Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Ten Lepers

Sunday 31 December
READ: Luke 17:11-19 
MORE LESSON:  1 Thess. 5: 18

Ten lepers approached Jesus and prayed Him to heal them. He asked them to go and show themselves to the priest, and as they went, they were healed.  It was the step of faith that they took as they went to meet the priest, according to the Word of the Lord, that released the power of God for their healing. A leper ordinarily was not supposed to appear before the priest, but becasue they went in faith according to the Word of Jesus, the leprosy disappeared before they met the priest. Therefore, they were healed not because of their qualifications but because of faith in the Word of God.

After they noticed that they had been healed, one of the lepers immediately returned to the Lord to give thanks. When he went back to Jesus, the Lord gave him an extra blessing - he made him whole. The others were merely healed but he was made whole. It was faith in God that healed them all but it was gratitude that sustained and perfected the healing of the one leper who returned to give thanks. The other nine lepers were forgotten but the one leper that returned to give thanks was noticed. Gratitude makes you to be noticed; it brings you to limelight.

The other nine lepers displayed their ignorance through their ingratitude. An ungrateful person is ignorant of the Person and principles of God. An ungrateful person belittles the blessing of the Lord and therefore is disqualified from more. The nine lepers made light of the fact that the leprosy had disappeared. They therefore missed the greater blessings that the Lord had in place for them after healing their leprosy. Don't take the 'little' blessings you receive for granted, thinking until you hit that major miracle before you give thanks and testify. At the end of this story, the other nine lepers lost their blessing because of ingratitude. Ungrateful people are always losers.

Gratitude can be learnt and can be taught. In fact, it should be taught from childhood. Gratitude starts from the home and from childhood; we should therefore teach children to be thankful and grateful so that they grow up to be grateful people.  Choose gratitude!

Grateful people are few in life; usually there is only one grateful person out of ten people. You must make a deliberate choice to be the one out of them. According to 2 Tim. 3: 1 – 2, one of the signs of the end time is ingratitude. We should make the deliberate choice not to be overcome by the spirit of ingratitude that holds sway on people in the world today.  Ingratitude shuts the doors of blessing against men while gratitude opens the door for greater blessings. Be like the one leper that returned to give thanks.

* Repent of any form of ingratitude.
* Pray to God that you will not be an ungrateful individual.
* Pray that your gratitude to God will never be short of a substance.

Imela! Nagode! Jesu E sseun!! Hallelujah!!! 2017 ends today, thank You for sunshine, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

No Thanks, No Extra

Saturday 30 December
READ: Luke 17: 12 – 19 
MORE LESSON: Psa. 103: 2

There is no one that God has not blessed, there are only people that think He has not blessed them enough. If you think that there are some things you have not got and so you refuse to give thanks, then you are missing on a very vital spiritual principle. God's principle for receiving more is thanking Him for the ones you have already. If you are prevented from thanking God for what you have because of what you don't have, you will be denied receiving those things you don't have yet. In other words, the extra you want is in thanking Him for what He has given already and so no thanks, no extra. I charge you today, if you want more of God's blessings, begin to thank him vigorously and sincerely for all He has ever done for you.

In Luke 17: 12 -19, we see ten lepers healed by Jesus and only one returned to give Him thanks. The other nine hurried away to pursue the next blessing; they were focused on going to the priest so that they might be restored to their families and communities. But the one that was more focused on giving thanks for what he had been given went back to the Great High Priest. The result was that Jesus said to him, ...Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole: Lk. 17:19. The others were just healed but he was made whole. Being made whole means that the sickness was not just removed, every loss he had experienced as a result of the sickness was reversed and all blessings the sickness denied him were endowed on him. He was given total restoration as an extra over the others because he gave thanks.  

The following are ways to thank God so that you can connect with the extra from Him:
1. Constantly give testimonies of God's goodness to you. A testimony is a tool for duplication of miracles. When you tell of what God did yesterday, He will do more tomorrow.

2. Write down the things God has done for you and praise Him for them. Many people have books where they write what they want God to do for them but no book to write what He has done.

3. Create a memorial of what God has done. You can immortalise what God has done for you by doing something that each time you and others see, there will be a remembrance that God did something for you.

4. Make a sacrifice to God that you will always feel. When God gave Samuel to Hannah, she brought him back to God- that is a sacrifice. God gave her other wonderful children as an extra. When you give something that 'creates a scar' on your bank account, time, energy or property, then you are making a sacrifice.

Today is the day to thank God and as you do, extra blessings are on your way.

* Proclaim that you will not be silent about God’s goodness in your life, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the spirit of ingratitude will not take over you, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the blessing of gratitude will not elude you, in Jesus’ name.

Jesus, You are the power that held 2017, January- December, thank You for not allowing it to drop off. Oh for a thousand tongues to thank You, thank You Jesus for the clouds and the sunshine but particularly that the clouds did not overtake the sunshine, in Jesus' name.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Be a Light

Friday 29 December
READ: Matt. 5:11-16 
MORE LESSON:  Dan. 5:1-17

Regardless of colour, race, tribe, background or other human differences, everyone loves light. Light is vital to every good and crucial activity on earth; for example making food by plants is impossible without light. In fact, all life of man and animals depends on light. God is light; in Him there is no darkness (I Jn. 1:5). The period of darkness that prophet Isaiah said would cover the whole earth is now. Despite the great technological progress and scientific knowledge of this age, there's great darkness in men's lives in all the nations. New diseases are being discovered and combated daily; however, some, such as HIV, cancer, have defied solution. For this and other reasons, Jesus was manifested and is calling on His followers to be light in this dark world.

Being a light means to live radiant and reflective life. It starts with accepting Jesus the Light into your life, In him was life; and the life was the light of men: Jn. 1:4. This acceptance must be evident by allowing the life of Christ to reflect through you in the following ways: First, share your redemption testimony with others around you like the woman of Samaria (Jn. 4:39). Second, be an example of godliness wherever you are (Phil. 2:15). Let people around you see and testify of the virtues of integrity, honesty and the likes in you.

Third, manifest the joy of the Lord in all situations, for the joy of the Lord is your strength (Neh. 8:10). Allow God's unquenchable joy to manifest in you to give hope to the hopeless, encouragement to the downcast and joy to the sorrowful. This is possible because you have God the source of all joy inside you. Let joy radiate through you and draw men to the experience of God's love. Negative confessions, pity party, expression of hopelessness, down-cast acts, dejection, faithlessness, suicide tendencies and the likes are not acts of the light. No child of God must indulge in them come what may. They negate the light and will not attract anyone to Christ.

As lights, believers must rise above board, confront challenges and not give in to them. Light is attractive when it's bright, not dull. Believers must be bright at all times, including in difficult times because, ...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning: Psa. 30:5.
Child of God, be bright and positive enough to be the light that you are meant to be.

* Pray that the glory of God will reflect through you this year, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare that you are a son of light, you will not walk in darkness, nor manifest works of darkness, in the name of Jesus.
* Ask God to defend the light of your destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Father of all good things, thank You for giving me a day that is guaranteed beyond the present, I will rejoice and be glad from year to year, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Jesus Joy

Thursday 28 December
READ: Jn. 8:56-59   
MORE LESSON:  Lk. 10:17-21

The dictionary defines joy as having great happiness. Happiness means having or feeling pleasure of satisfaction. Joy goes beyond being happy. Usually, when men are happy they possess something--they are newly married, just built a house, bought a car, gave birth to a baby, acquired a new wardrobe, got a new job or promotion at their place of work or have enough money to buy what they desire. These are good things of life that God the eternal Father delights to give to His children (Matt. 7:11). As a Giver of good things, He will surely give you good gifts this year, in Jesus' name.

