Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The two Men and their Names

Tuesday 31 October
READ: Luke 16: 19 – 31   
MORE LESSON: Rev. 20: 15

The story in the text is about two men; a poor and a rich man. The poor man had a name that Heaven recognised; the Bible records that his name was Lazarus. The name of the rich man, on the other hand, was not recognised in Heaven; he was merely referred to as 'the rich man'. In the world today, to be called 'the rich man' seems to be a very good name. But, no matter how nice a name sounds, if the name is not recognised in Heaven, it is not yet a good name. The Bible says, a good name is better than precious ointment, and the day of death than the day of one's birth: Eccl. 7:1.

We should pursue a good name. Really, the best name that a man can have is a name that is written in the Book of Life. It is good to do things that give you a good name on earth but beyond that, the best you can do for your name is to get it into the Book of life. The issue of your name being in the Book of life becomes more and more crucial even as the day of a man’s death approaches with every passing second. Lazarus had a good name written in Heaven while the rich man's name was unknown in Heaven. For the two men in the story, it was death that eventually revealed the true value of their names. Similarly for every man, it is death that will reveal whether you have a good name or not.

The two men in this story died; just as everyone reading this will, if Jesus tarries. The rich man died and he was buried with fanfare with which a rich man's burial is always associated. Lazarus died and the Bible doesn't say how he was buried or not buried. But the Bible tells us that Lazarus woke up in Abraham's bosom while the rich man found himself in hell. We must never forget that, ...it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment: Heb. 9:27 (NKJV).

There is life after death; and all that makes the difference is where your name is written. It doesn't matter the name you bear here on earth as much as where your name is written in Heaven. If a man's name is 'governor' or 'president' here on earth and the name is written in the Government House but it is not written in the Book of life, the man is in a very precarious situation. The timeless questions that you have to answer are. “Is your name known in Heaven? Is it written in the book of life?” Accept Jesus into your life today, confess your sins and receive forgiveness through His Blood. Then ask Him to write your name in the Book of Life. As you do this, your eternity is secure in Jesus.

*Pray that you will have a good name that Heaven recognises.
*Make use of this opportunity to decide for Jesus now.
*Pray that your name will be written in the Book of life.

Thank You Lord for October, this last 24 hours will deliver and announce my day, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Monday, October 30, 2017

The Blood Covenant

Monday 30 October
READ: Zech. 9: 11 – 12   
MORE LESSON:  Deut. 18: 10

God drove the inhabitants of Canaan out of the land so that He could give it to the children of Israel. God replaced the people that were living in the land of Canaan because of their sins and wickedness. I pray that your place in destiny will never be given to another, in Jesus’ name. One of the reasons why God replaced the inhabitants of the land was because of their wicked practices of witchcraft and making their sons and daughters to pass through fire (Deut. 18: 10).

In those times, fire and blood were used in making covenants. Men would pass through the midst of fire or blood of an animal cut asunder when they were to make a covenant. The implication of this action was that anyone who broke the covenant is bound to a vow that the way the blood of the animal was mercilessly shed, so would his blood also be shed. Similarly, in making a covenant by fire, they were agreeing that if anyone should break the covenant, fire should consume and destroy him. Blood or fire covenants are severe and dangerous; God therefore forbids His children from entering into such covenants. Many of the covenants made by men in the world are backed by demons and evil spirits. This is the reason children of God should not be involved in any covenant except the Covenant of the Blood of Jesus that has been made for us.

Blood covenants are very strong and except God breaks them, no man can. Blood covenant affects people through many generations. It is the cause of reoccurring misfortune, barrenness, incurable sickness and even untimely death in many lives and families. Many people are ignorantly suffering the consequence of the blood covenants entered into by ancestors in their family line. Until such covenants are broken, the effect continues in the lives of the children. Ancestral covenants are the reasons for so much oppression, stagnation and ill-luck in many lives today. Unfortunately, many of these victims are unaware that they are prisoners of demonic covenants and they sometimes just joke about the incidents plaguing their lives.  

However, there is a way of escape through the greater Covenant made by the superior Blood that silences all the other blood covenants. According to today’s text, it is by the blood of the covenant of Jesus that all prisoners are released from the pit that they have been put by negative covenants. The Covenant of the Blood of Jesus is the antidote to all evil blood covenants. When you engage the power of the Blood of Jesus, it will silence all blood covenants that might be speaking against you. Heb. 12: 24 says, And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.

*By the Blood of Jesus, invoke life on your destiny.
*Pray that the Covenant Blood of Jesus Christ will not fail over your life.
*Pray that the riches of Jesus’ Blood will not be absent from your life.

Father, one more day to the end of October, remember me Oh my God, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Prodigal Ones

Sunday 29th October
READ: Luke 15:11-23 
MORE LESSONS: I Sam 2:12-17, 22-25

A man had two children and the younger one demanded for his part of  the inheritance from the father. The son was, more or less, telling the father that if he was not ready to die, he should at least give him (the son) his share of inheritance. The father let the son have his way because he realized that nothing could dissuade him from the path he was bent on taking. The only thing that can make some people to repent of their adamant choices is the repercussion of their wrong direction. It is right to continue to pray for them while you allow them to face the consequence of their willful wrong decision.

The prodigal son, who had been raised by a righteous father went parting and carousing with strange women until he was reduced to nothing. It was while living with pigs in a pen and scrambling with them for food that he realized that all his father has been telling him was right. He repented and came home. The father sighted him from afar on his return journey, which shows that the father was daily looking across the road, expecting and praying for the son to come back home.

Eli, the priest of God, also had two children - Hophni and Phinehas. They ministered with him in the temple but deliberately chose the way of destruction. They defiled God’s offerings and the women in the temple. They obstinately rebelled against the law of God and refused their father’s correction. Eventually the father gave up on them and left them for destruction.

When God told Samuel the judgment that would fall on Eli’s family, Eli replied, ‘He is God, let him do whatever he pleases’
(I Sam. 3:18). If Eli knew the anguish that awaited him, he would have cried to the Lord for mercy and raise his children with a strong hand to get them back to the Lord in repentance.

There are times you allow prodigal ones have their way because when the repercussion comes, it will come on everybody. When the judgment of the Lord came on Eli’s family, his children were destroyed and Israel lost a battle where more than 4,000 men died. Eli broke his neck and died. His daughter-in-law heard the sad news and had induced birth-pangs which resulted in her death. After giving birth to a son-who she named Ichabod because the glory of the Lord departed from the whole land of Israel and the ark of the covenant was ceased by the enemy. All these happened in one day.

There is mercy for prodigal children but the choice is theirs whether they will end up restored like the younger son or they will be destroyed like Eli’s children. You will not suffer destruction, in Jesus name. Just like the father of the prodigal son, God is still waiting and hoping that every lost child will return because He is willing to take them back.

• Ask God to restore those who have left the faith and turned to the world
• Ask God not to allow you go your own way but guide you in His will by His mercy.
• Pray that you will not be lost forever.

King Saul made a mistake that destroyed his throne, Esau made a mistake that took away his father’s blessing, I shall escape every moment of error and mistake, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Unlimited God

Saturday 28 October
READ: Mark 11:22-23    
MORE LESSONS: Jer. 32:27

Our God is an unlimited God. His ability and power are unlimited and therefore His promises are unlimited. There is no other person that can make unlimited promises. If he risks it people will keep asking him what he cannot give them. Even the richest person on the earth cannot say, ‘Ask me anything’, Because he might be asked what he has no capacity to give, and he will be put to shame. Only God is unlimited.

