Saturday, September 30, 2017

Praying by the Blood

Saturday 30 September
READ: Heb. 9:11-22   
MORE LESSON:  Rom. 5:9

For if the blood of bulls and of goats ... sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: How much more shall the blood of Christ...: Heb. 9:13-14.  The Blood of Jesus is the strength of the Christian faith. Without Jesus and His blood Christianity will collapse. One song says, “My hope is built on nothing else but Jesus' blood and righteousness”. It is by the Blood that we are able to connect with the Father and fight forces of darkness that will not want us to commune with the Father.

Long before Jesus shed His Blood, the symbol of His Blood was already doing wonders, like it did in Egypt at the Passover. Now that the real Blood has been shed, there is nothing it cannot do. Even the sight of Jesus' sweat dropping like His Blood was strong enough to command God's quick intervention; how much more the very Blood. The Blood carries the life of Jesus, His prayer life inclusive; and when applied in prayer over any issue, the result is unparalleled. This is particularly useful in overcoming satanic arrows against our prayer or prayer life. The Blood gives us access to God, cleanses our conscience from guilt and satanic condemnation.

Learn to plead the Blood of Jesus on your life and the place of prayer, both as an offensive and defensive weapon. It is very potent against wandering thoughts and all other demonic distractions to prayer. I believe that believers have not explored the power in the Blood of Jesus enough, and this is because we have not studied enough about the powers therein. Christianity is built mainly on Jesus and His blood and we all must explore it.

Penetrating heaven without the Blood of Jesus will be an exercise in futility! The Blood must go ahead of us to plead mercy and remind the Father about His promises which are rooted in the Blood of Jesus. Our confidence in the place of prayer is because of what the Blood of Jesus has done on the Cross for us; granting us access to the Father and denying the devil's accusation in our matters.

We must plead the Blood of Jesus often , in prayer and out of prayer. Even if it is only to remind the devil of his defeat, it is worth pleading the Blood. 

* Thank God for the access we have through the Blood of Jesus.
* Declare that the Blood of Jesus will speak better things for you, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask God to cover you with the Blood of Jesus as you start to pray.

Father, with gratitude for a Heaven- defended month, I thank You for the month of September, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Prayer and the Word  

Friday 29 September
READ: Matt. 4:4-10   
MORE LESSON:  Heb. 1:1-3

The Word of God is the shell in which prayer is incubated and hatched. It helps to make our prayers acceptable to God. It shows us the requirements for answer, gives the appropriate words and compels God to act because He cannot break His Word. In Matt. 22:29 Jesus told the Jews, ...Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. The Word of God keeps us from error and opens our eyes to what God can do. God will never do what His Word forbids, no matter who prays it or how much fasting goes with it; neither will He refuse to perform His Word whatever the situation, ...for I will hasten my word to perform it: Jer. 1:12.

At Gethsemane Jesus asked that the cup be taken away from Him and got no answer. However, the moment He added, ‘not my will but thine be done,’ an angel came to strengthen Him because that was God's will;  And we have seen and do testify that  the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world: I Jn. 4:14.

Make the Word of God the bullet of your prayer gun, and there is no rock you cannot blast into pieces. Without the Word, prayer is mere noise, an empty toy gun without bullet, which can only scare an ignorant enemy. The moment the enemy discovers that your gun has no bullet he will deal a decisive blow on you even with your empty gun in place. The more of God's Word you know, the more live ammunition you have and you can dare the devil to any extent. God's Word applied in the place of prayer will quicken Heaven to answer and compel hell to submit; For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven: Psa. 119:89.

Each time I see people use the Psalms of David, I feel challenged that someone's personal prayer of over 4,000 years is still relevant today. Beloved how many of our prayers today can be used for others today not to talk of years or generations to come. The secret of such use is the inspiration and the biblical backing of the words in David's prayers. Heaven cannot reject such prayers nor will it ever become irrelevant. 

* Ask God for grace to saturate your life with His Word, in order to enjoy the blessings of prayer.
* Ask God to hasten His words to perform as you present them to Him in prayers.
*Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the Word you need to back up your prayers.

Father, for every reason I have cried this year, there shall be a sound of celebration and rejoicing, I shall be the celebrant of the year, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Key to Self Discipline in Prayer

Wednesday 27 September
READ: 1 Kings 18: 41-46 
MORE LESSON:  Psa. 28: 1-2

Having earlier emphasized the importance of discipline in handling the flesh, there is need to still look at certain features of the life and teachings of Jesus. This will enable us to learn from the things that helped Him to keep a disciplined life of prayer.

First you need to train your mind to think about pure things by setting your mind on God and His Word. You must deal with the hindering spirits and make conscious effort to bring your mind back when it is distracted by the enemy at the place of prayer.

Also, always exercise spiritual authority over territorial spirits ruling your location of prayer. Go ahead and pull down all satanic strongholds and cast down his imagination before you fully engage in prayer. Every territory has a prince controlling it and no such spirits will want you disrupt their territory with your prayer. That is why you need to bind and incapacitate them before you fully go into prayer.

Discipline and wisdom will help you to avoid foods that make you too heavy to pray, especially when you are going for meetings like night vigil or your own private hour of prayer. You must also mind the hour or time and location you choose for prayer. Jesus' hours of prayer are very instructive - either very early or late in the night and most times in lonely places (Mk. 1:35). I also guess that before the Gethsemane prayer He ate only the communion and with the burden in Him, He was fit for rigorous prayer.

Finally, be flexible in the posture of prayer - kneel, lie, stand. bend, roll or pace around, so long as you keep awake. Note that the Bible doesn't specify any posture in prayer, so you can use any posture that helps you to be alert and sensitive when praying. I guess that the need to be alert and sensitive must be part of Elijah's reasons for the posture he took in the prayer at Mount Carmel.

Maybe he also  didn't want to look at the sky until the miracle has happened in the sky. But then it was a lot of discipline to have chosen a mount to pray after a rigorous all day encounter and contest with the prophets of Baal (1 kings 18: 26-29). And getting to the mountain he chose to put his head in between his knees for only God knows how long. This is instructive for young people who cannot stand to pray or sing for few minutes in church.  

*Ask God for help to be disciplined in maintaining a consistent and vibrant prayer life.
*Pray against every distraction you face in your place of prayer.
*Ask God for grace not to be judgmental but to also bless in the place of prayer .

Thank You Jesus, You are working all things out and well, no more delay, no more “No” for answer, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Missiles against Prayer

Tuesday 26 September
READ: Matt. 4:1-11 
MORE LESSON:  I Cor. 2:11; Eph. 6:10-18.

Satan specializes in attacking good things. So the moment you decide to start an effective prayer life, expect satanic missiles aimed at making you to give up. In the temptation story the devil waited until the forty days and forty nights of fasting were over, and then he came against Jesus. Sure, the delay was a strategic decision.

The devil will not sit back and watch a believer or a church use prayer to destroy his work. He will go to any length to distract, discourage or stop a praying man. We must be conversant with his many wiles which include: making prayer time difficult, causing loneliness and total separation from God, which can be very overwhelming. He can bring memory of past sins to cause tiredness even after a lot of rest. Dryness, blockage or heaviness of the spirit, visitors or deep sleep are other wiles of the devil against prayer.

To conquer all these, you must learn to pray out loud. The Bible says that if you open your mouth wide, God will fill it. As for visitors at the time of prayer, just excuse yourself courteously, or take permission from them to observe your prayer hour. Smith Wigglesworth, the great apostle of faith, took a decision to pray every half an hour. Just then he had to travel and for over an hour he could not pray. Suddenly he remembered and began to shout at the driver to stop the car. Hurriedly the young man stopped, fearing something was wrong but only for Wigglesworth to announce, ‘But we have not prayed in the last one hour’. Of course he was right! 

