Saturday 30 September
READ: Heb. 9:11-22
For if the blood of bulls and of goats ... sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: How much more shall the blood of Christ...: Heb. 9:13-14. The Blood of Jesus is the strength of the Christian faith. Without Jesus and His blood Christianity will collapse. One song says, “My hope is built on nothing else but Jesus' blood and righteousness”. It is by the Blood that we are able to connect with the Father and fight forces of darkness that will not want us to commune with the Father.
Long before Jesus shed His Blood, the symbol of His Blood was already doing wonders, like it did in Egypt at the Passover. Now that the real Blood has been shed, there is nothing it cannot do. Even the sight of Jesus' sweat dropping like His Blood was strong enough to command God's quick intervention; how much more the very Blood. The Blood carries the life of Jesus, His prayer life inclusive; and when applied in prayer over any issue, the result is unparalleled. This is particularly useful in overcoming satanic arrows against our prayer or prayer life. The Blood gives us access to God, cleanses our conscience from guilt and satanic condemnation.
Learn to plead the Blood of Jesus on your life and the place of prayer, both as an offensive and defensive weapon. It is very potent against wandering thoughts and all other demonic distractions to prayer. I believe that believers have not explored the power in the Blood of Jesus enough, and this is because we have not studied enough about the powers therein. Christianity is built mainly on Jesus and His blood and we all must explore it.
Penetrating heaven without the Blood of Jesus will be an exercise in futility! The Blood must go ahead of us to plead mercy and remind the Father about His promises which are rooted in the Blood of Jesus. Our confidence in the place of prayer is because of what the Blood of Jesus has done on the Cross for us; granting us access to the Father and denying the devil's accusation in our matters.
We must plead the Blood of Jesus often , in prayer and out of prayer. Even if it is only to remind the devil of his defeat, it is worth pleading the Blood.
* Thank God for the access we have through the Blood of Jesus.
* Declare that the Blood of Jesus will speak better things for you, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask God to cover you with the Blood of Jesus as you start to pray.
Father, with gratitude for a Heaven- defended month, I thank You for the month of September, in the name of Jesus.