Thursday, July 31, 2014

You are God's Best

Text: Psa. 139:13-18
MORE LESSONS: Eccl. 3:14
Bible Reading in one Year: Galatians 4-6

Every man is created in God's image and therefore special to Him. God has a purpose in mind for every single person He creates. Parents may think they make a mistake in giving birth to a particular child but the Almighty God doesn't make mistakes. You are God's masterpiece and are beautifully, wonderfully and purposefully made.

This fact should make everyone to appreciate himself/herself and be confident. Inferiority complex is a psychological condition whereby a person always belittles himself and feels inadequate in comparison to others. The person does not feel good enough and thus is over sensitive to other people's words, actions and gestures. It mostly has its roots in the hurts, negative words and abuses a child suffers in childhood and manifests into adulthood if not addressed on time. This is the reason no child should be put down, insulted or abused.

Inferiority complex could also be due to limitations in the form of physical appearance, social and financial status, non achievement, cultural differences, emotional responses, lack of certain skills and ability .. . . Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him: Acts 10:34-35. All the things that men look at to judge one as superior to another don't count with God. All that fear God and work righteousness are acceptable to Him. You are acceptable to God as long as you have given your life to Jesus Christ; He is your Father and He loves you so dearly. Your basis of self-worth is the fact that God accepts you as you are.

Do not try to be like someone else for then you neglect your purpose thinking that you are inferior to another man. A child of God who is a carpenter is not inferior to another who is a medical doctor.

The carpenter should trust God to be the best and most successful in his work as the medical doctor also presses on to be the best in his field so that Jesus is glorified in both. The man on the pulpit is not superior to the usher standing and maintaining order in the service; each should give God his best, For I say, ... to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another: Rom 12:3-5. Whatever is your status or work; I want you to know that you are God's best and are specially made for your unique purpose by Him.

* Take a worship position and say to God, “Thank You for me”.
* Thank God for His purpose in you and for you.
* Ask Him to help you fulfil His purpose for your life from now on.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Word of Knowledge

Text: I Cor . 12:8
MORE LESSONS:1Cor 13: 8-13
Bible Reading in one Year: Galatians 1-3

I was preaching to a young man one day unknown to me that he was a very difficult person to preach to. Several people had preached to him and he always gave them a hard time. That day he sat, waiting for me to finish so that he could start on me as he always did to people who preached to him. Unfortunately for him, as I began to preach it was like I was reading a script of his past life to him. When I finished, he said, Who sent you to me? He actually thought that somebody reported him to me and that was why I came to preach to him. The word of knowledge is a supernatural revelation of a particular knowledge to you that you could not have known by yourself. This gift should be desired by believers as the Scripture makes us know that we can desire spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12: 31).

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are manifestations given to a man as God wills and not as man chooses (1 Cor. 12: 11). This gift can be manifested through you by the Holy Spirit even in everyday life. The same Lord who gives a word to a minister about someone in the congregation that He wants to touch can give a word to parents about their children so that they can know some things that He wants them to know. The same Lord who speaks words of knowledge through you as you go out to witness Christ to people can also give a word to you about a business decision or business partner. As you stay closer to God in prayer, He will endow you with this gift and He will give you privilege information supernaturally about your spiritual life, family, business, academics and profession.

This is your portion in Jesus. When God gives you a word of knowledge, it must be handled in wisdom and maturity. It is not given so that you go and confront people or start exposing things about people. The gifts of the Spirit are given for you to edify, comfort and help others and not to destroy, pull down, embarrass or intimidate them. For this to be achieved, the gift must be operated in love and maturity. If you receive a word and you do not know how to go about it you should discuss the message you receive with your pastor first. I pray that God will impart you with the gift of the word of knowledge, in Jesus’ name.

* Give thanks to God for the provision of such a gift as the Word of knowledge and for the great things He has accomplished among His people by such grace.
* Ask God to endow you with this gift for life and service.
* Ask God to send you a Word today for a total turn around in your life and destiny.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Helped by His Presence

READ: Psa 97: 5-10
MORE LESSONS: Exo 3: 11-18
Bible Reading in one Year: James 3-5

Jesus did not experience failure at moment during His life on earth and He wants us also to live a life that is free of failure. This can only be achieved when you have all-round strength. The extent of your strength determines the results seen in your life, either physically or spiritually. However, strength comes not only from within but also from above.

One of the secrets of strength from above is the presence of God with a man, The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth: Psa. 97:5. The earth cannot stand the presence of God and there is no mountain that can stand the presence of God. When you have God with you there is no mountain that can stand in your presence, Tremble, thou earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob: Psa. 114:7.

The secret of the strength of the people of old was God’s nearness by which they shook the world in their generations. It was the presence of God with Moses that made him become a god to Pharaoh even though he was a stammerer. God who called him stood by him and he became unstoppable. God was also with Joshua. God helped him and because God was with him, even the sun stood still for him until he finished the assignment that God gave him, There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them: Josh 1:5-6. So the Lord was with Joshua; and his fame was noised throughout all the country: Josh 6:27.

David enjoyed the presence of God. Even Saul got to a point when he had to confess that the presence of God was with David. That was after he had done all he could to kill David but didn't succeed. On one occasion Saul encamped around David and there was no way David could escape but Saul received news which made him leave and that was how God delivered David from the hand of Saul. David fought many battles but he prevailed in all. Only the presence of God with a man can make him untouchable to his enemies (I Sam. 23: 23- 29). God's presence is with you, and no situation will be able to stand against you, in Jesus’ name.

* Thank God for the power of His presence.
* Ask God to help you stay away from anything that can take His presence from your life.
* Ask God for the power of His presence all through your lifetime.
* Pray that the power that makes mountains melt like wax will fall upon you today.
Take a fast and use today's prayer.

Monday, July 28, 2014

The Spirit of the Word

Text: II Cor . 3:5-6
MORE LESSONS: James 1: 18-27
Bible Reading in one Year: James 1-2

As we learn about the things of God through various means such as preaching the Word, fellowshipping with believers, studying the Bible and other anointed books and devotionals, the most important element that Jehovah uses to evaluate us is the transformation that occurs in our lives. The intention of God is the impartation of His life into us through His Word; so no matter how much knowledge of the things of God we accumulate, if it doesn't translate into our transformation to a more Christ-like life and attitude, we are not growing spiritually.

The Word of God is not to be approached with the analytical and critical mind and it is not to be treated like an academic treatise. Rather, with humility, we are to absorb the reality, grace and life in the Word and become more like Christ. A man can delve into the Word of God and become more and more religious but not more spiritual. Religion has to do with a set of rules of do’s and don't’s which does not necessarily give one the power to do or not to do. When men dwell on the letters of the Word, they become very religious and have quotations and knowledge in their head but which they have not experienced.

However, when you allow the life of the Word to change you so that you live and practise the Word, you become truly spiritual. We are to approach the Word of God as students and not as scholars. Scholars are experts that are so knowledgeable in a field that they can critique and analyse any topic. On the other hand, a student approaches each topic with a heart to learn. One difference between the attitude and the student attitude to the Word is humility and being teachable. James enjoins, So throw all spoiled virtue and cancerous evil in the garbage. In simple humility, let our gardener , God, landscape you with the Word, making a salvation-garden of your life: James 1:21 (The Message).

