Friday, June 30, 2017

Give Simply

Friday 30 June
READ: II Cor. 9:6-10
MORE LESSONS: Prov. 11:24-26

Giving and receiving are essential parts of the cycle of life. For example, the rains give the earth water, which it receives and produces food for man and others to eat and live. Man receives energy and strength from food to be able to give back in different areas of productivity to his immediate environment, family, community and society at large.
Giving is indeed essential and is so much built into our entire existence and daily survival that it must be done without expecting applause and accolade, especially when done in obedience to God's commands and instructions, Speak to the people of Israel, that they take for me an offering; from every man whose heart makes him willing you shall receive the offering for me: Exo. 25:2.
In the world, when men give sums of money for projects or charity, they are applauded but for us Christians, our attitude should be different. We must learn to give cheerfully and with simplicity, without expecting human applause or appreciation. Remember Jesus’ words, Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven: Matt. 6:1.
Even when men forget to applaud or announce your donations, be sure of greater reward that your heavenly Father will surely give you. The windows of Heaven will open on you such that there shall not be room enough to receive the blessing (Mal. 3:10). The staleness of financial stagnancy is removed out of your life and replaced with the freshness of prosperity as you obey the Word and simply give.
Believers must learn to stop giving with strings attached. We must give without expecting back and it must be simple enough for our reward to come without complication; only then will we qualify for a full reward, You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure. "For God loves a person who gives cheerfully": 2 Cor 9:7 (NLT).

* Surrender afresh all your ungodly endowment to God.
* Ask God for grace not to withhold anything you ought to give out, in Jesus’ name.
* Give out something worthy to someone outside your family members today.

Father, thank You so much for the free gift of the first six months of 2017, I step into the seventh month on the pedestal of unusual expansion, I shall spread from coast to coast beginning from today, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

No Divorce

Thursday 29 June
READ: Matt. 19:3 - 9
MORE LESSON: Gen 3:12-21

One of the major crises in the world today is breakdown of marriage. We must declare war on this problem in the Church of God by every means. The forces of prayer must be engaged against every marriage destroying force. The strongest remedy for the decay of the home that is ravaging the world today is for us to build our homes on the principles of God's Word. We must operate by the dictates of the Word of God in our homes. Singles that are not yet married must also be determined to run courtship according to God's Word. If your partner insists that you do anything that is contrary to God's Word before marriage, then you should break that courtship. A broken courtship is a thousand times better than a broken marriage.
There is no going back once you are married. The Scripture doesn't permit divorce. A lot of people are full of complaints about their spouse. It started with the first man Adam who complained about his wife (Gen. 3: 12) but even at that, the Lord didn't permit divorce for them. Adam and Eve continued together after the fall. In fact, God promised that the seed of the same woman that caused the problem for the man would bring salvation for mankind. They continued together and the Lord clothed their nakedness (Gen. 3: 21). People have said, 'if you know how my wife/husband behaves, you will know that I am justified to fight and divorce'. All those excuses do not work with God; if you must make it to Heaven, you have to stay by God's standard and continue loving and submitting in that marriage.
A man insists on divorce and claims that it is easier to live with the devil than with his wife. But that statement is not true; if a man lives with a real demon for one day, he will run back to his wife and start calling her a true angel of God. Your wife is not a witch and your husband is not a killer as you claim, both of you should rather prayerfully work through it so that you will not go to hell for keeping grudges and bitterness against each other. However, if you insist that your wife is a witch and she will kill you if you don't divorce her, don't you think it is better to die in the hand of 'the witch' and go to Heaven than to disobey God and go to hell?
God's desire is for our homes to be havens of love and peace. Marriage is to be enjoyed, not endured; therefore we must build our home on God's principle of love and submission. Don't make life unbearable for your spouse. Be informed that if your spouse goes to hell because of you, you can't escape it. Don't prevent your spouse from serving God, living a righteous life and fulfilling their purpose in life.

* I declare war on the spirit of divorce in my family, and church, in Jesus’ name.
* Whatever causes divorce, I destroy it, in Jesus’ name.

Father in the name Jesus, as the sixth month walks away, I command all evil patterns to walk away from my destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Serve the Lord with Gladness

Wednesday 28 June
READ: Psa. 100:2
MORE LESSON: Acts 2:41

The Bible says that those who received the Word were baptised and added to the Church. In the early Church, those that gladly accepted the Word made up the bulk of the congregation, so there was quality and not just quantity. One of the problems of the contemporary Church is the quality of the congregation. The congregation is the foundation of the church from where the workers, leaders, elders and pastors are drawn. So it is important that the congregation of the church be made of people who are glad in receiving the Word and serving God. As a part of the congregation of the children of God, do you pay attention to the quality of your service to God?
Your place in the Church of God is dependent on your passion and joy in serving God and not the money or certificate that you have. Some people believe that if they have money, then they should be well recognised and promoted in the church of God. In fact that is the practice in many contemporary churches but God's standard remains that it is those who receive the Word of God gladly that are added to the Church. So don't just make up the number, add to the church by your glad and passionate service. In the days of the apostles, the congregation of the Church was passionate and joyful in accepting the Word of God and serving Him.
This is the foundation that needs to be built right so that our churches can be strong. Check your life, do you gladly serve God?
A time came in the early Church when there was a mixed multitude. People like Ananias and Sappihra thought they could manipulate the Church but God knocked them out because He wanted all to know that righteousness, holiness and glad service are the standard for His house. God is not a respecter of persons. The question He asks you is, “Have you gladly received the Word of life? Are you serving the Lord with gladness?”
When the military was in government in Nigeria, during each Supreme Council meeting, all the officers were to remove their caps and put them on the table. Titles like general, brigadier or colonel were all suspended so that decisions to further the affairs of the nation could be made. In the same manner, in the Kingdom of God, social status must be suspended so that the work of God can move forward. Professor, doctor, business tycoon, rich man are good titles but we must be ready to remove those caps and become brothers and sisters in serving the Lord.
The important thing in the Kingdom is not social status but serving the Lord with gladness. If you have arrived, serve the Lord with gladness. If you have not arrived, if you are married or not, rich or poor, just serve the Lord with gladness. Let no situation or privilege prevent you from serving the Lord.

* I pledge to serve the Lord not minding the prevailing situation of my life, in the name of Jesus.
* Lord, I will serve You with my time, substance and energy, in Jesus’ name .

Woe to the power behind testimony failure in my life and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Unity in the Church

Tuesday 27 June
READ: Psa. 133: 1 - 3
MORE LESSON: James 3: 16

The place of unity is the place of the commanded blessing. In every family, church and nation one of the things that should be a top priority is sustaining oneness and unity among the people. In the house of God, no matter how much people pray if there is no unity, there will be no blessing. This is why you must never be part of people running down others and causing dissension within the church. It is not enough that you are not part of discord, you must rebuke it. When a person comes to you to sow a seed of discord, you should correct him/her.
Tell the pastorate and leadership about any one creating disunity through his words and actions in the church. This is important so that the issue can be promptly resolved and the person corrected. When you keep quiet about disunity being sown, you allow it to grow and it will destroy everything, including you. Does someone see cancer in any part of his body and hide it from the doctor, saying he doesn't want anybody to know? No, it should quickly be exposed so that it can be curbed before it becomes malignant. It is possible to have a misunderstanding with someone in the church; after all, it is humans that are in church; so there will be imperfection. However, you should settle it quickly and solve the problem and not turn it to an instrument of disunity.
The spirit of witchcraft rides on the wings of disunity. Witches are always looking for who to fight, gossip about and talk evil of. In the church of Christ, there is only one person you are permitted to gossip about – that person is Jesus Christ. Just as there is a blessing commanded on the place of unity, there are curses in the place of disunity. James 3:16 says, For where envy and strive is, there is confusion and every evil. When you see people dying in a church, things not working and every manner of stagnation, check the unity of the people. Competition, jealousy and strife in a place bring evil such as death, sickness, affliction, sack from job. There is a spiritual hedge that disunity breaks which makes all kinds of evil to come into the house.
In the satellite church system, the unity of the whole Body of the Church must be preserved. We must not seclude or divide ourselves but rather see ourselves as part of the whole; the oneness of the church must be maintained. Corporate meetings and accountability to the head should be much honoured. The unity of the entire Body of Christ must be promoted and no denomination should cause division within the Body. Don't partner with people that the devil wants to use to break up the Body of Christ. Don't allow anyone to bring you under a curse.