When we forget to pray, something has gone wrong; so wrong that anything evil can happen. But while men slept, his enemy  came and sowed tares among the  wheat, and went his way: Matt. 13:25. Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest. How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? Prov.6:8-9.

This generation must awake out of spiritual slumber; this is the call of heaven right now. There is too much slumber in this generation and until we awake to prayer, Satan will take advantage of us. Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy  city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean:  Isa. 52:1

* Destroy every weapon of Satan fashioned against your prayer life.
*Pray that each time you go to God in prayer you will stand in the righteousness of Jesus and no condemnation of the devil will weigh you down.
*Ask that there will be no distraction in your place and hour of prayer.

Streams, streams in my desert today, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Desire and Prayer

Monday 25 September
READ: Mk. 11:20:26 
MORE LESSON:  Prov. 10:24; Lk. 22:15

Another vital thing Jesus taught us about prayer is to have a desire; Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray...: v24. Desire is an essential ingredient  for answer to prayer; but beyond that, desire is also the need to pray. Desire, not just prayer, is essential for any achiever in any area of life. David said; One thing have I desired of the  LORD, that will I seek after; that I  may dwell in the house of the LORD  all the days of my life...: Psa. 27:4. He also said, As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God: Psa. 42:1.

Strong desire was one of the secrets of David's encounters with God. Without desire, hardly can a man encounter God. So to become prayerful like Jesus, the first step is to desire the Spirit and the life of prayer. Desire is a strong craving or longing for something. It is an unquenchable thirst and hunger, and God normally satisfies such a longing soul. Today, God  is raising great endtime prayer warriors like Jesus. You must desire to be enlisted, then you can move from desire to asking and from asking to believing; ...What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them:
Mk. 11:24.

Do you therefore desire anointing for prayer like Jesus? Ask for it in prayer. Go beyond the desire; ask, believe and God will enlist you. When the disciples were challenged by Jesus' prayer life, they asked Him to teach them to pray and He obliged. At the initial stage they were weak in prayer but eventually after Jesus’ ascension to Heaven, they did not only pray; they prayed continuously; But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word: Acts 6:4. And they prayed until the earth shock;  And when they had prayed, the  place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness: Acts 4:31.

God has already made a promise to whosoever is thirsty;
Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye  to the waters, and he that hath no  money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea,  come, buy wine and milk without money and without price: Isa. 55:1. God is faithful to all who thirst!

* Ask God to create a desire in your heart for the establishment of His purpose here on earth.
* Ask God to take away the craving for the things of the flesh that weaken your desires for prayer.
*Pray that  your expectation shall not be dashed.

Like Haman, he who plots my death shall take my place in the grave this month, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Overcoming the Flesh in Prayer II

Sunday 24 September
READ: Matt. 14:13-2  3  
MORE LESSON:  Col. 3:1-6

The need for us to battle the enemy of prayer is crucial. All men who conquered in the place of prayer had to deal with the enemy within first. Even Jesus, like we noted yesterday, had to. The flesh loves comfort, pleasure and cannot tolerate stress, pain or discomfort for any reason. However, so much of self-denial and deliberate consecration is needed to make effective prayers like Jesus.

When Jesus heard about John the Baptist's death, ... he departed thence by ship into a desert place apart: and when the people had heard thereof, they followed him on foot out of the cities: v.13. The people followed Jesus to the desert, but after providing dinner for them, He sent the people (including His disciples) away. Instead of going to rest, He went up to a mountain to pray till night. Though the flesh must have desired otherwise, the need to pray prevailed over the flesh. When it comes to prayer we must ensure that our flesh is disciplined enough to respond to the higher call.

The news of the death of John the Baptist, His cousin and a covenant brother, in a most brutal way (he was beheaded) was enough to create an atmosphere of sorrow around Jesus and
therefore hinder His prayer. So He quickly left the location of the news. Any man who desires to pray must ensure that the atmosphere around him is conducive for the work. Just like Jesus, if the atmosphere around you is not good for prayer, change it, anyhow. A negative atmosphere is all that your flesh needs to stop you from praying, therefore work at it so that you don't allow the flesh to hinder you.

The devil knows that the believer is doomed without prayer that is why he will go to any extent to stop him from praying. This knowledge should also be the reason why believers must not give in to the flesh. Having known the strategies of the devil everything must be done to checkmate him. If we work to stop the devil, just as he is working to stop us, the possibility of our victory over him is greater. After all, he is a defeated enemy, and we have the same weapons that defeated him in our hands. The Word of God, the Blood of Jesus and the Name of Jesus are individually potent enough to win the battle of the flesh. Let us therefore go for the victory now!

*  Receive grace and strength to prevail over the dictates of the flesh against your prayer life.
* Pray that no activity, pain or praise of men will rob you of your altar of prayer.
* Pray against every activity of the devil fighting against your prayer life.

Every vital place where I have got “no” for answer, this new week I reverse them to yes by the power of the unchangeable changer, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Overcoming the Flesh in Prayer I

Saturday 23 September
READ: Matt. 26:37-46     
MORE LESSON:  Gal. 6:8-9

The flesh is scripturally defined as the human nature and desire; it is a great enemy of God. From experience, Paul declared, So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God: Rom. 8:8. The flesh is one great enemy of prayer and any man who has not conquered his flesh cannot enjoy a consistent prayer life.

The force of the flesh is manifested when the mind wanders in prayers, and it is difficult to concentrate, or when sleep takes over or you just can't pray for a long time. In such situations, serious self discipline is required and sometimes deliverance may be sought. Discipline may include taking uncomfortable position like Jesus had to until His sweat became like blood. Elijah put his head between his legs (I Kgs. 18:42).At another time Jesus moved into the wilderness, without food and water for forty days and nights. He often got up a great while before day, (Mk. 1:35), and trekked sometimes far to a mountain to pray.

In today's reading we see Jesus battling with the flesh. Spiritually He came for this purpose but physically it was too much to accomplish. Although He knew that the solution was to pray, He was too downcast to pray. He therefore had to fight the flesh by persistence;  And he went a little further, and fell  on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt: Matt.  26:39.

The lesson here is that our flesh will resist our desire to pray, but we must not give in to the push of the flesh. The more you feel like not praying, the more you should pray. This surely takes discipline but it is not impossible. Sometimes it is wisdom to join forces with someone in the place of prayer, a prayer partner or a mentor. You can occasionally join your church prayer warriors to strengthen your place of prayer. The book of Proverbs says, Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend: Prov. 27:17.

I have also learnt the act of prayer- walk as an effective means of overcoming weakness in the place of prayer. This helps especially to deal with sleep and tiredness when I have to pray. It could be a long or short distance, or even just pace around the hall of prayer. No price is too big to pay for an effective prayer life.

*  Ask the Lord to crucify the flesh in you, that you may radiate the life of Jesus as you stand in the sweet hour of prayer.
*  Ask for the strength of the Holy Spirit to overcome all weakness in the place of prayer.
* Ask for the spirit of grace and of supplication to come upon you.

I suck the milk of Gentiles and kings shall serve me in destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Men who Prayed like Jesus

Friday 22 September
READ: Jms. 5:13-20   
MORE LESSON:  1 Kings 18:41-46

The emphasis in the next few weeks is on the lessons from the prayer life of Jesus. This will enable us to have a fruitful prayer life. While we remain committed to this theme, we note that the New Testament, where the prayers of Jesus are found, also records how Elijah prayed like Jesus even though he lived before Christ came. James the Apostle refers to Elijah's prayer life as an example of what we ought to do.

