Monday, November 30, 2015

The way to Overcome

Monday 30 November
READ: John. 2:14-15
MORE LESSON: Rev 2: 1 - 3: 22

Several times in the book of Revelation Jesus said to the churches, to him that overcometh: (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21; 21: 7). You have to know the way to overcome because there are several promises made to those who overcome. If you must overcome, you must not compromise the place of the Word of God in your life. Genuine vision comes from the Word of God. Even if given by the Spirit of God, it cannot be contrary to the Word of God. So to succeed in any vision we must go back to the source of the vision - the Word of God. That was how Jesus overcame (Luke 4; 1-13) and that is how we can overcome.

There are three enemies on our way to fulfill God's vision for our lives; they are the flesh, the world and Satan, the Word of God is the way to overcome them all. To overcome the flesh we need self denial. The flesh ordinarily wants you to do things that are indulgent. It wants the free and easy life and tells you not to take anything that is not convenient. To overcome the flesh you must always encourage anything that will vitalize your spirit and mortify the flesh. The flesh doesn't like reading the Word of God, prayer, fasting, house to house evangelism, sacrificing your time to come and hear the word of God. It is your duty to say 'no' to the flesh and hearken to the spirit. Do all that needs to be done to overcome the flesh so that you can fulfill your heavenly vision.

The world is all around us and the scriptures in I John 2:14-15 enjoins us not to love the world. Love of the world will make us run short of the glory of God and we cannot overcome the world if we love the things of the world. The world refers to the sinful things, the pleasures and even the good things that are not sins but have become the priority of the people around us. The moment you discover that the things that are the priority of the people of the world have become your priority in life too, you have to watch out. Money, cars, houses, fame, certificates are the priority of the people of the world while God is the only legitimate priority for you. Satan has been overcome by the blood of Jesus, just use the Word to appropriate your victory over him.

You must overcome the flesh, the world and progress steadily to heaven. God's vision in your hands is so great that you can't afford to fail nor allow hell fire to take you. Whatever you will give up to make sure God's vision in your hand is successful is worth it.

* Ask the power in the blood of Jesus to break every force of the flesh and sin in your life.
* Pray that sin will not have dominion over you.
* Plead the blood of Jesus over your spirit, soul and body. 
* Declare that you are an overcomer in the name of Jesus.

There is hope for my destiny in 2015; even to the last moments of the year, help shall come, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Take heed lest you Fall II

Sunday 29 November
READ: Matt 4: 2 - 11
MORE LESSON: 1 Cor. 10: 12

To succeed in life and ministry, we need to give constant attention to our weakness and make sure we receive grace from God to help us stand at points of weakness. 2 Cor. 12: 9 says; My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Don't cover your weakness as if it doesn't matter, take them to God and cry for him to give you victory and help you stand. Our areas of weakness need attention if we must get to where God has destined for us.

But friends, our areas of strength also need attention as Paul said, let him who stands take heed lest he fall: 1 Cor. 10: 12. The reason he falls is because he thinks he is standing. There is a popular assertion that he that is down needs fear no fall. A person that is down already will not fall but he that is up and knows he is up needs a lot of care lest he falls. It is the areas where you think you are strongest that are never to be overlooked if you must fulfill God's vision for your life.

Jesus fasted 40 days and nights to start His ministry. And the devil came to face Jesus after 40 days of fasting. One would have thought that the devil should have come when Jesus was not fasting or at the beginning of the fasting. The devil did not even come at the middle of the fasting to tempt Jesus to break the fast. He could have come three days to the end of the fast when it had become so difficult and tempt Jesus to command the remaining three days to turn to one day. But Jesus probably was expecting all those. So the devil patiently allowed Jesus to finish His fast and at that point of spiritual euphoria when He finished the fast, the devil showed up.

Do you know that it is when you finish a three day marathon, and you look at yourself and say, 'no demon can face me now', that you need to be most careful? It is at the time you just finished a momentous project, a crusade or convention for the Lord that you should be careful. It is at such points that the enemy can come and tempt you with pride, lust or greed and make you fall. Do not be overconfident, always stay on your kneels before He that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy; The Only Wise God our Saviour . . . . Jude 1: 24 -25.

* Ask God for continuous flow of strength from the Holy Spirit.
* Pray that you will never be disconnected from the source of your strength.
* Pray that you will not be ignorant of the devices of the devil over your life.

When the roll is called up yonder, my family, friends, relations and I shall not be missing, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Take heed lest you Fall I

Saturday 28 November 
READ: Num. 20:8-13
MORE LESSON: 1 Cor. 10: 12

In moving from Egypt to the Promised Land, Moses did not make it to his destination. This is because the Israelites made him angry and he reacted. The children of Israel murmured and complained when they didn't have water to drink, and God told Moses to go speak to the rock so that water would flow out for the Israelites. The devil got Moses into anger and so Moses, faced the people and said, You rebels, now will water be provided for you from this rock. (Verse 10). He then smote the rock. God told Moses to speak to the Rock but the devil got him angry and made him strike the rock. God then passed judgment on Moses that he would not enter the Promised Land (verse 12). However, we have to remember that the Bible had earlier said in Num. 12: 3 that Moses was the meekest man on the face of the earth. So the meekest man was finished by anger; his area of strength was the weak-point that defeated him.

Do you know that a person's most powerful area is also his/her weakest point? The Bible says Moses was the meekest of all men on the face of the earth but the devil still got him on the point of meekness. A meek man never gets angry but the devil tempted Moses with anger. This is the reason the Bible says, Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall: 1 Cor 10:12. You might be confident that you can never fall in an area of strength and be negligent but I want you to know that you have to be careful even in that area so that the devil will not get you where you think you are strongest. For example, a brother who thinks that lust is not a problem for him as he is strong in that area and carelessly stays around ladies at odd times and places, should take heed. Moses might have been careful in other areas of life; praying that he would not fall into adultery or that he would not steal God's money. But as the meekest man on the face of the earth, he might have felt that if the devil would get him, it will not be in the area of meekness.

So he may not have prayed against anger in his life because as the meekest man he should ordinary not get angry. But friends, the very area of his strength was where the devil chose to launch an attack. Pray and ask God for grace not to fall. Don't even leave your areas of strength uncovered in your prayers.

* Ask God for help to be vigilant and sensitive in all areas of your life.
* Ask God to uproot today every unseen root of weakness in your spirit man.
* Pray that you will not become a victim of any hidden weakness.

The door of eternity with God shall not be shut against me, I shall make heaven at all cost, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Created and Re-Created for Glory

Friday 27 November
READ: 1 Col. 1: 27
MORE LESSON: Eph. 2: 10

God wants to glorify you and He has many reasons why He wants to do that. The first reason is that He created for you for glory. When God created man, the Bible says, …God blessed them, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Gen. 1:28. By the mere fact of being God's creation, there are five glories that He expects you to exhibit. He wants you to be fruitful, to multiply, to replenish, to subdue and to dominate. To be fruitful means to produce, bring forth and have good results to show for everything you do. To multiply means to increase. To replenish is to fill again or to renew used things. To subdue means to bring all the enemies and their works under your feet. To dominate means to be in charge and in control of everything. I pray for you today that all these glories will begin to manifest in your life.

When Adam, the first man, sinned and fell from the Garden of Eden, he was robbed of the glory of God by the devil. Thereafter, every man was born a sinner. This is the reason the Bible says, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God: Rom 3: 23. But we thank God for Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who came, shed His blood, died and rose again so that by His accomplishment, the glory of the Father might be restored to man. Any man that accepts Jesus as Lord and dedicates himself to Him is entitled to this glory.

