Thursday, November 30, 2017

Departed Grace

Thursday 30 November
READ: Judg. 16: 1 - 20   
MORE LESSON:  Heb. 12: 15 – 17

The grace of God must never be taken for granted to make men live in wilful sin. The love of God is unconditional and the grace of God is unmerited but there is a part that every man needs to play to stay within the confines of God's grace. Heb.12:15 makes it clear that a man that has received grace can fall short of grace when he allows defilement, Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled. This is the reason Eccl. 9: 8 instructs, Let thy garments be always white; and let thy head lack no ointment. The ointment of oil stands for the anointing and grace of God in your life. For your head not to lack oil, your garments must always remain white. Holiness preserves grace and sin destroys it.
Samson was a man of unusual grace. His birth was prophesied during an angelic visit and the Spirit of the Lord came occasionally upon him to do exploits. He was a Nazarite from his mother's womb and single-handedly destroyed armies of the enemy and slayed lions. However, as he became increasingly famous and powerful, he began to entertain sin in his life. He began to go after strange women; he even slept with a harlot. When the Philistines came to ambush him by locking the gate of the city where he was so that he wouldn't escape, he woke up, shook himself, carried the gate, beams and lock all the way to his country.

The grace of God still worked for him so he thought that he could continue in sin and grace would abound (Rom. 6: 1). This led him to begin another affair with a woman of Philistine called Delilah. Delilah enticed him till he told her the secret of God's grace on his life. The woman made sure she reduced the grace on his life to nothing before she handed him over to his enemies. When the Philistines came to take him, the Bible says that he woke up from sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the LORD was departed from him: Judg. 16:20. The grace had departed! The power was gone; he had lost it to sin.

This is why every child of God must not be deceived by any message that makes him think that he can live a reckless life and God's grace will continue to abound. Saul was equally anointed with the Spirit of the Lord and he even prophesied (1 Sam. 10: 10) but when he started living in rebellion, the Spirit of God departed from him and an evil spirit came to torment him (1 Sam. 16: 14). God's grace will not depart from your life, in Jesus' name. But remember, ...let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall: 1 Cor. 10:12.

* I pray against the forces of Ichabod in my life and destiny, in Jesus’ name.
* I declare that whatever causes grace to depart from a man shall not be your portion, in the name of Jesus.

Father, I lift up my two hands and I declare that November will not leave me without a witness and evidence even at this eleventh hour; thank You Lord for November, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Sow Now, Reap Later

Wednesday 29 November
READ: Psa. 126: 5 - 6    
MORE LESSON:  Lam. 3: 27

For every price in life there is a prize. It is wisdom to pay the price now so that you can obtain the prize tomorrow. If you need to sweat now so that you will not cry tomorrow, then it is good to sweat. A lot of people are looking for comfort too soon. A young person is supposed to be labouring so that he will not have to carry heavy load in the future. Lam. 3: 27 says that it is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. However, a lot of young people want stress-free achievement. There is nothing substantial that is stress-free in life. In fact, it is good to be under pressure and stress while young so that you will enjoy your life later. Everyone knows that going to school is stressful but if you don't and there is nothing to fall back to later in life, then expect a greater type of stress. There is the pain of discipline and the pain of regrets. The pain of regret weighs tons more than the pain of discipline. It is when you take the pain to be disciplined now that you will not suffer the pain of failure and regrets in the future.

A fundamental principle of success is the law of delayed gratification. It is the law of sowing now so that you can reap in the future. This involves using your money, effort, time and resources in such a way that you can have a better life in the future. It means you undergo the difficulty now so that you can have it easier in the future. So if you cannot buy expensive wears now because you are buying books, getting certificates or building a business, you are indeed wise as you are sowing for a great harvest. There are people who spend all they have today as if there is no tomorrow. Don't enjoy today to the detriment of tomorrow; it is better to make sacrifices today so that you can reap benefits tomorrow.

Some people never invest for tomorrow and they claim that tomorrow will take care of itself. They think it is an act of faith to eat everything today and leave tomorrow to chance. Faith has never stood alone; faith walks with wisdom and it thrives by working. Investing for tomorrow includes being diligent, building capacity, making sacrifices and sowing seeds today so that they will give credence to your faith. It is good that you believe God for a good tomorrow but we must see the seeds you are sowing today which will bring the harvest of a good tomorrow. It is when we see the seeds of sacrifice today that we will know that you will surely reap the harvest of a glorious tomorrow. 

* Ask God for grace to put your flesh under control as the price for a great tomorrow.
* Pray that the pains of sacrifice to God will yield you mighty joy and harvest.
* Pray that Satan will not win the battle against your harvest.

Today, as November prepares to close, I receive grace like Elijah to overtake anyone who has gone ahead since the year of shining light began, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Rightside Up

Tuesday 28 November
READ: Luke 19:1-9    
MORE LESSON:  Phil. 3:9

Being born again is not just about going to church or being baptized. It is an experience. There is this story of a man who tried to grow spiritually before he was born again; he was born into a pagan family but grew up going to church. He went to a secondary school where he served as a leader in many Christian organizations, which made him believe that he was a Christian. But after it became very clear that he was not saved, he started drinking and doing many terrible things openly and without shame until he became very miserable.

Then one day as he was singing, he became convicted by the words of the songs. He knelt down, confessed his sins, then God began to change his life, and he got the assurance that he was truly saved. He immediately joined a group for Bible study, and started to learn more about the new life in Christ Jesus. He also began to share with others what Christ has done in his life.

Being saved or born again is not a theory or a story but a life changing experience. Confession without change is false. Have you seen any changes in your life? What are they? If none, then confess your sins afresh, ask for pardon, and the joy of salvation will bubble in your heart. Thereafter, a new life in Christ Jesus will begin immediately in you.
That is the right order of walking with God and not the other way round. Apostle Paul got it wrong early in life. He was religious but not born again:

Circumcised the eighth day, of the  stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; Concerning zeal,  persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless: Phil. 3:5-6. He was not born again until he met Jesus on the road to Damascus (Act. 9: 1-8).
In contrast, Zacchaeus’ case was a different order; he came as a sinner to see Jesus. Then he had got an encounter, confessed his sins and received Jesus into his home and life. Please crosscheck today. Are you are religious or saved?

* Father, give me a new life, in Jesus' name.
* I receive the right spirit to serve God today, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* Dear Lord, reveal yourself to me in all that I do, in Jesus’ name.

I proclaim that the season of famine is over; I release my rain in abundance now, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Balm of Gilead

Monday 27 November
READ: Jer. 8: 22 
MORE LESSON: Isa. 53: 4-5

The Lord is the great Healer. Where medical science fails, the Spirit of the Lord is able. As a covenant child of God, it is not you who should be a slave to sickness and a regular customer of the hospital. The Bible asks a question, is there no balm in Gilead, is there no physician there, why then is the health of the daughter of my people not recovered? Jer. 8: 22. Is it because there is no healing power in God that you have become a specimen for the medical lab? I curse every sickness in your body in Jesus’ name. Child of God, there is a balm in Gilead.