Isa. 7:11 says, Ask me a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or the height above. Only God can make such a bold declaration; He says to ask Him anything, in the deepest deep or in the highest heaven; He can give it to you. God is unlimited and wants you to be unlimited like He is.

God’s desire is not for only Him to be unlimited but for you to also be unlimited. You become unlimited when you connect with God’s ‘unlimitedness’. Luke 1:37 says, For with God nothing shall be impossible. That is being unlimited; God is unlimited because nothing is impossible with Him. Nothing, in this context, means nothing. In Mathew 17:20, Jesus was speaking to His disciples and He told them… for verily I say unto you, if ye have faith as a gain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Jesus let the disciples know that when they exercise faith in God, they have God’s ‘unlimitedness’ and nothing can be impossible unto them.

Nothing is impossible with God and nothing is impossible with the believers. The believer rises into the God-class when he exercises faith in God. Therefore, by believing in the unlimited God, you equally become as unlimited as He is.

Jesus is saying to you today,… Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith: Mark 11:22-23. You can have all that you want. All it takes is to become unlimited by connecting in faith with the Unlimited One.

*Praise the All Sufficient God, and give thanks for His great deeds in your life.
* Pray that as you connect your faith with God, His unlimited resources shall be made available unto you.
* Declare that you shall be as unlimited as God.

From today, I shall go from strength to strength, no weakness, no downward trend, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Steal No More

Friday 27th October
READ: Eph. 4:28
MORE LESSONS: I Tim. 6:6-11

There was a man who took his son to farm to gather their harvest. The son duly followed as the man walked to another man’s farm; he looked left and right, front and back to see if anyone was coming. When he realized that no one was watching, he quickly dug some yams, put them in a basket and told the son to carry them and follow him. The son said, ‘Daddy, you looked left and right, front and back, but didn’t you look up? Why didn’t you check if God was looking?’

We cannot make it in live by taking things that do not belong to us. No one ever amount to anything great in destiny and eternity through stealing. This is the reason the Bible says, He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hand, that he may have something to share with those in need; Eph. 4:28 (NIV). A scriptural antidote to stealing is hard work. Since you don’t want to steal, you must decide to work with your hands for all that you need. When you are very productive, you rise above stealing. People only steal what they believe they are incapable of producing. Even big time thieves who steal public funds do because they believe they will never be able to make those billions by their own productivity and ingenuity. So they steal as the easy way out. The world respect productive people but despises thieves.

Greed and lust for things cause steeling. This is why we must learn to be contented with everything we have. Some people have so much but still continue stealing;  their end is destruction unless they repent. Stealing is like accusing God of unfaithfulness. It is like saying God has not done enough for you so you take advantage of people or your position to get what you want. All thieves are liars and liars will have their portion in the lake of fire (Rev. 21:8).

Steal is not limited to taking material things. A person who is seeking to reap what he did not sow is attempting to steal. It is only a thief that expects a harvest where he did not sow any seed. Therefore, Clamouring for a harvest without sowing the necessary spiritual and physical seed is trying to steal. A man who refuses to give offering and tithe and is looking for prosperity is trying to steal. God told the children of Israel that they were stealing from Him when they refused to pay their tithes (Mal. 3:3-9).

One of the injunction of the Lord in the Ten Commandments is ‘Thou shall not steal’. Exo. 20:15. This command stands till date.

• Pray against the spirit of covetousness
• Ask for grace to be content with what He blesses you with.
• Prayer that God will make you a channel of addition and not subtraction.

I announce the next venue and address for celebration and sound of testimony in my house, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Living Above Offence

Thursday 26 October
READ: Col. 3:13-14
MORE LESSON: 1Cor. 10:32

You cannot go to play at the river and then complain when someone splashes water on you. It is impossible to play at the river and not get splashed with water. In relating with people in any community, one of the things that we cannot avoid is being offended. Whether at home, school, work or church, people will do things that we do not like. The reason is that everybody cannot behave the same way in a community. Offences result from differences in behaviour. Has someone ever done things and you wonder how on earth anyone could behave like that? Well, the reason is because he is not you; if he were you, he would never behave like that. People are different and so they will behave differently.

The Lord Jesus Himself in Luke 17:1, unto His disciples, …It is impossible but offences will come… He realized that there will always be people who will offend us. Therefore our quest is not to look for a place where we will not be offended but to seek to live above offences. Do you know that one cannot be offended until he decides to take offence? You can refuse to take offence when it is offered to you. The New Living Translation of Col. 3:13 says, Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.

We must learn to make allowance for people around us. Give room to people when they do things that you don’t like. Probably you like quietness while he likes noise and turbulence wherever he is: you have to learn to make room now that both of you are roommates or else you will fight every day. Life is a about recognizing people for who they are and learning to overlook their faults.

Everyone loves to hear that he is a gem who is unique and uncommon in every way. It is pleasing to know that no other person in the whole earth has the same finger print as yours; you are specially and wonderfully made. The other side of this pleasant news is that no one else is like you so they will not behave like you. Therefore, grow out of complaining that the person behaved in such and such a way. If you insist on relating with only people that are like you, then you will relate only with yourself.

On the other hand, there are people who delight in causing offence and then claim, “that is who I am; you must learn to live with me.” The truth is that no one causes offence anyhow and goes scot-free. People around may be spiritually mature enough to overlook it but the one involved will suffer the consequence ahead. We should not take offence and we should not cause offence.

• Ask God for grace to live above offence and to forgive those who offend you.
• Pray that you will not be an agent of offence to others.
• Ask God for grace to always make room for others and be an agent of peace.

By divine favour, I shall no more be tolerated but celebrated in life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Waxing Exceedingly Great

Wednesday 25 October
READ: 2Chron 17: 12-13
MORE LESSON: 1Chron 11:9

Jehoshaphat was a seed of King David who sat on the throne of Judah. He followed after the ways of the Lord and his testimony was recorded that he waxed exceeding great. Jehoshaphat experienced financial prosperity, military strength, wealth and infrastructural during his reign, all because he remove the idols in the land and served the Living God.

It was the same Jehoshaphat that faced a battle in 2Chron. 20, and by trusting the Lord and His Prophet  he allowed the praise singers and the priests to lead the procession into the battle and the Lord gave a might victory without them having to lift a single weapon. He destroyed all the high places of idols worship in the land and Jerusalem to the Lord God. He employed priest whose assignment was to around teaching people the ways of the Lord in his Kingdom. The Bible says that Jehoshaphat had riches and honour in abundance (17:5) because he sought the Lord . it was the spiritual prosperity of the land under him that resulted in the greatness, military victories, wealth and economic prosperity of the land.

Genuinely seeking God results in greatness; every true seeker of God ends up experiencing greatness in destiny. The Bible shows us many people that become great by seeking the Lord. Abraham became the father of greatness by forsaking the idolatry of his father’s house and follow after Jehovah (Gen 12:1-2). Isaac waxed greater and greater by continuing in the covenant of the God of Abraham (Gen 26: 13). David became the great king of Israel because his was devoted to the Lord (psa 18: 35). The list of ordinary men that became epitome of greatness through passionately seeking God is endless.

Every greatness and success you want in life is inside God. It is the deception of the devil that make people run away from dedicating their lives to God because they feel they want to pursue a successful life and that serving God will not afford them that opportunity. More often, such people run after the wind and at the end come back with nothing but chaff to show for all their pursuits.

True greatness is achieved by a life that is devoted to serving and seeking God. Devoting your life to God will not take from you; it will add to you. God will add greatness to your life as you seek him. Jehoshaphat was a king who sought the Lord and because of this he had strong armies and storehouse which were like banks and even business empires in the land. He got all these by making sure the whole land sought God. Seeking God is the secret of waxing exceedingly great.