Throw away all the confusing and complex garbage that men analyse out of Scriptures and, in humility and simplicity, receive, believe and practise the Word of God so that your soul will remain saved.

You have the Spirit of the Word when you practise the Word; you have the letters of the Word when you read it, write it, preach it and write volumes on it but never practise it. Go for the Spirit and not the letter of the Word because the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life: 2 Cor 3:6 ( NKJV) Don’t just be a hearer or talker of the Word, be a doer of the Word.

* Ask God to grant you the revelation knowledge of His Word.
* Pray that you will begin to understand God’s Word beyond the letters.
* Pray that God’s Word will not stop impacting your life.
*Ask that you will never resist the Word of God in your life.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Gift of Healing

Text: Acts 3:1-11
MORE LESSONS: I Cor . 12:9
Bible Reading in one Year: Ezra 8-10

One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is the gift of healing. And as with all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, it is given for it to glorify the Lord and help people. The gift of healing is the supernatural ability that the Holy Spirit gives to a person to heal all manners of sickness without human aid or medicine. God uses this divine enablement to confirm His message through His human vessels and provide an open door for the gospel to be preached and believed. When Peter and John ministered healing to the cripple at the Beautiful gate, immediately the people gathered and Peter and John were able to give them the Word of God.

It is a privilege, a promise, even the responsibility of every believer to pray for the sick, no matter the sickness, and they will be healed, And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover: Mark 16:17-18. However, some have a special grace and anointing in the area of healing. This is the gift of healing and God can give it to you.

Many say that the days when God gives the gift of healing to people are over, but God is the same and there are still many sick people as ever and the message of the gospel still needs to be confirmed by the manifestation of the power of the Spirit as ever; so God has not withdrawn this gift. I have seen the operation of this gift bring glory to God and draw many souls to the Kingdom.

You don't have to be in a crusade before the Holy Spirit operates this gift through you. A long time ago I went on door-to-door evangelism with a partner and as we were preaching to a woman, her child started convulsing. The woman, who was not yet a believer, started shouting and making a scene and claimed that our presence was responsible for the child's convulsion. Then people began to gather. Immediately we began to pray and suddenly the boy became normal.

The mother knelt down and said, I want to give my life to Jesus. She later confessed that the child had been suffering from recurrent convulsion and each time it happened, it would take so long that the child would nearly die. After the prayer the child got healed in a matter of minutes and she confessed that that was a miracle. Remember that every gift of the Spirit is given to profit the Kingdom, help people and glorify God and not for making a show or to merchandise. Ask God to empower you with this gift today to enlarge the Kingdom of God.

* Ask God to anoint you today with the gift of healing to populate His Kingdom.
* Ask that God will use you to profit His Kingdom on earth.
* Cast out the spirit of fear and doubt that can hinder the operation of the gift in your life.
Go pray for a sick person today.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Gift of Faith

READ: I Cor . 12:1-1 1
MORE LESSONS: Heb 11:30-39
Bible Reading in one Year: Ezra 5-7

A brother once gave his testimony: He was taken to the hospital after a sickness and he died; he was confirmed dead by the doctor. When the wife was told, she laughed and said her husband could not die. The doctor thought the woman had lost her mind and was trying to calm her down. But the woman calmly replied, Oh I'm fine. My husband is not dead. The doctor felt her response was due to the momentary shock and he contacted the other members of the family.

When they came she told them that the husband was alive and would wake up and that they should join her in praying and believing God for him. The family members agreed. On the second day the sister was still praying and confessing; however the man still laid dead, so the relatives said they should bury him. Their faith had run out, but the woman insisted that the man would not be buried because he was not dead. It became a tug of war as the relatives claimed that the man was their son and must be buried and the woman claimed her right to say where her husband should be, and that they could not bury him without her permission. They threatened her with legal action but she was unwavering.

After a while the Lord opened the dead man’s eyes to see what was happening on the earth and he saw his wife kneeling beside his body and praying, O God, this man is not dead, send him back here, in Jesus’ name. For it is written, By faith women received their dead raised to life again...: Heb 11:35 Jehovah told the man, I can't deny such faith, go back. And the dead man woke up.

There is the general faith but there is the gift of faith which the Lord imparts upon a person's heart in times of demand and the person does some things that are so daring and the impossible becomes possible by the Spirit of the Lord. Every believer has a measure of faith, . . . according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith: Rom 12: 3. In fact, we know, by grace are ye saved through faith . . . . Eph 2: 8. However, for victory in the battles of life and to achieve the impossible, you need this higher level of faith.

The relatives of the man had general faith while the woman who believed to the end had the gift of faith. May God impart that gift upon your spirit for exploits starting from today, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God for the gift of faith for trying times.
* Ask God to help you trust Him for impossible situations.
* Pray that you will be an addition to the roll call of men of faith.
Tell yourself, “With God all things are possible”. ?

Friday, July 25, 2014

God Cares

Text: Psa. 34:15-22
MORE LESSONS: Job 36:5-12
Bible Reading in one Year: Ezra 1-4

Our text today is the answer to one of the greatest questions we are confronted with in life. God is Jehovah the breasted One, ever ready to help all those who come to Him. If you want to know whether someone cares about you or not, check whether he often offers you a listening ear, a helping hand, and encourages you when you are downcast. These are some of the things that the Lord does in the lives of His children.

Sometimes you hear people say, No one will ever know how I feel, and no one seems to care. David had a similar experience of abandonment by his friends and allies. However, understanding the God in whom he trusted, David insisted, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble: Psa.46:1.

How comforting it is when we are in trouble to know that God cares. The Lord is always near but especially tender with us when we are broken-hearted. No situation is too difficult for God to handle and He is ever willing to help His own. Knowing this, Peter encourages, Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you: I Pet. 5:7T o receive constant care from the Lord you must learn to call upon Him in prayer and live in His presence daily. Thereafter, He will command people to give you succour and care for you in any situation.

Moreover as a child of God, if you are in need, feel free to talk to other children of God about it. God can use them to meet your need and He will, in Jesus' name. Many times children of God languish in their troubles because they listen to the enemy. Satan may try to convince you not to tell people your problems because they can’t help you. It’s satan's gimmick to keep you in trouble perpetually. Break the chain today and be free forever. God cares for you and so do other children of His.

* Father, help me to always remember that You care for me.
* I receive the grace to give and receive care from others.

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Anointing for Profit

Text: Acts 10:38
MORE LESSONS: Matt 25: 14-30
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles33-36

There is the anointing for doing good; an empowerment that God gives a man and expects Him to profit himself and other people with it. The anointing is for healing, progress, refuge and goodness both to the person who bears it and whoever encounters it. Anointing people with oil in church is not a religious ceremony because there is a profit that God expects to come to everyone after the anointing. If you are anointed, graced and gifted by God to be able to do anything, know that God expects it to profit you and everyone around you. It is important to know that the glory, anointing and blessings that God gives you are for positively impacting lives. It is not for you to accumulate materials for yourself and family only.
I want you to know that God likes profits.

From the Bible texts that we read, we know that when God invests He expects profit. The Bible also affirms, But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal: 1 Cor. 12: 7. One way of making sure there is profit on God's gifting, talent and anointing on your life is to actively put it to use for the good of others and you also will reap profits from it. The servants that are given five and two talents put them to use and make profits for the Master and He is pleased herewith them and rewards them.