Elias was a man subject to like  passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and  it rained not on the earth by the  space of three years and six months:  v.17. The first thing that should catch our attention is that Elijah was as human as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain, and it didn't rain for 3½  years (v.17). Often, we are deceived by the supernatural results of some great men both in Bible and in contemporary times, to think their exploits came because they were “supermen”. But Apostle James says Elijah was a fellow human being.

This is also true of the Lord
Jesus who was equally subject to the temptation and pain that we all go through, yet He paid the price of effective prayer life. We also ought to pray like they did. Jesus our Lord even says;
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that  believeth on me, the works that I do  shall he do also; and greater works  than these shall he do...: Jn. 14:12.

We can therefore conclude that if Jesus was a superman, His desire is that everyone also should be a superman like Him in the place of prayer, supernatural works, righteousness and all good works. God has not limited the number of supermen that can live; it is just a matter of how many can pay the price. We can pray like Jesus prayed if we choose to pay the price.

It is not enough to ask – “Where is the God of Elijah today?”. God is constant and available, what we must ask ourselves is, “Where are the men who can pay the price like Elijah and Jesus?”. When we add the price issue, we will find the result as in the days of old!

* Ask God for the strength and grace to pray effectively with great results.
* Pray that your weakness be replaced with strength in the place of prayer and for grace to be a superman on your knee.
*  Ask for the auction of the Holy Spirit whenever you approach the throne of God in prayer.

I will not drain, I will not run dry, I shall increase and multiply in grace and anointing till the end, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Praying Men

Thursday 21 September
READ: Mk. 1:32-35 
MORE LESSON:  II Kgs. 6:1-18

Today, our focus is on the records of praying men who were human as we are, yet they prayed through and left results that have lasted for generations. Their stories will kindle in us the interest in prayer. These men caught the fire when they asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. May your heart be stirred to pray, in Jesus’ name.

David Brainerd prayed in such agony of soul that his body became abnormal. He prayed and preached regularly to his native audience and although a drunken native interpreter, by prayer he led thousands to Christ. John Knox prayed until he became a terror to the Queen of England who said, “I fear the prayer of John Knox more than the whole army of Scotland!”  His constant cry was, “Lord, give me Scotland or I die”. God responded with a sweeping revival all over Scotland.

George Frox prayed until men were often afraid to look at his face as he came out of his prayer chamber. Charles Finney, after spending a day in prayer and fasting, preached at night to a phenomenally non-committed congregation. Great power came down, slaying all the congregation but one. They cried, repenting until the preacher stopped.

John Vassar was a man so successful that his pastor said about him, “He earnestly prayed day and night; he prayed for everything, and almost everybody he met. He prayed when he went out and when he came in. He prayed before every religious service and then prayed all the way through it…” Charles Sporgeon said that the secret of his power was ‘knee work! knee work!’ James Duncan said the secret is thirteen hours of consecrated prayers.

If Jesus Himself did not do less, who then shall we resemble with prayerlessness? And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. And when he rose up from prayer, and  was come to his disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow: Lk.  22:44-45.

What a contrast! Praying man and sleeping men! Praying men prevail but playing men lose. Pray, don't play!

*  Ask the Holy Spirit to stir your heart to pray with great results.
*  Ask God to also give you a testimony in the place of prayer as the men of old.
* Pray that God empower you to stand in the gab in prayer for action.

Farewell to downward trend, I'm going higher this month, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Pray or Perish

Wednesday 20 September
READ: Lk. 22:39-46  
MORE LESSON:  Josh. 9:3-16

The dangers of prayerlessness are numerous and whatever the cost of prayer, praying is still cheaper than the pains of prayerlessness. Jesus, at the Garden of Gethsemane, interrupted His crucial prayer to wake up the disciples to pray because He knew what prayerlessness could cost them;  ...when he rose up from prayer, and  was come to his disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow, And said unto them, Why sleep ye? rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation:   Lk. 22:45-46. 

Prayerlessness, in most cases, is a result of ignorance of the importance of prayer. God designed prayer for three major purposes among others.

1. Fellowship and communion with God; And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him: Gen. 5:24.
2. Receiving from God; Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: Matt. 7:7; Jn. 4:2.
3. Spiritual warfare; Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might: Eph. 6:10.

If we miss any of these we take an expensive irredeemable risk. Jesus Himself had no alternative to praying. Thus the Bible records; And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly...: v.44. Prayer, for Jesus, was a do or die affair and there is no other way to warn against prayerlessness than to sound the eternal warning: pray or die.   Joshua neglected prayer and he was denied. King David once pleaded with God: -
Consider and hear me, O LORD my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death: Psa. 13:3.

The disciples scattered as soon as Jesus was arrested (Mk. 14:50), their leader became a coward before a little maid (Mk. 14:68) and he ended up a backslider three days after Jesus' death (Jn. 21:1). All these happened because “their eyes were heavy” Mk. 14:40, while Jesus their Master was earnestly praying. Thank God Jesus prayed for them ahead of the evil days (Lk. 22:32) or else they would have been the greatest causalities of that event. Consequently they would have paid dearly for their prayerlessness and sleep of death.

* Ask that the driving force of prayer will make you victorious over life situations.
* Come against the spirit of prayerlessness.
*Ask God to anoint you for strength in the place of prayer.

The remaining days of this month and beyond shall be for my rejoicing, people will celebrate with me and Jehovah shall be glorified, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Unquenchable Thirst for Prayer

Tuesday 19 September
READ: Isa. 55: 1-6   
MORE LESSON:  Joel. 2:28-29

The conclusion of our study of Jesus' pattern of prayer therefore is to pray in order to find help to pray like Jesus prayed. We need His grace, unction, tenacity, and result. You must not stop asking for the power to pray until you can pray like Him, and pray till you see Him face to face. This thirst must not end until there is no more need to pray. Indeed, the more we pray, the more we must cry for help to pray. After all, Jesus still prays even now that He is at the right hand of the Father. In spite of His exploits on the earth, the wonderful reward for His works and the exalted throne He now occupies, He is still praying. So pray and continue to pray. God who gave Him grace will give you if you ask.

Prayer will change your night to day, move mountains, deal with the devil, connect you directly with the Father and keep you permanently at His right hand of power. Prayer reveals the secrets of God and men; it takes away your burden, pain and keeps you from sin. It has remained the secret of the success of many, including Jesus. Oh, that Jesus will teach and help us to pray. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, they were not asking for a one time capability.

They wanted something that they had seen in Jesus; they wanted the Spirit of prayer, not just one act, that made Jesus pray and pray. With Jesus now at the right hand of the Father, still making intercession, the Spirit of prayer will fall on any one who dares to ask.

Beloved, we have a standing promise in today's study. Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price: Isa. 55:1. I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me: Prov. 8:17.

He is a faithful God that promised, and He will meet every thirsty soul with abundance. For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring: And they shall spring up as among the grass, as willows by the water courses: Isa. 44:3-4.

Today, stand up and claim these promises and let the zeal of the Lord fall upon you. Welcome ye the spirit of prayer!

*  Declare, “Lord stir in me the thirst to pray and grant me all it takes to keep on praying as Jesus did.
* Ask God to baptize you with a fresh fire of prayer.
* Pray that the fire of prayer in you will not be quenched.

Every arrow of failure, pain, sudden death, and sympathy, I send you back to sender in the month of September, in the name of Jesus.

Until your Joy is Full

Monday 18 September
READ: Lk. 11:1-8  
MORE LESSON:  I Kgs. 18:42-46; Hab.2:1-3

Another matter to consider is the issue of never giving up in the place of prayer. Often, it may look like answer is not forthcoming and you are tempted to seek alternatives or give up hope entirely. We all pass through such experiences but never give up because there is no alternative to calling on God. Jesus, aware that such will always happen, gave the illustration in today's reading to teach us the need to be importunate in prayer.And he from within shall answer and say, Trouble me not: the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give thee: Lk. 11:7.

