Saturday, October 24, 2015

Fulfilling Prophecy

Saturday 24 October
READ: Gen. 12: 1-3
MORE LESSON: Psa. 89:34-37

God gave a prophecy to Abram that he would become a father of many nations. (Gen. 12: 1 – 3). The word of the Lord came to Abram directly and God fulfilled it in his life and in his seed after him. Daniel was another person that experienced the fulfilment of prophecy in his life. God told Israel that they would spend 70 years in exile, after which they will be free. Daniel discovered this in the scripture and he stood on it unto reality. (Dan 9: 2). Daniel read in scriptures a prophecy that was not given directly to him but to Jeremiah, he picked up the word from scriptures and prayed it until it manifested.

A word of prophecy came to these two people in two different ways and both were equally potent. God can speak directly to you or you can hold to the word of God which is full of prophecies for every good prophecy in the word of God is for you. When you hold persistently to what God said to you – either directly or through the scripture, no matter what the devil says or does, you will experience the fulfilment of that prophecy and your problems will be changed to testimonies.

As a young believer, one day I was doing some chores in the house and singing in the spirit; suddenly I spoke out, My name is David and then I spoke some other things about myself that would also come to pass later in my life. The baptismal name my father gave me was not David but as I was singing that day, I spoke a few things about the vision of what God would have me do later in life and bearing the name David was part of it. My Dad was a very strict disciplinarian, so I had to compose myself very well to tell him what I thought would more or less sound to him like I didn't want the name he gave me anymore and I wanted my name changed to David. But having heard God very clear, I was bold about it.

So I walked to my dad and said Daddy, my name is David. He stood for a few minutes looking at my face and I stood there imagining what will happen ready to run quickly if need be. Contrary to my expectation, he said, ok, David, you will be David; he confirmed it. That name and all the things I spoke out that day are finding expression in my life today. That was a personal word I received directly from the Lord. For you, it might be discovered from scriptures. However it comes, I want you to hold to God's prophetic promises over your life and they will come to pass. God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Num. 23:19.

* Rise up and begin to announce God’s covenants and promise over your life and decree them into reality, in Jesus’ name.
* Tell the Lord, you believe His Word over your life and that you will wait on him till performance. 
* Give God praise for being a faithful God ever!

At sunrise today, there shall be help for me and at sunset I will be celebrating, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Reminding God of His Promises

Friday 23 October
READ: Isa. 43: 26
MORE LESSON: Gen 32: 22 - 31

In obtaining God's promises, there is the place of reminding God a promise He made to you so as to get it fulfilled. Isaiah 43: 26. Some people sometimes think that once God has spoken a promise or prophecy to them, He will do it whether they pray about it or not. I want to submit to you today that you need to go back to God and remind Him what He said concerning you. It is not that God is forgetful, but just your reminding Him shows that you are relying totally on Him. In Exodus 2: 24, the Bible said concerning the children of Israel who were in slavery in Egypt that So God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God promised Abraham that his descendants would go into slavery and He would later bring them out. (Gen 15: 13 – 14). But the descendants remained in slavery until they cried to God in prayers and when their cry came up to God by the reason of their bondage, He remembered that it was time to set them free. He knew all along, He was waiting for them to pray.

Prayer is the way to remind God of His promises for us. Personal prayer is very necessary to hold on to God to fulfil His promises over our life. Jacob held to God when he saw that the blessing he received by deceit was not working well in his life, so he held to God that the covenant must speak for him. Jacob came to a point where he realised that it was either God intervened and fulfilled His word over him or he would die. So he sent his wife and children ahead and stayed alone with God without distraction. God blessed him again and his life took a new turn. (Gen 32: 22 – 31).

That encounter Jacob had with God is a type of personal specialised prayer. I always tell people that as good as congregational prayer is, it is not enough to take delivery of all the promises that God has for you. Take time personally, enter into your closet and begin to remind God all that He promised you. It is also good to have a prayer partner with whom you agree and settle issues with God. (Matt 18: 19). Today, stay with God and bring your casue before Him, remind Him of all His exceeding great promises that He made to you through His spoken word and through the written word. As you remind God His word, you will see speedy performance.

