Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The God of Help

Tuesday 31 May
READ: Isa. 41: 10 – 16
MORE LESSON: Psa. 121: 1 – 6

One vital determinant of the quality of help a man obtains in destiny is the issue of who is giving the help. This is why I want to introduce you to the God of help. He is the God who put the universe together in six days. If He can create the entire universe in six days, then helping you cannot be too difficult for Him. Consider His promise to you, So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand: Isa 41:10 (NIV). Your help is bigger than man; it has its root in the Creator of Heaven and earth. This is the reason you should not look unto men but unto the Omnipotent God who, when He helps you, causes men to help you. Psa. 121: 1 says: I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
He promised that He will not suffer your foot to be moved. . When the God of help stands by you, your feet are steady and your steps do not stagger in the race of life (Psa. 18: 36). This means that no one can remove you when He has planted you. The enemy might even set ambush for you but divine help makes you outwit them as you operate above natural faculties. God's help in dealing with your enemies is expressed in Isa 41: 11(NIV): All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. I declare that God will help you to the point that your enemy will be confounded and all that are waiting for your steps to stagger will wait in vain.
The God of your help neither slumbers nor sleeps. When you are asleep and the enemies are shooting their arrows, there is One who is awake 24 hours a day throughout eternity watching over you. So you have a Helper that doesn't sleep and is working while you sleep. The enemy specialises in attacking while men sleep (Matt 13: 25) but the enemy is inconsequential even when you are asleep because your Helper doesn't sleep. This is the reason the sun will not smite you by the day or the moon by night (Psa. 121: 6-7). You also do not need to be afraid of the terror by night; nor the arrow that flies by day (Psa. 91: 6). Day or night, your Helper doesn't fail.
There shall be no accident, misfortune, violence or plague around you this year. The God who has been our help in ages past will continue to be your portion in the land of the living. Stay with this God, and don’t seek or follow another god, Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips: Psa. 16:4.

* I receive help from Your sanctuary, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord, I set my face on You as a flint, let my help not fail, in Jesus’ name.
* I position myself for God’s help today, in Jesus’ name.

Father, thank you for the covenant of long life by which you have kept and sustained me since the beginning of this year, I declare, it shall not be stolen in the name of Jesus!

Monday, May 30, 2016

God in the Midst of You

Monday 30 May
READ: Psa. 46: 1 – 5
MORE LESSON: Zeph. 3: 17

Many times in life we tell ourselves that God's help is not coming when we expect it to come. I want to let you know today that if it is God, He is never late. The Scripture says, There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early: Psa. 46: 4-5.
God is in the midst of her to help her right early but when you consider this river that the Lord is in the midst of to help, you would notice in verse 3 that the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof: Psa. 46:3. So the fact that your situation is raging and it looks like everything is in an uproar doesn't mean that God is not with you. Many times we don't see God in our troubles, but the Bible says He is in our midst, The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing: Zeph 3:17.
The reason Nigeria is still intact today, despite the machinations of the enemy, is because God is in her midst; though there were shakings, we were not removed. When God is in the midst of your home, it will not scatter. When God is in the midst of your business, it will not close down. When God is in the midst of your circumstances, it doesn't matter the troubles, shakings and the turmoil happening, you cannot be removed. All the prediction of the enemy concerning your life this year will be turned to naught. I pray for you that whatever has said you will be removed is made a liar, in Jesus’ name.
God is not just in the midst of her to see that she is not removed but He is there to help her. He helps her right early; God is not limited by the timing on the face of the earth. When He is done with His work in the spirit, time must respond to birthing the end product of that work. He makes all things beautiful in His time. If that thing you are expecting is from God, then wait for the time God has earmarked for it and it will show up. Age or status, be it educational, economic or marital can never be a limitation to God. Trust God and wait for Him for He that will come will surely come. God is never late; He will help you right early and you will not be moved.

* Today, and for the rest of my life, I receive early help from Christ.
* Father, You promised to be with me in trouble, water and in fire, so let it be concerning me, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Father, as this month closes, I decree that every calendar of evil prepared by satanic kingdoms against my future be destroyed now, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Divine Supply

Sunday 29 May
READ: Deut 29: 5 – 6
MORE LESSON: Psa. 23: 1 - 6

God led the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land through the wilderness for forty years. There was no market, hospital, bank, school or farm in the wilderness but the provisions of God sustained these millions of pilgrims. They didn't have to buy or bake bread before they ate. They didn't need to buy new shoes or clothes. They didn't need drugs or hospital; divine health was their perpetual portion. They had divine supply; God is willing and able to supernaturally supply all that you need. He supplied Israel's financial and health needs without a bank or hospital as recorded in the Scripture, He also brought them out with silver and gold, and there was none feeble among His tribes: Psa. 105:37 (NKJV).
God is the Supplier that can meet all needs. In God's divine supply, you do not need to worry about tomorrow or increased needs because as needs and responsibilities increase, so also does His supply. This is the reason the Israelites walked from Egypt to Israel for forty years and they didn't need to buy shoes or clothes because the shoes and clothes they had on were growing with them. God's reservoir never runs dry; His supply grows as your need grows.
A few years ago, after a series of consecutive preaching meetings, I set out to travel to the United States. At the airport, I noticed that all my strength was
gone. I felt like I was going to collapse as I was so tired that carrying a cup of water to drink seemed like a monumental task to me. The flight was to take several hours, and I was already uncomfortable and tired before take-off. So I started contemplating cancelling the trip and going back home. It was at that point that one of the officials approached me and told me that he used to attend our church when he was in Zaria.
Immediately I heard that I was energised. The man checked my ticket and told me that I had flown with that airline so many times that I was qualified for some upgrade. I was actually given a high priority ticket and I was to join the priority line and receive special treatment. The man changed my travel class and I sat in a very comfortable place. As soon as I sat down, someone came to ask what I would like to eat. I received an exceptionally comfortable treatment. The Lord actually went ahead to make a provision for the comfort of my journey.
It is not everyone that is given the same treatment in life, and there are people that are on the priority list. When God wants to give you access to divine supply, He makes you to be on His priority list. From today, God will change your class, put you on His priority list and give you access to unlimited supply, in Jesus’ name.

* I claim Psalm 23 for my life and family today and forever.
* Like the breath of the air, my source of supply shall be ceaseless, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I command all satanic evil records and hand writings programmed to delay, detain, and abort my successes to be nullified, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

When your Friend Says No

Saturday 28 May
READ: Luke 11:5-10
MORE LESSON: Luke 18:1-7

There are three lessons to learn from the Scripture reading today about relationships.

1) Answer to request from dear friends may not be instant, although true friends are not known to refuse each other's request in very difficult circumstance. The passage reveals that there would be times when dear friends could be at a crossroads in attending to one another's needs. Let it be registered in your heart this day that there could be times in your life that dear friends may answer you from within; they will neither come out to see you nor refuse to open the door for you to come into their houses. When you are at such a crossroads, you must manage the situation with wisdom. Some people easily get pissed off, go away angrily from their friend and destroy the relationship while others may plan vengeance against their friend. This passage shows that there is a way to get as much as you want from a friend even if he initially does not intend to grant your request.

