.
* Give thanks.

My Father and my God, send thick darkness into the pathway of any power challenging Your glory in my life, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hope for Change

Wednesday 19 August
READ: Job 14: 7 - 9
MORE LESSON: Job 14: 14

Job is a man that experienced difficulties like no other man in history. He was the richest man in the entire East who lost all his possessions, wealth, family and health in one day. He cascaded from the throne to the dunghill within hours. It was so bad that his wife felt there was no need for him to stay alive; therefore she told him to curse God and die because she felt he was better dead than alive the way he was (Job 2: 9 – 10). Everyone thought that the end had come for him and there was no hope or reason for him to live anymore. But then Job, in all the agony and misfortune, said something that every man in tribulation and difficulty should learn from. He said, If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come: Job 14:14. However bad you think your situation is, I want to boldly say that your situation is not as bad as Job's. But Job replied those that told him to kill himself that if he died there’s no hope anymore but as long as he was alive he had hope and he would wait for his change to come.

Job’s determination to wait for change means he believed there was time limit to his predicament. Beloved, there is time limit to your pain and affliction. There is a positive change that is on the way but you must learn to wait without losing hope until it happens.

There are three points I want to make from Job's statement in our text.
1. He believed that change was possible even when he was going through a situation that he did not understand. Whatever situation you find yourself today, know that change is possible. Your situation can change from bad to good and it can change from good to better. Positive change is possible; do not lose hope.

2. He said he would wait all the days of his appointed time. Don't ever give up until you get your desired result; even if it will take all your life, keep waiting. God never fails, keep waiting on Him.

3. He described a course of action until his change comes. In other words, he was saying, 'It is only waiting I can do now and I'll keep doing it till my change comes'. What can you keep doing till you get result? For you, waiting will not mean to sit and fold your arms, cry or complain. There are scriptural steps you can take while you wait; keep doing what you can while you trust God for your change to come. 
I declare today that you will experience the great change that will take you to your Promised Land, in Jesus’ name.

* Tell God you believe in His power to change all negative situations in your life.
* Tell God you will never give up your confidence in His promises.
* Give thanks to God for His promises that can never fail.

The Lord shall arise and favour me today, for the appointed time of my goodness is now, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Hope for Change

Wednesday 19 August
READ: Job 14: 7 - 9
MORE LESSON: Job 14: 14

Job is a man that experienced difficulties like no other man in history. He was the richest man in the entire East who lost all his possessions, wealth, family and health in one day. He cascaded from the throne to the dunghill within hours. It was so bad that his wife felt there was no need for him to stay alive; therefore she told him to curse God and die because she felt he was better dead than alive the way he was (Job 2: 9 – 10). Everyone thought that the end had come for him and there was no hope or reason for him to live anymore. But then Job, in all the agony and misfortune, said something that every man in tribulation and difficulty should learn from. He said, If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come: Job 14:14. However bad you think your situation is, I want to boldly say that your situation is not as bad as Job's. But Job replied those that told him to kill himself that if he died there’s no hope anymore but as long as he was alive he had hope and he would wait for his change to come.

Job’s determination to wait for change means he believed there was time limit to his predicament. Beloved, there is time limit to your pain and affliction. There is a positive change that is on the way but you must learn to wait without losing hope until it happens.

There are three points I want to make from Job's statement in our text.
1. He believed that change was possible even when he was going through a situation that he did not understand. Whatever situation you find yourself today, know that change is possible. Your situation can change from bad to good and it can change from good to better. Positive change is possible; do not lose hope.

2. He said he would wait all the days of his appointed time. Don't ever give up until you get your desired result; even if it will take all your life, keep waiting. God never fails, keep waiting on Him.

3. He described a course of action until his change comes. In other words, he was saying, 'It is only waiting I can do now and I'll keep doing it till my change comes'. What can you keep doing till you get result? For you, waiting will not mean to sit and fold your arms, cry or complain. There are scriptural steps you can take while you wait; keep doing what you can while you trust God for your change to come. 
I declare today that you will experience the great change that will take you to your Promised Land, in Jesus’ name.