If by persistent asking the man got as much as he needed from his unwilling friend, how much more shall we obtain from our heavenly Father who has promised and is alive to keep His Word.

Daniel waited for 21 days;
But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia: Dan. 10:13. Elijah sent his servant seven times before a small cloud showed up, And it came to pass at the seventh time, that he said, Behold, there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, like a man's hand. And he said, Go up, say unto Ahab, Prepare thy chariot, and get thee down, that the rain stop thee not: I Kgs. 18:44.

Paul was on the high sea for fourteen days before an angel came to encourage him;
And when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared, and no small tempest lay on us, all hope that we should be saved was then taken away: Acts 27:20. None of these men stopped asking until their joy was full.

God’s store house is inexhaustible! You cannot finish it! That's why Jesus said, keep asking and asking and asking until you are satisfied, until your joy overflows its bank. However, we must ask in faith and according to His will.

The evidence of our faith is the patience we exercise until answers come, ...he that believeth shall not make haste: Isa 28 :16. Never give up praying until your joy is full. Remember, delay is not denial!

* Ask the Lord for the fullness of your joy.
* Pray that Heaven will rise up to intervene for you until your joy is full.
* Ask God for strength to PUSH (pray until something happens).

This week I will advance, take charge and reign on every side, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Ask, Seek, Knock

Sunday 17 September
READ: Matt.7:7-13   
MORE LESSON:  I Jn. 5:15-17

As we get close to rounding off this series on prayer, it's important to touch on a few vital matters, which are central to the issue of prayer. In one of His earliest teachings on prayer, Jesus teaches that prayer is about asking, seeking and knocking. The Lord also gives very strong and definite promises that for asking we shall receive, seeking we shall find and knocking it shall be opened to us (Matt. 7:7-8). This should inspire strong faith that whatever we ask in prayer shall be given. Jesus goes on to promise that everyone who asks receives - young or old, male or female, etc. Note that …he that seeketh findeth; whatever it is - spiritual, physical, academic, etc. Prayer provides the power to open and have access to all doors shut by the enemy, spirit or human. Also, …and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

However, you must seek the Lord with all your heart and ask according to His will; And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart: Jer. 29:13. Casual seekers don't find God. The seeking  must be determined and wholehearted, and the promise of God is sure; And I will be found of you...: Jer. 29:14. So don't stop asking, seeking and knocking because very soon, you will receive, find and the doors shall be opened to you, in Jesus' name. Today, you will receive answer; God will open the door when you knock and answer the calls you make, in Jesus' name.

It is important to note here that by this scriptures, assumption is not prayer. Many people assume that God should know their problem and just solve it because He is the Almighty God. God works by principles; His instruction is that you must ask. Until you do, you are not ready for solution. Blind Bartimaeus stood before Jesus, and though Jesus saw that he was blind, he still asked him, ...What wilt thou that I should do unto thee...: Mk. 10:51.

Most important of all is that anyone who comes to God must come in faith, believing for without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). The same faith that can heal headache is the same that heals cancer, HIV, TB, etc. It is all about asking our loving Father with whom nothing shall be impossible and asking in faith.

* Ask God for the power of the Holy Ghost to pray right.
* Pray that Heaven will reckon with your voice when you ask and open doors to you when you knock.
* Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you on how to pray effective prayers and not just noise.

Father, cut the supply and provision of every agent of the enemy to my life that they may lack the resources to work against my destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Pray without Ceasing

Saturday 16 September
READ: Lk. 21:32-38  
MORE LESSON:  Rom. 12:12; Acts 6:4

In today's Scripture reading Jesus did not call us only to pray, but to pray without ceasing. This may not mean to sit or kneel in a place of praying all day, but to develop an attitude of prayer as a normal way of life. Prayer should become like the air we breathe; when we stop praying we die, spiritually. Note that the attitude of prayer is also learnt like all other attitudes. No man was born a prayer warrior, but is made through rugged determination, regular and uninterrupted communion with God. We cultivate the act with passion until prayer becomes an attitude.

We can pray anywhere and at anytime, lifting our hearts in silent petition even while at work. We can pray in the Holy Ghost quietly and we must also create a specific time of prayer in definite places. To pray without ceasing is to pray when we feel like and when we don't feel like praying, until we begin to feel like praying when we are not praying. It is, ...continuing instant in prayer: Rom. 12:12. It is not considering anything too small or too difficult to pray about.

Ceaseless prayer is about being in tune with Heaven so much so that Heaven
can reach us without any difficulty anytime, anywhere. It is about living on earth but your heart is permanently in Heaven. Ceaseless prayer will make Heaven sit in your heart and your heart sit in Heaven. It is a lifestyle every believer must strive to attain because it is the desire of God for all His children.

Jesus did not only pray, He was constantly in prayer Himself. He prayed before, during and after meetings. He prayed day and night. He prayed in joy and pain. At Gethsemane, in great sorrow, He prayed. At Lazarus tomb, He prayed even on the cross He prayed and even interceded for men. He prayed so much that His

disciples came to ask Him to teach them to pray:
And it came to pass, that, as he was  praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John  also taught his disciples: Lk. 11:1.
If being God He prayed and prayed ceaselessly, we too must not do less than pray and pray ceaselessly.

*  Ask God to ignite your heart with the fire of prayer until your life becomes a prayer sanctuary.
*  Pray that you will not faint in the place of prayer.
* Lord God, help me to attain a life style of prayer, in Jesus’ name.

I decree the snare is broken, the chain is off, and it's a new day of escape and joy for my soul, in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Access to the Throne of God

Friday 15 September
READ: Psa. 23:1-6      
MORE LESSON:  John 14:19-21

Prayer is talking with God. If a man must not pray in vain, the first thing is to secure access to the throne where the God who answers prayer sits. Jesus' first lesson on prayer is instructive, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name...:  Lk. 11:2. The key to gaining access to the Father is relationship. Without this key factor one is locked out of God's presence and help, regardless of what a person does, including giving money, property, time and labour for God. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God...: Jn. 1:12.

The strongest relationship is that of redemption, and this is why the prayer of a sinner is an abomination to God. Many people reject Jesus as the Son of God but cry to Him as a  prophet. While others wallow in sin, they recite all the psalms in prayer; this is an exercise in futility. Even Jesus had access to God first as a Son. No man will enjoy prayer without this personal relationship of redemption. But if you acknowledge your sins, repent and accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour, you will have access to God and answers to prayer.

When prayer comes out of a relationship between the Father and His son, it is obviously different from any other type of request. At that point it's the Father's responsibility to provide and the right of the son to receive provision. When requests are made on such a platform, failure is limited and the possibilities are unlimited. Start a relationship with Jesus today by inviting Him into your life as the Lord and Saviour and see the door open to your requests.

The sheep in our reading today enjoys all the following benefits just because he has a relationship with the shepherd.
1. Never wants; v1
2. Green pastures and still waters; v2
3. Restoration and divine guidance; v3
4.Divine presence and safety; v4
5. A prepared table and an overflowing cup regardless of enemy activities; v5
6. A permanent assured goodness, mercy and more.

All these happen because of the relationship!
When you choose to be a sheep in Jesus' sheepfold, all of these and more in eternity await you. However, to be or not to be a sheep is a personal choice.

* Receive grace for access to God's throne always, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to grant you grace to have a consistent relationship with Him.
* Pray that you will find favour with God and men.