Yet this type of joy is limited because when joy is tied to the possession of material things it implies that when those things are absent or taken away, the joy comes to an end. This is temporary joy. However, Jesus joy starts from within and is permanent. Apostle Peter in I Pet. 1:8 calls it unspeakable joy. It's a joy that starts with reconciliation and peace with God. It's the joy of having hope for eternity with one's name written in the Book of Life (Lk. 10:20); of having victory over the devil, the world and the flesh (I Jn. 4:4). It is the joy of knowing that eternity is secure for further glory and rest with God in a new world that is free of crisis, pain and sorrow (Rev. 21:1-4). This type of joy is for now and eternity.

It manifested in the Hebrew boys that defied one of the greatest kings of their time and entered the fiery furnace. From biblical times to contemporary time, this joy is present in tribulation (Jn. 16:30) and it defies external pain. Paul the apostle was one man who suffered severally for the kingdom of God, including physical assaults and pain. On one of such occasions he declared, ...the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me. But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy…: Acts 20:23-24.

Such is the joy of the Lord that no external or internal pain can quench it.  That is where all men should seek for joy, in Christ Jesus. For all other sources are temporary, transient and short lived. The greatest joy a man can ever have is the joy that your name is written in the Book of Life! What is your joy, Jesus or other things?

*  Ask the Lord to fill your heart with overcoming joy, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Pray that the joy of the Lord shall be your strength, in Jesus’ name.
* Rebuke every seed of sadness and bitterness that can deprive you of joy, in Jesus’ name.

By the peace of the Lord that passes all understanding, I shall end this year in peace and not in pieces, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Who is this Jesus?

Wednesday 27 December
READ: Matt. 16:13-17  
MORE LESSON:  Jn. 6:51-58, 69

The Bible is very clear about who Jesus is. Although different people and religions have different opinions about who He is, we have compelling evidence of His person and life more than any religious leader, past and present. While some see Him as prophet, others call Him an idol, mediator, revolutionist etc. Even in His own day, there were controversies surrounding Him; ...Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets: v 14. But, by the Spirit, Peter declared the truth, ...Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God: v16, which is the position that Heaven and earth must accept. However, knowing Jesus as the Son of God in the head is not sufficient; it must include a personal encounter to experience Him as Lord  and Saviour.

An old Christian once proved the existence of God in an atheist conference by eating an orange and asking the audience to describe the taste. They responded that he was the only one who could tell the taste. Then he explained that only those who have tasted God can tell His impact. Similarly, without experiencing Jesus personally, you can never tell who He is. A mental experience is nothing compared to a personal encounter with Him.

Who is Jesus to you? Celebrating Jesus begins with encountering Him.

*  Tell God to reveal Jesus to you the way you have never known Him before.
* Ask that every sin/veil that has covered your eyes, not allowing you to see Jesus, be removed today, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to open your eyes to see the mysteries of God, in Jesus’ name.

The circle of hopelessness is broken this day, my soul (put your name) rise up and celebrate, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Faithful Shepherd

Tuesday 26 December
READ: Lk. 2:6-18 
MORE LESSON:  2 Kgs. 7:3-11

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus today, our focus is the lesson to learn from the records of the three shepherds who visited the child Jesus in the manger. It is a lesson of faithfulness to a cause. First, they were faithful in going to look for the baby that the angel told them about, although they were not directly instructed, ...Ye shall find the babe a manger: v. 12 was not a direct instruction to go and search. Again, according to the gospel of Matthew, Herod directed them to come back and give him the location where Jesus was, with the aim of killing the baby.

The shepherds at the instruction of the Angel refused to go back to Herod; they were faithful to the new King. Although they never knew what Jesus stood for, they were faithful in spreading the news about the child Jesus according to what the angel told them, that Jesus Christ the Saviour was born and that this blessing was for all men. In verse 17, ...they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child, they simply turned their privilege to responsibility and today whenever the birth of Jesus is reported, the shepherds are mentioned.

Redemption is a privilege, but after we have received it, it becomes a responsibility to faithfully tell others about the Saviour that we have found. To the shepherds this was good news, as indeed it is today because the angel said, ...behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy... then the angel added ...which shall be to all people: v. 10.

Just as the shepherds spread the news to all people as it is due, the people of God today must spread the news also; we must not keep quiet. Just as the lepers, who walked into God's free provision after the Assyrians fled because God made them to hear noise, said ...This is not right. This is a day of good news, and we aren't sharing it with anyone! If we wait until morning, some calamity will certainly fall upon us. Come on, let's go back and tell the people at the palace: 2 Kgs. 7:9 (NLT). It is possible that some believers are going through some calamity because they have refused to share the good news about salvation.

Today can be a healing day if we truly repent of keeping to ourselves what is meant to be shared with all. Share the good news today.  

*  Ask God to help all believers to be faithful to soul winning, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to lead you to someone today with who you will share the goodness.
* Ask God to anoint your tongue afresh to be able to spread the goodness, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Jesus, You reign eternally as my Lord and Saviour, Your power over me and my love for You shall never end, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Born for all Seasons

Monday 25 December
READ: Isa. 9:1-7  
MORE LESSON:  Lk. 2:1-14

One of the greatest things about Christianity is that unlike all other religions and religious leaders, we have a leader that lives forever. Christmas was yesterday, but Christ is yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever. Jesus was born to live eternally as Isaiah the prophet said concerning Him, Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this: v. 7. One of His names is the everlasting Father, meaning He that does not expire. Kingdoms rise and fall, men live and die, things begin and end; indeed all things expire with use or time but the gift of God, Jesus of Nazareth, lives forever! He sees the beginning of all things and seasons and sees their end. He rules all seasons and is beautiful in all.

Wisdom demands that we celebrate Him because He was before any man, and at the end of all men He will still be. He is awesome! Let all the people of God rejoice today because we have a Master that the whole world, time and situations bow to, And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men: Lk. 2:10,13-14. Thank God we are celebrating the birth of Jesus our Saviour this great season. We join Heaven to say it loud, Glory to God in the highest.

But beyond this as we celebrate Christmas, one challenge still stands tall against us. It is the issue of the purpose of today, the gift of salvation, for which Jesus was born. In the account of the birth of Jesus in Luke 2, the angels and the entire hosts of Heaven were celebrating but only a few on the earth were aware of what was happening. Even at the manger where the baby was and above which the star rested, there was no indication that a King was born. Over two thousand years after, how many on the earth have heard, known and partaken of this great gift that is being celebrated? Whatever the statistics, obviously there is still much to be done. So, to celebrate the King that is born, “let us go a fishing”. 

*  Tell God you want all your seasons to be filled with Jesus always, in Jesus’ name.
*  Promise Jesus you will be His ambassador for life, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the joy of this season will fill all hearts as the kingdom of our Lord rules in all men, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Jesus, You are my life, hero and champion, I celebrate You today and forever with all that I own, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Product of Light

Sunday 24 December
READ: Matt. 5:14-16 
MORE LESSON:  Lk. 10:30-36

It is a common saying that light is good. The world is unimaginable without light. Light heralds the day, assists in rain formation, assists in biological processes of plant and animal life, it is convertible (solar power) for domestic and industrial use. The generated light is significant in our daily life.
In our text today, Jesus the light of men declared that His children are the light of the world. Salt sweetens and preserves. Therefore, children of God are the salt of the earth also. We are the joy and hope of the world to bring men back to God. Where there is light, it dominates. As the Lord shines His light in our lives, we shine it to the world to show the light of life.

