Sunday, July 16, 2017

Begotten into a Living Hope

Sunday 16 July
READ: 1 Pet.1:3-12
MORE LESSON: Eph.2:11-13

The scriptures you have just read explain the great mysteries of salvation and the privileges therein. When a man is not born again, although he lives and walks around, the heavens see him as one without God and a hopeless being, That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: Eph. 2:12. You may be a very intelligent, erudite scholar, successful in business or in your career or a music star, or a beauty queen; if you don't live your life believing and trusting Jesus, and walking in obedience to His commandments, you are a stranger to the covenant of promise. In other words, you don't have a part in the promises of God to His people, you have no God, therefore, no hope in this world. Though you live, you are as good as dead. You are susceptible to the vagaries of life, and whatever happens to you, God is not responsible. because God is limited in intervening in your matter since you don't belong to Him.
But the very day you say “Yes” to Jesus and invite Him into your life, that same hour, you are born into a living hope, into an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that does not fade, reserved in Heaven for you, who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ: Eph.2:13.The moment you embrace Jesus, your hopes and aspirations receive the life of God. Salvation changes you from the state of hopelessness to great hope. Moreover, your entire existence receives a surety for fulfilment. You become God's property, a possession that God cherishes, He keeps you as the apple of His eye, and hides you under the shadow of His wings (Psa. 17:8).
The implications are far reaching: your life cannot be cut short any how. The One who begot you has become the superintendent over your life and affairs. He watches over your life with passion and He will go to any length to deal with anything that threatens your life. What a great provision of God for all who come to Him through Jesus His Son. I counsel you today, if you have not truly surrendered your life to Jesus, do so right away so that you can partake of this gracious provision. If you are born again already, I encourage you to jealously guide your salvation so that you can enjoy the fullness of this living hope.

* Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to You today; be my Lord and Saviour, in Jesus’ name.
* Jesus, help me to preserve my salvation, in Jesus’ mighty name.

I prophesy and decree that anyone that raises a hand against me shall lose it by fire, in Jesus' name.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

God's Habitation

Saturday 15 July
READ: Psa. 22: 3
MORE LESSON: Psa. 149: 1 – 9

The Bible says that God inhabits the praise of His people. This means that when we praise God, He manifests Himself. If you have been wondering where God dwells, then be it known that He dwells in praises. Each time men build a tabernacle of praise, we see God manifest Himself in diverse ways and manners. There are degrees of manifestation of God; the degree to which you see God manifest in your life, home or assembly shows the degree to which your praise and worship has built Him a habitation.
If you want to see more practical manifestation of God in your life and ministry, then increase the measure of praise and worship in your life. You endear yourself to God's presence with a tabernacle of praise which you build either personally or in corporate gathering together with others in your home, office or church. 1 Tim. 2: 8 says that God desires that men lift up holy hands everywhere. Anywhere can become God's habitation, all it takes is that you fill the place with the praise and worship of God and He begins to live in that place.
You can bring God's presence to anywhere you are. You can be an envoy of the physical and tangible presence of God if you master the secret of being a carrier of God's presence and glory, which is a life of praise and worship. When God's glory resides upon your life, the difference is clear; when God is in a place, it is very evident. Signs, wonders, healings, prophecies and unusual blessings are indicators of God's presence. When God is somewhere, you don't need to be told before you know. Matt. 18: 20 says that wherever two or three are gathered in the name of Jesus, He will be there with them. Two or more people gathered extolling the name of Jesus invokes the power of His presence and miracles break out. If you want to see a greater manifestation of the glory and presence of God, then you need to engage more of the power of praise and worship.
The strength of the Church of God and the corporate gathering of believers on the face of the earth is in worship and praise. We must harness the power of gathering just to give heartfelt praise and worship to God and we will see the power of God break through the nations of the earth, Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us: Psa. 67:5-6.

* Give God thanks for all His goodness and mercies, in Jesus’ name.
* Praise God and thank Him for health, peace and provision, in Jesus’ name.
* Lift up both hands and bless the Lord unreservedly, in Jesus’ name.

