Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Last Adam

Text: Rom.5:17-19 
More Lessons Isa.53:4-5

Every born again child of God is born to reign; not just in Heaven but even in this life. By our adamic nature, we are sinners and total losers because when the first man, Adam, committed high treason against the government and rule of God in Heaven, his sin brought judgment on the entire human race. Every human gene carried this judged and low nature. The life expectancy of man kept dropping from almost 1000years to about 70years now.

Man and all of creation began to experience dominion melt-down. Life according to the lineage and order of Adam only brought shame, sickness, sin and a low life because of the curse of sin. But several years later, Christ Jesus came on the scene, sent by God and paid the ultimate price by dying on the cross, shed His blood, saved us from our sins, rose again triumphantly after three days and now through Him we have received a higher life such as has never been seen before. This is our Holy Ghost birth or our second birth. Now you are a new creation in Christ Jesus, you are a winner and a champion forever, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God John3:3. Our new birth is a total paradigm shift from the principles and Our new birth is a total paradigm shift from the principles and demands of the old and cursed man to the power and wisdom of God by the one, Jesus Christ.

There is a higher life in Christ Jesus, higher than sickness and disease, higher than the fear of man or failure, and even higher than death itself, …and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: Praise God forever more Eph. 2:6. No devil can stop a believer in Christ Jesus because he/she is seated far above all the wickedness of this world. The blessings of God are free for born again people. This is our grace story. We got what we did not deserve because we believe in Christ! You may say that's too good to be true, until you read the full account of what it cost Jesus Christ to take all the punishment for the sins of mankind, taking the full weight of God's wrath against us upon Himself just to save you and I from the curse of sin and give us a rebirth into uncommon favour and grace.

The life of God that we lost in Adam is restored in Jesus. Jesus is the only way out of trouble and to eternal joy and fulfilment. Jesus is the last Adam, full of grace and glory. Just believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. Start living a new life. Jesus is Lord!

* Say, “Thank You Jesus for paying the ultimate price for my redemption”.
* Because Jesus has paid fully all that needed to be paid, I enter fully into my inheritance, my life shall no longer be void of anything good.
* Receive the mentality of a winner and a champion for all things today.

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Monday, December 30, 2013

Help is on the Way II

Text: Psa.37:34
More Lessons Jam.1:6-22

To trust God means to take away your confidence from man and focus entirely on God alone because the arm of flesh will fail but the Word of God lives and abides forever. We cannot do God's part for Him. He alone is God. We can only do our part and wait on Him to move on our behalf. We cannot also ask God to do our part for us. Waiting on God is actually partnering with the divine to deliver the fulfilment of our destiny. Sometimes it could be tough waiting for God especially when you've prayed and prayed and He seems not to say a word about what you're going through.

The best way to handle such seasons and transitionary times is to remember that when a teacher sets an exam, he's quiet and says nothing until the exams is over. Sometimes those tough times are test times that the Lord is taking you through and like every good examination, He intends to use those circumstances to take you to your next level.

Waiting on God has largely been misunderstood to just mean fasting and praying endlessly on a pressing need or matter, but as much as those exercises form the bedrock practices for waiting on God, there is much more. Let's look at a few more things that we must get straight in trying and waiting times.

1. Never murmur or worry. Many people spend most of their waiting moments murmuring or worrying as though they have forgotten that the God we serve can never fail. So to get quick answers to your prayers, you cannot pray and worry; you must remain joyful at all times. You must depend on the joy of the Lord to strengthen you. Crying and weeping will only depress and keep you further away from taking hold of your miracle.

2. Sow seeds sacrificially. One of the principles that are binding on the universe is the law of sowing and reaping. Sowing provokes a harvest. Sow a prophet's offering to your pastor or make a vow to the Lord in your local assembly and bind it to your request. Look for people who God has blessed with the same thing you desire and sow a seed into their lives to connect to the blessing in their lives. Be involved in projects to help the needy or build the house of God. For when you put the matters of God's house first, He puts the issues of your house first. Between the promise and the provision is the process. Hang in there because Help is on the way for you!

  • Ask for the unfailing help of the Lord for all that you do.
  • Ask for direction from the Lord concerning the type of things to do for the particular help you need.
Meet a particular need of a member of your family or assembly today as a point of contact for your help.

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Help is on the Way I

Text: Psa.37:34 
More Lessons 1 Sam.1:1-19

Waiting on the lord is one of the most discussed topics in Gospel articles, discussions, books and teachings across Christian denominations and pulpits because it is ever relevant. We all have one thing or the other that we are waiting upon the Lord for, at one time or the other. For this reason and more, therefore, we cannot be ignorant of the right or appropriate way to brace ourselves as we wait upon the Lord for a miracle or breakthrough. I believe that it is largely our ignorance of the subject that has cost us the delays in our breakthroughs and victories. There are a few basic but infallible truths about waiting on God for a miracle.

1. Faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ is the first step in waiting on God. Let it be settled in your heart that the price for all your needs has been paid by the death of Jesus on the cross. No pain or sickness comes from God. The curse of sin is broken and the bounties of Heaven are available for us. Healing, provision, miracle, babies, favour in career and a blessed home are all our rights through Christ Jesus, Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree Gal. 3:13. We do not beg to be blessed; we.walk in the blessings that God has commanded over us as sons of God, And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you Luke11:9

2. You must find the promises of God in His Word that address your needs and wants and demand for them in Jesus name. The only things God will not provide for us are the things he did not promise us. If He said He will do it, you can believe that He fulfil His word, Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away Matt.24:35.

One thing you can always count on is that any request you make according to God's will and Word will not go unanswered, Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss…. James 4:3. One way to always be sure you do not ask amiss is to ask according to God's Word. Knowing that God will never ignore a request made to him from His Word and by the name of Jesus helps us maintain peace, rest and joy even in waiting and trying times. Our God is a prayer-answering God. It's your time for a miracle because help is on the way for you. Only believe!