Every negative turn must turn again this month; they must turn positive, glorious and become a miracle and a celebration, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ignition Point

Thursday 14 September
READ: James 3: 2-13 
MORE LESSON:  I Pet. 3:10

Not all parts of the body have the command of life or death, the tongue has that power to kill or make alive (Prov. 18:21). The tongue is a powerful ignition point for life or for death. Many people suffer self- inflicted problems because of wrong use of the tongue. Several examples are in the Bible of how some individuals used their tongues and the consequences. Noah's son, Ham, saw the father's nakedness and made noise about it, inflicting a curse on him and his generations (Gen 9:20-27).

Miriam the sister of Moses did not control her tongue and ended up with leprosy. God does not want us to use our tongue to kill with the inbuilt power in it but rather to give life. Since the tongue has power and the Word of God has power, using the tongue to speak God's Word will release double life. Putting the Gospel on the tongue releases life to all that come in contact with such tongue. Conversely, Christians who are close-mouthed will never gain, rather they will lose. A refusal to proclaim the truth of the Gospel and God's Word produces death all around instead of life. Therefore begin to engage your tongue correctly henceforth.

Look at that contrary situation and turn it around by speaking God's truth to it. Speak God's Word about the economy and you will have abundance in the midst of recession. Speak what God is doing or what He will do. Walk by insight of God's Word not by sight to ignite the provisions of God in your life. Be careful with people who speak negative about everything and everyone because they will bring death around you instead of life. When you proclaim God's Word you build your power level and become acclaimed on the earth. The disciples proclaimed the Gospel and the whole world heard of them. What will you proclaim as you step out today? What will your words ignite as you speak to people? Make up your mind to ignite life and not death by your words.

Let the Gospel become your consistent language; it is your declaration of faith that God works on to produce great miracles. Some of the advantages of proclaiming the Word and the Gospel daily include: 1) Signs and wonders will be performed through you (Mk. 16:15-17). If you are not going, the signs will not follow. 2.)You enjoy and carry God's presence (Mk. 16:20). Therefore do not be a talebearer, be a Gospel bearer and God's glory will envelope you, obstacles will give way, and you will tread upon snakes and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy. 3.) You enjoy defence and protection. When you use your words to defend and lift others, you will enjoy the same. The gospel is goodnews and when you talk it good will follow you (I Pet.3:13).

Therefore make up your mind to use your tongue positively from today and you will see an eruption of light and life all around you. This would send darkness and death far from you.

* Ask God to consecrate your tongue as a life giving tool every moment.
* Declare that death will not flow from your tongue, in the name of Jesus.
* Ask for grace to form the habit of proclaiming God's Word, in Jesus’ name.

Father, give me a public victory that the heathen may see and join me to glorify You, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Back to Basics IV

Wednesday 13 September
READ: I Cor. 14:1-5     
MORE LESSON:  Mark 16:15-18

Those who have the basics have sweet experiences continually because they ensure a perpetual presence of God and the aura of His glory. Another of such vital continually needed asset is praying in tongues.  This is also made deliberately controversial by some in certain circles who teach that tongues are not for all children of God. But Jesus said that there are signs that His followers must possess, which include speaking in new tongues (Mark 16:17).

Our reading today clearly spells out the great benefits of having this as a permanent mark in our walk as Christians: 1) You speak to God when you speak in new tongues. This is an exclusive conversation between God and His child (I Cor.14:2). Demons cannot mess you up in this exercise because they don't know what you are speaking in the heavenly language. So speaking in tongues gives you an edge over satan and his demons. It is a mystery that puts you on top. 2) You edify yourself when you speak in tongues; you build up your spirit, mind and body. Spirit because by the spiritual language your spirit becomes stronger, mind because it helps clear your mind for direction and divine guidance and body because as you are quickened in the spirit by speaking in tongues, it lightens your body and helps you shake off excess psychological and emotional weight. 3) Apostle Paul desires all believers to speak in tongues implying it is of great benefit (I Cor.14:5). He even confessed that he spoke in tongues more than all the believers in the Corinthian Church at that time (v18). This clearly shows that speaking in tongues is of great benefit to the one who engages in it. 4) Speaking in tongues allows you to become God's sign provider to unbelievers. God uses His children's tongues to reveal the secrets of the hearts of unbelievers and that leads to conviction that makes them surrender to the Spirit of God (I Cor. 14:21-22).

Hindrances to speaking in tongues: 1) Lack of faith in what the Lord said about tongues can make you miss out of this glorious experience. Ask for it in faith and keep thanking Him for the manifestation. 2) Lack of thirst. Jesus said it is the man that is thirsty that drinks (Jn. 7:37-38). 3) Fear of mockery can deny you of this privilege, renounce fear and receive the gift with joy. 4) Sin is contrary to the Holy Spirit and tongues are the language of the Spirit. So to speak in new tongues renounce sin and the Spirit of God will give you tongues; 5) Ignorance of spiritual orderliness can hinder a flow in tongues. Be conscious of the order in any service and follow instructions promptly to exercise the gifts and increase in them. 6) Prayerlessness prevents manifestation and growth of the gift in a believer's life. Speak often to God with the little that comes from within you and you will increase daily. Fellowship often with God and you will enjoy the great benefits of speaking in tongues.

* Declare that you will not miss out of the blessing of speaking in tongues.
* Declare that as a believer, signs and wonders must manifest in your life from today.
* Ask God to draw you closer that you may know Him more, in Jesus’ name.

Whoever works against my destiny this year will reap the wind for harvest and their harvest of sorrow shall know no end, in the powerful name of Jesus.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Back to Basics III

Tuesday 12 September
READ: Acts 1:4-8  
MORE LESSON:  Jn.16:7-15

Another basic essential for you to be among the shining ones for God is the infilling with, immersion in and guiding influence of the Holy Spirit. Simply put, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is all important if a man will experience power positively without bowing to satanic agents. In our text Jesus spoke very clearly to His disciples, that power comes only at the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Today, some erroneously say that the Holy Ghost baptism was for the era of the apostles. But the Holy Ghost baptism is for the era of the Church. If you are saved and Jesus dwells in your heart by faith then you are part of the Church and you cannot experience power without the Holy Ghost baptism.

We were told in the past by those who followed us up that after salvation experience the next thing to go for is Holy Ghost baptism with or without water baptism. We were told that we needed power to live the Christian life and that power comes only when we are baptised in the Holy Spirit.

Even the disciples could not proceed further in what Jesus sent them to do until they were endued with power from above. It's a basic requirement for being true witnesses for God. The Lord Jesus Himself did not preach without the power, And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee.... Luke 4:14.

A man of God once said that Christianity is a burden without the Holy Spirit, colourless, without form and void (Gen.1:2). The Holy Spirit makes comfort a reality; He is called the Comforter because He shows and leads to the truth that sets free. It is when men are set free that they are truly comfortable. There is no manifestation of the gifts without the Holy Spirit, that's why they are called the gifts of the Spirit (I Cor.12). These gifts are not meant for some but all, But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal: I Cor.12:7. One will stay forever at the realm of envying those who are manifesting the gifts until one gets baptised and be available and willing for the Holy Spirit to use for the works of God.

The Holy Spirit is the Communicator of the secrets of God (I Cor.2:10) and He connects to the wisdom of Heaven. He helps us kill the deeds of the flesh by destroying the chaff of sin and purify us as gold (Matt.3:10; 12). This is also why living in sin must be totally avoided to be baptised and used by the Spirit of God. The holiness is not just a title; it's the very nature of God. When you keep indulging in any sin, the Spirit of God will avoid you and will not work through you.
Is this basic in place in your life? Are you full of power by the Spirit of God? If not you'll likely be mesmerised by the false prophets and deceivers of the end time. Get filled with the Spirit, the world waits for your manifestation in righteous acts of greatness for God's glory.

