Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Disengaging the Enemy

READ: Matt 17: 14-21
MORE LESSONS : Ezra 8:21-23
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Philippians 1-4

Today I want to give you some weapons for disengaging the enemy and enforcing victory in any situation. Prayer is a weapon of mass destruction on the camp of the enemy. I believe that by prayer you can change night to day. When everything has failed, prayer will get the job done. Although Jesus is God, He always took time to pray while on earth and each time He stepped out of the place of prayer, something happened. When you add fasting to prayers, then things begin to happen at a high level. There are certain spiritual matters concerning which you won't get anywhere until you have engaged the power of fasting; this is a tested fact. No wonder Jesus started ministry only after 40 days of fasting and prayer. Another weapon is speaking in tongues. It is a powerful tool for disengaging the enemy. Many think speaking in tongues is a religious act to be done only in church or when believers are gathered around them. No, praying in the Holy Ghost is a weapon anywhere, anytime. When you pray in the Holy Ghost, fire is emitted out of you and that gets the whole kingdom of darkness confused.
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: Matt 3:11. The devil does not understand tongues because it is a direct interaction between you and God. When you engage speaking in tongues, you are not in charge anymore, the Spirit begins to instruct you on what has to be done about the situation. When matters are confusing and there seems to be no direction anymore, just go ahead and pray in the Holy Ghost. I was in a meeting where after we had prayed, sang and done everything, it looked as if the heavens were closed with brass. You could feel in the atmosphere that the presence of God was absent. When I was called up, I said, 'Lord, what do we do now? By inspiration, I said, 'Every one begin to pray in the Holy Ghost and if you can't speak in tongues just shout, ''The Blood of Jesus''. By the time we entered into that dimension of praying in tongues, a reknown deaf and dumb boy in the village joined us to speak in tongues. We brought him out and he started speaking in tongues into the microphone, then the whole meeting went into an uproar. People ran out of the meeting, went to their houses to call others and the whole atmosphere changed. Next time when all things seem hopeless and confusing, just open your mouth and pray in the Holy Ghost. It is not just ordinary speaking, it is fire!

* Ask God to baptise you with the Holy Ghost afresh.
* Ask God to rekindle His Spirit upon you in a double fold.
* Command every enemy's position in your life to be terminated today.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Weapon of Praise and Worship

READ: Ps 22: 3
MORE LESSONS: Acts 16: 23-40
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Judges 9-12

But Thou art holy, O Thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel: Psa. 22:3. Singing praises is a very powerful weapon for a believer. If you want to have a successful life, learn the power of praise and worship. When Paul and Silas were locked up in prison, prayer and praises brought the presence of God that broke their chains and threw open the prison doors. You can never overestimate the power of praise and worship. People say, 'When everything else fails, try praise'. Well, you'd better use praise first. Praise is not a trial and error thing; go for praises and your situations will surely turn around. Prayer rises to meet God but praises bring God out of His seat into your situation; and when God arrives, Power has arrived. Praising God is a great weapon that can devastate the kingdom of darkness. Job complained that in all his crises no one said to him, Where is God my Maker, who gives songs in the night: Job 35:10 (NKJV). That was because he later discovered that when you pass through a midnight situation of your life, singing praises brings you out of the impossibilities and destroys what the devil is doing in your life. All the time Job spent seeking out what sin he had committed and listening to different opinions, if he had spent it in praise and worship, I guess his crises would have been over much earlier.
There is a difference between praise and worship. Prophetic worship is about giving God His worth in a prophetic way even when the situation doesn't look good. You take your eyes from the situation and fix your gaze on the Almighty God, and begin to ascribe His worth and attribute His works to Him. You take a good look in your spirit at the Almighty God and begin to call Him by His names and His works. You may or may not be singing, dancing or clapping but you give God His due; that is prophetic worship. Nothing brings a man into the presence of the Lord faster than giving God prophetic worship. This is what Jehoshaphat and the children of Israel did and won the battle without fighting (II Chro. 20: 14-30). When you enter into prophetic worship, in the heart of the strangest situation of life, you become a spectator in your battle. God Himself comes down and takes over your affairs.

* Rise up and praise God in a prophetic worship and with songs of praise.
* T ell God you will never stop praising Him even in all your challenges.
* Pray that as you worship God today, the enemy’ s work against you shall be dismantled.
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Monday, April 28, 2014

The Zeal of the Lord of Hosts

READ: Jn.2:12-17
MORE LESSONS: Rom. 12: 9-11
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Judges 5-8

Zeal is not only a human affair; even God has zeal. God can do things with zeal. There are acts of God in which He engages all His zeal. . . . The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this: Isa 9:7. God has zeal to bless. When you are zealous for God you court His zeal to respond to you in blessing. With zeal He can also cause His fury against your enemies to end. Thus shall mine anger be accomplished, and I will cause my fury to rest upon them, and I will be comforted: and they shall know that I the LORD have spoken it in my zeal, when I have accomplished my fury in them. Eze. 5: 13. When our Lord Jesus walked the earth, He burned with the zeal of the Lord of Hosts in everything He did. Once, He used a cane to drive out all those who were selling and buying in church. He said, And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise: John 2: 16. The zeal with which He operated that day is what is called 'zeal for the house of the Lord'. It is because God is a zealous God that He demands of us to be zealous.
In the Scripture there is a disciple of Jesus whose surname was Zealot, Simon the Zealot. He was so zealous that the word zeal was added to his name. Zeal is borne out of what a man knows and what he is pursuing with all he has. Zeal must be accompanied by accurate and correct knowledge. Some people often put all their strength, ability and life into a certain course but they are doing the wrong thing. The problem is not the zeal but the lack of knowledge. We should be zealous but we must also be teachable and go for the right knowledge. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. . . to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne: Rev 3:19-2. From this Scripture reference, we see that zealousness is a requirement for those who want to make heaven. The Bible says to repent of your past lack of zeal and be zealous. May the zeal of the Lord of Hosts consume you in fellowship, in evangelism and every assignment you do for the Lord.
Slothfulness is the opposite of zealousness and it is what we see in many of God's children today. God deserves more than this and actually detests slothfulness. We must serve God with zeal and commitment and only then will there be good reward for our work.

* Repent of any slothful past attitude to the things of God.
* Pray that commitment to the things of God will be a priority in your life.
* Ask God to grant you a fervent spirit to serve Him.

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Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Weapon of Our Warfare

READ: II Cor . 10:4
MORE LESSONS: Eph 6: 10-18
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Judges 1-4

God can give you your heart desire, but it is your responsibility to acquire the fire that drives you to achieve your desires. You can acquire what you desire if you perspire and do not retire but re-fire. All your heart desires are possible but the key is to keep working at them. One major characteristic of any man that is a winner today is that he never quits; winners never quit and quitters never win. You will acquire if you perspire and you don't retire. Each time you are threatened by contrary situations and discouragement, all you have to do is to re-fire in the place of prayer and meditation on God's Word. Just keep firing back at the devil and firing on to your dreams. There are weapons you fire at the devil and there are weapons to fire you to your dreams. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. II Cor 10:4. They are weapons that can sink a whole nation. Such weapons do not deal with individuals or even a group; they are targeted towards a mass. Examples are such that were released during the Second World War. They are so powerful that years after they were detonated in a place, they still have effects like causing sicknesses and or kill en-masse. This is the reason they are called weapons of mass destruction.
Just like there are weapons in the physical, there are also some in the spiritual. Going through the scriptures, we find out that there are a lot of weapons that the believer can use to fire at the devil and to fire on in his destiny. You could use these weapons to terminate the works of the enemy and also guarantee your achievements in destiny. The following are some weapons of mass destruction which you could always use to wage war against the enemy and ascertain victory in destiny:
1. The Name of Jesus
2. The Word of God
3. The Blood of Jesus
4. Praises
5. Prophetic Worship.
6. Speaking in Tongues
7. Prayer
8. Fasting
9. The Word of Testimony
10. Laughter
11. Clapping of Hands
12. Honouring of Parents (both biological and spiritual)
13. Seed of Faith
14. The Presence of God.