* Receive the power of faith to be able to trust God for all you need in life.
* Declare that you will not desire without having, every of your good expectations will materialise, in Jesus’ name.
* Say, “Help of the Lord, come to me, in Jesus’ name” seven times now and you will see God in action.

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Saturday, December 28, 2013

When God Decides to Intervene

Text: Acts12:1-10 
More Lessons Psa.105:13-15

When God decides to intervene in your matter, no amount of satanic or human activity can hinder Him. The story of Peter’s release from Herod’s dungeon proves this very clearly. The security measures that Herod put in place against Peter’s escape was so strong it would have been humanly impossible for any man to attempt breaking the jail to rescue Peter. They include the following: Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and the keepers before the door kept the prison. Then the first gate, second gate and the iron gates were firmly secured.

All these not withstanding because God decided to intervene, the chains and the gates opened of their own accord to Peter and the angel. The angel never had to address the chain nor the gates, they only had to pass, When they were past the first and the second gates, they came to the iron gate that led into the city; which opened to them of its own accord. They went out, passed on to the first street and forthwith the angel departed from Peter (Acts.12:10). That is the way your iron door will open of its own accord today. When God decided to intervene at Jesus’ grave, He took no man’s permission.

The Bible says, So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch Matt.27:66. However, all that became a wasted effort when Jehovah intervened. For the angel of the Lord descended from Heaven and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it (Matt.28:2). What a mockery of human security! Just one angel rolled away the stone and sat on it. Every road block over your progress is today rolled away, in Jesus’ mighty name. All the accusations of Portipha’s wife against Joseph for which he was jailed were not strong enough on the day of God’s intervention in Joseph’s situation. The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and set him free Psa.105:20. Even so, all the evil accusations against you shall no longer be able to stop you from today because Jehovah will intervene.

God’s requirements for His divine intervention are clear 1. Righteousness, Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people Prov.14:34. 2. Trust in the Lord, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee Isa. 26:3.

* Ask God to intervene in the matter of your life where satan is threatening.
* Tell God you trust in His power to prevail in your matter.
* Prophesy that every iron door shut against you shall open of their own accord today.

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Friday, December 27, 2013

Who Owns your Life?

Text: ICor.6:15-20 
More Lessons: II Tim.2:19

There is a law in the United States about self defence. If you are sitting in your house and someone shows up with a weapon to hurt you; if there is evidence that he is coming to attack you, the law allows you to take a gun and kill him. As long as it is within your territory, you are allowed to defend your land. In fact, the government will help you to do the burial because it happened in your territory. He must have come to attack you and you should not be killed inside your own house. You are allowed the right of self defence within your territory because you are the lord over that territory.

The point here is, it doesn't matter how strong and big the activities of an enemy, it doesn't matter how long, if it does not have the power of ownership, it doesn't have the power of usage. The reason the devil is perching over your forest and doing whatever he likes is because he has seen evidence that he owns the place. For example, even as a believer, if what he tells you to do is what you do, you can bear the title of a believer but he knows that you are not a believer.

So when everybody is praying in church, binding every spirit of sickness, whatever is killing this sister we bind it, the devil is laughing somewhere because he knows that you have no authority to exercise the power you are exercising in that jurisdiction. Now, this is the point that deserves attention in this scripture. What you need to examine properly in that scripture is the ownership, who owns the land? I can reject certain things in my life as a child of God and other members of my family may not be able to do the same, because the ownership differs. God owns my life, so I can tell the devil to remove his hand.

If your life is not owned by God, you can't tell the devil to take his hand off your life, he won't. He won't even listen to you because he is contesting with the issue of ownership. If the devil can confirm and show evidence that he is the owner of your life, you are finished. And that's the point we want to pray about today. Who owns your life? This is important because the power to build, to plant, to raise belongs to the owner.

* Re-dedicate your life to Christ today. Tell Him you give Him all your life.
* Confess any sin that makes satan lay claim to your life.
* Declare to the devil that you are God’s property and God’s alone.

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Knock of Joy

Text: Acts12:11-16. 
More Lessons: Psa.12:1-3

The intention of King Herod when he locked Peter up in prison was to kill him, having killed James the brother of John without any uproar. And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also (Acts 12:3). However, the church woke up from slumber and inaction and began to pray. Peter therefore was kept in prison,...but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him v5. The church suddenly recognised that it was not the will of God for their fathers and members to be killed any how. They began to make a demand on God that enough was enough. And that was it, Heaven intervened, and responded that it would not be as the enemy planned. Today is the day to take up the weapon of prayer and say to hell that it shall not be as the enemy has planned.

It is enough of thinking anything that happens to believers is the will of God, good or bad, without seeking God’s face. Friend, that an evil act has been accommodated before is not enough reason why it should be repeated, rather it is a reason why it must stop. Today, as you take up the bow and arrow of prayer and fasting, I see every evil precedent terminated. I hear Heaven respond like in the days of deliverance of Israel from captivity, And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it. And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it Exo.12:7-8. Today, God will overturn the enemy’s counsel over you, I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him Ezek.21:27.

Just as the counsel of Herod against Peter was overturned by the operation of one angel, so shall the plans against your destiny, known or unknown, be overturned! What began as a warfare night vigil soon became a praise night as a surprise knock came on the door, little Rhoda broke the news, but nobody believed her until it was confirmed. The answer came from Heaven faster than they expected.

Today, you too will hear a surprise knock at your door, that answer will come, in Jesus’ name. It may be by a phone call, a text message, a fax or a letter. Whichever way, a knock of joy is at your door, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God to surprise your enemies negatively and surprise you positively.
* Pray that the counsel and plans of Herod and Pharaoh over your life will fail.
* Declare that your destiny shall not be as the enemy has decided.
* Prophesy that goodness will knock at your door this day.

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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Anti-Christs celebrate Christmas?