However, you must become desperate enough to come to God and demand His healing touch. Talking about desperation, after a healing service in church where several people were healed, a young lady came to meet me in the office, bringing some other people along. She told me that she had a sore on both sides of her thigh and that the sore had been there for six years. When people become desperate, they forget about decorum, she came with people but she said she wanted to show me the excruciating sore.  I told her that was not part of what I wanted to see, but she was crying and pleading that I had to see it. I refused, so she brought out her phone and said she would show me the picture. I said I was not interested in that as well, so she started crying helplessly in front of the people present. She had gone to hospitals and there was no help for her. She only stopped sobbing when I told her that I didn't need to see it before the great Physician would heal her.

Under the unction of the Holy Ghost, I asked her to sit down, stretch her two legs and open her two hands on her laps. After a while, she screamed. I was surprised as everyone else, I had not even prayed. The truth is that she had never been able to sit like that for years and immediately she sat that way, the boils burst. I didn't know that the altar that afflicted her carried a taboo, and the taboo was the sitting position she just assumed. She got relieved and her healing came immediately.

Today, an end has come to every anti-covenant activity that has brought sickness into your life. I apply the balm of Gilead to every source of pain in your body and I command that your health speedily appear, in Jesus’ name. As the Lord lives whom I serve, every altar that speaks sickness to you is swallowed by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God to heal you of any sickness, physical or spiritual, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare with confidence, “By His stripes I am healed”, in Jesus’ name.
* Reject any negative report over your health and claim your healing, in Jesus’ name.

Every power that says my time of release has not come, die by fire today, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

It is by Grace

Sunday 26 November
READ: Rom. 11: 5 – 6   
MORE LESSON: Rom. 9: 15 – 16

A highly respected servant of God once told us that if God were to make a choice based on qualification, it shouldn't have been him. All of us were stunned because we actually saw him as a person that was high in the esteem of God and man. But he told us that his mother was not the first wife in his father's house, and so by biblical implication, he was born in adultery. If God was to choose by human qualification, He wouldn't have chosen him. He also said that he borrowed shoes to graduate in secondary school. So if God's election was to be by a good financial  background, he would not have qualified. He is great and highly placed today by the grace of God.

I have also found that the highest qualification of man does not impress God. It is only who He decides to have mercy on. Being chosen and distinguished by God does not leave room for human pride; it is not the making of man. It is by the election of God's grace (Rom. 11: 5 -6). No man should take credit for the work of God in his life because he can’t pay for it, neither is it because of his capacity; it is the gift of God. Today, be like-minded, that whatever God is doing through you or has given you, you should not brag about it. After all, ...who makes you differ from another? And what do you have that you did not receive? Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it? 1 Cor. 4:7 (NKJV).

It is foolish for a man to go around in pride because God is using him. God's power and grace on any man is a gift that  God put there. Some people are proud of being 'Men of God', forgetting that the man is not important, it is the God behind the man that matters. Take the God away, and the man becomes nothing. Today, whatever God has helped you to achieve or is helping you to do, I want you to maintain a humble posture and not see yourself as more spiritual or better than others around. Recognise that it is only by His mercy and grace that you are who you are. It is because God delights in you that He elected you to stand in that place. Do not give in to pride because if you do, the delight of God will be turned away and that favour will be removed and you will realise that on your own, you are nobody. I pray earnestly that God will never move His grace from your life, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that grace will lift you above every high standard, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that God will not forbid His grace from increasing in your life, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to help you live a life of humility, in Jesus’ mighty name.

As the Lord ordered the release of the donkey (Mk 11:1-10) because he needed it, so I declare my own release today from everything tying me down because the Lord needs my life for His glory, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

No dry Day

Saturday 25 November
READ: Jer.17:7-8    
MORE LESSONS: 1 Kings 17: 1-16

Elijah was a man very zealous for the Lord. When Israel forsook the way of the Lord and turned to idols, He single-handedly declared drought upon the nation, As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, but according to my word:1 Kings 17: 1. When there is no rain and dew, the plants cannot thrive and famine sets in. So Elijah triggered a national famine. Did Elijah overlook the fact that if Israel experienced famine, he would partake of it? Did he forget that if there was no food in the nation, there would be no food for him as well? No, Elijah knew but he understood something that we need to understand today, The LORD knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be forever. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied: Psa. 37:18-19. As it turned out, Elijah was fed throughout the period of famine.

You need to get to the point where you sincerely know that rain or no rain, God can take care of you. Salary or no salary, connection or no connection, job or no job, He can ceaselessly supply your needs. In Elijah's case, God led him to the brook Cherith and sent ravens to bring him food daily. But it was not the brook and the ravens that were the source of his provision, it was God. So when the brook dried up, God the source of the supply opened another channel. Next time a man
closes a door on you, don't run helter-skelter; God is your source and He will open another means.

God sent Elijah to a widow in Zarephath and did a miracle so that the cruise of oil in the widow’s house did not dry throughout the famine. There was famine in the land but they didn't know a single dry day; that shall be your portion, in Jesus’ name. You need to know how this happened to Elijah so that you could apply it to your life. As earlier said, Elijah was zealous for God, he was a God-addict. He didn't start seeking God because of the famine, he had been irrevocably committed to God. It is possible to experience surplus and abundance no matter the economic problems in your nation, but you must be relentlessly committed to God. Secondly, Elijah's trust was not in the rain, brook, ravens or the widow; he understood that these were just channels. His trust was in God. As you trust God with all your heart, you will not experience a dry moment anymore, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask the Lord to give you exceptional portion no matter the prevalent evil in the nation, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* Declare that your provision shall not stop even in the time of famine, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to help you trust Him in every situation, in Jesus’ name.

I am a servant of the kingdom of God; I shall not serve the devil, sin or the world, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Growing in all Areas

Friday 24 November
READ: Lk. 2: 40    
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 18:32-34

Jesus grew into the greatness we see in Him today. There is no sin in being small or being a child; the only crime is choosing to remain a child. Some believers are always complaining about people and the church not giving them enough attention and care, so they move from one church congregation to another. Everybody needs attention but there is a degree of attention that a man looks for and you know that he is still a child. If you are a new convert in Christ, there is nothing wrong with always needing people to visit you, buy a Bible, books and devotionals for you. But a time should come for you to grow and start doing those things for somebody else. If you always need to be followed up and encouraged before you attend church services, you need to grow. It is a child that always looks for attention and wants to be carried; an adult gives attention and carries others.

The major defining point in growth is assuming more responsibility and less dependence. When you start taking responsibility, then you become mature. It is a sign that you have refused to grow up when you don't stop complaining of not being taken care of by people. Evidence of growth is that you learn to handle some things for yourself and have a personal vision and target for your life physically, financially and spiritually.     

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and
man: Luke 2:52. Jesus grew and waxed strong in spirit. Growth and advancement must be all-round. Any man who grows in one direction and doesn't grow in others is not growing. A human being with one part of his body growing while the others remain the same is obviously sick. Kwashiorkor is a medical problem in children in whom you could see just the belly growing big while  other parts of the body are emaciated. If you concentrate only on making money and doing well in your career but your spiritual life is going down, that is not growth. At the same time, if you are growing spiritually and there is no growth in other physical aspects of your life then something is wrong.

Remember the Bible says, Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth:  III John 1:2. So as you prosper in spiritual things, there must be corresponding growth in physical and material things. Advancement is growing physically and spiritually, and may this begin to find expression in your life from today, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that you grow in grace until the fullness of the stature of Christ, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray for all-round growth physical, spiritual, and career, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that you will grow in strenght, wisdom, and favour with God and men, in Jesus’ name.