This is the summary of the matter: by the reason of being created by God, you are entitled to five different levels of glory. Sin came and robbed you of this glory. But then Jesus came and re-created you so that you can be doubly sure of glory. A man that accepts Jesus is a new creation; he has been recreated for glory. 2 Cor 3;17-18 says, but we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. Every child of God who genuinely accepts Jesus will experience the glory of God. The above Bible verse says but we all… it means all who accept Jesus Christ. If you have not accepted Him, you have to do so today. If you have not fully dedicated yourself to Him, you have to do so. Jesus is the glory that you seek. Christ in you is the hope of glory: Col 1: 27.

* Ask God to forgive you all the sins that robbed you of your glory and let all your glory be restored today.
* Pray that all the glory ordained for you from creation begin to find expression in your life.
* Ask God to move you from glory to glory.

My cutting edge shall not go blunt or be broken and I shall wax stronger by the day, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

All Things New

Thursday 26 November
READ: II Cor 5:16-21
MORE LESSON: Ezek. 36: 25-27

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new: v17. This is an expected outcome of any man who has repented of his or her sin and confessed Jesus as his Lord and Master as I found in today’s text. When a person has confessed Christ and accepted Him as his Lord and Saviour, he becomes a new creature. One missionary's daughter said: “Having new clothes was something special to me when I was growing up because my parents were home missionaries. I got many of my clothes from a missionary barrel; actually this had its advantages. I had many more clothes than I might have had if my parents had to buy everything I wore”. The way most people desire new things (clothes, cars, phones, shoes etc) is actually the way God desires newness of life from a believer.

How can one know when either he or another person has become new in Christ Jesus? One great evidence of newness is a concern for those who do not know Christ. A new man in Christ recognizes his position as an ambassador for his Saviour and so develops an insatiable desire for the salvation of lost souls. In this way, God provides a way for individuals to be reconciled to Him. It is the will of God that we share this news of reaching the unreached with others because that is the major reason why we are alive.

Moreover, other evidences of new life in Christ include the following:
1. Growth (1Pet 2:1-2) 
2. Change (Rom 6:4-11) 
3. Knowledge (1Cor 2:12-16) 
4. Fruitfulness (John 15:1-8)
5. Daily victory (1John5:4)
6. Holy life (1John3:9).

Dearly beloved, all these things and more must be found in your life before you can be said to be a new creature in Christ Jesus.

* Today, I receive the grace to reach out to more sinners, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Father, I receive Your power to live the new life in Christ everyday.
* I am a new creature in Christ, the yoke of sin is broken off my life.

I command the doors of abundant provision to be opened to me, my family, business and my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Great Command

Wednesday 25 November
READ: Gen. 37:25-36
MORE LESSON: Zech 8:16-17

Therefore, putting away lying, "Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,..: Eph.4:25. God's commandment and basis of every good relationship is found in Eph. 4:25. When truth, honesty and trust are lacking in a relationship, either with God or man, such togetherness is weak and will not be long lasting. High on the list of God's tough commands for us is telling the truth.
Telling lies can be so easy. It often seems like the best way to avoid a problem or to protect ourselves from the results of our bad choices. Note however thar it always backfires. Lying covers a multitude of sins but only temporarily. In Jewish culture and belief, it was a common thing for the heathen teachers to declare that a lie is better than the truth when it is profitable and less hurtful. Lie seemed profitable for the brothers of Joseph, that was why they sold their brother and lied to their father that an evil beast slayed him. But it is very clear that they spent the rest of their lives worrying about the consequences of their lie (Gen 37:31-33; 50:15).

Not telling the truth about things or people has great consequences as it did for the brothers of Joseph. Let us consider some of them.
I) Psa. 62:3-4 - How long will ye imagine mischief against a man? ye shall be slain all of you: as a bowing wall shall ye be, and as a tottering fence. They only consult to cast him down from his excellency: they delight in lies: they bless with their mouth, but they curse inwardly. Selah.
ii) Psa. 101:7 - He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house: he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight.
iii) Prov 19:5,9 - A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape. A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.

iv) Jer.14:14-15 - Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart. Therefore thus saith the LORD ... By sword and famine shall those prophets be consumed.
v) Ezek. 13:9 - And mine hand shall be upon the prophets that see vanity, and that divine lies: they shall not be in the assembly of my people, neither shall they be written in the writing of the house of Israel, neither shall they enter into the land of Israel; and ye shall know that I am the Lord GOD.
The instruction, ‘Don't lie’ looks like the toughest commandment from the Lord, but it is the best way to please Him and win the respect of other people.

* Today, I repent of all forms of falsehood I have been involved in, in Jesus’ name.
* Let the spirit of truth and uprightness fully possess me now, in Jesus’ name.
* I am not a liar; I refuse the spirit of lies and I will always tell the truth, in Jesus’ name.

I command every resistant wall to my joy to lose its strength and collapse now, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Encourage Yourself

Tuesday 24 November
READ: Psalm 42:3-11
MORE LESSON: Deut. 3:27-28

The psalmist talking to himself even before he talked to God about his depressed soul, asked; Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me hope thou in God...:v5. Then he talked to his depressed soul about God, ...hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance: v5. David was talking to himself, but he certainly was not losing his mind. His words sound like those of someone in touch with reality.
When you are overwhelmed or depressed, remember to take advantage of the spiritual anti-depressant in today's psalm. Question your soul, testify about God's goodness, and admonish yourself to hope in the Lord. After testifying to others about the change that Jesus has made in your life, minister to yourself as David did by personally applying the very encouragement you have given to others.

Moreover, it is very clear from today's text that anyone can be discouraged; prophets, kings, servants, believers and unbelievers. David the King got his courage by talking to himself and with God. In addition, courage can also come through friends and when we care to talk to our loved one's about our situations. Consider the examples recorded in 1Sam. 23:16-18, And Jonathan Saul's son arose, and went to David into the wood,...And he said unto him, Fear not…. 
The promise of God in His Word can be a sure strength when we are depressed and troubled, …the LORD spake unto Joshua… Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them… Be strong and of a good courage... Only be thou strong and very courageous…: Josh. 1:1-9.

However, when the unexpected happens, the greatest courage and strength comes from within as it is written also about King David.
And David was greatly distressed for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters; but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God . 1 Sam. 30:6. 
Think about it. When do you get discouraged? What Bible verses give you hope when you are down? You Use them to pray now!

* As one that is from above and above all, I will win over every negative situation, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* By the power of the Holy Spirit, I overcome everything that is trying to overcome me, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Father, let heaven be at work in my situation so that it will not end the way the enemy wants it, in Jesus’ mighty name.

No hidden or public agenda of the enemy over my life shall see the light of the day, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Dealing with a Deficit Future

Monday 23 November
READ: Lk. 15:11-24
MORE LESSON: Hos.10:12

A deficit future is a tomorrow that has been squandered today. There are many people squandering their tomorrow by the type of life they live today and they do not know it. Some of them are even doing it gladly, like the prodigal son. The story of the prodigal son is a lesson on the repercussion of the riotous lifestyle of many people today. The prodigal son had a temporary immediate gain and pleasure, but he paid dearly for it later in life. The day the young man collected his inheritance prematurely, he left like a hero but then a little while after, the only option he had was to gladly eat with pigs.

