Saturday 1 July, 2017
READ: Prov. 4:18
MORE LESSON: Psa. 1: 1 - 6
The Scriptures say, But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. The first thing to notice from this verse is that the just has a path. Whenever you see a just man, there is a way he behaves and does things. Shining more and more denotes recording success upon success. Therefore, success has a path. Men do not succeed by chance; you don't sleep one night and wake up the next day to discover that you are now a success. There must be something you have been doing to become successful. Those who will be successful tomorrow are doing something today. Your success today is a product of your labour of yesterday and your success tomorrow will be a product of your labour of today.
The just man is an organised man. He knows that he will not succeed by mistake or by trial and error. The just is very deliberate in his pursuit of shining. He is a hardworking man; he knows he will not succeed by carelessness and laziness. A just son is not waiting for his father's certificate and laurels to be handed to him; he is making his success just as his parents' are making theirs. The just man has a path and way of life that is responsible for his shining.
Failing is the easiest thing to do in life. All it takes to fail is to do nothing. This is the reason a lot of people are failures; they don't do anything. Every time you ask them what they are doing, they say they are still praying. They do nothing and when nothing happens, they blame everyone, including God, for not doing things for them. The only one they don't blame is themselves. Prayer is essential to success; it is the condition for God to be involved in your matter. However, if God is to be involved in our matter, we too must be involved hands-on. Pray hard but you must also work hard at it. That is the path of the just.
Psalm 1 tells us more about the path of the just that leads to success. The just man practices righteousness. Righteousness is not something to confess only; it is something you do. You can't hang out all night with sinners and expect success the next morning. You don't cheat and expect genuine success to come. You can't spend all your day sleeping, and wake up successful. A just man has a path; it is his path that is responsible for his shining. The Bible doesn't say that the just man shines more and more; it says that his path shines more and more. No path, no shining. It is what you are doing and how you are doing it that determines your success.
* Ask God to teach your hand to profit and grant you wisdom to be successful in life.
* Pray that you will walk the path of success today.
* Pray that you will not be distracted from the path to your greatness.
Father of life, You deserve the glory and honour for the gift of the seventh month, I give You all the praise, in the mighty name of Jesus.
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