Saturday, November 10, 2018

Divine Speed

Saturday 10 November
READ: I Kings 18:41-46
MORE LESSON: Jeremiah 32:26-27

Sometime ago I sat in my office in Nigeria and the Holy Spirit told me about someone who was sick in Chicago in United States. He said, “Call that lady right now”. Then I called her and she said, “I was just looking for a way to call you and now you called me. I am disturbed”. I said, “Calm down, you didn't call me, I called you and I already know something is happening to you”. She exclaimed that it meant that God had answered her prayer and I said yes. Then I asked her what the matter was. She said her son was afflicted by an ailment that had defied medications. She said doctors did not know what it was. The boy would lie down and behave abnormal and that there was nothing they could do. She shouted, “Daddy I am finished” and I said God forbid. I said to her, if that thing is air borne, then it makes it easy because there is a force of Heaven that operates in the air, which carries anything on its pathway.
She said that the doctors told her that the boy would not be discharged in the next six months and I said not so. I prayed for her, the next two days I couldn't pray for her because they were very busy days for me. I called her Sunday night and she started shouting, “Hallelujah! my child has been discharged from the hospital, he is alive and well. They said they could not explain how an illness that was scheduled to be treated in six months was done away within six days”. This can only be by divine speed. God is time Himself and He can adjust time to fit His purpose. It doesn't matter what the report is in the natural, by divine speed, God can bypass protocol and make things work out for your good. But you must believe the report of the Lord.
Most times the report of man is contrary to the report of God. God's report says you are healed, free, victorious, joyful, wealthy, prosperous etc. while man's report says you are sick, bound, victimised, sad, poor etc. I dare to ask you, “Whose report will you believe?” You must choose to believe the report of the Lord, irrespective of what man's opinion is. Make only God's opinion about a matter the final say. Any man can say what he wants, but choose to believe what God has said.
How can you explain the gap, six months to six days? This can only be by divine speed. This is the speed that made Elijah to run ahead of Ahab's chariot, which comes by the hand of the Lord. Ask for the hand of the Lord in your life and you will enjoy divine speed.

* Ask God to answer you speedily.
* Declare that no contrary report will stand, only the counsel of God will stand in your life.
* Pray for divine speed in your endeavour today.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: I excuse this month from being a deficit to my life in any area. I will increase and advance in it, in the name of Jesus.


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