* Tell God you believe in His power to change all negative situations in your life.
* Tell God you will never give up your confidence in His promises.
* Give thanks to God for His promises that can never fail.

The Lord shall arise and favour me today, for the appointed time of my goodness is now, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Move Forward

Tuesday 18 August
READ: Deut 1: 6 - 8
MORE LESSON: Exo. 14: 15 - 16

God wants you to move forward in every aspect of your life. In Deut 1:6, God spoke to the children of Israel, You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Break camp and advance into the hill country of the Amorites . . . See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land that the Lord swore he would give to your fathers — to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob — and to their descendants after them: Deut 1: 6 – 8 (NIV).

The children of Israel were moving in circles around Mount Horeb, then God rebuked them and told them to advance to the land of their inheritance. Even though Horeb was the Mountain of God, a place of encounter, God was not satisfied with them camping around that spiritual encounter, He wanted them to go for more. I don't know what you have but I want to tell you that God is not interested in you remaining at that level; there is more. God actually hates stagnancy; He is not pleased when He sees you labouring and sweating on the same spot. Stagnancy is against God's will; it contravenes His order.

Believers make much ado about sin, and we condemn it passionately. This is good; but I want you to know that sin is not limited to adultery and fornication. Sin is anything that is against the Word of God. Stagnancy is against God's will so you should resist stagnancy with the same fervency with which you resist sin and satan in your life. I want you to be determined in your spirit that you will move forward. Stagnancy is contrary to the Word of God, fight it, refuse it and break out of it.

If a man is stagnant, people who are behind him will overtake him and leave him behind. This is why it is important for God's children to know that they have to move forward in their career, academics, business, finance, society and every aspect of life. The Preacher in Eccl 10: 5 – 7 says, There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as an error which proceedeth from the ruler . . . I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth. When the children of God refuse to move forward they allow the devil's children to occupy the places of dominion and use it against the kingdom of God. So your stagnancy is not just against yourself; it insults God and works against the Kingdom.

You have stayed at the same point, doing the same thing for too long. Move! In your spiritual life, move forward, in your business move forward, get a higher certificate, start a new project, do something new. Today, I command you in Jesus’ name, Move forward.

* Pray with the following scriptures: Psa. 71:21, Isa. 60:1, Job 8:7, Job 42:12.

Father, in 2015 I shall be an instrument for great exploit in Your Kingdom, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Secrets of Answer to Prayer

Monday 17 August
READ: John 15:1-8
MORE LESSON: Lev. 26:1-3

The joy of praying is in receiving answers. When you pray and receive answer to your prayer, your joy is full. In today's Bible passage, Jesus presented some fundamental principles that could make you enter unlimited opportunity to be joyful always. He told His disciples, If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you (vs.7). This statement connotes that there is a level of relationship you can enter into with Jesus such that any time you make a request, whatever your request is, God will do it for you.

What is this level of relationship? It is when you abide (that is, to live or stay) in Jesus and Jesus' words abide in you. The relationship is all about the Word; Jesus is the Word made manifest in the flesh. To abide in Jesus therefore is to abide in the Word. The Lord told Joshua: Let this book of the law not depart from your mouth...therein you will have good success: Josh. 1:8. The man who will ask whatever he desires and get answer must be deeply rich in the Word of God. Apostle Paul wrote to the Colossian brethren: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord: Col.3:16. When you stay deeply rooted in the Word of God, you become a “god”, a son of the Most High (Psalm 82:6). The requests and desires of gods are never turned down. There are Heavenly Hosts whose responsibilities are to carry out the demands of God. No wonder, Joshua asked the sun and the moon to stand still for the season he was fighting war, and God did it as he commanded (Joshua 10: 12-13).

What does it take to stay in God's Word? Know it, memorize it, daily desire the sincere milk of God's Word and believe it as God's final instruction. Be passionate about God Word make it part of you on a daily basis. Let it become the compass of your life. The more of this you do, the more the power of God is created in you so much so that you can make a request and the spiritual hosts of the army of the Lord will rise and not fail.