By putting the talents to use, they profit themselves, profit the people that they offer services to n addition to making profits for the Master. The servant that is given one talent goes ahead to hide it in order not to lose it. But it is also of no use to humanity, to the Master or to himself. Therefore the Master punishes him for not making profit.

A lot of Christians have run down their businesses, careers, ministries and lives because they think that God doesn't like profit. Some believers in business can buy something for N20 and sell it for N15, thinking that is holiness. That's being religious, not being spiritual. It is God's desire that you have extra over your input. It is a good thing when you gain in life; for every of your input in life, you should get what you put in and more for profit. The investment of God in your life will not be a waste, in Jesus’ name. I pray for you that in all your lifetime, you shall be profitable to yourself, your family, the church, the world and the Kingdom of God at large.

* Pray that you will not waste God’s investments in your life.
* Declare over your endeavours that the anointing of God will yield great profits from today.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Testimony to Others

Text: 1 Cor .10: 1-11
MORE LESSONS: Heb. 1 1:32-40
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles 30-32

There are many accounts of people in the Bible that we read and get instructed, blessed, warned, encouraged and directed. These people stand as testimonies of righteousness, holiness, overcoming trial and temptation, faith and many other virtues to us. But we seem to overlook the fact that these stories are records of real life situations of real people with emotions, desires and limitations like us. So when we read what happened to them as lessons, we argue and theologise about them. However, we complain when things don’t work for us, forgetting that God could be making us pass through things that will be a testimony to others as well.

The point is that when you are going through a difficult time in life, sometimes it is for a lesson. And the lessons are not necessarily for you, they may be for somebody else. It could even be for a generation yet to come. Today, having drawn lessons and inspiration from the life of Sarah, we can have faith in God that no matter how long a woman waits, she can give birth to a child. Even after menopause we know that God still gives children as He did for ninety year old Sarah. I believe the lesson that has helped the faith of many today was a painful experience for Sarah when she was going through it.

These days we have lessons from what people like Daniel went through Dan 6:3-24). Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are great lessons of faith in God or us today (Dan 3: 1-30). We were not born when these people passed through these crises but God took them through some things so that we can learn from their experiences. Today we can have confidence that it is possible to enter into a lions’ den and not be devoured, or go through fire and not be consumed. You may be going through a hard time and you don't understand why. It may be a testimony in the making that will strengthen and save many in the future. I pray that God will cause you to finally make a profit of the situation.

Your strength shall be renewed and you will have victory over the matter. And when all s said and done, you will be fully recompensed by the Lord, in Jesus’ name.
May your challenge become a testimony, not only for you but many others after you, “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come”. I Cor . 10:1 1.

* Pray that your challenge will become a blessing, a positive example for others to trust God.
* Give God thanks for what He is able to do through your present challenge.
* Pray for strength to stand till victory comes.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Seek Things Above

Text:Col 3:1 -2
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles 26-29

If you are a new creature in Christ, the evidence that must show is your affections, desires and priorities in life. Many claim they are citizens of Heaven but all their interests, pursuits and conversations are of the earth. The latest fashion, technology, news and physical things are the pursuit of many who claim to be seated in heavenly places with Christ. However, the Scripture makes us to understand that the evidence that a man is seated in heavenly places with Christ is that his affections will be on things above and not on earthly things, Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also: Matt 6:19-21.

As a citizen of Heaven your investments, thoughts and pursuits should centre on God's Kingdom. One of the best ways to know where a person's heart lies is to check where he puts his money and time. Do you put your resources into the Kingdom of God or into things of this world that will pass away? The way you live also shows what you are seeking. A man seeking athletic medals doesn't eat and live like everyone else. The kinds of exercise, discipline and diet he adopts always show that he is seeking something.

As a seeker of God, all the deeds of the old man that do not glorify God in your life are to be put off and the works of the flesh are to be killed (Gal 5:19-21). You should be clothed with the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5: 22-23) and follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Heb 12:14.

Seeking God and laying all your treasures above will not lead to being of no good on earth, rather it is the secret to supernatural impact and greatness on earth. Every seeker of things above and propagator of the Kingdom is always a shining star in his generation because Scripture has promised, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you: Matt 6:33. The path to a glorious destiny and effortlessly getting all the things that men strive for is seeking first the Kingdom and the things above.

* Ask God for grace to make Heaven a priority.
* Pray that everything that competes with the will of God in your life will lose their hold now.
* Ask for a life that is ever ready for the coming of the Lord.
* Pray that no worldly pleasure will rule your life.

BENEDICTION: Say it to yourself after every prayer:

Jehovah is the Alpha and Omega of my year,
I shall not fear, He beautifies my days with grace and glory,
I shall not lack.

The Lord of Hosts is the strength of my life,
He shall not leave me nor forsake me, He shall deliver me from all evil
Even when men are being cast down, yet shall I arise and say.

2014 is my season of His GLORY, the Spirit of the
Lord shall perform these
Now and forever more

Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

New season,
Glory time

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Reprogramming your Mentality

Text: Rom. 12:2
MORE LESSONS: Prov . 23:7
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles 23-25

The mind of a man is the seat of his thoughts, reasoning, values, words and actions. The behaviour and life of a man are a product of his mind. Christians put a lot of emphasis on the spirit, spiritual exercise and spiritual growth, and that is right and necessary . However, you should not forget to develop your mind, reasoning and intellect because the spirit of a man can only relate to this physical realm through the soul, which contains the mind. So no matter how much a man has grown spiritually, he is still limited if there’s no corresponding change in his mind.

Personal development, education, study, attending conferences and seminars are ways of improving your mind, Be renewed in the spirit of your mind: Eph 4:23. The biblical account of the growth of Jesus is revealing, Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man: Luke 2:52. That is mental, physical and spiritual development in that order. Many strongholds that people battle with are in their minds.

It is not every poverty, sickness or failure that is a spiritual attack; most are as a result of poverty and failure mindset that has been so ingrained in a person by the reason of his background, environment and experience; thus the person always thinks, talks and believes poverty and lack. So many people do not sincerely think it is possible to live a sickness-free life, some can't imagine themselves wealthy and great.

Your mind needs to be renewed by God's Word till you see yourself in agreement with what God says about you.
Many times people struggle with sin and lust and they want laying on of hands, binding and casting to be delivered from sin. Of course there are several cases of people who need deliverance from the hold of sin but more often than not, freedom from the hold of sin will be by the renewal of the mind of the person, by the washing of the water of the Word of God because the mind is the battle ground of temptation and sin. When a man gets born again, his spirit becomes brand new and perfect but the mind is the same with the same memories, feelings and thought patterns.

Therefore, the Word of God needs to reprogramme the mind for total liberty and maturity in the faith. You need to expose your mind much to the Word of God so that it can think in agreement with the mind of Christ.
Today I want you to take the responsibility of realigning your thinking with the Word and reprogramme yourself for success in God.

* Ask God to purge, deliver and renew your mind for a greater life.
* Ask God to help you reprogramme your mind by removing all negativity.
* Pray that your mind will always align with the Holy Spirit.