*  Ask God for fresh fire of the Holy Spirit for signs and wonders in your generation.
* Ask for the refilling of the Holy Spirit for effective witnessing of the gospel.
* Ask that you will walk daily by the Spirit of God, in Jesus’ name.

What I stretch and struggle for will come to my hand today without stress, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Back to Basics II

Monday 11 September
READ: Psa. 119: 9-16 
MORE LESSON:  Psa. 119: 97-104

The second basic ingredient that makes shining a reality and greatness touchable is the place of the Word of God in a man's life. To keep darkness out and increase the intensity of the light, one must give the Word of God priority in one's life. The entrance of thy words giveth light...: Psa. 119:130, implying that the more the Word of God enters the more light you have. David boldly declared, I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditations: Psa.119:99. King David had such a testimony because he didn’t neglect the basics for other duties, as busy as he was. David had his priorities well arranged. He knew that where there is no wood, the fire goes out.

We are in the days when thick darkness covers people. One of the ways to escape the darkness is to create quality time for the Word of God. The Word of God is the source of faith to be able to shine in this world and to receive crowns and rewards eternally, So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God: Rom.10:17. The more you stay in the place of hearing the Word of God (on devices, at meetings etc) and you believe the Word along with obeying/applying what you hear, the more faith is produced in your life. The more faith you have, the more God shows up in your life that makes you experience the miraculous and the more giant strides you take out of smallness into greatness.

Ensure that you are occupied with the Word, ...The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart...That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved: Rom.10:8-9. The first place is your heart, keep the Word in your heart as you read it or hear it, believe the Word in your heart. Some people read the Word like a story book, immediately they close the book, they forget what they read and it’s business as usual. That's not the way to handle God's Word and get results. The Word must be stored in the heart by reading,  memorisation and meditation for understanding, and  for application at any point in time.

Confess the Word with your mouth. Say what God's Word says in every situation, not what the environment or circumstance says. What audacity has the Word to be what you confess in every circumstance? The audacity of God, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God: Jn.1:1. Confessing the Word brings God into a situation and when God is involved, satan and darkness have to run away!

When you constantly keep the Word of God in your heart and confess it, God will move mightily in your life. You will be greatly relevant where you work and where you live.

* Ask God to help you value His Word as  the basic building blocks for your life.
* Destroy all hindrances to the power and effect of the Word in your life.
* Declare the Word of God will work for you, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Today, I prophesy a celebration that swallows up my past pain and turns my mourning to dancing all through the year, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Back to Basics I

Sunday 10 September
READ: Jn.1:1- 4     
MORE LESSON:  Jn.10:1-5

The greatest addition you can have in life is not just from what you do but what you are. In the scientific world or in any creative/manufacturing world you cannot produce when you don't have the raw materials. You cannot invent if you do not have the basics. Another way to explain this truth is that without the ingredients there is no delicious food. What God has said about you can only be a reality when you put in the ingredients appropriately; simply put: “go back to the basics”.

It is very obvious that as the intensity of light increases, the less darkness is seen. The more the correct ingredients are put in food in the right proportion, the tastier the meal. Get your life full of light by putting in the basics. Shining light is spiritual and part of the instructions of the Lord to His people, Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven: Matt.5:16. You get your spirit right by putting in the basics.

Some believers erroneously think that because seasons and times change, the principles of God also change. But not so, God’s truths and principles are timeless. Spiritual basics are timeless truths for changing times. What are these basics that must not shift, sink or change in the face of these changing times? The first is staying in the place of prayer. This includes personal quiet times before the Lord, deliberate appointments with God in closet prayer and periods of waiting upon the Lord in fasting and prayer along with the congregational forum of prayer.

One of the ills affecting so many people today is that they claim that God does not speak to them. Some even claim that God only speaks to special people like the pastors, prophets and evangelists. But God is not partial; if He speaks to one then He is ready to speak to all His children. The real issue is that God's children do not create time for personal prayers to cultivate listening to God. He speaks! The Bible shows that God speaks to His people. Are you willing to hear His voice? Are you ready to train your spirit to hear Him? Then He will reveal Himself to you.

Many are falling prey to false prophets and diviners today because of lack of direction and guidance. Having regular times of prayer to listen to God and speak to Him will deliver one from the deception and ignorance of the time. When last did you have time alone with God? Go back to the basics. There is no short cut to it. God has the blueprint for every man's life as the Maker of all men, which becomes reality only by the bridge and instrument of prayer. Today, there are several people living other people's destinies because they refuse to take theirs in the place of prayer. For such people life is frustrating and bitter. Get back to the basics, pray until His will comes clear to you and you will shine.

* Ask God to renew  your personal commitment to prayer from today, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to help you never to turn your back on biblical basics, in Jesus’ name.
*Declare that as you follow God's instructions your light will shine for the world to see, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Oh Lord, arise today and declare them dead that seek my life to terminate it, as in the case of Jesus versus Herod, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, September 9, 2017


Saturday 9 September
READ: 1 Sam.17:34-37 
MORE LESSON:  John 10:17-18

The Cambridge Advanced Dictionary defines commitment as being “willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in, or a promise”. It also says “commitment is about firm decision to do something”. Commitment is the willingness and readiness to give all that it takes (time, talent, energy, etc) to accomplish a task. True commitment requires all of you and all that you have. There is therefore no half allegiance or divided loyalty. Where such is found, there is no true commitment.

True commitment does not anticipate a physical reward. Rather, it takes a conscious decision to be committed and stay committed in the absence of incentives, appreciation and remuneration. True and total commitment is like putting a 'yoke' on yourself with respect to a responsibility. Men who have committed their body to Jesus, for example, seemingly put a yoke on themselves that Christ shall be magnified in their body, in life and in death (Phil.1:20). When a prophecy came to a notable prophet, Agabus, about the impending troubles awaiting Apostle Paul if he dared go to Jerusalem, the people began to cry and persuade Paul to put off his ministerial assignment to Jerusalem, Then Paul answered: What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus: Acts 21:13.

There is a call to commitment today in the body of Christ. The call is for all, irrespective of age and sex (Isa.55:1-4, 6; Matt. 11:29-30; Deut.10:12). God particularly placed a demand on young people because they possess peculiar qualities that make commitment easy.  Young people have capacity for vision, passion/zeal, strength, devotion, opportunity, and fidelity. Where are the young men and women who will take the bull by the horn and be the Phinehas (Num.5:6-13), Joshua (Exo. 24:13), David (1Sam.17:26) and Mary (Lk.1:27-29) of this generation?

People who take up the yoke of commitment will wear the robe of honour and glory. Their names are always registered in the hall of fame. Even if they are crushed by the weight of commitment, they are never forgotten, as they remain examples for many generations. More importantly, they are given a glad welcome into their eternal home above with a promise, ...Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord: Matt. 25:21. Dare to obey the call to commitment today and you will doubtless enter into honour and glory.

* Lord, pour fresh grace upon me today for righteous living, in Jesus’ name.
* I pledge my allegiance to You, to serve you with all my strength and with all that I have. So help me God, in Jesus’ name.

Today is 9-9-2017, my blessing shall be double, I shall live and operate on repeated blessings all through the year, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Be a Courageous Soul Winner III

Friday 8 September
READ: Psa. 126:5-6  
MORE LESSON:  Matt.28:18-20

Soul winning is an art, which is perfected by regular practice, following a method adjudged most effective. If you do not know the method, you will struggle to get good results. The Scripture reading today outlines basic methods for effective soul winning, and you must courageously master them.

1. He who continually goes forth...: Soul winning requires going out to meet sinners. There are two types of outing: formal and informal. In formal outing, you go out purposefully to meet sinners and preach the gospel to them. In informal outing, you take advantage of a discussion, occasion or event, a problem or a need in the life of a sinner to talk to him about Jesus.