* Lord, help me to abide in You as my Vine Dresser.
* I receive grace to know and practise the Word of God and to teach others to do it.

In the name of Jesus, I release the force of uncommon help to characterise the remaining months of 2015.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Life-changing Encounter

Sunday 16 August
READ: Mark 5:1-20
MORE LESSON: Lk.8:41-46

The story in our text today gives a clear illustration of what a life in darkness experiences. The man of Gadarenes was living in the graveyard because of the evil spirits tormenting him. This man had his dwelling in a place where normally men would never stay to relax or much more live there. This is the destruction Satan brings into men's lives; he makes them abnormal and inordinate. If before then this man had a family (relations, a wife and children), I guess that because of what happened to him all his loved ones had left him. No one wanted to be identified with a mad man. Maybe when the family tried all they could to make him normal and it did not work, they had to let him go. Satan then took this man to the lowest level of being dead while still living, as the man made his home with the dead in a graveyard.
The evil spirits humiliated the man to the point that he was always crying and cutting himself with stones, yet there was no help for him to get out of bondage until the day Jesus came into that country. Because the man was so desperate for a release, contrary to the evil spirits in him, he ran to worship Jesus and that was the end of the madness that no one could tame or heal. …For this purpose the Son of God manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil: I Jn.3:8.
This man had a life-changing encounter with the Master of the universe and the reverse of darkness manifested to him. Light came in and darkness had to leave. And they come to Jesus and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind and they were afraid:Mark 5:15. The madness made the man restless and uncoordinated. But when light came in, he could sit down and experienced rest. He was naked and dirty before, then light came in and he became clothed. He lost his senses before but when he had an encounter with Jesus, his life changed; He became normal and all his senses were restored.
Jesus will give you rest from every form of restlessness from within to outside, amen. Yours may not be as bad as the mad man of Gadarenes but you get so restless and unsettled; unsure of tomorrow. Jesus will give you rest! Just surrender your life to Him as the mad man did by running to Jesus and you will enter rest.

* Jesus, You are the life-changer; come into my life and turn my night into day.
* I terminate every activity of Satan and his agents in my life by the power of Jesus Christ.
* Today, I enter into full rest from every torment of the enemy, in Jesus’ name.
Father, I overturn today, in its entirety every satanic decision and plot against the rest of my year, in Jesus’ mighty name

Caution for the Last Days II

Saturday 15 August
READ: I Cor. 7: 29-31
MORE LESSON: Eph.5:10 -20

One of the things that make men of a particular generation to avoid the pitfalls of their generation is caution such as was exhibited by Job (Job 31:1-3). He was so conscious of his godly heritage and status that he made covenants over what he would never do with members of his body in order to avoid sin against God. No wonder God boasted about him (Job 1:8).
Caution must be exercised to avoid unholy festivities. Eating and drinking on its own is not sinful but when it leads to revelry and drunkenness then it is sinful and attracts judgement (Matt.24:49). Christians should even get to the point where organizing parties with no eternal purpose attached should not be encourgaed. Whether therefore you eat or drink or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God: I Cor.10:31. The Bible says that even in eating and drinking or gathering men for celebrations, God's glory must be the aim. If it will not glorify God, shove it aside even if the society calls for it. Honour God more than societal expectations. As we expect the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus, believers should use their parties as evangelistic tools which will bring great benefits to the Kingdom and self- fulfilment to the believer.
Another caution to take about the last days is to consciously avoid abnormalities and inordinate tendencies in every area of life. Abnormalities have existed since the days the fallen angels came into the earth and had intercourse with humans (Gen.6:1-4) and produced abnormal humans called giants. Even today Satan still continues to move men to do abnormal things. This is not just in sexual practices but also in attitudes and character traits. Demonic interactions with men when allowed leads to unforgiveness, bitterness, revenge and hatred. Such interactions also drags men into deceptions, little lies and little foxes which spoil their Christian testimony.
There must be a conscious effort to tell Satan to get behind you, when he comes with his vicious conversations that lead to abnormal behaviours. Some people have listened to such and have become vessels in Satan's hand to divide God's people by evil rumours, slander and gossip. Refuse such relationships in your life; learn to bind those demons and send them to the abyss where they belong. Looking diligently, lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled: Heb.12:15. Be indeed diligent and careful so that at the end of your race here on earth, you might see the Lord!

