Friday, December 27, 2013

Who Owns your Life?

Text: ICor.6:15-20 
More Lessons: II Tim.2:19

There is a law in the United States about self defence. If you are sitting in your house and someone shows up with a weapon to hurt you; if there is evidence that he is coming to attack you, the law allows you to take a gun and kill him. As long as it is within your territory, you are allowed to defend your land. In fact, the government will help you to do the burial because it happened in your territory. He must have come to attack you and you should not be killed inside your own house. You are allowed the right of self defence within your territory because you are the lord over that territory.

The point here is, it doesn't matter how strong and big the activities of an enemy, it doesn't matter how long, if it does not have the power of ownership, it doesn't have the power of usage. The reason the devil is perching over your forest and doing whatever he likes is because he has seen evidence that he owns the place. For example, even as a believer, if what he tells you to do is what you do, you can bear the title of a believer but he knows that you are not a believer.

So when everybody is praying in church, binding every spirit of sickness, whatever is killing this sister we bind it, the devil is laughing somewhere because he knows that you have no authority to exercise the power you are exercising in that jurisdiction. Now, this is the point that deserves attention in this scripture. What you need to examine properly in that scripture is the ownership, who owns the land? I can reject certain things in my life as a child of God and other members of my family may not be able to do the same, because the ownership differs. God owns my life, so I can tell the devil to remove his hand.

If your life is not owned by God, you can't tell the devil to take his hand off your life, he won't. He won't even listen to you because he is contesting with the issue of ownership. If the devil can confirm and show evidence that he is the owner of your life, you are finished. And that's the point we want to pray about today. Who owns your life? This is important because the power to build, to plant, to raise belongs to the owner.

* Re-dedicate your life to Christ today. Tell Him you give Him all your life.
* Confess any sin that makes satan lay claim to your life.
* Declare to the devil that you are God’s property and God’s alone.

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Knock of Joy

Text: Acts12:11-16. 
More Lessons: Psa.12:1-3

The intention of King Herod when he locked Peter up in prison was to kill him, having killed James the brother of John without any uproar. And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also (Acts 12:3). However, the church woke up from slumber and inaction and began to pray. Peter therefore was kept in prison,...but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him v5. The church suddenly recognised that it was not the will of God for their fathers and members to be killed any how. They began to make a demand on God that enough was enough. And that was it, Heaven intervened, and responded that it would not be as the enemy planned. Today is the day to take up the weapon of prayer and say to hell that it shall not be as the enemy has planned.

It is enough of thinking anything that happens to believers is the will of God, good or bad, without seeking God’s face. Friend, that an evil act has been accommodated before is not enough reason why it should be repeated, rather it is a reason why it must stop. Today, as you take up the bow and arrow of prayer and fasting, I see every evil precedent terminated. I hear Heaven respond like in the days of deliverance of Israel from captivity, And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it. And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it Exo.12:7-8. Today, God will overturn the enemy’s counsel over you, I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him Ezek.21:27.

Just as the counsel of Herod against Peter was overturned by the operation of one angel, so shall the plans against your destiny, known or unknown, be overturned! What began as a warfare night vigil soon became a praise night as a surprise knock came on the door, little Rhoda broke the news, but nobody believed her until it was confirmed. The answer came from Heaven faster than they expected.

Today, you too will hear a surprise knock at your door, that answer will come, in Jesus’ name. It may be by a phone call, a text message, a fax or a letter. Whichever way, a knock of joy is at your door, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God to surprise your enemies negatively and surprise you positively.
* Pray that the counsel and plans of Herod and Pharaoh over your life will fail.
* Declare that your destiny shall not be as the enemy has decided.
* Prophesy that goodness will knock at your door this day.

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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Anti-Christs celebrate Christmas?

Text: I Jn.2:18-25 
More Lesson: Matt.21

There have been questions about the definite date of Christmas, whether Jesus was actually born on 25th December or not. Some biblical scholars believe that Jesus must have been born on 18th August. Some suggested March 28, while others suggested November 18th. Even the year of His birth is in dispute. Moreover, it is said that Christmas did not begin as a Christian festival, rather it was a pagan celebration turned to a church festival by pagan converts and accepted by the Church as an incentive to encourage the pagan idol worshippers to accept Christ. And this is true.