* Today, I come against every spirit of disunity at home, work and church, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord, expose every agent of disunity in our camp, in Jesus’ name.

Oh Lord concerning that matter (mention it) let me hear joy and gladness, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Power to Forgive Sins

Monday 26 June
READ: Luke 5: 17 - 25
MORE LESSON: Psa. 32: 1 - 5

A man was brought to Jesus for healing. Invariably, his sickness was as a result of a sin he committed. Sin causes sickness and every kind of calamity. It was after the first man sinned that death, sickness and every other form of suffering entered into the world. Many times the troubles that a man faces are as a result of the sins he has committed. A person who lives in sexual immorality contacts HIV/AIDS and the toll of sickness begins to tell on his/her body. Sin has gross repercussions.
However in the text, we see a man who was suffering from sickness as a consequence of the sins he committed. When he was brought to Jesus, contrary to what many men would have said, Jesus didn't tell the man, “That serves you right. You committed sin and now sickness is ravaging your body. Good for you.” The compassionate Jesus looked at the man and said, ...Man, thy sins are forgiven thee: Luke 5:20. The religious guys were angry because He attributed to Himself the ability to forgive the man's sins. Jesus told them, But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins, (he said unto the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house: Luke 5:24. Jesus healed the man as a proof that He had actually forgiven the man.
No matter how numerous or grievous your sins are, Jesus has the power and willingness to forgive you. Even if your suffering today is a consequence of the mistakes and sins of the past, Jesus is ready to forgive you and remove the consequence of your sins. If you have contracted a disease because you lived in immorality, Jesus is not one of those people who will stigmatise you and say that your condition serves you right. He wants to forgive your sins and heal your diseases. You will no longer be judged by the mistakes of yesterday, the Blood of Jesus will wipe your slate clean. His blood washes all your sins-past, present and future. The accuser might still be looking for your sins, but the blood of Jesus washes you.
There are only two things He requires of you. First, He wants you to come to Him in utter repentance. He has promised that whoever comes to Him, He will by no means cast out (John 6: 37). Come to Him and He will forgive you, wash away your sins and their consequences by His Blood. The second thing He demands of you is what He said to another man that had diseases as a result of his sins; Jesus said to Him and to you, ...Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee: John 5:14.

* Father, whatever is happening in my life as a consequence of my lifestyle, have mercy Lord, in the name of Jesus.
* Father in Heaven, forgive me my past and present sins, in Jesus’ name.

Every dark stain on the horizon of my glory, by the blood of Jesus I decree them removed, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Heart, not the Message

Sunday 25 June
READ: Luke 8:4-15
MORE LESSONS: John 8:31-36

A friend once asked me why there are so many churches and powerful preachers in Nigeria, yet unrighteousness abounds. Before I could give an answer, he concluded, I think there is something wrong with the messages that are preached. It is either the preachers are not preaching the right stuff to change the people or the messages lack power to convict men of sin, righteousness and judgment. My friend may be right, but I also think there is something more as the Scripture reading explains. The sower planted the same seeds at different locations, but what influenced the different performances was the nature of the land.
Those which fell by the way side were trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured the seeds. Some fell upon a rock and as soon as they sprang up, they withered because there was no moisture. Some fell among thorns and were choked up by the thorns that sprang up with it. Yet others fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bore fruit a hundredfold (Luke 8: 4-15).
In the explanation of the parable, Jesus says the seed is the Word. No one can doubt the potency of God's Word. If the Word fails to produce result, it is not the inefficacy of the Word or of the sower, but the land, and in this case it is the heart of men that influences the performance of the seed. It is unfortunate that some listeners in church have the hearts that are
vulnerable to birds of the air. Such hearts are those that wonder about when preaching is going on.
They hardly hear anything in church. Even if they hear, the Word does not get home with them. The enemies of their souls simply pick everything. Others have hearts that cannot stay upon God's Word for a season. Although they hear and even respond to altar call, when their flesh demands for things contrary to the Word they hear, they easily submit to their flesh. These are believers who cannot resist temptation because they are not deep rooted in the Word. Some believers have hearts full of the cares of this world. Although they seemingly love God, they also love the world. They are those who use the Word as a cloak for covetousness. You never can be a friend of the world and please God in anyway, as the Scripture cannot be broken (1John 2:15-17). The cares of the world will stunt the growth of the Word.
It was the same seeds that fell on fertile ground and produced fruit in thirty, sixty and hundred folds. Anytime God's Word finds a fertile ground, the fullness of its potential will manifest. God's Word is perfect, converting the soul. It is a lamp to the feet of men, and a light to the path of them who believe. Make your heart ready today for God's Word, and the preaching you hear daily will produce positive effect in your life.

* Bind the forces that destroy the seed of God's Word in you.
* Decree that your heart will be receptive to God's Word.
* Pray that you will not miss any Word of God meant for you, in Jesus’ name.

In my life, work and family, I reject backward motion and lack of testimony, in the mighty name of Jesus.

The Heart, not the Message

Sunday 25 June
READ: Luke 8:4-15
MORE LESSONS: John 8:31-36

A friend once asked me why there are so many churches and powerful preachers in Nigeria, yet unrighteousness abounds. Before I could give an answer, he concluded, I think there is something wrong with the messages that are preached. It is either the preachers are not preaching the right stuff to change the people or the messages lack power to convict men of sin, righteousness and judgment. My friend may be right, but I also think there is something more as the Scripture reading explains. The sower planted the same seeds at different locations, but what influenced the different performances was the nature of the land.
Those which fell by the way side were trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured the seeds. Some fell upon a rock and as soon as they sprang up, they withered because there was no moisture. Some fell among thorns and were choked up by the thorns that sprang up with it. Yet others fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bore fruit a hundredfold (Luke 8: 4-15).
In the explanation of the parable, Jesus says the seed is the Word. No one can doubt the potency of God's Word. If the Word fails to produce result, it is not the inefficacy of the Word or of the sower, but the land, and in this case it is the heart of men that influences the performance of the seed. It is unfortunate that some listeners in church have the hearts that are
vulnerable to birds of the air. Such hearts are those that wonder about when preaching is going on.
They hardly hear anything in church. Even if they hear, the Word does not get home with them. The enemies of their souls simply pick everything. Others have hearts that cannot stay upon God's Word for a season. Although they hear and even respond to altar call, when their flesh demands for things contrary to the Word they hear, they easily submit to their flesh. These are believers who cannot resist temptation because they are not deep rooted in the Word. Some believers have hearts full of the cares of this world. Although they seemingly love God, they also love the world. They are those who use the Word as a cloak for covetousness. You never can be a friend of the world and please God in anyway, as the Scripture cannot be broken (1John 2:15-17). The cares of the world will stunt the growth of the Word.
It was the same seeds that fell on fertile ground and produced fruit in thirty, sixty and hundred folds. Anytime God's Word finds a fertile ground, the fullness of its potential will manifest. God's Word is perfect, converting the soul. It is a lamp to the feet of men, and a light to the path of them who believe. Make your heart ready today for God's Word, and the preaching you hear daily will produce positive effect in your life.