Christ is the light of the Church and the Church is the light of the world. The problem with believers is that we tend to hide our light. That should not be the case. Naturally, darkness bows to light and anywhere light is, there is life. The question then is, “How do we show forth the light in us?”
1. Point men and women to God for salvation.
2. Stand against ungodliness and injustice.
3. Live in obedience to the Word of God.
4. Don't compromise your faith.
5. Speak out against evil.

And above all, in word and deed, let God be glorified. We must desire like the song writer, “Lord I want to be like Jesus inner my heart”; “Lord, I want to be more holy inner my heart”; “Lord I want to be a Christian inner my heart”. Believers must arise and shine! We must take the light of Jesus to the market place by what we do more than by what we say. The world will see Jesus more in us by our work than by our speaking in tongues. The New Living Translation puts it this way, ...let your good deeds shine out for all to see...: Matt. 5:16 (NLT). Like Jesus in Acts 10:38, the anointing upon Him made Him to do ...good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil...(NLT).

Feeding the hungry, providing for the poor, strengthening the weak, clothing the naked, caring for the orphan and widow are ways that we the light are called to shine. Jesus did it that way, the apostles followed suit, it must not stop with us. Preaching salvation begins with the forgiveness and cleansing of sins but does not stop there. The Church and her people must preach the compassionate, caring Jesus both within and without the assembly. Shine the light by your work.

* Ask the Lord Jesus to help you to be more like Him as a shining light, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the light of Jesus will shine to the unsaved world through you, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that your life will shine for the world to see, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Jesus, if Your pregnancy could not be aborted, and King Herod could not stop Your birth, connected to Your loins, my destiny, even if delayed, can never be stopped; I rest my case, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Walk in the Spirit

Saturday 23 December
READ: Gal. 5:16-26 
MORE LESSON:  Acts 10:38

Sometime ago, I counselled a young man in his mid-twenties to make him stand in the Christian faith. Unfortunately, he kept falling and rising, and one day he came to me to say he could no longer continue in the faith.  He asked,  “Sir, how can I make it?” I was glad at his question. I showed him Matt. 7:13-14 to confirm his feelings about the Christian race, Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Jesus’ admonition in this passage attests to the fact that the gate to eternal life (the Christian race)is narrow and the road is difficult.

But He has not left us to go through the rough road alone. He provided a carrier to bear us: the person of the Holy Spirit. The Scripture reading today gives us a guide on how to enjoy the services of this great carrier. The summary of the guideline is: Live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit (v. 25). To live in the Spirit entails being alive (fully awake and excited) about the Holy Spirit, hearing and understanding His instructions and directions for your daily living.

To walk in the Spirit involves being obedient to (respect and carry out) His instructions and directions. The Holy Spirit is resident in every Christian and He is ready to instruct, guide and direct every single step of his daily life. When you practise this, you will find the Christian race easy and sweet to run. Walk in the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. Jesus did not come to the earth as a spirit. He walked and lived on the earth as human, with flesh and blood, and was tempted and confronted with the same issues as men are but was victorious in all because He submitted Himself completely to the Spirit of God from arrival to departure.

That was why when He was leaving the earth He left nothing behind for the believer than the same Holy Spirit that helped Him triumph. Whosoever therefore will listen and obey the Holy Spirit’s directives on the earth will not do less than Jesus did. In fact, he will do greater than Jesus did.
To achieve these, do the following:
1. Ask the Holy Spirit to come upon you fully.
2. Learn to pray in tongues for a minimum of one hour everyday.
3. Ask the Holy Spirit for approval before you do anything.
4. Ask God to renew His Spirit upon you today.

* Ask the Lord to grant you grace to live and walk in the Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask for the help of the Holy Spirit in your daily walk with Him, in Jesus’ name.
* Receive the grace to understand the directions of the Spirit every time, in Jesus’ mighty name.

My prayers will not go unanswered, my fire shall not be quenched, and my glory shall stand like the sun, which no man can challenge, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Living by Faith

Friday 22 December
READ: Heb. 11:1-40 
MORE LESSON:  Psa. 44:1-3

The Bible tells us that we are saved by grace through faith. It is through the exercise of faith that a man is saved. However, it is not enough to be saved through faith and abandon the faith that is responsible for our salvation. George Muller is remembered for his ministry of supporting thousands of orphans without advertising his needs to man but God alone. At times, lacking the very bread to give the orphans, their needs were always met at meal time. Muller believed in the literal necessity of praying, Give us this day our daily bread: Matt. 6:11. As exceptional as Muller was when compared to contemporary Christians, he only did what all true Christians must do, which is to live by faith. Living by faith is the secret of extra-ordinary life.

There are two ways to live, living by sight and living by faith. The book of Hebrews says without faith it is impossible to please God. The greatest tragedy of man on earth is to live without pleasing God, that is, living without faith. Living by faith draws you closer to God, which takes the burden of daily struggles from you. The faith way of living does not stop your work, but adds value to your work. Considering the wind before sowing is one way to walk by sight. Thank God for the life of Isaac who sowed in a dry land in the year of famine. Because his sowing was an act of faith, he reaped in the same year a hundred fold. God's Word is the root of faith. No man can have faith without the knowledge of God's Word as faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Rom. 10:17). Without faith it is impossible to please God and without the Bible, it is impossible to have faith. So it is God's Word that produces faith in us and our faith makes us to please God and because we please God by faith we obtain good report (Heb. 11:2).

Therefore, faith is the key to a successful living because by it we please God and He in turn gives us good report in life. God gave good report about Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Daniel, Joseph, Moses, and all who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouth of lions, quenched the violence of fire (vs. 33-34). All these set examples for us that living by faith gives great results without struggle.

* Ask for the grace to walk by faith and not by sight, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that you will be filled with the knowledge of God and that your faith will be built on His Word, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* Ask God to increase your faith in Him, in Jesus’ name.

I shall dwell on high, my place of defence shall be the munitions of the rock: bread shall be given me! My waters shall be sure, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Best at no Cost

Wednesday 20 December
READ: Exo. 29:36-46    
MORE LESSON:  Heb. 4:1-7

Each time I read about how much it cost for a sin to be forgiven in the Old Testament, it baffles me that the best the blood of bulls could offer was an atonement (i.e a cover for sin). But the blood of Jesus, which is for the remission (washing away) of sins (Matt. 26:28) is made available in the New Testament at no expense to man. Obviously, being spared the requirements for cleansing of sins is enough reason why Christians have to celebrate Jesus, who made access to God cheap by picking the bill 100%. Again, unlike the Old Testament frequent sacrifices (vs. 37-38), Hebrews 9:11-12 says, But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle,... Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. Although shed over two thousand years ago, the blood of Jesus is fresh in power and until we see Jesus it will make a sinner a saint.

Have you been washed by this blood? Go and celebrate its efficacy by renouncing every work of darkness and accepting that every sin you have ever committed is hereby forgiven. Whereas Naaman had to plunge into River Jordan seven times to be cleansed of his leprosy, one time is sufficient for the dirtiest sinner to be cleansed of all spiritual leprosy. What is more, the blood of Jesus does not only cleanse from sins, it gives us all things freely to enjoy, He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Rom.8:32. What a gift at no cost.

The question is, “Will God be wrong to punish eternally anyone who rejects this free but precious gift? Will God not be justified to freely pour His anger on defiant offenders?” The writer of Hebrews was concerned about the issue, How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation...:  Heb. 2:3. Salvation is free but costly to miss.