Text: I Jn.2:18-25 
More Lesson: Matt.21

There have been questions about the definite date of Christmas, whether Jesus was actually born on 25th December or not. Some biblical scholars believe that Jesus must have been born on 18th August. Some suggested March 28, while others suggested November 18th. Even the year of His birth is in dispute. Moreover, it is said that Christmas did not begin as a Christian festival, rather it was a pagan celebration turned to a church festival by pagan converts and accepted by the Church as an incentive to encourage the pagan idol worshippers to accept Christ. And this is true.

The argument still rages on till today. However, whatever the arguments, two things are not in doubt. One, that Jesus was ever born is not in doubt and that is great enough. Two, that Christmas is beyond date, it is the celebration of a man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Every other story is a mere academic rhetoric. If the argument today is that Jesus is a myth, that He was never born or that He never lived, instantly both Christianity and Christmas will collapse. But thank God, Jesus once walked physically on the planet earth, in Jerusalem to be precise. He was born, lived, died, resurrected and ascended to Heaven and is coming back soon.

Unfortunately, there are more people who celebrate Christmas as another opportunity for fun and festival without any contact with Jesus the real reason for the season. Truly speaking, to hate or deny Jesus and still celebrate His birth is the height of disservice to oneself and a terrible satanic deception. Only the ignorant and the unlearned will do it. The scripture reading of today in fact, describes anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ as an anti-Christ and a liar. So how does an anti-Christ celebrate the Christ he opposes and denies? Unfortunately, there are more anti-Christs today celebrating Christmas.

The question is, Are you an anti-Christ celebrating Christmas or are you Christ-like? Many of us will hate to be called anti-Christ yet by the simple definition of John the beloved, anybody who denies that Jesus is the Christ is an anti-Christ even if he goes to church and celebrates Christmas with others. I ask you once more, Who are you at Christmas and beyond? Be a true celebrant, invite Jesus into your life today and Christmas will be real for you to celebrate. HAPPY CHRISTMAS

* Thank God for the rare gift of Jesus.
* Give thanks to God for the work of redemption Jesus came to do for mankind.
* Pray for the countless crowd that will be celebrating Christ today without Christ in their lives, that before the next Christmas they will encounter Christ.
*Tell someone about Jesus today by word or action.

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Breaking the Padlock

Text: I Sam.1:5,10-21 
More Lessons: Jer.33:1-3

I saw a revelation some weeks back when I knelt down to pray. The Lord opened my eyes and gave me a picture of a hall like a warehouse loaded from wall to wall. There was a door, which was not a surprise to me. What surprised me was that there was an unusual padlock on the door. The padlock was placed at the lintel, close to the roof in the same way that padlocks are closed to people’s destinies. Pondering over the matter I heard the voice of the Lord say to me, “Son, break this padlock that your people may be able to enter into their inheritance”.

Until the padlock against your destiny is broken, you will labour without results. By the power of the Holy Ghost and the anointing of God upon me, I break that padlock against your breakthrough, in the mighty name of Jesus. In today’s passage, two women are spoken about and compared with each other. I notice that Hannah was the one on the negative side while Peninnah was on the positive as far as child bearing was concerned because Hannah had no children. The matter was beyond Elkannah…But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the LORD had shut up her womb v5.

If God locked the place, it means there was a precious priceless Samuel inside it that God didn't want to come out until he was needed to fulfil a divine agenda. Obviously therefore, Hannah may not be said to have been barren after all. That her womb was locked means that she had children but they were locked inside her womb waiting for the God-appointed time of their delivery. Jehovah Himself made sure that Hannah did not have them until there was the need for Samuel to be born and grow to occupy the space provided because of the ungodliness of Hophni and Phinehas, Eli's children.

When God Himself locks the door to whatever you are believing Him for, only Him can unlock that door. Hannah knew this better when that year she got to Shiloh, rather than answer Peninnah, who was taunting her, or report her to their husband Elkannah, or even report to Eli the Chief Priest, Hannah went straight to cry unto God who locked her womb, and God answered her. The God that answered Hannah will assuredly answer you. As you enter the new year, may the enemies’ padlocks on your life be broken.

* Command all satanic padlocks against your goodness to be broken now, in Jesus’ name. Repeat this prayer all day long.
* Like Hannah, add a covenant vow to your prayers, it breaks padlocks.
* Put aside distractions and cry unto God to unlock every padlock in your life.

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Enemies of Might

Text: Hos.7:8-9 
More Lessons: Judges16:1-30

I prophesy that you will be mighty in Jesus’ name. Where are the mighty men of our time? Just to take a fast or attend Bible study once a week is a problem for many. Every Bible study you miss in the year reduces the strength of your destiny. So, calculate how many you have missed this year and see what you are left with. Every time you refuse to do your quiet time, you become less; the beginning of that day is on the negative. Everyday you can't say this is what I read and learnt from the Bible, everyday you have no meditation nor revelation from God, you become less.

Mighty men are teachable and sacrificial. They don't only have an idea and vision, they work towards it. Don't always dream, don't always talk, work the talk. If you want to be a lawyer, make friends with lawyers, talk with people who read law, ask questions from those who are practising and sometimes go to the law court and see lawyers at work. Buy and read the books and one day it will happen. Do not ever plan to be a small person in life. There is nothing wrong in starting small but don't stay small and in order to avoid staying small, work at greatness. Be teachable, be disciplined, add knowledge, add value to your life every day. Let something in you cry out, “In the name of Jesus, I must be mighty. I receive grace to manifest”.

At 75 Abraham just started, so don't think you are too old to become mighty. Greatness should follow a man till he enters the grave. Don't think you are too small, Samuel started as soon as he was weaned, probably at age five. There are some things that will not allow a man to manifest the might of God. Tell them to catch fire. Some of such things are laziness, procrastination, early gratification of pleasure, evil company, sin, ignorance and disobedience.

