Sunday, November 11, 2018

Buried Glory

_A Daily Devotional by Bishop David Bakare_

*Buried Glory*
Sunday 11 November
READ: Mark 5:1-20
MORE LESSON: Psalm 126:1-4

The passage in Mark is the story of a man who was possessed by demons. They tormented him so much that he could no longer dwell with humans but lived in the cemetery. As if that was not enough, they also made him to cut himself with sharp stones. He was perpetually in pain and it looked as if his situation was hopeless. People even tried the best they could to help him but whenever he was bound, he broke the chains and fetters. Because of the evil spirits in him, he became too wild to be tamed. Everyone had given up on him. But there is hope for a man in whom God is interested.
One day Jesus showed up on the scene and that was the end of the agony of many years. Whatever sorrow the enemy has put you through, today I declare deliverance, in the name of Jesus. Jesus cast out the evil spirits and the man was in his right mind again. Everyone who saw him was amazed. There is no situation that God cannot turnaround, all we need to do is to believe Him and ask for a divine visitation because no situation can stand His visit.
The most thrilling thing about the man in our text today is that he was an evangelist who was languishing among the dead. He had the call of God on his life but his glory was buried. What was an evangelist of the living doing among the dead? When the glory of a man is buried, he experiences the opposite of glory shame, reproach, pain and lots more. A man with a buried glory is like one who carries around a candle that is not lit; he has the potential but no results. When Jesus came across the mad man, all He did for him was to deliver his glory from the power of the grave and restored him to the original plan of God for his life. This is why when he requested to go with Jesus, He asked him to go and tell all his friends what great things the Lord had done for him. He was an evangelist of the living and not the dead. By the power of the resurrection, I call forth your glory, in the name of Jesus. Every grave is broken and your glory begins to spring forth again. In place of shame, receive double honour. Desperately cry to Heaven for a visitation today and your glory will experience the resurrection power in the name of Jesus.

* Command every hidden/buried glory of your life to come to manifestation.
* Ask God to deliver your glory from the powers of the grave.
* Ask God for double honour for all forms of shame you have experienced.

*TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: By the superior fire power of Jehovah, I invade every enemy's territory this month and recover all that belongs to me, in the mighty name of Jesus.*

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Divine Speed

Saturday 10 November
READ: I Kings 18:41-46
MORE LESSON: Jeremiah 32:26-27

Sometime ago I sat in my office in Nigeria and the Holy Spirit told me about someone who was sick in Chicago in United States. He said, “Call that lady right now”. Then I called her and she said, “I was just looking for a way to call you and now you called me. I am disturbed”. I said, “Calm down, you didn't call me, I called you and I already know something is happening to you”. She exclaimed that it meant that God had answered her prayer and I said yes. Then I asked her what the matter was. She said her son was afflicted by an ailment that had defied medications. She said doctors did not know what it was. The boy would lie down and behave abnormal and that there was nothing they could do. She shouted, “Daddy I am finished” and I said God forbid. I said to her, if that thing is air borne, then it makes it easy because there is a force of Heaven that operates in the air, which carries anything on its pathway.
She said that the doctors told her that the boy would not be discharged in the next six months and I said not so. I prayed for her, the next two days I couldn't pray for her because they were very busy days for me. I called her Sunday night and she started shouting, “Hallelujah! my child has been discharged from the hospital, he is alive and well. They said they could not explain how an illness that was scheduled to be treated in six months was done away within six days”. This can only be by divine speed. God is time Himself and He can adjust time to fit His purpose. It doesn't matter what the report is in the natural, by divine speed, God can bypass protocol and make things work out for your good. But you must believe the report of the Lord.
Most times the report of man is contrary to the report of God. God's report says you are healed, free, victorious, joyful, wealthy, prosperous etc. while man's report says you are sick, bound, victimised, sad, poor etc. I dare to ask you, “Whose report will you believe?” You must choose to believe the report of the Lord, irrespective of what man's opinion is. Make only God's opinion about a matter the final say. Any man can say what he wants, but choose to believe what God has said.
How can you explain the gap, six months to six days? This can only be by divine speed. This is the speed that made Elijah to run ahead of Ahab's chariot, which comes by the hand of the Lord. Ask for the hand of the Lord in your life and you will enjoy divine speed.