* Take these weapons one by one and ask God to use them to take you above your enemy’s position in life and destiny.
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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Thy Will be Done

READ: Matt. 6:10. MORE LESSONS: Luke 15: 11-32
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Luke 22-24

Any time some people hear about the will of God, the first thing that comes to their minds is marriage. And this is disappointing because God's will goes beyond the subject of marriage; it involves every aspect of our lives. The will of God actually means the original intention of God; it means God's master plan, both written and unwritten, for a man's life. Another word that describes the will of God is what I call God's master plan. This new description readily makes us know that God’s will doesn't just have to do with only marriage. Until you know all of God's thought about you, you are not likely to succeed in life. God is principled; He does not do things because of the prevailing situations. Rather, He does all things according to His plan and purpose and His plan never contradicts His Word. This is the reason you have to draw nearer to His Word so that His plan and purpose for your life will be done. Since the will of God is God's intention, His mind, plan and purpose, then it's important to examine some attributes of God's will.
Apart from the joy of the Lord that fills the heart of any man that is walking in God's will, there is provision for God-given vision. For instance, if I want to send a boy on an errand, he is rest assured that I will provide what it takes to send him on the errand. It is the same with God’s provision for His will and purpose for your life.
Furthermore, there is security in God's plan and purpose. You can only be secure if you stay within God's will for your life. Many people face problems and suffer because they have left the will of God for their lives just like the prodigal son suffered for stepping out of his father's will (Luke 15: 11-32). For somebody reading this devotional today, like the prodigal son did, go back home to your father - return to God's will for your life. The Bible says about the prodigal son that from a distance the father saw and recognised His son. They put a ring on his finger, killed the fatted cow and celebrated because of the son that was lost but now returned home. I urge you to return to God's will for your life and continue therein. May you walk in God’s will for every area of your life, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God to help you find His will for your entire life.
* Ask God to help you walk and live in His divine purpose without complaining.
* Ask God to help you locate wherever you have ever missed His will and help you to return today .
* Ask God to forgive you for refusing His will in any area and to heal you today.

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Friday, April 25, 2014

Seed Faith II

READ: Gal 6: 6-7
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Luke 18-21

We have talked about the importance of seed sowing for a great destiny but I want you to know that seeds are not limited to money. There is no man on the earth that doesn't have a seed to sow. Time is a seed. You can sow a seed of time by finding time to attend to other people and visit them. When you sow your time to attend to people, you will be surprised how people will rise up for you when you need men. So many people complain that they had an occasion to celebrate and people didn't turn up. They should have been sowing seeds of time to other people before it was their turn. If you have been giving attention to people, they also will arise for you one day. The words of your mouth are seeds. If you always encourage and cheer people up, you will never be downcast without somebody rising to help. But if you are someone who always loves to slander, backbite and run people down with your words, you will harvest it. The Word of God is a seed. When you are studying, learning, meditating and memorizing the Word of God, you are sowing seeds into your destiny. You will reap a bountiful harvest! For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting:. Gal 6:8. Prayer is also a seed. You are sowing seeds into your future when you pray and also when you intercede for other people. Great men are prayer givers not just prayer collectors. When they see things going wrong somewhere or with someone; rather than gossip, they go into their closet in fasting and prayer till they see a change.
In a gathering, there are people who sow seeds of prayer and there are people who sow seeds of discord and disagreement between brethren. Whichever you sow, that you will harvest. You could sow also the seed of praying for missionaries in the field at their hour of need and also for people you see around you.
Finally, the way a man lives his life is a seed. If you live a reckless, sinful or promiscuous life, you will reap it. If you are a first class liar, one day it will catch up with you. Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? Prov 6:28. Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, And he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him: Prov 26:27 (NKJV). A single person can't live a reckless life and at the end of the day expect that somebody who has kept himself pure is coming to marry him/her. This is the reason you should be living your life as a seed worthy of the future you want to have.

* Pray that nothing will be too big for you to sow to God.
* Pray that your life will be a worthy seed for a happy eternity.
* Pray that God will help you not to sow a seed which you will hate to harvest.

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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Seed Faith I

READ: Gal 6: 7-8
MORE LESSONS: II Cor . 8: 6-12
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Luke 14-17

Life is about seed sowing and everything in life is a product of a sown seed. Everything you see in life came to be by a seed sown by someone. Even redemption came through the seed of God sown into us. Seed sowing means being able to let go something of value that you would have enjoyed so as to create something you were promised.
One of the greatest ways to live is to live a life of seed sowing. Anyone who knows the secret of sowing seeds will never lack harvest. There is no point for a man to pray for a harvest unless he has sown a seed. Has God promised that He will multiply and bless you in destiny? You can go ahead and activate that promise by sowing seeds. Each time somebody gives a testimony and you sow a seed of thanksgiving on behalf of that person, you have by so doing activated a similar harvest for yourself. Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. Lk. 6:38. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap: Gal 6:7. But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully: II Cor 9:6. Until you sow, you shouldn't expect a harvest; and the level of seed you sow also determines the level of harvest you will reap.
If somebody is getting married and you are trusting God for a home, go ahead and contribute to the wedding. If somebody gave birth to a baby, sow a seed to that child and you will receive yours. If you develop a life of seed sowing, you will destroy lack in your life because poverty rules over the lives of those who don't know how to sow seeds. Now He that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness: II Cor 9:10.
There is the supernatural law of multiplication on seed sowed. If you want to multiply in destiny, you should not be motivated, pushed or asked before you give. It should be your principle of life, not just in church but anywhere you are found. Make up your mind to be a seed sower from today and you will see how God can make you a man who never lacks harvest even in harsh conditions.

* Ask God to help you live a life of seed sowing.
* Pray that your harvest shall not be hindered.
* Pray that your seeds of old will begin to bear fruit.
* Pray that the pressures of life will not hinder you from being a seed sower.