* Holy Spirit, help me to seek God's glory in all that I do today and always.
* I close all the gates of my life to every demonic interference, in Jesus’ name.
* Satan will not use me in any way to destroy God's Kingdom or divide God's people, in Jesus’ name.

Jesus, the name above every name, rise above every name opposing Your glory in my destiny, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Caution for the Last Days I

Friday 14 August
READ: Matt.24:36-41

The days that will usher in the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ have been compared to the days of Noah. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be: Matt.24:38-39. We must all take precautions to avoid being caught unawares and consequently miss the rapture. The passage clearly shows that legitimate issues such as marriage, eating and drinking can so much occupy men at the expense of making heaven. How can this happen? Marriage for example is instituted of God as a legitimate, correct process but it is being made illegitimate by people in these last days. Marriage perversions are gradually creeping in and taking over nations. In some societies today, children are growing up to encounter situations that make them think it is correct to have two men or two women as parents, contrary to what God instituted (Gen.2:22-25; Rom.1:26-27).

If the floods of these end times will not sweep you away, then you must consciously guard against perversions of all forms from taking over your life, home and family. Some of these marital perversions are entering our homes through latest home videos and movies. Parents must guard against their children being gradually indoctrinated into various perversions by the media of the day. We must teach our children what God's Word says and cry against the vile glamour of the perversions being portrayed as fashionable and acceptable.

Another evil that is gradually creeping in is that of violence (Gen.4:23). The issue of violence (physical or verbal) must be strongly prayed and spoken against because some people are already coming to the conclusion that if they cannot have things peacefully and legally then they should use violence to take them by force. Such people forget or are ignorant of the saying that, “He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword” (Matt.26:52). There are better ways of expression both within and outside the home. Christians must give good examples to the world by handling matters the Bible way and not violently. Husbands must never lift their hands against their wives; correction and discipline of children must be done moderately and not to inflict wounds. Above all, the way out of domestic or external forms of violence is to lead members of the family, friends in the neighborhood and others to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

* I receive grace to be careful and watchful in order to escape destruction as Noah did in his generation, in Jesus’ name.
* I rebuke the spirit of all forms of perversion in my life, home and family.
* The Word of God will without compromise continue to be my standard for living, in Jesus name.

I overthrow every power contending with the grace of God upon my life and I prevail in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Not done with Me

Thursday 13 August
READ: Mk. 7:24-30
MORE LESSON: Phil. 3:10-14

As I write this moment, I hear Heaven declare loudly like with a thousand voices, God is not done with you yet! To the rich, the intelligent, the most influential, popular and great, I say, God is not yet done with you. There is room for more. Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect…. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize... Phil. 3:12-14. God has more than He has given you and He wants to give you more; He wants to take you further, so press on towards more. Don't stop at the “little” because God has greater, better and higher plans for you.

To the poor, defeated, delayed and depressed, today I hear God saying, God is not done with you yet! He has a plan for your lifting, breakthrough, restoration and prosperity. God is still at work; He is still giving children, marriage partners, healing, wealth, jobs, career success and breakthroughs. God didn't stop the work of creation until He finished. He is still at work on your matter and will not stop until He finishes. He has not yet gone to rest, and He will not until He is through with your case.

So, like Paul, press on until you reach the prize mark. Don't give up on yourself; quitters don't win, winners don't quit. If you don't stop, God won't stop. Press on like the Syrophoenician woman in our text; be deaf to all negative comments about your situation. Just refuse to give up your faith, hope and confidence in God, even if it’s an angel that said what discouraged you. Stay glued to the God who says, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth: Matt. 7:7-8.

Today, you may be down but tomorrow is still a credit! Just never say 'never', for God will never give up on him who refuses to give up on himself. Tell your enemies, For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief: Prov. 24:16. You will rise and your light will shine again. Glory days are here again! Friend, just stay righteous and hold on to God without despair, pressing on in prayer and faith and God will do it again.

