Saturday, July 8, 2017

Fulfilling your Purpose

Saturday 8 July
READ: II Tim. 4:5-8
MORE LESSON: Heb. 12:1-3

True success is the fulfilment of original purpose. Success is not measured by what you have done compared to others, but rather by what you have done compared to what you should have done. In the journey of destiny, this is Heaven’s chosen yardstick for all men. Discovering your personal purpose must be accompanied by the pursuit of that purpose. In our text, Apostle Paul fought the fight of destiny to finish his course, as he said, I have fought a good fight.
The following steps will help you fulfil your purpose in life
1. Discover who you are and what you are here for.
2. Ask God for grace and strength to pursue your purpose.
3. Ask God for divine direction on a daily basis.
4. Ask God for the helper of your destiny to come along your path.
5. Do something about your purpose; launch out.
6. Realise that enemies of destiny are out to frustrate you, so fight the good fight of faith.
7. Don't compare yourself with others; you are unique, but you can learn from the success stories of others.
8. Whatever your height of attainment,
you are only an instrument, so give God all the glory.
People that fulfil purpose die empty. May that be your portion as you daily live as a purpose-driven child of your purpose-driven Father. Don't end today's study by just saying Amen, do something about your purpose in life. For example:
1. Ask yourself what is my purpose in life?
2. What am I doing here, where I am?
3. What have I contributed to God's kingdom, my family, and community?
4. What is God's assessment of the number of years I have spent on earth?
5. What was my yesterday like, what about today and tomorrow?
6. When last did I examine myself?
7. When last did I hear God for myself and destiny?
At Gethsemane Jesus told God the truth about His assignment; He said, “Father, let this assignment pass over me” but He quickly added “…let your will be done…” Today, tell God in all sincerity the state of your life assignment and ask Him to help you.

* Pray that you will not die without fulfilling your purpose, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray for the discovery of your destiny, power to fulfil it and grace to pursue it with focus, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to deliver you from every distraction that can take you away from your purpose in destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

The sun of righteousness shall rise today with strength and glory upon its wings for my destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Knowing your Purpose

Friday 7 July
READ: Matt. 1:18-21
MORE LESSON: Jn. 18:1-13

One of the major lessons from the way Jesus lived on earth was the constant consciousness of His purpose. Everything He did showed that He knew what He was living for. The angel had announced to His mother at His conception that He shall save His people from their sins. That was the driving force for all that He did. Everything He did was to advance the purpose which He knew he came to achieve. In fact, this knowledge was the guiding light to the cross. Even before He gave up the ghost, He made sure that He cast His mind back to review all scriptures concerning Him and His purpose. He was satisfied that everything about His purpose was done before He yielded up the ghost (Jn. 19:28-30).
Obviously, this must have given Him joy and fulfilment despite the pain that He went through. Even the pain was a joy because He knew that it was part of His purpose for coming to the earth. When a man knows his purpose, he can enjoy whatever comes his way and handle his situations rightly. Seek to know your purpose that your life may be fulfilled and
ordered. Again the manner in which Jesus handled and went through His betrayal, denial, arrest, prosecution and death tells much about His pre-knowledge of His divine assignment on earth and the effect of that knowledge on His achievements. First, His prayer at the Garden of Gethsemane, which provided the strength to go through the rigours and the pain of His crucifixion, would be impossible if he was ignorant of His assignment. His knowledge of the roles of His close friends, like Judas and Peter, helped Him to absorb the disappointment that was generated by their acts. The cruel beatings that He received did not change Jesus' mind about going to the cross. He did not even complain except to seek for His Father's continual presence.
In the same way, if only you can get to know your purpose and the process to it, many things that weigh you down will change as you pray for grace to fulfil your purpose. You need to trust God for more understanding of your purpose so that you can draw power from the Giver of purpose in order to fulfil it.

* Rebuke every spirit of confusion and lack of direction in life, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God for power to fulfil your destiny, in the name of Jesus.
* Pray that God will send helpers to help you fulfil your purpose, in Jesus’ name.