2. ...goes forth weeping...: This speaks about compassion. Your mission is that of rescuing the sinner from fire (Jude 1:23). You must be purposeful in your discussion, serious in business, compassionate and appealing.

3. ...Bearing seed for sowing...: This has to do with preaching the Word  of God. Souls are never won by rhetoric, logic or argument. 1Pet.1:23 says men are born again by the Word of God. Don't go into politics, economics, or world events. If you must, only cite them to buttress what the Bible says.

4. ...Shall doubtless come again...: Be rest assured that if you go out for soul winning, you will not be consumed in the exercise; you shall doubtless return, testifying like the disciples did, And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.  And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you: Lk.10:17-19.

5. ...with rejoicing...: Be full of excitement before and after every outing whether a soul is won on that day or not (Lk.10:17). If a soul is not won, you have sown a seed. Someday, you will see the travail of your soul and you shall be satisfied (Isa.53:11).

6. ...Bringing his sheaves...: Expect results when you go out. You may not win everyone you speak to each time you go out, but you will win some. So expect positive response and round off your conversation by inviting the sinner to Christ.

Go into the assignment of soul winning with this understanding, and your harvest will be plenteous.

* Lord Jesus, help me to win souls for the Kingdom with ease and joy, in Jesus’ name.
* Make up your mind on who to preach to today (in your office/business place etc) and pray for that person by name that the Word will make impact in his life, in Jesus’ name.

As the king could not sleep in the days of Mordecai until he released Mordecai, so shall the helper of my destiny be restless today until he blesses me, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Be a Courageous Soul Winner II

Thursday 7 September
READ: John 4:31-38  
MORE LESSON:  Ezek.18:20-22

Jesus asked His disciples to look around and see that souls are ripe for harvest (John 4:35). What Jesus referred to as the white field ready for harvest was the souls of men. Jesus knew He was going to defeat Satan on the cross, break the devil’s yoke and destroy every work of slavery over men. He knew he was going to flung open the gates of hell and the power of sin over men would be broken forever, so that it would become easier for men to be saved and serve the Lord God. As for the kingdom of God, the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus were going to usher in the seemingly unending season of harvest of souls of men. Harvest time, though a period of rejoicing for farmers, is actually one of their busiest times. It is a time of serious labour because it takes much labour to bring in a great harvest.

A great harvest requires a farmer’s careful planning, skilled labour, dedication, and courage. A farmer can be intimidated and frustrated in the midst of a great harvest, especially if he lacks the hands, tools, skill and wisdom that are necessary to do the work. There are also enemies of the harvest who, out of envy, are determined to corrupt the field. Therefore, everyone who is blessed with a great white field must do everything possible within the season to bring in the harvest from the field. The first step towards overcoming the intimidation and hindrances to soul winning is a realisation of the worth of a soul; and the risk of dying without Jesus.

The Scripture says, For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matt.16:26. The implication of this scripture is that the wealth of the entire universe put together is not worth the value of a soul. Sinners are offenders and are in danger of being cast into hell fire. Jesus said, at the fullness of time, The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth: Matt.13:41-42. Furthermore, God said the soul that commits sin shall die unless he turns from his wicked ways (Ezek.18: 20-22). 

You have a responsibility to warn and rescue sinners from dying and going to hell. According to the Scripture, when you fail to warn a sinner and he dies in his sin, you will be liable to judgement too, When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul: Ezek.3:18-19. Be courageous to save your soul and the souls of sinners.

* Lord forgive my failure to preach the gospel and the blood guilt of those who slipped through my hands to hell, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive courage to preach the gospel of salvation to all men, in Jesus’ name.

Today will be for honour, fulfilment and all-round joy for me, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Be a Courageous Soul Winner I

Wednesday 6 September
READ: Acts 1:5-8 
MORE LESSON:  Psa. 126:5-6

One of the principal assignments that Jesus gave His disciples (and the Church) when He was going to Heaven was for them to be His witnesses (to testify of Him) to all people throughout the world. Those who believe in Jesus are to preach the gospel of the saving power of His name to all people and teach them to believe and call upon the name of Jesus. The preaching of the gospel is to create room for men, who are cut off from the life of God because of sin, to turn back to God; it is to win lost souls. The assignment is to rescue men who are under the bondage of Satan. Any rescue assignment requires courage in the face of opposition, intimidation, frustration and contradiction.

There are obvious reasons why courage is required. 1) All men who are not saved are under the influence of the power of Satan (Eph.2:2-4; Col. 1:13; 2 Cor.4:3-4). There is a force beyond the physical that holds sinners down in sin, and covers their eyes of understanding. They are dead in sin and trespasses, and to resuscitate a dead man under the watch of the captors is a daunting task.
2) The devil who enslaves sinners is a strongman carrying arms, watching over his slaves. The Scripture rightly acknowledges that you cannot enter into the strongman's house and plunder his goods without first fighting and defeating the man (Mark 3:27).

3) Man has both spiritual and natural fundamental right of choice. He has the right to freely choose who he will serve (Josh.24:15) and face the consequences of his choice. No man is permitted to impose his will on another, thus you can only attempt to persuade one another. To do this, courage is required.
4) The social, economic, political and spiritual status of some men can be intimidating, and it prevents them from being easily reached with the gospel of salvation. In some places there are institutionalised barriers in form of laws that hinder the preaching of the gospel. You will have to break through their walls and barriers to reach them, which needs courage.

In order for the job of soul winning to be done in the face of opposition and to be effective in the assignment, God poured out the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. It is therefore true to say that one of the primary purposes the believers are filled with the Holy Spirit is to preach the gospel with all power and effect. If you are filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongue, you are already equipped to stand for the gospel. You must now arise and courageously take up the assignment bringing in the sheaves and you will enjoy the benefits (Psa. 126:5-6). You will not be consumed in the assignment. You shall doubtless return with results as the early disciples did in their days.

* Lord, thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit. I will arise and take up the assignment for which you gave me the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive courage to win souls for the kingdom of God, in Jesus’ name.

This month, no second is allowed for any evil memorial, I send all the enemies packing, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Glorious Light

Tuesday 5 September
READ: Matt. 5:14-16  
MORE LESSON:  Mal.3:1-4

The Bible says that you are the light of this world. Light has glory that radiates and fills everywhere with illumination and beauty. When light comes, darkness disappears; that is the glory of light. However, there is something you need to know about light. When you look at light from the sun, it appears white in colour but in reality a white ray of light actually has seven colours.  A white ray of light consists of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet colours. Nevertheless, you can't see those colourful expressions until you pass the white light through certain media like lens, water or glass. In other words, until you pass a ray of light through certain media, you cannot see how really glorious it is. When you pass it through these media then the beauty, glory and colour of the light comes out.

Jesus understood all these when He said that you are the light of the world. Some believers look at their lives and say, 'I am not glorious. There is nothing glorious about me.' But today, I want to let you know that you are highly glorious, you only need to be passed through certain media for the glory to express itself.

One prayer that you should begin to pray until you see the full manifestation of glory in your life is, 'Father, whatever You need to do to me so that Your glory will be fully seen in my life, please do it.' However, as you pray this prayer, you need to be pre-informed that some of those things that need to be done to you will be painful while others will be pleasurable, some will be things you love while others might be things you do not like.

But I believe that if you want to see your glory come forth, you wouldn't mind allowing God to do all that it takes to bring out the inherent glory from inside you. I pray that whatever God needs to do to you for His glory to manifest in your life, He will not spare you, in Jesus’ name. It is not everybody that will like that prayer, as some may think it is a curse but in actual sense, it is a blessing. You should learn how to pray that God should do to you everything it takes to bring out your glory. When you sincerely pray, God will orchestrate situations to bring out glory from your life.