* Bind the forces that destroy the seed of God's Word in you.
* Decree that your heart will be receptive to God's Word.
* Pray that you will not miss any Word of God meant for you, in Jesus’ name.

In my life, work and family, I reject backward motion and lack of testimony, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Another Repentance

Saturday 24 June
READ: Psa. 119:11
MORE LESSON: Jn. 5:39-47

Aside from repenting from our sins and iniquities, there exists yet another kind of repentance that we all must experience in our faith walk. It is repentance from sheer unbelief, which in the life of a Christian is one of the most grievous offences one can commit. This is so because we know that the Word of God cannot lie yet out of logic and personal perspectives we develop reasons to doubt the Word of God.
Every believer has the Holy Spirit, and it is He who empowers us to believe God’s Word until we receive what it promises. It is one thing to have the Word of God in your head (logos) and it is another to have the Word in your heart ( rhema). King David who was a man after God’s heart made this clear enough when he said of the Word of God in Psa. 119:11 that it must find its way into our hearts. For it is from our hearts that the abundance of life flows.
The Word of God is not a logical book and cannot be approached as such. It is spiritual wisdom and can only be interpreted by the Spirit of the One who inspired its writing. We are not even mandated to understand everything that the Word of God delivers to us at first contact because we just might not; we are rather instructed to believe it. This is the difference; faith. We must exercise our faith in God’s Word, both individually
and corporately. Faith is the prerequisite for getting the best out of God’s Word.
The litmus test of true maturity in the things of God is actually a measure of the difference between the scriptures we know in our heads and the ones we have received into our hearts and lives. Our head knowledge must be mixed with faith in our hearts so that we can get the results that the Word talks about. The Word in the book cannot do us good until it becomes the Word in the heart. Sin is figurative of all the works of the devil, so the psalmist was saying that the Word of God in his heart was his defence from the powers of darkness. Oh, how powerful is the Word of God in our hearts!
Enough of confessing your feelings, pains and your negative situations. Away with sense knowledge and approach to things; away with our traditions. It’s time to make heartfelt faith proclamations from the Word that is stored up in our hearts. It’s time to confess the Word of God by faith and see the power of God at work in and through us.

* Ask God to help your unbelief, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to open the Word to you everytime, in the name of Jesus.
* Promise God that you will always obey His Word.

Rain of mercy and help from Heaven fall on me and my family this year, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Praise on Credit

Friday 23 June
READ: Rom. 4:17-22

A friend of mine recently told a story that touched me very much. He had been asking the Lord for a car and the fact that his wife was pregnant made their need more urgent, especially in case there was an emergency. After some days of intensive and fervent prayer, he heard the Lord say He had granted his request and gave him the names of two persons who would soon send the money to him. Soon after, he checked his mails but there was no message for him. He returned home disappointed and began praying again; he was concerned that the wife's EDD was a few days away and there was still no car. He kept praying.
Then the two persons called to say they had sent him some money. As he and his wife began to praise and worship the Lord, God rebuked him for praising Him only when the two men called. My friend believed his friends more than God; the car came but with a rebuke. This is unlike Father Abraham of whom the Bible records, He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God: Rom. 4:20.
We believe what we see in the physical more than the spiritual promises of God. The implication is that we trust men than the Almighty God and His Word. Learn to trust and give thanks to God while you wait, that is giving thanks on credit. It is celebrating God's promise thereby provoking Heaven to action. Unknown to my friend, the money came as soon as God said it but his change of address caused delay. If you give God praise on credit, you get your results early. Learn not to stagger at God's promises but give Him glory while waiting like Father Abraham did.
One thing that helped Abraham to give thanks while waiting was his being “fully persuaded” about what he was asking God for. The new living translation says, He was fully convinced...: Rom.4:21 (NLT). When you are fully convinced that God has answered, it is easy to thank Him in advance. Never ask God for what you are not sure He will do. Ask with faith and proof your faith with thanks after the request but if you will follow Jesus’ style, give thanks before asking (John 11:41), that is praise on credit.

* Ask the Lord to forgive your unbelief, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask the Lord to bless you with a grateful and appreciative heart.
* Bless God for all you are expecting Him to do for you today, in the name of Jesus.

Let the power of unprecedented, unexplainable help locate me this month, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Problem of Worry

Thursday 22 June
READ: Matt.13:18-23

Don't worry’ is easy enough to say, but it’s not so easy to do when unpaid bills stack up or a crisis looms or the future looks bleak. Worry can overwhelm and brutalise a person; it's a hard emotion to suppress. There is hardly any man who has never gone through worry before. Even the disciples of Jesus were once worried about their future and Peter expressed his fear, ...See, we have left all and followed You: Lk. 18:28. Worry is a powerful emotion that grips a person tightly in times of crisis and he wonders, What about tomorrow? What if this happens? What if that happens? If we don't have enough, we worry that it might be stolen or taken away. Man is indeed a phenomenon! Some people are terribly worried about the fact that they are too young; they want to get older, but worrying won’t change anything or help anyone.
In the parable of the sower, Jesus talks about the seed that was choked out by the worries of this world and the deceitfulness of riches. The seed of the Word of God never brought forth fruit because it was strangled by worry. It isn't only those who are well off that are plagued with the problem of worry, it also bedevils those who have very little but who are always worrying about what they don't have. Whether for lack or
abundance, the effect is the same: it chokes you and strangles you spiritually.
Here are a few reasons why you must not worry:
1. Most of what we worry about never take place.
2. Worry has never been a problem solver.
3. Worry does not make things better but worse.
4. Medical science says worry can shorten a man's life.
5. Worry is anti faith and anti trust in God.
What to do with worry:
1. Take all matters to God in prayer and leave them there.
2. Cast all your cares upon the Lord.
3. Don't fear the future, rather pray about the future.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus: Phil.4:6-7.
Remember, worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, rather it empties today of its strength.

* Ask God to forgive your worry and anxiety, in Jesus’ name.
* Tell God that you shall be more committed to His Word and promises, in Jesus’ name.
* Bind everything that causes you to worry, in Jesus’ name.