*Pray for more of God in your life
*Pray that nothing will disconnect you from God and service to Him
*Pray that God will empower you to exceed the greatness of your parent.

This month will not end without me at the king’s banquet, where Haman shall be sentenced to death and glory announced, in the name of Jesus

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Springing Up

Tuesday 24 October
READ: Zech. 1: 20 - 21  
MORE LESSON:  Isa. 44: 4 – 5

A spring is an elastic metal that contracts when a force presses it down and expands when the force is removed. The spring goes up when the load which has been holding it down is removed. Most people are familiar with the pen that one presses and the ball-point comes out and you press again and the point goes inside. The mechanism of such pens operates by a spring. When a force is applied, it pushes the ball-point out and when force is applied again, it causes the point to go in. The same is true of the destinies of men. There are forces that hold men down and there are forces that make them spring up. For your destiny to spring up, a force higher than that holding you down must be applied. The fullness of your potential will only manifest when the superior force of the Spirit causes you to spring up. This force must be stronger than any force oppressing and holding down your destiny.

There are yokes of oppression that limit men and hold them down so that they are not able to lift up their heads. Zech 1: 20 – 21 talks about the four horns that scattered Israel, Judah and Jerusalem so that no man was able to lift their heads. However, the Lord sent four carpenters to destroy those horns. The result is that the people of God began to spring up and lift up their heads. Today, whatever force has been holding you down is destroyed, in the name of Jesus Christ. You are free to spring up and attain the fullness of your potential. Every curse, limitation and weight upon your destiny is destroyed, you are free to go higher.

Sometimes it is the force of sin that holds men down and does not allow them to reach the fullness of grace and calling of God on their life. Those yokes of sin need to be destroyed so that you can soar in the spirit. According to Hebrew 12: 1, we are to lay aside every weight and sin which easily besets us. This means we should remove the force of sin from our destiny so that we can spring up. Every sinful habit and stronghold that has forced your destiny down is destroyed today and you will spring up to righteousness and holiness as you move in great grace and do mighty things for God, in Jesus’ name.

Finally, ignorance also holds men down. The Bible says, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...: Hos. 4:6. When men lack knowledge of what God has put in them no one can lift them up. We must search God’s Word for His promises for our life and go from there to discover our God-given potential and by faith put them to work. Prophesy to your destiny to spring up now, in Jesus’ name.

*Command every force and darkness holding you down to be broken now, in Jesus’ name.
*Declare that there is a lifting up for you today, in Jesus’ name.
*Pray that your destiny will bud and blossom, in Jesus’ mighty name.

His banner over me is love; no force of hatred will be able to conquer me, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Strength and Wisdom for Battle

Monday 23 October  
READ: Psa. 18: 35-46 
MORE LESSON:  2 Cor. 10: 4 – 6

Life is a battle. If you do not fight, you will still be fought. Some of the wars you face are due to envy and anger of people that hate you. As a child of God, the devil has drawn the battle line against you before you were born, so you had better get ready to fight so that you will not be a victim. However, keep in mind that the weapons of our warfare are not physical but spiritual (2 Cor .10: 4).

There are two types of people in war: those that have strength and those that have expertise in war. There are people who are strong and powerful in fighting battles. There are heroes in the Bible like Barak, Gideon and Jephtha who were mighty in battle. You should not be a weakling in the faith or else you will soon backslide. These are the days of His power and you must have power and strength for battle. However, there are people in the Bible like Samson who had great strength and power but lacked wisdom. Samson was so strong that he could tear a lion to pieces, carry the beam of the gate of a city, kill thousands of people with a stick but he had no sense enough to avoid Delilah. 

So eventually it was a woman that made a weakling of him and finished his destiny. Strength without wisdom is dangerous for we must  be people of wisdom in battle. Solomon was a man of wisdom but he didn't have strength of character, so he ended up marrying one thousand women and started worshipping idols. Do not be a wise man who cuts corners, or cheats at work. For you to last in this endtime battle, you need strength of character and godly wisdom.

Perhaps, a man who had a good blend of power and wisdom in battle was David.  In the Bible, David fought many battles and never lost. There was a situation where David found himself in the hands of his enemies and he quickly acted like a madman so that they sent him away instead of killing him (1 Sam. 21: 11 – 15).  Part of wisdom is knowing which battle to fight and which to avoid. David also sinned against God by committing adultery but he quickly made amends with God and when the child produced from the sinful act died, he glorified God rather than complain. Part of the wisdom for battle is knowing how to ask for forgiveness when you are wrong.  I pray that the Lord will infuse you with strength and courage and also make you a man of wisdom so that you can triumph in the battles of life. Success in battle is a combination of strength, wisdom and divine ideas, but above all, God.

*Ask God to gird you with strength and wisdom to win every battle of life, in Jesus’ name.
*Pray that you will not be a casualty in the battle of life no matter how tough it may be, in Jesus’ name.

I plead the blood of Jesus over the remaining days of this month, and I rid it of evil story; it's time for glory, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Don't forget God

Sunday 22 October
READ: Deut. 6:10-12 
MORE LESSON:  Deut. 8:9-18

God, in His fore knowledge, had seen ahead of time that man could become so full and satisfied with the pleasures of life and forget Him. So, in several scriptures, He warned man of the consequences of forgetting God. In Deut. 8:10-14, God said, When thou hast eaten and art full, then thou shalt bless the LORD thy God for the good land which he hath given thee. Beware that thou forget not the LORD thy God, in not keeping his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I command thee this day:  Lest when thou hast eaten and art full, and hast built goodly houses, and dwelt therein; And when thy herds and thy flocks multiply, and thy silver and thy gold is multiplied, and all that thou hast is multiplied; Then thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget the LORD thy God, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. In Deut. 4:9, God warned, Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons and thy sons' sons.

The consequences of forgetting God are better told than experienced. Anyone who forgets God perishes as God Himself warned, And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the LORD thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish. As the nations which the LORD destroyeth before your face, so shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the LORD your God: Deut. 8:19-20. It is wickedness to forget God, and according to Psa. 9:17, The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God.

One way to avoid forgetting God is to always praise Him and recount His benefits. When you praise God, you will have more of His goodness, Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us: Psa. 67:5-6. The more of God's goodness you see around you, the more of Him that fills your heart and mind. Choose to remember His benefits today and more will come rolling your way.

*I renounce anything that makes men to forget God, in Jesus’ name.
*Lord, I remember all Your benefits in my life and I thank You for them, in Jesus’ name.
*I choose to give God thanks instead of murmuring and complaining, in Jesus’ name.

My Father and my God, before this month runs out, multiply my shine and end my dark clouds, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Written Judgement

Saturday 21 October
READ: Dan. 5:22-31   
MORE LESSON: Psa. 69:20-25

When the sentence on King Belshazzar was passed, his judgement was written by a hand on the wall for him and those who were with him to see. Even when he and his people could not interpret the handwriting, they knew the implication. That was why he was so troubled and the entire nation stood still until a man was sought to give the meaning of the writing and gave the interpretation. The same night the judgment was proclaimed, Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans was dethroned and slain. His kingship came to an end and another man took his place.

In the ancient world, whenever a judgement was passed and documented, it was irrevocable and must be executed. In the days of King Ahasuerus and Queen Esther in the Persian kingdom, the judgement contrived by Haman was documented. When the king discovered the error, he could not withdraw it even though Queen Esther pleaded for its reversal because it was already written. The king could only authorise another judgement to be written to empower the Jews to arise and defend themselves against the first judgement that had gone into circulation, Write ye also for the Jews, as it liketh you, in the king's name, and seal it with the king's ring: for the writing which is written in the king's name, and sealed with the king's ring, may no man reverse. Wherein the king granted the Jews which were in every city to gather themselves together, and to stand for their life, to destroy, to slay, and to cause to perish, all the power of the people and province that would assault them...and to take the spoil of them for a prey: Est.8:8,11. It was customary with the Romans to tag anyone they passed judgement on with a written code. That was why Pilate had to write on a plate “Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews” and fixed it on Jesus’ cross.