November is my set time, I can no longer be stopped, by favour and mercy I advance to my new level today, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

God at Work

Thursday 23 November
READ: Psa. 44:1-9  
MORE LESSONS: John 14:1-3

One way you can know a man very well is by the nature of his work. In Deut. 32:2-3, Moses the servant of God ascribed greatness to God because of the nature of His work; His work is perfect. God does not just do things but does  perfect works. The word ‘perfect’ in this regard means His work is complete in all respects, completely correct, accurate, exact, without reservation or qualification, pure and absolute. Because Prophet Moses knew the quality of God's work, he decided to sing a song to glorify Him.

Each time God works, He does not do anything less than can be described as perfect. But before He can go to work on your behalf, He wants to know that you trust Him and you are able to stress your belief in Him. Moses did just that through his song as we see in today’s text, "Through thee will we push down our enemies: through thy name will we tread them under that rise up against us." : Psa. 44:5.
He told God they wanted to get victory through Him. Beloved, through God you can triumph over your enemy, and even get God to start a complete new thing in your life (Joel 2:21).

Boasting in God and praising Him also makes Him to go to work on your behalf. In God we boast all the day long, and praise thy name for ever. Selah: verse 8. And as you know, when God is at work, His Spirit and His name will be present there (Gen.1:1-2).

Dearly beloved, you can provoke God to go to work in your life. May the Lord Almighty work His work in your life today and now, in Jesus’ name. Getting God’s attention is not difficult at all, in as much as you are in the fold. All you need more than any other thing is to praise Him every day. Give the testimonies of what God has done before and project your faith for more and you will know that God is never tired of doing works. As it is written concerning Jesus,
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him: Acts 10:38.
Jesus is anointed for good works because of what we may need today and tomorrow.

* Declare that the perfection of Jesus will be seen in all that you do today, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that God will put the weight of His glory to work on your behalf, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to perfect His workings in your life and family, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I shall not be a casuality of warfare; I receive cover by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

God is ever Willing

Wednesday 22 November
READ: Matt. 8:1-3   
MORE LESSON:   Matt. 9:18-22

It is a disadvantage to have a wrong perception of God. Therefore, it is wrong for anybody to assume that God is not willing to let him off the hook, like the leper in our text. This is share ignorance. God is merciful, kind and generous. Whatever you are going through, approach Him as a Father and don't be discouraged by the gravity of your sin because the blood of Jesus is enough to cleanse you from all forms of oppression and sin.

The prodigal son took courage and confidently walked to his father after squandering his inheritance, asking to be a servant, I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned ... And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants: Lk. 15:18-19. You ought to do the same; go back to God, tell Him you are sorry, He is ever willing to forgive. Don't even have a servant mentality, go as a son, you are not a servant but a son, ... I have called you friends .... Jn. 15:15. Your willingness is what is in question, now take a bold step and approach the throne of grace.

It took courage for the leper to approach Jesus because he did not know whether Jesus would be willing to heal him, and also because a leper was  an outcast. But Jesus proved to him that none is an outcast no matter their state spiritually or otherwise. He is also willing any day to heal, save, restore, deliver or do any good, if you are willing to approach His throne of grace, If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: Isa. 1:19. The first step to a blessing from God is  willingness. It is willingness that brings obedience and obedience stirs  Heaven to do anything.

Are you willing to be blessed of God in any area of life? Prove your willingness by living up to God's expectation from today and  bring His power to bear in your matter. God is willing if you are willing. In fact, God is more willing than man, if only we will approach Him in faith believing, Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need: Heb. 4:16.
The leper came by faith and went away with healing. If you too can approach Heaven through prayer, faith and obedience, you will be delivered.

* Give God thanks for the privilege to approach the throne of grace with confidence, in Jesus’ name.
* Tell God that you believe, and there shall be lifting, success, promotion and healing for you, in Jesus’ name.

Every lie of the enemy over my life, health, career, family, business, spirit, and destiny ends now, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Great Grace for all Leaders, Spiritual & Political 

Tuesday 21 November
READ: Eph. 3:7-8  
MORE LESSON: James 4:6

The grace of God exists on three different levels. 1. The word grace means unmerited favour. 2. Grace refers to God's willingness to enter into a covenant of righteousness with you and bring you into His presence. 3. Grace is the anointing of God. The Holy Ghost is the anointed of God, and He extends that anointing to you. The anointing will remove all burdens and destroy yokes, it will bless, empower you, go before you to prepare the way for God to move. You can pray and believe God for this active side of grace to do extra ordinary i.e. operating in the supernatural realm of the spirit.

In Acts 4, Peter and John did a notable miracle where a lame man began to walk. The people rejoiced, and word of the miracle came to the Sanhedrin, who grabbed them and demanded that they stop teaching and preaching in the name of Jesus under threat of death. They went and reported all that the chief priests and scribes and elders had said. They then began to pray, praising God, asking for boldness so that they could speak even more fearlessly with signs and wonders following. They were asking for a manifestation of the power of grace. Grace showed up, and they spoke the Word of God boldly. Many signs and wonders were manifested and people brought their sick into the street so they could at least be touched by the shadow of Peter passing by. When you experience a time of great grace, you don't struggle to manifest power! Anybody who was sick, demon possessed, who needed a miracle were healed because great grace came on the disciples. It will come upon you today, in Jesus’ name.

Great Grace is the power of God that enables you to do what God calls you to do. We are totally dependent on the power of God to teach and to pastor. You can do better; function better when you operate under the unction of the grace of God. May God anoint you with this grace today, in Jesus’ name? Man can't take glory for doing anything. If a miracle happens when we preach and minister, when we pray and believe, thank God, but it's not us; it's the grace of God.

You are a saint of God, with grace in you. Talk back to the devil. Tell him that he can do whatever he wants, but you know what's going to happen in the end. You're going to get God's grace just in time. God has covenanted with you to show up! His grace will be sufficient for you to go through it all 2 Cor. 12:9. Paul knew that the grace of God should cause him to be able to face trouble fearlessly. He had a covenant with God, and he had the manifested power of God, which is grace. Because of that, hear what Paul said, I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me: Phil. 4:13.  If you stay on the Word of God, refusing to be moved by what you see, feel, and what people say, then you're going to be moved by knowing who you are and where you are standing. This is going to bring you the experience of victory, which in turn will give you hope in this year.

* Pray that great grace will be upon your life as It was on the apostles, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that in all things the grace of God will be sufficient for you, in Jesus’ name.

I receive God's unction and power upon my tongue now, my words shall be a law to my enemies, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Qualified to Lead

Monday 20 November
READ: Acts 6:1-3       
MORE LESSON:  Titus 1:5-13

Leadership is about guiding, directing, leading and solving problems. Whether in church or out of church, leadership is a key. Where there are no qualified leaders, the evidence is clear because there will be a string of unresolved problems, crises, breakdown of law and order, confusion and lack of progress. Clearly, it is possible to have people in positions of authority and yet there are no leaders. This is particularly so where people  who don't meet the required qualifications are given appointments. When leaders were needed in the early Church, it was to solve problems and there were criteria to set a standard.  The leaders were to be:

* Men of honest report.
* Men full of the Holy Spirit.
* Men full of wisdom.
* Men full of faith.
* Men full of the power of God.

Again, when Moses needed help with the work, his father-in-law advised him,
Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: Exo. 18:21.
Jethro suggested the criteria as:

* Able men.
Men that fear God.
* Men who hate covetousness.
Men who are teachable.
* Men who will be able to teach others.