2) Sometimes you carry the burdens of others, which become very tasking and humiliating. The friend who was making a request at midnight was doing so because a friend of his came to him at an odd hour. The friend came at a time when he had nothing to set before him. Wanting to meet the need of his friend, he went to another friend of his, and that one answered from within: 'Do not trouble me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and attend to you’. What do you do when you are humiliated for seeking to help someone? Do you give it up or refrain from pursing the good to a logical conclusion? To what extent can you go in pursuing other people's needs even when you are being insulted?

3) When this friend was refused at first instance, he did not give up. He did not consider his friend's remark as insolence; he kept knocking and pleading. Jesus thereafter remarked that though he would not rise and give him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs (Luke 11:8).

When you persist on your request, you will get as much as you need. Whatever you may not get based on relationship is very possible with persistence. Know for sure that the toughest of men will give in to your request in the face of persistence. This was the message Jesus passed across in Luke 18:1-5. Next time someone says no to your critical request, don't be perturbed, rude or frustrated. Don't give in to compromise; only be persistent in righteousness, So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened : Luke 11:9-10.

* Lord, help me to persist in righteousness until my answer comes.
* Dear Lord, help me to be a true friend who stands for others in their critical hour of need.

From henceforth, I shall not labour in vain nor bring forth for trouble, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Combating Satanic Wiles

Friday 27 May
READ: Eph.6:10-16
MORE LESSON: II Thess.2:9-13

Wiles are tricks, gimmicks, deceits and strategies that satan uses to trap people unawares, especially Christians who should know better. God, in this verse, did not say we should ignore these wiles but that to overcome we must be armed against them. Why do we need to be armoured against wiles? It must mean that wiles have effect. Carelessness can make wiles effective against even the strongest man; by wiles satan used Delilah to finish Samson.
One of the wiles that satan uses to overcome Christians is the power of past glories of satan wrapped in ignorance of the truth by Christians, Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part in the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death; that is the devil; and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage: Heb.2:14-15. A careful look at this scripture reveals the wiles that satan uses to cheat and punish men, the lie that he has power. Satan HAD the power of death; it was in the past! That power has been taken from him by the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus passed through death, destroyed satan's power through His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. So in your life satan's wiles must come to an end because Jesus has won the victory and satan is a liar.
Refusing to walk in this truth and appropriate it leads to damnation, That they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness: II Thess.2:12. Therefore to overcome satan's lies, a child of God must be fully armed with the truth of the imputed righteousness of God for all men who have received Jesus as Lord and Saviour, For he hath made him to be sin for us , who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him: II Cor.5:21.They must also be armed with the truth of the defeat of satan on the cross, Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; and having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it....: Col.2:14-15. The believer's authority and power over satan and his forces is another truth to be armed with, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you: Luke 10:19.
These truths along with several others that abound in the Scripture are what a believer must be armed with to overcome satanic wiles in this world. These must be read, meditated upon and even memorised with strong confessions in warfare in order to stay free of satan's wiles. The price that Jesus paid will not be nullified in your life, in Jesus’ name.

* I command all satanic wiles to be abolished in my life henceforth, in Jesus’ name.
* The truth set me free today; I shall no longer be bound.
* Sing a song of victory and confess the victory of Jesus over your life all through today.

Father, let my profiting begin to appear to all men from today, in the name of Jesus!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Look to Abraham 2

Thursday 26 May
READ: Gen. 17:1-10
MORE LESSON: Rom. 4:1-10; 18-22

Today, we continue on the instruction of Jehovah God to us all, Look unto Abraham. There are more areas of obedience to God which Abraham complied with that are worthy of emulation. He raised altars to Jehovah as he sojourned in the promised land (Gen.15: 9-17). Abraham obeyed God in ensuring a peaceful marriage between him and Sarah (Gen.16: 1-6), Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it: Eph.5:25. He shouldn't have practised the custom of the land in child bearing, but rather should have encouraged Sarah in her discouragement.
Abraham obeyed God in establishing covenant tokens as instructed by God in circumcision of all males in his household (Gen.17:11-27). There are various covenant tokens in Christianity also. If you will walk with Jehovah and have a part in Him, you must obey these tokens as spelt out in the Bible, the manual for the Christian walk. Establish memorials and permanent flow of blessings by following covenant tokens of fellowship, offerings, tithes and vows. Abraham obeyed God in practising hospitality (Gen.18:1-9). This act hastened the fulfilment of God's promise of a child to Abraham. The Christian who is not hospitable contradicts the pattern of love given by God, Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality: Rom.12:13.
He also obeyed God in the ministry of praying for others, including his enemies and his family (Gen.18:23-33). Even God had a testimony concerning Abraham's training of his household in righteousness, For I know him that he will command his children and his household after him, that they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him: Gen. 18:19.
Abraham's intercession contributed to the deliverance of Lot and his family from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham obeyed God in the ultimate test of sacrificing his son Isaac to God, but God did not allow the death of Isaac, He gave a ram instead. Abraham gave his greatest love, after God, back to Him, And he said, lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou anything unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me: Gen.22:12.
Abraham obeyed God in ensuring that his child married an Israelite, not Canaanite, Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness?: II Cor.6:14. Be a friend of God by continual obedience to Him and He will make you continue in greatness even to all your generations as he did with Abraham.

* Lord, help me walk with You that I might be a blessing to my generation like father Abraham.
* Make a list of areas you will obey the Lord this year and diligently adhere to them by His grace.

I decree that before this month runs to an end, the power of answered prayer will locate me, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Look to Abraham 1

Wednesday 25 May
READ: Isa. 51:1-2
MORE LESSON: Gen. 12:1-10

There is a clear instruction in today's reading that calls all seekers of God to attention: Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him: Isa.51:2. Abraham is one unique man whose name is a reference point in most religions. Across generations his life before God is a pivotal story in the history of the Jews and Christians. All worshippers of God in these religions are told to follow Abraham’s pattern in serving God. What was the peculiarity of father Abraham that Jehovah God could ask men of all generations to emulate him? Some people have suggested that the reason why Abraham lives on though dead is because he is the father of faith, the friend of God and the centre of the covenant that God instituted with both the physical and spiritual Israelites. I quite agree with all these but the real reason why Abraham's life is still speaking, though he has been dead for thousands of years now is his OBEDIENCE. This characteristic of Abraham is what God asks us to look unto in this great patriarch's life. Abraham had his faults as every man born of a woman has but he uniquely obeyed God.
Genesis chapters 11-25 reveal Abraham's life of obedience to God. We will trace some together so that each one of us will really be able to “look unto Abraham”. He obeyed God when he was told to leave his roots and origin in his father's house to follow God (Gen.12: 1-5). He obeyed God and preferred Lot to himself though he was older and brought Lot his nephew out of Ur. He asked Lot to choose before him the portion of the land he preferred, Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves: Phil.2:3.
Abraham obeyed God in paying tithes (Gen.14:20). No wonder he was a prosperous man. Hear the testimony of Abraham's servant about him: And the Lord hath blessed my master greatly, and he is become great: and he hath given him flocks, and herds, and silver, and gold, and men servants, and maid servants, and camels and asses: Gen. 24:35. Do you want to be great? then, follow Abraham's pattern and tithe all that God gives you as income; and you will enter into material prosperity like father Abraham. He obeyed God by believing God's promises to him even in contrary circumstances, And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb. He staggered not at the promises of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith giving glory to God: Rom.4:19-20. Will you be considered righteous in God's sight? Then believe the promises of God no matter what you are passing through now.