When you prematurely eat your evening meal in the morning, it will be delicious. But in the evening, hunger will teach you the lesson that night hunger can be deadly and then the night becomes longer. Premarital sex can be pleasurable while it lasts but it breeds barrenness and incurable diseases tomorrow. Stealing from your parents can make money available today just as smoking, drinking alcohol and such vices are apparently pleasant but results in a deficit future. Whatever exists in you that will cause a sad, bankrupt future, I chase them out now, in Jesus’ name. Your today will bring a happy tomorrow, in Jesus’ name.

For a better tomorrow, stop living a wasteful life today. Begin to build reserves/savings for your tomorrow no matter how small; stop eating everything that comes to you. Reject anything that is sweet today but that will breed sorrow tomorrow. Always ask yourself what the eternal result of what you are doing is, and what contribution or otherwise your action will make to your future.

Thank God that the prodigal son came back to his senses; he took a bold step to go back home and found grace. Today, you too can stop reason and ask God for help. Our God, the gracious Father of all prodigal children is still waiting to receive you if you can take a positive step today. I release grace and favour for your recovery. Esau wept to recover but he didn't get it (Heb. 12:16-17). I prophecy that unlike Esau you will get yours if you can seek God with a sincere heart today.

* Lord, today I reverse every loss I have suffered due my reckless past.
* I turn to credit every inadequacy posted to my future by my past mistakes.
* I declare healing for every pain that was brought about by my past.
* I terminate every ancestral inherited pain and deficit waiting in my future, in Jesus' mighty name.

--Spend the whole of today praying and taking positive corrective steps over anything in your life that you know will bring you sorrow tomorrow. Pray that God will open your eyes of understanding to the wrong things you do and ask Him for mercy.

Father, I destroy the operatives of all satanic powers sent to dishonour my destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Labourers and Harvesters

Sunday 22 November
READ: John 4: 37-38
MORE LESSON: I Cor. 3: 6-8

A young missionary came from Europe to Africa and after investing all his lifetime in a community, he had only one young convert. He lost his wife and child to malaria in the land and after all the years, he went back to his country, thinking he had wasted the bulk of his life. He would have died a bitter old man, but for the fact that close to his death he met someone from the same field who gave him a good report. The one convert he had for all his labour had grown to become a great evangelist and church planter in that country. Thousands of people were saved and many churches planted in many nations through him. Today, the Gospel is waxing stronger and stronger in that land. The old missionary repented of thinking that he wasted his labour and praised the Lord for the harvest that others were reaping from his labour. Then he passed on to glory.

When you look at life, you realise that everything you enjoy today is a result of the labour of people who have gone ahead of you. The technologies like cars, phones, computers etc that make life easy for us today are the results of the efforts and labour of some people in the past. Some of such people didn’t even live to benefit from the results of their labours. It was after their lifetime that the efforts began to yield results for other people.

This is true in the spiritual also. All your labour in the spirit such as your prayer, fasting, giving and diligent service to God are counted for harvests in the future. Even after you leave this world, other people, including your children, will benefit from such harvests. Many of us are reaping the good of the spiritual labours of our parents. This is the reason why each person should be very diligent in all the things of God because he is laying up harvest for his seed and the future generation.

The converse is also true. Laziness in the things of God and all the evil that men might do today would also to be paid for by future generations, including the children of the perpetrators of evil. Many countries are suffering and struggling today because of the lack of vision, corruption, embezzlement and evil of their past leaders. Of a truth, soweth and another reapeth. . . other men laboureth, and ye are entered into their labors: John 4: 37-38.
Today, I charge you to start laying down spiritual and physical foundations that others will build on and reap from even when you are gone. This is the path to making everlasting impact.

* Pray that your labour in life will never be a waste, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Pray for a life of impact that extends beyond your generation.
* Ask God for His grace to live a life filled with results, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Pray for the power of divine speed and fulfilment in life.

By the leading of the Holy Spirit, I shall always be at the right place at the right time all through my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

You can be Taller

Saturday 21 November
READ: 1 Pet. 2:1-10
MORE LESSON: Psalm 23: 1-3

The Christian life should be characterized by continuous growth. Living is life in progression; it is continuous growth. Every blessing and grace of the believer is in form of a seed and if the seed is cared for it will grow to full maturity. As the Christian walks in the light, he receives knowledge and grows normally to full maturity.

Christian maturity doesn't just happen; our “diet” has to be right and we must “exercise” our faith regularly. It is as we feast on God's Word and obey it that we can realize our full potential. When it comes to how tall we are physically, the inherited genetic factors establish a ceiling that limits our height. No matter how hard we may try, when that limit is reached we can't grow taller anymore, even though many of us have a tendency to continue to expand horizontally. Our potential for spiritual advancement is however unlimited. Spiritually, how “tall” we become depends on our own desire and how much we draw on the provisions of our heavenly Father. We are not held back by the genes we inherited from our earthly parents. For the believer, there is no limit to growth.

Moreover, II Pet. 3:18 makes us understand the secret of growth as believers, But grow in grace, and in the knowledge .... We must pay careful attention to the intake of the undiluted Word of God and pure doctrines. How tall, blessed and strong are you in God's sight? How much have you developed this year? Whatever is your answer, you can be more and stronger. It is the desire of God that we grow more like Jesus, day by day. Drawing close to Jesus more and more produces a growth that is Christ-like.
The Scripture highlights some important issues about Christian growth. For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: Eph 4: 12- 15.

(i) We grow spiritually by speaking the truth; that is, confessing the Word of God and making it our own word. (ii) Growth delivers us from instability and deception because it takes us from childhood to adulthood in God: v 14. (iii) Harmony with others; it is only when we are growing that we can be in unity of faith with other believers and overcome immaturity, division, strife and spiritual dwarfness: v13. (iv) Growth is also essential for spiritual service and being a blessing in the Kingdom work: v12. Spiritual growth of the believer enhances the Kingdom of God on earth.

* I receive grace to grow spiritually and physically, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Father, let the hunger and thirst for Your Word and fellowship with others increase in my life now, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Lord Jesus, help me to apply Your Word always to every situation of my life.

Today, I receive the ability to break forth on the right and on the left, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Respond to Training

READ: Eph 6:1-3
MORE LESSON: Prov 22:6

Parent-child relationship is ordained of God primarily for the care of the child. That is why ideally every child is born into the hands of two matured adults (father and mother) so that the child (male or female) can find nurture and training. Most times children want to do their own things even though God has given every child parents to teach him/her how to live as today's text explains. The word,“train” involves controlling your mouth and learning subjection, obedience and avoidance of sin. “A child” can be an infant, a pre-teen, a teenager or an unmarried young adult; and “the way he should go” is the direction God wants you to go“When he is old” refers to when you have grey hair and have given birth to your own children.

Every parent is saddled with the responsibility of teaching his/her children, to the third generation all that he has seen and experienced in his dealings with God and man. Only take heed to thyself, ...but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons: Deut. 4:9c. However, when children refuse their parents’ instructions and teachings and go their own way, they are rejecting God’s instruction, Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord: Col 3:20. The result is recorded as follows: I was almost in all evil Having not obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor inclined mine ear to them that instructed me: Prov. 3:14-15.

On the other hand, when children obey their parents, there are at least six blessings of security awaiting them. So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck. Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble. When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet: Prov.3:22-24.They have life, grace, safety, stability in life, no fear, restful sleep. 
Obedience to parents is very important. Therefore, if your parents and leaders are training you to be all God wants you to be, respond promptly and properly. If you do, then you will reap it's harvest in time to come.