* Thank God for making the best available at His cost, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God for the grace to spread the goodness to the world, in Jesus’ name.
* Celebrate the best gift that God has given to you and promise that you will not turn down His love, in Jesus' name. 

*In a season of rejoicing, I shall not mourn, I shall not be referred to as late, I shall be triumphant and glad, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Monday, December 18, 2017

No Applause

Monday 18 December
READ: Matt. 6:1-4  
MORE LESSON:  Matt. 19:16-22

Giving and receiving are essential parts of the circle of life; for example, the rain gives the earth water, which it receives to produce food for man and others to eat and live. Man receives energy and strength from food to be able to give back in different ways of productivity to his immediate environment, family, community and society at large. Indeed, giving is essential and is so much built into our entire existence and daily survival that it must be done without expecting applause and accolade, especially when done in obedience to God's command and instructions, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering: Exo. 25:2.

In the world, when men give money for projects or charity, they are applauded but for us Christians, our attitude should be different. We must learn to give cheerfully with simplicity, without expecting human applause or appreciation. Remember Jesus’ words: Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven: Matt. 6:1. Even when men forget to applaud or announce your donations, be assured that your heavenly Father will reward you, which is of greater effect than the applause of men. The windows of Heaven will be open upon you such that there shall not be room enough to receive the blessing (Mal. 3:10).

My mother once told me an adage which literally translates to saying,  “if you labour at God's backyard He takes over the care at the front for you”. Nothing done for God in the secret will go without public reward. And God's public reward cannot be compared with men's loudest celebration. Even God's secret reward cannot be compared with men's public applause. I once read a commentary on the miracle of the multiplying of oil for a widow of the prophet, it says that the dead prophet was one of the prophets who hid and secretly fed seven thousand priests in the days that Elijah ran from Jezebel (I Kgs. 19:1-18). No wonder the wife was not abandoned in the day of trouble. The care of Jonathan for David was secret but the reward was public for his son, Mephiboseth (II Sam. 9:1).

Don't look up to men for reward, God can do more.    

* Pray that no earthly reward will replace your heavenly reward, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask that the windows of Heaven will be open upon you, in the name of Jesus.
* Command the devil to take his hands off your service for God, in Jesus’ name.

Every register of death, accident, poison and affliction bearing my name this December, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Wilderness Training

Sunday 17 December
READ: Deut. 8:1-6 
MORE LESSON:  Heb. 12:1-3

Sister Kate left the pastor's counselling room weeping, and repeatedly asked herself: Why the wilderness? What am I supposed to learn from this challenge of life, which the pastor said is “wilderness training”? Five years after she graduated from the university with a Second Class Upper in Mechanical Engineering, she had not secured a job commensurate with her qualification. She had an interview two weeks earlier but the only reason why she was not given the job was because she refused to compromise her Christian belief to go to bed with the chairman of the interview panel who had invited her for a dinner at a hotel.

Sister Kate's experience is common among many believers looking for employment, admission to school or one thing or the other. Why will God allow His children to go through such unpalatable experience in the hands of some men in authority because of their faith in Christ Jesus?  Can't God, the all-powerful, cause us to get what we are entitled to without stress? Why do believers sometimes have to go through some pains to get some basic necessities of life? Kate's pastor called such experience wilderness training. It would not have cost God anything to take the Israelites to the Canaan land through the way of the land of the Philistines, which was shorter. But God understood His people more than they understood themselves. God said, ...Lest peradventure the people repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt: But God led the people about, through the way of the wilderness of the Red sea...:  Exo. 13:17-18.

In the Scripture reading today, God enumerated some of the reasons why He took the Israelites through the wilderness: to humble them; to test them in order to know what was in their heart, whether they would keep His commandments. But beyond the test, God fed them for forty years in the wilderness where the people did not cultivate or harvest. He caused their clothes and shoes to grow with them. God was also out to prove to them that He could supply all their needs without the people labouring. While it is necessary to work and earn a living, many believers do not know how to live beyond their salary. Some do not know how to wait upon God until He answers them. They are too quick to run after alternative solution. When God wants to train you to live beyond your labour, or to learn to wait upon Him, He may send you to some sort of wilderness.  I pray that you will not fail in God's training school.

* Ask for help to learn whatever lesson God wants you to learn from whatever you are going through now, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that your wilderness training will lead you to your promised land, in Jesus’ name.
* Thank the Lord for His love and care for you, in Jesus’ name.

Oh God, You who paid Israel generational arrears in one night , let the arrears of my destiny not pass this December, beginning from today, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Blood in your System

Saturday 16 December
READ: John 1:12-13  
MORE LESSON:  1 Pet. 1:18-21

Two little sisters of ages 4 and 6 entered into an argument about who their 3-month old younger brother resembled in the presence of their parents. The 6-year old said the boy was like her; but the younger argued, “No, the boy is like me, he is also like daddy”. Then the older one turned to the mother, wanting to get her support, and said, “Mummy, is it not true that the baby looks like you and I?” Then the mother said to the two girls, “The two of you are alike”. On hearing this, the 4-year old exclaimed, “Then the boy looks like me, you, daddy and mummy!” “Yes”, acknowledged the 6 year old, “and that means you and I resemble mummy and daddy too!” At that point, the whole family began to laugh.

The three children resemble one another and their parents because it is their parent's genes (blood) that make up their body's systems. The scriptural passage says that as many as receive Jesus and believe in his name become children of God, Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God: v.13. Thus, they become sons of God. This means that at salvation, you take up new genes whereby the blood that now flows in your system is that of God.

The implications are far reaching. For example, if the blood that flows in your veins and arteries is that of God, it means you are healed of all blood related diseases. Since God's blood cannot carry sickle cell, leukaemia, haemophilia, HIV or any kind of blood diseases that people sometimes inherit from their biological parents, you are free from all blood related diseases. Believe this and claim your freedom today in the name of Jesus. It also means that no family curse or covenant can run in your life because your natural descent has changed. God cannot walk under a curse, and so His children. You are God's son; therefore, you are an heir to His kingdom and everything therein: righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. These are your portion forever, in Jesus’ name.  

* Declare that you reject every form of blood related disease in your body because you carry God’s genes, in Jesus’ name. 
* Declare that all things have become new, so no affliction is permitted to remain in your life, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Ask that the blood of Jesus will purge your body systems of every potential threats to your health, in Jesus’ name.

Jehovah God, You are not a man, do for me what no man can do this December, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Receiving from the Body of Christ

Friday 15 December
READ: Eph. 4: 16 
MORE LESSON:  1 Cor. 12: 25 - 31

One of the vital lessons for experiencing miracles is to be  able to receive from other  people in the Body of Christ, those that God has set over you as custodians of a particular blessing for your life. I went to minister in Owerri, Nigeria, many years ago and a woman told me she had a stomach issue that had defied medical help for years. She had gone to several teaching hospitals and paid large sums of money to no avail. Being a pastor’s wife, she had prayed and done all she knew how to do for years and she felt she was close to death. She had excruciating pain that would not go and the medical doctors couldn't diagnose what was wrong with her.

She told me all that she was going through so I prayed for her on phone and, to God’s glory, she was healed instantly. She had been married for four years and the pain had been a threat to her life and the joy of the marriage. The Lord healed her when she shared the issue and asked for prayer. After the healing, the husband, who knew me well, called and said he was happy that his wife summoned the courage to tell me about the issue that had plagued  them. He confessed that before then he was just ashamed of sharing it.

The reason this testimony is very important is that many believers and good Christians carry unnecessary problems because they are ashamed to come for help from people that God has ordained for them. Some feel that if they come out to share their problems they will be seen as weak or unspiritual. You don't have to miss out of God's provision of deliverance and help for you through His servants in the Body of Christ by trying to contain and solve all your problems yourself.