Pass Through to Get to

Text: Acts 27:18-24
MORE LESSONS:2 Cor. 4:8-9, 17
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chron. 20-22

In our first reading, Paul has appealed to Caesar in Rome and at take off, God tells him he is going to get to Rome. But the journey on the sea turns out to be a terrible experience because the wind is contrary to them. In fact it’ s so bad that for 14 days they can't eat, they go into an unplanned and unproclaimed marathon fast for 14 days. However, the Angel of the Lord assures Paul, ...Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee: Acts 27:24. It happens as the Lord says, the ship is lost but the people are saved, and they all get to Rome.

This story paints a picture of many in the journey of destiny when experience and situation turn out to be very terrible. Many people at such times start doubting God and ask questions like, Why I in such a bad time as this when God told me the destination will be good? I want you to know that nobody gets to without passing through. You should not count such times when you are passing through as bad times but as a passage t o your glorious destination. There are things you have to pass through in order to get to where you are going.

As a student you might be going through stress, making sacrifices and to eat might even be a difficulty now but by the time you finish school brilliantly and your certificate starts opening doors for you, you am will thank God for all the things you endure as a student. Difficulties should not always be seen as bad times because sometimes they are to make you on your way to where you are going. When you are still in the process of going through, it might be difficult to believe and accept that God is aware of your plight but when you begin to reap the harvest of the pain, then you will thank God for taking you through the pain and stress.

Paul knows that those fourteen days are just a passing time and not a permanent situation, so he could encourage the others in the ship. Eventually they get to where God intends taking them to. No matter what you are passing through today , I want you to be encouraged in the Lord because you will still get to your glorious destination, When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee: Isa 43:2

* Declare that every challenge you face will become a testimony for you.
* Prophesy that no evil time will swallow you up.
* Declare that every test will become a testimony.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Overruling a Season

Text: Dan. 2:21
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 57: 1-11
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles 17-19

As a child of God, you must know how to get events, times and seasons to align with God's will and purpose for your life. One portion of the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples is Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven: Matt 6:10. So when God's will is not being done in a season of your life, what to do is to overrule that season.

I want to let you know that there is no season that you cannot overrule. If hard times, difficulties and bad seasons come your way, you can overrule them. Don't allow seasons to rule you, rather you overrule them. Everyman, even the righteous, may go through an unfavourable season one time; so it is not the fact that you are in a challenging time that is the problem. The problem comes when you allow that difficult time to prevail over you. You are to prevail over bad season by overruling it.

Let us look at some principles of overruling a season from the Bible, Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities' be over past: Psa. 57:1. David was a man who experienced many adverse seasons that needed to be overruled. From this scripture, we see a secret that he knew , . . . until these calamities be over past. David said this calamity will pass, and it did.

Even in the midst of calamity David had the hope and expectation that the situation would change. The first thing to do to overrule your bad season is to be convinced of the possibility of change. You have to believe that a bad season is nota permanent state. Unfavourable seasons are not to be accepted.. . . for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge. This is the expression of faith and trust in God. Many are not able to overrule their negative season because they do not stand in faith but rather panic in fear . Only the still can still the storm. Faith and fear don't work to get her. Unfavourable seasons are not to be feared and panicked over . Faith is the victory that you need.

Finally , For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith:Mark11:23. You overrule by the words of your mouth. Seasons change as you declare words that are empowered by the Holy Ghost.

* Make a decree that evil season will not thrive in your destiny.
* Command every contrary season to change today and bow out of your life.
Using the following scriptures, take 10mins each on 3 different occasions today and declare your victory over any evil season- Dan.2:18-21, Lk. 21:15

Friday, July 18, 2014

No Dry Day

Text: Jer .17:7-8
MORE LESSONS:1 Kings 17: 1-16
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles 14-16

Elijah was a man very zealous for the Lord. When Israel forsook the way of the Lord and turned to idols, He single-handedly declared drought upon the nation, As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, but according to my word: 1 Kings 17: 1. When there is no rain and dew, the plants cannot thrive and famine sets in. So Elijah triggered a national famine. Did Elijah overlook the fact that if Israel experienced famine, he would partake of it? Did he forget that if there is no food in the nation, there would be no food for him as well? No, Elijah knew but he understood something that we need to understand today,

The LORD knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be forever. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied: Psa. 37:18-19. As it turned out, Elijah was fed throughout the period of famine. You need to get to the point where you sincerely know that rain or no rain; God can take care of you. Salary or no salary, connection or no connection, job or no job, He can ceaselessly supply your needs.

In Elijah's case, God led him to the brook Cherith and sent ravens to bring him food daily. But it was not the brook and the ravens that were the source of his provision, it was God. So when the brook dried up, God the source of the supply opened another channel. Next time a man closes a door on you, don't run helter-skelter; God is your source and He will open another means. God sent Elijah to a widow in Zarephath and did a miracle so that the cruise of oil in the widow’s house did not dry throughout the famine.

There was famine in the land but they didn't know a single dry day; that shall be your portion, in Jesus’ name. You need to know how this happened to Elijah so that you could apply it to your life. As earlier said, Elijah was zealous for God, he was a God-addict. He didn't start seeking God because of the famine, he had been irrevocably committed to God. It is possible to experience surplus and abundance no matter the economic problems in your nation, but you must be relentlessly committed to God. Secondly, Elijah's trust was not in the rain, brook, ravens or the widow; he understood that these were just channels. His trust was in God. As you trust God with all your heart, you will not experience a dry moment anymore, in Jesus’ name.

Prayer /Action
* Pray that your destiny will never go into famine.
* Pray that God’s supply for your life will never go dry .
* Ask God for ceaseless blessings financially and otherwise.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

"Marry” God, don't “Date” Him

Text: Isa. 54:5
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 42:1-2
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles 10-13

These days people do all kinds of things. Boys and girls go into a relationship to observe and score each other. If they pass, they get married if they fail, they fall out. They call it dating but it has no basis in the Scripture. When that doesn't work, they cry and say that they are incompatible. Trial and error is not the way to live. Accurate and genuine result in life is birthed only by a commitment generated by an unwavering conviction in your spirit. Marriage is a commitment made in sickness, in health for richer, for poorer; till death do us part. God detests divorce and strongly condemns it. When you marry a person you have made an unconditional life time commitment to the person.

Now when a woman dates a man, she doesn't have a right to his name, his estate or property; anything she gets from him no matter how big she thinks it is, is just a meagre free will gift. A married woman on the other hand has rights to her husband's estate; she bears his name, so all that he has belongs to her, just like Jesus gave His name and access to all that He has to the Church, His bride, And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: John17: 22.

In the same way, in your relationship with God, there are things and realms you can never access till you make a lifetime unconditional commitment to Him. When your service to and stay with God goes beyond what He does for you and what He doesn't or what is happening to you and what is not, then you are subscribed to full access to all His riches, glory and power because then you are married to God. The reason many are not having maximum benefit from their relationship with God is because they are more or less in a 'dating’ relationship with God. They want to see whether it will work or whether they will benefit, so that if they don't they can quickly try other means.

Today, no matter what you are going through, I present to you the secret of victory, fruitfulness and glory—stay married to God, don't be in a dating relationship with Him. Stay committed in all circumstances.