Every spirit of diversion of glory, I destroy you by the fire of the Holy Ghost today, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Second Chance

Wednesday 21 June
READ: Judg. 16:25-30
MORE LESSON: Psa. 4:1-3

Nothing can be more devastating on the battle field than being disarmed by your enemy. Because the strength of a warrior is in his weapons, the seizure of one's weapons ordinarily signifies the end of the captive. This scenario is far more tragic when a child of God faces a situation of spiritual disarmament by the enemy. Before the birth of Samson, God set him aside for an assignment,
…he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines: Judg. 13:5.
He started well but because of his relationship with Delilah, he later fell into the hands of the Philistines. The dreaded Samson became a theatre piece brought out of prison to entertain his enemies. May we never degenerate and end this way. Thank God Samson realised what to do; he told the lad that held him,
… Suffer me that I may feel the pillars whereupon the house standeth, that I may lean upon them: Judg. 16:26.
What pillars do you lean on in your trying times? The pillars of wrong and ungodly counsel or the pillars of encouragement that can lead you back to reconcile with God? Where you ask for the renewal of strength dictates how far you can go in your relationship with God. Leaning on the pillars for support, Samson cried unto the God of Israel, (v 28). May God remember you when you call on Him in your days of trouble. He cried,
.…and strengthen me.…
May the Lord strengthen you when you are weak. And he concluded,
… I pray thee, only this once.
The God of compassion answered and Samson pulled down the building and killed more enemies that day than in the twenty years that he judged Israel.
Who are the Philistines that plucked out your eyes of righteousness and commitment? Ask God for one more time to regain your strength. He will answer because He is the God of the second chance who granted Samson, Peter, David, Maneseh, Jonah, etc a second chance. If He has spared your life till today, then take advantage of that and seek a restoration over any area of life, now. This same opportunity might be unavailable tomorrow. What a privilege to have such a merciful and forgiving God, ever ready to receive any returning child.

* Ask God to return back to you every opportunity you have lost, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to restore your lost glory, in Jesus’ name.

Anything in creation that is hostile to my testimony this year, fade away, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Time is Short

Tuesday 20 June
READ: I Cor. 7:29-31
MORE LESSON: Rev. 22: 12

The Scripture says that a day with the Lord is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day. One of the lessons from this text is that time is short. This means that even if the coming of the Lord is 20 years away, the 20 years will pass so quickly that it will look like it was some minutes. It is after all very correct to tell people that Jesus is coming tomorrow. No matter the number of hours, days, weeks or years that will pass before He comes, they will pass so quickly and the coming of the Lord will come as quickly as tomorrow. Be ready, He can come at any time. The coming of the Lord is here.
The Scripture says that when you consider the brevity of time, it should advise you what manner of man you ought to be (2 Pet. 3: 11). The first kind of men we ought to be is men of holiness and godliness. No more time for careless living; the time is too short for you to postpone being born again.
The time is short so you have to use it to serve God so as to make impact for the Kingdom. As long as you are alive you must live for God and you must work for Him. You will one day stand before God and explain yourself, how you made use of the time He has given you. There was a lady I met that was paralysed and she was ministering powerfully in song and the title of her song was “Jesus is the greatest healer”. That is very touching to me, because she understands that her condition cannot make the Word of God untrue. So whatever you have or don't have, you must learn to serve God in the little time remaining. Some people complain that the reason they cannot serve God is because they are trying to make it, they want to read, work or make money so that when they are successful they can preach the message with proof. If the cripple lady was waiting to walk before she sings that Jesus is the greatest healer, she might never serve God.
The time is short, you need to do God's work with all your heart, what you have or don't have notwithstanding. 2 Cor. 5:19 says, ...God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. God is not counting your sins against you again. That's good news for you. God has committed the ministry of reconciliation to us. This is the task that God has given you for this short time remaining; you should be out reconciling men to God. The time is short; we cannot take anything for granted.

* I receive grace to do the work of the Lord while there is still time, in Jesus’ name.
* I rebuke the spirit of procrastination in my life, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, I declare my testimonies for this year will not be postponed, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Result Day

Monday 19 June
READ: Heb. 9:27
MORE LESSON: Eccl. 12:13-14

When I was in elementary school, we had a day called 'the result day.' It was the day the report cards for the term were given to the pupils to take home to their parents. The result days were bad days for me. My mother might not know when we wrote exams at school but she sure did know the day the results were given. That day I would refuse to go home until she came looking for me. I really failed examinations then, so when the result day came, I would collect the result but couldn't go home to show it. It was so bad that I had to be promoted on trial only because I had become the biggest boy in my class. However, things changed for me academically when I met Christ.
Life is like writing examinations everyday and one day your result will be known. Even teachers that give examinations in school have to know that they are also writing exams. Pastors, parents, bankers, business people, whatever you do, you are writing exams daily and your results will be out one day. If you don't want to be sad and ashamed to take your results home, you have to do something today.
Heb 9:27 says, is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. That is the result day! God has fixed a day of reckoning when you will give account of your life. This is why you have to start from today to practise the wisdom that will make your result to be presentable on that day. All it takes to get your result presentable is to get your exams right. Getting this particular examination is the easiest thing because you are not even required to answer the questions, you are just to copy the answers right. Jesus has already answered the questions, all He requires of you is to copy the answers from His sheet into yours and you pass. Don't be like I was when a teacher told me that even if he gave me the answer sheet to copy, I would still fail. This examination is so critical and the questions have been answered, just take the answer sheet and copy.
The answer is salvation through the Blood of Jesus and you copy by being born again. You can't afford to fail God's exam. Can you imagine a man going to hell just because he is too proud to accept forgiveness of sin by saying, 'Lord I am sorry, I am a sinner' There is always a punishment for failing exams. Hell is the punishment for failing life’s exams.

* Lord, help me to live in such a way that I shall not be ashamed to stand before You, in the name of Jesus.
* When the Judge shall decide my case, I will not be a failure, in Jesus’ name.

In the journey of life in 2017, I shall not be stranded, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Open my Eyes

Sunday 18 June
READ: Gen. 21:14- 19 MORE LESSON: Psa. 119: 18

Haggar was in crisis in the wilderness with her son. The water skin had gone dry and it looked like they both would soon die of thirst in the scorching heat of the desert. She began to weep. This is what most people would do in such a situation when it looks like there is no hope. Where would she get water in the desert for herself and her son? It looked like death was imminent. Many times when a problem is overwhelming and there seems to be nothing that can be done, all that people do is to weep. Crying about a problem doesn't solve it but praying does. Gen 21: 17 says that God heard the voice of the lad. It wasn't Haggar's wailing and weeping that got God's attention; it was the voice of the lad.
The solution came when God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water (Gen 21:19). This means that the problem was not even lack of water, the problem was because her eyes were closed. The Bible seems to imply that the water had been there all the while but she couldn't see it. She started crying and the tears blinded her the more so that she didn't know that the water she was weeping for was around her. She and her son would have died of thirst if not for God that sent His angel to call her attention to the well of water that was close by. The water was in a visible area but for as long as she could not see the water, she couldn't drink it. When she found the water, it was so much that it was enough to fill her bottle with much more remaining.
There is something that you are looking for and might be crying for but you are not getting. Yet, that thing is just around you where you are; all you need is for God to open your eyes. There are opportunities, hidden treasures and solutions around you, you just need your eyes to be opened. Your problem is not the problem; the problem is that your eyes are closed. When God opens your eyes to the right idea, you will arise and shine. Today God will open your eyes to the information you need to take you to the next level. You need the correct information and you also need the current information. When the eyes of your inner man are opened, you will get both the correct and current information and you will be moved from your present state to the next level. Ask God to open your eyes now to the answer you have been waiting for.

* Lord, open my eyes to the solution to every problem I am facing, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive spiritual sight to see what others are not seeing, in Jesus’ name.

