Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Team Work

_A Daily Devotional by Bishop David Bakare_

Team Work
Wednesday 7 November
READ: II Kings 6:1-7
MORE LESSON: John 6:5-12

There is something prominent in the text of today which we must draw from if we want to move forward in life. There was a problem, yet it was not discovered by the leader but by the subordinates, who also suggested how to overcome the challenge. You may never grow out of smallness if you are the only one who does everything in your organisation; you dream, plan, take decision and execute everything all by yourself. Such an organisation does not grow beyond one man’s ability. When you have a river you should be able to assess whether you require a hook, a boat, or a ship to bring the desired quantity of fishes. Every successful organisation should have every hand on deck. If your business will be successful, your staff should be part of the people that make it work. If you must grow, you must be able to take other people's ideas.
A successful family is one where everyone contributes his/her quota for the efficient running of the home. So also the staff and everybody in an organisation should consider and handle issues concerning the business as though it were their personal problem, but not so in Nigeria. An average Nigerian sees himself as a Yoruba man; in fact, he sees himself as an individual first, then as a Yoruba and then as a Nigerian; Nigeria is never number one with Nigerians. Everyone is contented with whatever happens to Nigeria as long as it is alright for them. But how can it be alright for you when it is not well with the land where you dwell?
In the Bible passage, it was one of the men who identified the problem of insufficient accommodation, not the leader. Another man suggested that they go and cut trees to enlarge the place and another one requested that the master go with them. Every stage of the advancement and enlargement was a collective responsibility; it was a united front, everyone was doing something.
The problem with most organisations is that only the leaders own them. They are the ones responsible for decision making, planning and execution without the contribution of members of staff. Any man who lives this way will wear himself out and will remain perpetually under productive. No man is an island for God has purposely created man to be an interdependent being. Therefore, any attempt to be independent leads to a life of struggle and under productivity. Could it be that the current challenge you have been struggling with is because you have refused godly counsel? Why not open up to the people that God has sent to help you? Receive godly counsel and be delivered from that trouble forever.

* Pray for grace to contribute your quota in advancing the place where you are.
* Pray for team spirit in the organisation where you work/serve.
* Pray that God will surround you with people that will help you in fulfilling what God has sent you to do.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Today I decree by the blood of Jesus that no one will go to hell in my family, in the mighty name of Jesus.


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