* I receive help from God to emulate Abraham the father of faith.
* Lord, give me strength to live a life of obedience to You.

Today, I remove my name and family from any demonic calendar and programme, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Testimony of a Quality Life 2

Tuesday 24 May
READ: Prov. 9:14-18
MORE LESSON: Matt. 5:14-16

As a child of God, you should aim for success in life. Success and prosperity are part of the package of salvation. Have you noticed that when a man is a failure and he has nothing to show for his profession of faith, nobody wants to accept the gospel from him? The gospel means the good news, when there is nothing good in the life of a person sharing it, nobody believes the gospel in his mouth. This is the reason why a child of God must make the choice of an excellent and outstanding life and performance wherever he finds himself. To be outstanding is to be of such high quality that you are first among equals. Being outstanding in life is God's desire for every believer, in your finance, career, family and academics; you testify for the Lord when you excel.
A believer that is always sinning, cheating or fighting in the neighbourhood doesn't have a basis to testify to others to accept the life he carries. So also the believer that is begging around, failing in exams, tattered and battered will realise that the people will not respect the gospel in his mouth. However when your life is desirable and your situation admirable, when you show up and you declare the gospel of Jesus, the people are compelled to give you attention because of the quality of your life. You must know that success for a child of God should not be about self-gratification or worldly pursuits but a means of making a statement for the kingdom of God.
In the text for today, we see a man that had wisdom to save a city but his wisdom was despised because he was poor. It is possible to have the message of wisdom and salvation to offer to the people of the world but the poverty in the life of the believer makes the message to be despised. Therefore you must know that your life is a testimony which validates the claims of the gospel. This is why you must pay attention to your life to make sure you live a quality life of holiness and righteousness in this perverse generation. This also includes taking due diligence to succeed in your job, finance and career. It involves aiming to be outstanding in all ramifications so that when you take Jesus to the market place of the world, the testimony of what He has done in your life is very evident.

* Ask that the goodness of Jesus will be evident in your life.
* Pray that the dealings of God in your life and family will make you a living testimony of Jesus’ faithfulness.

No matter what the devil does, I shall not end my year in shame, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Testimony of a Quality Life 1

Monday 23 May
READ: Matt. 5:14-16
MORE LESSON: Dan. 1:20

A product is desirable on the basis of having good quality. When the quality of a product is high, it is confidently marketed. The moment people discover that the quality of a product is good, they desire to buy. Did you know that fervently marketing a product with bad quality can be counter-productive? If you convince a person to buy the product and after buying it, he discovers that it is a bad product, you have lost that customer. So ensuring quality should take preeminence over marketing. When people see the quality of what you have, they will ask for it in large quantity. As a believer you must know that your life is a product. If you have accepted Jesus as Lord and you want to evangelise the people of the world, the evidence of Jesus in your own life is what attests to the quality of accepting Jesus in a life. That's the power of the market place. The world is a market place of evangelism. Every sect, religion and group is trying to win people to their beliefs. It is the quality of what you have come to offer and the quality of your life that will eventually differentiate you from the rest.
You must trust God and work hard to live a quality life in every aspect of your life because when you take Jesus to the market place, the only thing that will make your claims of Jesus to sell is the quality you demonstrate in wisdom, power, healing, miracles, wealth, success and excellence. The people of the world want solution, so when you offer solution, they listen to you.
This is the reason why a believer must not be satisfied with mediocrity. As a believer you should not pursue success and excellence for the mere fact of self-gratification like the people of the world. But you must go for it because the testimony of such a life is what gives you a voice for evangelising people and nations. A saved life is a high quality life. Your prayer makes your life not to be a mockery of redemption and make salvation undesirable to the people of the world. A Christian still languishing in sin, addiction and bad habit doesn't make the Christian life desirable to unbelievers. A child of God buffeted by poverty and begging around doesn't make Jesus marketable to the world. A child of God sickly and always sorrowful makes it difficult for the world to believe in the quality of what they are offered in salvation.
Today, everything that makes mockery of salvation in your life is destroyed, in Jesus’ name. Pray and aspire for a quality life and thereby become a good ambassador of Christ. You are the light and salt of the world, don't stand less.

* Lord, let Your beauty reflect in me that I may market You well.
* I shall not be a mockery of redemption, in Jesus’ name.
* I destroy everything that reduces my quality as a Christian, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I receive the power and spirit of focus, courage and determination in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Shout of Praise

Sunday 22 May
READ: Isa. 12:6
MORE LESSON: Psa. 98:6-9

Some years ago as a student in Kwara State School of Basic Studies, I was facing a particular situation that made me cry for sometime. Then I decided to go to an open field to shout praises to God for 30 minutes. Friend, that problem did not last for two days before I got the victory. Next time there is no one around to share your problem with, shout praises to God. I once asked our father, Daddy E.A. Adeboye this question, “Why shout hallelujah?” He replied that satan hates the shout of hallelujah. Give your enemy what he hates. When you shout praises because negative things are happening around you, satan is defeated.
One of my excitements in praise is the secret of it that I understand. There are a few things I know about praise and many things it has done in my life. If there is a multipurpose tablet in the Christian world, that tablet is praise. It reverses the enemy's activities. I have not seen anything that is needful for God that praise is not useful for. Praise is useful for all times. Praise is a singular multi-faceted tool that God has given us. The dimension of praise I want to share with you today is SHOUT. The Bible admonished in the Old Testament that the priests be clothed with righteousness and the saints shout for joy. Praise can be manifested in form of shouting. Isa.12: 6 says, Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee. In this scripture, there is a command to shout. Why? Because of joy. Shout is an expression that goes with joy. In this scripture, it is so clear that one of the ways we can express the presence of God in our midst is to shout. God's appearances in most occasions in the Old Testament were heralded with shout. When God comes into a situation, there is a shout. This means you can do a shout of praise to invite God into a situation.
Why do we have a shout when God is involved in a matter? This is because shout is an expression or a reaction that God is present in a matter and the presence of God brings greatness into a matter. David said: Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee: Isa. 12:6. This is because something extraordinary has come to the people of God. You can either use shout to invite the presence of God into a matter or to celebrate God in a situation. These are the two things you can do with shout. As you shout praises to God, the Lord will arise and destroy your enemies, in Jesus' name.

* Shout praises and drive the spirit of affliction out of your body.
* Loudly command the spirit of fear out of your destiny.
* Declare a holy coordinated shout against disappointment and barrenness of all kinds.
* Declare that your shout of praise will manifest God in your situation.