* T ell Jesus the Husband of the Church, “I give You all my heart, I live for You only”.
* Ask God to receive your love for Him like in the beginning.
* Pray that nothing will separate you from the love of Christ.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Labourers and Harvesters

Text: I Cor . 3: 6-8
MORE  LESSONS: John 4: 37-38
Bible Reading in one Year: 2Chronicles 7-9

A young missionary came from Europe to Africa and after investing all his lifetime in a community he had only one young convert. He lost his wife and child to malaria in the land and after all the years, he went back to his country, an old man, thinking he had wasted the bulk of his life. He would have died a bitter man, if not that close to the time of his death he met someone from the same field who gave him a report: the one convert he had for all his labour had grown to become a great evangelist and church planter in that country, with thousands of people saved and many churches planted in nations through him.

The gospel is waxing stronger and stronger in that land. The old missionary repented of thinking that he wasted his labour and praised the Lord for the harvest that others were reaping from his labour. Then he passed on to glory.

When you look at life, you realise that everything you enjoy today is a result of the labour of people who have gone ahead of you. In everyday life, technologies like cars, phones, computers and others that make life easy for us today are the results of the efforts and labour of some people in the past. Some of the labourers of the past didn’t even get the chance of benefitting from the results of their labours; it was after their lifetime that their efforts began yielding results for other people.

This is true in the spiritual also; all your labour in the spirit like your prayer, fasting, giving and diligent service to God are harvests for the future. Even if you leave this world, other people, including your children, will benefit from them. Many of us are reaping the good of the spiritual labours of our parents. This is the reason why every person should be very diligent in all the things of God because such is laying up harvest for his seed and the future generation.

The converse is also true, laziness in the things of God and all the evil that men might do today are also to be paid for by future generations, including the children of the perpetrators of evil. Many countries are suffering and struggling today because of the lack of vision, corruption, embezzlement and evil of the past leaders. Of a truth, soweth and another reapeth. . . other men laboureth, and ye are entered into their labours: John 4: 37-38.

Today, I charge you to start laying up spiritual and physical labours that others will reap from even when you are gone. This is the path to making everlasting impact.

* Pray that your labour in life will never be a waste.
* Pray for a life of impact beyond your generation.
* Ask for a life filled with results.
* Pray for divine speed and fulfilment in life.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Handling Challenging Times

Text: Job 14:14
MORE LESSONS: Hab 2: 1-3
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles 4-6

God's desire is that His children ceaselessly enjoy good times. God is good at all times and this means good for us in every season. But as believers we ought to know how to handle challenging times because even though we are blessed people, things can sometimes be really bad; we need to know what to do and what not to do at such times. Going through the Scripture, you can see that bad times sometimes come even to righteous people. The age long question many ask is, why should a good person run into bad times? Job was a righteous man who experienced a great calamity, but he declared, . . . till I die I will not remove mine integrity from me. My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live: Job 27:5-6. What a faithful worshipper of God. Job refused to speak against God or compromise in the situation; no wonder he finally came out greater and better (Job 42: 10-17). When times are really bad, you still must stand for God and for righteousness and He will finally elevate you.

David, the man after God's heart, was another man that was familiar with difficult times. On one occasion he burst out in frustration, My soul is among lions: and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword: Psa. 57:4. On another occasion he despaired, And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! For then would I fly away, and be at rest: Psa. 55:6. David felt like giving up and running away just like you feel like throwing in the towel many times but he did not. Rather he affirmed his faith in God, As for me, I will call upon God; and the LORD shall save me.

Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice: Psa. 55:16-17. David went through it all and at the end he had the testimony of being Israel's greatest king in history and the reference point for other kings. When you wait for God and prevail over a problem you become a reference point for uplifting many. This is the reason you must emerge victorious over that issue. The strength of God will not fail you, in Jesus’ name. In difficult times do like David did, pray; add Job’s strategy, maintain your integrity. Finally, trust in God and wait on Him by faith till your change comes.

* Pray for God’s help never to quit in adversity.
* Pray like David- But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory , and the lifter up of mine head:Ps3:3.
* Declare like Job, all the days of my life will I wait on you, Oh God till you change my situation.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Christian Leadership

Text: 1 Cor 11: 1
MORE LESSONS: Mark 10: 35-45
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles 1-3

Being a leader is a huge responsibility which is given to us and for which we must give account. Christian leadership, contrary to the world system, is not about seeking title, position or power but commanding emulation through positive spiritual influence. Spiritual leadership is about your life being a worthy example to people spiritually and in other aspects of daily life.

Each time you exert positive influence on people's lives, you are leading. This is the reason why when a person gets saved through you, it is said that you led him or her to Christ. A wise man once said, You are a leader if you have ever attempted to get someone to do something right.

Another wise man said, If your actions inspire others to learn more, do more and become more, then you are a leader. This understanding makes leadership accessible, available and possible for all and sundry; you mustn't be president, chairman or head before you lead. You can lead whatever your position in an organisation, group or family. All you have to do is to be a positive influence and add value to that place with or without recognition. Christian leadership is not about having all the privileges and having every one serving you. It is about serving others. It is pouring your life and resources to further God's cause and the welfare of the people.

If there is somewhere or somebody whom you can serve with your God-given ability, you are already progressing in leadership. Christian leadership is about caring, nurturing and raising people; it is both a privilege and a responsibility.

You can exercise leadership as a father or mother in the family, as a person positively impacting your friends, a teacher or coach influencing young people for Christ; you can exercise leadership one-on-one. It is not only when you face a crowd or you are in a big position that you are in leadership. In fact, it is faithfulness to God in little and seemingly unimportant areas of leadership and tasks that you do either in church, at work or at home that determines how God commits bigger things to your hands, He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much: Luke 16:10.

Christians should not lobby, seek or rush into leadership positions, most especially in the Body of Christ. They should allow God to place them according to the measure of grace He has given them, Don't be in any rush to become a teacher, my friends.

Teaching is highly responsible work. Teachers are held to the strictest standards: James 3:1 (The Message). f God has made you a leader , His grace is sufficient for you even in your weakness. I pray you will not fail in your assignment, in Jesus’ name.
However, if God has made you a leader, His grace is sufficient for you even in your weakness. I pray you will not fail in your assignment, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask that God will make you an example of a true Christian leader.
* Ask God to help you reject any appointment in which He is not involved.
* Pray for believers in any area of leadership to find God’s help to lead righteously .

Sunday, July 13, 2014

: God is a Rewarder

Text: Heb 11: 6
MORE LESSONS: Psalm 63: 1-11
Bible Reading in one Year: Romans 12-16

God has never been known to fail anyone that seeks Him. There is a prize in God that He reserves only for seekers who will go after Him with all their heart. The best and the choicest things of God are reserved for those who will seek Him diligently. Many people seek God half-heartedly and then complain that seeking God is not giving them the desired result. The Bible makes it clear that God rewards diligent seekers,

But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him: Heb 11: 6. How diligent are you in the pursuit of God? And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart: Jer 29:13.

A diligent seeker will always want to be in God's presence and in the assembly of God's children. Diligence in seeking God takes spending time with Him and waiting on Him in prayer, fasting and studying God's Word. Fasting and prayer is not something you remember only when you are in trouble, it is an instrument for seeking God. When was the last time you fasted and prayed, just seeking to know God more? God rewards diligence in seeking Him. The priority of a diligent seeker is spending time with God; so in planning his day and programme, he carefully and uncompromisingly creates time for God. Even in the kind of job and appointment he takes, he considers whether he will have time for God.