There are judgements proclaimed and documented in the Holy Scripture concerning those who trouble your life and destiny. In Psalm 149:8-9 it is written, ...bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute upon them the judgment written. In Psa. 35:4-7, the judgment reads, Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt. Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the LORD chase them. Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the LORD persecute them. For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul. Activate the written judgment over your matter today by proclaiming it in the name of Jesus and go on with your day. By night fall, you will hear news.

*Thank God for the written judgment for those who trouble my life. As You have written concerning them, let it be so now, in Jesus’ name.
*Declare that every force that opposes your destiny will go into captivity.
*Declare that the enemy’s decision against your life will not stand, in Jesus’ name.

Father, rid me of circumstantial reproachful names beginning from today, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Helped by Mercy

Friday 20 October
READ: Psa. 89: 28 - 34    
MORE LESSON:  2 Sam. 9: 6 - 13  

The mercy of God is no respecter of persons. If the help of God locates a beggar, it sets him on the throne  (1 Sam. 2: 8). No matter your past struggles or present mistakes, God's help can take you into your desired future. Mephibosheth was a lame man who had been struggling all his life, but when the help of God located him, he had wealth restored to him and became one of the few people that sat daily at the king's table (2 Sam. 9: 7). There were people with two functional legs that had no food, table or home but a lame man sat at table with the king, eating the king's delicacy and had wealth bestowed upon him that he didn't even need to touch as his needs were met by the king. The gap between poverty and wealth is bridged only by the help of God, and today the help of God will transit you from your present level to wealth, in Jesus’ name.

It was the mercy of God, which David found, that helped him to the throne. He was just a son of a farmer from a little village called Bethlehem but the help of God located him and took him to the throne. It was still the help of God that sustained David on the throne; there was a time he killed a man and usurped his wife, God reprimanded him but God didn't take the throne from him. In fact, God made a promise to him, If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments; If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments; Then will I visit  their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes. Nevertheless my lovingkindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail.

My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips: Psa. 89:28-34. Imagine this dimension of mercy, God gave David’s lineage advanced forgiveness and help. It was like God was saying, I know your children and lineage will sin against Me but I have had mercy on them in advance. No matter what they do, I will forgive them and not take the throne from them.

Remember Saul was the original holder of that same throne, but he made a mistake and that was it; he was gone: no second chance. God took the kingdom and gave it to David and said that he was His beloved and no matter what, the throne would stay with his generation forever. That is not something David qualified for; it is God's help as an act of His mercy.  Today, God's mercy will locate you and you will be helped beyond your qualifications, in Jesus’ name.

*Pray that God’s help will locate your destiny, in Jesus’ name.
*Pray that the mercy of God will qualify your family for God’s help, in Jesus’ name.
*Pray that God’s mercy will prevail for you where all others fail, in Jesus’ name.

Barrier breaker, line crosser, unstoppable, that is my new name and testimony from today, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Glorious Inheritance

Thursday 19 October
READ: Eph.1:15-23  
MORE LESSON:  1 Pet. 1:3-6

There is a popular story about a very wealthy man who wrote in his will that his wealth be shared between his only son and the man's slave. The will permitted the son to choose only one item out of all that the man had and the rest would go to the slave. When the will was read, everybody was stunned and wondered why the rich man treated his only son that way. While the boy was in a dilemma for days wondering what to choose out of all his father's possessions, the slave called a party and began to celebrate in anticipation of the great wealth that would soon become his. But an old man called the wealthy man's son aside and counselled him to choose the slave since he was part of his father's property.

At first the boy remarked, “What will I do with the slave? I don't need him”. But after a second thought, he realised that the slave he was rejecting was the key to possessing all that his father left behind. If he chose the slave as the only one item he was entitled to, all that went to the slave would become his. He summoned the administrators to come over to implement the will as soon as this understanding dawned on him. Everyone who stood in awe broke out in celebration when he finally made his choice. Even the slave was surprised and caught unawares; the slave was the son’s glorious inheritance.

Do you know the one glorious inheritance that God prepared for you here on earth even before you were born? It is not the silver, gold and diamond. Even if all the gold mines of South Africa and all the oil blocks of Saudi Arabia were bequeathed to you, you will die one day and leave them behind. Jesus said, For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Mark 8:36-37. This statement implies that there is something much more valuable than the wealth of the whole world put together, that is your soul.

Be like the wealthy man's son and not the slave in the story above. If you choose the world and the things therein, you will lose your soul. Hear what Jesus said, For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it: Mark 8:35. Choose Jesus today, and enter into all that God the Father has in stock for you in life. Choose Him today, and you will enter into your glorious inheritance.

*I choose Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, I believe in His name, in Jesus’ name.
*Pray that you will be a partaker of the glorious inheritance in Christ Jesus, in Jesus’ name.
*Pray for your unsaved friends, neighbours and family that they will partake in the glorious inheritance in Christ, in Jesus’ name.

Father, today I receive an error-free life, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Divine Direction

Wednesday 18 October
READ: Luke 5:1-11 
MORE LESSON:  Isa. 48:17

There are two great tragedies in life: one is to live without a purpose; the other is to spend all your life doing that which is not your primary purpose. The simple reason why people live without purpose or spend their whole life pursing a secondary purpose is lack of divine direction. Without divine direction, you will never find satisfaction in your pursuit. Your legitimate labour will become a toil and your result will always be small. Worse still, you will never come to limelight. Psalm 127:1-2 captures the frustration of a life without divine direction, Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.  It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.

Peter was a fulltime fisherman, and perhaps very skilful in that venture. When Jesus met him, He asked Peter to follow Him and He would make him a fisher of men. Peter's talent was actually meant for men, not fishes in the rivers. Unfortunately for Peter, he did not realise that on time. While Jesus was in Peter's compound healing the sick and delivering the oppressed that night (Luke 4:38-44), Peter picked his fishing nets and headed to the sea for fishing.

Unfortunately for him, he toiled that whole night and caught nothing. In the morning, Jesus came to meet him at the lake side where he was washing his net, used his boat, and directed him where to throw his net. Peter's encounter with Jesus that morning turned him around and gave him a name among the great in the history of mankind. Your greatness is in the lips of Jesus. Therefore, you must give Him attention today and hear His voice which came with a  promise, I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye: Psa.32:8.

Your life is destined for greatness. But remember, the starting point is the cry and action of Peter, When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.: Lk. 5:8. If you admit your sinful life today and fall at Jesus’ feet, your life will be divinely guided into a glorious and fulfilling future.  

*Lord, I surrender my life to You for guidance, supervision and direction, in Jesus’ name.
*Father, deliver me from fruitless labour and toiling. Cause me to hear Your voice today, in Jesus’ name.

Father, I decree that I shall walk tall in the midst of foes; I shall live a life of triumph permanently, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Life and Peace

Tuesday 17 October
READ: Prov. 3:1-10    
MORE LESSON:  Mal. 2:4-7

One of the pursuits of man in life is to have long life and peace. People are ready to do many things which they believe could prolong their days and guarantee their peace. Nations openly acquire weapons of war in the time of peace believing that it will deter other nations from confronting them. But many in pursuit of things which they think could bring them peace discover that the means of searching for long life and peace actually deprive them of same. For example, many have sought for money in ungodly ways and ended up not having peace of mind.