What then is the use of the spiritual gifts if you cannot obtain supply from others in the Body of Christ. The fact that you need to be helped by another doesn't mean that you are no longer spiritual. The fact that you are a pastor or minister of God doesn't mean that you may not need to receive healing through another pastor that God has graced in that area. It doesn't make you less anointed or less a servant of God when you are prayed for by another to be healed. God has graced every one differently and the only way some problems will ever be solved  is to receive through the person that God has committed that grace to.

So don't become so 'spiritual' that you cannot receive spiritual help through another person. You are not less spiritual if you admit your need and go to obtain help from God through another vessel.

* Decree that you are disconnected from every militating mentality.
* Resist the forces hindering you from accessing help.
* I bind the fear and shame that deny me of my divine heritage in Christ, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Father, though late, the glory of 2017 shall not elude me and my family, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, December 14, 2017


Thursday 14 December
READ: 1 Cor. 16: 21- 22
MORE LESSON:  Rev. 22: 12 – 14

The word 'Maranatha' is no longer commonly used in our days. We hear so much about faith, power, healing and prosperity; and these are important, but we hear so little about Maranatha. This is the word that should be ringing in the conscience of every believer as we await the return of the Master. The main thing that should occupy our hearts is 'Our Lord comes – Maranatha!'  The early Church was so eager for the coming of the Lord that they turned it into a greeting. 'Maranatha' was the slogan with which they greeted one another. Therefore, even by salutation, everyone was reminded to be ready for the coming of the Lord. They identified one another by the greeting.

Unfortunately, today we are more concerned about this temporary earth than the eternal abode. Our priority shows in our greetings, sermons and programmes; these all ring with themes of well-being on the earth without attention to eternal matters. We must never forget that we are sojourners on earth and we are going home soon. It is good to be comfortable but a man should not be more comfortable in his shop in the market than the home where he lives and sleeps. The earth is like a market, Heaven is home. Maranatha is about keeping the home at heart and preparing for it while still in this place of sojourn. The issue of the coming of Jesus should bother our heart so much that it features in our talk, greetings and our preaching.

In Rev. 22:20, the Bible says, He whichtestifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The early disciples desired and prayed for the Lord to come. It is natural to anticipate meeting any one that you love. It is lack of love for the Master that makes the heart of a believer to beat faster in fear whenever he hears that the Lord is coming back. This is the reason the Bible says, If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha: 1 Cor. 16:22. If any man loves not the Lord, let him be damned at the coming of the Lord. The consequence of not loving Jesus is eternal damnation at His coming. It is time for you to love the Lord more and love His coming. Maranatha! Say Maranatha to someone today and use this to remind yourself and the person that Jesus is coming. Maranatha!

* Ask the Lord to help you live ready for His coming, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Pray that your love for Christ will increase as you wait daily for His coming.
* Ask God to deliver you from anything that will hinder you from going first flight with Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus.

I lay hold on the promises of God, and I declare the land of my sojourn shall not devour me, neither shall the land of my birth deny me my inheritance, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Wednesday 13 December
READ: Exo. 17:1-8  
MORE LESSON:  2 Tim. 2:1-7

Sometimes the confrontations of the enemy come in quick succession but as children of God we know that victory is ours in Christ Jesus. Quick succession of problems breeds quick succession of miracles and blessings. When Moses cried to God, ...What shall I do unto this people? they be almost ready to stone me: Exo. 17:4, the solution God gave him was the command to strike the rock with a rod. This implies that sometimes you may have a part to play in the miracle you are expecting. Beloved, do not allow your needs or problems to block your spiritual ear and sight so that you are not able to hear and take the necessary steps to your miracle.

The fact that you are victorious over one battle of life does not mean another will not come. The Israelites were confronted again, Then came Amalek, and fought with Israel in Rephidim: Exo. 17:8. When you are confronted, and you do not know what you are to do, you should then know where to go. The way Moses handled the fight with the Amalekites shows he inquired from the Lord. One great lesson from this study today is to always clarify matters with God instead of running around seeking solution from wrong places. God always has whatever you need and the answer to all your questions. You will win in every battle of life and after every cloud will come mighty showers for you, in Jesus' name. Whether it is the problem of lack of water or of meat or of even the Amalekites, the solution is always to be in a state of preparedness as Christians. Like the song writer says, “Christian seek not yet repose, hear your guiding angel say! Thou art in the midst of wolves, watch and pray”.

Many heroes like Paul, Peter, David, and even our Master, Jesus, had to consistently confront opposition to become what today we know them to be. We too must refuse to be discouraged when battles run like they would not end. There is nothing wrong with crisis, it is how they end that matters. Be courageous to battle, fight, lay hold on eternal life and God will see you through. Don't give up, victory is sure and near.

*  Pray that you will never be caught unawares by the enemy, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to defend you from every unannounced battle, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Declare that by the Spirit of Jesus, you will always be victorious in any battle of life, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Father, I decree that as this year runs to an end, every arrow of the enemy shall exempt me, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Yoke Destroyer

Tuesday 12 December
READ: Isa. 10: 27  
MORE LESSON:  Jer. 30: 8 – 9

A yoke is a strong metallic or wooden object kept on the neck of an animal so as to keep it in servitude to its master. When a yoke is put on a bull, it cannot fight the man that controls it anymore, it only goes where it is pulled. Even a horse as powerful as it is, when the bridle, a form of a yoke, is put around its mouth, it is not free to run around anymore. It can only go where the man holding its bridle pulls it. There was a goat that was yoked and left to move around; as stubborn as the goat was, it became servile and could not do as it pleased anymore. A yoke limits and brings the yoked person under control. There are people with a lot of potential but the enemy has put a yoke around their lives.

Satan is wicked and he delights in bringing people under yoke. This is why many struggle, sweat and are frustrated in life. Sickness, ill-luck, unfruitfulness, stagnancy and other evils are yokes that the enemy puts on people's lives. Such people may be moving around normally in the physical but in the spirit realm, there is a yoke hanging around their neck. These yokes are perpetuated by demonic forces that want to oppress and limit them so that they do not rise in life. Can you imagine a person lying down with a gigantic man sitting on him? How does such a person rise up? The person rises only when the force sitting on him has been removed.

The Bible says, And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing: Isa. 10:27.  The anointing of God is a yoke destroyer. It destroys everything that keeps you limited and gives you the power to rise. When the anointing comes upon you, all human limitations disappear. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that destroys yokes and sets men free to rise in life. Grammar, beauty and education are helpless in the face of demonic yokes; only the power of God destroys yokes.

The anointing is present in the person of the Holy Spirit who is the yoke destroyer. Today you must engage the power of the Holy Spirit  against all yokes of limitation in your life. It is time to rise above all yokes by the power of the Spirit. There are a few steps you can take to destroy any satanic yoke you have noticed in your life or in someone else’s:

1. Examine yourself and ensure you are born again.
2. Confess any known sin and ask for cleansing by the blood of Jesus.
3. Take a fast.
4. Use the following scriptures in prayer: Isa. 58:6; Jer. 28:4, 30:8; Gal. 5:1.
5.  Give thanks for your liberty.

* Ask God for the anointing of the Holy Ghost that breaks yokes, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare and command every yoke limiting you in life and destiny to break off you  now, in the name of Jesus.
* Celebrate, knowing that the yoke is broken .