* Lift up your hands and proclaim that this year will not pass by without your answer.
* Ask that the Host of Heaven will take over your fight this year and give you victory.
* Find out any abandoned project/prayer requests in your life and prayerfully go back to them and shortly success will come.
* You can also tie a vow to the requests this time just like Hannah did.

Father, train my hands to war and my fingers to fight, and let the bows of iron be broken by my hands this year, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Keep the Gates Closed

Wednesday 12 August
READ: Psa. 15:1-5
MORE LESSON: Prov. 4:23-27

In most Nigerian cities, many houses are fortified with strong iron gates and fences. Solomon, the wise king, counsels, Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life: Prov. 4:23. Our Lord Jesus further warns, For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murder, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: Matt. 15:19. Also, David in our text examined the root cause of the disqualification of many from the presence of God. He then provided a list of attitudes, habits and practices that qualify one to be in the presence of God. Uprightness, righteousness and truth in the heart, among others, are the top requirements for remaining in God's presence.

When a heart is porous, vices like backbiting, evil imagination, judgmental reproach of brethren and pride will dominate the character. However, a submissive, sanctified and consecrated life always seeks to keep the gates of his or her heart closed to rampaging habits and ways of life that dominate the present world.

Do you want to ascend to God's holy hill? Then keep your hearts with all diligence and close the gates to all influences of sin. These are important ingredients of revival in a world that is daily seeking to enroll thousands into hell. You must work out your salvation with trembling and contend earnestly for your faith (Jude 1:3). Mind your environment and company because many things going on around you are not good for your faith. Deny the devil access to your thoughts and actions and watch your life carefully to ensure that the enemy does not infiltrate it. Keep the gates closed.

* Invite God to come and regain firm control of your heart today and always.
* Pray against every negative influence from the sinful environment.
* Handover your heart to the Holy Spirit for an unbreakable contact and strength.

Lion of the tribe of Judah, I turn over all my battles to You; do not keep quiet, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

You Must be Born Again

Tuesday 11 August
READ: John 3: 1-18
MORE LESSON: John 1: 12-13

Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? John 3:4. Not so many people are born again nor know what it means to be born again. “Born again” is not just a spiritual jagon, but refers to new birth by the Spirit and the Word of God. It is becoming a new creature in Christ Jesus. This can only be attained when we recognize that we were all born as sinners, For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Rom. 3:23. It implies that until we consciously confess Jesus as our personal Saviour and repent of our sins, we are not yet born again.

Jesus said, Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again: Jn.3:7 It was Nicodemus who asked the first question Jesus was addressing here but it applies to everyone who fits into his class. He was the Hebrew equivalent of a college professor, a federal judge, and a bishop; all in-one. However, because he was born in sin, he needed a second birth – a spiritual birth. He needed to change the focus of his faith from religion to Jesus: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. Only Jesus Christ can provide forgiveness and eternal life. Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:...but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.

But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification. For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous: Rom. 5:12-19.

If Nicodemus, the best that religion could produce, needed to be born again, then Jesus’ Word certainly applies to all of us. How can we know when we and others are saved? It is when our second birth is accompanied by a changed life (II Cor. 5:17), when we begin to live a holy life (Rom.6:4-11), when we practise righteousness (1 John 2: 29) when we are able to love others as Christ loves us (1 John 3: 10), and daily live a victorious life (1John 5:4). All these are made possible by the indwelling Spirit of God in the believer. Dearly beloved, have you been born again? You need to be!

* I reject the spirit of religion, and receive the Spirit of adoption through the Lord Jesus.
* I apply the blood of Jesus to my soul and heart today, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive the forgiveness of sin through our Lord Jesus Christ; I am born again.

Today, I command every inherited disease, known and unknown to me, operating under any guise to get out of my life now, in Jesus’ name.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Honour for Honour

Monday 10 August
READ: Matt.15:4-9
MORE LESSON: Eph.6:2-3

A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the LORD of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise my name. And ye say, Wherein have we despised thy name? Mal.1:6. One of the greatest sins a man can commit against God is despising His name. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain: Exo. 20:7.
God wants the work of His hand to honour Him because He is worthy, and when we do so God has a booty for us. So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine: Prov. 3:9.