Every noise and voice of confusion and depression in my mind and spirit stop now, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Forgive and Rise Again

Saturday 21 May
READ: Matt. 26:31-35, 69-75
MORE LESSON: Micah 7: 8

Peter was an influential figure in Jesus' team. When Jesus predicted His suffering and death, Peter boasted and vowed that he was going to die with Jesus but all it took was a little damsel to question him; he swore and denied ever knowing Jesus. He fulfilled what Jesus had prophesied: Before the cock crows thou shalt deny me thrice . . .and he went out and wept bitterly: Matt 26: 75. He did what needed to be done: he wept bitterly in repentance. He told God, “I thought I couldn't deny You but I did, I'm sorry.'' After crying, Peter forgave himself and continued with God; and later in the book of Acts we saw the same Peter became a preacher.
Peter was not the only one who missed it during the trial and suffering of Jesus. Another person was Judas Iscariot who led people to arrest Jesus. He sold Jesus for thirty shekels of silver; he allowed satan to get him inside. A theologian suggested that may be Judas thought that after betraying Jesus into the hands of the enemies, Jesus would be too powerful to be arrested and then he would have made away with the money without any guilty conscience. This still shows that Judas was being ruled by the love of money. However, he was disappointed when Jesus allowed Himself to be taken. Destiny had already determined for the Son of man to go as it is written concerning Him but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed (Matt 26: 24). After Jesus was crucified Judas also repented: ...I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood....: Matt 27: 4. He refused to spend the money. He went to buy a plot of land: …and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out: Acts 1: 18. He committed suicide.
It was Peter that stood up and selected a replacement for Judas (Acts 1:15-20). Was Peter not also guilty? Yes he was, but he accepted forgiveness; and rose again. What about Judas; would God have forgiven him? Yes. But he didn't accept the forgiveness; rather he killed himself! The difference between the two of them is that one forgave himself while the other one refused to forgive himself. When a man refuses to forgive himself in destiny, he is digging a grave for himself. Learn to forgive yourself so that you will not go the way of Judas. It's time to forgive and rise again. If you can just forgive the mistakes of yesterday and face tomorrow, there is hope for you. If your destiny is cut down, don't just sit down weeping; don't commit suicide. Begin the process of healing by first forgiving yourself like Peter did. That's what the Word of the Lord says-forgive.

* Ask God to help you break the siege of unforgiveness over your life and others.
* Command destruction upon every weapon of guilt intended to destroy your destiny.
* Ask that the blood of Jesus will cleanse you of every wrong doing and give you grace to go on.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I shall not fail but succeed in all things I do this year

Friday, May 20, 2016

Never Forget

Friday 20 May
READ: Psa. 106:7-13
MORE LESSON: Psa. 89:1

Psa. 106 is a summary of how God led Israel out of captivity in Egypt and brought them to Canaan. The chapter has some lessons for the believer. First is the reason why the Israelites consistently rebelled against God in the wilderness. The psalmist says it was because as soon as God gave them a miracle and they celebrated they forgot the miracle and began to either lust for another thing or murmur about their latest challenge, Our fathers understood not thy wonders in Egypt; they remembered not the multitude of thy mercies; but provoked him at the sea, even at the Red sea: v7. The people forgot the miracle of the killing of the firstborn in Egypt in order to free the Israelites. The moment they saw the Red Sea, they lost the memory of yesterday's great acts! Even then, the psalmist says God overlooked their ingratitude and went ahead to divide the sea, He rebuked the Red sea also, and it was dried up: so he led them through the depths, as through the wilderness. ... And the waters covered their enemies: there was not one of them left: vs 9-11. They soon forgot this also.
The miracle of yesterday is the key to unlock today's miracle but when you forget it, you lose its worth and purpose. The miracle of old helped David to deal with Goliath, Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them .... The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion... he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine....1 Sam 17:36-37. Such is the power of testimony that King Saul was no more afraid for little David when he heard David’s testimony. Saul affirmed, ...the LORD be with thee: 1 Sam.17:37. Truly, David triumphed over Goliath in the encounter.
There also came a day when David's city was invaded by the enemy and they made away with all that David had. The Bible says David and his men were discouraged and they wept publicly. However, ...David encouraged himself in the LORD his God: 1 Sam.30:6. One of the easiest ways to do this is to remind yourself of God's great acts in your life. There is strength in the knowledge of God’s acts in the past, keep them alive. Satan will always want to make you forget or dispise your great days so as to weaken you and make you hate God; but never forget. Write them down, tell others about them, remind yourself often about them and they will make you find strength for your journey, especially in the days of trouble.

* Call back some of God's goodness of old to you and give thanks to God for them no matter how you feel now.
* Ask that God will do these great things again in your life.
* Rebuke the spirit that makes you forget or doubt God's goodness to you.
* Share with a friend/colleague at least one testimony of God's goodness.

Like Daniel in Babylon, I receive the spirit of excellence, preference, faithfulness, diligence and error-free living, in the name of Jesus.

Do not lean on your Understanding

Thursday 19 May
READ: Prov. 3:7
MORE LESSON: Psa. 37:3; 118:9

A lot of people, including believers, are master schemers. They are experts at sitting down to scheme out how to get everything they want. It is not wrong to plan but you should never scheme God out of the equation of your life. When you know what, where and how to do to get everything you want and you forget to factor God into the picture, then you are trusting in yourself. Many times, believers would have gone ahead to map out strategies and make connections before they even remember to pray. They only remember to pray to appease their conscience with God, not out of trust. A person really trusting in God will first think about God and come to Him before mapping out any line of action. It is in the place of prayer that he will develop strategies and plans on how to go about the situation. I want you to know that even when you trust in God, you will work with plans and take actions, but those plans and actions should be developed from a posture of trust in God and from the place of prayer, not mere mental calculation.
Prov 3:7 says, Be not wise in thine own eyes.... There are so many people that claim to trust God but truly they have their own arrangements and gimmicks that they have schemed. Whatever you are doing contrary to the Word puts you out of the place of trust in the Lord. The Bible says, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding: Prov 3:5 So each time you allow your senses to prevail and you are scheming up things that are not in accordance with the Scripture, you are not trusting God.
Do not lean on your understanding; do not look for alternative methods to what God has said. Do not scheme out methods contrary to the Bible. You do not need to run helter-shelter seeking for men when you say you are trusting God. Stay calm, God will bring the person He has ordained to help you. To fully trust, you must have stayed from fear because fear and trust do not work together. Prov 29:25 says, The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.
Finally in trusting God you must stay and abide by the conditions of the Word of God. A person who is living in sin cannot claim to be waiting for and trusting in God. You must rid yourself of sin that nullifies your claimed trust in God. You do this by accepting forgiveness through the blood of Jesus and henceforth align your life with the principles of God. Then will the Lord rise for you and hear you when you call Him.

* Father, help me to always wait on You in all my decisions and no more will I take a step ahead of You, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, I subject my reasoning and scheming to You to be aligned with Your will, in Jesus’ name.

By the blood of Jesus, I decree that regular, repeated tragedies shall not be my portion this year, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Follow after Abraham

Wednesday 18 May
READ: Heb 6: 12
MORE LESSON: Rom. 4: 17 -22

The Bible recommends that we look into the life of Abraham and live after his example, Look to Abraham your father, And to Sarah who bore you; For I called him alone, And blessed him and increased him: Isa. 51: 2. Each time you see a man that God has commended, you should look at his life and pick secrets of greatness from him. Some people only hunt for faults in the lives of men of God, such an attitude only leads downhill in destiny. When God lifts a man for whatever reason, examine his life, overlook his imperfections and faults and pick those things that have made him find favour with God. You should know how to glean secrets of greatness in the lives of men of God without amplifying or repeating their own mistakes. According to Heb 6: 12, That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
Abraham trusted in the Lord and became great for it. Abraham grew up in an idolatrous environment. God called him out to follow Him and promised to bless and make him great. God changed his name from Abram to Abraham- meaning 'father of many nations'. As at the time God changed his name, he did not even have a single child; yet Abraham accepted to bear a name that had not yet become obvious - that is trust. People must have been mocking him when he declared his new name. Today, we see God’s reward for Abraham still continues even when Abraham is gone from the earth. The Bible now tells us to follow after Abraham, this shows that when you follow God, men will follow you. When you trust God, you will be rewarded in life and after you leave the earth.
Abraham's trust in God was borne out of a very personal knowledge of God. Several times he built altars to God and God appeared and communed with him. One of the things you must learn from Abraham is a deep and intimate relationship with God. Abraham is the man that believed and waited on God for many years for the promise of a son. You must learn to be patient and have the ability to wait for the promises of God to be worked out in your life. Eventually when God gave him a son, he didn't hold back from God when the LORD demanded for his son. Sacrifice, giving and love for God are things to learn from Abraham in your walk with God. The Bible, ...If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham: John 8: 39. Trust the Lord like your father in the faith, Abraham, did. You will be rewarded just like he was. Don't give up on God, follow the example of men that have made the mark with God and as you do, you are the next testimony that men will study, in Jesus’ name.

