Friday, November 13, 2015

Problem Solvers Network

Friday 13 November
READ: Gal. 6: 9 - 10
MORE LESSON: Psa. 65: 2

Do you know the reason why God is relevant? It is because He is a problem solver. You wouldn't come to God if not for the fact that you know He has the answers to your questions and the solution to your problems. Even the Bible recognises the fact that men come to God because He solves problems, O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come: Psa. 65: 2. We always give testimonies; a testimony is nothing but a way of saying you had a problem and God solved it. So God is relevant throughout all the ages because He is a problem solver and for you to be equally relevant you must be a problem solver.

One way of appreciating God for solving your problem is extending His problem solving nature to others. If you want to thank God for solving your problem, you too go and look for somebody's problem and solve it. Maybe you have been languishing under the affliction of poverty and then God blessed you, find somebody also who is suffering from poverty and do what you can to raise that person out of it. May be you didn't have a means of paying school fees when you were in school but God helped you in whatever way and you finished school by the mercy of God. Now that you have finished school and you are blessed, find somebody who is not able to go to school because of lack of money; encourage the person by your own testimony and solve that person's problem with your resources. If you solve another person's problem and he also goes on to solve another person's problem with his own testimony and a chain of problem solving is generated, imagine the good that will happen in our world. When you create a chain of solutions by solving people's problems and urging them to go on and solve other people's problems, you create a web and network of thanksgiving to God. For every one that gets into the network and gives God praise, Heaven traces it back to you and interest accrues to your heavenly account.

God's relevance is in His ability to solve problems. So also your relevance in life is in your providing solution to people's problem. Extend God's problem solving nature to people. Do it out of love and request nothing from the people only that they too look for somebody whose problem they will solve. By so doing you will create a network of solution and have a degree of relevance that only eternity can reveal. Go out today and do something good to somebody who will also do something good to somebody who will do something good to somebody .and it goes on and on.

* Ask God for the anointing to solve problems. 
* Ask God to lead you to someone who needs what you have today, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that you will have a new testimony of a problem solver.

I command the door of access to my next level to begin to open for me now, in the name of Jesus.


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