One of the major challenges in the  modern Church is lack of men with biblical qualifications in leadership positions. Until we insist on appointing men using biblical standard we will continue to have title holders with little or no solutions to problems in the church. Before Elisha could get Elijah’s mantle, he first qualified as a trained servant. It was written concerning him, Here is Elisha ...which poured water on the hands of Elijah: 2 Kings 3:11. The same was true of Joshua who served under Moses.

The qualifications for leadership are not in-born, they are acquired and everyone who desires to make a full proof of his ministry and assignment can attain them. Thirst and cry to God for these qualities and you will have them. May you become a leader of influence, a worthy leader and problem solver.

* Ask God to fill you with virture and grace for leadership, in the name of Jesus.
* Ask God to lead you as you serve at any level of leadership, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare that you are full of the Holy Ghost in wisdom, faith, the power of God and every spiritual virtue, in Jesus’ name.

Father, this month, send me help and comfort speedily, you are my only hope, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Leadership and Problem Solving

Sunday 19 November
READ: Exo. 14:5-14    
MORE LESSONS: Mk. 4:35-41

Leadership  essentially involves problem-solving and carrying the people along to the top or envisioned destination. Challenges and crises should be springboards for a leader to showcase his or her hidden qualities. When God called Moses, He knew that between Egypt and Canaan there would be pockets of resistance to Moses; Pharaoh would harden his heart, the magicians would contest with Moses, etc, so God assured Moses that He would captain His people to the Promised Land. It is not easy to lead such a large crowd that left Egypt. As Israel left Egypt and amidst the audible voices of Egyptian chariots, the people greatly feared and cried out, but Moses did not lose his faith in the God that called and backed him up, And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day...: Exo. 14:13.

True leaders are the people's hope in times of difficulties and crises. By their approach, fear is turned to faith, despair to hope and the failing heart is strengthened. These attributes distinguish a leader from the followers. Moses said, The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace: v14. Moses wanted the people to know that the best antidote to the crises of life is faith and peace. Also, that the words from the Lord and His servants are instruments of victory. The instruments and qualities God has given every leader are meant to bring deliverance to people.  The Red Sea will always open for God's people to cross over and victory will abound. We therefore need leaders who can make contact with Heaven to solve problems for God's people on earth and this can only happen through our consistent prayer, support and encouragement for our leaders at all times. Criticising and confronting leaders is never God’s will and cannot help leaders to get the result we desire from them.

Not a single one of the people who gave Moses problem on their way to the Promised Land got there. They all perished in the wilderness by one form of affliction or the other! Spiritual leaders are, God sent to solve problems; if you cant help them don't confront them, God will not overlook such attacks! Leaders should also concentrate on their God-given assignment of being a problem solver and stop crossing perceived enemies.

* Give God thanks for the leaders over your life and home, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to strengthen the hands of your leaders, that they will not faint, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God  to make them a source of encouragement to you, in Jesus’ name.  

Father, deliver me from the flood of life, let me not sink, and let not the pit of hell shut her mouth upon me, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

The Fail-Proof Redemption Plan

Saturday 18 November
READ: Gen. 3:13-15     
MORE LESSON: Rom. 5:12-17

No living creature can survive outside its source. A careful follow-up on the patterns of creation reveals that God called living creatures out of the environmental source or habitat that supports their life. So the waters brought forth fish and the wales  Gen 1:20 and the earth brought forth trees, vegetation and cattle and all other terrestrial beasts  Gen 1:24. That's why fish cannot live without water, trees will die if disconnected from the soil. It's a law of nature. But when it was time to make man, God spoke to Himself; And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth: Gen. 1:26. God is our source; therefore, it is impossible for man to thrive and survive without God.

Although things went sour between man and God – his source, there was already a plan for man's redemption. Isn't it amazing to see that God had more than a creation plan for man,?  He also had a redemption plan with provisions for the restoration and recovery of man if man falls from royalty over all other created things. This redemption plan is contained in the first and oldest prophecy in human history dating back to the Garden of Eden. It was given by YAHWEH Himself immediately after the fall of mankind from his dominion mandate. Hard woven within the tapestry of this prophecy, were both justice for humanity and judgement for the devil.

Simply put, God didn't just make you and me to roam the earth like  cattle, trees and fish without hope or destiny. He also had a special plan to protect and preserve us from evil. Simply put, you're no accident of any kind, no matter what you think about yourself or what they say about you. Before you were born, there already was a ‘fail-proof’ plan for every mistake you would ever make in this life. You are hand made by God and there is an irreversible divine insurance on your life in the redemption work of Jesus. Hallelujah! God settled your past, present and future errors in the fulfilment of that ancient prophecy long before your ancestors arrived the scene.

Nothing you have ever done or will ever do is a surprise to the Creator and King of   Heaven and earth. God knows it all! The name of this redemption plan is JESUS Christ, Son of the Living God, who came and died for the sins of mankind. He rose again with all power in His hands thereby bruising the head of the serpent and purchasing our freedom once and for all. So, whatever was lost by the sin of Adam is restored by faith in Jesus. In faith  say ‘Yes’ to Jesus. I welcome you to redemption forever.

* Confess 2 Cor. 5:17  several times today.
* Rededicate your life to Jesus Christ and ask the Holy Spirit to purge your mind from all guilt and self-condemnation.
* Declare that your new reality is the finished works of Jesus Christ.

Today, I frustrate the counsel of liars, I make diviners mad and I turn the knowledge of the enemy to foolishness, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Facts of the Bible

Friday 17 November
READ: II Tim. 3:16    
MORE LESSON:  Psa 19:1-10

I believe that the Bible contains the true and living Word of God. The Bible was written over a 1,500 year period by 40 different generations coming from radically different backgrounds and cultures. They included kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, poets, statesmen, scholars, etc. It was written from different places, at different times, in different languages by writers on different continents, yet it contains an unmistakable thread of continuity all through its pages. It is incredible to realize that even human and natural science is full of proofs that attest to the reliability of the Bible as the Holy Scripture.

Archaeological research has revealed excavations and discoveries of tangible evidences to ascertain that the documentations in the Bible are not fiery tales. Scientific research continues to unfold the wonders and mysteries of our universe. Interestingly, there is one Book that has anticipated many of these scientific facts. That Book is the Bible. Many of these facts were written centuries before they were discovered.  There are inexhaustible, tangible and historical proofs that the Bible is truly God-breathed.

1. The earth free-floats in space (Job 26:7), and is affected only by gravity. While other sources hold that the earth sat on the back of an elephant or turtle, or was held up by Atlas, the Bible alone states what we now know to be true – “He hangs the earth on nothing.”

2. The Bible warns against eating birds of prey (Lev.11:13-19). Scientists now recognize that those birds which eat carrion (putrefying flesh), often spread disease.

3. Circumcision on the eighth day is ideal (Gen. 17:12; Lev. 12:3; Lk. 1:59). Medical science has discovered that the blood clotting chemical, prothrombin, peaks in a new-born on the eighth day. This is therefore the safest day to circumcise a baby. How did Moses know?

4. Our bodies are made from the dust of the ground (Gen.2:7; 3:19). Scientists have discovered that the human body is comprised of  28 base and trace elements – all of which are found in the earth.

