Thursday 31 August
READ: Mk. 4:35-41
MORE LESSON: Num.25:12-13
Peace is not the absence of conflict or trouble, but the ability to cope with it. Therefore, one can have peace in the midst of trouble. Isa. 26:3-4, says,Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.... In other words, a believer can experience peace on a daily basis as he fellowships with God through the Word and prayer. We need peace of mind to be able to do many things in life as a disturbed man cannot achieve much, try as he may. So, peace is a great asset to a believer. And because of the importance of peace, Jesus came as the Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6). This means He is the one who removes all peace disturbing factors and secures peace for those who trust in Him. Jesus came into this world bearing this name so that mankind can be free from restlessness and torment of fear. Once a man is in Christ Jesus, he begins to enjoy peace because Jesus brings peace wherever He rules. Is Jesus ruling your heart and mind? Then you have eternal peace that cannot be taken away by circumstances.
Moreover, when Jesus was going He left for us a legacy of peace, peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you...: Jn. 14:27. However, Satan has stolen the peace of many believers and introduced anti-peace habits and situations into their lives without their knowledge. Murmur, complain, doubt, worry, anger, strife, e.t.c. are anti-peace; Paul calls them the middle wall of separation (Eph. 2:14). Rather than fret, hand over the control of your heart and mind to the Prince of Peace and He will bring abundant peace into your heart; life will begin to unfold as you desire.
Jesus our Lord Himself once had a restless situation around Him while on a mission. The sea suddenly became stormy! The disciples did all they could but couldn't stop the storm. Then they called on The Master who at that time was fast asleep in the boat. The same storm that was troubling the disciples was simply rocking Jesus to a sweet sleep. Rather than fret, Jesus woke up to rebuke the storm and the wind, and instantly peace returned. Thus Jesus left us with the legacy of peace; He left us with the assurance that our peace can be challenged but cannot be taken. Also, that whenever our peace is challenged we should not fret but face the storm and speak to it. The sea will surely obey the Master, if only you can speak to it rather than panic at it.
* Lord God set Your peace as guard over my heart, in Jesus' name.
* nGod keep my heart in perfect peace, not regarding the turbulent situation around me, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the peace of God will reign in all circumstances that confront you in life.
God of all goodness, thank You for the month of August and the remaining greater months ahead, in the name of Jesus.