Whatever puts off people's candle light shall not prevail over mine, I shall glow and shine more and more, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Captain of the Lord's Host

Saturday 17 June
READ: Josh. 5: 13 - 15
MORE LESSON: Judg. 4: 14 - 24

Joshua was a man of extra-ordinary exploits in war. He was the one that led the Israelites in all the battles in the wilderness and brought them successfully into the Promised Land. In one battle he commanded the sun to stand still so that he could finish claiming his victory over his enemies (Josh. 10: 12). It was this same Joshua that led the people against Jericho and the walls of Jericho fell (Josh. 6: 24 – 27). The Lord promised Joshua that no one would be able to stand before him all the days of his life and that he would possess the land wherein he stepped (Josh. 1: 3). Joshua didn’t lose battles; even when Achan sinned and made Israel to be temporarily defeated at Ai; after Joshua prayed, the Lord revealed the problem to him and returned the victory to Israel.
The battle exploits of Joshua can be traced to an encounter he had with the Lord of Hosts. In Josh. 5: 13 – 15, a man with a sword drawn appeared to Joshua and revealed himself as the Captain of the Lord's Host. This one man was greater than the whole army of the enemies. Joshua won the battles of life because the angels of the Lord, led by the Captain of the Lord's Host Himself fought for him. The Lord is not just a warrior; He is the Captain of warriors. When He draws His sword, it is not for play; it is for war against your adversaries. When the Captain of the Lord's Host fights on your behalf, your victory is sure.
Barak in Judg. 4:8 also understood this. Deborah had asked Barak to go out in battle against Sisera; the captain of the host of Jabin, king of Canaan, who oppressed Israel. Sisera was a captain of a host and in order to deal with him, Barak knew that he needed a higher captain of host. Barak knew that even though he was no match for Sisera, if Deborah went with him to the battle, the angels of God and the Captain of the Lord's Host that worked with Deborah by the reason of her spiritual office over Israel would follow her to the battle with him. So Deborah went with General Barak to war against Sisera and the Hosts of Heaven followed them into the battle and finished off the enemies. God is not limited by gender, the Lord gave victory through a woman that day. Any woman or man can be a general in the Lord's battles, all she/he needs is that the Lord of Hosts should work with them.
Today, invite the Captain of the Lord's Host into the battles of your life. Hand over your battles to the Lord of Hosts and watch your enemies discomfited.

* I hand over every battle I am facing to You Lord, fight for me, in Jesus’ name.
*Father, gird me with strength to face every challenge to victory, in Jesus’ name.

He that lit my candle will defend it from all evil winds unto the perfect day, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Friday, June 16, 2017

The best Life Insurance Package

Friday 16 June
READ: Phil 1: 21 - 23
MORE LESSON: Matt 16: 26

One day my assistant and I were on a journey on a rainy day. All of a sudden, a car overtook us at an incredibly high speed and I wondered where the man was going that he was speeding like that. A little distance ahead we saw the car had crashed fatally. I wondered whether the man felt that he had enough insurance that was why he was moving at such speed even in rain. It is possible that he had insured his car and had life insurance to support his family after he is gone. However, did he insure his eternity?
The Church rightly preaches that the trumpet will sound and the rapture will soon happen. However, an additional fact is that anyone that dies, it is like his own trumpet has sounded. The day of reckoning has come for such a person. I have been to the mortuary and seen dead bodies of all ages. What amazes me is that they always have new bodies to bring in every day. I also noticed that all the corpses are kept together, male and female, no beautiful or ugly corpse. When life is gone, all are dumped together. Even young people that are freaks in appearance, when they die and their corpses enter into that place, they are stripped and they can’t complain. Youthfulness should not be taken for granted, there are young people in the mortuary. No one should live anyhow; for people of all ages die.
The only insurance against death is to be born again. All other forms of life insurance are useless to the dead person. Will a dead man go and collect money from his insurance premiums after he is dead? It is only good for the people he leaves behind. As for the dead person, the only thing that counts is whether he was born again or not; if he would make Heaven or not. If he makes Heaven, then he didn't die, he only transited from earth to Heaven. That is the only life insurance package that is of use to the person.
A genuine child of God is the only one insured against death. Death is not the end of a man if he is born again; it is just a passage into eternity. People may cry on earth but he stands to gain because he is insured. Our text reads, For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain… For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: Phil. 1:21-23. Giving your life to Christ is the only and the best insurance for your life. For everyone who is in Christ Jesus, death is gain because his/her name is written in the book of life. Let me ask you, “Is your name written in the book of life or in an insurance broker’s book or even in a guinness book of life?” You need to write your name in the book of life today.

* I hand over my life to Jesus for the rest of my life, in the name of Jesus.
* Lord, help me to live the life that I profess in Christ in order to be ready for Your coming, in Jesus’ name.

I shall never lose my relevance, I shall be remembered in great places; even my enemy will need me and seek for me and remember me for help, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Seeing the Invisible

Thursday 15 June
READ: 2 Kings 6:8-19
MORE LESSON: 2 Cor. 4: 18

The king of Syria led his army against Israel. He drew brilliant strategies in his board room on how to launch a surprise attack on Israel. But each time he executed his strategies, he realised that the king of Israel was already informed and prepared in advance for whatever tactics he had. He began to suspect that there were traitors that were spying for Israel even among the most trusted generals in the boardroom. He confronted them and they advised him that there was a certain man in Israel whose eyes and ears were so open that he could hear and see what you do in your bedroom without him being there. Elisha the prophet was a man that was so close to God that he could see beyond the natural, so he always had privileged information that helped him succeed in every battle of life.
The king of Syria sent his troop to arrest Elisha. Thousands of soldiers surrounded Elisha's house and his servant saw them and began to panic. However Elisha looked out the window, saw the thousands of soldiers that surrounded his house, smiled and went in to relax. His servant must have cried, “Master, can you see the thousands of soldiers against us?' Elisha simply smiled and prayed, not for the soldiers to die, but for the eyes of the servant to be open, ...the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha: 2 Kings 6:17.
When God opened the servant's eyes to see the invisible, he became equally bold as his master. He saw that those who were with them were more than those that were against them. You will only stop panicking in life when your eyes are open to see the invisible. When you see God's provision for you, you will stop complaining about situations. When you see the hosts of angels guarding your family, you will cease to faint because of the crisis in the land. When eyes are closed to the spiritual, a man becomes defeated but when your eyes get open to the invisible, strength and courage come. When you see the invisible, supernatural faith comes as it is written in Heb. 11: 27, By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.
When a man has seen God, he does not fear the devil. This is why you need to pray for your eyes to be open to see the real things in the spirit and not the apparent things in the physical. When you see the secret of your trouble, your victory is certain. Begin to see the invisible and do the impossible, in Jesus’ mighty name.

* Today, by the Spirit of God I receive privilege information that my enemies don't have, in Jesus’ name.
* Oh Lord, open my spiritual eyes to see beyond the physical, in Jesus’ name.