* Father, I yield to the control of the Holy Spirit and Your Word, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Lord, I receive Your Spirit to obey all in authority over me, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* I receive grace to obey my parents and teachers, in Jesus mighty name.

I shall not die before my time, but like Abraham, I shall reach my full age and be blessed in all ways, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

God honours Faith

Thursday 19 November
READ: Hab. 11:1-2
MORE LESSON: Rom 10: 38

Bible says that the just shall live by faith. (Hab 2: 4, Rom 1: 17, Gal 3:11, Heb 10: 38). God is all you need and He will never fail you. When God gives you an assignment, He expects you to trust Him for the consignment. When He gives you a vision, you need to have faith in Him for the provision. There is the great hero of faith, George Mueller, who founded an orphanage and gathered children who did not have parents in large number and he was feeding and educating them. He had nothing and no government support of whatever kind; he lived by faith and took care of the children by faith in God, and God never failed him. One day in the orphanage, there was nothing to eat and the children were at the table waiting for him to give them food.

One thing about children is that they are not interested in whether daddy has money or not, they don't want to know how mummy gets food into the kitchen, all they care to know is that when it is meal time, there must be something on the table. The children sat around the table and were ready to eat and the man of God didn't have anything to give them. The man of God went to the table and told the children, 'let us pray'. He started to bless the meal and the children were excited that there was food, but actually he knew there was nothing. Immediately they finished praying, a man knocked at the door. He opened and it was a dairy farmer transporting fresh milk in a truck to be sold in town. The truck broke down in front of the building. He did all he could but when the vehicle would not start, he was left with no other option than to leave it and go back to the farm. He looked to his side and saw there was an orphanage there. Fresh milk goes bad if left unused for a period of time. In other to avoid the milk wasting, he decided to donate the milk to them.

They immediately blessed the milk and distributed it to the children on the table. As they were thanking God, another man ran in and said, 'I have a bakery and today, a great burden came over me to bring bread to this orphanage. Please I'm sorry if I came late'. He gave them bread and left. The man of God had already blessed the meal before it arrived so they just shared the food and the children had a nice breakfast of fresh milk and hotly baked bread. 
God honours faith. When God commits a vision to you, He will definitely make provision for it. Today is the day to step out on that kingdom assignment that God has told you to do, knowing fully well that He will make provision for its fulfilment. Have faith in God.

* Ask God for faith to face impossibilities.
* Declare to God that you will never doubt him.
* Tell God that you trust Him to set a table in the desert at no cost.
* Proclaim that this year will not end without a divine provision for you.

In the name of Jesus, I refuse to continue to labour under a closed heaven.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Cultivating a good Success Mindset

Wednesday 18 November
READ: Psa. 139: 13 - 18
MORE LESSON: Josh 1: 8

There are steps to take in order to achieve good success as children of God. As God instructed Joshua in our text, there are principles that a man must follow in order to have good success.
1. You must see God as the author of good success. Promotion comes from nowhere but God (Psalm 75: 6 - 7). It is important for you to know that God is the source of good success. He is the only one that grants success to a man. If man is your source, he will destroy you. If Satan gives to you, you will pay dearly for it. God is the author of every good thing (Jam 1: 17). When you serve God diligently, He will give you all (Hebrews 11:6).

2. Locate your purpose and vision for life. Before you were born, God fore-knew you and predestined you to be something (Jeremiah 1:5,). It is your duty to discover what it is that God has put in your hand to excel with. All you need to achieve success He encoded into you when He made you. The reason why many are poor, rejected, dejected, defected even with good careers is because many people are in other men's jobs. If God did not give you the job you are doing, you will be labouring for others. You cannot succeed in a thing you are not destined to be. If you want to succeed in life, ask God to reveal to you what He sent you into the world to do.

3. You must get relevant information and education. You cannot act on what you have not discovered neither can you discover what you have not searched. God was telling Joshua to train himself so that he can become successful. You also need to develop yourself for what you are destined to be. As you fast and pray, it is also important that you work and improve yourself. Add more to what you know and equip yourself more each day. You need to know more and the way to know is by learning (Joshua 1:8). Believers must learn to learn, the moment you stop learning, you get stuck. When you refuse to add more to what you know in a particular area, you will expire. You must always update your knowledge and relevance.

For instance, we are in the computer age and the secret of what you need to get so many things done is in the computer. Even as a pastor you need to be computer literate so sit down with it and learn. Spend your money on things that can enrich your knowledge. The people perish for lack of knowledge. Do positive thinking, find out information.
As you rightly position yourself, you will find good success in Jesus’ name.

* Ask that the heavens will be opened upon you and grant you success.
* Ask God to reveal your purpose in destiny to you and grant you breakthrough in it.
* Pray that you will be connected with the specific keys for your breakthrough today.
* Pray that you will never be a failure in life.

Oh thou that ruleth in the affairs of men, rule today that my desire may locate my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Be Blessed!

Tuesday 17 November
READ: Gen. 12:1-5
MORE LESSON: Gen. 22:16-18

Abraham today has come to be an epitome of faith and blessing. His name is so great that its relevance is still of much effect today as when he was alive. If you go to Israel, you will see how much reverence they give to the name. Not just that, religions have laid claim to his fatherhood because of the level of greatness he stepped into. All these came as a derivative of God's blessing upon him. I can not tell if Abraham had any dream for his life, but I can boldly say that when he met with God in Gen. 12, God gave him a dream- a land God will show him. God gave him a dream and God blessed him. This blessing was so enormous that it redefined the course of his life and gave him a name beyond his generation forever.

Today is the day for you to key into the blessing of Abraham. Even if you didn't have a dream for your life before now or that your dream is not the will of God for you, as you key into God's blessing today, you will have a dream and you will accomplish your dream. The blessing of God upon Abraham transformed him from a nonentity to a trans- generational role model. You also will get to a point that when they want to define greatness, they will refer to you.

Anybody who believes in Jesus Christ believes the Word of God has the capacity to step into greatness. Today I bless you by the anointing of the Spirit of God that you will enter into the Abrahamic order of blessing. No matter how lack-lustre your life has been, you are stepping into greatness by the God of heaven and earth today. All you need is to believe the words that God is speaking to you today. Luke 1:37 says, for with God, nothing shall be impossible. In case you didn't know what nothing means; nothing means not anything. There is not anything that is impossible to you when you are blessed of the Most High. You can become anything great irrespective of what you are now. Mary was a virgin who conceived and gave birth to a child without knowing a man.

That is humanly impossible but not after she was blessed by the Holy Spirit of God who came upon her. And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. Luke 1:45 KJV. God sent a messenger called angel Gabriel to go and communicate God's blessing to her and she believed. Don't ever make light of God's blessing through His vessels because such blessings have the capacity to cause a shift in your destiny. 
Today I have a word from God to you and it is a command to bless. So be blessed in Jesus’ name.

* Say, “I receive the declared blessing of today upon my destiny, in Jesus name”.
* Declare that the blessings of the Lord will overflow your life before this year runs to an end.
* Command the blessing of Abraham to be activated in your life beginning from today.

