Sunday 16 July
READ: 1 Pet.1:3-12
MORE LESSON: Eph.2:11-13
The scriptures you have just read explain the great mysteries of salvation and the privileges therein. When a man is not born again, although he lives and walks around, the heavens see him as one without God and a hopeless being, That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: Eph. 2:12. You may be a very intelligent, erudite scholar, successful in business or in your career or a music star, or a beauty queen; if you don't live your life believing and trusting Jesus, and walking in obedience to His commandments, you are a stranger to the covenant of promise. In other words, you don't have a part in the promises of God to His people, you have no God, therefore, no hope in this world. Though you live, you are as good as dead. You are susceptible to the vagaries of life, and whatever happens to you, God is not responsible. because God is limited in intervening in your matter since you don't belong to Him.
But the very day you say “Yes” to Jesus and invite Him into your life, that same hour, you are born into a living hope, into an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that does not fade, reserved in Heaven for you, who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ: Eph.2:13.The moment you embrace Jesus, your hopes and aspirations receive the life of God. Salvation changes you from the state of hopelessness to great hope. Moreover, your entire existence receives a surety for fulfilment. You become God's property, a possession that God cherishes, He keeps you as the apple of His eye, and hides you under the shadow of His wings (Psa. 17:8).
The implications are far reaching: your life cannot be cut short any how. The One who begot you has become the superintendent over your life and affairs. He watches over your life with passion and He will go to any length to deal with anything that threatens your life. What a great provision of God for all who come to Him through Jesus His Son. I counsel you today, if you have not truly surrendered your life to Jesus, do so right away so that you can partake of this gracious provision. If you are born again already, I encourage you to jealously guide your salvation so that you can enjoy the fullness of this living hope.
* Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to You today; be my Lord and Saviour, in Jesus’ name.
* Jesus, help me to preserve my salvation, in Jesus’ mighty name.
I prophesy and decree that anyone that raises a hand against me shall lose it by fire, in Jesus' name.
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