I release the spirit of recovery over my destiny, whatever I have ever lost, return today, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Fighting the Wrong Battle

Wednesday 14 June
READ: Eph. 6: 12 – 13
MORE LESSON: Prov. 20: 18

There was a lady who was a very committed worker in a company. She always received compliments from her boss who testified that she was a hardworking staff. However, she noticed that each time there was promotion exercise, her name was always missing. So she decided to confront her boss over the problem no matter what the consequence would be. She went to the office and told her boss, “ I have done everything right and you refused to promote me. You are a very wicked woman. You even said I am the best worker and you still refused to recommend me for promotion. What did I do wrong? My God will punish you”. After her outburst, she lost her job and then started a three day marathon fasting.
Each time she prayed that her enemy should fall down and die, she had the boss in mind. Unfortunately for her the boss didn't die but seemed to even prosper more. The boss bought new cars and lived well. Luckily, the lady got a new job. The trend started again as her name was being omitted during promotions despite her diligence. It was only then that she realised that it was not about the boss but there was an unseen force that made her to be forgotten each time people were to be promoted.
She began to confront every spirit that vowed to keep her at the same spot. She only got delivered when she had an accurate understanding of the battle and channelled her prayers in the right direction.
Many times people fight physical battles when the battle is to be fought in the spiritual. When the source of a problem is in the spiritual and a man is beating the air in the physical, there will be no headway. There are forces of darkness that influence people and make things go wrong. This is why it is important to obtain guidance from the Holy Spirit and from the Word of God before you engage in prayers of warfare. Matt 10:36 says that a man's foes are they of his own household. Many times the enemy is someone within the house and you are busy fighting the wrong person outside. In fact, the problem is many times right inside the person who is busy fighting people outside. Many times, it is the ideology, belief-system and attitude of a person that are responsible for his problems while he is busy fighting every other person outside as the cause of his problems.
It is important to pray for guidance and instructions in engaging in spiritual warfare. In the name of Jesus, every enemy, both within and without you, that has camouflaged to afflict you will be exposed. The Lord will give you victory over every battle of life, in Jesus. name.

* Father reveal Your will and purpose for my life so that I will not do another man's work, in the name of Jesus.
* Every distracting force of darkness intending to make me lose focus, I come against you, in Jesus’ name.

Any altar or covenant set up to quench my light, celestial or terrestrial, right now catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Play your Part

Tuesday 13 June
READ: Isa. 1: 19 -20
MORE LESSON: Mal. 3:10-11

The Bible is filled with the promises of God for every area of the believer's life. There are promises for divine health, prosperity, wealth, longevity, fruitfulness etc. Whatever it is that you need, be rest assured that it has already been provided by God even before you knew to ask for them. However, it is important in receiving the promises of God to know that there is always a part for you to play. The reason God's promises elude many is that they seem to think that the promises are automatic; so they do not seek to know the part they are to play in activating the promises for their life.
Deut 8:18 says, But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. This means that God has promised to give you the power to get wealth as long as you are committed to remembering Him with the wealth. You have a part to play in getting the power to make wealth. Your own part is to use your resources for God and His Kingdom.
The promises of God always leave you with a part to play. Exo. 15:26 says, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee. Divine health has been promised by God but your own part must be played. Your part is to obey every of God's commands in His Word. Disobeying God's command is sin; so your part in walking in divine health is to stay out of sin. Sin always opens the door for sickness. Obedience to God's Word qualifies you to obtain the promise of divine health.
Mal 3:10-11 says, Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts. If you want to live in financial open heaven where no devourer will be allowed to touch your resources; your part is to pay your tithes.
Receive the grace to play your part in obtaining the promises of God. God is forever faithful to His promises, we too must be willing and obedient to Him so that His promises to us may run to fulfilment.

* Today I receive grace to obey every of God's instructions as a patient obeys doctor’s prescriptions, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive grace to do my part of the covenant to receive my part of the covenant blessing, in Jesus’ name.

Henceforth I reject any negative and pessimistic attitude and I proclaim nothing shall be impossible for me, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Commanded Blessing

Sunday 11 June
READ: Psa. 133: 1 - 3
MORE LESSON: Jam. 3: 16

It is good that brethren live in one accord; doing things together and working together in the house of the Lord. David in the book of Psalms talks about the oil that flows from the head of Aaron, to his beard and then to the hem of his skirt. It is in the place of unity that the blessing of God on one person flows to everyone. David calls it the place of the commanded blessing.
In the place of unity, we forget our differences and focus on who God is and what He has done for us. We should unite and serve God with all our energy, knowing that God's work is to be done by all coming together. Individuality, age and ethnicity should be put aside; one thing that matters is to come together and serve the Lord with gladness. It is in such atmosphere of unity of purpose and service that God commands His blessing on everyone.
Psalm 133:3 says, As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore. There is life forever more in the place of unity. Therefore, unity is the biblical key to longevity. Long life is not purchased by drugs, the place of unity is a place of long life. This applies to an organisation, nation, church or family. When there is no unity, everything soon crumbles and gets destroyed. God has commanded His blessing on the place of unity and one of such blessings is life forever more. A practical example of how unity leads to long life and dissention leads to 'short life' is seen in the polygamous home.
The polygamous home is not a place of long life; they fight, frustrate and kill one another. There is no unity in a polygamous home; no matter the façade and pretence that is presented outside; acrimony, fighting and death is what is found in the polygamous home. This is why God's prescription for marriage is one man one wife. Let your family be a place of unity so that the blessing of God can be upon it. Any family where the husband or wife has an extra marital affair is a place of struggles and curses even if they hide it so well that the partner doesn't know. It is not foremost about the spouse knowing; it is about the breach of defence that qualifies that home to be under a curse. The blessing of God is on the oneness. Make your home a place where everyone is united, serving the Lord.

* Lord bind us together and let us be one in unity as a (mention) church, family etc, in the name of Jesus.
* I curse every spirit of disunity in my life, home and church, in Jesus’ name.

I am a planting of the Lord, I carry the fire of God on my life, no demon from the pit ofhell can overshadow me, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Mystery of Spiritual Cover

Saturday 10 June
READ: 1 Sam 19: 18 - 24
MORE LESSON: Gen 49: 22 - 26

Samuel was the prophet that God set as the last judge over Israel. He was the one that ordained Saul as king and was the spiritual father over Saul till he rebelled against him. The Lord sent Samuel to ordain David and declare him as king. The Spirit of the Lord came upon David after he was anointed by Samuel and he started doing exploits.
It was after Saul rebelled against God and the prophetic cover set over him removed that an evil spirit started tormenting him (1 Sam. 16: 14). The spirit of murder came upon him and he began to hunt David all over the country to kill him. In one of such murder attempts by Saul, David was only saved because he ran under the cover of his spiritual father - Samuel. There are some life battles that are beyond you no matter how strong you are, you need the cover of your spiritual father. David was not a weak man; he was an anointed mighty warrior who slew giants but when the strong enemy came to terminate his life, it was only the prophetic cover of Samuel that was his refuge.
Having no spiritual cover over your life exposes you to the onslaught of the enemy; it leaves you at the mercy of your enemies. No matter how strong you have become, please do not pull yourself from under the cover of the father that the Lord has placed over you. When so advised, some people feel that this statement is a gimmick to keep them under control but as a matter of life and death, the repercussions of exposing your life by rebelling against spiritual cover is too dire to be dared. The danger of being without a fatherly cover is grave; make sure you submit to spiritual cover for your life.
When trouble came, David knew where to go. He went to Samuel in Ramah and the enemy pursued him there. The assassins came and without anyone touching them, they were mesmerised by the anointing of God upon the life of Samuel. When Saul saw that his army could not destroy David, he went by himself and under the atmosphere of Samuel's prophetic grace, he stripped his clothes off by himself and began prophesying naked. He was slain under the power of the Holy Ghost and David became an onlooker as his enemy rolled on the floor before him in shame.
Eventually Saul died a painful death while David went on to fulfilment and died in a good old age and his dynasty was established forever in Israel. The cover and blessing of your spiritual father defends you and lifts you in life, irrespective of the onslaught of enemies (Gen. 49: 22 -26).