The secret of grace, wealth, greatness, the anointing and a life of impact is diligently seeking God. Men seek for these blessings but these things keep eluding them because they do not understand that these blessings are rewards that come with a life devoted to a passionate pursuit and diligent seeking of God. Seeking God comes at a price. It will cost you time to wait on God, and resources and money to give to the Kingdom of God. It will cost you your effort and energy to serve God and to work in the church. But the rewards that God has reserved for diligent seekers far outweigh any sacrifice that might come with seeking Him.

A believer that is devoted to the things of God and another that is lackadaisical about God will never end up on the same platform, spiritually and physically. It is just a matter of time before the difference becomes clear and glaring. Today, I want you to choose to be a seeker of God because He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.

* Ask God to help you renew your commitment to Him more than ever before.
* Ask for the spirit that thirsts and hungers for God beyond needs.
* Ask God to reveal Himself to you today.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Concerning Spiritual Gifts

Text: 1 Cor 12: 7
MORE LESSONS: 1 Cor 12: 1-12
Bible Reading in one Year: Romans 5-8

God doesn't want us to be ignorant of spiritual gifts. Ignorance of spiritual gifts has caused a lot of havoc in the body of Christ as people are carried away by every manifestation they see. Every believer has to take the responsibility to grow by the Word of God, ...that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive: Eph 4:14.
There are nine gifts of the Spirit: word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, gift of healing, working of miracles, discerning of spirits, prophecy, diverse types of tongues, and interpretation of tongues.

The purpose of these gifts is to glorify the person of Jesus and confirm the Word of God; it is not to show how powerful a man of God is or to promote his ministry. Any operation that doesn't seek to exalt Jesus is not of the Holy Spirit. So anyone that will safely operate in the Spirit must be well grounded in the Word of God.

A person that is not established in the Word of God and all he does is to operate in the manifestation of the Spirit is dubious. Also the manifestation of the gifts is as the Holy Spirit wills and not as man chooses, But all these worketh that one and the self same Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will, 1 Cor 12:11. A man that operates the gifts of the Spirit like a personal ability that He could use at will without dependence on the Holy Spirit is fake. For example, the fact that a man has the gift of prophecy or word of knowledge doesn’t mean t hat he must know everything about everyone and have a word about everything all the time. Any man operating as such is going into error. The gifts are as the Spirit wills.

Finally, the gifts of the Spirit are to be operated in love. The gifts are not to expose, embarrass, dominate or intimidate people but to help, edify and build them. The manifestation of gifts of the Spirit in a member should also build the body of Christ as a whole. No man should operate the gifts in isolation claiming self sufficiency, For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ: 1 Cor 12:12. The body of Christ is one and every member is dependent on others. Anybody that claims that he is so gifted that he doesn't associate with others in the body of Christ is in error .May you be grounded in God and not be led astray by the sleighs of men. I pray also that God will anoint you with His gifts, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God for the gifts one by one.
* Pray that the gift of God in your life will glorify only Jesus.
* Ask God for deeper understanding in the things of the Spirit.

From Egypt to Canaan

Text: Heb 4: 1-3
MORE LESSONS: Heb 3: 7-19
Bible Reading in one Year: Romans 9-11

God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt to lead them to the promised land of Canaan, the land flowing with milk and honey . They were to pass through the wilderness as a test of their faith in God before they would enter into the Promised Land, And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no: Deut 8:2.

The Israelites complained and murmured against God each time a challenge arose. Thus they sinned and rebelled against God again and again; because of this many of them could not enter into the rest that God had prepared for them.

This is an illustration of the Christian journey in life. God has brought us out of the world of sin (Egypt) and He is leading us into the promised land of all our inheritance in Christ and to Heaven where we will be with Him forever. As we pass through the wilderness of this life, many times we face challenges that are to test and prove us. We should not be like the children of Israel that doubted God and fell in the wilderness. Rather we should hold on to Him to the end. Do not be like the children of Israel that kept longing for the fish, melon, garlic and cucumber of Egypt.

Those are believers that keep longing for the things of the world and the sinful pleasures of the past. Rather keep your eyes fixed on the glorious inheritance that God has reserved for you both in this life and in that which is to come. Do not cast away your confidence in God and do not disobey Him.

Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draws back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul: Heb 10:38-39. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief: Heb 4: 11.

The Bible tells us to labour to enter into the rest that God has prepared for us. In other words, with determination avoid anything that could prevent you from entering into your Promised Land and diligently pursue the things that are needed for you to enter into your inheritance. You will not fall in the wilderness of life; you will enter into the Promised Land, in Jesus' name.

* Pray that you will not miss heavenly Jerusalem.
* Pray that no challenge will take Heaven from you.
* Declare that your spiritual pilgrimage will not end in disaster.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Good Gifts are for You

Text: James 1: 17
MORE LESSONS: 1 Cor 12: 1-1 1
Bible Reading in one Year: Romans 1-4

God has a lot of gifts in store for His children, but a lot of believers are not taking advantage of the gifts that God has prepared for them because they are ignorant of His provision and how to take delivery of them, Every good and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning: Jam1:17.

Sometime ago, I was to pray for a lady for healing and for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. She wanted the healing but she told me not to worry about the baptism of the Holy Spirit because it is a gift for some and not everyone can have a gift. She also said that all fingers are not equal, so everyone cannot be gifted. I replied that it’s true all fingers are not equal, some are taller than others but if I have my choice I would choose to be the tallest finger. I asked her, If given the opportunity to work in a company as the Managing Director or a messenger, which would you choose? She said she would like to be the director. That is good response.

Some people and churches teach that gifts are not for everybody but we know that the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues is for every believer. I then told her, Even if they told you that gifts are not for everybody because some are more privileged than others, why don't you choose to be among the people with the gift since they didn't say it is a crime to have the gift, it is just a privilege. The wonderful sister agreed with me and said that I had a point.

And if you hardhearted, sinful men know how to give good gifts to your children, won't your Father in heaven even more certainly give good gifts to those who ask him for them? Matt 7: 11 (Living Bible). Whatever gift you want- spiritual, physical or financial-you can get it by asking God who lavishes good things on His children, Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, ....1 Cor 14: 1 (NKJV).

When you desire the gifts of the Spirit and ask God for them, He will give to you. As you desire the gifts of God with a sincere heart to help people and to glorify God, He will richly give them to you, in Jesus’ mighty name.

* Ask now for the infilling of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues
or a renewal if you have been filled already .
* Ask God to generously pour His goodness upon you.
* Pray that you will not lack God’s Spirit and power in your life.

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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Dangers of Disobedience II

READ: Gen. 19:16-25
MORE LESSONS: I Kgs. 13:1 1-24
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Chronicles 27-29

There is one thing you must be certain of and that is that God will not break His Word. However, if you disobey Him, you get the actual measure of punishment for the disobedience. Your anointing cannot stop the punishment whenever you break God's instruction except you repent and it pleases the Lord to forgive you. You cannot trade God's instruction with disobedience and survive it.