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What to do when the tempter comes II

READ:1 John 2:16-26
MORE LESSONS: Heb. 4:14-16
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Luke 10-13

God doesn't force or compel anybody to believe or obey Him. It was He who handed us the power of choice and free will and therefore we have the liberty to choose what to do, when to do it and why we want to do it. It is also worthy of note that God will never condemn a believer. Jesus took all the condemnation streaming from God’s full wrath on the cross of Calvary so there is no condemnation left for a Christian. His Spirit will only convict you of sin by leaving a signal in the witness of your conscience that you have crossed the line. Thereafter, the red light alarm goes out in your inner man. As soon as you repent from it, peace and tranquillity return. If you have ever felt condemned after you did what was wrong, then that was not the Holy Spirit. It was the enemy. Romans 8:1There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
No scheme of the enemy is new. It is the same way he tempted our fathers of old that he still tempts us today. He is without innovation. He is predictable. With the full amour of God no devil hatched from the pit of hell can penetrate your sanctification. Serpent tempted the woman using three classes of temptations. First, she saw that it was good for food that describes the lust of the flesh. Secondly, she saw that it was pleasant to the eye that speaks of the lust of the eye. And thirdly, she saw that the tree is to be desired to make one wise, pointing to the pride of life. After she was tempted on these three dimensions, she fell. The same pattern is found thousands of years later when in Mark 4, satan tempted Jesus. He asked him to turn stone into bread - lust of the flesh. Then he asked him to cast Himself down so that angels will pick him up- the lust of the eye. And lastly he asked Jesus to bow down and worship him - the pride of life. When the first Adam went through these three classes of temptation, he fell, but Glory to Jesus, the last Adam; He didn't fall, rather the devil fled for a season. You might have lost like the first Adam, but in Christ you are a winner. James 4:7 tells us what to do when the tempter comes "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

Prayer/ Action
* Thank God because his word contains solutions to everyday issues of life.
* Pray that you will not fall prey to all the lusts that the enemy tempts us with in the overcoming name of Jesus.
* Ask for power to submit to God and audacity to resist the devil continually.
* Decree that you have overcome in Jesus Christ. Declare that you will enjoy this victory everyday of your life in Jesus’ name.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

What to do when the tempter comes I

READ: James 1:12-15
MORE LESSONS:1 Cor . 10:13
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Luke 7-9

The devil did not and cannot create anything. God alone is the Creator-King. Everything he manipulates were made by God and they belong to God’s children. But it is often said that if the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. What he does is to try to abuse and pervert the original purpose for which they were created. For instance, God ordained sex as a marriage celebration of the covenant of Christ and the church; but this is one of his most powerful tools satan uses in destroying mankind today. Though God made them and He saw that they were good, the enemy tries to tempt people to use them against the will of the One who made them so that we transgress the will and intention of God and thus face the consequences. There is nothing that the devil has used and will use to tempt children of God that was not originally meant for us. His strategy is to make us use God’s property at the wrong time, with the wrong motive or with the wrong person. Even though cocaine has health and medical purposes, taking it without doctors’ prescription is abuse and slow suicide. Also grapes are sweet and healthy but when allowed to ferment they could become alcoholic. Too much alcohol damages liver cells and eventually causes death.
It is pointless to yield to someone who has nothing original to offer. The day we realize that the devil has nothing to offer for himself and all things are ours including the things he is tempting us with, we will stop being easily enticed by the sinful lusts he presents to us. It is our Father’s creation he uses to tempt us against our Father. What a great truth that can help to keep the devil under our feet. When next that old serpent comes to lure you into sin, tell him you cannot take anything from him even with a long spoon because he is a liar and non of the things he presents are actually his. Settle it in your heart that you will rather listen to the voice of God your father rather than the suggestions of an old schemer. Nothing paralyses the tempter like telling him you know the end of his schemes and snares. When the tempter came to Jesus, He didn't think, ponder, seek counsel or even pray.
There might not be enough time for that, rebuke him aloud. The many times as he tempts you should be the same number of times you respond with a definite word to prohibit, disallow and rebuke him.

* Thank God for giving you all good things freely to enjoy
* Pray for wisdom and discernment in handling the pranks for the enemy at the junction of temptation
* Ask for boldness and power to shut the devil up when he raises evil suggestions against the will of God for your life.

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Monday, April 21, 2014

Resurrection for New Things

READ: Isa. 43:18-19.
MORE LESSONS: Lk 24: 50-53
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Luke 4-6

The resurrection of Jesus was the beginning of a new thing. Jesus was not the same anymore after His resurrection; He began to operate in another dimension. When He came in to see His disciples after His resurrection on the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together , with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you: John 20: 19. Jesus supernaturally knew where the disciples were, He didn't need anybody to give Him the address. They had locked the door because they were afraid of the Jews; Jesus didn't bother to knock at the door, He knew if He did they would melt in fear. Guess what Jesus did? He just stepped in: They looked up and there was The Master standing in their midst. Before He resurrected, everywhere He went He needed someone to open the door but after His resurrection a new dimension came in, He could enter anywhere even with the doors locked. The resurrected Jesus had no respect for obstacles. So, by His resurrection, you prevail over obstacles and pass through where others cannot.
When they shut the door against you, you still cross by the power of His resurrection. On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him. By this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive.... John 7:37-39 (NIV). The power of the Holy Spirit came upon mortal men only after Jesus was glorified. This is another new thing that happened after His resurrection. On the day of Pentecost when the disciples first received the Holy Ghost the Bible says that the Jews heard them speaking different languages and were amazed. They thought the disciples were drunk because it was a new thing. The Jews were amazed! This means that by the resurrection of Jesus, you receive the power of the Holy Spirit, new things begin to happen in your life and you become a wonder.
It was after resurrection that the ascension happened, He was taken up into heaven. It was a new thing, no one had ever seen a man so ascend before. They kept looking as He was going up in their very presence; surprisingly, none of them could grab Him. The force that was taking Jesus up restrained them, they could only look. Do you know what that means? By the power of His resurrection, you are going higher and no power or force can hold you down. Celebrate Jesus for His resurrection!

* Pray that whatever door has been shut against you, will be by-passed by the power of resurrection
* Father, do a new thing in my life that will by pass natural laws and protocols
* Declare a new dimension of operation in every aspect of your life.

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Sunday, April 20, 2014


READ: John 20: 19-20
MORE LESSONS: John 20: 1-20
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Luke 1-3

Resurrection from the dead began with Jesus Christ. Until Jesus died and resurrected there wasn't a record of anyone who died and resurrected. This is the reason the Bible calls Him the firstborn from the dead, (Rev 1: 5, Col 1: 18). Any one seen after his death before the resurrection of Jesus was a ghost. When, without passing through the door, Jesus entered the room where His disciples were gathered the second time after his resurrection, He said to Thomas, ''Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands and reach hither thy hands and thrust it to my side. . .v 27. This is to prove that He wasn't a ghost. Ghosts don't have physical bodies that can be touched. Jesus is the resurrection and the life; the first born from the dead. You might ask, ''What about the dead that were raised in the Old Testament including the ones Jesus raised?'' No, they were not the first, they only had a miracle. Jesus however fulfilled prophesy. All of them needed someone to raise them up; Lazarus died and needed Jesus to call him forth, the same with the widow of Nain's son. Nobody stood at the entrance of Jesus' tomb to call Him forth but by Himself, He did as He said, ...I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father: John 10:17-18.
Also all of the people that were raised finally died again, even if it was in their old age. But Jesus, after His resurrection lives forever. So Jesus is the first to resurrect; and by every standard, His resurrection was a new thing. What perfected the work of redemption was not His death but His resurrection. If Jesus had not resurrected His death would have been a waste, there would have been no difference between Him and Adam and other Old Testament prophets. But we thank Jesus because He rose again. Our victory is in the resurrection. It is in the resurrection that Jesus was able to say, “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?: 1 Cor 15:55. By resurrection, He went beyond death which is the limit of mankind and removed the punishment placed upon man. He also collected the key of death and life from the devil by His resurrection.
Resurrection is what perfects redemption. It is the beginning of a new life. If the resurrected Jesus is in you, you should not be down. Everyone who has accepted Christ should live a resurrected life. This is your inheritance.

* Father, I claim my victory today by the power that rose Jesus from the dead
* Ask the Lord to remove every force that limits you today.
* Declare that henceforth, you will live a resurrected life in Christ Jesus.

