Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Need for Help II

Saturday 29 August
READ: Gen 2: 18 - 25
MORE LESSON: Heb 4: 16

We saw yesterday that though man was blessed and perfectly created in God's image, he still needed help. So a man's blessing is not complete until it leaves a window of help for him. The mandate for fruitfulness, dominion and productivity that God gave man at creation is impossible in the absence of help; by implication God created man to need help. This means that no matter how blessed, strong, comfortable or privileged a man is, there is a deficiency in his life that only the help of God can deal with.

It is true that a man can be so blessed and comfortable that he doesn't realise his need for help; it is possible that a person is so rich that he thinks that he doesn't need help from anybody. If you are so wealthy that you feel you don't need God or anyone else, you have made a very costly assumption. It is like some developed nations that have made so much economic and infrastructural progress that they feel they do not need God and so they try all they can to remove God from their national system; that is walking the path of destruction.

You cannot be wealthier than Adam in the Garden; He was the only man who had the entire world to himself and, probably because of that, he also didn't know that he needed help until God Himself had to help him identify his need for help. It was actually God that identified Adam's need for help and gave him help; it was only after Adam received the help of God that he realised what he had been doing without all the while. Adam never knew he needed the bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh until God gave Eve to him but when he got her he felt complete (Gen 2: 25). This concept should not be limited to marriage; it is a general principle that there is a gap in every man's destiny, whether he is aware of it or not; and only the help of God can fill that gap.

You might even have been doing things on your own and feel you have been doing a good job of succeeding on your own but today I want to let you know that you have been missing a whole lot of good if you have been living without God’s help. Even the wealthy and influential need God; blessing and prosperity without God are a waste. Today, I want to help you identify the need in your life; it is the need for the help of God. Your life takes a better dimension when the help of God locates you and your eternity becomes assured. I declare that you have help from the Lord from today, in the name of Jesus.

* Ask that God will add more help to your blessings.
* Prophesy an unprecedented help upon your life and destiny with evidence from today.
* Pray that helplessness will never be your portion in life.

I declare them troubled that trouble my destiny today, in the name of Jesus.


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