* Lord, I receive the grace to follow after the good examples that have been written in Your Word.
* Father, let my eyes be opened to the godly principles I find in Your servants around me today.

I violently uproot every tree of backwardness and stagnancy planted in my destiny by the enemy, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Peace through the Word

Tuesday 17 May
READ: Psa. 119: 165
MORE LESSON: 2 Pet 1: 2

The Word of God is the power that a man needs to be an achiever in life. The text for today is an incredibly great scripture, great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them. This scripture means that for loving the Word of God, a man is signed up for perpetual peace. Everybody wants peace in his life. The rich, the poor, the young, the old, the strong and the weak want peace. As a matter of fact, peace is so important that Jesus came solely for the purpose of making peace between man and God and He brought peace to the world. Peace is very vital and desired by all. Now God is saying that by finding the Word of God, you find peace. Staying with the Word of God is subscribing for a life of uninterrupted peace, You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You: Isa 26:3.
Beloved, that crisis that has broken your heart and afflicted your life will give way if you can start today and develop a lifestyle that is dedicated to the Word of God. Take the Word, read it and I assure you that in reading, loving and living by what you read, you will find peace. Peace cannot be purchased in the marketplace. There is no amount of money that you have that can buy you peace. That is why there are rich men whose lives are devoid of peace. The study of a book in your shelf can impart peace into your heart and make you full of peace. You do yourself a great service when you devote yourself to reading that great Book.
Great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them: Psa. 119: 165. Nothing will offend them. That means nothing can trouble a man that is filled with the Word of God. There is absolutely nothing that will prevail over a man that loves the Word of God. Nothing will afflict, disturb or subdue the man that loves the Word of God. Note that this wonderful promise is not just for the church goer or the Bible carrier. It is for the lover of the Word. When reading and living by the Word becomes your desire at all times, you will be at peace in all aspects of your life. Nothing shall offend, afflict, hurt or prevail over you. You will always be on top in life because you love the Word of God, Acquaint now thyself with him and be at peace thereby good shall come unto thee: Job 22:21.

* Lord, as I continually read Your Word, let me find peace all around me.
* As I speak the Word today, let peace reign in my life, in Jesus’ name.

On the authority of God’s goodness, I refuse to be enrolled in any register of misfortune this year, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Overcoming the Waster

Monday 16 May
READ: 2 Kings 5:1-14
MORE LESSON: Exo 18:19

There is the story of a general in the Syrian army named Naaman. He was a great man of great exploits who conquered cities and won battles. He was a mighty man of valour and honourable in the esteem of the king and people of Syria. However, he had a little 'but' in his life. The Bible says but he was a leper. Leprosy is a waster, it causes a destiny to deteriorate. Leprosy wastes a man's flesh, finance, material and resources. So Naaman was a great man with a waster in his destiny. It was an advice from a little Israeli girl that opened the door to Naaman's healing. The girl told Naaman's wife that her husband could be healed if he would go to the God of Israel. In overcoming a wasted destiny, you must be sensitive to the instruction of the Lord and He can use anyone or anything to speak to you. When the Lord is speaking to you even through someone that you look down on, it is your meekness in obedience that will give you deliverance.
So Naaman approached the king, who sent a message to the king of Israel asking him to get his general healed. The king was greatly troubled as he thought that Syria was looking for an opportunity to instigate a war. How could you send a man to another man to get him healed? But when Elisha the prophet heard the story he asked the king not to worry, that General Naaman should be sent to him. Prophet Elisha asked Naaman to come but when he arrived the prophet didn't even come out to see him. He just sent him a word to go and bathe in River Jordan seven times. When the general heard the message, he was angry. He felt insulted that they brought him all the way from Syria to go and bathe in the muddy water of Jordan. I am surprised that the general didn't feel insulted by leprosy but he felt insulted to go and bathe in Jordan. His servants spoke to him and asked him that if the prophet had told him to give or do some great thing, wouldn't he have done it willingly? They advised him to do the seemingly little thing that the prophet asked of him. At least, if he had to wash in the river and there was no healing, he would be refreshed from the long distance journey.
I realise that one of Naaman's greatest strengths in overcoming the waster in his destiny was that he took good counsel, even when the counsel came from people below him in status. It is humility that makes a man take to counsel. A proud man doesn't listen to anyone; he believes he knows it all. He humbled himself to bathe in Jordan. Today, the instruction that will destroy the waster in your destiny can come from any where. As long as it conforms to God’s Word, take it in all humility and do it and your life will be filled with good things.

* I rebuke the power of the waster over my life and destiny today.
* Lord, I receive today the instruction needed to recover all my wasted years and efforts, in Jesus’ name.

This year, my hope shall not be dashed, every promise made to me shall be sure and fulfilled, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Esteeming the Word

Sunday 15 May
READ: Job 23: 12
MORE LESSON: Psa. 119: 97

There was a time I travelled out of Nigeria to far South Eastern Asia for ministry work, and I was there for almost a month. Because communication technology was not as advanced as it is now, for almost a month I had no contact with anybody at home in Nigeria. I began to long so much for any contact from home – a letter, phone call, e-mail, anything. It was at such a point that I was able to access an email from someone at home. Can you guess who sent me the e-mail? You guessed right - my wife, of course. Do you know what I did with that email? I printed it out and began to carry it about. I noticed that I would read it in the morning when I woke up. When I had a little break from ministering in the afternoon, I would quickly go through it. In the evening before I went to bed, I would read it. It wasn't a long document that I needed to read in instalments and I didn't plan or premeditate reading it every now and then. However I just found myself reading the same letter every one or two hours. No matter how many times I read it, each time seemed fresh like I just received it. In fact, I didn't notice that I was reading it so frequently until I got back home and was with my wife and it dawned on me that it was the same letter I had been reading so many times. I could almost recite the content of the letter by that time. I love my wife so much that I was so excited and unconsciously drawn to reading her letter repeatedly.
Believe it or not, how much you read the Word of God is a sure indicator of how much you love Him. The psalmist says, The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold: Psa 119:72 (NIV). If the Word of God in the Bible could become as dear as that to you, everything and everyone in the world will respond to it in your mouth. A preacher that doesn't love God’s Word has no power in his message. He can only stand on the pulpit and tell stories. A believer that is not in love with the Word of God is dry and empty for he is in constant lack of power. Many people are giants at reading novels, textbooks and newspapers but when it is about reading the Bible they are dwarfs. Such a lifestyle cannot lead to a life of exploits. You are not only to read the Word, you are supposed to fall in love with reading it. Then you can say, How sweet are your Words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth: Psa. 119:103 (NIV).