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Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Precious Blood of Jesus II

READ: Matt. 27: 24-31
MORE LESSONS: I Pet. 2: 22-24
Bible Reading in One Year: Joshua 22-24

In continuation of the shedding of the Blood of Jesus from different parts of His body and the application to our lives, we realise that His Blood was shed by the stripes He received to purchase our healing. One of the parts of His body where the precious Blood was shed was His head on which thorns were pressed into as a crown. And then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand and knelt in front of him and mocked him. "Hail, king of the Jews!" they said: Matt 27:29 ( NIV). The head represents the destiny of a man. The implication of the Blood shed from the head is that we have been redeemed from every curse. When man sinned at the beginning, God pronounced a curse on the ground to bear thorns and thistles and the man to labour much and get little (Gen 3: 14-19). When Jesus came, the same thorns and thistles were made into a crown and placed on His head. The Blood that came out destroyed the curse and redeemed man from the curse. If the curse God placed at the fall of man can be redeemed by the Blood of Jesus, it will do more much on the curse placed on you by men.
The head represents the best of a man while the thorn represents the curse against the best. So when blood came out of the head it simply was saying: “The curses are destroyed and the best of your life will now start to come out.” His Blood was also shed from His hands that were nailed. Beloved, the Blood that came out of the hands of Jesus was for a purpose. The hand is the place of productivity. You have the right to stretch forth your hands and demand by the Blood that was shed from the hands of Jesus that every non-productivity, poverty and life of labour be terminated. Your hands shall begin to bring forth result, in Jesus’ name. They also nailed His legs. This also has an implication for you; the legs are for movement, that is, making progress. When a man is stagnant in destiny, he needs to engage the Blood of Jesus. By the reason of the Blood that was shed from His feet, every blockage in your pathway in life is cleared, Amen. He begins to make a way where there is none and by the Blood that gushed out of His side we have victory over barreness of all kinds. The Blood of Jesus is the key to all round victory. I apply the blood to every location of any challenge in your life. Take your victory now. Don't watch the enemy ruin your destiny as if you are helpless. Jesus Blood is available and sufficient.

* Lay your hands on your head and plead the Blood of Jesus on your spirit, soul and body.
* Command every stranger to bow out of your life now by the authority of Jesus’ Blood.
* Speak to every part where the blood was shed and command the blessing therein to manifest upon you.
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Friday, April 18, 2014

The Precious Blood of Jesus I

READ: 1 Pet. 1: 18-19
MORE LESSONS: Matt. 27: 24-31
Bible Reading in One Year: Joshua 19-21

In today’s text, Bible tells us that we are not redeemed with corruptible things but with the precious Blood of Jesus. It goes ahead to describe silver and gold as the corruptible things with which we were not redeemed. This means that silver and gold, as precious as people esteem them, are contemptible and corruptible when compared with the Blood of Jesus. What makes the Blood of Jesus precious is that it is without sin, spot and blemish. The Blood of Jesus is perfect and so when it is engaged, the result it produces is always 100%. In other words, whatever battle is fought with the Blood must result in complete victory, and forgiveness obtained by the Blood is always total. Whatever the Blood washes, does not retain any stain anymore and whenever the Blood heals, no bit of infirmity remains or relapses. Wherever the Blood shows up, everything that is required for the operation is complete.
There are five different areas of shedding of the Blood of Jesus at His crucifixion and each one has its significance and application. They are the head, the body, the hand, the leg, and his side. Then he released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified. Matt 27:26 (NIV). A long whip with sharp tools was made, after which his dress was removed and He was given thirty-nine lashes. His blood vessels were torn, His flesh cut and blood flowed out. The first shedding of His Blood at crucifixion was from His body by the whip, which implies that by His stripes we are healed. Satan has no right to afflict your body anymore with any kind of sickness, pain or disease because Jesus has borne the pain for you. Remember the Blood is perfect so it brings 100% healing. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed: 1 Peter 2:24 ( NIV). By the Blood of Jesus, therefore, we have forgiveness of sins and healing. As long as you are a born-again child of God you can by faith reject any type of disease on the basis of the provision of the body of Jesus that was bruised for you.
In my few years in ministry I have seen thousands of people gain their health back by standing on this provision, including healing from several terminal diseases. And Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb.13:8). He can do it again.

* Today, appreciate God for His Blood that was shed for your sake.
* Ask for the Blood of Jesus to avail for you in every area of life.
* Pray that the Blood of Jesus will not be in vain over your destiny.

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Cross for Forgiveness

READ: John 11:49-52
MORE LESSONS:I Jn. 1:8-10, Act. 2: 36-40
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Joshua 16-18

Calvary is all about forgiveness. The forgiveness that Jesus wrought for us on the cross is holistic and it has different aspects to it. The first aspect is that we obtain forgiveness from the Lord. When we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness, we obtain mercy because God is ever willing and ready to forgive us. He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy: Prov 28:13 (NIV). The second aspect is that through the cross of Christ we also obtain forgiveness for the nations. As recorded in the Scripture, Caiaphas, the High Priest, prophesied without knowing it that the One Man Jesus Christ should die for the nations (John 11: 49-52). This means that through the work of the cross, God in the depth of His love, is willing to forgive us and also forgive our nations. Standing on the basis of the scriptures, we could pray for forgiveness for our individual families, lineage, tribes and nations. If we do, we are going to see many members of our family give their lives to Christ in rapid successions, and also see a revival of righteousness in our nation having received of forgiveness by the work of Jesus Christ at Calvary.
Forgiving one another is also a product of the cross of Christ. It is all about offending one another but making up and forgiving one another in love, which leads to the mending and healing of relationships among us. There will always be offences; somebody will do or say something that you don't like. Even between a husband and wife there will be offences, how much more in a church with many more people. However, we must not allow bitterness and strife. If you see a brother doing something wrong, don't gossip; rather go and discuss with him to resolve the matter. Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behaviour. Instead, be kind to each other, tender hearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you: Eph 4:31-32 (NLT). The reason we pray for so long and the answer is not forthcoming is explained in Jesus’ prayer: If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you: Matt 6: 15 (NLT). I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you've received it, it will be yours. But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too: Mark 11:24-25.
The last aspect of forgiveness is that you should learn to forgive yourself for the sins and mistakes of the past.

* Ask God for forgiveness over any sin still standing against you and give Him thanks that they are eternally cleared.
* Stand in the gap, and like David, plead for God’s forgiveness for your nation, tribe, and family.
* Command the testimony of salvation over every member of your family for whom you have received forgiveness.

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Forget not His Benefits

READ: Psa. 103: 1-2
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 103: 3-17
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Joshua 13-15

Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Psa. 103:1-2. One of the characteristics of an ungrateful man is that he is forgetful of the good things he received yesterday. It is very important that you never forget anything God has done for you; it could be through any man- a friend, a relative or a stranger. You must know that it is God who did it and you should appreciate Him first and also the vessel He used. You should be grateful for the seemingly small gifts from God like the fresh air you breathe. You do not pay for the air you breathe but have you ever thanked God for it? Your gratitude is a cardinal point to your next level.
In order not to forget what God has done for you, one thing you should do is to write them down. Many have books where they write what they want God to do for them but they don't have a book to write what He has done. This is not good enough because you may forget His benefits if you don't write them down. An important thing to do if you do not want to be forgetful of the good things that the Lord has done for you is to testify about them to people. When you testify about the goodness of God, He is glorified in heaven and then that act of God in your life is sealed such that the enemy cannot reverse or undo it.
Another good way of making sure you do not forget His benefits is to create a memorial of what God has done in your life. It is like creating a monument to immortalize what God has done. Do something that each time somebody sees he will remember that God did something for you. Several people have given things to the Church to stand as a monument of their gratitude to God and every time we see such things we remember the benefit of God to them. Also, you can make permanent the memory of the goodness of the Lord by giving a sacrificial offering – a sacrifice that hurts. When Hannah brought Samuel as a gift back to God, that was more than a memorial, it was a sacrifice. God responded by giving her five other wonderful children. When you make a sacrifice you cannot forget; neither will God. If you are just a consumer who gets all the blessings and keeps quiet, you will be forgotten. Give a sacrificial offering to God so that you will remember and also be remembered.