However, apart from the things God needs to do, there are things you also have to do for your glory to come out. You need also to pray for God to open your eyes to the responsibilities that you need to assume for your glory to manifest and also ask Him for grace to perform those responsibilities. You are a light in your generation and your glory will come out by all means, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that from today the glory and beauty in you will begin to manifest, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to make the glory of His light to be seen in you always, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened to know and fulfil the demands of shining gloriously

I redeem my month from every evil, I shall be a victor, not a victim, the blood of Jesus guarantees this, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Your Prosperity: God's Pleasure

Monday 4 September
READ: Isa. 61: 3 - 11 
MORE LESSON:  Psa. 35: 27

Your prosperity is the pleasure of God. God is joyful when He sees you doing well in all areas of your life. In case you want to know God's will for your life, 3 John 2 shows you in clear terms, Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. Prosperity is God's will for you, advancement and good health are His desire for you. 

Some people say that God wants them to be poor or sick in order to teach them humility and holiness but that is a lie of the devil. God is so greater than you that He doesn't need you to be poor so that you can humble yourself before Him. No matter how rich you become, you cannot be as rich as God, so why would He want you sick, poor or beggarly so that you can respect Him as being above you? Get as prosperous as you can, God is not intimidated; He is happy when you are blessed.

Do you know that your well-being is as important to God as your holy living? Your holiness pleases God (Heb. 12: 14) and your prosperity gives Him pleasure (Psa. 35: 27). Job 36:11 says, If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures. God says those that obey and serve Him will live in prosperity and pleasure; that Bible verse is talking about you.  From today, delete the mentality of poverty and smallness from you. Say to yourself that you will be wealthy and thereby glorify God. There is a promise of prosperity for your life as Isa. 61:5-6 says, And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the alien shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers. But ye shall be named the Priests of the Lord: men shall call you the Ministers of our God: ye shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory shall ye boast yourselves.

As a man thinks in his heart so he is ( Prov. 23: 7a), so today reject thoughts of poverty, stagnancy, smallness and meager living. Choose to make progress, choose to be successful; choose to be wealthy and healthy. As you make these decisions and you back them up with proper practice of God's principles of success, greatness and wealth, I declare that you will spend your days in prosperity and your years in pleasure, in Jesus’ name.

* Reject every thought of poverty, stagnancy and smallness from your destiny, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare that you will spend your days in prosperity and your years in pleasure, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that prosperity will not be strange to you, in the mighty name of Jesus .

Today I am exempted from any stray bullet; I connect with the blessing of the day and stop the evil therein, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Born to Burn II

Sunday 3 September
READ: Lk. 3:16   
MORE LESSON: Jer. 20:9

Man is the only kind of being that God can become; he is the only creation that is in God's image and likeness at the same time. Jesus demonstrated that perfectly. Though the Word of God, he abandoned the everlasting glories of heaven and stepped down from eternity, into time. He suited in flesh from the dressing room of Mary's womb. John's Gospel puts it like this, And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us…. John 1:14. The implication of this truth is that man is the only being that can become like God. The Fire of God is the exclusive reserve of mankind; no other creature can partake in the fiery nature of God. That's a powerful truth.

We established yesterday that although by our fireless adamic nature we were doomed to fail, now we see through the eyes of John the Baptist, that God, the  Flaming Fire of eternity Himself, became a man so that men like Him can become burning ones. This was one of the most pivotal assignments of Jesus, as declared by the greatest man born of a woman; . …he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire: Lk. 3:16. He did not just restore what we lost in Adam; He gave us what we never had before. II Cor 5:17 describes believers in Jesus Christ as beings that never existed before; new, not repaired or revamped. Nobody has seen creatures like us before. We are new on
the scene of creation. Hallelujah! All these and more, because of the fire of the Holy Spirit that's in us and burns through us, which Adam did not have the slightest clue about in all his original glory.

There is a fire that only those who have encountered the Holy Ghost can talk about. You cannot fake it, neither can you contain it. It will spark passion and power for incredible feats in the spirit and in the natural. A million poets cannot describe it because its essence is only communicated by experience. It is impossible to stand out without the Fire.

There will be no healing, deliverance or mighty outpouring for cold, indifferent Christians. God promised us Jesus and delivered; Jesus promised us the Holy Ghost and delivered; the Holy Ghost carries fire and delivers every day! There are no shades of grey; you're either hot on Holy Fire or drowning in lukewarmness. You are either God's burning one or a ready stubble for evil flames. You might not want the Holy Ghost right now but you cannot do without His Fire. It is said of the great man of God, John Wesley, when he was asked the secret of his success in ministry he said, “I set myself on Fire and people come to watch me burn”. Those are the words of one born to burn. What is your testimony?

*  I denounce and severe myself from anything  that is not like Jesus, in Jesus’ name.
* Tell Jesus to visit the corridors and altars of your heart and life with coals of Fire.
*  Declare that everything around you must catch Holy Fire and every strange fire is put out unconditionally.

This month every red sea will dry up for me, the jordan will flee and jericho will fall, it's my season of testimonies, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Born to Burn I

Saturday 2 September
READ: Gen. 1:1-9, 2:6-7         
MORE LESSON: Heb. 12:28-29

The beginning of the Bible, especially Genesis 1:2 reflects an ancient belief that all things are composed of some combination of earth, fire, wind and water. Ancient Judaism believed that the four cosmic elements were not seen as mere building blocks; they were believed to control the very nature of man and matter. Subsequently, the four elements laid the base for alchemy and medicine until the 17th century. Moving on from that historical background to an elemental approach to Gen. 1:2 shows that before creation two [Earth and Fire] of the four elements were missing. There was no Earth; And the earth was…void…, no Fire – that's why …darkness was upon the face of the deep… but there was Air, And the Spirit of God moved….   The Hebrew word for Spirit - Ruach is translated as Winds; and there was Water, the face of the waters.

If you dare to get a firm grip of the above analysis, then move on a chapter ahead to Gen. 2:6-7, where a pattern of these cosmic elements reappear in the make-up of the created man. A mist of water moistened the whole surface of the earth, (v6); God formed man out of the moist earth/dust and then released divine breath/wind into man (v7). So, it's safe to say that till this point, man was made up of air/wind, water and earth. But here comes the missing link; no fire was introduced in making the first Adam. He
lacked Holy Fire.

This missing fire code explains every human error, mistake and flaw from the ancient past in Gen. 3 till Acts 2 when the Fire fell. Deut. 4:24 tells us why; For the Lord thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God. Since God is fire, it will be impossible for any of us to fulfil the law of God, please God by faith or walk with Him without being filled, that is carrying the same composite element that God does – Fire. More than Dust, more than Wind, more than Earth, only the Fire-man can approach God.

This is why we must stop blaming Eve for falling to the devil temptation. She fell because what it takes to stay afloat the water line of evil is the exact cosmic element she wasn't wired with. If she didn't do it, you can trust that Abel's elder brother Cain or any member of his wicked generation would have. Satan has enough comrades down through the thread of mortal genealogy to become his tool for that evil work because all humanity was without Fire. It is Good for us that it happened on time, or we would not have started our journey to the cross to meet with Jesus, the baptizer with Fire. This is the advantage of Christianity. It is more than a religion; it is a life of Fire. Are you burning with Holy Fire? What sets your heart on fire?

*  Ask Jesus to baptize you  with a fresh dose of the Holy Ghost  Fire.
*  Speak thunderously in the Holy Ghost for the next few moments until you feel the flames of divine fire.
*  Declare that you are  burning  and everything around you must catch Holy Fire.

September will work wonders for me and my family, we shall walk in the fullness of God's provision, in the mighty name of Jesus.