Saturday, May 31, 2014

Go Forward, not Back and Forth

Text: Acts 7:30-36
More Lessons: Exo.7:3-5
Bible Reading in One Year: 1 Kings 8-10

My understanding of today's text is based on the New Living Translation (NLT), And by means of many wonders and miraculous signs, he led them out of Egypt, through the Red Sea, and through the wilderness for forty years Acts 7:36. What a tragedy! The people moved back and forth in the wilderness, which explains why a journey that should take eleven days took forty years (Ex.14:15). Even then they did not make it to Canaan, except Joshua and Caleb, all because they did not believe or obey His Word in the wilderness.

Today, I rebuke every work of sin that can make you go back and forth in destiny. Indeed, it is time to stop retrogressing in your life's journey. I was troubled when I read Acts 7:36 and I prayed that stagnancy will not prevail over my life ever. And I pray for you, no more one step forward and three steps backward, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Now pray:
1. I shall not perish with the wicked in life.
2. I shall not die unfulfilled, I shall make it to Canaan.
3. The forces of backwardness and stagnancy shall not accompany me on my life journey.
4. I shall ever move forward and make progress.
5. I shall not live a life of disobedience which could bring God's wrath upon my life.

How do you avoid going back and forth?
1. Believe every Word God gives to you without doubt.
2. Let your obedience to the Word be prompt and total.
3. Do not listen to or company with anyone who tells you that God's Word cannot come to pass in your life.
4. Get rid of sin, lust and uncleanness in your life.
5. Develop the habit of listening attentively to God for His Word for you.

From today, you will go forward, steadily and consistently. Your pathway in life will shine more and more and you will not diminish, But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day Prov.4:18.

Using Ex.15:14 to pray: make a list of things that you have not been satisfied with, their level of progress and command them to begin to move forward from today. Also use Josh.1:2-3; Job 8:7; Psa.84:7.

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Friday, May 30, 2014

My God is not Poor II

Text:Psa. 105: 37
More Lessons: Deut. 8: 7-10
Bible Reading in One Year: 1Kings 5-7

But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day: Deut 8:18. God gives ideas to enable you make money but poverty mentality takes away from you the power to push. The ability to raise ideas to make money will only come when you believe that you can make it. You break the siege of poverty first by breaking the imagination that you are made to be poor. Some believers think that if things are too easy then you are not doing well spiritually, and that is why Satan is not challenging you. I want to tell you that you can have a problem-free life.

The right mentality says there is money everywhere. Remove the mentality that a place is dry because it makes poverty ride over you. You have to delete the orientation, 'there is no money' from your mind and replace it with the mentality that there is money. When there is a need or a project the positive mentality believes that by all means the money will come. Have you ever seen the son of a president walking about complaining that he doesn't have money? Even if he might not have money in his pocket he is rich because environment. He has more than enough in his environment. When you understand the law of the environment, you can make things work in your favour. God is your environment.

Money is a spirit that you only rule over when you believe that you are in charge. Your certificate is not your source, God is your source. Money mentality does not make you limit yourself to your certificate as your source of living. In our text, over 3 million Hebrews were coming out of Egypt and none of them was feeble physically, financially and spiritually. God brought them out with silver and gold. These Israelites did not have any market in the wilderness yet for forty years they lived in wealth. On one occasion, when Moses asked an offering of them he had to beg them to stop bringing (Ex 35: 4-10, 36: 3-7).Jesus said, 'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest: Matt. 11:28. This also includes financial rest to those who labour in their finances and are not getting results. He fed five thousand with two small fishes and five loaves of bread. He brought out money from the mouth of a fish when there was a need. He is able to prosper you and supply all your financial needs.

* Father, open me up to ideas that will launch me into financial breakthrough
* Father, I posses the right mentality and declare that I am in charge as I step into financial rest in Jesus’s name.
* I declare and confess that God alone is my source, therefore I cannot run out of resources.

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

My God is not Poor I

Text: Heb. 2:1-8
More Lessons: Isa. 60: 8-16
Bible Reading in One Year: 1 Kings 1-4

A major evil confronting the church today is the siege of poverty among the children of God because they are ignorant of what the Bible teaches concerning prosperity. Disaster comes when people do not understand certain principles and they don't care to seek knowledge in those areas. There is an error we find in the church today which is the teaching that making money is a sin. We should be knowledgeable about what makes some people rich and others poor. Poverty is not merely an economic crisis, it is a spiritual condition. People always like to attribute their poverty to limitations around them like family and educational background, unemployment in the nation, lack of connection and so on. This is a wrong belief. The first major cause of poverty is spiritual emptiness. This is why Jesus said, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor...: Luke 4: 18.