* I rebuke the spirit of rebellion that can take me out of my spiritual cover, in Jesus’ name.
* The spiritual cover over me and my family shall not be lifted, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I activate all the Abrahamic genes of dominion in me to manifest, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, June 9, 2017

With Open Eyes II

Friday 9 June
READ: Num. 22:22-33
MORE LESSON: Eph. 1:17-18

Walking with closed eyes is very dangerous. Blindfolded eyes can lead a man into destruction. When a man cannot see, he not only walks past opportunities unawares but also walks into danger unadvised. Balaam was a prophet in the Old Testament but when his eyes became closed due to greed, he nearly walked by himself to meet the angel of death. If not for his donkey's eyes that were open, he would have been destroyed. The interesting thing is that Balaam started complaining, kicking and fighting the donkey when it refused to carry him to meet danger. Many times, people with closed eyes have a way of complaining and fighting people with open eyes. When you are told that the love affair you are into with the wrong person should be stopped, you start fighting the person who told you. If your eyes were open you would thank the person for the advice not to walk into a dangerous relationship.
God opened the eyes of the donkey to see danger. It is a serious problem when an animal can see what a man, even a prophet, cannot see. In January 2005, a huge Tsunami hit Indian coastlines and many lives were lost. When the bodies of the victims of the disaster were recovered, they were mostly human, not animals. The National Geographic News reported that wild and domestic animals seemed to sense what was about to happen and fled to safety. On the other hand, men were so busy in the natural that their eyes became closed to the spiritual. Many times we miss our way because we cannot see. Too many activities without time with God makes a man become blind; he simply loses his sensitivity and walks amiss in his daily life. There are many obstacles in life and it takes open eyes to see well and walk in the right direction.
Until your eyes are open, you can never walk to the right place. Until your inner eyes are open, you cannot make success in life. It was out of mercy that God eventually opened Balaam's eyes. When his eyes opened, he realised that his problem was not the donkey, so he stopped beating it. A lot of people are almost killing the donkey with beating' without knowing there is an obstacle in front that is greater than the donkey. If God had not opened the eyes of the prophet, he would have killed his donkey and walked to his death, or if mercy preserved him, he would have to walk all the long way home. Stop fighting the wrong battle, you need to pray for God to open your eyes so that you will walk, work and war accurately in life.

* Lord like Jeremiah, open my eyes to see what You are doing in my life, in Jesus’ name.
* Remove every scale covering my spirit eyes, in Jesus’ name.

Celebration, rejoicing and thanksgiving are my permanent portion this month, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

With Open Eyes I

Thursday 8 June
READ: Luke 24:30-31
MORE LESSON: Mk. 10:46-52

The text says when Jesus broke the bread and gave to the disciples to eat, their eyes opened. A force higher than them blindfolded them but another greater force opened their understanding. As soon as their eyes were open they said, “We actually have been walking with our Master and we did not know''. They were walking with the Lord that they were talking about and they did not know because their eyes were closed.
There is a limit to what men see because a lot of things are hidden from the physical eyes. The truth is that a man cannot possess what he cannot see even if it is within his reach. For example, it is impossible for a man to spend the money he doesn't know he has. One of the major problems with God's children is the problem of not seeing. The Bible says, ...we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses...: Heb 12: 1. This implies that life is like a football match; we are the players on the pitch and there are supporters on the gallery watching the match. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Peter, Paul, the apostles, the angels and a host of other saints in the gallery of Heaven are cheering us on to victory. Each time we score a goal on earth, they rejoice in Heaven. Why then do believers get downcast? It is because they cannot see. A man gives up because he can't see the heavenly provision available for his success and cannot see that he is close to his breakthrough.
One of the forces that blindfolds men from seeing what God has prepared for them is carnality. Carnality, in this context, is walking by sight rather than by faith. In the text, Jesus broke bread and gave the men. The bread represents the Word of God, which is Spirit and life. It is only the revelation of God's Word that can remove the blindfold of carnality. A man can read the Scripture with closed spiritual eyes and walk in darkness because his understanding is limited to the letter, missing out on the Spirit. We must desire to see the Word with open eyes so that we can see beyond the letter into the Spirit because the letter kills but the Spirit gives life, light and understanding (2 Cor 3 : 6).
It is time to cry out to the Lord like blind Bartimaeus and say, “Lord that I may see”. Paul prayed for the Ephesian Church (Eph. 1:17-18), that the eyes of their understanding would be enlightened. David prayed in Psa. 119:18 that the Lord would open his eyes that he might behold wondrous things out of His law. As you study the Scripture, pray that you will read with open eyes and capture the spirit and the life therein.

* Lord, enlighten the eyes of my understanding to see Your provision for me, in Jesus’ name.
* I come against every veil and darkness covering my spiritual life, in Jesus’ name.

I am God's battle axe, I shall be renewed for greater works, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Weapon of Praise and Worship

Wednesday 7 June
READ: Psa. 22: 3
MORE LESSONS: Acts 16: 23-40

But Thou art holy, O Thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel: Psa. 22:3. Singing praises is a very powerful weapon for a believer. If you want to have a successful life, learn the power of praise and worship. When Paul and Silas were locked up in prison, prayer and praises brought the presence of God that broke their chains and threw open the prison doors. You can never overestimate the power of praise and worship. People say, 'When everything else fails, try praise'. Well, you'd better use praise first. Praise is not a trial and error thing; go for praises and your situations will surely turn around. Prayer rises to meet God but praises bring God out of His seat into your situation; and when God arrives, Power has arrived.
Praising God is a great weapon that can devastate the kingdom of darkness. Job complained that in all his crises no one said to him, Where is God my Maker, who gives songs in the night: Job 35:10 (NKJV). That was because he later discovered that when you pass through a midnight situation in life, singing praises brings you out of the impossibilities and destroys what the devil is doing in your life. If all the time Job spent seeking out what sin he had committed and listening to different opinions, had been spent in praise and worship, I guess his crises would have been over much earlier.
There is a difference between praise and worship. Prophetic worship is about giving God His worth in a prophetic way even when the situation doesn't look good. You take your eyes from the situation and fix your gaze on the Almighty God, and begin to ascribe His worth and attribute His works to Him. You take a good look in your spirit at the Almighty God and begin to call Him by His names and His works. You may or may not be singing, dancing or clapping but you give God His due; that is prophetic worship.
Nothing brings a man into the presence of the Lord faster than giving God prophetic worship. This is what Jehoshaphat and the children of Israel did and won the battle without fighting (II Chro. 20: 14-30). When you enter into prophetic worship, in the heart of the strangest situation of life, you become a spectator in your battle. God Himself comes down and takes over your affairs.

* Receive a heart of gratitude and praise today, in Jesus’ name.
* Give God thanks for all He has and has not done.
* Praise God for your expectations in life.