The writer of Proverbs taught us the secret to length of days and peace. One main key as taught by him is to walk in the fear of God. Since God chose us when we were undeserving, we have the responsibility to fear the Lord. The fear of the Lord is to shun every kind of evil; to live in reverent fear of Him. God promised to give to such a man a covenant of life and peace (Mal. 2:5). To enjoy life and peace you must trust the Lord. A man who has learnt to trust the Lord in all things will soon discover that he has been delivered from anxiety because he has learnt to cast his entire burdens upon the Lord, and to wait in hope after he has made his requests known in prayer,  You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you: Isa. 26:3(NLT).

One other way by which we can enjoy life and peace as seen in our text is to walk in mercy and truth. As we desire mercy from the Lord daily we must learn to show mercy to others; never turn down a cry for mercy as long as it is within your ability. Truth talks about faithfulness, though speaking the truth may put you at a risk of rejection, punishment or even something worse but it will pay off at the end of the day. Prov. 20:28 says mercy and truth preserve the king and his throne is upheld by mercy.

To enjoy peace and long life, acknowledge the Lord in all your ways. The Bible makes it clear that it is not in man to direct his own steps; therefore you must allow God to lead and direct all the affairs of your life, in decision making, choice of career, marriage partner, in embarking on projects etc. Don't take a decision without God's leading. This way you secure your peace and life since He will be with you in all the steps that you take. To honour the Lord with what you have is another way to secure your peace and life. When you give God His portion, be sure He will be committed to keep what remains for you. When you give God a tithe of what you have, He will rebuke the devourer (sickness, wastage, thief etc.) over what remains. He will give you peace over your health and household, and satisfy you with long life. No man finds lasting peace and enjoys good life without God. Walk in His way and enjoy life and peace.

*Ask for God’s covenant of peace  and abundant life, in Jesus’ name.
*Speak peace to everything that threatens your life and peace, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask God for grace to walk in the fear of God, mercy and truth, in the mighty name of Jesus.

I shall walk my way into greatness this month; the gate of hell shall not be able to stop me, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Bring in the Light

Monday 16 October
READ: Isa. 60:1-10    
MORE LESSON:  Rom. 13:11-14

When the sun sets and night falls, speed reduces movement, driving and other activities except light is brought in. The introduction of light can help to maintain speed even in the night, but if there is no light then stagnation or lack of activity will result. Light is needed for speed, acceleration and progress. Backward nations are so because of the amount of light brought into those nations.

The more light a nation allows the more developed the nation becomes. Light here refers to the light of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the light of knowledge by educational training, exposure and the light of civilisation; the same principle holds for ministry or individual dream.

A ministry will be obscure because of lack of light of what to do, how to do it and when to do it.  An individual that will make impact in his generation must get the light that is peculiar and unique for his destiny; for every person there is an area of light that when you get it you move out of obscurity forever. You need to get that light from the Father of light Himself and walk in the light that is given to you. There is no need to envy other people’s light. Get yours and run with it.

God never created any one void or empty; He makes each person unique with all that is needed packaged inside him/her. All you need to do is just to walk with the Lord to get the knowledge of how to turn the light on what God has given you. So, ignite your own light, shine it strongly and let it grow in intensity. How? Wait on God to locate the uniqueness given to you; it may be in the musical area, literary, historical, technological or vocational area; switch on the light with the correct education.

Go to school to study how to utilise the gift or train under someone who is already a master at a similar gift, start using the gift as you get opportunities in God's house and in any forum that God brings your way. Seek counsel that will help you plan adequately how to develop or grow in the gift. Be known for that one thing wherever you go and indeed the sky will not be your limit.

*Ask God to light your life and end obscurity, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask God to set your feet to walk on high in destiny, in Jesus’ name.
*Decree the power to be fulfilled in life, in the mighty name of Jesus.

In the name that is above all names, I choose to live and not die in 2017, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Increase your Gains

Sunday 15 October
READ: II Kings 4:1-7
MORE LESSON:  Luke 5:1-7

Today's text tells the story of a woman that should not lack but who found herself in bad debt. Her testimony about her husband shows that they ought not to lack to the point that the children were taken as slaves because of debt. She said her husband feared the Lord but then he died and all hope seemed lost. But God will always arise for those who fear Him. Tough times may come to try them but because they fear God they do not stay in tough times, Blessed is everyone that feareth the LORD; that walketh in his ways. For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be and it shall be well with thee: Psa. 128:1-2. Therefore the first step to increase benefits and move from little to greatness is to fear God. Because this son of the prophet feared the Lord while he was alive, God did not allow his family to be put to shame. Secondly, the wife of the son of the prophet knew where to go for help. She went to God's servant, not to a herbalist, satanist, magician or false prophet all of which abound in these last days. Know where to go in times of need, go to God.

Thirdly, she had something in her house that could terminate the trouble, pay the debt and secure her for life. Cease to look externally for solution always. What has God put in your hands that can be multiplied to bring gains? That gift, talent, skill and opportunity could be your key to sustained wealth.

Fourthly, she borrowed to invest at the instruction of God's servant; when you go to God with issues of life, He will make a way. Borrowing to invest appropriately will lead to increased gains instead of poverty. The only thing is that ensure you have clear direction on the lucrative way to use the borrowed money before borrowing if not the money will be wasted. She also knew who to involve in the path of gains and where to consolidate for gains by the direction of God's servant.

May you be led out of stagnation and poverty by the Lord. Some think that God is only interested in our spiritual growth; but He wants us to prosper in all areas of life (III Jn.2). She maintained communication with the servant of God all through. Some people feel they need God only at the onset of deals and issues of their lives but when they are established they can carry on without God. That is very risky, God must be involved at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of all issues of our lives if we will increase gains. At the end of it all, this woman had the portion of those who fear the Lord. She had enough to live on for her remaining days on earth. Do you fear the Lord? Make up your mind to fear Him and He will show up for you as He did for this family of the son of the prophet.

*Ask for the fear of God in all your life dealings, in Jesus’ mighty name.
*Ask for the portion of the righteous over your dealings, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask for the blessing of the Lord upon the works of your hand, in Jesus’ name.

All ye evil gates! gates! gates! collapse by fire today, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Way of Obedience

Saturday 14 October
READ: Jn. 14:22-26 
MORE LESSON:  Matt. 28:19-20

Obedience is defined as willingness to comply with the command of those in authority. It is doing what you are supposed to do. It is also compliance with an order, request or law or submission to authority. Obedience brings life, prosperity and prolongs days (Deut. 5:33). It also brings lifting (Prov. 6:20).

Jesus said the criterion to prove your love for Him is your obedience to His commands. One of the commands Jesus also gave the disciples is to “teach others to obey” and this makes obedience very important. Obedience to God and instituted authorities is very important to our Christian growth; it is key to maturity. God values obedience than any sacrifice.  And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams: 1 Sam. 15:22.

As much as Jesus values our service, He values relationship with Him much more, and it is by being obedient that this relationship is built. God's truth comes to us when we position ourselves to receive His revelation. These revelations are capable of transforming our life for good.

However, between revelation and transformation lies our own role and that is obedience. Several people have different reasons for being obedient. People obey because of the fear of someone who is more powerful than they are; this is the main reason why people obey. Some obey because of self interest, (Josh. 1:8). For example, when we buy a new phone we are told to charge it before use. Most of us obey that, not because of the manufacturer but because we want the battery to last long.

God does not want us to submit to Him just because of the benefit we hope to derive when we obey. Our motive for obedience should be true love for God and for the authority. When you love God, you want to do what pleases Him (I Jn. 5:3, Jn. 14:21). God wants us to love Him for who He is and not just for what He does for us. Our love for Christ should be proved by being prompt in obedience.

