Monday 2 November
READ: Matt. 20: 25-28, Mk. 9:33-37
MORE LESSON: Phil. 2:1-15
The world defines greatness in terms of power, possessions, prestige and positions, that is, your status in the society. Jesus, however, measures greatness in terms of service not status. God determines your greatness by how many people you serve, not how many people serve you (Mk. 10:43 MSG).
God often tests our hearts by asking us to serve in ways we are not trained or conditioned for. It is our servant heart that will reveal our maturity. No special talent/gift is required to pick trash or wash toilet. Anyone can be a servant; all it requires is your willing heart. It is possible to serve in church for a lifetime without ever being a servant (Matt. 7:16).
True greatness involves losing what the world says we should hold dear. This is Christ’s message to His disciples exemplified by Jesus Christ Himself (Mk. 10:45). True greatness is found in: (a) the way of service (b) the way of humility.
a. The way of service:
i. Service in evangelism – Jn. 1:35-42.
ii. Service in edifying others - Eph. 4:16.
iii. Serve others in benevolence - Eph. 4: 32.
b. The way of humility:
I. Reach out to those who are less privileged – Jms. 2:5.
ii. Learn from your subordinates.
iii. Interact with those that are less privileged.
iv. Help with mundane tasks.
Another aspect of service is rendering service to your leaders. Joshua for example, became the great successor of Moses even though he started as a servant (Exo. 24:13). Also, Elisha succeeded Elijah and got a double portion of Elijah's anointing by faithfulness in service. He followed till the end.
Our entire life's purpose and existence should be viewed as that of a servant; first, of God and second, of our brothers and sisters on earth. We should value our lives only in the light of how Christ valued His own. He laid down His life so that others might live. This is the only true great man (Phil.2:9).
* List out 10 character traits of Jesus that attracted you to Him
* Pray each one into your life so that you also can be like Jesus.
Father, I declare that You are going to make room for me in this new month and I shall prosper in it, in the name of Jesus’
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