Say now, Father in the name of Jesus I step into a mighty life; I shall not be small but I shall be mighty. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, I am a mighty man, anything contrary to might in my life, I command it to catch fire. I command the mighty man in me to arise and manifest. I prophesy that I shall not die small, I shall be a mighty man. The anointing to manifest mighty things fall upon me. Anything that prevents mighty things in my life, die, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask the Lord to hedge you from every enemy of might.
* Command the might of God in you to begin to manifest on the outside.
Make a list of what you need to add to your life to be mighty. For the next 7 days, pray for the grace to do them.

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Sunday, December 22, 2013

War against Worry II

Text: Psa.30:1-12 
More Lessons: Jer.31:31-34

Worry is a deadly mindset but much more than just being a mindset, it is a spirit that transmits that evil mindset; a demonic force that can take hold of a person's mind and soul until it totally destroys the individual. The force of worry is very slow and subtle, devouring like a cancerous cell, as it tightens its grip by spreading quickly but quietly. It is usually found to operate in partnership with other deadly forces like sin, fear, guilt, unbelief, shame e.t.c. Only those who have risen to the realisation of their relationship with God can withstand and resist this force and its works.

The eyes and ears are the doorways to a man's mind, the devil knows this so he seeks to plant seeds of worry in your heart by the things you continuously see, hear and allow to dominate your mind. He releases evil suggestions into your mind to try to derail your trust and confidence in God. This was Job’s experience as captured in Job 3:25, For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. Job had nursed hidden seeds of fear and anxiety in his heart that almost clouded his judgment of the situations that overtook him. This is the same strategy the kingdom of darkness deploys today. But in Christ is all the power to live above the devices of the devil, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you Jam.4:7. When you submit your mind and thoughts to God you instantly receive power to resist the devil and watch him take off in flight.

David says in Psa.23:1,The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. His confidence was in the Lord . He saturated his mind with thoughts of the Lord and he confessed it. Irrespective of the enemy’s suggestions of possible lack and poverty to him, he remained firm, grounded and rooted in the fact that his God was able to provide for his needs and wants. And it was evident in his life and rule that of a truth, God is a good shepherd to those who trust in Him. The worries of the past are history if you will trust God as your shepherd and provider always. I prophesy over your life today, on the audacity of God's Word that every seed, plant or tree of worry that my Father has not planted in your heart be uprooted and burnt in the consuming fire now, in Jesus’ name.

*Destroy every seed of Satan in your conscious and sub- conscious mind by the shed blood of Christ.
* Resist every hidden work of demons in your heart and mind, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask the Lord to fulfill all your good desires and set ablaze every negativity in your mind, in Jesus’ name.

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

War against Worry I

Text: Matt.6:25-32 
More Lessons: Phil.4:6-7

What you spend your thoughts and minds upon determines what dominates your life. Your thinking determines your experience, your mind is the control panel of your life because according to Pro. 23:7, For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.... So there is unquestionably incredible power in the kind of thoughts that you allow in your mind because it determines the direction of your will and ultimately the course of your actions.

Man is naturally programmed to worry about his needs and wants. The wants and needs of man are unending so that the more you have, the more you want to have. The things of this world cannot satisfy and this is why man is unsatiable. And as the needs, wants and desires continue to grow, the worry and anxiety for them also develop roots in man's heart leaving the soul drained and parched from the unsatisfied yearnings.

This force of unending worry becomes the god of man because he is motivated by his worries and not by God's Word. Behavioural scientist and psychologist Abraham Maslow who, after studying the motivations of human behavior (actions) concluded that all human behaviour is driven by the same basic "hierarchy of needs" such as food, drink, clothes, housing, protection, security etc.

Jesus is speaking emphatically in our text about these worries of mankind and how to overcome them. The key word in the passage is …take no thought…. The original Aramaic rendering of that phrase means “to think with anxious distracting solicitude over a matter”. Therefore, it will be a total misunderstanding of the context of the instruction of Jesus to say that we are not to be prudent, careful or even thoughtful in the matters of life and wellbeing. The point is that you must never let your desire distract you from the focus of the Christian life which is the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

God promised that if you re-arrange your priorities to align with God's Kingdom, all the things that people worry about will be yours on a platter of gold because God is able to provide for your needs. You can win the war against worry and anxiety if you will cast all your cares upon the Lord daily. Re-arrange your  priorities today, put God first and watch Him bless you beyond boundaries.

* Pray against the spirit of anxiety and worry plaguing your life and receive delieverance.
* Receive the spirit of boldness and courage for fruitful living, in Jesus’ name.
Personalise 1Peter 5:7 and recite it everyday for the next 15 days.

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Friday, December 20, 2013

Don't Give Up on God IV

Text: Psa.30:1-12 
More Lessons: Jer.31:31-34

In our Christian race, there are several instances that by our behaviour, we make God really angry. Sometimes it is so bad you almost conclude that God can never listen to you again. Whenever you feel God is so angry with you for your misbehaviour, remember David' s testimony in Psalm30:5, For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life…, weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. I want you to know that if you don't give up, joy will be the end of your pain. In this scripture the Bible says God's anger does not endure forever.

So, even if your affliction or pain came as a result of your sin and God is not happy with you, know this that His anger does not endure forever! So your pain cannot endure forever if you can choose to endure. Anytime the people of God choose to endure pain, the pain doesn't last. I am so excited about verse 5 of our first passage, For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night.... No matter the depth of your weeping, I am excited to tell you that it will endure for a night. It simply means that even your pain is tired and is only enduring. The pain is not even sure of continuing, the Bible says “it may”. So, it is not even all the time that pain has enough strength to stay on. The more strength you attain in the place of faith by refusing to give up, the weaker the satanic forces become in pursuing you. The moment you embrace this truth, in the days of your weakness, God will strengthen you to keep going.