History has it that no other book  has more proofs of it's truth and reality in science, arts, history and archaeology at the same time. Friend, if you don't own a Bible, then you don't own a real book. If you own one and don't read it, reality is passing you by; and if you own one but it's dusty, then you are ignoring reality. But if you study the Word of God with faith in your heart and confess it daily with zest, then welcome to Reality! This is the key-point; the Bible is the Word of God and the Word of God is alive. Receive it today and receive life!

*  Thank God for  the treasures of eternal truth in the Bible.
*  Ask  for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of the Son of God.
*  Pray that the mysteries of God will be at work in your life as you obey His Word.

Father, like John the Baptist, this month I shall be a burning fire to every enemy, untouchable always and a shining light in darkness, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Permissive Will

Thursday 16 November
READ: Num. 22:12-22   
MORE LESSON:  Psa. 106: 14 – 15

The way of self-will is the way of destruction but the path of the will of God is the path of peace.  Many believers are being destroyed because they insist on their own way as against the way of the Lord. This is depicted vividly in the life of Balaam. The Lord told him not to go and curse Israel but because of the many riches and pleasure that the Moabites promised him, he kept wearying God with prayers of inquiry until the Lord granted him the go ahead even though it wasn't God's will.

Many believers have made up their minds about what they want to do before  they start bombarding God with prayers to endorse their decisions. Even when God tells them ‘No’, they keep praying and fasting as if that will force God's hand to change and allow them. Finally, they get a release to go the way they want and they say it is God that gave them a go ahead. No, God didn't, you made God to let you. It is like when we were kids, we would weary out our mothers with so much crying that they give us what they didn't want to. They tell us, 'Take and don't kill me. Whatever happens to you, you are on your own.'

Psalm 106: 15 captures this scenario right: the children of Israel kept pestering God with complains to give them flesh to eat in the wilderness. The Bible says, And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul. There are many believers that are victims of God’s permissive will. God warns them not to go into a particular relationship, business or career but they refuse the counsel of God.  They keep pestering, fasting, praying and pushing ahead even though they have been warned that it is not God's will. The Lord does not force His will on any man, so He allows them to obey the idol in their heart but then the consequence will be theirs to face.

Balaam faced his consequence; he was disgraced as a prophet. Even an animal eventually had more sense than him. God left him and began showing visions to a donkey. He left God and joined camp with idol worshippers because of greed. Consequently, when the children of Israel were to destroy the inhabitants of the land and possess the land of Canaan, Bible records that, Balaam also the son of Beor, the soothsayer, did the children of Israel slay with the sword among them that were slain by them: Josh 13:22.  Balaam walked the path of the permissive will and was destroyed for it. You will not be adamant in going against God's will, in Jesus’ name. Receive the grace to walk in the will of God in every area of your life. 

* Submit your will to God and ask Him to have His way in your life and matters.
* Rebuke the spirit of arrogance and self-will in your life and receive a humble heart to submit to God.

I command all pharaohs and all evil task masters over my life, hear the word of the Lord, my time of release is now, let my destiny go now, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Flesh or Spirit?

Wednesday 15 November
READ: Gal. 4: 22 - 31   
MORE LESSON:  John 3: 6

Abraham had two sons. Ishmael was the first child who was born to the bond woman and Isaac was the younger one who was born according to the promise.  Ishmael was born after the flesh but Isaac was born after the Spirit. Abraham had to cast out the child of the flesh so that the child of the promise could occupy his rightful position. Until the flesh is cast out, the Spirit cannot find expression. The difference between the child of the flesh and the child of the Spirit is that God had given a word concerning Isaac but no word preceded Ishmael. Isaac was God's idea but Ishmael was man's idea that resulted from Sarah's advice to Abraham to sleep with her handmaid so that Sarah could have a child through her.  For everything that you do, you must check whether it is of the flesh or of the Spirit. Is it God's idea that you are carrying out or you are merely following man's agenda? It is only what God originates that He backs up.

Esau and Jacob were children of Isaac. A prophecy had gone ahead that the younger would carry the blessing of the covenant but the older one was preferred by the father. It is not what you prefer that matters, it is what God wants. You must check every step and every venture you undertake whether it is from God or from the flesh. Remember that whatever is born of the flesh is flesh and whatever is born of the Spirit is spirit (John 3: 6). It is only what originates from the Spirit of God that is of the Spirit. This is why you must consult with the Holy Spirit and hear God before you take any step.

Was your marriage born of the flesh or the Spirit? The ministry you started, is it of the flesh or the Spirit?  Did God send you or you sent yourself? It is only the venture or idea which God initiates that He supports. Ishmael was the senior but he was not selected; Esau was also the senior but was not chosen. It is not about seniority but the Spirit. You might have been pursuing your own agenda for long but when you hear the voice of God, you have to set aside the 'senior' and pick up that which the Lord instructs. If you have been in a relationship that is not of God for years and God's Spirit is now warning you to stop it, do not count the number of years that has gone into it. It is not about how long, it is about whether what you are doing is of the flesh or Spirit.  Remember God's Word, For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting: Gal. 6:8.

* Repent of every step or decision born of the flesh, which you have taken, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God for grace to wait for His instruction for every step you take, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that you shall walk  by the leading of God's Spirit, in Jesus’ name

My cry shall be heard in the high heavens, I shall live to see my desires in the land of the living and I shall be a living testimony, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Abraham and Lot

Tuesday 14 November
READ: Gen. 13: 5 - 8     
MORE LESSON: Gen. 19: 15 – 29

When God called Abraham, he took Lot with him.  It was as a result of God's blessing upon the life of Abraham that Lot became blessed. However, with time, Lot forgot the source of his blessing and allowed selfishness to overtake him. He began to have contentions with Abraham's men over grazing land. He felt that his cattle were not feeding well because Abraham's cattle were taking up the space.

It is like allowing a visitor to stay in your house where you pay the house rent, utility bills and even buy all the food while he keeps saving his money in the bank. Then one day, after accumulating at your expense, he starts to complain that you are suffocating his business. There are some selfish believers like that. They take advantage of other people's benevolence and want to live entirely on other people. I always teach that if a believer is staying with someone, he must also try to make contribution no matter how small. Even if the host is blessed and is not demanding, it is good you make your little input to his/her overall wellbeing. If you are working and are still staying with your parents, buy some things and bring home. They probably do not need them but it shows a sense of responsibility on your part.

Lot faced Abraham one day and said “Uncle, I don't know what is happening these days, my cattle are not feeding well because your herdsmen deprive them”. He has forgotten that when he left Ur, he had nothing. The cattle he was calling his own were probably part of what Abraham gave him to start him up in life.

Abraham on the other hand said, “Let there be no fight between us, choose where you want to graze your cattle and if you go one side, I will tell my men to go the other side”(v8). What a selfless man! He didn't even make the first choice though he was older. Sometimes selflessness could look like foolishness but it always pays off in the long run. Abraham relinquished the right to make the first choice to Lot who selfishly grabbed it. Lot looked at the place where the grass was green and the land was very good and went for it. Little did he know that he was camping in Sodom, the place of destruction. When selfishness rules a man's life; he ends up destroying himself.

Abraham chose the path of selflessness and ended up in Canaan – the land flowing with milk and honey. Beloved, review your relationships today and check what you are doing to your Abraham, your destiny helper. Look back and front and see whether you have been ungrateful, greedy or selfish in life, and repent before you end up like Joseph’s brothers who attempted to kill their Joseph yesterday only to seek his help from famine today! Abraham may still be needed tomorrow.