There was a young man of God from Judah sent by God to a king. He was so anointed that when he was delivering God's message and the king wanted to ...lay hold on him. And his hand, which he put forth against him, dried up, so that he could not pull it in again to him….: 1 Kings 13:4. The king's hand dried up because God sent the prophet. He was a man who could hear God and speak back to God without interference, And the man of God besought the LORD, and the king's hand was restored him again…. v 6. After this wonderful and excellent performance, the king offered to feed and reward him. That would contravene God’s Word to the prophet so he refused, ...Come home with me, and refresh thyself, and I will give thee a reward: v7, but he answered, ….If thou wilt give me half thine house, I will not go in with thee, neither will I eat bread nor drink water in this place: For so was it charged me by the word of the Lord, saying, Eat no bread, nor drink water , nor turn again by the same way that thou camest: vs 8-9.The problem that people have is accepting the word of man without consulting the Creator first. Don't fall into the trap of liars; they will make God's judgment to be activated upon your life irrespective of your anointing, for disobedience can corrupt your anointing.

Be firm in rejecting instructions that are not godly. An old prophet came and lied to the young prophet to break the God-given command. Without checking with God the young prophet accepted the old prophet’s suggestion and that crashed his destiny because he did not go back to ask God. Let’s look at some of the dangers here that disobedience can bring: 1. It can provoke God to anger, …Forasmuch as thou hast disobeyed the mouth of the Lord… thy carcase shall not come unto the sepulchre of thy father .…: 1 Kgs. 13:21-22.

2. It can bring untimely death that Almighty God will supervise by Himself upon a man's life, And when he was gone, a lion met him by the way, and slew him: and his carcase was cast in the way, and the ass stood by it, the lion also stood by the carcase: v 24. You will know that God supervised the prophet’ s death because the lion which is known for eating flesh did not eat the young prophet's flesh, rather it killed the man and stood by the body . Be careful, if you break God's instruction, He will also break you.

* Ask the Lord for His forgiveness for every carelessness, error and mistake that could bring His punishment upon your life.
* Ask the Lord to grant you grace for total obedience in all situations.

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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Dangers of Disobedience I

Text: Gen. 3:1-19
MORE LESSONS: Gen. 3:20-24
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Chronicles 24-26

Disobedience attracts God's punishment upon a man while obedience fulfils God's promises for him. Whenever God gives you an instruction, any other instruction that counters the God-given instruction is simply to make God's promises for your life of no effect. One of the fastest ways to see the anger of God upon your life is to disobey Him. That is to say, if you want God's goodness, live in obedience and if you want His punishment, live in disobedience. Let's quickly look at some of the dangers of disobedience.

God became angry with man that He created when man disobeyed Him and incurred a curse, ...Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife… cursed is the ground for thy sake: Gen.3:17. Therefore disobedience can:
1. Bring a curse upon the work of a man; remember here that God didn't curse man but the work of His hands.
2. Make a man to eat his bread in sorrow , … In sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life: Gen. 3:17.
3. Make a man to labour in vain, Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;… v18.

4. Make man labour before he can eat, In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground;…  19.
This was not God's original plan for man. The plan had to change because man listened to his helper than what God told him, he forgot in a hurry that God gave him instructions as regards the Garden.

Man then got the opposite of the promises of God. May that not be your portion ‘Amen’ is not enough; keeping His instructions is the key. Furthermore, disobedience can banish a man from God's presence completely, So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden….: Gen. 3:23. Looking at that, you will see that it was the man that God banished out of the Garden and of course the woman had to follow.

The breaking of the instruction began from the serpent who seduced the woman and truncated God's initial plan for man because man listened to his helper against God's instructions. Those who advise you against the Word of God are breakers of God's instruction and when God will declare His judgment upon you, they will not be able to help you out. If God has made you the head of an organisation or a leader at any level, you will need to base your instructions on God and His servants so that you will not put both yourself and your followers in danger of disobedience.

* Ask for God’s forgiveness and cleansing for any lingering sin in your life.
* Ask for His mercy to turn His anger away from you.
* Pray that you will never be driven from the presence of God

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Monday, July 7, 2014

Breaking God's Instructions

Text: Gen. 3:14-19
MORE LESSONS: Ezek. 18:20
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Chronicles 20-23

Giving listening ear to the devil will re-write God's programme for your life if you don't stop on time. Do not give space for the enemy to ever prepare or engage you in the conversation that will lead you to break the instructions from the Word of God. Be vigilant enough to take note of the devices of the devil; any statement from anybody that is contrary to the Word of God should be rejected immediately. The serpent presented God as a liar, For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God.…: Gen. 3:5. Satan’s suggestion is a lie that contradicts the Bible, ...God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him.…: Gen. 1:27. It is easy for the devil to tell lies because it is in his nature, ...for he is a liar and the father of lies….: Jn. 8:44. But God made man in His own image and breathed His life into him. That advice that is contrary to God's Word has the target of leading you to destruction; don't eat that bait.

As soon as the woman yielded to the serpent’s enticement, there was a re-programming in Heaven that changed the plan of God for man. As soon as the woman …saw that the fruit of the tree was good and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, She took some and ate it….: Gen. 3:6. At this point, the process of enticement was over, the serpent had just won Eve over . Don't let the serpent win you over, do not give in, the devil has not given up on you at all, don't also give up on God by accepting the devil's lies. As soon as the woman yielded the serpent disappeared, mission accomplished.

All that the serpent was trying to do from the conversation with the woman was simply to make man break the God given instruction, but don't let the devil take you to the valley of disobedience. Instead of waiting for the time to shift blame on the devil, your husband, wife, children, boss, teacher or anybody, simply refuse to be drawn into the process that breaks the law of God. In Gen. 3:12-14, as soon as God asked what happened,

Adam shifted the blame on the woman and the woman on the serpent. Did you notice that shifting the blame did not save anyone of them from God's punishment? Everybody was served his/her own punishment accordingly. This simply means that God wants everybody to confront the devil whenever he entices one to disobey Him, for anyone who disobeys God will not go without punishment.

* Say to the devil, ‘I shut my ears, eyes, thought and imagination to you permanently.
* Declare every satanic access to your destiny blocked now.
* Ask for God’s pardon and mercy for carelessness that could have opened your life to sin.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Be a Carrier of Good News

Text: Isa 52:7
MORE LESSONS: 2 Sam 1: 1-16
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Chronicles 10-13

There was a newspaper that was always full of obituaries; the other news in it was scanty as the paper read more like a collection of who and who died in the country . The media is replete with news of hunger, wars, earthquakes and recession.

So we have companies and organisations built on and profiting from selling and dispensing bad news. But as believers in the Lord Jesus and citizens of the Kingdom, our task is to publish good news, How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! Isa. 52:7. And there are different dimensions to publishing good tidings. The first is to publish the good news of redemption and salvation that Jesus has purchased for the world. Preach the Word and let ...your feet be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Eph 6: 15. The word 'evangelism' is a derivative of the Greek word which means 'good news' and has the same root as the word 'gospel'. So the message we bear as believers is naturally of good tidings.

This also extends to your relationship with people. Don't be the mouth piece for propagation of unfortunate happenings. When evil happens, it is not your duty to broadcast it, Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter? James 3:10-11. Slander, backbiting and gossip should never be heard from your mouth. When people make negative remarks about others, churches, or the government and they ask for your opinion, just find at least one thing to praise God for in that person or situation.