There is this proverb in my place that if a masquerade is pursuing, you don't stop running. Don't even get tired or give up for whatever reason because the way you are running and getting tired the masquerade is also going to get tired. It doesn't matter the intensity and the strength of your affliction, you can win over your affliction. The Bible says it cannot stay forever. Be encouraged never to give up on God because your pain cannot be forever. The Bible says that weeping, which is the consequence of pain and the manifestation of sorrow, may endure only for a night. I want you to accept that all the time you have been under one pain or trouble or affliction is just for a night. Arise in celebration because joy comes in the morning. I see joy coming; I see a new day coming for you. I see a new morning coming your way. If that morning must meet you then you must stay connected to God.

* Thank God that no matter the pain, your joy must come in the morning.
* Ask for God's grace to stay connected with Him in your period of pain.
*Pray to focus on the joy that comes in the morning than the pain that endures for a night.
* Decide never to give up on God over that pain till it expires.

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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Don't Give Up on God III

Text: Lk.18:1-8
 More Lessons: Gen.32:24-26

Prayer is a solid communion with God through which we give adoration, confession of sin, thanksgiving and supplication. When we put requests before God, it is a wonderful thing to tarry and never give up until we get the answers from Him. We are looking at the example of the woman who tarried in the place of prayer and eventually got an answer.

In our first passage Jesus Himself was teaching about a parable that encourages us to keep praying, And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint v 1. Jesus knew that situations will come our way that will discourage us, that will give us an impression that God is not answering or will never answer us. Jesus knew that there could be hindrances to prayer that could make us feel as if we are not getting what we are looking for, so we look for another way to get what we want. Jesus is mindful of our weaknesses and that is why He teaches us never to give up.

Peradventure you are discouraged and downcast about a matter primarily because you have worked at it several times but it didn't work, don't give up. If you did not see the physical manifestation of your answered prayer while you are praying, is it when you stop praying that you expect the answer? It could be that you have tried praying about it, given all that you know to give, cried, fasted and the answer still didn't come. That's not strange to Heaven, thus Jesus said, …men ought always to pray and not to faint v1, which means it is known to Heaven that men can faint. So when it happens to you it is not a reason why Heaven will not answer you, you only need to stay on. Refuse to faint, it is possible to be discouraged but you must rise beyond the discouragement.

 I trust God will avenge for you today. He will rise up and speak on your behalf. He will answer for you where you cannot enter. The Bible says that this woman came begging the judge, pleading, avenge me of my enemy…and he would not for a while vs 3-4 which means your setbacks are for a while, they won't last forever. Barrenness, lack of job and failure are for a while and none will ever be forever. Refuse to heed the silent or loud voice of Satan that your matter before God is closed or that God will not answer you. Don't give up on God. He will do it.

Prayer/ Action
* Pray for more strength to tarry in the place of prayer.
* Ask God to avenge you of your enemies.
* Promise God that you will never give up until He answers you.
* More than ever before, begin to see the challenges of life as temporary.

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Don't Give Up on God II

Text: Mk. 2:3-4 
More Lessons: Matt.7:7-11

Man is naturally selfish and therefore thinks more about what will bring him comfort before considering others. In this passage, people brought a paralysed man to a service, it took four men to help the paralysed man to come to where Jesus was. When they were coming, people saw the sick man they brought but could not give them space to go in and see Jesus.

All the people gathered there were just concerned about themselves that none of them thought about allowing the man to go in. That they could stand, unlike the paralysed man on the bed, was enough reason to have compassion on him. Unfortunately, compassion is not part of the human nature; that is why a witch has no respect for your condition before she strikes you. She doesn't care how much your parents laboured to keep you in school but she waits till you have graduated and then she begins to feel that you shouldn't have graduated when her own child has not even gone to the university, so she thinks of striking you down.

The natural man is never compassionate to another man who is in a more desperate position. It is only in God that there is mercy and compassion. Man naturally will not give you help; if they help you at all, they are waiting at the other side to remind you how they helped the other time and there must be a return for what help they rendered to you. The people didn't give this man space but the people who brought the man didn't give up, I guess the man himself didn't give up. If you don't give up on God, no matter what wickedness you have seen men do to you, no matter the pain you have been through, no matter what is paralysed about you; God will visit you and end that pain.

The paralysed man was brought to Jesus for solution and when he came, he saw solution in front of him, few meters away but he couldn't enter. Men disallowed him, men hindered him and I want to let you know also that no matter how many things have hindered you in life, if you can stay focused on God, there will be a way out.

When the friends of the paralysed man could not find a way, rather than return home defeated in anger, they devised another means just to get to Jesus. May the Holy Spirit show you the way to reach Jesus by divine speed and get your long awaited attention from God.

* Pray that in times that you are incapacitated, God will raise helpers for you.
* Ask God for added grace not to give up until your miracle manifests to the physical.
* Pray against any man-made barrier standing between you and God.

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Don't Give Up on God I

Text: Mk. 2:1-3 
More Lessons: Ps.107:20

Wherever Jesus went, the crowd gathered because He is the answer to life's situations and circumstances everywhere He went while on the earth. The same thing is still happening today. The same Jesus, the same name of Jesus, the same miracle working power of God is still at work today and I'm glad to announce Him to your destiny, your neighbourhood and to you where you are today that the great miracle working God is still alive, doing as He used to do when He was physically around on earth.

And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door: and he preached the word unto them v2. The crowd gathered for miracles but Jesus brought the Word. I found that God's Word and God's power go hand in hand; wherever God's Word is available, there will be signs and wonders. Sometimes I wonder when I see people do miracles that are not rooted in God's Word.

I believe in God's Word bringing forth miracles as it was in the days of Jesus' physical presence on earth. Of course, the people gathered for the miracles, they didn't gather for the Word; but when He came, He gave them the Word. This is simply because the Word works the wonders and sustains the miracles. I want to encourage you to keep to God's Word. Find the Bible, read and do whatever it says. That is the secret of more miracles and of sustaining whatever miracles God will do in your life, because I believe God for something special in your life. I believe God for an impact. I believe God that even as you read this now; the Word of God will bring certain results in your life. Psalm 107:20 says, He sent His word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. I believe that the Word will do something in you as you read with faith in the God that I serve.