Every lost opportunity in 2017, return in quick succession before this month runs out, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Angels at your Service

Monday 11 December
READ: Psa. 91:1-16 
MORE LESSON:  2Chron. 32:17-21

Man, in his physical make up, is nothing but mere clay. He cannot see beyond his physical eyes, nor hear beyond the limit of his physical ears nor understand beyond the capacity of his intellect. This is not so with angels and spirits, who are able to operate at levels far beyond where mortal men can. The Scripture acknowledged this when it said that man was made a little lower than the angels (Psa. 8:5). So, in the hierarchy of the spirit, man is a step lower than the angels. Interestingly, God gave angels the assignment of ministering to man. God assigned angels to encamp around, watch over, attend to, protect and defend those that fear Him, The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them: Psa. 34:7. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways: Psa. 91:11. 

Who are the people that qualify for the service of the angels of God? Why did God decide to put His angels at the service of these people?  Heb.1:14 gives the answer to the questions - the angels of God are sent to minister/attend to only those who are heirs of salvation; that is, those who believe and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. They fear God and turn from their sinful ways of life by putting their total trust in the name of Jesus, God's only begotten Son. As it is written, But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: John 1:12. The heirs of salvation become sons of God when Jesus comes into their lives. Their status in the spirit realm changes and they become sons, exalted and made to sit with Jesus in the heavenly realm. They become special and treasured possessions of God. So angels are put on assignment to minister to them.

The angels of God are not assigned to watch over all men. It is only those who are heirs of salvation that have the privilege. Until you become a son of God through Jesus Christ, you are still at the bottom of the ladder, lower than angels. That also means you are lower than demons who are fallen angels. The implication is that you are vulnerable and susceptible to demons, and they can invade and manipulate your life at will, subject you to bondage and torture. Could this be the reason why you are not making progress in life? Take the step now to become a son of God by asking Jesus to come into your life. Your status will change and angels will begin to minister to you. They will chase away your oppressors and carry you in their arms so that you will not dash your foot against a stone (Psa. 91:11-13).  May your destiny be rescued from demonic manipulation by the angels of God, in Jesus' mighty name.

* Thank You Lord for assigning angels to watch over and defend my life, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to give His angels divine order to keep you in all your ways today.
* Pray that the angel of the Lord will minster to you daily and no prince of darkness shall be able to stop the answer to your prayers, in Jesus’ name.

Angels that behold the face of my Father in Heaven, watch over the rest of the year for my family and destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Bring Down this Jericho

Sunday 10 December
READ: Josh. 5:1-5   
MORE LESSONS: Josh. 6:2-5

The city of Jericho symbolises the seemingly insurmountable obstacles (sickness, poverty, unemployment) that hinder men from possessing their possession. While Jericho was a visible obstacle on Israel's pathway, they first had to deal with something in their own lives. The children of Israel had to do three things before confronting the enemy called Jericho.

First, they had to be circumcised (vs 2-5) as a mark of surrendered hearts in which the reliance on the flesh was cut and put off (Rom. 2:29). Circumcision involves putting off the sinful nature. Your total commitment and consecration are prerequisites for conquering your Jericho.

Second, the Israelites celebrated the passover which symbolises a thankful heart. Beloved, regardless of the obstacles and problems confronting you, have a thankful heart. Eating of manna ended and they received a new and more satisfying food. As you give God thanks and praise for what you are passing through, I see God bringing down your wall of Jericho, in Jesus' name.

Third, they had a battle plan from God. You need a battle strategy from God to bring down your wall of Jericho. God's instruction may sound foolish; just obey. For Israel, it was the shout of victory, yours may be different. The Bible has all the battle plans of God for your life; read it, memorise it and obey the instructions. Surely that will make your ways prosperous and you will have good success (Josh.1:8). Jericho must fall today!

Living by God's will always brings every Jericho crumbling down, Is not my word as a fire, saith the Lord and like hammer that break all the rock in pieces? Jer. 23:29. No Jericho can stand God's word and instruction; it did not stand in Joshua's days, it will not stand today. Find God's word against your Jericho by reading the Bible, receiving divine revelation, prayer, fasting and godly living and that Jericho will fall! Jericho must fall today.

* Raise a voice of victory against the Jericho on your path, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Declare that no Jericho will stop you from getting into your glorious destiny
* Give God thanks because you are an overcomer, in Jesus’ mighty name.

My God and my Lord, don't let those who did not know how You woke me up today determine how my year ends, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Victor, not Victim

Saturday 9 December
READ: Job 22:21-29    
MORE LESSON: Isa. 54:17

The Holy Bible is replete with scriptures that guarantee our victory in all of life endeavours. However, God’s assurance to us on victory is not realised when we don't take time to search and acquaint ourselves with the vast provision of victory that we have in God through His Word.

Whether we like it or not, there will always be some casting down, disappointments, sack letters, broken homes and unrealised dreams, which are all associated with victims of circumstances. But none of these shall be your portion. Your “AMEN” to this prayer will only be sufficient for you to be a victor if you can be committed to observing the following steps that can be helpful in being a victor and not a victim.

1.  Acquaint yourself with God (Job 22:21). To acquaint oneself with God is to get to know Him personally. Therefore, if you must live as a victor, it is expedient that you know God so intimately, to know who He is to you and what He has for you. You should know that He is your shield and glory (Psa. 3:3); He is your very present help in trouble (Psa. 46:1). Know Him to discover that He is plenteous in mercy (Psa. 5:7) and that He will not cast you away when you run to Him for mercy and victory over sin (John 6:37). What a man knows about God and His Word and how the knowledge is applied can determine who becomes a victim or victor in life.

2.  Live by divine instructions (Job 22:22). Divine instructions are instructions given by God or through His prophets and they are often times opposed to our opinions and reasoning as humans. They however have the capacity to keep those that adhere to them from being victims of evil. Let us be willing therefore to receive and obey the divine instructions that come from our spiritual leaders whom God has set over us in order to avoid the evils that waste men. Such instructions may include when not to travel, who not to marry etc. Such instructions are capable of dealing with the obstructions of a man's destiny when followed.

3.  Learn to speak/pray what you want (Job 22:27-29) . The summary of Job 22:29 is that we can be defended from being victims of tragedy if we can also learn to speak out what we desire as our portion when faced with unpleasant circumstances. What you say is what you will see. Choose to speak victory-related words always and you will see it so.

* Decree that you will enjoy victorious life in Christ, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Pray that you shall not be a victim of circumstance, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Announce the victories you are believing God for, in Jesus’ name.

Father, my destiny is in Your hands; let it not go the way of the enemy this December, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Your Prophet, your Profit

Friday 8 December
READ: Hosea 12:13 
MORE LESSONS: Exo. 11:1-3

The role of prophets in the Old Testament was major to everything in the lives of the Israelites at that time, both in personal and national life. This was so because the prophets served as intermediaries between the people, the nation and their God. Israel never went to war nor took any decision as a nation without consulting the prophets or the priests, as the case may be. Examples  abound of those who attempted to run their lives and nations outside of this God ordained method and paid dearly for it.

Today, although the ministry of prophets is not very pronounced like in the Old Testament, their roles are now generally conferred upon pastors. The word ‘pastor’ is the generally accepted title for all spiritual leaders regardless of their spiritual grace and office. There are, however, a few people who still bear titles of the spiritual offices that they occupy, such as apostle, prophet, evangelist. The title ‘pastor’ is the most popular while ‘teacher’ is the least. The most important thing, however, is not the titles but the functions.