* Give thanks for all God has done and is doing for your destiny.
* Thank Him, among other things, for salvation and the life you still have.
* Pray that the spirit of ingratitude will not creep into your life.
* Pray that you will not hide from God and His people all His goodness to you.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Making the Right Choice

READ: Acts 1:23-26
MORE LESSONS: Lk. 6:12-13
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Joshua 10-12

The early apostles needed to choose a replacement for Judas Iscariot, who fell by transgression and his bishopry was to be given to another. They prayed and chose Matthias. When Jesus our Lord wanted to select the twelve disciples out of the crowd that followed Him, He spent all night in prayer to God in order to make the right choice (Lk.6:12-17). When Samuel was to choose a successor to the fallen King Saul, he took a lamb to sacrifice to the Lord to make contact with Heaven for the right decision. When Peter was locked up in prison, the church prayed …without ceasing…. Acts 12:5. In life, we are constantly confronted with crucial issues needing vital decision such as who to marry, who to employ in a business, which career to pursue, where to live, who to vote for. The list is endless. Only God knows all things and He is the only One who can lead you to make the right choice. If you base your decisions on sentiment, feelings, physical appearance and outward expression you will be wrong. However, if you consult God in prayer and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, He will guide you to the correct choice. Do not depend on your wisdom and ability, Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths Prov .3:5-6.
The following tips will be helpful in making your choice.
1. Be very clear in your mind what you really want.
2. Do not rush any decision.
3. Consider all the options available.
4. Present all the options before the Lord and sincerely ask Him to speak very clearly to you.
5. Take your time to listen to your spirit as you pray and study the Word of God.
6 Confirm whatever you receive in your spirit by checking it up with the Word of God.
7. Whatever He says to you, do it.
Above all, stay connected to the Holy Spirit of God, who has God’s mandate to guide the believer into all truth, Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come Jn.16:13

Read the following promises of God and pray with them: Psa.32:8,
Psa.48:14, Psa.71:17-18.

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Monday, April 14, 2014

Wisdom for Soul Winning

READ: Acts 1:4-8
MORE LESSONS: John 1:37-40
Bible Reading in One Year: Joshua 7-9

The moment you give your life to Christ and get born again, your main responsibility is that of sharing the Gospel message of Christ with others, beginning from your home, your immediate family and relations to the uttermost part of the world. Sharing the Gospel of Christ is the most important thing a man can ever do in life. The people who believe your message will receive eternal life having crossed from death to life and will spend eternity in joy and bliss. Those who refuse to believe your message shall be damned forever in the lake of fire. So, it is such a serious matter that all diligence must be employed to get the best result. The following tips in addition to the Holy Ghost power upon you will be helpful in sharing the Gospel message.
1. Be natural while you are serious, do not try to sound over righteous, avoid holier-than-thou attitude that condemns people.
2. Be sensitive, listen to the Holy Spirit. Watch the mood of the person you are to share with. Pick a common subject to start your conversation.
3. Be tactical, avoid being dragged into irrelevant absurdity. Be focused on the main subject which is salvation. It takes wisdom to win souls.
4. Be prayerful. Use every opportunity to silently ask God to help you win the soul.
5. Use the Scripture wisely. Do not just quote the Word, explain the Scripture.
6. Share the testimony of your own encounter with Christ, it can be very powerful.
7. Gently, wisely but firmly press for a decision for Christ right away.
8. Pray with the person on receiving Christ, i.e. lead him or her in prayer to Christ.
9. Invite him to your church or a Bible believing church close by.
10. Keep contact with him or her until they can stand firm in Christ. Go ahead and win a soul to Christ today.
Great reward awaits soul winners.

* Pray that God will give you great passion for soul winning.
* Pray that God will lead you to a ripe soul who is ready to receive Christ.
* Pray that God will anoint you to effectively share the Gospel message souls can be saved.
* Pray that your fruits will abide.
* Make sure you speak with someone for Christ today.

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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Qualified to Lead

READ: Acts 6:1-3
MORE LESSONS: Titus 1:5-9
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Joshua 4-6

Leadership is about guiding, directing, leading and solving problems. Whether in church or out of church, leadership is a key. Where there are no qualified leaders, the evidence is clear because there will be strings of unresolved problems, crises, breakdown, confusion and lack of progress. Clearly, it is possible to have people in positions of authority yet they are no leaders. This is particularly so where people are given appointments without meeting the required qualifications. When leaders were needed in the early Church, it was to solve problems and there were criteria to set a standard. The leaders were to be:
* Men of honest report,
* Men full of the Holy Spirit,
* Men full of wisdom,
* Men full of faith, and
* Men full of the power of God.
Again, when Moses needed help with the work, his father-in-law advised him, Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: Exo.18:21. Jethro suggested the criteria as:
* Able men,
* Men that fear God,
* Men who hate covetousness,
* Men who are teachable, and
* Men who will be able to teach others.
One of the major challenges in the modern Church is lack of men with Biblical qualifications in leadership positions. Until we insist on appointing men using Biblical standard we will continue to have title holders with little or no solutions to problems in the church. Before Elisha could get Elijah’s mantle, he first qualified as a trained servant. It was written concerning him, Here is Elisha ...which poured water on the hands of Elijah 2Kings 3:11. The same was true of Joshua who served under Moses.
The qualifications for leadership are not in-born, they are acquired and everyone who desires to make a full proof of his ministry and assignment can achieve them. Thirst and cry to God for these qualities and you will have them. May you become a leader of influence, a worthy leader and problem solver to your generation.

* Pray that God will help you become a leader worth its salt.
* Pray that God will grant you church leaders that will make things happen and proffer solutions to all the challenges of life.

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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Good and Faithful Steward

READ: Matt.25:14-30
MORE LESSONS: I Cor .4:1-2
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Joshua 1-3

God wants each of you to be a good steward of the gifts, grace, talent and abilities that He has given to you. He wants you to be a good steward of your:
* Time
* Money
* Gifts and talents
* Relationships
* Opportunities
* Entire life

In our text, people were given money according to their different abilities. The purpose of the money was very clear, they were to invest the money and make profit for their master. The Bible says the servant who received more money immediately began to invest the money and he soon doubled it.

Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents .v16 He did not waste time but acted promptly .He did not take his relationship with his master for granted, so he did what the man told him to do. He was a faithful steward of what he had. God blessed and commended him, v21. What are you doing with what you have-the money, gifts, talents, relationships and even your life? You are not the owner of anything, God owns it all and He can take it or call you any time to give account of them. The rich fool says to himself,...thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? Luke 12:19-20.

The rich fool forgot that all his blessings and himself belong to God. May you be found to be a good and faithful steward of all that God has committed to your care!