It is natural for any person suffering from any form of affliction to rush first for a miracle that will solve the problem than going for the Word. However, for any miracle to be sustained, you must not only hunger for the miracle but hunger more for the Word. Healing or deliverance comes principally by the spoken Word of God with faith and sustaining such miracles is by keeping the Word.

* Re-dedicate yourself to the study of God's Word more than ever.
* Pray that God will work miracles in your life that will shock the world.
* Promise God that on no account will you sideline His Word in your relationship with Him.
* Make up your mind that you will not give up until that matter is settled by God.

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Monday, December 16, 2013

Becoming Mighty IV

Text: Judges 6:11-16 
More Lessons: Hosea 4:6

Mighty men are known by the kind of vision they have. In our study of Gideon and his dialogue with the angel, I discovered that he was a man of vision with a purpose in his life. When he asked why things were happening to Israel contrary to the stories they were told by their fathers, he was bringing forth a vision and purpose of how things should be for his people. He was in a way saying that things ought not to be the way they were. Gideon seemed to be saying, “We ought to be enjoying here with the Medianites under us and not the other way round. The plan of God for us is that every nation should be under Israel not Israel serving as slaves to any nation”. That was the vision the angel saw when he concluded that Gideon was a mighty man.

A visionary man has a clear understanding of what the future should be. Why don't you ask God about a life that is full of vision, a life that is teachable, submissive, dedicated to the study of God's Word and determined to get results. These make you a mighty man of valour. There is no man that God cannot make mighty. You don't have to be born great to die great. Take a decision to become something in life and work towards it. If you read 2 Samuel19, you will see the record of the mighty men of David who were nonentity before. When Saul had problems with David and David ran away to the forest, these people left their fathers' houses and followed David. David began to train, teach, build and develop them until they became commanders of the army and were called the mighty men of David. Stop running your destiny down, you can be mighty.

Stop thinking you are a nobody; God did not create you a nobody; He made you somebody. Start today by looking inwards for what God has put inside you for you to get to where you are supposed to be in life. Build it, develop it, work at it. Don't let the pain of yesterday stop your tomorrow. Though your beginning is small, yet shall your latter end greatly increase, financially, materially, spiritually, physically, academically, maritally and all round. Say to yourself, “I will be mighty. My destiny will not be small. I am going somewhere”, and under the directive of the Holy Spirit, work towards realising your dream. You will make it. Don't only dream or talk, work the talk. Though there is nothing wrong in being small, don't remain small.

* Pray for the spiritual understanding of what you need to do to attain your might.
* Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you on the path of realising your dreams.
* Ask God to give you great visions and great accomplishments in destiny.
* Rebuke every medianite hindering your well-being in life.
* Change your negative mindset about who you are.

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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Becoming Mighty III

Text: Jud. 6:11-16 
More lessons: Psa.50:14-15

The encounter between Gideon and God's angel in our main text remains one of the strength building passages in the Bible. Among other things, that angelic visitation tells us how deeply God is interested in getting us out of our trouble zones. Israel was under constant raid by the Medianites and just when it looked like God had forgotten about them, He showed up. In the midst of your troubles, don't ever think that God has forgotten you. The Bible says that He is close to the broken hearted.

On your own part, remain conversant with the Word. In verse 15 of our main text, Gideon asked a great question,… did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt but now the Lord hath forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of Medianites. Here Gideon was exhibiting spiritual capabilities based on his understanding of spiritual things. An understanding of spiritual things makes a man mighty. He was invariably saying that if God was with Israel in those years that their fathers told them about, why did God abandon them to the dictates of the Medianites?

He had clarity of what relationship Israel had with God before and what God did compared to what was happening in his days. Out of that understanding arose in Gideon the burden for a change.

A lot of people want to be mighty but they lack spiritual understanding as to what to do. The problem of finance in the church for instance, is not about money but rather it is about people who lack the understanding of what God wants to use money for in His vineyard. Mighty men are men who have spiritual understanding of how things work. Gideon had an understanding of how things work in the spiritual. In verse 14 the Lord looked upon him and said, Go in this thy might. The angel said to him when he finished his submission, you are correct and loaded with enough information as source of strength, so go in that might and perform the dictates of God. The same way as the angel listened to Gideon, God is always eager to listen to your prayers. The angel gave Gideon instructions to go and act and with that Gideon stopped the argument and began to obey the angel.

One of the secrets of mighty people is that they are teachable. A man that cannot be taught can never be mighty. Be teachable. Don't confront your teacher, or whoever is leading you. Spiritual mentors are to be obeyed in all godly instructions. Because Gideon was teachable, at the end of his life, he was a mighty man. May you be teachable and be mighty in the vineyard of the Lord.

* Ask for a clearer spiritual understanding of issues about your life and destiny.
* Pray that you will be teachable even in times of pain and anxiety.
* Ask God to help you obey your spiritual mentors in all godly leadings.
* Prophesy that you will not remain a weakling in the things of God.

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Becoming Mighty II

Text: Judges 6:11-16 
More Lessons: Joshua1:1-9

Becoming a mighty man goes with a lot of responsibilities. The Bible personalities who were mighty did not become so by sleeping all the days of their lives. They had an intimate relationship with God and they also kept the commandments and instructions of God and of God's prophets. They studied the Word of God and applied it to their situations.
When I hear people say the grace of God is upon them, I ask how much of the Bible they have read. I do not have respect for church titles without evidence. I do not celebrate people who are church leaders but refuse to master the assignment in their hands even from the point of knowledge. If as an ordained minister you cannot sit down to learn under others, you won't last. The ordination would become a reproach because the man who is too proud to learn will fall suddenly.

