Monday, October 26, 2015

Planted by the Rivers

Monday 26 October
READ: Psa 1: 1 - 3
MORE LESSON: Matt. 13: 3 - 9

You can break all limits and boundaries that have been set over your life. You can prevail in life irrespective of your background and become prosperous in life. God can do it for you like He did for me. My father had a statement he used to describe his rise in life as a seed that grew up on a rock. He was actually saying that to encourage us to work hard. He told us how he had no parents to sponsor him when he was growing up and how he had to labour as he grew up under hard and tight conditions. He would then encourage us that since we had little help from parents we should work hard to maximize it. As good as that line of reasoning sounds, each time he said it, I felt discouraged in my spirit instead of being encouraged to work as he intended. I would become sad on hearing it, wondering how I would fare in life.

When I got born again and I began studying the word of God, I read the parable of the sower and saw what a seed that grows up on a rock is. The Bible records about the seed that grew up on a rock that it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root (Matt 13:5-6 NIV). A seed that grows up on a rock doesn't have soil to support it. It doesn't have deep roots; so it gets scorched, dries up and dies soon. When I got this revelation, I closed the Bible I was reading, put it aside and immediately started praying. I said to myself, I bind every spirit of a seed that grows up on rocky places in my life. I rejected that mindset and began declaring that I didn't rise from a rock. Later as I was reading the Bible, I saw the kind of soil I should grow up from. I discovered that I ought to be a seed that is planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper (Psa. 1:3).

I began to declare this passage over my life. I spoke it forth into my past, present and future. I declared it till everything changed. God changed my story and the rest is glory. Today, the Lord will shift you from a seed planted on a rock to a seed planted by rivers of waters. Whatever struggle you are going through as a result of your background comes to an end today. You are planted by the rivers of water to bring forth fruit in season. Your leaves shall not wither and whatever you do shall prosper. That is your portion in Jesus’ name.

* Command every Satanic limit placed over your life to be terminated now in the name of Jesus.
* Lay your hands on your head and command every dry land and wrong placement in your life to be changed now in the name of Jesus.
Take Psalm 1:1-3 and declare it on your destiny now.

As the covenant of the day and the sun cannot be altered, so is the covenant of goodness and peace over my life.Nothing shall break it, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

From Prophecy to Reality

Sunday 25 October
READ: Gen. 12: 1-3
MORE LESSON: Rom 4: 17 - 22

God is a God of promises and it is in the nature of God to fulfil every promise He made. The Bible is replete with stories of men that God gave prophecies of blessings e.g Abraham who waited for years but God didn't fail him. The prophecy over his life became a reality. For the prophecies that God has given you to be fulfilled as well, there are some things that must be in place. The first is that you must be holding to an established prophetic word from the Lord. There must be something definite that the Lord has said. He doesn't perform the assumptions of men or the ambitions of your heart. You don't hold Him to ransom when He didn't say a thing. Make sure the word you are holding to is the word of the Lord.

That being in place, there are other things to do for God's prophetic word to come to reality in your life. 
1. Remind God of His prophecies concerning you. You do this by prayers and constant confession of faith. 
2. There are certain results that cannot come except by fasting and prayer. (Mark 9: 27). Fasting cannot bribe God but it can speed up the fulfilment of your prophecies. Great men have had great victory in life by the force of fasting and prayer;Even Jesus did not start ministry until He had fasted and prayed for 40days and 40 nights.

3. Faith in God: This is the most essential ingredient in having the promises and prophecies of God come to pass in your life. 2 Chron. 20:20 says, Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established . . . . For by faith that the elders received good report: Heb. 11:2
4. Live a consistent life of holiness. A sinner cannot receive a fulfilled prophecy. If God promised you and you don't fulfil the condition of righteousness you can't get it. Ps. 66:18 says If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. 
5. Sustain a life of service while you wait for the prophecy to become a reality. Remember Zachariah in Luke 1:8, he was waiting for a child but he didn't fold his hands, it was while he was serving that an angel came and informed him that God had heard him. Active service can provoke God to bring His word to pass upon you.

6. Give praise to God before, during and after the prophecy. Whether the prophecy has happened or not give Him praise. Abraham was giving praise to God even when Isaac had not been born. (Rom 4: 20). He gave glory to God till the prophecy became a reality.
It is your turn to experience the performance of all the promises God made to you. The prophecies over your life will become reality in Jesus’ name.

* Proclaim that every promise of God upon your life shall run to fulfilment in the name of Jesus.
* Command every force of performance to come upon God’s Word for your life.
* Decree that no Word of God upon your life will fall to the ground.
Ask God for grace not to faint in times of waiting.

