Friday, July 7, 2017

Knowing your Purpose

Friday 7 July
READ: Matt. 1:18-21
MORE LESSON: Jn. 18:1-13

One of the major lessons from the way Jesus lived on earth was the constant consciousness of His purpose. Everything He did showed that He knew what He was living for. The angel had announced to His mother at His conception that He shall save His people from their sins. That was the driving force for all that He did. Everything He did was to advance the purpose which He knew he came to achieve. In fact, this knowledge was the guiding light to the cross. Even before He gave up the ghost, He made sure that He cast His mind back to review all scriptures concerning Him and His purpose. He was satisfied that everything about His purpose was done before He yielded up the ghost (Jn. 19:28-30).
Obviously, this must have given Him joy and fulfilment despite the pain that He went through. Even the pain was a joy because He knew that it was part of His purpose for coming to the earth. When a man knows his purpose, he can enjoy whatever comes his way and handle his situations rightly. Seek to know your purpose that your life may be fulfilled and
ordered. Again the manner in which Jesus handled and went through His betrayal, denial, arrest, prosecution and death tells much about His pre-knowledge of His divine assignment on earth and the effect of that knowledge on His achievements. First, His prayer at the Garden of Gethsemane, which provided the strength to go through the rigours and the pain of His crucifixion, would be impossible if he was ignorant of His assignment. His knowledge of the roles of His close friends, like Judas and Peter, helped Him to absorb the disappointment that was generated by their acts. The cruel beatings that He received did not change Jesus' mind about going to the cross. He did not even complain except to seek for His Father's continual presence.
In the same way, if only you can get to know your purpose and the process to it, many things that weigh you down will change as you pray for grace to fulfil your purpose. You need to trust God for more understanding of your purpose so that you can draw power from the Giver of purpose in order to fulfil it.

* Rebuke every spirit of confusion and lack of direction in life, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God for power to fulfil your destiny, in the name of Jesus.
* Pray that God will send helpers to help you fulfil your purpose, in Jesus’ name.

Father, throughout today mercy will follow me and speak for me, therefore there shall be no failure in my destiny, in Jesus name.


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