By the Spirit of the Lord and His power, I break every wall and ancient door hindering my progress in life, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Fear Not

Friday 14 July
READ: Joel 2: 21 - 27
MORE LESSON: Isa. 41: 14-20

If there is one thing that greatly limits people in actualising their destiny, it is fear. There are lots of opportunities awaiting people every day but fear prevents men from maximising opportunity. People are afraid of investing, doing business or starting a project. They wonder how they will cope and whether things will work out or not. These are the days of diverse kinds of fear and multiple anxiety. A person graduates from school and is afraid whether he will get a job or not. Another gets a job and he is afraid whether his appointment will be confirmed or he will be relieved of his job. Young people who have reached marriageable age are afraid of getting married because of the economic situation. In times like this only the Word of God can come through for you.
Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the LORD will do great things. Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field: for the pastures of the wilderness do spring, for the tree beareth her fruit, the fig tree and the vine do yield their strength: Joel 2:21-22. The Word of the Lord for you today is 'fear not, for the Lord will do great things.' Do not let fear cripple you, go ahead and do what you have to do, rest assured that the Lord will back you up. Do you not know that if the animals were afraid of stepping out in the morning to look for food because there are predators out there in the field, those animals would die of starvation in their holes. The beasts of the field conquer fear daily, that is why you see them roaming around looking for food to eat. If the beasts do not allow fear to prevent them from going about what they need to do daily, then you will overcome fear in the name of Jesus Christ.
When you conquer fear and you step out in faith, the wilderness will become a fruitful field for you and the fruitful field will become a mighty forest (Isa. 32: 15). It is time for you to bear fruit and the first thing to conquer is the fear of stepping out. Remember that He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world. So when the world cringes in fear, then it is time for you to leap in faith. The old song writer did a great work when he wrote: “Have faith in God when your pathway is lonely..., have faith in God in your pains and sorrows... have faith in God though all else fails about you, have faith in God, He provides for his own, He cannot fail though all kingdom shall perish, He rules and reigns upon His throne!”

* Break the hold of fear off your life, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray for grace to face each day with full courage to conquer, in Jesus’ name.
Recall the things that have made you afraid and loudly say NO to them.

Father, You are my dwelling place from generation to generation, therefore safety, joy and happiness shall be my portion throughout my years, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Fulfilling your Purpose

Saturday 8 July
READ: II Tim. 4:5-8
MORE LESSON: Heb. 12:1-3

True success is the fulfilment of original purpose. Success is not measured by what you have done compared to others, but rather by what you have done compared to what you should have done. In the journey of destiny, this is Heaven’s chosen yardstick for all men. Discovering your personal purpose must be accompanied by the pursuit of that purpose. In our text, Apostle Paul fought the fight of destiny to finish his course, as he said, I have fought a good fight.
The following steps will help you fulfil your purpose in life
1. Discover who you are and what you are here for.
2. Ask God for grace and strength to pursue your purpose.
3. Ask God for divine direction on a daily basis.
4. Ask God for the helper of your destiny to come along your path.
5. Do something about your purpose; launch out.
6. Realise that enemies of destiny are out to frustrate you, so fight the good fight of faith.
7. Don't compare yourself with others; you are unique, but you can learn from the success stories of others.
8. Whatever your height of attainment,
you are only an instrument, so give God all the glory.
People that fulfil purpose die empty. May that be your portion as you daily live as a purpose-driven child of your purpose-driven Father. Don't end today's study by just saying Amen, do something about your purpose in life. For example:
1. Ask yourself what is my purpose in life?
2. What am I doing here, where I am?
3. What have I contributed to God's kingdom, my family, and community?
4. What is God's assessment of the number of years I have spent on earth?
5. What was my yesterday like, what about today and tomorrow?
6. When last did I examine myself?
7. When last did I hear God for myself and destiny?
At Gethsemane Jesus told God the truth about His assignment; He said, “Father, let this assignment pass over me” but He quickly added “…let your will be done…” Today, tell God in all sincerity the state of your life assignment and ask Him to help you.

* Pray that you will not die without fulfilling your purpose, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray for the discovery of your destiny, power to fulfil it and grace to pursue it with focus, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to deliver you from every distraction that can take you away from your purpose in destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

The sun of righteousness shall rise today with strength and glory upon its wings for my destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.