I am not in 2015 as a spectator; this year will not end without my testimony, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Fulfilling Prophecy

Saturday 24 October
READ: Gen. 12: 1-3
MORE LESSON: Psa. 89:34-37

God gave a prophecy to Abram that he would become a father of many nations. (Gen. 12: 1 – 3). The word of the Lord came to Abram directly and God fulfilled it in his life and in his seed after him. Daniel was another person that experienced the fulfilment of prophecy in his life. God told Israel that they would spend 70 years in exile, after which they will be free. Daniel discovered this in the scripture and he stood on it unto reality. (Dan 9: 2). Daniel read in scriptures a prophecy that was not given directly to him but to Jeremiah, he picked up the word from scriptures and prayed it until it manifested.

A word of prophecy came to these two people in two different ways and both were equally potent. God can speak directly to you or you can hold to the word of God which is full of prophecies for every good prophecy in the word of God is for you. When you hold persistently to what God said to you – either directly or through the scripture, no matter what the devil says or does, you will experience the fulfilment of that prophecy and your problems will be changed to testimonies.

As a young believer, one day I was doing some chores in the house and singing in the spirit; suddenly I spoke out, My name is David and then I spoke some other things about myself that would also come to pass later in my life. The baptismal name my father gave me was not David but as I was singing that day, I spoke a few things about the vision of what God would have me do later in life and bearing the name David was part of it. My Dad was a very strict disciplinarian, so I had to compose myself very well to tell him what I thought would more or less sound to him like I didn't want the name he gave me anymore and I wanted my name changed to David. But having heard God very clear, I was bold about it.

So I walked to my dad and said Daddy, my name is David. He stood for a few minutes looking at my face and I stood there imagining what will happen ready to run quickly if need be. Contrary to my expectation, he said, ok, David, you will be David; he confirmed it. That name and all the things I spoke out that day are finding expression in my life today. That was a personal word I received directly from the Lord. For you, it might be discovered from scriptures. However it comes, I want you to hold to God's prophetic promises over your life and they will come to pass. God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Num. 23:19.

* Rise up and begin to announce God’s covenants and promise over your life and decree them into reality, in Jesus’ name.
* Tell the Lord, you believe His Word over your life and that you will wait on him till performance. 
* Give God praise for being a faithful God ever!

At sunrise today, there shall be help for me and at sunset I will be celebrating, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Reminding God of His Promises

Friday 23 October
READ: Isa. 43: 26
MORE LESSON: Gen 32: 22 - 31

In obtaining God's promises, there is the place of reminding God a promise He made to you so as to get it fulfilled. Isaiah 43: 26. Some people sometimes think that once God has spoken a promise or prophecy to them, He will do it whether they pray about it or not. I want to submit to you today that you need to go back to God and remind Him what He said concerning you. It is not that God is forgetful, but just your reminding Him shows that you are relying totally on Him. In Exodus 2: 24, the Bible said concerning the children of Israel who were in slavery in Egypt that So God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God promised Abraham that his descendants would go into slavery and He would later bring them out. (Gen 15: 13 – 14). But the descendants remained in slavery until they cried to God in prayers and when their cry came up to God by the reason of their bondage, He remembered that it was time to set them free. He knew all along, He was waiting for them to pray.

Prayer is the way to remind God of His promises for us. Personal prayer is very necessary to hold on to God to fulfil His promises over our life. Jacob held to God when he saw that the blessing he received by deceit was not working well in his life, so he held to God that the covenant must speak for him. Jacob came to a point where he realised that it was either God intervened and fulfilled His word over him or he would die. So he sent his wife and children ahead and stayed alone with God without distraction. God blessed him again and his life took a new turn. (Gen 32: 22 – 31).

That encounter Jacob had with God is a type of personal specialised prayer. I always tell people that as good as congregational prayer is, it is not enough to take delivery of all the promises that God has for you. Take time personally, enter into your closet and begin to remind God all that He promised you. It is also good to have a prayer partner with whom you agree and settle issues with God. (Matt 18: 19). Today, stay with God and bring your casue before Him, remind Him of all His exceeding great promises that He made to you through His spoken word and through the written word. As you remind God His word, you will see speedy performance.

* Ask God to remember your destiny as He remembered Israel in Egypt and rose up to change their situation.
* Ask God for grace to be able to stand fast in the place of prayer until God remembers you like He remembered Hannah.
* Ask God for speedy performance of His promises over your life. 
* Rebuke every road block on the path way of the fulfilment of your destiny.

By the blood of Jesus, I renounce and revoke the claims of evil family idols and altars over my life today, in the name of Jesus.