*Ask God's grace to walk in obedience.
*Pray for grace to walk in true love for God.

I speak to every part of my body and destiny to function perfectly; there shall be no break down this year, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Count it all Joy

Friday 13 October
READ: Jms. 1:1-4
MORE LESSON:  I Pet. 1 : 3 – 9

One of the privileges the believers have is being a partaker of the suffering of Christ (Phil 1:29). Part of the sufferings a believer faces is the trial of our faith in Jesus Christ. Trial periods are not altogether bad; they are seasons to prove the worth of our faith (I Pet. 1:7), manifest the joy of the Lord, develop the fruit of the Spirit, and an avenue to qualify to share in Christ's glory (I Pet. 4:13-14).

The fruit of the Spirit is more evident in the time of trial and a trial season should produce a fruitful season in a believer. In our text, it is clear that our trial produces in us patience (endurance or perseverance), perfection (maturity), and completeness (not lacking anything). The believers’ joy should not be based on what we have, therefore our trials and challenges should not take away our joy. Joy in itself produces strength in us, for the joy of the Lord is our strength (Neh. 8:10). The early Church have the testimony of always rejoicing even when they were faced with trials and persecution (Acts 5:41, I Pet. 1:6).

Handling the times of trial requires that you know what God is saying about your situation. Do not allow fear; face the situation with hope of a better tomorrow; do not allow flesh to rule or reign, and handle all things with prayer, fear none of those things which you shall suffer, ...behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life: Rev. 2:10.

Count it all joy.  Walk in righteousness, refrain from sin, make sure that the accuser of the brethren, satan, finds nothing in you, thereafter count it all joy, whatever betides. Stand firm in the faith, refuse to doubt or deny your Saviour and it will all end in joy. Count it all joy. 

* Declare that the joy of the Lord is your strength, in the mighty name of Jesus.
*Declare that you shall not fail in the days of adversity, in Jesus' mighty name.
*Pray against any situation that can cause you sadness or sorrow, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Father, I prophesy to anything I lay hands on to do this year, there shall be no set back, all will be wonderfully completed, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

A Gift from the Lord

Thursday 12 October
READ: Matt. 2:1-2, 10-11 
MORE LESSON:  Psa. 108:1-5

An essential part of our worship is giving. God requires that we give to Him, His servants, our fellow brethren and even our neigbours. Giving is a token of love and appreciation. It is an investment that produces great dividends both here and in Heaven (Prov. 19:17). The attitude of the wise men from the east, who brought gifts to the Lord, is worth emulating. They saw Jesus’ star from the east and traced Him to Bethlehem to worship Him. As part of the worship, they brought gifts- gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They enquired of Him that was born King of the Jews (v.2) and found the child with His mother; they fell down and worshipped Him (v. 11). They were not moved by His age or size; they worshipped Him and gave Him gifts. They could have changed their mind when they saw that He was only a baby, and give Him gifts like toys. But they gave Him their best as they had determined in their heart before they left the east (II Cor. 9:7). Give God your best all the time, irrespective of what someone else around you is giving.

Again, though the gifts were for Jesus, it was obvious that the child Jesus would not be able to use them considering His age. These wise men did not bother about who would use the gifts or how the gifts would be used. As far as they were concerned, they had given the gifts to the Lord. Don't involve yourself with how the gifts you give to God are used. Some people even monitor church leaders’ use of tithes and offerings. Others want to know how a fellow brother uses a gift from them. A gift to the Lord should be given to the Lord without looking back.

The attitude of giving and the gifts given are both important to God. Even the packaging of our gifts to God must not be shabby or poor. We must remember the kind of God we are giving to. He is the great God full of majesty, to whom nothing can be added or removed; He has the whole world in His hands. We must give to Him in utmost joy, respect and honour. We must learn from the shepherds and give the best to the Lord in the best way. 

*Ask God for grace not to withhold anything He wants you to give out, in Jesus’ name.
*Receive grace to be a joyful giver, in Jesus’ mighty name.
*Ask God to remember all your gifts and bless you in multiple fold, in Jesus’ name.

I refuse to fail in anything I do because God is not a failure, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Blessed in all Things

Wednesday 11 October
READ: Josh. 1:1-8   
MORE LESSON:  Psa. 1: 1-6

Prosperity is blessing from God, the evidence of God's blessing upon a man's life, The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich...: Prov.10:22. But not too many of God's people recognise that one way that God prospers a man is through meditating on God's Word, This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success: Josh. 1:8.

Through meditating on the Word, divine ideas, courage, strength, direction, guidance and sound mind come upon a man and these are the vital ingredients of prosperity. Ask great men of God and even ordinary people who have had breakthrough in life, they will tell you that meditation is vital. One great man of God in Nigeria once said that his study of the Word is not complete without time to meditate and that it is during meditation that great understanding and ideas that have made him what he is today come to him.

Discouragement, downcastness and all enemies of success disappear in the place of meditation on God's Word. God spoke to Joshua at a time of great challenge, that the way out is meditating day and night on God's Word. God's recipe cannot fail. If you desire prosperity and good success, create time for God's Word in your mouth, mind and act on it; the rest is testimony. A mind filled with God's Word is a life full of good success. Only God's Word can provide the sound mind, inspiration, intelligence and focus that are needed for a man to succeed in any area of life. Don't just study, meditate on the Word for the strength of it to manifest in your life. If truly you deserve all-round prosperity as God promised Joshua, deploy every means and technology within your reach to study and meditate on God's Word.

Money is not the first ingredient for a successful life; it is godly ideas and instructions. The earth belongs to God, He does not forget where He kept what, including the best of the earth. It is in hearing Him that you are delivered from hitting and digging the wrong location. He opened a two leave gate for Cyrus and handed to him the riches that were shrouded in darkness. If only you can get connected to this God and abide in Him through His Word, surely He will guide you to the best of the earth.

*Ask God to flood your heart with His Word, in the mighty name of Jesus.
*Ask that the strength of His Word will manifest fully in your life, in Jesus’ name.
*Pray that the Word of God will always prevail over every situation of your life, in the name of Jesus.

O you gates of delay, broken promises, unfulfilled dreams, today, I demolish you by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Pray for your Jerusalem

Tuesday 10 October
READ: Psa. 122 :6 
MORE LESSON:  Psa. 122:1-9

The words in our anchor text are words of instruction and divine command; not mere advice or just another suggestion. In fact, the verse attaches a blessing to those who fulfil the condition. There is a level of prosperity exclusively reserved by God for those who love their Jerusalem enough to pray for her. God is sensitive and personal with those who love what He loves. Jerusalem is God's own land. It is the city of David and the centre of the many covenants God has with the Commonwealth of Israel. This is a powerful key to unlocking God's treasure chests of abundance.

There are both demographic and spiritual implications of Jerusalem as used in this scripture. Firstly, the demographic and literal sense of the word relates to God’s special love for the Jewish race. It also refers to Jerusalem as the centre of the Jewish nation because of God’s covenant with Abraham through David, and perfected in Jesus Christ. This places a responsibility on people of all races who share in the blessing of Abraham through redemption by the Blood of Jesus to love and pray for the Jewish nation and it's precious people. Secondly, the word has spiritual and figurative implications because the land where you live is your Jerusalem. The local assembly you fellowship with is your Jerusalem. The village, home and family you come from are as Jerusalem is to the Jewish people.