* Father, help me to love and long for Your Word daily.
* Father, create a thirst in me that only Your Word can quench.

Today, every curse of back-to-square one working in my life and destiny: break now, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Outstanding Life

Saturday 14 May
READ: 1 Cor. 15:40-41
MORE LESSON: Matt. 5:14-16

Did you know that the stars are out there in the sky in the day time, but you cannot see them? The reason is that the sun shines so brightly that it makes everything else in the sky but itself to be unseen in the day time. The sun rules outstandingly in the day, so the glory of the other heavenly bodies are hidden during the daytime. The glory of the moon is not seen during the day because the sun is more outstanding. This fact is portrayed in the Scripture which says, There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory: 1 Cor 15: 40-4.
When you are not outstanding, whatever you do or know is not regarded no matter how much effort you put into it. It is only an outstanding man that has a voice. No matter how hard a man works, until he hits the outstanding mark, it just looks as if he is not doing well enough. Sometimes it is not as if a man is not good enough or even doing it right, it is just that his results are covered and not getting the right expression. A man may be doing all right and making efforts but as long as the outstanding result has not manifested, it will look as if he doesn't know how to do it. This is the reason the issue of getting outstanding results and living an outstanding life must not be taken for granted, as Christ advised, ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house: Matt 5:14-15.
I believe that God's children should be outstanding wherever they are found. An outstanding man is the man who is able to stand out in everything he does. You cannot be doing what everyone else is doing and achieving the level of results they are getting and expect to be outstanding. There is the outstanding Spirit and mindset that you need to contact today and I pray that you will contact it. It is the outstanding man that is conspicuous. He is celebrated and regarded as superior. Today, I want to create a desire in your heart to become outstanding. My prayer is that the Lord will make you outstanding in every area of life this new year.

* Father, like Abraham, cause me to encounter You today
* Let my heart be transformed for the better today by Your encounter with me, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive grace not to dishonour God’s call upon me, in Jesus’ name.

Every evil personality my family, office or neighbourhood sent to report my progress to witches and occultic forces, your time is up, die by fire, in Jesus’ name.

Friday, May 13, 2016

The Cure for Ignorance

Friday 13 May
READ: Psa. 119:9
MORE LESSON: 1 John 2:14

Ignorance kills. When a person is ignorant of the truth, he can go into slavery for life. Ignorance makes a man engage in self-destructive actions that he may regret for the rest of his life. Hosea 4: 6 says, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
The cure for ignorance is not mere knowledge, it is correct knowledge. It is accurate knowledge that is called 'truth.' There are many forms of knowledge in the world today, but what men need is true and accurate knowledge. John 8: 32 says, you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. The Word of God is the truth that cures ignorance (John 17: 17). The Bible in your hand is the treasure you need to find solution to every problem in life. People run helter-skelter looking for answer to life's questions whereas if they can stay on the Word of God, they will discover everything they are looking for.
Young people are commonly seen to be ignorant when they make hasty and wrong decisions. It is possible to be young and wise, all it takes is a youth that is full of the Word of God. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed there to according to thy word: Psa. 119: 9. The young; male and female, may face many different temptations in school, at home, work and other places. With the Word of God in you, you overcome temptations. The devil is interested in young people because of their strength which he wants to channel to achieve his pervert ends. God also sees the resources in young people and wants to harness such to conquer the devil. It is the Word of God that makes a young person a weapon in God's hand. According to 1 John 2:14, I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.
You need to read the Word of God, commit it to memory, meditate on and live according to its dictates. Do not read God's Word merely as a religious exercise devoid of the life , rather study it with the whole of your heart and open your spirit to ingest the substance that is in it. Psa 119: 10 says, With my whole heart have I sought thee: oh let me not wander from thy commandments. You will not wander away like the ignorant when you make the Word of God the priority in your life. Stay strong in Jesus’ name.

* Lord, let Your Word which is the truth give light and life to me today, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord, give me understanding of Your Word to expose every lie of satan in my destiny, in Jesus’ name.

Every stubborn power assigned to keep me in perpetual bondage of failure be disgraced out of my life now, in Jesus’ name.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Zacchaeus: Lessons in Divine Visitation 2

Thursday 12 May
READ: Luke 19:1-9 MORE LESSON: 2 Cor. 6:2

Zacchaeus needed a turn-around and we have seen how he obtained information about the itinerary of Jesus, which turned his situation around. It is a strong desire for a change that makes a man to seek for knowledge and information. A complacent person sits back while life-changing information slips by but when a man is determined for a change, he does everything possible to get the necessary information. If you need to go to school, go for training, buy books or ask questions, do all you need to do to get the necessary information. Zaccheus was recorded to be a rich man and he was the head of all the tax-collectors. So he was definitely popular and influential. However, he didn't allow what he had to hinder what he desired. He had money, connections and popularity but he didn't have eternal life which only Jesus can give. When he heard that Jesus was passing by, he forgot all that he was and had and humbled himself to go get that which he needed. He didn't allow his past successes to prevent the next one. There are some things that can hinder you from getting to where you desire. The greatest hindrance to the next success is the present success. If you become proud because of the successes you have, you might never get the next one.
Zacchaeus was a man of small stature but he humbled himself to climb a tree to catch a glimpse of Jesus. Whereas some people felt too big to come to see Jesus in day light, Zacchaeus, on his own part, climbed a tree in broad day light, just to take a look at Jesus. He disregarded what people think to get his desired change. He had a physical challenge of being small in stature that could have prevented him from seeing Jesus but he didn't allow the physical challenge to limit him. So even his past failure could not stop him from encountering Jesus. Do not let the fact that you have failed before hinder you from your breakthrough. Do something about your situation. If you must go up to do something in life, you must do something.
You need the right information to go up in life. Beyond getting information, you must act on the information you have received. Zacchaeus left his house and went to climb a tree, that is action. There is always an action and sacrifice that you need to engage in to enter into your next level. Finally, it was not merely climbing the tree that changed Zacchaeus' life. Many people climbed trees before and after him and the only change they had was a broken arm. It wasn't climbing the tree, it was Jesus that changed his life. Jesus only is the change you need. When you encounter Jesus you will experience a divine turn-around.

* Ask God to endow you with the right virtues needed to enter destiny.
* Rebuke pride in your life.
* Ask Jesus to visit your destiny as He visited Zacchaeus.