The role of a pastor today in the spiritual and physical lives of church people can be compared with that of a prophet in the Old Testament. Among the functions of the pastor are: providing spiritual and physical cover and guidance, exemplary living, prayer, preaching, teaching, healing, prophetic insight etc. Several people today have come this far under God by the instrumentality of their pastors. The ministry of a spiritual head/pastor is God ordained and everyone who despises the place of spiritual guidance ends in crisis. If Israel had rejected Moses' ministry, their story would not have been the same today. The throne of Israel was finally taken away from King Saul in the day he declared his prophet/pastor a late comer and stepped into Samuel's office (I Sam. 13:8-14).

Don't break ranks, don't be rude or insultive to your pastor/prophet, publicly or secretly; God will not overlook it. Your victory over any Egyptian bondage and the preservation of your good life is tied to your life of obedience to God and your prophet; keep a good relationship with them (Hos. 12:13).Your pastor has a role to bless you and you too have a responsibility to take good care of your prophet. May the ministry of prophet be a blessing to your life!

* Ask God to send His ordained prophet to you today, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that you will not turn down your God's sent prophet, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask for grace to obey and follow your prophet leading, in Jesus’ name.

This month, the heavens will open for me, my family, job, health, business, career, church, expectations and destiny. Worry will give way for divine help, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Your Name is on your Flame

Thursday 7 December
READ: Acts 2:1-4  
MORE LESSON: Heb. 10:25

Your name is the signpost to your identity; who you are, your current reality; what is going on in your life right now and ultimately your destiny. The first introduction about who you are is in your name. When your name is called, prophetic power is released in the direction of the fulfilment of your name. From the beginning of time, everything God makes, He names! Your parents might have given you a good name and people may name you according to how they meet you, but before you became a clot of blood in your mother's womb, the God who made you already named you. One of the most powerful revelations you will ever discover about yourself is the name God calls you.  Ask Simon Peter, the day Jesus called him by another name different from his common name, a new consciousness, anointing and authority fell on him: he stepped into the fulfilment of destiny.

Everyone wants to know his purpose but not everyone is listening to the name God calls him. I wish we know that all of God's purpose for us is wrapped up in the name Heaven knows us by. Moses was known as a stutterer – God called him a deliverer; Gideon thought he was disadvantaged – God called him a mighty warrior. Everyone thought Deborah was a simple wife - God called her a prophetess and warlord. Jesus was called the ordinary carpenter’s son – but Heaven knew Him as the Son of God. The twelve disciples thought they were finished in the hands of Roman tyranny after Jesus ascended, but God called them the apostles of the Lamb and foundations of the most powerful spiritual institution today - The Church. But the switch never happened until Fire fell.

There were 120 frightened people gathered at the upper room  over2000 years ago, waiting for what they did not know. What they were about to receive had no antecedence in history. But when The Holy Spirit of promise came, it was with visible tongues of fire. The fascinating part is that there were 120 fiery tongues for 120 heads in the room; a flame for every name and a name on every flame. There is always the meeting where God puts a flame on your name. They may have called you sick but God has a healing name for you. People may think you're poor but there's another name on your flame. You may have even given up on yourself, but wait until God calls your true name out of the burning bush!  You may ask; how do I position myself for the flame unique to my name? A flawless example is found in the early Christians; they met in one place and in one accord, ministering to the Lord and suddenly, the Fire fell  (Acts 2:1). Are you filled with the Holy Ghost? Do you belong to a Bible believing assembly of Christians? The  environment of Fire is your local assembly. Don't skip meetings, or be a Sunday-Sunday believer. The Fire can fall anytime without warning and only those present in the room get a flame! 

*  Ask God for a revelation of your truest identity in purpose and calling.
*  Declare that you are what God says you are.

I command every lost and stolen glory in 2017 to be restored this twelveth month, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Religion or Relationship

Wednesday 6 December
READ:  Mk.7:13  
MORE LESSON: Jn. 5:39-47

All religions of the world have one thing in common; a special book considered to be holy and containing instructions  from a 'divine deity'. This special book is seen to impact the culture and even determine the entire lifestyle of devotees. They are required to diligently study and sometimes memorize portions of these instructions until the words become part and parcel of their lives.

In  today’s text, we see that this is not the case in Christianity. Christianity is not a religion; it is the way of life. The pages of the Bible are not given to us to  flip back and forth as religious requirement for spiritual accreditation by an impossible to please deity or anything of that sort. The scriptures are carefully scripted and crafted by the inspiration of Almighty God. The Living Book is a love letter from God  to us His kids, the sons of God; for ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Gal.3:26

It is the Creator's manual for effective living. In it are spiritual lively capsules for living above the circumstances and forces of life. The Bible is God's given manual for unending victories and success. As an anchor is to a ship, so is the Word of God to our souls. Those who hold on to the Word of God are the most successful people alive.

Unfortunately, a lot of unbelievers  practice some teachings of the Bible more than some of us who are saved and profess to be Christians. The Word of God works any day, any time and God did not give His Word to only a group of people  but to the whole wide world (Jn3:16). Anybody who believes the Word and practices it will find the favour and successes that it provides. A good example is the act of giving as taught by the scriptures. I see Muslims who pay tithes and heathens who give offerings to help the needy. In fact, only recently, ten of the richest men alive, most of who are unbelievers, met at a round-table and decided that they would spend half of their wealth on the orphans, widows and the needy. This is because they discovered that giving is one secret of wealth that they all share. Simply put, they discovered that God's Word on giving and finances works!

Take up the challenge today. Those of us who have Christ living inside us should not live less than the Bible speaks of us. If you will dare to act on the words of the Living Book today, the skies are only a run-way. Like the noble man in Jn. 5:39-40, when everything else fails, go for God's Word. It never, ever fails because it surpasses religion; it creates relationship with God.

*  Rebuke the spirit of religion from your heart and soul. 
*  Declare a season of deeper intimacy with the Holy Ghost from today.
*  Confess your favourite scriptures into the atmosphere over your life and prophesy unending victories in the battles of life.

Every evil circle of lack, debt, begging, loss and inadequacy that has persisted since January, I break your yoke off me this month, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Not a cliché: Jesus is Alive

Tuesday 5 December
READ: Acts 25:13-19 
MORE LESSON: Rom. 8: 9-11

In the anchor text, Apostle Paul got into protracted trouble with the law of the land as was common among all other apostles and followers of Jesus in His days. Extra biblical facts show us how that all the apostles of Jesus were prosecuted and executed because of the havoc and destruction that their ministries caused the kingdom of darkness. Paul was jailed and had the opportunity to defend himself before the king and in the presence of his accusers – the elders, chief priests, prominent men in the city, king Agrippa , Bernice and Festus. The accusation levelled against him by the chief priests leading to his arrest was that his words and works affirmed to the presence and power of “a certain Jesus, who was dead and is now affirmed to be alive”.

Apostle Paul was not guilty of the hideous things people do in the name of the Lord today, No! In fact, his crime was a total shock to Festus when he said, When the accusers stood up, they brought no accusation against him of such things as I supposed; Act 25:18. His crime was that – although Jesus had gone to the Father, Paul’s works made the presence of Jesus whom they condemned to death, so real and compelling that it felt like Jesus was with them. Paul was guilty of doing the works of Jesus. He lived his life as a testimony that Jesus is alive. Whenever they saw or heard him, it was as though they were face to face with Jesus whom they crucified. Nothing made them more agitated than that; they wanted Paul dead.

This is our calling. It is our heritage. This is what we live for, to make Jesus known until the world thinks He still walks the earth because His works through us are evident to all. That's the reason the Holy Ghost is given to us without measure; it's something to celebrate. The highest honour any believer in Jesus can attract is to be queried for putting the power and glory of Jesus on display. this is especially so when  it becomes evident, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Jesus is indeed alive. This is the Christian life at its best. Nobody who meets you should ever have a doubt about the life and presence of Jesus.