Today, I shall hear Jehovah’s voice behind me saying, “This is the way, follow it”, and so shall I walk into greatness, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Earthly Glory

Monday 16 November
READ: Matt. 4:8-10
MORE LESSON: 2 Cor. 4: 18

When satan came to tempt Jesus, he took Him to a high mountain. He showed Him all the glories of the earth and said that he would give all to Him if only He would bow down and worship him. The question is can Satan give a man glory? It is important to answer this question because many give themselves to Satan because they have been told that he can give them everything. It is noteworthy in this reading that even Jesus did not refute it when Satan said, “bow to me and I will give you wealth and earthly glories”, He instead replied that a man ought to worship God alone. I want you to know that Satan may have the capability to give people position, wealth and fame but he cannot give you that which is most important- eternity. If Satan gives you earthly glory, it will be at the expense of the real glory which God has for you. All the glory a man can get without Jesus in his life is temporal and passing away. There are two kinds of glory the Bible talks about; the earthly glory and the eternal glory. The Bible says, The glory that is seen (physical) which is temporal but that which is unseen is eternal (2 Cor 4: 18). Physical glory is good but it should not be your life pursuit.

God can give you both earthly and eternal glory. Mordecai in scriptures exposed a coup plot against the king and was forgotten until the day the king lost his sleep and nothing could be done to make him sleep. He then ordered that the book of remembrance be opened and read and he heard the story of Mordecai that he is yet to be honoured. The King then ordered for his promotion and Mordecai later ascended to a place of glory in the kingdom. You don't have to subscribe to the devil's way in search of glory. If you refuse to bow to him, God will remember you. A national award ceremony held in Nigeria in 2014, where the man who designed the Nigerian flag was honoured after 54 years of being forgotten. Thank God he is still alive else it would have been a post- humous award. After 54 years he was remembered, it doesn't matter how old you are or how long that work you did has been forgotten, you will be remembered not long from now, in Jesus’ name. The man was placed on a monthly salary of a special assistant to the president for life. That is glorious! However it is still temporal because once he dies, the salary is over. 
Do you want glory here on earth and in eternity? Then who you need is Jesus. He is the only One who can give you glory now and ever after - Christ in you is the hope of glory Col.1:27.

* Ask for grace to always say no to all satanic offers.
* Pray that the book of remembrance will be opened to honour your past deeds.
* Ask that your life will not be devoid of earthly and eternal glory.

I receive strength and grace to turn every enemy to flight today, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Announce the Son

Sunday 15 November
READ: Heb.1:1-14
MORE LESSON: Col. 1:7-9

God used various ways to communicate to men in past dispensations. Now the only message of God to man is through His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is God's final and sufficient joker to win the battle between Satan and man, sin and man. God's final Word is His Son. He is the final answer to man's dilemmas, failures, diseases and battles. The fullness of Jesus brings us dominion, authority and power to keep all things subject to us. Christ in us is the hope of glory in this world and He is the key that opens the glories of eternity.

To overcome in the endtimes, we must carry Jesus in us. It is when Jesus is carried that anointing is real, and yokes are broken and removed (Isa.10:27). For men around us to also experience true freedom and peace, it is not by gimmicks or loud shouting; it is by proclaiming Jesus. Announce the Son and there will be signs, wonders, diverse miracles and gifts of the Spirit.

What are you to announce about the Son of God? Announce that He is the only begotten Son of God (Heb.1:5). You should also announce that He has the most excellent name of all (Heb.1:4), the name that all entities in the universe respond to and obey. By that name also, believers have access to all of God's goodness (Jn.14:14). Also announce that the reign of Jesus is unending and everlasting (Heb.1:8). You are called to announce that Jesus sits upon the throne on the right hand of God and is an advocate for us against all Satan's accusations. My little children, these things I write unto you, that you sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous: I Jn.2:1.

Finally, announce other privileges that accrue to those who have received Jesus into their lives. These include peace with God (Rom.5:1), the gift of eternal life (Rom.6:23), freedom from condemnation (Rom.8:1), free gifts of all the good things of life (Rom.8:32) and the joy of the inseparable love of God in life and death (Rom.8:39) among so many other benefits. As you step out today, go ahead to announce the Son to somebody and be a blessing!

* Christ in me is the hope of glory, so I declare that my destiny is glorious and void of shame.
* As I announce the Son, let His signs and wonders manifest through my life.
* All the benefits of carrying Jesus in me will not be lacking in my life, in Jesus’ name.

Every gate raised against my destiny today, I command you to catch fire and burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Born to Rule

Saturday 14 November
READ: Gen 1: 26 – 28
MORE LESSON: Psa 91: 13 - 16

The original mandate of God for man is to rule the earth. God created you to rule. According to Gen 1:26, when God created man, He told them to have dominion over everything that He made. Child of God, you are not created to be a slave, you are born to rule. Deut 28: 13 says, And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them. God wants you to be the head, meaning that if you start at the bottom, He wants you to make progress up till you get to the top. Wherever you find yourself, in your career, academics, job or society, go for the best place. Continue to develop yourself and grow till you are at the top. God wants you to rule in your sphere of influence.

God wants you to exercise dominion over life and situations. In your health and physical well being, He wants you to rule. You should not be ruled by sickness; you should dominate it – go for health and not just healing. Healing is getting well when you fall sick, and then you start praising God. As good as that is, it is not the dominion that God created you for. True dominion is when you live in divine health, where no sickness can touch you - that is your portion, in Jesus’ name.

God wants you to dominate over perils; do not allow anything that is not of God to perch on you and your family. When you read Psa. 91, you will realise that there are many pestilences, terrors and evil flying around looking for a home to rest on. Do not allow them to rule over you. Exercise dominion over them by declaring your authority over all evil in Jesus’ name. Insist by declaration of faith that you will not be a victim of circumstances. Rule over situations. You must also dominate in your finance. A child of God should not be begging around or work hard with nothing to show for it. The spirit of dominion will give you breakthrough in your business and career till you become the envy of unbelievers around you.

Dominion for a believer is not limited to casting out demons; it includes successful living. Success is yours in Jesus’ name. Unfortunately many believers are satisfied with their current level and that is the reason why they are not ascending to the place of dominion that God has destined for them. In fact, some use scriptures to justify and defend their smallness. God has made provision for you to rule and dominate even before you were created. I simply want you to take hold of the provision in the Word and ascend to greater heights.

* Reject the slave mentality.
* Declare yourself a ruler wherever you are.
* Ask God to take away every sign of a slave from your life.
* Prophesy that you will never live a beggarly life.

I bless everyone that bless me today, and curse be anyone that curse my destiny, this is my heritage in Abraham, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Problem Solvers Network

Friday 13 November
READ: Gal. 6: 9 - 10
MORE LESSON: Psa. 65: 2

Do you know the reason why God is relevant? It is because He is a problem solver. You wouldn't come to God if not for the fact that you know He has the answers to your questions and the solution to your problems. Even the Bible recognises the fact that men come to God because He solves problems, O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come: Psa. 65: 2. We always give testimonies; a testimony is nothing but a way of saying you had a problem and God solved it. So God is relevant throughout all the ages because He is a problem solver and for you to be equally relevant you must be a problem solver.

One way of appreciating God for solving your problem is extending His problem solving nature to others. If you want to thank God for solving your problem, you too go and look for somebody's problem and solve it. Maybe you have been languishing under the affliction of poverty and then God blessed you, find somebody also who is suffering from poverty and do what you can to raise that person out of it. May be you didn't have a means of paying school fees when you were in school but God helped you in whatever way and you finished school by the mercy of God. Now that you have finished school and you are blessed, find somebody who is not able to go to school because of lack of money; encourage the person by your own testimony and solve that person's problem with your resources. If you solve another person's problem and he also goes on to solve another person's problem with his own testimony and a chain of problem solving is generated, imagine the good that will happen in our world. When you create a chain of solutions by solving people's problems and urging them to go on and solve other people's problems, you create a web and network of thanksgiving to God. For every one that gets into the network and gives God praise, Heaven traces it back to you and interest accrues to your heavenly account.

