Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Seed of Restoration

Tuesday 8 August
READ: 2 Kings 6: 1 – 7
MORE LESSON: Joel 2: 23 – 26

The sons of the prophet wanted to build a bigger house for the prophet. In order to achieve this, one of them went to borrow an axe for the job. As they were working, the axe head fell into the water. They needed a miracle to salvage the situation so they went to meet the man of God. There is a lesson that can be learnt from the miracle of restoration that was performed that day. God's servant took a stick and threw it into the water and as the stick went in, the iron floated to the surface. There is no natural law or science that can account for the dynamics of this miracle. How does an axe head float on water? What is the relationship between the wood that was thrown in and the iron that floated to the surface? No man can explain.
However, one thing that is obvious in this miracle is that for every expected harvest, there must be a seed. When you want a miracle, there is a seed that you need to sow. The man of God showed them that the iron would not just float, there needed to be the sowing of the seed of wood. When you look at stick and iron, you will realise that iron is heavier than
wood. So the harvest is always heavier than the seed. Therefore, “no seed, no harvest”, “seed brings heavier harvest”. The stick was the seed for the restoration of the iron.
The sons of the prophet had a role to play in the miracle of restoration that was wrought that day. They needed to throw in something no matter how small. You always have a role to play in having God break your siege and bring a restoration. They just lost the axe head and could have used that as an excuse not to sow a seed. However, the man of God cut a stick and released the stick inside the same water that swallowed the axe head and the wood brought out the iron. He must have used another axe head, probably from another of the sons of the prophet to cut the stick that he threw in. Therefore, you also should not just sit bemoaning your lost axe head, get another one and cut the stick to sow a seed. Your seed will break your siege of loss and bring the restoration of all that was lost. Sow a seed no matter your condition.

* Pray that you will end all siege in your life by your seeds, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that your seeds shall bring mighty harvest, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask for a miracle that will defy the natural order of things in your life, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Satan, I rebuke you and your force over my new month, you shall not have a memorial in it, in the mighty name of Jesus


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