That's how I know that a believer in Jesus should not be poor, because Jesus provides his needs and  those of the people around him. Your prosperity not poverty is the proof that Jesus is alive. Oh, glory! When you get  hold of this truth, you will never be sick or oppressed of the devil any more. Jesus was never sickly; so, your divine health  is the evidence that Jesus is alive. Get this revelation today and speak to your situation, commanding it to conform to the reality that Jesus is alive. Paul's 'holy crime' is the proof that it's “not a  cliché; Jesus is alive’’.

* Thank You Holy Spirit, the Power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead.
* I confess that You are at work in me, producing the same incredible results you did through Jesus. 
* I declare that my life is pregnant with undeniable proofs that Jesus is Alive. Hallelujah!

I open floodgates of testimony for December and no demon shall be able to close it, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Commanded Help for your Journey

Monday 4 December
READ: Ezra 1:  2 – 7 
MORE LESSON:  Psa. 133: 3

King Cyrus of Persia was ordained by God to ensure that His Temple in Jerusalem was rebuilt. Therefore, the king issued a decree throughout the realms of all the kingdoms under his domain that all Israelites who wanted to go home to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple were permitted to do so. King Cyrus ordered that the vessels that Nebuchadnezzar had seized from the Temple of God when he invaded Jerusalem be returned to the leaders of Israel who would take them back to Jerusalem. The Israelites had been brought as slaves into Babylon but Cyrus made them return with wealth and abundance as he charged all the  Babylonians to make freewill offerings to the exiles returning home to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.  King Cyrus also decreed that the people who wouldn't go to Jerusalem should help those that went to build the Temple with gold, goods, food and all other necessities for the journey.   

When the king commands a people to be helped with all they needed for the success of their journey and venture, then success is guaranteed. The building of the temple was successful because there was commanded help for the journey. It is God's command that the people doing His work be helped with all they need for the work and for their personal needs so that they can be comfortable doing the work of the Lord. The work of the Lord prospers when there is commanded help from people towards the work. 

Conversely, in the journey of life there are people that God commands to help you with what you need for your journey. The journey of life is difficult without help; it is when men are commanded to help you that you fulfil your destiny with ease. You may want to go to school to fulfil your purpose in life but you cannot afford the school fees; what you need is commanded help. Commanded help for your academic journey may come in form of scholarship, awards, grants or even people who take it upon themselves to support you through school.

Ezra 1: 4 says, Wherever this Jewish remnant is found, let their neighbors contribute toward their expenses by giving them silver and gold, supplies for the journey, and livestock, as well as a voluntary offering for the Temple of God in Jerusalem (NLT). Men will contribute towards your expenses and make supplies available for the journey of your life and you will be built up and become a builder of God's Kingdom, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God to command help for you as you go out today.
* Pray that you will be an instrument of God’s help to many, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that you will not make a waste of God's help over your life.

I seal December with the blood of Jesus, and I declare it totally defended, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Law of Exposure

Sunday 3 December
READ: Phil. 4:4-8 
MORE LESSON:  Rom. 12:1-2

The fuel you put into an appliance determines its performance. This is why it is ironic that in one of the most important areas of life, which is the mind, we disregard this basic wisdom. The verse in focus today reveals a transforming truth: – think excellent thoughts! Don't ever stop doing so. What enters your mind repeatedly, occupies it, shapes it, controls it and in the end expresses itself in what you do and who you become. That is the law of exposure; it’s as sure as the law of gravity- what goes up must come down. The substance in this law is that your mind will absorb and reflect whatever it's exposed to. Where you go, what you read, the music you listen to, what you see or listen to, the thoughts you entertain, all shape your mind, and eventually your character and your destiny. Napoleon Hill said that success is achieved and maintained by those whose mind is filled with positive thoughts. This is simply amazing!

So what should you do in a world where the messages are so often twisted or trivial, or foolish or downright evil? First, Rom. 12:2 recommends the renewing of your mind. This can only be fruitful if you sincerely do a checkup from the neck up. And second, go to God in prayer in this pattern: “Lord, what I want is a renewal of mind because I am tired of this present state of mind. It keeps leading me down the wrong paths of life. I want the kind of mind your Word describes; one that is filled with true, pure, right, friendly, and good thoughts”. Just imagine what your life would be like if you constantly pray that way. 

The good news today is that you have control over your life through your mind, and since what you feed on determines how you grow, you are no longer a slave of your mind and thoughts. Feed it with pornography and become a rapist and live in masturbation, or watch horror films and enjoy nightmares. Worst still, you can company with sadists and end up in suicide. It is all up to you!

King Solomon however has a load of advice for all who desire victory over their thought life; Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life: Prov. 4:23. Keep it by giving yourself to reading the Bible, and other spiritual books, by asking God to renew your mind daily and by deliberately being cautious on what you hear, see or say.

* Ask God to transform your mind to think excellent thoughts and for grace to diligently guard it.
* Ask God for the mind of Christ.
* Ask God to fill you with the spirit of counsel.

Thirty-one celebrations, hallelujah to Jesus today and to the end of this twelveth month, there shall be nothing less throughout, in the name of Jesus

Saturday, December 2, 2017

The New Jerusalem

Saturday 2 December
READ: Rev. 21: 10 - 21   
MORE LESSON:  John 14: 2 -3

The Bible shows us a beautiful picture of the City where we will be for eternity. The Lord has prepared for us a city which shines with the glory of God. It has no earthly comparison in beauty. The highest splendor and beauty on earth is not worthy to be mentioned near the dust of the magnificent New Jerusalem, where we will spend eternity. The gates and foundations of this City are made of precious stones and the streets are made of pure gold.  Each house in this City is a mansion of unparalleled delight. 

When we keep our hearts on the joy that awaits us in the New Jerusalem, we will treat all the challenges of this present world with levity. Rom 8: 18 says, For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. No matter what you have to endure in this present world, make sure you do not compromise your place in the New Jerusalem. All tears will be wiped away and no longer will there be any hardship. This world is not all there is to life; don't pursue the world at the expense of your eternity. Live this life with your eyes on the prize of the New Jerusalem. Jesus said in John 14:2 that He has gone to prepare a place for us. The New Jerusalem is the place He has gone to prepare; you must not miss it. There is a warning about the New Jerusalem given in Rev 21:27; Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life. 

Another lesson that needs to be drawn when  we look at the glory of the New  Jerusalem is that our God is a God of glory, magnificence and splendor. The New Jerusalem is not a city of huts but magnificent mansions.  Gold, which is a highly valued commodity, is used by God to tar the streets of the Heavenly Jerusalem. Several kinds of precious stones and pearls are used for the gates, the foundations and different parts in the city. This shows us that God is not a God of poverty. He is a God of glory, beauty and wealth.

Therefore, our sole pursuit in life is the glory of God and to make the Heavenly Jerusalem. However, while we are still on earth, we must reflect the nature of the God who we are serving and has prepared the New Jerusalem for us.  His nature, as shown by the City He has made for us, is wealth, glory,  abundance, success and greatness. So while you await the New Jerusalem, which will come down from Heaven, you must reflect the New Jerusalem on the earth. 

* Give God thanks for where He has prepared for you.
* Pray that nothing will rob you of your eternity in heaven.
* Pray for the salvation of family members who have not been saved.

I prophesy better is the end of this year, starting from today, than the beginning thereof, in the name of Jesus.