God's relevance is in His ability to solve problems. So also your relevance in life is in your providing solution to people's problem. Extend God's problem solving nature to people. Do it out of love and request nothing from the people only that they too look for somebody whose problem they will solve. By so doing you will create a network of solution and have a degree of relevance that only eternity can reveal. Go out today and do something good to somebody who will also do something good to somebody who will do something good to somebody .and it goes on and on.

* Ask God for the anointing to solve problems. 
* Ask God to lead you to someone who needs what you have today, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that you will have a new testimony of a problem solver.

I command the door of access to my next level to begin to open for me now, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Stop the Prodigal Life

Thursday 12 November
READ: Lk. 15: 11 - 32
MORE LESSON: Jer. 3: 12 -15

There was a son of a wealthy man in the Bible who took his share of the father's property and travelled to a far country. He left the security, love and abundance in his father's house and went to see the world for himself. He was a prince in his father's house but he became a slave in the world where he sank into penury and was struggling to eat with pigs. The Bible calls him the prodigal son: the son who wandered away.

Many children of God have left home and have travelled far into the world of sin and suffering. They have forsaken the riches of God's grace, and as pigs eat dirt and filth, so they are living in mire with the pigs of the world: partying, fornicating, lying, cheating and stealing, drug abuse and alcohol addiction are filth that has become food to them. A daughter of God well brought up with the Word of God grows up and gains admission into the university and starts living in with an unbeliever-boy, who defiles, debases and even beats her and she says she can't leave him. That is eating with the pigs because she has wandered away from her Father's home.
The prodigal life is a terrible life. it reduces a prince to a drug addict-beggar and a princess to a prostitute with no sense of self worth anymore. Whatever prodigal life you have gone into, it is time to return home.

This reminds me of an intelligent young man who finished secondary school in flying colours. When the enemy attacked him with the spirit of prodigal living, he packed his baggage from the city where he was and went back to his village. He got admission to the university but discarded it and went to the village, where he had no father, mother or sibling. He had only one companion that he sat and talked with: a mad man. The mad man was his closest friend whom he chatted with from morning till evening every day. Then one day, some people that cared about him came to take him forcefully from the village. As they were dragging him away, the mad man was crying, “Please don't leave me, why are you going, who will play with me when you are gone?” This boy was well to do, respectable and intelligent before the enemy attacked him. They brought him to me and I broke every attack of the prodigal spirit over him. I prayed for him, made sure he got admission again and registered and attended a higher institution. He is a successful man now to the glory of God.

Prodigal living can be as a result of your choice of a life of sin or a demonic influence upon you. But whatever the case today I declare that an end has come to your prodigal life, in Jesus’ name. Return home to God your Father, He is waiting for you.

* Command every strange satanic manifestation to be broken over your life now.
* Rebuke any bondage in your life to be broken now by fire, in the name of Jesus.
* Command the spirit of soundness to come upon you, in the name of Jesus.

There is the glory of the sun, the moon, and the stars, I shall operate in the highest of the glories, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Costly Pleasure

Wednesday 11 November
READ: Num 25: 1- 5
MORE LESSON: Prov. 7: 7 - 27

Balak king of Moab wanted to curse and destroy Israel but God fought for them and turned it to a blessing. Balaam, the hired prophet, could not curse Israel but he knew what he could do to turn the face of God against them. He knew he couldn't overcome them spiritually or physically so he decided he was going to make them do what God hates so that He would withdraw from them and then Israel would be vulnerable to attack. Balaam advised Balak to turn his girls loose to go and entice the Isrealites to sexual immorality. Even the unbeliever knew that the sure way for a child of God to lose the favour of God and be at the mercy of the enemy is to live in sin.

The Moabites had tried to war against the Israelites and they couldn't confront them. They also tried divination but it didn't work because there is a great God behind Israel. So they selected the most beautiful girls in their land and sent them into the camp of Israel. The girls approached the men of Israel and told them that they wanted to give them free pleasure. When the devil offers you free pleasure then know that that pleasure is going to be costly because what he will take from you will be too big compared to what he gives you. The pleasure of sin is too costly, please run away from it. This is what Moses understood that made him choose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season (Heb 11:24-26). Job in the Bible also said, I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid? Job 31:1. But when Israel saw these girls from Moab, they rushed them. It was these free girls that finished Israel. The Moabites defeated Israel without using a bullet by sending fornication into their midst.

It is still this same strategy that the devil uses today, he knows that if he can get you to sin against God, he has finished you. So he sends free pleasure into your life. However, I want you to know that something free could be too costly. A daughter of God that gets free money from a man and loses her spiritual alertness will soon discover that gifts can be costly. Brother, when that girl comes with her gifts, in fact she may offer to buy her own drinks and pay for yours as well, she is enticing you to sin, please don't wait to consider her offer, run because that offer will cost you your life and eternity. It is too costly. Those free girls penetrated Israel and God was angry with them and struck them with a plague in which twenty four thousand died. Run from sin.

* Ask God to reveal to you and forgive every sin that can make you vulnerable to your accusers and enemies.
* Rebuke any form of sexual immorality in your life, from your thought to reality.
* Pray that sin shall not be found in you no matter how small.

I shall testify of the eleventh hour miracle this month and my expectations shall not be aborted, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Everyday Renewal

Tuesday 10 November
READ: Lam 3: 22 – 23
MORE LESSON: Rom 12:1-2

Every man desires new things in life. Even God is a God of new things. God is not static in any way; nothing He created is static; the heavens, the earth, the sun and the stars are all moving. You also need to move. Lam 3; 22 – 23 shows us an important attribute of God. It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. It then goes ahead to explain why the compassions of God have not failed: it is because they are new every morning (verse 23). So the reason why God's attributes have not failed is because they are renewed every morning. God's mercy is renewed every day; it is not the one He showed yesterday that He is showing today. Even if you spent His mercies yesterday, there is more this morning. No wonder it doesn't finish; He renews it.

This shows you a secret that if you must not fail like God's mercies and compassions don't, you must also be renewed every morning. No believer can be sustained living on yesterday's grace. If God constantly renews Himself every day, no man can afford to be on the same level relying on the previous graces he has accessed. We thank God for all the prayers, fastings, seeds sown and love you demonstrated for God in 'those good old days' but the question is, “What new things are you doing for God today?” You need a renewal; you need fresh fire and passion for God.

Another scripture that shows that God believes in daily newness is Psa. 68:19, Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah. God does not allow you to live on yesterday's supply, He gives a new supply for each day. This is the reason a man who serves God can never be static and stagnant: there is a daily fresh supply of grace, provisions, strength, direction and whatever you need. We thereby can see that, whether in the spiritual or the physical, God wants you to be renewed daily. He wants to bless you with all-round benefits not just occasionally but daily. Today, God wants to give you fresh grace and fire. As you create time to wait upon Him, you will be renewed as shown in the Scripture that those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint: Isa. 40:31-41:1 (NKJV). You will be renewed today and you will not faint or fail, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God for grace never to be static in your Christian journey.
* Pray for courage to confront your weaknesses and deal with them.
* Ask God for a higher ground than you have found today.

