Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Remember me II

_A Daily Devotional by Bishop David Bakare_

*Remember Me II*
Tuesday 6 November
READ: Genesis 40:1-23
MORE LESSON: II Chronicles 32:1-8

We have been looking at what happens when God remembers a man; chains are broken, pains are healed and the man receives compensation for every affliction. Today, we will look at one more person that was remembered in the Scripture. Joseph was in the prison when he met two servants of the king who were sent to jail. They had dreams which they related to Joseph and he interpreted their dreams. When he was done interpreting their dreams, he made only one request to one of them which was that when he got back to the palace, he should remember him and show him kindness. The Bible says the dreams happened exactly the way Joseph had interpreted them. One of them had his head removed. The second one had his position restored but he forgot about Joseph in prison.
Until God remembers a man, people will always forget about him no matter how helpful he has been to them. Still speaking about Joseph, the Bible says he remained in prison until his word came (Psa. 105:19). Until Heaven remembered him and sent a word of release, the king's servant forgot about him. No wonder the Bible says, ...Cursed be the man that trusteth in man.... Jer. 17:5. Anyone who puts his confidence in man has signed up to fail because the Scripture tells us that the arm of flesh will fail. So why put so much confidence in what you have already been told will fail?
I believe that Joseph learnt it the hard way not to trust in man. It was also possible that Joseph must have thought that meeting the king's servants was God's ordained way of bringing him out of prison. He was probably not wrong but this shifted his attention away from the deliverance of God. It is true that God uses men to give us help, but we must never get to the point where we allow such people to take the place of God in our lives. Everyone that God has used to meet our needs must be honoured as a channel and not the source because only God is the source of help. Just imagine that you were offered a tank of water and a river flowing through your house; which will you go for? The river of course. This is because the river can feed the tank with water but no matter how full the tank is, it cannot contribute meaningfully to the content of a river. In fact, if there is drought, the water in the tank will be exhausted whereas that in the river may still flow.
I admonish you to take your eyes off everyone that is taking the place of God in your life and that situation will receive a supernatural intervention. The end that you expect is only found in God and He can send it through which ever channel He chooses. Therefore, trust in the Lord.

* Ask God to forgive you where you have fixed your hope on men.
* Pray that you will find grace to always fix your eyes on God for sure help.
* Declare that Heaven shall remember you today.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: In the name of Jesus, I decree the sound of abundance of rain over me, my family and my destiny this month, in the name of Jesus.


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