Saturday 8 July
READ: II Tim. 4:5-8
MORE LESSON: Heb. 12:1-3
True success is the fulfilment of original purpose. Success is not measured by what you have done compared to others, but rather by what you have done compared to what you should have done. In the journey of destiny, this is Heaven’s chosen yardstick for all men. Discovering your personal purpose must be accompanied by the pursuit of that purpose. In our text, Apostle Paul fought the fight of destiny to finish his course, as he said, I have fought a good fight.
The following steps will help you fulfil your purpose in life
1. Discover who you are and what you are here for.
2. Ask God for grace and strength to pursue your purpose.
3. Ask God for divine direction on a daily basis.
4. Ask God for the helper of your destiny to come along your path.
5. Do something about your purpose; launch out.
6. Realise that enemies of destiny are out to frustrate you, so fight the good fight of faith.
7. Don't compare yourself with others; you are unique, but you can learn from the success stories of others.
8. Whatever your height of attainment,
you are only an instrument, so give God all the glory.
People that fulfil purpose die empty. May that be your portion as you daily live as a purpose-driven child of your purpose-driven Father. Don't end today's study by just saying Amen, do something about your purpose in life. For example:
1. Ask yourself what is my purpose in life?
2. What am I doing here, where I am?
3. What have I contributed to God's kingdom, my family, and community?
4. What is God's assessment of the number of years I have spent on earth?
5. What was my yesterday like, what about today and tomorrow?
6. When last did I examine myself?
7. When last did I hear God for myself and destiny?
At Gethsemane Jesus told God the truth about His assignment; He said, “Father, let this assignment pass over me” but He quickly added “…let your will be done…” Today, tell God in all sincerity the state of your life assignment and ask Him to help you.
* Pray that you will not die without fulfilling your purpose, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray for the discovery of your destiny, power to fulfil it and grace to pursue it with focus, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to deliver you from every distraction that can take you away from your purpose in destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.
The sun of righteousness shall rise today with strength and glory upon its wings for my destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.
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