Father, throughout today mercy will follow me and speak for me, therefore there shall be no failure in my destiny, in Jesus name.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Becoming like Christ

Sunday 2 July
READ: Phil. 3: 10 - 21
MORE LESSON: Acts 4: 9-13

As disciples, we must resemble our Master in every way. The most wonderful achievement for us is to be compared to Jesus in word, deed and attitude though Jesus is beyond compare. When Jesus was to be arrested by the Pharisees, they needed someone to point Him out among His disciples. This was because He and His disciples all lived, dressed and talked alike so that outsiders could not easily differentiate one from the other except someone very close identified Him.
This is a lesson for all leaders in the Body of Christ; we need leaders that will so much mix with the people in humility that we cannot easily see the demarcation between the leaders and the led by positional differentiation. God wants us as disciples of Jesus to be so much like Christ that people would have a hard time differentiating between us and Christ. From the Bible, we know that the disciples were first referred to as Christians in Antioch.
This was because they behaved so much like Christ in every way that they had to refer to them as 'People who are like Christ'. The moment people see us they should know we are followers of Christ. In fact, they should know we are from a living church of God. It is a great thing for us to do wonderful things and people ask, ‘Are you from so and so church? we have noticed that people from there have this unique attribute’. Our lives should be a testimony of the glory of God and not a reproach to the Lord. We must live for the Lord and be like Him. Becoming like Christ is the hallmark of the Christian experience.
Christianity is not about prosperity and success even though God blesses us with those as we serve Him. Christianity is not about marriage and having wonderful family though they are part of the blessings obtained in Christ, nor is it about greatness and becoming prominent though it is part of His blessings as we follow Him. If there is a summary of what genuine Christianity is, it is becoming like Christ in word, work, nature and lifestyle. When we become like Christ, the things that we struggle for will naturally come to us. We must make becoming like Him the highest pursuit of our lives.

* Ask God to make you more like Jesus, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Pray that you will be a worthy epistle of Christ for the world to read, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the pursuit of the presence of Jesus become your burning ambition.

My Father and my God, I declare that the second half of the year is for my advancement above every force of darkness, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

The Path of the Just

Saturday 1 July, 2017
READ: Prov. 4:18
MORE LESSON: Psa. 1: 1 - 6

The Scriptures say, But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. The first thing to notice from this verse is that the just has a path. Whenever you see a just man, there is a way he behaves and does things. Shining more and more denotes recording success upon success. Therefore, success has a path. Men do not succeed by chance; you don't sleep one night and wake up the next day to discover that you are now a success. There must be something you have been doing to become successful. Those who will be successful tomorrow are doing something today. Your success today is a product of your labour of yesterday and your success tomorrow will be a product of your labour of today.
The just man is an organised man. He knows that he will not succeed by mistake or by trial and error. The just is very deliberate in his pursuit of shining. He is a hardworking man; he knows he will not succeed by carelessness and laziness. A just son is not waiting for his father's certificate and laurels to be handed to him; he is making his success just as his parents' are making theirs. The just man has a path and way of life that is responsible for his shining.
Failing is the easiest thing to do in life. All it takes to fail is to do nothing. This is the reason a lot of people are failures; they don't do anything. Every time you ask them what they are doing, they say they are still praying. They do nothing and when nothing happens, they blame everyone, including God, for not doing things for them. The only one they don't blame is themselves. Prayer is essential to success; it is the condition for God to be involved in your matter. However, if God is to be involved in our matter, we too must be involved hands-on. Pray hard but you must also work hard at it. That is the path of the just.
Psalm 1 tells us more about the path of the just that leads to success. The just man practices righteousness. Righteousness is not something to confess only; it is something you do. You can't hang out all night with sinners and expect success the next morning. You don't cheat and expect genuine success to come. You can't spend all your day sleeping, and wake up successful. A just man has a path; it is his path that is responsible for his shining. The Bible doesn't say that the just man shines more and more; it says that his path shines more and more. No path, no shining. It is what you are doing and how you are doing it that determines your success.

* Ask God to teach your hand to profit and grant you wisdom to be successful in life.
* Pray that you will walk the path of success today.
* Pray that you will not be distracted from the path to your greatness.

Father of life, You deserve the glory and honour for the gift of the seventh month, I give You all the praise, in the mighty name of Jesus.