I cover up all graves dug for me, I turn every coffin built for me and cancel every death sentence fixed on me this year, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Zacchaeus: Lessons in Divine Visitation 1

Wednesday 11 May
READ: Luke 19:1-11
MORE LESSON: Prov. 2:1-6

The text for today gives the interesting story of Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus is an example of a man who was able to catch the attention of Heaven that commanded a change of status. A man that was regarded as a chief among sinners became someone that Jesus came to stay in his house. The Lord Jesus said to him, Today salvation has come to your house.... There are lessons that can be learnt from the story of Zaccheaus in encountering God. Zacchaeus' encounter happened when Jesus was on transit and He was to pass through Jericho. In those days there were no handbills, posters or radio broadcast, but Zacchaeus got the information that Jesus would pass that path even before Jesus arrived. He must have been a diligent seeker of information.
The reason many people are stranded in destiny is because they do not passionately seek the information that can take them to the next level in life. Getting good information is crucial and it can determine whether a man goes to the next level or stays in the same place. A young man who wants to become a lawyer should check how much information he hunts in that area. How many lawyers has he met to ask questions? How does one become a lawyer? What subject combination does he need to read law? This doesn't just apply to students; whatever you are doing, when was the last time you updated your information about that area of life? A leader, whether spiritual or physical, who refuses to labour for information has refused to labour for growth. If you refuse to grow, the people you are leading will outgrow you. As a pastor, teacher, unit head or worker, you must continually update and re-invent yourself. If you keep doing the same thing the same way for years you will become obsolete. You should read books, go for trainings, courses and conferences. A reader is a leader. When you stop reading, you stop leading.
Never stop getting relevant information, your next level is hidden in information and it is your duty to seek for it and find. Remember Deut 29:29 which says, The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law. It is the information you get that will deliver your portion in destiny to you which will be the inheritance you will hand over to your children. One of the things that made Zacchaeus encounter God was that he got vital information. The information that you need to enter your next level will be made available to you as you diligently seek for it, in Jesus’ name. There is nothing a diligent man seeks for that he cannot find. In the name of Jesus, you will find all you need for your next level today.

* Ask God to grant you access to the information that will better your life.
* Pray that you will not miss your way in destiny.
* Cover your pathway today with the blood of Jesus.

Everything that has brought me tears and pain this year will bring me joy this day, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Wages of Unrighteousness

Tuesday 10 May
READ: 2 Kings 5:15-27
MORE LESSON: 2 Peter 2:12-15

There was a time when Naaman, a general in the Syrian army, came to Elisha to be healed of leprosy. The prophet instructed him to go bath in River Jordan seven times. Naaman first complained about it but then he later obeyed and after bathing in the River seven times, his skin was restored as a little child's. The Syrian general was grateful and went back to the prophet to appreciate him. I have noticed that many times, unbelievers know how to show gratitude more than some Christians. Even in the story of the ten lepers that were healed by the Lord Jesus, it was a Samaritan that came back to give thanks while all the Israelites hurried home (Luke 17: 12 – 19). As a child of God, do not let God raise stones to praise Him in your stead. Learn to be grateful to God.
When Naaman brought gifts to Elisha to appreciate him for the healing, the prophet refused to take them from him. He pleaded with Elisha but the prophet didn't receive the gifts. So Naaman left, taking soil from Israel to build an altar to the Lord God of Israel in his country and said that he would henceforth serve the God of Israel. Gehazi, Elisha's servant, felt that his master was not smart enough to have let a wealthy man like that go without receiving any gift from him. So Gehazi went after Naaman and lied that Elisha changed his mind and wanted some gifts to be sent to him. Gehazi had been faithful to Elisha just as Elisha was to Elijah. Elisha got a double portion of the anointing from Elijah and Gehazi was next in line to get the double of the double but covetousness and greed denied him. He lied, took gifts from Naaman and went to hide it. What happened to Gehazi is very pitiable as the leprosy of Naaman fell on him and his generation forever.
Gehazi had been following his boss but then his heart was after material things and he received judgement. God's call and grace is not for merchandise. It was greed and covetousness that made him lie but he didn't escape it. I want to caution you as a child of God to check your life and see if there are seeds of lies and unrighteousness so that you quickly uproot them. Is the age you write on your official profile your real age? Is there any lie that you have formalised and you think it doesn’t matter? Well, that is what Gehazi thought too, but later he realised that it mattered. Everyone that serves deserves a reward. Gehazi got a reward that he didn't bargain for. He became a victim of Naaman's leprosy because of unrighteousness and greed. The works of the flesh (Gal. 5:22) have more pains than gain, rid yourself of them by prayer and repentance today.

* Father, by Your mercy, rid me of all wages of unrighteousness operating in my life, in the name of Jesus.
* Ask that the fruit of the Spirit will be evident in you.

Father, the time to favour and help me starts now, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Secret of David's Greatness

Monday 9 May
READ: Psa. 119:162
MORE LESSON: Psa. 119:167

David is one of the greatest heroes of faith. A common young boy from nowhere emerged not just as king but as the greatest king Israel ever had. David is today remembered as a man after God's heart and a symbol of eternal greatness and royalty. Many have known David as a warrior, a psalmist, a musician and others. However, when you read the book of Psalm 119, you will discover the secret of David's greatness. In this book which actually is David's personal diary, you will realise that David was first and foremost a man of the Word. The Word of God was what made David a generational giant and the Word of God will make you if you are committed to it. David said in verse 162, I rejoice at thy word as one that finded great spoil. Spoil is the word used for proceeds from battle. David won many battles, conquered and had many precious things to take home but he confessed that the pleasure and joy he got from the Word of God exceeded what victory in wars gave him. No wonder, God always gave him victory. When you love the Word of God more than other things in life, God will give you those things with ease.
He added, Mine eyes prevent the night watches, that I might meditate in thy word: Psa. 119:148. David was actually saying 'I stay awake through the night and do not sleep' – not to read for exams or to watch films, but to read and meditate on the Word of God. How will such a man not become great? David was not just an ardent student of the Word, he was a fervent doer. In fact, wherever he saw the Word being disobeyed, he took it personal. That was why he said, Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law: Psa. 119:136. He literally cried when he saw men disobey God's Word. You see why God had to make him king because God knew he would make sure the Word was kept in the kingdom he ruled. Do you love the Word of God? Do you practise it? What is your reaction when you see God's Word broken, despised or contravened? Your disposition to the Word of God is the determinant of your greatness.
Jesus Christ the Son of David came and also showed us how victory in life is through the Word of God. He lived, won and became great through the Word and He left this word, Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock: Matt 7:24-25. Any greatness that is not founded on God’s Word is bound to fail. Build your greatness on God’s Word.

* Ask God to make you a man/woman of the Word.
* Father, through Your Word, make me a sign and a wonder in my generation, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the Word of God will never depart out of your mouth, in Jesus’ name.

This week, I receive divine favour over all my applications and requests anywhere I go, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Power 2

Sunday 8 May
READ: Gen. 31:22 - 29
MORE LESSON: Ps.18:16 - 19

Power is the ability to get things done. When God gives you the power to do a thing, such a thing becomes possible for you. What you need in every area of your life is power from the Lord to perform in those areas.
In talking about the need for power, it is also important to point out that there are different sources from where men get power and that power is in levels. Like it is commonly said in Nigeria, 'Power pass power’. Jesus said, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you: Luke 10:19. So Jesus acknowledged that the enemy has power but He gave us power over the power of the enemy. When you exercise that power over their own, no matter what they do, you over-rule them.
Recently a president lost election and was to hand over to a new government but before the day of the handover, he removed many people from office and appointed new ones. The incoming administration and the people started complaining that the president was appointing so many people into key positions even when he knew he was almost out of office. The president knew that he had power to do whatever he wanted to do even till the second before he handed over. That is the meaning of the statement “He is in power”, as long as he was in power he could do and undo till the last minute. Until a man gets out of power, he is still in power. Your enemy will be ‘out of power’, in Jesus’ name.
Even a man in power can be stopped from performing. The only bridle to a man in power is a higher power. When Jacob left the house of Laban and was going back to his family in Canaan, Laban, who was more powerful than him, pursued him to harm him. Jacob had taken his wives, children and possessions and sneaked away from Laban and when Laban discovered that, he decided he was going to deal with Jacob. He pursued him with armed men but by the time he caught up with Jacob, he had become soft. The reason for his behaviour was stated, It is in the power of my hand to do you hurt: but the God of your father spake unto me yesternight, saying, Take thou heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad: Gen 31:29. He had power to harm Jacob but a superior power cornered him and prevented him from harming him. So Jacob would have been a dead man if not that a superior power intervened and saved him. The highest power is the power of God and it will stop all your powerful enemies from performing against you, in Jesus’ name.