Moreover, it is not only the LORD the believer should honour. There are so many other relationships that require honour. These include our relationship with:
1. Christ – That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him: John 5:23. 
2. Parents – Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;): Eph. 6:2.
3. Aged – Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren; Honour widows that are widows indeed: 1Tim 5:1,3.

4. Church officials – Yet I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother, and companion in labour, and fellowsoldier, but your messenger, and he that ministered to my wants. Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness; and hold such in reputation:: Phil. 2:25,29
5. Other persons – Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another: Rom. 12:10
6. Priests and pastors – Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.: 1 Tim. 5:17
7. Wives – Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered: 1 Pt. 3:7.

8. Fathers –Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother: Lk. 18:20.
9. Mothers – Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: Matt 19:19.
10. Kings and rulers – Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king: 1Peter 2:17.
11. Widows indeed – Honour widows that are widows indeed: 1 Tim 5:3.

Dearly beloved, honour begat honour. When you begin to honour God and man, you also begin to receive honour from both God and man.

* I receive the spirit of humility to honour all people always, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Father, help me to honour You by the way I live my life, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* I receive the grace to work in honour as I honour others, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I command the foundation of every affliction over my destiny to collapse today, in Jesus’ name.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

When your Friend says ‘No’

Sunday 9 August
READ: Luke 11:5-10
MORE LESSON: Luke 18:1-7

There are three lessons to learn about relationships from the Scripture reading today.

1. Getting answers to requests from dear friends may not be instant. Although true friends are not known to refuse to grant one another's requests in very difficult circumstances, the passage reveals that there could be times when dear friends could be at crossroads in attending to needs. Which of you shall have a friend, and go to him at midnight and say to him, 'Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine has come to me on his journey, and I have nothing to set before him'; and he will answer from within and say, 'Do not trouble me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give to you'? (vs. 5-11). Let it be registered in your heart this day that there could be times in your life that dear friends may neither come out to see you nor even refuse to open their doors to let you in. When such happens, you must manage the situation with wisdom. At such times some people may easily get discouraged and go away angrily to tell others nasty stories about their friends. Others may react by destroying the relationship or plan vengeance against their friend.

2. This passage shows us the way to get as much as you want from a friend who is reluctant to grant you your request. Sometimes you carry other people’s burdens in the way the friend in this passage did in order to meet the need of a friend to his friend who visited at an odd hour. The desire to meet his friend’s need, moved him to go to another friend who answered from within, and gave excuses. What do you do when you are humiliated for a good deed you sought to do for someone? Do you give it up or refrain from doing the good? What extent can you go in pursuing other people's needs even when you are being insulted?

3. When this friend was refused his request at first instance, he did not give up. He did not consider his friend's remark as insolence; he stood there knocking and pleading. Jesus thereafter remarked: Though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs: Luke 11:8.

When you persist on your request, you will get as much as you need. Whatever you may not get based on relationships is made very possible when you persist. Know for sure that the toughest of men will give in to your request in the face of persistence. This was the message Jesus passed across in Luke 18:1-5. Next time someone says, ‘no’ to your critical request, don't be perturbed, rude, frustrated, or compromise; only be persistent in righteousness. As Jesus admonished in Lk. 11:9-10, I also say to you, Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

* Lord, help me to persist in righteousness until my answer comes.
* Father, help me to be a true friend who stands for others in their critical hour of need.

This month, every power in custody of my original glory and every thief of glory shall surrender them by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

You can be Forgiven Now!

Saturday 8 August
READ: Rom. 3:9-28
MORE LESSON: John 3:16-18

And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance: Lk. 5:31-32. This verse is good news for sinners. God has not withdrawn His offer of forgiveness for sin. However, many people who are still living in sin don't seem to see themselves in need of salvation.

This is evident when you hear people say: 
-My good deeds outweigh the bad ones.
- I'm not as bad as some people.
- Usually, I'm a good person.

