Wednesday 30 November
READ: Lk. 17:32
MORE LESSON: Gen. 19: 24-26
You must be careful what or who you get attached to. Guard your feelings, emotions and desires. Any emotional attachment that is contrary to the will of God is dangerous and should be avoided. People have destroyed their destinies due to emotional attachment to wrong things or people. The whole issue of sexual immorality and all the accompanying evil is linked to wrong emotional attachment. A person commits immorality with another for a few minutes and carries sexually transmitted disease for the rest of his life. Five minutes of pleasure have destroyed many people's destinies. When the devil wants to ruin people, he advocates preventive measures like condom, pills, contraceptives and other methods to make people believe that they can have sex outside of marriage and still prevent the consequences. The only way out that is recognised by God is to flee fornication (1 Cor 6: 18). Anything or anyone that you are attached to and will destroy you, you have to destroy that attachment and avoid that which can destroy you.
When God wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorah, He told Lot and his family to run quickly out of the perverse land. There was no time to pack load or carry property, they were to move out as quickly as possible and run for dear life. Lot's wife was not a Sodomite but she was attached to the things of Sodom. She probably had things and people that she still loved in Sodom and so she looked back contrary to the command of God. She became a pillar of salt and couldn't escape the destruction that came upon Sodom. The Bible warns all, Remember Lot's wife: Lk. 17:32. Sodom was destroyed for disobeying God, living in terrible adultery, whoredom and perversity. Lot's wife was not doing all these things but the destruction that came upon the people of Sodom also happened to her because she had affinity for some things in Sodom. If you are friends with a thief, you might get locked up when he is locked up. If you always hang out with fornicators even though you are a child of God, you will become ensnared in their web. Remember Lot's wife.
If a righteous man is attached to an evil doer and commits sin for one day, it is sufficient for him to face the same punishment that the other who has been committing sin habitually will face. Therefore God warns, The soul that sinneth it shall die...: Ezekiel 18:20. 1 Cor 15: 33 also says, Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners: 1 Cor 15:33. Destroy all wrong attachments before they destroy you. I commit you to the grace of God, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God for His grace to remain pure and undefiled even in this generation, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to deliver you from every sin that easily besets you.
* Break yourself loose physically and spiritually from every evil or sin-partners, in Jesus’ name.
Father, thank You for being Lord over the month of November, I celebrate Your goodness, in the name of Jesus.