* Ask God to remember your destiny as He remembered Israel in Egypt and rose up to change their situation.
* Ask God for grace to be able to stand fast in the place of prayer until God remembers you like He remembered Hannah.
* Ask God for speedy performance of His promises over your life. 
* Rebuke every road block on the path way of the fulfilment of your destiny.

By the blood of Jesus, I renounce and revoke the claims of evil family idols and altars over my life today, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Best Gift of All

Thursday 22 October
READ: Heb.1:1-8
MORE LESSON: Phil.2:9-10

God loves to relate and speak with people. The scripture for today expressly declares to us that God speaks. Several people in the world think that God is so impersonal and distant from man that He does not speak. Far from it, God has been speaking and will continue to speak to man in all ages. God speaks to all without bias of race, color, tribe, status or class.

The only condition for enjoying the communion of closeness with God is to have the Son. God speaks to us by His Son (Heb.1:2); He has made His Son the fullness of all things. Jesus Christ is the full package of God's gift to mankind. For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ: Rom.5:17. To reign in life, you must have Jesus and allow Him to live and reign in you. A man that has the fullness of Christ will have the fullness of life.

To enjoy God's best gift you have to use the name of Jesus. The key to accessing the good gifts God has provided for His children is using the name of Jesus. And whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you shall ask anything in my name, I will do it: Jn.14:13-14.

God has completely authorized that everything must respond to Jesus’ name. Such things that must respond include: 
1. The heavens and the earth (Deut.32:1). These have ears to hear and will respond. 
2. Stones and other created things will respond to the name. (Josh.24:27 Psa.29:1-3). 
3. Nations and people will hear and respond to the name (Isa.34:1). Call that rebellious member of your family that has refused to respond to the caution of the elders. Start calling him to respond to the name of Jesus and a change will happen.

Those long standing requests and prayers will respond to the voice of the LORD that is powerful, full of majesty, breaking the cedars of Lebanon and dividing the flames of fire. Arise and use the best that God has given you to access your victory.

* Sing a song to exalt the excellent name of Jesus.
* Ask that by the reason of that name every contradiction must submit to you today, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare your victory by the power in the name of Jesus.

Let the blood of Jesus flow in my life and blot out all ungodly inheritance, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Beyond Wishful Thinking

Wednesday 21 October
READ: Prov 13: 1-11
MORE LESSON: Matt. 25:26-30

The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat: Prov.13: 4. This is true in the physical realm. The farmer who wants to harvest corn must first plow the field and plant the seed. A lazy person aims at nothing and usually hits nothing. Just desiring a good harvest will not produce the results. Wishing you know your Bible better or that you are able to read it through from Genesis to Revelation, without actually doing it, will not give a working knowledge of the Bible; you must study and research the Bible. Similarly, wishing you had a better prayer life will not make it happen; you must take time to pray.

It is those who take time and pain to labour that will have a good harvest. Laziness and wishful thinking without action leads to poverty, waste and loss of all things (Prov. 6: 9-11, Prov 18: 9, Matt 25: 26-30). Moreover, if a man will have all that his soul desires, He must have something he is gainfully doing (Neh 6: 3). A man who desires a good harvest must invest his time wisely and be prompt (Eph 5: 11). Work day and night; there is no law against working in the night, especially if that is the most suitable time for you (1 Thes 2: 9).

A man who desires great profit or income must be trained in his chosen field: ...Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways...: Prov. 6:6-8. Putting into practice all lessons a man learns whether from man, animal or inanimate things is profitable.
The Bible also commanded “no work, no eat” (2 Thes 3: 10-12). And as you get yourself involved in profitable righteous endeavours, you can be sure of God's blessing.

* I break off the yoke of laziness and procrastination from my life, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* I receive grace to labour profitably with abundant harvest in Jesus’ mighty name.
* I receive the abundant prosperity and blessing instead of poverty and lack, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Right now, I command the bondage activators in my life to burn and perish, in the name of Jesus.