* Give God thanks for the privileges bestowed on you.
* Ask God for the gift of excellent wisdom to serve faithfully with the things that have been committed into your hand.
* Ask God to bless you so greatly that your silver and gold may multiply.
* Ask God to take away any devourer from your life.
* Expect an open Heaven today for the outpouring of certain things you have been waiting for .

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Friday, April 11, 2014

Love your Soul

READ: Prov 8:32-36
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Deuteronomy 32-34

One of the greatest secrets of life unknown to many, both poor and rich, is the mystery of godly living. This mystery is that of knowing that whatsoever a man does in God, is first and foremost for the good of that man before any other person or even God, For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD: Prov . 8:35. The result of righteous living is first to the righteous. The good health, prosperity, peace, advancement, defence etc that the righteous enjoys is first a reward of his holy living. God is not the first beneficiary of holy living. It is the righteous. Someone once said that the affliction and shame of immorality is first on the immoral person before other people around him. Every man is a direct beneficiary of the kind of life he lives. Many times I see people give the impression that their wrong doing is doing God harm in Heaven. This is not so; indeed, it is far from the truth. When you defile yourself with drinking, sexual immorality , smoking and other vices, God does not suffer any illness in Heaven for it; it is you who does. The same goes also for righteous living. Our text today says, But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death: Prov . 8:36. T o hate God and the things of God is death but to seek Him is life and favour , …the soul that sinneth, it shall die: Eze. 18:4; For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God: Rom. 3:23; For the wages of sin is death….:Rom. 6:23; Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him….: Isa. 3:11. All these scriptures imply that the consequences of sin are upon the sinner. The same also goes for righteous living, Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings: Isa. 3:10. May this help you to love righteousness, live righteously , and enjoy the reward of righteous living.

* Ask God to help you live a righteous life consistently.
* Ask God to grant you the blessing of a righteous man.
* Declare your life a fertile soil for righteousness. ? Ask God to perfume your life with His favour.

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Thursday, April 10, 2014

God is Ever Willing

READ: Matt. 8:1-3.
MORE LESSONS: Matt. 9:18-1
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Deuteronomy 29-31

It is a disadvantage to have a wrong perception of God. Therefore, it is wrong for anybody to assume that God is not willing to let him off the hook, like the leper in our text. This is share ignorance. God is merciful, kind and generous. Whatever you are going through, approach Him as a Father and don't be discouraged by the gravity of your sin because the blood of Jesus is enough to cleanse you from all forms of oppression and sin. The prodigal son took courage and confidently walked to his father after squandering his inheritance, asking to be a servant, I will arise and go to my father , and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned ... And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants Lk. 15:18-19. You ought to do the same; go back to God, tell Him you are sorry, He is ever willing to forgive. Don't even have a servant mentality, go as a son, you are not a servant but a son, ... I have called you friends .... Jn. 15:15. Y our willingness is what is in question, now take a bold step and approach the throne of grace.
It took courage for the leper to approach Jesus because he did not know whether Jesus would be willing to heal him, and also because a leper was an outcast. But Jesus proved to him that none is an outcast no matter their state spiritually or otherwise. He is also willing any day to heal, save, restore, deliver or do any good, if you are willing to approach His throne of grace, If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land Isa. 1:19. The first step to a blessing from God is willingness. It is willingness that brings obedience and obedience stirs Heaven to do anything. Are you willing to be blessed of God in any area of life? Prove your willingness by living up to God's expectation from today and bring His power to bear in your matter. God is willing if you are willing. In fact, God is more willing than man, if only we will approach Him in faith believing, Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need Heb. 4:16.
The leper came by faith and went away with healing. If you too can approach Heaven through prayer, faith and obedience, you will be delivered.

Prayer /Action
* Ask God to take away anything that is a hindrance to your approaching the throne of grace.
* Tell God you are willing to walk in obedience, He should therefore bless you today .
* Ask that the power that cleansed the leper come upon you and take shame and reproach away from your destiny today.

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Reason to Sing

READ: Psa..40:1-5
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 124: 1-8
Bible Reading in One Year: Deuteronomy 26-28

Apparently, there are many things men consider in order to make merry and such include success in an examination, safe delivery of a new baby, birthday and wedding ceremonies among others.... is any merry? Let him sing psalms: Jam. 5: 13. When you talk about making merry and singing to the Lord, a lot of people think it is until they get a new job or when any of the things listed above happens. However, there are things which when a man considers, he shows sincere gratitude to God with a joyful heart. One thing to think about is to remember where you are coming from. Anyone will be qualified for joy, singing and making merry should he just remember where the Lord took him from. If you will think about yesterday and remember your beginning, you will think of singing psalms and rejoicing. Whatever is your condition today, think of where you are coming from and your heart will be merry.
In thinking about your past, it's also important you think about your colleagues that you started together with. Ask yourself, ‘Are they dead or living?’ “Are they happy or just pretending to be getting by through life?” Just look around your life. How many of your colleagues are truly as happy as you are? How many of the people you started primary school with are still alive? The people you started together with may not even be dead but you will realize that you are not the most backward; you surely are not behind as you think. Also, still considering yesterday, ask yourself, “If God had not been on my side, what or where could I have been today?” Remember some crucial stages when there was no intervention, it would have been a different story. The Psalmist simply looked back and remembered the 'horrible pit, the miry clay (v2), the many wonderful works, and thoughts and he declared: … if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. v5. Count your blessings today, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done. I have a reason to give thanks; I hope you do too. Just by recounting our past experiences everybody needs to make

* Ask God to help you never to forget His goodness.
* T ell God you are grateful for all things and believe in His love to make you a symbol of testimony for the rest of your life.
* Renew your decision never to stop believing Him in all circumstances.

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sing Psalms to the Lord

READ: Jm. 5:13 MORE LESSONS: Exo. 15:1-21
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Deuteronomy 23-25

The scripture shows us that God wants us to be joyful and also teaches us how to handle joy . '…Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray. Is any merry? Let him sing psalms: Jm. 5:13. God attached a responsibility to happiness – which is that we should sing to the Lord. He went further to tell the type of song to sing. When you want to show God that you are happy, sing psalms unto our God. The word 'psalms' here doesn't just mean quoting the book of Psalms; it primarily means that you sing songs that make meaning and are taken from God's Word. Sing songs that are connected with the theme of the gospel of Christ. Until you sing songs that make meaning in the spiritual realm, you are not yet singing psalms. Singing psalms involves making melodies that are based on the Word of God. Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea: Exo. 15:1 . Making melodies unto God is a responsibility that expresses our gratitude, merriment and happiness. Many people have wasted their lives doing all manner of things in the name of showing happiness but the Bible encourages believers to show happiness by singing psalms unto God.
Just like the children of Israel sang psalms to God after miraculously crossing over the Red Sea. As you rejoice, celebrate, and sing, there is also edification for your spirit because God seeks worship in spirit and truth which the psalms give Him.
Well, some may think they can't sing because they do not have a reason to be merry but such a person should just look ahead. Can you see any ray of hope ahead of you? Is there a possibility that you will be better than what you are today? If so, then you have a reason to make merry and sing psalms. Even if all things are bad, there is still a ray of hope that all will be right as it is not over with you yet. Job says, Though your beginning maybe small. Yet your latter end shall greatly increase: Job 8: 7. Do you believe that tomorrow will be alright? Then the Bible says merriment is your portion; celebrate by singing psalms. God wants you to do it continuously. Don't sing psalms only today; next time your heart is heavy, sing a song of hope. Always create a heart that is filled with joy because God is able. From today you shall always have reasons to sing songs of joy to the Lord, in Jesus’ name.