God expects us to mature in our prayer culture and quit praying only for ourselves and our needs. Pray for the land, the church and the people of your nativity. There are many reasons to watch and read both national and international news. Some people watch television just to complain about what the government has or has not done. Others watch the daily news only to fall into depression over the bad value of their currency in the stock exchange market or the recent news of terrorist attacks and the devastation they are wrecking all over the world. But there is another kind of people who have understanding of this scripture and watch the news to gather prayer points and prophetic declarations for their Jerusalem.

Gossiping about the leadership of your local church, rather than praying for it, is not the way to prosper. Being the dishonest, rebellious and a trouble shooter in the family is not going to bring prosperity. It will only attract woes and calamity. The sure way to prosper according to God, is to pray  for, not complain about your Jerusalem. Where is your Jerusalem? And what are you doing about the peace thereof, praying or complaining.?

*Ask God to show you mercy for ignorantly complaining and being complacent about praying for the peace of your Jerusalem.
* Stretch your hands and decree peace over the city of Jerusalem, your nation and local church.

This month I will not labour in vain, my effort will yield positive results, I shall not work for another to consume, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Using the Name of Jesus II

Monday 9 October
READ: Prov. 18:10
MORE LESSON:  Col. 3:16-17

The phrase, ‘in the Name of Jesus’ is not just a theological recitation to punctuate prayer or a church cliche to make people feel good. The Name of Jesus is not a magic word you hurriedly call out to for safety, at the slightest surprise or incident. The Name of Jesus is not the name of another prophet or good man of some high religious pedigree. The Name of Jesus is a place in the spirit. It is a place of authority and spiritual government, and our anchor text plainly confirms it. It says that in righteousness, we can run to the Name of the Lord and find safety. What does that mean? If you ponder a little more on our conclusion from the first part of yesterday’s study, you will find the answer. The Name of Jesus is the Authority of Jesus, therefore, running to the Name of the Lord Jesus is placing a demand on the Authority of the Name of Jesus in times of trouble. This is as a soldier would run to a strong tower during a fire threat at the war front.

Don't wait for things to happen when you have the power to dictate what happens by using the Name of Jesus. Run to the Name of Jesus! Go for it! Don't make the Name of Jesus an alternative. Those who run to the Name of Jesus will find all that they need in the Name of Jesus. To use that name is to deploy, to engage, to activate or commit the power of Jesus to work. This is important because the power and value of the Name of Jesus is not only determined by the owner of the name but also by the user of the name. This is what makes one Christian different from the other. The Name of Jesus on your lips will only be as potent as your relationship with Jesus is, because delegated authority feeds on relationships.

In the same way that you cannot go to an occasion in the name of someone you do not know; it would be impersonation and sheer deceit to use the Name of Jesus when you have no working relationship with Him. This is the reason why many ‘Christians’ go about powerless even though they call the Name of Jesus all the time. God gave us the Name of Jesus to live by. From the Cross of Calvary to the end of time, the devil and his cohorts will never forget the colossal power in the Name of Jesus. So every time you come face to face with darkness, boldly and with full conviction in your heart, relentlessly use the Name of Jesus.

*Decree that you are set free from any form of demonic oppression by the divine power in the Name of Jesus
*Ask the Lord for grace to be more intimate with Jesus and stronger in authority over life circumstances.

Father, I refuse to be a victim of evil circumstances this month, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Using the Name of Jesus I

Sunday 8 October
READ: Jn. 20:31
MORE LESSON:  Acts 3:1-9

It's impossible to measure the value of spiritual power wrapped up in the Name of Jesus. Every believer in Jesus Christ has access to unlimited advantages as well as dominion over all the works of the enemy simply by invoking the power in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth, Son of the Living God. God honours the Name of Jesus. A revelation of the true power in the Name of Jesus will bring an end to demonic oppression and manipulation in the lives of men. The real superman is not the one in Hollywood, wearing a fancy red and blue cape. He is the Christian who knows how to use the Name of Jesus.

The real spiritual kings and nobles of the earth today are not those who live in palaces and state houses, but those who have gained mastery of the Name of Jesus by revelation and use. Getting hold of the power in the Name of Jesus and using it to change our world requires that we embrace a few basic truths.

First, we must believe in the Person, ministry and finished works of Jesus with all our hearts. It must be settled in our spirit that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God, born of a virgin, who lived a sinless life, while He walked the earth doing miracles and wonders. We must also believe that He died on the Cross of Calvary for the redemption from sin of mankind; and that He went  down into hell, disarmed the devil of all his power, and God raised Him up from the dead on the third day. Also believe that He ascended up into the clouds to the tabernacle of God in Heaven and purged it with His precious Blood. He is now seated on the right hand of the throne of God in Heaven, with all power over Satan, sin, hell and the grave.

Secondly, we must understand that the Name of Jesus is synonymous with the Person of Jesus. All the power of Jesus is conferred on His name. It's common knowledge that you cannot separate a man from his name. When a name is called, it is the person who bares the name that responds. Simply put, the Name of Jesus is given to the Christian with the assurance that using the name will produce the same responses and results that Jesus desires from that life. Use the Name of Jesus repeatedly and consistently. Don't stop using it until you emerge victorious. There is no defeat for those who use the Name of Jesus. The world is about to be shaken and turned upside down again as it was in the days of old through men and women, boys and girls who will use the Name of Jesus with conviction and confidence.

*Ask God for full revelation of the unlimited advantages of the Name of Jesus.
*Declare that as you use the Name of Jesus, the impossible will become possible.

Any evil plantation in any part of creation targeted against me, be uprooted now, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Anchor for Life

Saturday 7 October
READ: Heb. 6:9-20 
MORE LESSON:  Isa. 42:5-7

A boy was standing beside his father at a sea shore. He saw some empty boats on the water at the shore and wondered why they were left there. He turned to his father and asked, “Where are the owners of these boats? Don't they think the waves of the sea could carry them away?” His father replied, “No, my son, the boats are properly anchored”. While the boy was wondering what an anchor for a boat looks like and how it keeps the boat stationary on the water, another boat pulled up at the shore and the boy saw the fisherman lower a metal bar tied with a rope to his boat into the water. His father said, “There he goes, anchoring the boat! With that metal inside the water, the boat cannot be dragged away by the waves of the sea”. While the boy was still pondering how the anchor works, a huge wave came tumbling over the boats. He watched in amazement, and after a minute or two, the sea was calm, and all the boats were in place. 

Life sometimes can be like a boat at the sea shore beaten by waves occasioned by the problems of life. These waves have no respect for age, title, status, religion or culture. Just as boats and ships at the sea shore are able to stand the waves because they are anchored; you are able to withstand the problems of life only when you have an anchor. Without a life anchor you will be carried away by the waves and storms of life. The truth is that many lives are being carried away by terrible life's waves and storms because they have no anchor.

Friend, who is your anchor? Do you know Jesus Christ? Do you have trust in His Word? He is the only sure and steadfast anchor for life, as it is written, That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec: Heb. 6:18-20. Stay with Jesus today, and keep His commandments, and enjoy the promise, ...whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: Matt. 7:24-25. God the Father also promised, When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee: Isa. 43:2. Since it is impossible for God to lie, we can receive these promises as a sure anchor for our soul in the midst of life storms.

* Ask the Lord to release His word which is the anchor for your soul, in the mighty name of Jesus.
*Pray that the storms of life will not prevail over you, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask God to go with you on your journey of life, in Jesus’ name.

Father, make me a symbol of strength and blessedness wherever I go this month, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Praying all Prayers

Friday 6 October
READ: Eph. 6:10-24     
MORE LESSON:  Rom. 8:26-27

Since our focus is on Jesus' prayer, our study will be incomplete if we do not examine the issue of all manner of prayer. Jesus taught and prayed all manner of prayer. In His prayers you find praise, supplication, dedication, forgiveness, intercession, confession and corporate prayer. In some places, He taught the prayer of faith. Study more about the different types of prayer to find out when and how each is done. This  is because it is not only important to pray but to pray the right prayer at the right time.