What such comments imply is that their shortcomings don't jeopardize their standing before the Almighty God.

Imagine a person was brought to trial for several charges of stealing and he appealed to the judge by saying: “Don't forget, my good deeds outweigh my bad ones. I am not as bad as many others”. It is sure the offender will be judged according to the offence, not according to previous good deeds. If justice must be done, someone must pay, and that should be the offender unless another person is allowed to bear the penalty instead. That is exactly what Jesus’ love did for sinners, which we all are For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God: Rom. 3:23.

Don't let false reasoning keep you from the one who died and rose again for you. He is waiting for you to admit your need for salvation and ask for pardon. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness: 1John 1:8-9.

Beloved, God will forgive you right now as you bow your heart and ask Him for forgiveness. You can pray like this; “Lord Jesus, I ask for pardon today. Please forgive my many sins; I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Make me Your own, write my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life and give me the joy of salvation now, in Jesus’ mighty name, I pray”.

* Father, forgive my sinful life-style, in Jesus’ name.
* Today, I receive the grace of God to obey Him in all things.
* Lord Jesus, wash me, clean me and live in me.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I declare that I shall not lose my inheritance in destiny and another man will not take my place.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Isaac's Success Key II

Friday 7 August
READ: Gen. 26:12
MORE LESSON: Ruth 1:1-5

Yesterday, we emphasized that investing in productive ventures is a major secret of prosperity. It is not impossible that some persons may have tried investing in one venture or the other and there was nothing to show for it. For such persons, just asking them to invest may never appeal to them. They may want to know one or two more secrets of Isaac’s success and why they have failed. The following points from today’s Scripture passage contributed largely to Isaac’s success.

1) Isaac received word from the LORD about the place he invested in. God specifically instructed Isaac to stay in Gerar and promised to bless him. (vs 2 and 3). There was famine in the land of Canaan, occasioned by drought. The right thing for a herdsman to do was to migrate to where there could be water for his animal, and Egypt where you have the delta of the River Nile was the nearest. While Isaac was contemplating going over to Egypt, he sought God's face. God then instructed him to stay in Gerar and promised to bless him. Isaac did not only hear God, he obeyed and terminated his match toward Egypt. Some people plunge themselves into businesses without seeking the face of God on where to start it. They base their judgement (their feasibility studies) largely on certain permutations and combinations induced by human wisdom. As promising as that may be, you still need to seek the LORD's face and hear from him.

(2) Isaac took his time to settle in Gerar before he began to invest. Though how long it took him was not stated in the passage, there was obviously a period of time between when he began to sow and when he received a hundred fold increase. What transpired within this period? Isaac subdued the powers of the land and put them under his control. The highest authority in the land put a restraining order that anyone who touches him or his family shall die (vs 11). At that point, no power in the land could stop him, then Isaac sowed in the land and prospered (v12).

Some people have invested hug resources in a land they have not subdued spiritually and others entered territories they had not subdued on their knees to start ministry. Therefore, they have very little to show for their labour because the negative forces in the land will not let them prosper. Your venture in that location is not thriving not because the location is not the best for it but because there are forces which a higher authority must put under check on your behalf. The Philistines would have killed Isaac if the King had not put a restraining order on him. Arise in prayer and fasting! Also go to your Church Pastor or any other genuine spiritual father in the land. A word of prayer from that leader may be all you need. Like Isaac, begin the investment, continue and, become very prosperous, in Jesus’ name.

* Lord, please speak to me as I wait upon You for instruction over what to invest in.
* I renounce every human permutation that makes me rush into ventures without hearing from You.
* Lord, put a restraining order over the forces of my land that I may prosper abundantly therein.