The argument still rages on till today. However, whatever the arguments, two things are not in doubt. One, that Jesus was ever born is not in doubt and that is great enough. Two, that Christmas is beyond date, it is the celebration of a man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Every other story is a mere academic rhetoric. If the argument today is that Jesus is a myth, that He was never born or that He never lived, instantly both Christianity and Christmas will collapse. But thank God, Jesus once walked physically on the planet earth, in Jerusalem to be precise. He was born, lived, died, resurrected and ascended to Heaven and is coming back soon.

Unfortunately, there are more people who celebrate Christmas as another opportunity for fun and festival without any contact with Jesus the real reason for the season. Truly speaking, to hate or deny Jesus and still celebrate His birth is the height of disservice to oneself and a terrible satanic deception. Only the ignorant and the unlearned will do it. The scripture reading of today in fact, describes anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ as an anti-Christ and a liar. So how does an anti-Christ celebrate the Christ he opposes and denies? Unfortunately, there are more anti-Christs today celebrating Christmas.

The question is, Are you an anti-Christ celebrating Christmas or are you Christ-like? Many of us will hate to be called anti-Christ yet by the simple definition of John the beloved, anybody who denies that Jesus is the Christ is an anti-Christ even if he goes to church and celebrates Christmas with others. I ask you once more, Who are you at Christmas and beyond? Be a true celebrant, invite Jesus into your life today and Christmas will be real for you to celebrate. HAPPY CHRISTMAS

* Thank God for the rare gift of Jesus.
* Give thanks to God for the work of redemption Jesus came to do for mankind.
* Pray for the countless crowd that will be celebrating Christ today without Christ in their lives, that before the next Christmas they will encounter Christ.
*Tell someone about Jesus today by word or action.

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Breaking the Padlock

Text: I Sam.1:5,10-21 
More Lessons: Jer.33:1-3

I saw a revelation some weeks back when I knelt down to pray. The Lord opened my eyes and gave me a picture of a hall like a warehouse loaded from wall to wall. There was a door, which was not a surprise to me. What surprised me was that there was an unusual padlock on the door. The padlock was placed at the lintel, close to the roof in the same way that padlocks are closed to people’s destinies. Pondering over the matter I heard the voice of the Lord say to me, “Son, break this padlock that your people may be able to enter into their inheritance”.

Until the padlock against your destiny is broken, you will labour without results. By the power of the Holy Ghost and the anointing of God upon me, I break that padlock against your breakthrough, in the mighty name of Jesus. In today’s passage, two women are spoken about and compared with each other. I notice that Hannah was the one on the negative side while Peninnah was on the positive as far as child bearing was concerned because Hannah had no children. The matter was beyond Elkannah…But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the LORD had shut up her womb v5.

If God locked the place, it means there was a precious priceless Samuel inside it that God didn't want to come out until he was needed to fulfil a divine agenda. Obviously therefore, Hannah may not be said to have been barren after all. That her womb was locked means that she had children but they were locked inside her womb waiting for the God-appointed time of their delivery. Jehovah Himself made sure that Hannah did not have them until there was the need for Samuel to be born and grow to occupy the space provided because of the ungodliness of Hophni and Phinehas, Eli's children.

When God Himself locks the door to whatever you are believing Him for, only Him can unlock that door. Hannah knew this better when that year she got to Shiloh, rather than answer Peninnah, who was taunting her, or report her to their husband Elkannah, or even report to Eli the Chief Priest, Hannah went straight to cry unto God who locked her womb, and God answered her. The God that answered Hannah will assuredly answer you. As you enter the new year, may the enemies’ padlocks on your life be broken.

* Command all satanic padlocks against your goodness to be broken now, in Jesus’ name. Repeat this prayer all day long.
* Like Hannah, add a covenant vow to your prayers, it breaks padlocks.
* Put aside distractions and cry unto God to unlock every padlock in your life.

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