* Ask God to answer you speedily.
* Declare that no contrary report will stand, only the counsel of God will stand in your life.
* Pray for divine speed in your endeavour today.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: I excuse this month from being a deficit to my life in any area. I will increase and advance in it, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Team Work

_A Daily Devotional by Bishop David Bakare_

Team Work
Wednesday 7 November
READ: II Kings 6:1-7
MORE LESSON: John 6:5-12

There is something prominent in the text of today which we must draw from if we want to move forward in life. There was a problem, yet it was not discovered by the leader but by the subordinates, who also suggested how to overcome the challenge. You may never grow out of smallness if you are the only one who does everything in your organisation; you dream, plan, take decision and execute everything all by yourself. Such an organisation does not grow beyond one man’s ability. When you have a river you should be able to assess whether you require a hook, a boat, or a ship to bring the desired quantity of fishes. Every successful organisation should have every hand on deck. If your business will be successful, your staff should be part of the people that make it work. If you must grow, you must be able to take other people's ideas.
A successful family is one where everyone contributes his/her quota for the efficient running of the home. So also the staff and everybody in an organisation should consider and handle issues concerning the business as though it were their personal problem, but not so in Nigeria. An average Nigerian sees himself as a Yoruba man; in fact, he sees himself as an individual first, then as a Yoruba and then as a Nigerian; Nigeria is never number one with Nigerians. Everyone is contented with whatever happens to Nigeria as long as it is alright for them. But how can it be alright for you when it is not well with the land where you dwell?
In the Bible passage, it was one of the men who identified the problem of insufficient accommodation, not the leader. Another man suggested that they go and cut trees to enlarge the place and another one requested that the master go with them. Every stage of the advancement and enlargement was a collective responsibility; it was a united front, everyone was doing something.
The problem with most organisations is that only the leaders own them. They are the ones responsible for decision making, planning and execution without the contribution of members of staff. Any man who lives this way will wear himself out and will remain perpetually under productive. No man is an island for God has purposely created man to be an interdependent being. Therefore, any attempt to be independent leads to a life of struggle and under productivity. Could it be that the current challenge you have been struggling with is because you have refused godly counsel? Why not open up to the people that God has sent to help you? Receive godly counsel and be delivered from that trouble forever.

* Pray for grace to contribute your quota in advancing the place where you are.
* Pray for team spirit in the organisation where you work/serve.
* Pray that God will surround you with people that will help you in fulfilling what God has sent you to do.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Today I decree by the blood of Jesus that no one will go to hell in my family, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Remember me II

_A Daily Devotional by Bishop David Bakare_

*Remember Me II*
Tuesday 6 November
READ: Genesis 40:1-23
MORE LESSON: II Chronicles 32:1-8

We have been looking at what happens when God remembers a man; chains are broken, pains are healed and the man receives compensation for every affliction. Today, we will look at one more person that was remembered in the Scripture. Joseph was in the prison when he met two servants of the king who were sent to jail. They had dreams which they related to Joseph and he interpreted their dreams. When he was done interpreting their dreams, he made only one request to one of them which was that when he got back to the palace, he should remember him and show him kindness. The Bible says the dreams happened exactly the way Joseph had interpreted them. One of them had his head removed. The second one had his position restored but he forgot about Joseph in prison.
Until God remembers a man, people will always forget about him no matter how helpful he has been to them. Still speaking about Joseph, the Bible says he remained in prison until his word came (Psa. 105:19). Until Heaven remembered him and sent a word of release, the king's servant forgot about him. No wonder the Bible says, ...Cursed be the man that trusteth in man.... Jer. 17:5. Anyone who puts his confidence in man has signed up to fail because the Scripture tells us that the arm of flesh will fail. So why put so much confidence in what you have already been told will fail?
I believe that Joseph learnt it the hard way not to trust in man. It was also possible that Joseph must have thought that meeting the king's servants was God's ordained way of bringing him out of prison. He was probably not wrong but this shifted his attention away from the deliverance of God. It is true that God uses men to give us help, but we must never get to the point where we allow such people to take the place of God in our lives. Everyone that God has used to meet our needs must be honoured as a channel and not the source because only God is the source of help. Just imagine that you were offered a tank of water and a river flowing through your house; which will you go for? The river of course. This is because the river can feed the tank with water but no matter how full the tank is, it cannot contribute meaningfully to the content of a river. In fact, if there is drought, the water in the tank will be exhausted whereas that in the river may still flow.
I admonish you to take your eyes off everyone that is taking the place of God in your life and that situation will receive a supernatural intervention. The end that you expect is only found in God and He can send it through which ever channel He chooses. Therefore, trust in the Lord.