* Prophesy to yourself that the rest of this year shall be filled with rejoicing.
* Cancel every plan of the enemy to steal your joy this year.
? Anoint yourself for the spirit of gladness and joy, no more heaviness.
? Pick a scriptural verse today and sing it all day .
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Monday, April 7, 2014

The All-Sufficient God

READ: Phil. 4: 10-19
MORE LESSONS: Gen. 22: 1-18
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Deuteronomy 20-22

And my God will meet all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus: Phil 4:19. We serve a God who is more than enough. The reason God can confidently tell you He will supply all your needs is because He is confident that the source of His resources is inexhaustible. I can't imagine any wealthy man on earth who can volunteer that anyone with a need should come to him for the need to be met. For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the mountains, and the wild beasts of the field are Mine: Ps 50:10-11 (NKJV). The earth is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell there in: Psa. 24:1. Jehovah is the owner of the entire universe; His assets are unlimited. No child of God should be living in poverty because the earth and its fullness belong to God, your Father. A child of a rich man can only be poor if he is ignorant of what his father has or if he does not have a proper relationship with his father.
We have to know that Jehovah is a God of principles. He has His codes of conduct and He will not do anything outside or against His Word. We should not be ignorant of the principles of our Father so that we won't be living in poverty when all His wealth could be available to us. Every action of God is a determined response to a principle in His Word. Give and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back: Lk. 6:38 (NLT). If you want to partake of the outpouring of God's blessing, you have to be a giver.
There are principles of faith that govern healing, salvation and righteousness, but when it comes to the outpouring of financial blessing, the only principle is giving. There is no outpouring upon a man who is tight fisted against Jehovah because God's principle is that if you give you will receive. Financial prosperity is about sowing and reaping a harvest. Paul’s prayer for the Philippians was a response to their life of sacrificial giving to ensure that their pastor did not lack as noted in verses 14-16. So anyone who must claim such prayers today must also have such testimony of the Philistine church and no doubt the harvest will follow.

* Ask God for the spirit of a giver and an end to being tight fisted
* Ask God to remember your offerings and sacrifices today.
* Rebuke every spirit and agent of poverty over your life.
* Ask that the windows of heaven be opened upon you from today.

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Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Kindred Spirit

READ: Acts 6: 1-6
MORE LESSONS: Gen 14: 8-16
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Deuteronomy 17-19

The word kindred refers to a group of people who are related either by marriage, birth or association. The kindred spirit is the bond that exists between a people and that motivates or inspires them to go the extra mile to do things for one another. In other words, kindred in the spiritual realm means a spiritual affinity or bond. The wrong type of kindred spirit among believers is when we do things on the basis of tribal and ethnic groups. If within the church, you give certain privileges to a fellow tribesman, whether he merits it or not, that is a negative display of kindred spirit. Evil thrives when people are ruled by negative kindred spirits because they are blindfolded by tribalism. One of the first things I was taught as a believer is that a brother in the faith is more important than an unsaved blood brother. In those days you hardly saw a Christian brother staying with his own ‘brother’ who was not born again; he would rather live with a Christian brother. The Blood of Jesus that binds us together is stronger than tribal ties. The Spirit of Christ inside us makes us attach more importance to spiritual bonds than to natural ties.
As we read in today’s text, in the early church, as the number of the disciples increased there was a problem between the Hellenists and the Hebrews. The Jews were giving all the food distribution to their own widows and overlooking the Hellenist (Grecian) widows. This is not the kind of thing we want to see in the Church. Any tie or privilege that sets people against one another in the Church is negative kindred spirit. Now when I went to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ and found that the Lord had opened a door for me, I still had no peace of mind, because I did not find my brother Titus there. So I said good-by to them and went on to Macedonia: II Cor 2:12-13(NIV). This is the positive kindred spirit at work: when you see an open door and refuse to rest until you make your brothers in the faith to be partakers; when you go looking for a brother or a sister you no longer see in church; when for the sake of the love of Christ you go to any extent to care and help fellow members of the Body of Christ. It is only then you can say you have a positive kindred spirit. This is the kind of spirit in the children of darkness, the occultic and the children of the bond woman that has brought them great strength and unity. Members of the body of Christ ought to do better than those in the world because the Blood of Jesus that binds us together is stronger. And it is only by so doing that the world will see Jesus in us, if we love one another.

* Rebuke every strength of negative kindred spirit in our commission.
* Pray that the love of Christ will supersede every relationship.
* Pray that you will be an example of positive kindred spirit.

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Uprooting Every Reproach II

READ: Jer . 32:26-27
MORE LESSONS: Mark 11: 21-23
Bible Reading in One Year: Deuteronomy 13-16

There is no reproach too great to be uprooted by God. There is no demonic oppression, failure, sickness, academic or career challenge or family problem that God cannot uproot. But the Lord is asking whether you believe He can do it: Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me? He is asking, 'Do you believe in my power to uproot anything that is a reproach in your life? Our inability to put an end to the reproaches in our lives lies in not believing the power of God to uproot them; the beginning of failure is not believing in God.
We can engage faith in God to uproot these trees by doing a number of things: Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not: Jer. 33:3. Call on God for whom nothing is impossible. When a matter gets too big for a man to handle, he hands it over to a superior. Hand over that issue to God by simply calling aloud to God.; you don't have to wait for extra anointing or extra number of people to do this. Produce your cause, saith the LORD; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob: Isa. 41:21. You have to present your strong reasons to God. T ell Him why He must uproot what the enemy has planted in your life, and the greatest reason is the Word of God. When you call on God and show Him His promises in Scripture to uproot the reproaches in your life, that is the strongest reason because heaven and earth may pass away , but His Word will not pass without being fulfilled (Jer . 32:27). And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away. And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God Mk. 11: 21- 22. Jesus cursed the tree because it refused to produce fruit. The tree's offence is that God created it to bear fruit but it didn't so the Lord uprooted it by the Word of His mouth. Similarly, anything that is not bearing good fruit in your life is not a planting of the Lord; uproot it.
Today, Jesus is waiting for you to do what He did. He is waiting for you to speak aloud against every evil dream, every negative word, inherited sickness and every tree in your life that the Father has not planted. It shall be uprooted with your tongue which is sharper than a sword. Today , say to that reproach '' I curse you, in the name of Jesus ''.

* Sing a song of praise to the God who is higher than every mountain.
* Command every affliction in your life to dry up with immediate effect.
* Announce a curse against every tree in your life that God has not planted.
* Give God thanks for His power to overturn the enemy's position in your life.
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Friday, April 4, 2014

Uprooting Every Reproach I

READ: Matt. 15:12-13
MORE LESSONS: Matt 21: 12-1
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Deuteronomy 10-12

But He answered and said " every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up: Matt. 3:10’’. There are certain things that find expression in a man's life and destiny which are not the doing of the Almighty and are not pleasing to Him. Some of them are inherited evil traits, curses, sicknesses, diseases and struggles that are transmitted through genealogies. These things happen in people's life without God's approval. Jesus refers to such as the trees that the Father has not planted and they need to be uprooted. Some believers think everything happens to them is the will of God; they say, '' If God doesn't want it there, it cannot be there''. That sounds correct but it is not true. Things can happen in believers' lives that are not authored by God, that is the reason Jesus described them as trees. If you know something about trees, you will know there are some trees that are not wanted, planted nor fertilized by the farm owner but they still keep growing.
Hazardous weather doesn't seem to affect them; even when the leaves dry off in the dry season, they start growing by the next raining season unless they are uprooted. No matter why and how these plantings of the enemy came to be, a sound knowledge of who you are in Christ Jesus is sufficient to terminate every reproach. The Scripture says: …for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye. Zach. 2:8 …for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee,…: Isa. 49:25. However, you must make up your mind to be angry with the reproach and take definite divine actions against those reproaches through God.
Do not be indifferent about anything that is of the devil in your life; uproot them. There is no reproach in a man's life that should be ignored. Jesus exhorts that you are to deal with every matter in your destiny that is not the will of God and He specified how; ‘Uproot it!’ Uprooting means to eliminate completely that it will never rise again; it is total and not partial or half-hearted. Whatever it takes: studying the Word, fasting, corporate prayer or laying on of hands by a spiritual father; give it what it takes. Only make sure that the reproach is uprooted. No matter how great or how long the reproach has been, I am glad to let you know that God can and will do something about your life and situation today. That which you hate will no longer be seen in your life, in Jesus’ name.