* Ask the Lord to grant you grace to live as an instrument of peace anywhere you go, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray against the spirit of selfishness, greed and self centredness, in Jesus’ name.

Father, I declare that I might have seen delay but I shall not be late, my victory will appear to all this month, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, November 13, 2017

The old Lie

Monday 13 November
READ: Matt. 28:1-15  
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 2:1-3

When the enemies of Jesus noticed that their plot was failing, they decided to use a lie to defend their evil. They gave money to the soldiers guarding Jesus’ grave to make them lie that the disciples came by night while they slept and stole the body away, So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day: Matt. 28:15. Meanwhile, Jesus had resurrected and begun to show Himself to His disciples. What a courageous lie; that the  disciples stole a dead body but the dead person was seen walking in the streets. However, the Bible says, despite seeing the resurrected Jesus, though without effect, this lie is ...commonly reported among the Jews until this day: Matt. 28:15. It has become a mockery of the enemy to tell such an open undefendable lie.

In the same way, the lies of your enemies, no matter how old and popular, will have no effect on your destiny. No matter how much was paid in monetary term or otherwise to raise a lie against you, the pronouncement will not stand, in the name of Jesus. Know that every pronouncement of men and of life circumstances that is contrary to God's Word and promises is an open lie and  cannot stand. Barrenness is a lie because it is written, There shall nothing cast their young nor be barren, in thy land: Exo. 23:26a. Untimely death is also a lie because the Word says, ...the numbers of your days I will fulfill: Exo. 23:26b; and With long life will I satisfy you…. Psa. 91:16. Poverty is a lie. David said, ...yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken nor His seed begging bread: Psa. 37:25. Similarly, sickness and diseases are lies; …and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee…: Exo. 23:25. Oppression is a lie: ...thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear…. Isa.54:14.

Everything that is contrary to what God has said remains a lie and must end. Only the Word of the Lord shall stand forever (Psa. 33:11). No matter how old the  words of the enemy are, they shall bow to the counsel of the Lord, There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord that shall stand: Prov.19:21. Therefore, child of God, stand on what God has said over your matter, disbelieve the lie of the devil. No matter how strong and real it may look, it shall not stand. Fill you heart always with what God has said. Read the Word, memorise it and confess it to your situation and it shall be well with you. Whose report will you believe from today? God's Word or Satan's lies? (Isa.53:1).

* Ask God to expose every lie of the devil in your life, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that every satanic curse shall turn to foolishness, in Jesus’ name.
* Today disclaim every negative report about you that is not from God, in Jesus’ name.

I have a covenant with life, this month will not see my obituary, I shall live to see greater days, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Beautiful Feet

Saturday 11 November
READ: Isa. 52: 7   
MORE LESSON: Mal. 3:18

God will do exceptional things for those that work for Him that He will not do for anyone else. God is not partial and He is not a respecter of persons but it is also important to know that every person doesn't carry equal weight with God. There are those that, by the reason of dedication of their lives to serving God, have a special slot with Him. 

When a man is dedicated to soul winning; either by his effort, life or resources, God has a special place for such a person. One of the ways you can sign up to become one of God's favourite is to dedicate your life, energy and resources towards winning souls for Him and expanding His kingdom. Isa. 52:7 says, How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! God is committed to beautifying, not just the feet, but the entire life of those that are committed to advancing the gospel.

The Bible says, The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise: Prov. 11:30.  There is so much wisdom in dedicating your life to publishing the gospel because it is the surest way of securing your life. For example, a man that dedicates a great part of his income to sponsoring the advancement of the Kingdom can be sure of Prov 11:30 being fulfilled in his life,  that no matter how sour the economy turns, he will never lose his source of income. This is because God's kingdom will suffer a loss if such a man loses; and God's kingdom can never lose, so the man must always increase.

When you are committed to the gospel, you enjoy divine immunity. In this generation where God is looking for men that will serve Him and everyone is busy pursuing his own agenda, when you make yourself available for Him, He will rather a whole nation be destroyed than your life be touched. This is why the gospel is part of the armour of the believer, And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace: Eph. 6:15. It secures your feet so that you cannot be removed.

It is time for you to dedicate your life to advancing the gospel because God has vowed to make a demarcation between those that serve Him and those that don't (Mal. 3: 18). Do not be deceived by those preaching vain grace; if God has to choose between doing something for one who works for Him and the one who just takes His grace and does nothing for the Kingdom, He will choose the one who works for Him. If He needs to secure the life of one that is committed to Him at the expense of one that is not, He will not hesitate.
Service is a key to divine blessings, go serve God now in any capacity.

* Pray that as a righteous man you will not partake in the same evil with the wicked, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to remember your labour of love to bless you, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that you will not miss your crown when He returns, in Jesus’ name.

The Lord is my sun and shield; in this eleventh month, the Lord will cause me to shine and defend my glory with His shield, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Godly Heritage

Friday 10 November
READ: Prov. 30:11-17.   
MORE LESSON: Prov. 3:1-4

The rate of mortality among the youths is alarming. Many reasons have been attributed for this, such as road accident, drug abuse, and homicide. It was also found that most of those with drug abuse and homicidal tendencies are known to have no proper upbringing by their parents or have rejected home training. Such people violate God's commandments, thus forfeiting the benefits, Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee: Exo. 20:12.

God can shorten the lifespan of a generation that does not walk in obedience to Him as it happened to the Israelites in the wilderness (Num. 14:26-30). In every generation, the responsibility lies on both the parents to give a godly heritage of the knowledge of God to their children and on  the children to readily take godly instructions, My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee: Prov. 3:1-2. Moreover, God wants the young generation to learn from both their biological and spiritual parents.

God will not compromise His standard in any generation. The Bible says, The eye that mocketh at his father, and despiseth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it:  Prov. 30:17. Our text also condemns haughtiness; learn contentment and self-control, don't seem to be pure in your own eye.

Godliness brings long life while sin and vices are the speedy lane to destruction and untimely death. As parents are concerned that their children prosper in academics and career, so also they should be concerned about their spiritual and social well-being. Show interest in what devices your child can access in this age of Information and Communication Technology; let your child not be wasted by the crave for freedom and pleasure. Children also should submit to training and counsel because at the end of the day, they enjoy the good return before the parents can benefit from it. The best heritage that any parent can leave for their children today is not material possessions, good as that may be, it is godly living. The wealth that is built at the expense of godly living will be destroyed by ungodly acts. Parents and children be warned.

*  Pray that you will leave a godly heritage for your children, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the world system will not corrupt the heritage you are building for your children, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the lost heritage in your family be restored by the mercy of God, in Jesus’ name.

Father, I declare there is a new song for me this month, the world will hear it and rejoice with me, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

12 Holy Healthy Habits II

Thursday 9 November
READ: Gen.1:29    
MORE LESSON:  Rom.8:1-13

The first chapter of the book of Genesis contains not just facts and figures of the story of creation but also about God's recommended feeding habits for mankind. The diet God gave people at the beginning of creation was fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds. Man was created by God to live on three dimensions; as a spirit, he lives in a soul and has a body. And throughout Bible days and even contemporary times God is seen to be greatly participating in the spiritual, soul, and bodily well-being of His Children. God gave us His Word and His Spirit to nourish our spirit, He gave us His love, joy and peace to nourish and renew our mind and also gives us timely instructions on how to live in good hygiene and health.