* Ask God to forgive you where you have fixed your hope on men.
* Pray that you will find grace to always fix your eyes on God for sure help.
* Declare that Heaven shall remember you today.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: In the name of Jesus, I decree the sound of abundance of rain over me, my family and my destiny this month, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, November 5, 2018

The Kingdom of God I

Thursday 1 November
READ: Romans 14:17-19
MORE LESSON: Revelation 11:15

A kingdom is the territory within which a king exercises authority and rule. The king is supreme in his kingdom and his words are considered law. We have different kingdoms: the kingdoms of this world and the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is any territory or domain where the authority and rule of God finds expression. This means that if a man makes his life God's territory, that is, God lives in Him and has full authority over him, he becomes the kingdom of God and every characteristic of the Kingdom begins to find expression in his life. Unlike the kingdoms of this world, it is a rare privilege to be part of the kingdom of God, with its very interesting features. The greatest thing that can happen to anyone is for them to become a part of this kingdom.
The Bible says in Rom. 14:17, For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. From this verse, three characteristics of the kingdom of God are obvious:
1. Righteousness: to be righteous means to be in right standing with God, to be reconciled back to God, be at peace with Him and have access to Him. This happens by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Saviour. Therefore, making your life to become the kingdom of God where He rules, gives you access and makes you well pleasing to Him.
2. Peace: this is one vital feature that is missing in many kingdoms of the world. Citizens of God's kingdom enjoy peace that passes human understanding. This doesn't mean that problems will not arise, but they remain peaceful in the midst of the storm. Can you imagine someone sleeping in a capsizing boat? Jesus did. This can only be the result of the peace of the kingdom of God. In fact, Jesus is the Prince of peace and so He understood better.
3. Joy in the Holy Ghost: joy is a state of being happy irrespective of the prevailing situation. Unlike happiness, joy is inwardly controlled and is not affected by the obvious prevailing circumstance; it is produced by the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. Everyone desires to be joyful but not everyone is able to attain true joy. The mistake people make most of the time is that they keep looking for the right thing in the wrong place as some think they will find joy when they have married the man or woman of their dream, others think they will find joy when they have attained the peak of their career. True joy is given by the Holy Spirit regardless of the prevailent situation.
Becoming a citizen of God's kingdom makes these things your right. Why don't you become a citizen of this Kingdom today? Invite Jesus to be the Lord and Saviour of your life.

* Declare the sovereignty of God over your life and family.
* Ask that the joy, peace and righteousness that characterise God's kingdom will find full expression in your life and family.
* Declare that no sin, sickness or darkness will reign over you because God reigns in you.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Father, You gave me ten months that I couldn't pay for and now You have added the eleventh month. Thank You Lord forever, in the name of Jesus.

The Kingdom of God II

Friday 2 November
READ: Matthew 28:18-20
MORE LESSON: Luke 19:11-27

Jesus came to the earth to reconcile man back to God and to grant us access to the kingdom of God. When He was done with His assignment, He returned to Heaven and left us with a promise, ...I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also: Jn. 14: 2-3. One may ask, “Why did Jesus not take His disciples along immediately? Or why is it that we are not taken to Heaven the moment we give our lives to Christ?” The answer is quite simple.
Just as we have duties and responsibilities in other kingdoms, citizens of the kingdom of God have duties and obligations that they must perform. Every citizen of the Kingdom is an ambassador anywhere he/she is found. We have a mandate that we must carry out as stated in our text, And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen: Verses 18-20.
We have been given the authority that we need to fulfil the mandate. Jesus expects that just as we have been saved, we should in turn direct others to Him who is the way, the truth and the life so that He can save and translate them from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. In whatever sphere of life you find yourself, be it in education, politics, media, entertainment etc. you have the responsibility of making disciples there. This is why we must not shy away from any sector that God is instructing us to join. God needs representatives in all spheres because, …The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever: Rev. 11:15. The kingdoms of this world must become the kingdoms of our Lord Jesus Christ and we are the agents that will make this happen. God is counting on you; will you disappoint Him?