* Declare every reproach over your life ended today.
* Take one promise of God and declare it against the devil’s work in your life.
* Declare that as a temple of God, your body is not for satanic activities.

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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Forgiveness by the Blood

READ: I John 2: 1-2
MORE LESSONS: Prov 28: 1
Bible Reading in One Year: Deuteronomy 7-9

An important dimension to forgiveness is the need to forgive yourself of the mistakes and errors of the past so that you can overcome guilt and inferiority complex. You might be disappointed about some things you have done in the past but you need to rise again from the fall and go on ahead with God. Satan rejoices in seeing us fall into sin and remain fallen, but God rejoices in seeing us get up out of our fall and overcome it. The devil always tries to remind you of the sins and mistakes of yesterday. When Satan reminds you of your yesterday, you should remind him of the cross. There may be imperfections and mistakes as we live day today but we shouldn't because of this give up on ourselves. We must learn to accept that we occasionally stumble. Forgiving oneself is part of the blessings of the cross.
A lot of people today are in crisis because they cannot forgive themselves. We should deal with guilt by the Blood of Jesus so that the enemy will not use it against us. A guilty conscience is dangerous. Most suicide cases stem from a feeling of being disappointed about something and refusing to accept help. Not forgiving oneself can be as a result of pride, as some feel too big about a mistake they made that they find it difficult to forgive themselves. This pride gives room to Satan to penetrate deeper into their lives. When you refuse to forgive yourself you simply believe that no future or opportunity exists for you anymore. But I am glad to announce to you today that through the Blood of Jesus there is a better tomorrow for you. My little children, these things have I written unto you that ye sin not: I John 2:1. Sin can never be justified no matter who commits it; sin has no approval in scriptures. But if any man sin…,That is a conditional statement.
God doesn't expect or want us to sin but He made a provision in case it happens. …we have an advocate with the Father. An advocate is one who pleads on behalf of another. Jesus who died on the cross of Calvary is our advocate with the Father, who pleads our case. He knows our frame and because of His righteousness He can stand before the Father from where He points to His Blood on the cross to obtain forgiveness for us. If God has forgiven us, we should forgive ourselves. Calvary, therefore, is the place for self forgiveness. …and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. No matter what you have done, today it is time to say, 'Jesus, I accept your gift of forgiveness.'

* Give thanks to God for providing the gift of forgiveness and cleansing by the Blood of Jesus.
* Reject every satanic suggestion that God can no longer forgive you.
* Ask God for the blessing of “go and sin no more”.

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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Word Works

READ: Psa. 107:17-20
MORE LESSONS: Matt. 8:5-10
Bible Reading in One Year: Deuteronomy 4-6

One of the lessons God sought to teach the Israelites during the forty years of wandering in the desert was to bring them to a definite realization of the power and supremacy of His Word over all situations. It is only by this clear understanding that people can wait for the fulfilment of God's Word. The Lord also expects His Church to understand that it was for a purpose that He took the people by the way of the wilderness where they encountered hunger, thirst, snakes, wars etc. In all of these, God showed the sufficiency of His Word to provide water, food and deliverance from Egypt through His sent Word. He wanted Israel to learn to trust His Word in spite of the difficulties. His Word rules over all. He also taught the people to remain resolute in their faith even in the face of opposition.
To become anything in God's hands, you must learn to live by His Word even when others don't. God expects you to stand on His Word as you make choices in all matters. Even when such choices are unpopular, as long as they are godly and scriptural, stick to them. God's Word has everything that you need for godliness and prosperity in life and destiny. Read it, obey it and activate its force by confessing it. No matter how great an automobile is, until you ignite the engine none of its capabilities and functions will be useful. You need to ignite the Word by speaking it. Everything is in the Word but it will not go to work for you until you take it out of the written to the spoken, ...The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart.... Rom.10:8. So for effectiveness of the Word, read it, believe it in your heart and confess it. Activate the Word today by believing and confessing it and see the Word go to work. The Word works wonders for those who put it to work. With God's Word in your life, you are more dangerous than any weapon of war. You can combat any battle and win.
Your worries are evidence of lack of trust in God's Word. Those who believe will not panic or worry. That was why King David said, Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. Psa.119:165. Another version says: nothing can make them stumble (ESV). Stay with God and stand strong.

* Ask for a personal encounter with His Word.
* Ask that God will reveal His fullness to you today by His Word.
* Pray that God's Word will not lose its power in your life.
* Pray that you will be a proof of the power of God's Word in your neighborhood.

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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Divine Direction for each Day

Read : Psa. 37: 23-25
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 32: 8
Bible Reading in One Year: Deuteronomy 1-3

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way: Psa. 37:23. It is a wonderful experience to have God speak to us on every issue of life. My earnest desire is that everybody becomes able to hear God correctly and make decisions on their own. Your ability to hear God determines the quality of your Christian life. On the other hand, inability to hear and know God's mind is the source of many believers' problems in various areas of life. Many are confused about whom to marry, which career to pursue and about other decisions; this is due to not knowing how to hear God.
Financial prosperity is a matter of divine direction; God can easily lead you to where your prosperity is located. There are many things we struggle about that will become so easy if we obtain direction from the Lord. If you know where what you are looking for is located, all you have to do is to just go straight for it without the stress and struggle or confusion or guessing through life. The strength of many in life has been sapped by living a life of trial and error decision making on major life activities when there is divine direction to make things easy. Studying the Bible is all about getting direction. You have to spend time with the Word of God if you want to be instructed in making the right decision in every area of life because God speaks to us through the scriptures. God's direction can also come to us through the gifts of the Spirit of God upon the lives of His servants. This is the reason why attending church and fellowshipping with other believers are expedient for getting divine directions. God also speaks to us through the dreams of the night but the general point today is that spending time with God and waiting upon Him is a must for getting divine direction for the days of our lives. Personally, I plan and schedule my activities for the months and the year, but I still daily wait on God to get direction from Him before I take any step. I don't start my day until I have heard God about where to go and what to do, and this has worked for me. For many civil servants and business people, the day might have been fixed because they have to report at duty by a certain time. That's good but you must still create and set aside a time to wait on God and hear Him for direction for the rest of your day.
Getting direction from the Lord is the secret of a successful and hitch-free ride through life. I pray that as you seek God’s face to hear Him, He will speak and lead you in the path of goodness and success, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God for an ear to hear Him, an eye to see Him and a spirit that is connected with Him.
* Ask God to help you remove every barrier that hinders you from hearing Him.
* Ask God for a permanent life of divine connection to Him.
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