The Christian walk has been greatly misunderstood  by some people to be strictly a spiritual voyage, giving directions only for the spirit dimension of man. On the contrary, the Word of God is full of healthy feeding and living habits that even science has found to be the best way to live. Scripture- obeying people are the healthiest on earth because the Bible is balanced with wisdom and nourishment for the total man. Jesus says, Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out: Jn. 6:37. Jesus is ready to break the shackles that bind us; He longs to set us free if only we will permit it. Our worries, evil habits, nervous tensions, and fears will be gone when we do His bidding (Phil. 4:13). He says, These things have I spoken unto you ... that your joy might be full: Jn. 15:11. The devil says freedom is found in disobedience, but this is falsehood (John 8:44). Take all of these habits to Christ and lay them at His feet. He will joyfully give you a new heart and the power you need to break any evil habit and become a child of God (Ezek. 11:18, 19).

Divine healing is God's responsibility to us but divine health is our responsibility to our body. The Scripture is very clear about what your body really is - the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it must be handled in the most holy and honourable way by us, in a way that is suitable to the Lord of this temple (1 Cor. 6:19). If this body is a temple, then we cannot afford to perform harmful experiments like using cigarette to smoke it up because it is not a chimney, it is a temple.

* Pray that the Word of God will always guide your life, in Jesus’ name.
* Proclaim that you will be healthy-spirit, soul and body, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask the Holy Spirit to enable you break off unhealthy habits, in Jesus’ name.

Lion of the tribe of Judah, arise, spare not, prove Your power to every human manifesting as a dangerous enemy to my life, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

12 Holy Healthy Habits I

Wednesday 8 November
READ: Prov. 3:7-8  
MORE LESSON:  Psa. 91:16

The Bible rates health very high on the list of importance (3 John 1:2). Man's mind, spiritual nature, and body are all interrelated and interdependent. God gave health rules because He knows what is best for the body (Deuteronomy 6:24, Exodus 23:25). A bondservant of Christ should eat and drink all to the glory of God - using only "that which is good" (Isa.55:2, 1Corinthians10:31). If God said something is not fit to eat, He must have a good reason. He is not a dictator, but a loving Father. All His counsels are for our good. So if God withholds a thing from us, it is because such does not benefit us (Psa. 84:11). Let us see a list of 12 holy and totally healthy habits dug up from the Word of God:

1. Eat your meals at regular intervals (Eccl.10:17).
2. Don't overeat (Prov. 23:2, Lk.21:34).
3. Make mealtime a happy time (Eccl. 3:13).
4. Don't harbour envy or hold grudges (Prov. 14:30, Matt. 5:23,24).
5. Balance work and exercise with sleep and rest (Exo. 20:9,10, Eccl. 2:22, 23; 5:12, Psa. 127:2).
6. Keep your body clean (Isa. 52:11).
7. Avoid all harmful stimulants. 
8. Bury body waste to avoid disease (Deut. 23:12-13).
9. Avoid eating animals that are strangled (Acts 15:20,29;21:25).
10. Avoid eating animals that die by themselves (Lev.17:15;22:8, Deut. 14:21, Ezek. 4:14).
11. Do not eat animal fat or blood (Gen. 9:4, Lev. 3:17; 7:23-27; 17:10-14, Deut. 12:16).

[Note: Recent scientific studies have confirmed the fact that most heart attacks result from a high cholesterol level in the blood -and that the use of "fats" is largely responsible for this high level. Also, the blood can transfer diseases. Science is just catching up with the Bible.]

12. Put full trust in the Lord (Prov. 4:20-22; 19:23).
God's counsels and rules are always for our good, just as good parents' rules and counsels are best for their children. God holds us accountable (Jam. 4:17). The reason for restricting our diet is because we are the holy children of a holy God (Deut. 14:1-3).

* Ask God to  help you develop useful habits, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare that your water and bread are blessed and they shall be for health and healing for you, in Jesus’ name.
*  Ask for grace to be a doer of these words, and not a hearer only, deceiving yourself.

Father, this eleventh month, prove to the world that You are the faithful miracle working God, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Comrade in Compassion

Tuesday 7 November
READ: Heb. 4: 14 - 16          
MORE LESSON:  Rom. 12: 15

God allows us to go through some things so that we can bring succor to people who are passing through such things. Jesus advocates for us because He has experienced the temptations and struggles that we face as humans. Heb. 4: 15 says, For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. In other to save humans who are flesh and blood, Jesus had to leave His divinity and manifest as flesh and blood: Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil: Heb 2:14. It is good to  associate with people's weakness and empathize with them.  We shouldn't judge or condemn people when we do not even have an idea how it feels to experience what they are going through.

This brings to mind the story I heard on the news years ago. There was a very rich lady named Paris Hilton of the Hilton Conglomerate family pedigree.  Being from a rich family, she couldn't relate to the struggle of the poor and destitute but regarded them as second class people.  She lived in luxury and partied around in extravagance. One day she was driving while drunk so the police picked and detained her for 23 days. She was put in a small room with no phone or electronic device, except a Bible. She said she read the Bible till she got tired of reading it. She came out of the place refined and never remained the same again. When she was released, her family welcomed her back and spent a lot to make her comfortable and get over the trauma of the detention. But she couldn't get her mind off the many people she met in the prison who had no family to receive them when they leave the prison. Many therefore go back to committing crime so that they could be locked up again. They have no one and nothing out there in the world and actually feel more secured and catered for in prison than out and free.

Having experienced the struggles of these people, she took it upon herself to help rehabilitate people who have come out of prison and re-integrate them into the community. Instead of wasting her money on wild-living, she found a purpose; using it to help ex-convicts settle back to a decent life after living prison.  We must be compassionate and identify with the pains of people. By the reason of grace, we might have been lifted above the struggles of other people but we should not despise them. This doesn't mean that we should desire to be comrades in struggle with them, but we can be comrades in compassion. Remember, this high priest of ours understands our weaknesses for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin (Heb. 4:15).

*  Ask God to give you a compassionate heart.
* Pray that you will be a source of blessing and encouragement to people going through difficult times.

Father, by Your love and mercy, settle me before this month runs out, change my waiting to a testimony, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Real Praise and Worship

Monday 6 November
READ: John 4: 21 – 24        
MORE LESSON:  Acts 16: 25-26

Praise and worship session is part of the order of service in nearly all church gatherings. Most churches put it among the first items on the order of service. However, the truth is that most believers still have a long way to go in offering real praise and worship. The first point in the text today is that real praise and worship is not dependent on environment. If your praise of God is limited to some items on the church order of service, then you have not started giving real praise and worship. You should not be a child of God that can only praise Him in church; praise should be your way of life.  There are some people that are ashamed to praise God in certain places. You have not started giving real praise until you give praise without minding your environment.

Even in church, some people are so mindful of the people around them that they cannot give God quality praise.  You can't be so conscious of your dressing that you can't let go and praise God. Real praise is from the spirit, and is not restricted by the environment. This doesn't mean making the service disorderly, it just means throwing away your self-imposed restraints and giving God real praise and worship without caring about who is watching you and who is not. Forget about the make-up on your face and glorify the God who can make your destiny up.