Finally, be a giver of hope by the kind of news you carry. Some people are so good at giving current statistics of death, accident, poverty, lay off and unemployment. They know all the number of people that attempted something and failed and they won't hesitate to dish out their statistics to anybody they see that wants to try to succeed in that same thing. That is not befitting for a believer,

But speaking the truth in love, you may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: Eph 4: 15. You should speak with all honesty and frankness, but they must be words that encourage and impart grace to the hearer, Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers: Eph 4:29. I pray as you make the commitment to be a carrier of good news, glad tidings will not cease from your life, in Jesus’ name.

* Prophetically shut the door on negative news coming to you for the rest of this year .
* Pray that you will be good news where you enter and you be a giver of same for life.
* Pray that you will not fail God in the compulsory assignment of spreading the Good news about Jesus.

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Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Godly Family

Text: Acts 27: 14-25
MORE LESSONS: Acts 16: 25-32
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Chronicles 7-9

God is interested in your family. God personally instituted the family and it has a special place in His agenda. There is the saying that as the family goes, so goes the church, the society, the nation and the world at large. This is the reason why the devil's strongest attack in this end time is against the family. I pray for you that God will secure your family from the attacks of the enemy, in Jesus’ name.

The propagation of divorce, single parenting, extra-marital affairs, pre-marital sex, abortion, live-together couples, contract marriage and same-sex marriage are all the evil wiles of the devil to destroy the sanctity and security of the family.

Every believer should place a high value on the family and continually secure his family in the place of prayer. We should invest a great deal of time and effort in praying for our family, relatives, loved ones, friends, families in the church and families in our nation. God's will is that every believer becomes the access point of the Holy Spirit to his family . For every believer, the salvation of his or her family members and relatives should be a burden and responsibility. This could be achieved by constant, earnest and fervent prayer for them and also showing them God's love.

You can't get them saved by picking on them, condemning them, putting up a 'holier than thou' attitude, scolding them or preaching at them but by showing them love, being an example of a godly character and giving them the Word of God in meekness. In the first text, Paul was in a ship with some men and a tempest arose. Even though the men had disobeyed when they set to sail from the harbour against Paul’s advice, God preserved everyone in the ship because of Paul. The angel of God assured him, . . . and indeed God has granted you all those who sail with you: Acts 27:24 (NKJV).It is God's desire to grant to Christians all that sail with them in the ship of their family . God desires that Christian parents sail safely to Heaven with all their children on board.

This is the reason He wants to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and rebellious children to the wisdom of their fathers, And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse: Mal 4:6 (NKJV).

Heaven is glad when a home is complete, intact, fully saved and filled with the love of God; even in eternity God has a place for families. I pray that all in your family will be present at the joyful reunion in Heaven to the glory of God.

* Pray that God will arise for every home under satanic siege.
* Cancel everything satan is doing anywhere on the earth against the institution of marriage.
* Pray for your family today that it will not fail.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Be Committed 2

Text: Ruth 2: 1-12
MORE LESSONS: Ruth 4: 13-17
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Chronicles 4-6

Yesterday we started the story of Ruth to exemplify commitment to God and to humanity. You need to be committed to God and to people. Be committed in your place of work and profession and also to the God-appointed leaders of the church where God has placed you because when you are committed, your reward will definitely locate you. Man does not need to see you do anything but God will definitely reward your commitment.

Ruth's commitment was known both in Heaven (so much that it earned her a place in the Scripture) and on earth, And Boaz answered and said unto her, It hath fully been shewed me, all that thou hast done unto thy mother in law since the death of thine husband: and how thou hast left thy father and thy mother, and the land of thy nativity, and art come unto a people which thou knewest not heretofore. The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust: Ruth 2:11-12. And the Lord truly recompensed her because she was not just committed to Naomi but to the God of Naomi. If you are committed in church, your commitment is not to the pastor, it is to God and He will abundantly reward you.

God finally gave Ruth a godly and wealthy man to marry; not only that, she also gave birth to a son. When she gave birth, the women congratulated Naomi, ...Naomi, Blessed be the LORD, which hath not left thee this day without a kinsman, that his name may be famous in Israel. And he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life, and a nourisher of thine old age: for thy daughter in law, which loveth thee, which is better to thee than seven sons, hath born him: Ruth 4:14-15. By commitment a woman was credited to be better than seven men. The son, Obed, that God gave Ruth was not an ordinary son; he was the grandfather of King David. Jesus our Lord is the son of David, so Ruth by commitment was grafted into the lineage of Jesus. A woman from a heathen nation who didn't have any relationship with God became the ancestor of God in the flesh. Where she came from would have disqualified her from any link with Jesus but commitment gave the connection to her . What your background does not give you, commitment will give it to you.

As for Orpah who turned back and we do not hear anything about her again, I have not met any believing woman bearing the name Orpah but Ruth's name is immortalised with several people bearing Ruth today. Commitment will give you a name that will last. Receive the grace to be committed, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God to remember your commitment of old like Hezekiah and bless you.
* Pray that in the day of trouble your sacrifices shall be remembered where it matters.
* Ask God to grant you a life and testimony that you are a faithful servant.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Be Committed

Text: Ruth 1: 1-17
MORE LESSONS: I Sam. 18: 1-4
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Chronicles 1-3

Naomi's husband left Israel because there was famine in the land. He probably didn't ask God, he just heard there was food in Moab and ran there. Don't just run away from a place because there is trouble; listen to God first before you do anything.

Elimelech and his two sons died in the land of Moab leaving Naomi empty and full of sorrow; so she decided to return back to Israel. Naomi's two daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth, decided they would follow her to her homeland because they loved her like a mother. After some persuasion, Orpah returned back to her people but Ruth stayed true to her word. Naomi tried all she could to discourage Ruth because naturally it looked like there was no future for her if she followed Naomi but at that critical juncture in her life, the young woman Ruth made a commitment and by faith followed her mother-in-law, ...wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Y our people shall be my people, And your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried...: vs16-17(NKJV). That was commitment!

I wonder how many believers can make such unconditional and resolute commitment to God that even if they do not know where He is taking them they are ready to follow till death. Until you enter such unconditional commitment to God you can't access some levels of His commitment to you. I want you to be committed to God so that things can work for you. The song writer says, I will go with God at any length, no matter the roughness of the road. I will go; let that become your life-song.

Also be committed to your vision and purpose in life. Commitment takes the pain from the sacrifices that you need to make for you to realise your dreams because when you are committed, you don't count the pain. You can pay the price for anything you are committed to even when it is difficult. With commitment you can become whatever you aim for in life. Resolution makes you give anything you have to get what you want. It makes you go all the way. Be committed to your spouse because only commitment can make marriage work. Be committed to your children and other vital and profitable relationships God has given you. It was determination that kept Jesus on the cross.

The cross was not easy for Him; He was forsaken and tormented but He held on. The commitment of Jesus to God and to humanity brought the salvation that we enjoy today . I pray that God will give you the grace to be committed, in Jesus’ name.

* Make a commitment to God that you will live for Him all through your life.
* Ask God for help to stay in Christ without turning back, and to keep your commitment.
Identify three things that are threats to your commitment to God and command their power over you to be broken.

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