Friday 28 August
READ: Gen 2: 18 – 20
MORE LESSON: Gen 1: 26 - 31
God created man in His image and likeness and gave him dominion over the fish of the sea, the fowls of the air, beasts in the field and over all the earth. Being in God's image is already great enough, but God didn't stop at that, He went ahead to bless man with the power to be fruitful, to multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it and dominate over all creation (Gen 1:26–31). Man is obviously in a highly privileged position among all of God's creation. However from the Scripture, we discover that as blessed and favoured as man was at creation, something was still missing in his life: despite the blessing, power and dominion, there was a need in man's life,
And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him: Gen 2:20.
From this scripture, we see that despite all the blessing bestowed on man at creation, there was a need in his life, and the need is help. When God finished the creation job in Gen. 1:30-31, He declared that everything was very good but later He took a look at man and said that it is not good for man to be alone (Gen 2: 18); he needs someone to be there to help him. So the only need in man as perfect and blessed as he was at creation was the need for help. So God decided to make him a help meet for him. The understanding of this scripture should not be narrowed down to only marriage; the point being made from this scripture is that as blessed as man was at creation, he needed help. This shows that even a blessed man has the need for help: every man needs help – and man, in our context, is not gender specific.
The source of help is God; it was God that created help for man in the garden. So no matter how comfortable or privileged a man appears to be, like Adam in the garden, he still needs the help of God. A man may be rich, educated and socially privileged so much that he doesn't know that he needs help but today I want to bring it to your notice that every man needs help; every man needs God. It is when you get God that He gives whatever form of help you need; for Adam God gave him help in form of Eve, for you it might be another form of help you need. Whatever help you need is in God and He will give it to you as you come to Him acknowledging your need of Him. You need the help of God for your life here on earth and for a secure eternity; come to Him today and receive help.
* Give God thanks for making help available for all creation.
* Ask God to connect your destiny with His help today.
* Pray that you will never run short of God’s help.
I celebrate the God of heaven, the one who rules and reigns in my life forever; ride on Jesus.
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