Saturday, July 15, 2017

God's Habitation

Saturday 15 July
READ: Psa. 22: 3
MORE LESSON: Psa. 149: 1 – 9

The Bible says that God inhabits the praise of His people. This means that when we praise God, He manifests Himself. If you have been wondering where God dwells, then be it known that He dwells in praises. Each time men build a tabernacle of praise, we see God manifest Himself in diverse ways and manners. There are degrees of manifestation of God; the degree to which you see God manifest in your life, home or assembly shows the degree to which your praise and worship has built Him a habitation.
If you want to see more practical manifestation of God in your life and ministry, then increase the measure of praise and worship in your life. You endear yourself to God's presence with a tabernacle of praise which you build either personally or in corporate gathering together with others in your home, office or church. 1 Tim. 2: 8 says that God desires that men lift up holy hands everywhere. Anywhere can become God's habitation, all it takes is that you fill the place with the praise and worship of God and He begins to live in that place.
You can bring God's presence to anywhere you are. You can be an envoy of the physical and tangible presence of God if you master the secret of being a carrier of God's presence and glory, which is a life of praise and worship. When God's glory resides upon your life, the difference is clear; when God is in a place, it is very evident. Signs, wonders, healings, prophecies and unusual blessings are indicators of God's presence. When God is somewhere, you don't need to be told before you know. Matt. 18: 20 says that wherever two or three are gathered in the name of Jesus, He will be there with them. Two or more people gathered extolling the name of Jesus invokes the power of His presence and miracles break out. If you want to see a greater manifestation of the glory and presence of God, then you need to engage more of the power of praise and worship.
The strength of the Church of God and the corporate gathering of believers on the face of the earth is in worship and praise. We must harness the power of gathering just to give heartfelt praise and worship to God and we will see the power of God break through the nations of the earth, Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us: Psa. 67:5-6.

* Give God thanks for all His goodness and mercies, in Jesus’ name.
* Praise God and thank Him for health, peace and provision, in Jesus’ name.
* Lift up both hands and bless the Lord unreservedly, in Jesus’ name.

By the Spirit of the Lord and His power, I break every wall and ancient door hindering my progress in life, in the mighty name of Jesus.


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