Saturday, November 28, 2015

Take heed lest you Fall I

Saturday 28 November 
READ: Num. 20:8-13
MORE LESSON: 1 Cor. 10: 12

In moving from Egypt to the Promised Land, Moses did not make it to his destination. This is because the Israelites made him angry and he reacted. The children of Israel murmured and complained when they didn't have water to drink, and God told Moses to go speak to the rock so that water would flow out for the Israelites. The devil got Moses into anger and so Moses, faced the people and said, You rebels, now will water be provided for you from this rock. (Verse 10). He then smote the rock. God told Moses to speak to the Rock but the devil got him angry and made him strike the rock. God then passed judgment on Moses that he would not enter the Promised Land (verse 12). However, we have to remember that the Bible had earlier said in Num. 12: 3 that Moses was the meekest man on the face of the earth. So the meekest man was finished by anger; his area of strength was the weak-point that defeated him.

Do you know that a person's most powerful area is also his/her weakest point? The Bible says Moses was the meekest of all men on the face of the earth but the devil still got him on the point of meekness. A meek man never gets angry but the devil tempted Moses with anger. This is the reason the Bible says, Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall: 1 Cor 10:12. You might be confident that you can never fall in an area of strength and be negligent but I want you to know that you have to be careful even in that area so that the devil will not get you where you think you are strongest. For example, a brother who thinks that lust is not a problem for him as he is strong in that area and carelessly stays around ladies at odd times and places, should take heed. Moses might have been careful in other areas of life; praying that he would not fall into adultery or that he would not steal God's money. But as the meekest man on the face of the earth, he might have felt that if the devil would get him, it will not be in the area of meekness.

So he may not have prayed against anger in his life because as the meekest man he should ordinary not get angry. But friends, the very area of his strength was where the devil chose to launch an attack. Pray and ask God for grace not to fall. Don't even leave your areas of strength uncovered in your prayers.

* Ask God for help to be vigilant and sensitive in all areas of your life.
* Ask God to uproot today every unseen root of weakness in your spirit man.
* Pray that you will not become a victim of any hidden weakness.

The door of eternity with God shall not be shut against me, I shall make heaven at all cost, in the name of Jesus.


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