* Give God thanks for the privilege of being a member of His kingdom.
* Ask for grace to perform your role in bringing others to His kingdom.
* Pray for the reign of God's kingdom in our nation.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Hallelujah, there shall be an eleventh-hour miracle this eleventh month and the difficult situations of 2018 shall crash, in the name of Jesus.

The Kingdom of God II

Friday 2 November
READ: Matthew 28:18-20
MORE LESSON: Luke 19:11-27

Jesus came to the earth to reconcile man back to God and to grant us access to the kingdom of God. When He was done with His assignment, He returned to Heaven and left us with a promise, ...I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also: Jn. 14: 2-3. One may ask, “Why did Jesus not take His disciples along immediately? Or why is it that we are not taken to Heaven the moment we give our lives to Christ?” The answer is quite simple.
Just as we have duties and responsibilities in other kingdoms, citizens of the kingdom of God have duties and obligations that they must perform. Every citizen of the Kingdom is an ambassador anywhere he/she is found. We have a mandate that we must carry out as stated in our text, And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen: Verses 18-20.
We have been given the authority that we need to fulfil the mandate. Jesus expects that just as we have been saved, we should in turn direct others to Him who is the way, the truth and the life so that He can save and translate them from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. In whatever sphere of life you find yourself, be it in education, politics, media, entertainment etc. you have the responsibility of making disciples there. This is why we must not shy away from any sector that God is instructing us to join. God needs representatives in all spheres because, …The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever: Rev. 11:15. The kingdoms of this world must become the kingdoms of our Lord Jesus Christ and we are the agents that will make this happen. God is counting on you; will you disappoint Him?

* Give God thanks for the privilege of being a member of His kingdom.
* Ask for grace to perform your role in bringing others to His kingdom.
* Pray for the reign of God's kingdom in our nation.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Hallelujah, there shall be an eleventh-hour miracle this eleventh month and the difficult situations of 2018 shall crash, in the name of Jesus.

Power of Process

Saturday 3 November
READ: II Kings 6:1-7
MORE LESSON: Hebrews 10:35-39

Between a problem and solution lies the period known as process. In other words, a process is the period of time between a prophecy or problem and its fulfilment or solution. The process in any situation is very important because whatever happens during this period determines the eventual outcome of that situation. What you do while you wait for the manifestation of what God has said concerning you is very important because it determines what you get at the end. In the passage of today, the sons of the prophets were confronted by the problem of inadequate space and they voiced it to their master, ...As you can see, this place where we meet with you is too small: Verse 1 (NLT). It is obvious they needed an enlargement, but between the problem of limited space and the enlargement they desired was a period called process and it was pivotal to determining whether they would reach their target or not. Let's see what they did.
1. The first step they took was that they realised there was a problem. It is only when you recognise the challenge you have that you can begin to seek solution. Therefore, identify what your problem is and set out to get it solved. There is a common saying that the first step to recovery is discovery. So until you discover, you cannot recover. What the devil does often is to make problems appear natural and so we believe they are part of life; so we see nothing wrong with the situation. But the day God opens your eyes to what has been happening, your deliverance begins. Therefore, you must always pray for the light of God to shine on the darkness in your life.
2. Everyone contributed his quota to ensure the problem was solved. Whoever desires to move from small to big must be ready to learn from others. Don't conclude you don't need anyone's idea. Don't despise anyone because you may be amazed to discover that the solution lies with someone you least expect.
3. In an attempt to expand, they encountered a problem; the axe head fell into water and as long as it was in the water the dream could not be realised. Sometimes, in an attempt to find solution to a problem, you encounter other problems but you must never give up because those other problems are only distractions to hinder you from achieving your aim. You deal with a problem by finding an idea and implementing it. However, the process of implementation may bring developmental problems but you must not shut down because you encounter a problem.
As you set out to find solution to your problem, remember to keep an open mind to learn and do not give up in your pursuit. Victory is sure if you faint not. Receive the grace not to faint, in the name of Jesus.

* Pray that whatever you go through in life will make you better.
* Ask God for strength to pursue your goals and not give up in the face of challenges.
* Pray that the divine purpose for your life will come true in every process you go through.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: November shall be greater than January to October for the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this, in the mighty name of Jesus.