In the name of Jesus, what belongs to me will reach me this month and I shall celebrate.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Isaac's Success Key I

Thursday 6 August
READ: Gen. 26:1-25
MORE LESSON: Prov.22:29

The Bible passage today tells the story of a man who began to prosper, continued prospering until he became very prosperous, so much so that his enemies envied him. How did he begin? What did he do to grow and sustain his prosperity? The story about Isaac's prosperity is very often used by preachers to take offerings and tithes in Church. While it may not be out of context to use the passage to encourage believers to sow into Kingdom work, we must also come to terms with what Isaac really did to enter unlimited prosperity. Isaac actually invested his time, labour and material resources in a productive venture. Then Isaac sowed (planted) in that land, and received in the same year a hundredfold: and the LORD blessed him: Gen.26:12.

One of the fundamental secrets of financial and material prosperity is being involved in productive ventures. The man who produces what others consume will always increase financially. You must stop being a consumer only; get engaged in providing goods and services. You must immediately get involved in producing goods or providing services that others can come to you for.

There was famine in the land. The Philistines who were the original dwellers were idling away, while a stranger came and re-opened all the wells his father Abraham once dug around the territory to irrigate his crops and water his animals. I guess he was producing fruits and vegetables which an average Canaanite was longing for. In a short while, Isaac took over the market and there was no need for importation of fruits and vegetable from Egypt to Gerar. The buyers were the same Philistines because they loved to eat such.

Friend, what are the things your community cannot do without? These are the things to sow in the land. Even if others are already doing it, join them to produce more. For example, the market for sachet and bottle water can never be saturated because people must drink water. Eateries can never be too many in a city that has a working class population. Only be more innovative, and the customers will switch over to you. Isaac did not give in to the jealousy, intimidation and harassment of the indigenes who engaged in an unhealthy competition with him over the wells he dug nor did he pack up the business. He simply relocated each time the competitors came to harass him, and soon, he wearied them. So, the man began to prosper, continued herein until he became very prosperous. Do you want to enter into prosperity? Start investing your time and resource into productive ventures.

* Lord, inspire in me the resourceful spirit that will enable me to always meet the needs of others. 
* Ask the LORD to lead you into a productive venture that you can invest in from today,

Father cause me to have an encounter with your glory and may this month befilled with evidence, in Jesus’ name.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Discipline of God

Wednesday 5 August
READ: Heb. 12:5-11
MORE LESSON: Prov.29:15

As a young man in Secondary school, I never liked to hear the word “discipline” because it was most often used when you are to undergo punishment for an offence. At that time, discipline meant receiving strokes of the cane on your buttocks, or kneeling down with hands in the air for a period, or cutting grass. At home, it was also punishment; you were deprived dinner or made to kneel down or stay inside the house while your mates played outside.

When I first read the Scripture passage of today some years ago, I was not comfortable because of my concept of discipline. How can it be that the one God loves He chastises (discipline)? We are punished, whether at school or home, because we are seen as “bad” boys/girls or stubborn children. Those who discipline us are never our friends, and we run away from them because we think they don't love us. If God will also punish me, why should I endure it and see Him as my Father? But with maturity and better understanding, I have come to appreciate this scripture and what our parents, elders and teachers were doing to us when I was in school. I have come to understand that discipline is actually meant to make you conform to set patterns that will make your life orderly and meaningful.

The rod is applied to drive away the “foolishness” that abound in the heart of a child (Prov.22:15). Discipline is meant to inculcate behavioural patterns that will make you a better person to yourself, society and humanity in general. I have also come to know that those who discipline us actually want the best in us to come to limelight. They do so because they believe in us and truly love us. Those who are robbers, vandals and perpetuating violence on our streets today were either not disciplined (corrected, chastised) when they were young, tender and malleable, or they did not take to discipline.

God's chastisement is much more encompassing in accomplishment. Today’s Bible passage tells us why God chastises His children. Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in His holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but later on it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it (Heb 12:10 -11 NIV). Note the following benefits of discipline and remember them for life:

1) God's chastisement makes you share in His holiness. 
2) It is a training that will produce a harvest of righteousness and peace for you. Will you still resist chastisement today?

* Lord, please forgive me of hating those who disciplined me in time past; bless them and their children wherever they are today.
* Lord, do not hold back Your discipline and help me to respond appropriately.

Father, in your mercy, use my life to advertise your glory this year, in the mighty name of Jesus.