There is no way a man can come to church only on Sundays and be a strong man in God. This way, you may be mighty in other areas but definitely not in the things of God. Break with everything that limits your knowledge of God because it reduces your strength daily. Sit down with the things of God like Bible studies, quiet time with God, fellowship attendance, evangelism and the likes. Every Bible study you miss in 52 weeks of the year reduces the strength of your destiny. Every time you refuse to sit down and do quiet time, you grow less in strength and risk the danger that the day brings your way. Gideon said, “God cannot be with me and this thing will happen”. In other words, when God is with a man, he is a winner.

In verse 13, Gideon made an observation about what Israel was going through and wondered where all the miracles were, about which their fathers told them. Gideon was making reference to events in the past that made Israel great and wished such could be repeated so that Israel would triumph over the Medianites and regain their might. Gideon knew God's Word when he said their fathers told them about the miracles in Egypt on to Canaan. Because Gideon had the right and correct knowledge, the angel marked him down as the man needed for the assignment at hand. Gideon knew what God did before, which He could do again.  How much of God's Word have you stored in your spirit? Joshua was advised to hold onto the Word of God day and night and thereafter, he would experience good success. You should do same.

* Pray for divine visitation in times of depression for added strength.
* Connect to the miracles of the past and ask God for more today.
* Declare yourself one of the mighty men of your generation, in Jesus’ name.
Determine to reignite your commitment to the study of the Bible and prayer.

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Friday, December 13, 2013

Becoming Mighty I

Text: Judges 6:11-16 
More Lessons: Gen.26:12-16

It is a wonderful thing to be called a mighty man. To be mighty is to be endowed with an extra ability beyond the normal. Might is a function of strength. When you talk about might you talk about being able, by an extra ability, to do what is not ordinary. God produced many mighty men in the Scripture and I pray for you today that you will go beyond the ordinary, in the name of Jesus. The strength of a man determines the extent of what he can carry. When people run away from challenges, the truth of the matter is that they lack the strength. There is nothing that God does that He fails. That's why we call Him the Almighty God; the God that has strength in every area. That strength is deposited in man because man is created in God’s image. God has endowed men with divine capability.

One of such men is Gideon who God raised to counter the oppression Israel suffered at that time in the hands of the Medianites who exercised might over the weak Israelites. One day an angel of God called Gideon a mighty man of valour. The argument of Gideon was irrelevant to the angel. If the Almighty God says you are a mighty man, you are, indeed. If a man is experiencing defeat but is called a mighty man by God, what is God saying? When a man who cannot beat his chest in the presence of his enemies is referred to as a mighty man by the Almighty God who cannot lie, then there is something inside that man that makes God say so. It simply means that God Himself is with the man. Once God is with a man, that man cannot be defeated by his enemies and that is why he  is a mighty man. He may not know it, but that is who he is.
Regardless of what your experiences are today, as long as a conviction exists inside you that with God on your side all things are possible, you are already a mighty man. Your strength begins from knowledge because your ability to know is the beginning of your strength. So work harder on what you know if you want to be a mighty man. Get to know more. If you want to know more, read more, ask questions from them that know more; acquire knowledge because it is the beginning of might. Gideon eventually realised that when God is with a man the man cannot be defeated. So Gideon led Israel into victory over the Medianites. God is with you, you cannot be defeated.

* Pray for divine strength to do God's work more than ever before.
* Pray that you will be strengthened by the Word of God in all situations.
* Tell the Lord you are taking your place in strength and you are dropping every weak man’s mentality
Believe what God says about you that you are a mighty man and live like one.

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Cure for Troubled Heart

Text: Jn.14:1 
More Lessons: Psa.12:1-3

Life is filled with troubles, beginning from the day a man is born. There are health, financial, family and career troubles and lots more. Life assails us with a million kinds of trouble. If we were to choose one word to sum up our times, ‘trouble’ would be a good pick.

We live in the time of great anxiety, fear and insecurity within and without. The reports are not different because we hear of wars, rumours of war, pestilence, hunger, natural disasters of unimaginable dimensions. Many times one wonders whether God is aware of the events happening around. In Jesus’ days, both Jesus and His disciples were troubled when Jesus prepared to go. He was agitated as He was about to identify the one who would betray Him, He was troubled as He was about to predict that Peter would deny Him three times and He was stirred up and ready to tell the disciples for the final time that He was about to leave them.

As He got to Gethsemane, He announced to His disciples, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me Matt. 26:38. As for the disciples, they had reasons to be troubled because their bread winner was leaving, the One who paid their taxes when they had no money, fed them when they were hungry, healed their household when they were sick, delivered them from the scourge of the Pharisees and now He announced that He was going. What was Jesus’ cure for this trouble? Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me Jn.14:1.

The cure for a troubled heart is to believe in God and take Him at His Word. It was the cure for His disciples and it is the cure for us today. Believing God and His Christ is all, every other thing rests on this. It is when you believe God that you can believe His Word, trust what He says, and take up His promises in prayer. Jesus demonstrated this when, in great agony, He went into intensive prayer to the Father because He believed the Father had the answer to the trouble (Matt.26:38-39). Child of God, stay believing God, no matter how dark the night looks, God is in control and all things will work together for your good (Rom.8:28).

* Command every doubt, worry and anxiety to disappear from your life.
* Ask God to increase your faith in Him.
* Ask Jesus to help you stay trusting in Him in all situations.

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dealing with Enemies Within

Text: Psa.18:16-19 
More Lessons: Psa.27:1-8

How do you deal with an enemy from within? The following are what you need in order to deal with enemies within.
1. Wisdom – wisdom is the knowledge of how to do a thing. It is wisdom that people emphasise when they say if your yam grows big, you should use your hands to cover it. What they are trying to say is apply wisdom. If you don't have money to buy fuel and you are planning to buy a motorcycle, buy a bicycle, which does not need fuel; you only need to pump air.