Paul admonishes us to pray always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit. Only one or more types of prayer may be needed on one occasion. If you yield yourself to making supplication in the spirit, the Spirit will direct you to what is needed. But if you are ignorant of the types of prayer you will become limited in using them. Pray always! Pray all manner of prayer.

There is also the need to pray in the spirit; this means to pray in tongues or by the leading of the Spirit. Praying in tongues for at least one hour a day is healthy for believers and can turn both  your prayer life and destiny around for good. Many great men of God have testified of this and I have also found it to be fantastic! It should even become a habit for believers to constantly pray in the spirit.

But then, it is not every key that opens every padlock; there is usually a particular key for every particular door and padlock. When Daniel began to pray for the release of Isreal from captivity, he didn't start with petitions (Dan. 9:1-5). When Jesus prayed at Lazarus' tomb, he started with thanksgiving and Jesus prayer at Gethsemane was more of consecration.

There are as many types of prayer as there are needs. The same goes for songs; it is the occasion that determines the type of song. Even as a preacher, it will be strange to preach a funeral sermon at a naming fellowship or vise-versa. In all, the direction of the spirit must be the priority to the type of prayer for a particular need. Spiritual connectivity is the most important prerogative at prayer. It is like network to a phone call. No connection, physical and spiritual, no call.

* Ask for direction to pray appropriately always.
*Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you to pray and equip you with power to pray.
*Ask God to help you when you need to mention crucial issues of life in prayer.

By the power that made the heavens and the earth, today will continue to be a memorial of goodness, strength, grace, abundance and celebration for me, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Praying in the Spirit

Thursday 5 October
READ: Luke 3:21-22 
MORE LESSON:  II Pet. 1:21; Rom. 15:13

When Jesus stepped into the water at His baptism, unlike others, He was praying. The result was that Heaven opened unto Him; then the Holy Ghost came upon Him and empowered Him for all His assignments, including praying. With the power of the Holy Spirit helping Him, prayer became easy even at difficult times.

Strengthening this position, Paul writes; Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered: Rom. 8:26. Part of the functions of the Holy Spirit, released at Pentecost, is to abide, help and strengthen us in the place of prayer. That's why Paul again writes; ...I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also...: I Cor. 14:15. Praying in the Holy Ghost is a great misery and a wonderful help of God, which all His children should desire and use.

Unknown to many, Jesus spoke in tongues at crucial times in His ministry. First, in Mk. 7:34 while ministering to a deaf and dumb man He said, ‘...Ephphatha’, that is, ‘Be opened.’ Second, in Mk. 5:41, He said to the dead girl ‘...Talitha cumi...’ and finally on the cross He cried,  ‘...Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?...’ (Matt. 27:46). We must follow in His footsteps and pray in the spirit and in understanding. Kenneth E. Hagin (Snr) once said that Jesus told him to spend at least one hour a day praying in tongues and all his life time he did so and the result was phenomenal.

Praying in the spirit is the only communication between man and his God that Satan cannot intercept; For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries: I Cor. 14: 2. Therein lies the power of praying in the spirit.

There is no strength in prayers outside of praying in the spirit. As a person, I spend hours in the place of prayer and as a church we have done 24hours in the place of prayer. Presently we have a 365 day prayer chain in our church. All these exploits are possible only by the Spirit and the result is phenomenal. To connect direct to God in heaven, bypassing all protocols, pray in the spirit.

* Receive the power of the Holy Spirit to pray right, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask that the help of the Holy Spirit shall be available for you in the place of prayer.
*Ask for the infilling at the Holy Spirit when you pray.

As the Lord lives the workings of October will operate for my good and destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Prayer of Agreement

Wednesday 4 October
READ: Matt. 18:18-20     
MORE LESSON:  Gen. 11:1-8

Agreement in prayer is another powerful weapon that Jesus encourages us to use inorder to muster strength in the place of prayer and to deal death blows to the enemy. This is like a metaphor taken from a number of  musical instruments set to the same key, and playing the same tune. It means perfect agreement of hearts, desires, wishes and voices of two or more persons praying to God. It also indicates that as many musical instruments when skillfully played, are pleasing to the ears of men, so are persons united together in warm, earnest, cordial prayer, highly pleasing in the sight and ears of the Lord.

The word ‘agree’ implies that any congregational or group prayers, which lack sincere unity and agreement cannot enjoy this provision for answered prayer. Ordinarily, agreement is a powerful weapon for couples, groups and congregations; but to be effective you must have strong unity of purpose and desire. Therefore, don't pray a prayer of agreement with a friend who does not agree with you on an issue or else don't expect any result. Before you pray a prayer of agreement with anybody, no matter how close to you, ask whether he or she agrees with the prayer point. If he does not, then look for someone else who does. As long as agreement is guaranteed and the request is scriptural, expect not only an answer but a speedy answer. This is the strength of corporate prayers or having a prayer partner, which many don't have today.

Prayer of agreement is so crucial to me that I don't keep a friend or company with people I cannot pray with. One major condition for choosing a friend is the possibility of being a prayer partner. If I can't pray with you, why walk and talk with you? The prayer of agreement is one of the strongest prayers on the earth; it has the capacity to do and undo anything from the earth to the heavens. It has such an endless possibility in prayer that cannot and should not be ignored by any believer. It has the same possibility that the unity of the Tower of Babel has, to which God Himself attests, ...and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do: Gen 11:6.

* I  ask God to give you partners that are like-minded and committed to prayer, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that as you agree with a partner in prayers, answers will come speedily to your request, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask God for unity in Spirit whenever you pray as a family or group.

Every defiant situation will hear and obey my commands this month and there shall be joy, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, October 2, 2017

By Prayer and Fasting II

Monday 2 October
READ: Luke 4:1-15    
MORE LESSON:  Exo. 34:28-35

Looking deeper into yesterday’s study, you will appreciate why Jesus did not start His ministry until He had given Himself to fasting and prayer. Although He never gave a command that we must fast like He did for prayer, soul winning, love, communion etc, His pattern and teachings to His disciples are instructive enough. Fasting and prayer is crucial, especially for all who want to do the work of God, combat satanic strongholds, do what Jesus did and more; it must be by prayer and fasting.

Fasting helps to humble us, reduces the influence of the flesh, helps us to concentrate in the place of prayer and proves to God that we are desperate about a matter. It promotes discipline and self-denial, which advance prayer or help us to pray better because fasting without prayer will amount to hunger strike. So, we must not fast to the point of not being able to pray. Jesus said that the two go hand in hand; we must fast and we must pray.

When we combine the two the result is phenomenal:  And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about. And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all: Lk. 4:14-15.

Here we see four results of Jesus' fasting and prayer life:
(1)He returned in the power of the Spirit.
(2)His fame spread throughout all the region.
(3)He had open doors to preach to those who opposed Him.
(4)He was glorified by all.

All these, which people seek for from the occultic, are available in God by fasting, prayer and Christ-like living. Don't be tempted to ask for them outside of God; just pay the price of praying and fasting and they are all yours.

* Ask the Lord to strengthen your inner man so that your flesh may be subdued in the place of prayer and fasting.
* Pray that God will do exceptional things in you and through you each time you fast and pray.
*Ask God for more grace for you to pray more until result comes. 

This tenth month, I shall not dance to the music of my enemies, I shut them down, never to sound again, in the name of Jesus.