Real praise has benefits. The first benefit is that God comes to inhabit your life as you praise Him. Psa. 22: 3 says that God inhabits the praise of His people. When you give real praise and worship, there are miracles that happen in your life that you may not even notice immediately. There are blessings that you cannot explain. You don't get signs and wonders by going round prophets looking for miracles.  You become a sign and a wonder by living a life of real praise to God.

Praise and worship is the time that God starts doing some real wonderful things in people's lives. You get your own portion by giving Him praise and worship. There is the praise and worship that is rehearsed and staged in church with all the dancing steps already practised. Well, there is nothing bad about it if it is done to the glory of God. However, much more better is the spontaneous and real worship and praise that flows from your heart when no one is watching and cajoling you; that comes from your true heart and spirit in response to the might of God. When you give real praise and worship, real wonders start happening in and through your life. The best way to prove your love for God is via obedience, sacrifice, giving, but much more by holy praise, with or without music, particularly in times of challenges. Praise God always.

* Pray that your heart will be a fountain from where true praise will flow to God, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to fill our assembly with true worship of God in spirit and in truth, in the mighty name of Jesus.

This month, they that hate me without cause shall die my death without cause, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Benefits of Praise

Saturday 4 November
READ: Acts 16: 25 – 26 
MORE LESSON:  2 Sam. 6: 14 – 15

It was praise that brought Paul and Silas out of the prison. There are numerous benefits in praise. The Bible said that when Paul and Silas praised that there was an earthquake, the prison doors were opened and every man's chain was broken. They experienced those three benefits in one action of praise. Strange miracles happen when you praise.

Many times the reason we do not achieve maximum benefit from praise is because we are too careful in praising God. We do not want to be too out-of-place, so we do not go all out in praising God. David was not careful in praising God so He became the man after God's heart. When the Ark of the Covenant was being brought into the temple, David praised God and danced so much that some people were getting embarrassed for him. But personally, he was not embarrassed about praising God. These are times we must throw away caution when it comes to praising God: we must praise God anyhow.

Praise is not just something one does in the bedroom or in the Church; it is the day to day expression of gratitude to God. Praise is an attitude and it shows in our interaction with people and our environment. A praise giver is always excited about God and people; he has a grateful spirit and always expresses thanks at every opportunity. A lot of people praise in church, but their attitude and expressions in everyday life negate all the benefits that the praise in church would have brought to them. Praise must be total; in your closet, in church and in everyday life. If you must get maximum benefit from praise, then you should note the following points.

1. You must not make praise only a secret affair but also a public one. God is impressed by your praise when you make it public. If you give secret praise, you get secret result. To get outstanding and public results, you should give public praise.

2. Praise must come from the heart. Real praise is not a lip service; it should be a heartfelt expression.

3. Praise must be all involving. You can't praise God and not be physically involved in it. You don't praise aloof and you don't think praise. You do it and engage yourself in it. Do not praise God while your mind is on other things.

Praise has untold benefits. Praise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely: Psa. 147:1.

* As k the Lord to release upon your life the spirit of praise.
* Ask God to help you to be more conscious of His presence than your environment when you praise.
* Declare that your life will always show forth the praises of God.

Satan, your hold on me is broken this month, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Beauty of Doing

Friday 3 November
READ: Eccl. 10:18 
MORE LESSON:  Jam. 2: 17 – 26

A building that is not in use and which no one is staying in decays with time. Anything that is not put into use becomes dilapidated. The Bible likens a believer to the building where God lives (1 Cor. 3: 16). Therefore, like a building, disuse will make a man's life become dilapidated. Idleness and slothfulness cause a destiny to decay. For a man to amount to anything in life, there must be action. Only men of action enjoy the beauty of life.

Anywhere that there is no motion, there is demotion. A destiny decays when there is no movement.  The easiest way to lose value is to do nothing. If a man wants to fail in life, all he has to do is to do nothing. When faith lacks action it is merely an empty boast. James 2: 17 says, In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead (NIV). A man who confesses faith and prays but does nothing will soon die of starvation.

Anything that has decayed is usually thrown away and destroyed. The key to not becoming discarded or destroyed is to do something. As it is written, By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through: Eccl. 10 : 18.

Life celebrates men of action. A man who adds value is valued and can never become discarded. As every man values and preserves his best possession, so does God also value people who add value in His Kingdom. Therefore, a man of valuable actions is honoured by God. There are people who are dead but the fruit of the valuable actions they took while alive is still speaking today.

Matt. 28:19 contains the Great Commission which is the responsibility placed on the Church. The first word in the Great Commission is 'go'. 'Go' is a verb; it is an action word and requires motion. Therefore, you cannot amount to anything in the Kingdom unless you take the action of going. Jesus was always on the move when He was on the earth. He was always doing something. Church title has no meaning unless you take actions that meet up with the responsibility placed on you. The responsibilities include bringing others to Christ, witnessing for Jesus, serving in the Church and blessing lives. Empty chairs in the Church and innumerable sinners on the streets, show that we are not taking enough actions. By the grace of God, you will no longer be a motionless Christian. There is beauty in going as commanded by Jesus. There is beauty in doing as admonished by the Word of God. Your life is beautified as you take Word-inspired actions. 

* Declare that as you put your faith to work, God will work wonders in your life.
* Pray that God will make you the doer of the Word.
* Pray that God will take you beyond lip service to serve Him actively.

It's a new day, a new season, a new glory; all old things have passed away, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Prison Breaker

Thursday 2 November
READ: Acts 16: 25 - 34
MORE LESSON:  Psa. 114: 1 – 8

Two great men of God were locked up in a jail. It is surprising that despite the anointing and power these apostles carried, they could still be beaten, arrested and imprisoned. There are times when life wants to mess you up even though you carry grace and you are serving God passionately. It was there in the prison, where it looked like all hope was gone and nothing was working for Paul and Silas, that they applied a timeless Kingdom principle that can never fail.

Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God.  It was praises that brought about the deliverance of the day. The Bible says that when they praised; And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed: Acts 16:26. Praise brought an earthquake, shook the foundation of the prison, opened the prison doors and loosed the chains of the people. Praise is the real prison breaker!

It is said that when all fail, try praise. Well, why wait for all to fail first? Try praise right now! Praise will open strong doors and break barred  gates. According to Psa. 22: 3, God in His Holiness inhabits the praises of His people. This means that when we praise God, He comes to dwell among us. When you praise God in the midst of any circumstance, He comes to dwell in the midst of that circumstance. When God inhabits a place, you can only imagine what would happen in such a place. The Bible says that even mountains and seas flee before the presence of God. So when His presence comes into your situation, the problem disappears. God inhabited the prison that day due to the praise of Paul and Silas and the prison could not stand the glory of His presence. Therefore, the prison started to shake and tremble as the chains of the people also began to melt like wool in fire. Your praise brings God into your situation and, oh, great things happen when He comes!

Therefore if you are in trouble, bring God into your trouble by your praises and the trouble will melt at His presence. Bring God into your struggles, needs, problems and challenges through your praise and when  He comes to inhabit the praise, all contrary situations will flee His presence.  Praise breaks prisons and destroy yokes, so make praise your lifestyle. Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him: Psa. 67:5-7.

* Pray that the presence of the Lord in your life will fling every prison door open.
* Ask God to step into every negative situation you are going through.
* Pray that you will never praise God without seeing the manifestation His presence.

My sun will rise in November never to set, the dark clouds will give way for the sun to shine and my destiny will celebrate, in the name of Jesus.