One Body in Christ

Sunday 4 November
READ: I Corinthians 12:12-31
MORE LESSON: Ephesians 4:13-16

God arranged for the church to run smoothly and orderly. Everybody knows when to do what. For example, God has kept different offices in the church and specific officers to man these offices and ensure the smooth running of them. He has put some people in the ministry of help. Their job is that God has given them the grace to assist people in times of need, and encourage the Body. Most times they have the responsibility of rehabilitating those who have been imprisoned and engraft them back into the society, encouraging those facing persecution, binding up the broken hearted and ensuring their total healing etc. Those in the ministry of intercession stand in the gap for the Body. There are also ministerial offices like the apostle, prophet, pastor, evangelist and teacher.
God ensures that there is order and hierarchy in the Body so that all things will run smoothly. This means that every member of the Body is important because it is the corporate operation of these parts that ensures the total health and efficiency of the Body. At the same time, the Body cannot be made of one part, because it may not be able to supply the services of the missing parts.
Therefore, every member of the Body must be proud of his/her position, be effective and consistent in their assignment. However, the problem with the church today is that most people are not proud of what God has called them to do. They feel they deserve the position of the pastor or deacon etc., whereas God called them to be a children teacher. The truth is that everyone is at his or her best in their assignment where God has placed them. For instance, the natural habitat of fish is water. If for any reason the fish begins to feel it deserves to live on land like the lion, it will live all its life struggling. Some people are struggling today not because they are not intelligent but because they have left their calling or purpose and are trying to be like others. The easiest thing in life is to be you. Don't spend your precious life trying to be like someone. Be who God wants you to be.
In addition, God will reward everyone according to their obedience to what He asks them to do. It is only those who are faithful to what God has called them to do that will receive reward. Don't live your life doing another man's work. Find out what God will have you do and be committed to it.

* Ask God to help you discover your role in the body of Christ.
* Pray that you will find grace to perform your role.
* Pray that God will find you faithful in what He called you to do.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Mighty God, thank You for going ahead of us into 2018. The remaining journey of the year shall be more glorious than the beginning, in the name of Jesus

Remember Me I

Monday 5 November
READ: Luke 23:39-43
MORE LESSON: Genesis 8:1-4

The man that we read about in our text today was an armed robber. He probably started by stealing gradually in school, then he graduated to stealing without anyone knowing. He probably could not stop anymore and so got a gun and began to rob in the night. One day, he was caught and was sentenced to death by hanging; they were to nail him to the cross, side by side with the Saviour of the whole world. They got to the cross and everyone was dying gradually in pain. While the armed robber on the left side mocked the Saviour, this criminal rebuked him, saying they were guilty and deserved to die but Jesus was not guilty. He then looked at Jesus and said, …Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom: Verse 42. That touched the heart of Jesus and He replied, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise: Verse 43.
It excites me to know that the first person to make Heaven after Jesus was an armed robber and it tells me that you too can obtain mercy. You cannot be too much a sinner than that criminal; since he made it, then anyone else can make it. All that is to be done is call on God and say, “Remember me”. When God remembered Hannah, her barrenness disappeared; when God remembered Abraham, Sarah gave birth to Isaac. In Exodus chapter two, the Bible says that God remembered the children of Israel and their affliction and He sent a deliverer to take them out of bondage. When God remembers a man, his chains are broken, pains are over and afflictions of many years are ended. All you need today is to say, “Oh God, remember me”.
When Jesus was celebrated by Heaven, the armed robber was also celebrated. When Jesus got to the presence of the Father, He told Him that the job He gave Him had been properly done and that the armed robber was the first beneficiary of the redemption package. Jesus delivered that man because he made just one request, “Remember me”. The kingdom of God cannot open for you except God remembers you. When God remembered the armed robber, He forgave him his sin. If sinners will call upon God today to remember them and forgive them, their sins will be forgiven. If sick people will ask God to remember them today, all ailments will go. It was in pain that the man asked God to remember him and God heard him. I don't know the pain that you suffer, now is your time, your deliverance is in your mouth. Why not cry out to the Lord to remember you?

* Ask God for His mercy and that He will take away judgement.
* Ask God to remember you for good today.
* Pray that God will perform His promises for you.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Father, let mercy speak for me this month and let the spirit of iniquity be banned over me today, in the name of Jesus.