In going out and coming in this month, I shall not walk at the wrong time and evil shall be far from me, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Covenant of Wealth

Monday 9 November
READ: Deut 8: 18
MORE LESSON: Exodus 3:8

Wealth is a covenant you can obtain in God. In Deut 8: 18, we realise that God gave the power to get wealth to the children of Israel because of the covenant He made unto Abraham. But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day: Deut 8:18. So wealth doesn't come by power or might, by toil or gimmicks(Deut 8: 17), it answers only to a covenant relationship with God.

When Israel left Egypt, we are told that God brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes: Psa. 105:37. The reason for the wealth they came out with was explained earlier in that chapter, He hath remembered his covenant forever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations. Which covenant he made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac; and confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant Psa. 105:8-10.

So when God took Israel out of Egypt, He took them to the land flowing with milk and honey. And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey: Exo. 3:8. There is a land flowing with milk and honey that God has promised you. It is the place of covenant wealth.

The first time I went to Israel I thought I would see milk and honey flowing on the street but I realised it wasn't so. In fact, that they produce honey from Dates in Israel. Apparently, the milk and the honey God told them about are not physical and literal. They actually symbolised wealth. He was promising them a land where there was abundance and productivity. Israel has little rainfall as a nation as it is geographically located in a desert, but Israel exports water to the surrounding nations. So in the land flowing with milk and honey, whatever you do prospers irrespective of the environment. It is a land where divine ideas for productivity and prosperity come to you and you profitably execute them. As we have established, it is not a land where you sit back and money flows on the street to meet you, but a place where you are empowered by the covenant keeping God such that anything you lay your hands upon prospers and brings profit. Today the covenant of wealth will speak for you and the power to get wealth will come upon you in Jesus’ name.

* Command God’s covenant of wealth to take off in your life from today.
* Declare that the covenant of Abraham is your portion in life.
*Rebuke the strength and chains of poverty over your life.

This month, I shall be evidence of answered prayers, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Time Indicators

Sunday 8 November
READ: Matt. 24:6-7
MORE LESSON: Matt 24: 5 - 14

These are the end-times and the Lord will come any moment from now. Jesus gave several indicators to show that the end of this age is here. In the Matt 24 account, the first indicator given by the Lord is that no stone of the Temple would be left on top of one another. When He gave that prophecy, it was the Temple built by Herod for the Jews that was standing. That Temple was destroyed long ago (70 AD) in fulfillment of that prophecy.

In Matt 24: 6, He said, And you will hear of wars and rumours of wars. The reality of this prophecy is undeniable in our world today. From Syria, Egypt, Ukraine, Russia, Israel, South Sudan, to Central African Republic, we can't but see that what Jesus predicted is here with us. Many of the terrorist activities we see are wars in religious disguise, but Jesus, who prophesied these, also told us, do not be troubled for these things will come to pass. (verse 6). Do not run helter-skelter or be troubled even in the face of wars and rumours of wars for all these things must come to pass. They will not touch you but pass you. There may be no peace in the earth but there will be peace in your heart and life.

He then said that nation shall rise against nation. He added that there shall be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes, in diverse places. All these are happening in the world today. The pestilences predicted by Jesus are flying around in several forms; Ebola being a recent confirmation of this prophecy. How can these things be happening and anybody will claim that he doesn't know that the end-times are right here? It is amazing that that all these are happening as prophesied and many people are still not taking commitment to things of God seriously. How could you see all these happenings and yet come to church becomes so difficult for you? there is definitely something wrong. The cares of life have taken over people; more cars, better job, better livelihood; are the things they run after. As important as these things are, you cannot afford to place priority on them. Jesus said, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you: Matt 6: 33.

The point is all these happenings around us are indicators of the times that we are in- the last days. Those who would not give attention to this alert are in danger of being victims of the negative end time prophecy. Wake up friend the end is drawing near and laxity must be sacrificed on the altar of alertness and consecration unto God.

* Pray that you will not be overwhelmed by the spirit of the end time.
* Pray that your love for Christ at a time like this will not go cold.
* Pray for the church of Jesus, that we will not loose our zeal and commitment to Christ at this end time.

Every satanic arrow meant for me in the month of November, in the name that is above every name, I send them back to sender, in Jesus’ name.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Be Wise

Saturday 7 November
READ: Luke 12:16-21
MORE LESSON: Eph 5: 15 - 17

The Bible talks about a man who was rich but foolish-he was called the Rich Fool. I wonder, “How can a rich man be foolish?” But then I realize that you could be rich but foolish, you could be pretty but foolish, and you could be learned but foolish. If a professor of Biology goes to the herbalist's shrine and he is given green water laden with spirogyra, and he drinks it happily because he wants spiritual power, isn't that the height of foolishness? He should have been the wiser for all his education.

When a Christian patronizes herbalists because he needs power; it is foolishness. He gives all the money, chickens and goats God blessed him with to herbalists, spiritualists and false prophets. It is foolishness that makes a man carry the property that God blessed him with and donates such to the devil. A wise Christian knows that all the defense, fortification and power he needs becomes resident in him when he gives his life to Jesus. He doesn't need to run up and down looking for solution because Jesus – The Solution Bank – lives in him. It is foolishness to run helter-skelter, looking for what God has already deposited in you. Believers that do not know what they carry are foolish. However, this is the time to be wise and stir up the deposit of God inside you so that you can kick the devil far from you.

A wise man is strong. Yes, a man of knowledge increases strength. (Prov. 24: 5) The wisdom you need is in knowledge. First of all, if you have not accepted the Lord Jesus as Lord; you need to have the knowledge of Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Jesus is the end to all life's nightmares. You need to know Him as Lord. If you are saved but do not yet know the riches of glory that is in you, the knowledge of God's Word is what you need to enter into your inheritance. Because only those that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits (Dan 11: 33)

A man was praying on a mountain in his village as it was his custom. Then all the herbalists in the village came with charms to make incantation against him, claiming that he was disturbing them. He neglected their threats and continued with his prayer. At a point they got angry and shouted, 'can't you see us with all our incantations?' He replied, 'I can see you, so what?' They told him they have come to fight him and he bid them welcome. He then invited them to come closer to him, and they began to complain of an invisible barricade. They eventually turned back in disgrace.
This is the type of God you carry. If you however, do not know it, you could pay dearly in the enemy’s hand. The wise man is the one who is ruled by the spirit of God on his inside. Be wise and accept Jesus.

* Release the spirit of wisdom upon your destiny.
* Lay your hands upon your head and prophesy to your destiny to begin to manifest the wisdom that rules in all areas of life.

In the name of Jesus, I shall make major headlines this month for good and notable miracles in my society, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Get Connected

Wednesday 4 November
READ: John 1:12
MORE LESSON: I Cor. 6:17

For a gadget to function, it has to be connected to the power source. A microphone works only when it is connected to the speakers. A bulb has the capacity to give light but if it is not connected to a power source or if not switched on, you won't get any illumination. So the primary secret to shinning as light is to be rightly connected to the power source. There is power in the name of Jesus but for the name to work for you, you have to be connected to it. Connection with the name of Jesus is what guarantees the flow of the power of God in your life. Jesus is our connection point; His name makes the power flow.

The emphasis here is simple: when you are connected to Jesus, the power of God is present for you. I want you to understand today that you don't need to struggle about the power of God; all you have to do is be connected to Jesus and every other thing will follow. Can I announce to you that all that your heart has been longing for that you have been running up and down for are in the name; just get connected and when you are connected, you don't struggle over power, light, dominion and every other thing you need. The Bible says, as many as receive Him… - that is connection. To receive Jesus is to be connected to Jesus. To be connected with Jesus is to have the power of God flow upon your life. God is not a respecter of persons.