2. Discipline – an enemy from within can be dealt with by discipline. What type of discipline? Restraint. Learn to be restrained, look before you leap, before you announce the next car that you want to buy be sure that it is safe.

3. Prayer – pray some dangerous prayers, for instance use Psalm 18, verse17 says, He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me. That's what to do with an enemy either within or without. Hand them over to God, the God that Hannah spoke about. Don't go about arguing, or asking someone to beg them because they want to kill you. No, deliver them to Him who can kill without using a knife or gun. With prayers you will win, The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up 1 Sam. 2: 6-7. Hand them over to the Lord that kills.

Sometimes you should take your Bible and pick a scripture like the one above, at 12 midnight, stand up and say, Father, the Bible says “the Lord killeth”, I hand over so and so to you, do with him as you are known for doing. The Lord maketh poor: Lord this man has used his wealth to afflict me, let him become poor, let him put his hand in his pocket and find nothing anymore until he acknowledges that there is a God in Heaven. One man sank a million copies of the Bible in the sea because he was wealthy. For several years, God did not act. The day God would act the man ascended to the throne, God allowed him but he never sat upon the throne; at the peak of his popularity, he was a dead man. One arrow from hell and he was gone. The Lord killeth, the Lord maketh alive. Instead of crying around, pray.

* Say, Oh Lord my God, deliver me from my strong enemies and save me from those that hate me without a cause.
* Say, Oh Thou God of Heaven from whom nothing is hidden, expose all the agents of affliction who fight me from within.
* Say Lord, I hand over to You those who hate to see my good.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Handing over to the Almighty

Text: 1Sam.2:3-9
More Lessons: Dan.4:28-37

There is a God who could make a king like Nebuchadnezzar in all his glory to become an animal. Nebuchadnezzar walked out of his bedroom as an animal. From the throne where he was bragging, he just noticed that he was going down, on four and walked into the bush, he grew claws like an animal. The counsel of God was negatively fulfilled over him instantly. Yet God put disability in the subjects so that they saw but could not harm the “animal” or rebel against him when he came back to the throne. The Almighty God is greater than the greatest. I am talking about handing over the enemy from within and outside, to the One who is capable of dealing with them.

The Bible says that the day Nebuchadnezzar was restored, he came and nobody challenged him to say, “This animal, why do you want to rule us?”For seven years God kept the throne and he ruled over his kingdom again. Today, you are going to say “Father, do to every enemy within and without what you did to your enemies in the days of old”. He took Nebuchadnezzar and made him an animal, He sank pharaoh in the Red Sea after killing all the first born of Egypt, disgraced and humiliated Goliath before his death. That is what God does to His enemy.

You are going to pray, “Father, every enemy that has insisted that my glory will not arrive, every enemy that dreams to remove my coat of many colours, do to them what you are known for doing to your enemies. When you finish, Oh God, let the glory fall upon me contrary to their desire.” Because Joseph eventually realised his destiny, you too will get there. One day his brothers went to buy food in Egypt and they had to bow down to Joseph.

I want to guarantee you that by the time you finish this prayer the angels will have been dispatched. I bless you in Jesus’ name. Whatever the enemy took from you I restore back to you; I deny the enemy access to any information they are using to destroy you, in the name of Jesus Christ. The information they have about you, I delete it, I destroy it! And I give you the right of way, go and achieve your goals. Receive flying colours today. I command that your glory cannot be covered, in the name of Jesus. You will not walk small in glory; you will walk in glory that cannot be covered. Before the end of this month you shall see your colours fly, you shall not be denied, in the name of Jesus. Today you will be located for the next level.

* Oh Lord!, be an enemy to my enemies and be ruthless with them in your wrath.
*Ask the Lord to turn every enemy of your life to animals until they repent.
* Say, “In the name of Jesus, Oh enemy, hear the sound of Heaven and melt, in Jesus’ name”. Say this three times and begin to worship the Lord because it is done.

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Monday, December 9, 2013

Enemies of your Flying Colours

Text: . Gen.37:13-36
More Lessons: Psa.23:5

There are enemies of your flying colours. As for the glory for you, there is a promise, but you have to deal with the enemies of your glory. Who are these enemies? They are many. That's exactly what glory is like. The higher the glory the more it attracts enemies like insects to light. We are not going to be dealing with all the types of enemies but you can be sure that there are some in your class, even in your village where you have not been for sometime. They've heard about your progress. But the most important one I want to talk and ask you to pray about is the enemy from within.

The enemy within is the strongest. All the people I have mentioned to you had it. What makes the enemy within stronger than every other enemy is because they have all the information about you. I'm talking about vital information that is needed to do anything: your date of birth, the place you were born, in fact, they can tell the world where your head hit the ground at birth. They have it all. They know who your mother is. They are dangerous because, by the reason of the power of information, they can deliver. Whatever is requested and needed for affliction and for destruction, they can deliver. If they need your photograph they have it, if they need your dress, they will deliver. So, they have possession for the purpose of delivery. That makes them very strong and dangerous.

In my place, it is said that if the enemy within does not deliver you to the one outside, the one outside cannot perform. It was the brothers of Joseph who said, We vow this boy must die. The brothers of Joseph were of the same father, they ate the same food, and grew up together with Joseph but his dreams were enemies to them. It's not everybody who likes your dream.

You want to be a pilot and things are working, scholarships are coming. When you become a pilot people will know, they circulate information. Enemies of your progress are worse than murderers. People don't mean evil but they throw information around which is used against you. They will say, “that boy, we know the day his mother gave birth to him, as a matter of fact his father was not around during his naming ceremony”. That's an enemy from within. May every effort of your enemies from within be frustrated, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask the Lord to deliver you from enemies too difficult for you.
* Declare that no matter how close the enemies might be, they will not be able to carry out their evil intentions against you.
* Ask the Lord to expose every enemy of your life and deal with them by His might.

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