* Father, grant me power to win every strong enemy of my life, in Jesus’ name.
* By the authority in the name of Jesus I trample upon everything that exalts itself against me.

I cut off all umbilical cords through which evil flows into my flesh, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Power 1

Saturday 7 May
READ: Acts 1:1 - 8
MORE LESSON: Matt 10: 1

Power is the ability to get things done. Power is everything in life. Did you know that there is nothing impossible in life and that there are only things that one doesn't have the power to make happen? That is the reason why what is impossible with one might be possible with another. What is impossible with men is possible with God (Mark 10: 27).
When Jesus was about to leave the earth, He didn't leave His disciples with a grant or fund. He left them with power. He knew that power was more important than money. Many people want to do things in life and the first limitation they put on themselves is, 'I don't have the money to do it.'' But when you have the power to do a thing, such a thing becomes possible. This is why Deut. 8: 18 talks about the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth.... God didn't give them 'the money' to get wealth; He gave them the power, which is the ability to become wealthy. When God wants to help you get a thing done, He gives the ability to do the thing. It is this ability, which is the power, that enables you to get every other thing that is needed to get that thing done. What you need is power.
Acts 1: 8 says, But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. The Holy Spirit is not limited to speaking in tongues. He is the power of God which enables you to become a witness, that is a living proof of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the power to get things done in your spiritual life, business, family, career, finance and every area of life.
When we started ministry, we were students and we didn't have money. In fact for almost a year of starting church we were not taking offering. However the Lord graciously endued us with His power, and the result is there today for all to glorify God. The power of God is also available for you. What you need to start business is an empowerment from the Lord. It is power that you need to go to school and progress in your career. What you actually need is the power to get married. Believers will become powerful and full of results when they learn how to engage the power of the Holy Spirit in every area of life and not see it as something limited to religious circles. Spiritual enablement compels the ideas, strength, wisdom, favour, open doors, opportunities and finance to do what you need to do to come your way.
Today, you will be endued with the power of God's Spirit and you will begin to succeed in areas you hitherto had difficulties, in Jesus’ name.
The Holy Spirit has been promised and is available just for the asking by everyone who believes.

* Ask for the power of the Holy Spirit that makes all things possible to come upon you.
* Ask from God the creative ability and spirit over every form of impossibility in your destiny, in Jesus’ name.

The sound of rejoicing, victory and celebration is my portion this month, in Jesus’ name.

Friday, May 6, 2016

The Jabez Turn-Around

Friday 6 May
READ: 1 Chron 4: 9 -10
MORE LESSON: Psa 145: 18 - 20

One woman gave birth one day and decided for whatever reason to name the child 'Sorrow.' The boy grew to hear everyone call him Jabez – which means 'Sorrow'. Imagine how sorrowful he grew up to become just by hearing everyone call him 'Sorrow'. There was nothing he laid his hands upon that succeeded and the name just followed him everywhere. One day he decided that he had had enough of sorrow in his life, so he did something simple but profound; ...and Jabez called on the God of Israel ....: 1 Chron 4:10. The reason many have not seen the hand of God is that they have not passionately and sincerely called on Him without any sense of seeking for any other alternatives. Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, …Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!" So God granted him what he requested: 1 Chron 4:10 (NKJV).
God granted him every bit of his request and he had a new beginning in life. Joy, love, happiness, success and prosperity began to happen to him. The boy that was the outcast of the family and the town began to do well and prosper. When you cross-reference with 1 Chron. 2 : 55, And the families of the scribes which dwelt at Jabez . . . , you will discover that Jabez became so great that a city was named after him. A man that was tagged hopeless and useless from birth by all, including his mother, became a generational phenomenon.
Whatever your present situation, when you invite God, He will cause a turn-around. The kind of turn-around that happened to Jabez is available to anyone that will call on God through prayer in the name of Jesus. You may say, ‘Oh no you don't know how serious my situation is’. I may not know but at least I know your mother didn't name you 'Sorrow'. If things could turn around for Jabez, I assure you that you stand a greater chance.
All that Jabez did was that he made contact with the God of Israel and that is all you need to do as well. The person that is praying and still adding other little things that are contrary to the Word of God will never find God's help. God wants 100% of your trust, 99.99% is not good enough, The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth: Psa. 145:18. Call on Him with the whole of your heart, do not accommodate any alternative that you have reserved in case God doesn't act or He is too slow for your liking. It is your turn for a turn-around.

* I receive divine intervention over every sorrowful situation, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray and ask God to turn around your destiny to good, in Jesus’ name.

This month as the Lord lives, I shall not die,( physically, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, matrimonially or in any way) in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Blessing of Righteousness

Thursday 5 May
READ: Isa. 3: 10
MORE LESSON: Psa. 128: 1 - 6

The Bible says, Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him….: Isa. 3:10. It means that when you live a life that is right with God, blessings are your portion in life. It is good to live in righteousness but it is better to live in righteousness with the revelation of its reward. From today, don't just be righteous religiously, expect lines to fall for you in pleasant places as a consequence of your right living. For every good work and commitment to God in this world, you should have an expectation of reward in life here and eternity.
It is powerful to be righteous with revelation. It shall be well with the righteous for they shall eat the fruit of their doings: Isa 3:10. This implies that when people are cheating in examination hall and you stay true to God, don't think you are missing in the action as the price of being a good Christian, rather expect to excel all of them in good grades. In the same way, when people are changing figures and being dubious in business and you hold to God's standards, don't even feel as if you are denying yourself anything. Instead, expect God to prosper you so much that you will have more than them all. Believe that they will still come to beg from you to give them out of your abundance when the money they steal is exhausted. There is a blessing that goes with being righteous. Expect it as you stand for God.
David understood this in Psalm 128 and pointed out that the man who walks in the fear of the Lord will be happy and prosperous. His entire family will also be blessed because of him. He will eat of the labour of his hand. From today everything that makes you labour without result comes to an end. Happiness and well-being become your portion, in Jesus’ mighty name.
Another side to the blessing of the righteous is that nobody can curse him. God has already sent a word ahead of you that you are blessed. Whoever curses you is wasting his time. In fact, such a person is courting the curse of the Almighty because whoever curses you is cursed (Gen 12: 3). Decades ago, a man beat his chest and said that he would curse me. He said that the birds of the air would cry for me in 24 hours. I knew that as I walk right with my God and serve Him, no man can curse me. The curses were swallowed by God's blessings. Both the man and the birds that he said would cry are all dead now while I am powerfully blessed by God. The man that will curse you doesn't exist. The witch that plans to attack you will die before the day. You are the righteous one of the Lord, it is well with you.

* Speak to your situation, it shall be well and end well, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive the commanded blessing of the righteous in my life and destiny, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, this month, You will make me to hear joy and gladness and even my broken bones shall rejoice! in the name of Jesus.