This sixth month, my light shall burn brighter and brighter and I shall wax greater and greater unto the perfect day, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Vessels of Praise II

Tuesday 6 June
READ: Luke 8: 1-3
MORE LESSON: Luke 21: 1-4

We are considering being vessels of praise and today we will see things that a man can do that will make him become a vessel of praise unto Jehovah, And it came to pass afterward, that He went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: AND THE TWELVE WERE WITH HIM, And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils, And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance: Lk. 8:1-3. In this text, Jesus had twelve disciples who were with Him when He was preaching the good news. These disciples became vessels of praise simply by following Jesus around. Without these twelve, the gospel wouldn't later have gone abroad. So a man can become a vessel of praise by giving his life time for God’s service.
Certain women that Jesus healed were also mentioned for always ministering to Him. Some of those women’s names were mentioned, others were grouped as 'many others....', but they all ministered to Jesus. You can become a vessel of praise by taking note of what is lacking in the lives of ministers of God and taking out of your substance to meet their needs. When God blesses some believers they usually hide behind the pretext that,'There is nothing we can give to thank God enough', and they truly give nothing. That is not correct reasoning, As a vessel of praise you should give God what you have. The widow in the Bible gave two mites, it was the least but that was her all and the best. What is left after you have given to God is what determines the quality of what you have given and whether it can be called your best or not. A vessel of praise will never come empty before God; he will always bring Him his best.
Another widow was the old prophetess Anna who was serving God with fasting and prayer (Luke 2: 36-38). She was married for just seven years when she became a widow, probably without a child. But she stayed in the temple and worshipped God with fasting and prayer. She didn't give in to self-pity neither was she fasting for money, husband or children but rather she gave herself to worshipping God with fasting and prayer. That woman was a vessel of praise. With all the challenges you are facing in life, do you still worship God? This woman was an example of worship by fasting and prayer instead of fasting for needs. You can become a vessel of praise by creating time to fast and pray for God’s work and people. It is another form of worshipping God that brings praise to Him. I pray that you will be a great vessel of praise to God, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God to endow you with the wisdom to know what to do to provoke blessings on you today, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to be merciful to you so that all your services will be acceptable.

Father, let the heaven of profits open over my life, business and marriage this month, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Vessels of Praise I

Monday 5 June
READ: Lk. 11: 27-2
MORE LESSON: 2 Kgs. 7:1-10

A vessel of praise is one whose actions cause men to praise God. Jesus was a perfect example of a vessel of praise by His works and His words. In the main text, Jesus was teaching and doing miracles and a woman was so impressed that she could not but burst out saying, And it came to pass, as he spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto him, Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it: Luke 11:27-28. Jesus by His work caused praises to go forth.
There are also vessels of disgrace. When people repeatedly make negative statements to God and man because of your actions, you are a vessel of disgrace. Children who are well taught but living contrary to the teachings, and causing people to make negative remarks about their parents are vessels of disgrace. May you be a vessel of praise, in Jesus’ name.
You become a vessel of praise by providing solution to problems. If you solve problems anywhere you find yourself, even when not called upon, you will be remembered as a vessel of praise. Some people only cause problems anywhere they go making themselves so difficult to get along with. Such people will also be remembered for that. Being a vessel of praise or of disgrace in life is a choice. Everyone will be remembered for something. The good that a man does will speak for him while he is alive and even after he is dead. In the same way, there are those who will be remembered for the problems they cause.
Today, I urge you to make the choice to be a vessel of praise- be the reason why somebody is happy and praising God every day from today. There is a reward for being vessels of praise. The little boy whose lunch pack was used by Jesus to feed 5,000 people obviously had God’s reward and may be the owner of the 12 baskets left over. Paul says: and let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not: Gal. 6:9. It is wonderful to be a tool of blessing (Jn. 6:9-11). Everyone who has ever received a blessing from God owes God the debt of being a blessing to someone else, because we are blessed to be able to be a blessing.

* Ask God to make you a vessel of praise, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask the Lord to make you a blessing to someone today, in the name of Jesus.

I command the fire of God to destroy every force of wastage and destruction operating in any area of my business and life endeavours, in the name of Jesus.

Antidote to Anger II

Sunday 4 June
READ: Eph. 4:24-32
MORE LESSON: Matt. 26:36-39; 27:46-50

Some people have inherited DNA traits that make it rather natural for them to get angry very quickly. Such people can trace a whole genealogy of the work of anger through the years past and are wondering how to disconnect from that blood line pattern. There is solution for you. Ever wondered how Jesus went through the pain and passion of Calvary without getting upset for a single second but rather prayed for those who whipped and humiliated Him and asked the Father to forgive them? That is too good to be true. If it were you or I , God knows how many times we would have rained fire from Heaven before we remember the cross. But you see, everything Jesus did was about creating models by which we could pattern our lives until we become just like Him.
The first thing Jesus did that kept Him stable throughout that gruesome moment of extreme pain and anguish was that the moment before at the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed. He openly told God the weakness of His flesh. He expressed Himself in sincerity (Matt. 26:41). The reason some of us cannot break out of funny habits is because we are not sincere with ourselves and God. The first person to talk to when next you get angry is not your grandmother; it is your Father in Heaven. It doesn't matter how deep the weakness has eaten you, when you pray and believe, miracles will happen.
The other thing Jesus did to overcome all the tendencies of the flesh during that great passion of the cross was that He kept His focus on the glory with the Father that was ahead of Him. The only thing that mattered to Him was the Father’s love. It was only once we saw Him cry out with a loud voice when the Father forsook Him for a moment. When we drink deep into the Father’s love, it is easy to extend love to others even when they do not deserve it. Anger just seems to vanish when love switches on. Its power and rage are neutralised when the reality of God's unfathomable love pulses through our veins. It is easy to smile at a storm when the love of the Father matters most to you. Nobody can just press your buttons anyhow and trigger you to anger because you have felt true love. When it comes to anger, find and figure out the reason why, and let God fix it for you. God is healing our hearts by His love. Let us receive His free gift today and always.

* Receive a fresh baptism of God's love to heal your heart of every grief.
* Ask God to strengthen your love for Him and humanity, in Jesus’ name.

Holy Ghost, terminate every near success syndrome targeted at my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Antidote to Anger I

Saturday 3 June
READ: James 1:19-27
MORE LESSON: Prov. 16:32

It is often said that anger is a thief of good moments. This is absolutely true because when we are angry nothing else seems to matter except gratifying the lust of that feeling. A lot of the wars and killings in our world today can be traced to someone's anger against another person. The human being is built with a little of this tendency but we all have different anger thresholds. Some people can suffer long before they get angry but others are easily provoked to anger by the slightest stirring. By and large, some degree of anger is important in protecting what is right. But when anger gets out of control, like wild fire it can cause more damage than was originally intended. When anger is out of control, one seems to lose discretion and right judgement. This kind of rage cannot produce the righteousness of God. James 1:20 says, For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.
Fire is not evil because we need fire to cook and to keep warm in the cold amongst other things. But when fire is out of control, it is the most dangerous thing you have ever known. Anger, like a little flame of fire is not sin but can lead to sin if it is not put in check and appropriate control. The Word of God helps us channel our emotions in the right direction. Life would be more productive
for us if we channel the wrath of our anger from unedifying arguments and quarrels to the very works of the enemy in our society, family and our future. This is the kind of wrath that leads us to the place of deep intercession and warfare prayer until we can completely halt the activities of satan around us to a standstill.
Everybody can be angry about one thing or the other. In fact, God too shows anger; He is mad at the devil’s works in your life. So the real question is, What are you angry at? Is it your fellow brother that you have the power to forgive or like God, you hate what God hates and are angry at the devil too. I wish we can spend all our anger, wrath and indignation on the devil so when a person hurts us, we'll have no anger left to unleash on them except to love them. One sure antidote to anger is letting the Word of God dominate your heart. It will channel all your emotions rightly; it will teach you when to speak and when to be silent, when to say sorry and when to say, ‘thank you’. Remember the word of King Solomon, Control your temper, for anger labels you a fool: Eccl. 7:9 (NLT).

* Repent of every display of anger you have manifested lately.
* Forgive everyone that has offended you and pray for them.
* Pray that God will deliver you from every spirit of anger, in Jesus’ name.

Every demonic power programmed to make me lose good things this month, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.