Whatever any man does in God, you can also do. All the exploits people do through God is not because there were born with the ability, it is because they are connected with God. Everything I do today, I am not doing as I was born by my mother, I am doing all as I am connected to Jesus. If you will get fused with Him, you will do more. John 1: 12 says, as many as ...He gave them power to become… I notice that so many people today look for power just anyhow- power to do just anything- unknown to them that God has made provision for power. God has made provision for all you need in life and destiny. That provision is Jesus. Jesus is the power of God over everything you need for life and destiny. So get connected!

Connection is free, Jesus paid by dying on the cross of calvary over 20 years ago that anyone who willingly comes to God desiring to become God’s own only need to ask for God’s pardon and by accepting that he had been a sinner but desires God’s pardon by the blood of Jesus, shed on his behalf. By accepting Jesus to lead your life, your sins and punishments are permanently behind you. Say YES to Jesus now!

* Ask for the power to fully become God’s own.
* Ask for the connecting power of the blood of Jesus to fully connect to Jehovah the eternal source.
* Pray that you will begin to experience the manifestations o f the connected ones.

Father, You will perform the oath that You have sworn concerning me, and none of Your promises to me will fail, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Add and Add

Tuesday 3 November
READ: II Pet. 1:1-9
MORE LESSON: Mk. 9:23-24

It is challenging to hear Apostle Peter urge fellow believers (pastors and congregations) to live a dynamic and ever growing Christian life. The apostle said that as believers the knowledge of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ has already been given to us; …all things that pertain unto life and godliness….: II Pet. 1:3 plus …exceeding great and precious promises….: II Pet. 1:4. However, we still need some other things to add in order to be able to stand solid so that we cannot fail or fall. He outlined such things as follows: …add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity: II Pet. 1:5-7.

Three things are the challenge in this scripture passage. First, I thought we are complete if we have already been obtained with the precious faith through Jesus Christ our Saviour. This means we are already born again and on top of it, we have been given, …all things that pertain unto life and godliness and have been … called us to glory and virtue II Pet. 1:3. Therefore, there is nothing to add. Second, the things the apostle asked us to add other things to are things that look sufficient in themselves: faith, virtue, temperance, patience, knowledge, godliness, kindness, charity. In any case, the apostle did not say we do not have some of these things already, but that we must add to them. Third, all the increases have already …escaped the corruption that is in the world II Pet. 1:4.

So, what then is the lesson? It is that whatever be your height in the Christian faith, you cannot afford to stop adding. The secret of increase and growth is addition; no matter how small, just keep adding consistently and permanently. When you stop adding, you stop growing and start reducing. Even stagnancy is a reduction. May you increase more and more. This year you will not decrease; the Lord shall be your increase.

*Ask God to reveal all the small areas of your life to you and add to them.
*Pray that you will never stop increasing.
*Ask the Lord to increase every area of strength and deal with every deficiency in your life.
--Take a definite decision on what you can begin to do to increase your faith. For instance, how many books to read per week, how many hours of prayer to add each week, how many souls to harvest each day and how to intercede for them daily.

This month, I shall be saved from all my enemies and they that hate me, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Greatness by Service

Monday 2 November
READ: Matt. 20: 25-28, Mk. 9:33-37
MORE LESSON: Phil. 2:1-15

The world defines greatness in terms of power, possessions, prestige and positions, that is, your status in the society. Jesus, however, measures greatness in terms of service not status. God determines your greatness by how many people you serve, not how many people serve you (Mk. 10:43 MSG).
God often tests our hearts by asking us to serve in ways we are not trained or conditioned for. It is our servant heart that will reveal our maturity. No special talent/gift is required to pick trash or wash toilet. Anyone can be a servant; all it requires is your willing heart. It is possible to serve in church for a lifetime without ever being a servant (Matt. 7:16).

True greatness involves losing what the world says we should hold dear. This is Christ’s message to His disciples exemplified by Jesus Christ Himself (Mk. 10:45). True greatness is found in: (a) the way of service (b) the way of humility.
a. The way of service:
i. Service in evangelism – Jn. 1:35-42.
ii. Service in edifying others - Eph. 4:16.
iii. Serve others in benevolence - Eph. 4: 32.
b. The way of humility:
I. Reach out to those who are less privileged – Jms. 2:5.
ii. Learn from your subordinates.
iii. Interact with those that are less privileged.
iv. Help with mundane tasks.

Another aspect of service is rendering service to your leaders. Joshua for example, became the great successor of Moses even though he started as a servant (Exo. 24:13). Also, Elisha succeeded Elijah and got a double portion of Elijah's anointing by faithfulness in service. He followed till the end.

Our entire life's purpose and existence should be viewed as that of a servant; first, of God and second, of our brothers and sisters on earth. We should value our lives only in the light of how Christ valued His own. He laid down His life so that others might live. This is the only true great man (Phil.2:9).

* List out 10 character traits of Jesus that attracted you to Him
* Pray each one into your life so that you also can be like Jesus.

Father, I declare that You are going to make room for me in this new month and I shall prosper in it, in the name of Jesus’

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Continuous Assessment

Sunday 1 November
READ: Lk. 15:1-10
MORE LESSON: I Cor. 11:27-29

Success in life can be maintained by a continuous assessment of one's performance. It is not wise to keep doing things without periodic evaluation to make room for improvement. Jesus’ parable about the lost sheep and the lost coin is interesting because of what the shepherd and the woman individually did to get back what they lost. The price each of them paid was high. The shepherd had to leave ninety-nine secure sheep in search of one lost sheep. The woman had to light a candle and sweep the whole house in search of the lost coin.

What I really like about these two people is that they both recognised that they had a loss. The shepherd who had a hundred sheep suddenly realised, by continuous assessment, that his sheepfold was less by one. The woman also, by continuous assessment, realised that she lost a coin. You must periodically examine your life and what you are doing to see if all is well. There are blessings that the Lord has given you that you must keep monitoring to ensure that you don't lose any. Learn to check your spiritual life to see if you have lost any virtue.

For example, it was not in your character to get angry or tell lies, but suddenly you realised you are easily provoked, and that you exaggerate easily. Another situation could be that you have suddenly discovered that you lust easily or that you have become materialistic. This means there is an emergency and you need to go for spiritual evacuation. Like the shepherd and the woman in today’s examples, look for whatever you have lost at all costs and you will get it back. It is very dangerous for you to wait until God to examines you Himself, because judgement may follow as it was for Nebuchadnezzar, TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting: Dan.5:27. That was why Paul admonished, Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves...: II Cor.13:5. This was in contrast to David’s cry in Psa. 26:2, Examine me, O LORD, and prove me.... The good thing to note here is that ... if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged: I Cor. 11:31.

Again, recent medical discoveries have proved that a regular medical check is a better guarantee for long life than treatment against sickness. This is also the same in the academics; a student who is successful in continuous assessment is not likely going to be a failure. So in whichever area of life, a continuous check is a guarantee for well-being. Have you had a spiritual check up today?

* Ask that God will not hide your true spiritual state from you.
* Tell the Holy Spirit to maintain a continuous x-ray of your spirit man all life long.
* Ask God to restore all your losses in life and cause you to recover fully.

Father, it’s the eleventh month, thank You for the privilege of seeing today, in the name of Jesus.