Poverty is also a matter of the mindset of a person. Generally, bad economy can cause poverty but the individual root cause is spiritual emptiness and the wrong mindset. There are some people who do not know God and are rich because they have the right mindset towards money. When a person has the wrong mindset he will be poor because the way a man thinks determines whether he will end up rich or poor. While the first cause of poverty is spiritual emptiness the second is wrong mindset.

There are unscriptural words and inspirations that pre-programme a mind for poverty. When a person carries a mentality that he is poor because no one has ever been rich in his family; no matter what you put in such a hand, he cannot prosper. If you think poverty, you will continue to be poor. The Bible says as a man thinketh in his heart so he is: Prov 23:7. No matter how much gets into the hands of some people, it soon finishes because they think lack. Even when others have the money they still feel poor. The first thing you must do if you want to break free from poverty is to destroy that thing that tells you that you are poor. Don't walk by sight, you are not poor. To prosper you must discard the thinking that if you didn't start well you cannot end well.

Therefore to become prosperous is foremost to give up the thought that you are meant to be poor. Our text says the gold and the silver belong to God. Change the mentality that it is only unbelievers or people who steal money that can be rich. Think and always confess riches and it will come your way in Jesus’ name.

* Declare that you are not poor
* Pray against every form of spiritual emptiness in your life
* I destroy every spiritual cankerworm in my life in the mighty name of Jesus.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Learn today, earn Tomorrow

Text: Prov 20: 15
More Lessons: Luke 2: 42-49
Bible Reading in One Year: John 18-21

One of the major preparations a man can make for advancement in destiny is in the place of learning. A man who wants to advance, needs a preparation and that preparation is education. In Luke 2:42-49 we read about Jesus in the early stage of His life sitting amongst doctors of law, asking and answering questions. Daniel also was a man great in the place of learning. In Babylon they needed young men who were without blemish, well favoured, skillful in wisdom, cunning in knowledge and understanding science . You may think that with such qualities, he would have started off straight away but they were to come and be taught the learning and tongue of the Chaldeans. (Dan 1: 4)

Many people want to become great but they want their greatness to begin from the roof. You can't climb a tree from the roof. To be great, there must be a period of sitting to learn. If you want to lead, learn to read. Readers are leaders. When you read, you find out how to do it and how not to do it. Learning is by reading and studying first the Bible and then books on varieties of subjects. Believers should know that they need to be learned both in physical and spiritual things. How much you learn today will determine your earnings tomorrow. Anybody who wants to learn must be humble and teachable at heart; he must be observant and willing to ask questions.

Don't just sit down all through a meeting; ask questions on what you don't understand. Also be observant. The attitude of being observant is one thing that is missing in many Christians. Anywhere I go, I observe if there is something to learn there. I ask myself, 'Is there something they do here better than the way I used to do it?' Don't just listen to messages, observe how they are preached; don't just read books, observe how they are written. So that when it is your turn, you can do better. Observe!

Humility is a price that must be paid to learn. Do more of listening than speaking. Some sit with their pastor and go off bragging, instead of them to sit down and say, 'please, what do you see to this?' and let their pastor do the talking. Anybody who will learn must be somebody who can listen. Do more of listening than talking.

Other aspects of a heart that will learn include denying oneself of some pleasures in order to learn. Buying materials that will aid learning and improve your life instead of spending money on irrelevancies.

I encourage you to put on these virtues and start learning in preparation for the advancement that God has proposed for you right before the foundation of the earth.

* Ask the Word to quicken your ears to hear, your eyes to see and mind to learn.
* Pray that God will give you a humble heart to learn.
* Lord, help me to be a good leader by cultivating a reading lifestyle.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Be Teachable

Text: Matt. 18:1-6.
More Lessons: Matt. 13:11-17
Bible Reading in One Year: John 14-17

One attribute that endears children to their teachers is their teachableness. Little children are so teachable that if you teach them a wrong concept, it will take a long time to get them to unlearn it. They will disbelieve their parents and cling to their teacher's instructions and doctrines. Little wonder that Jesus in today's reading exhorts His followers to be like little children. In other words, be teachable, which implies a willingness to acknowledge your inabilities, ignorance and lack of skills. It involves being humble and willing to sit under the one who knows better and learn. Jesus calls,

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls Matt. 11:29.

Christ is the best teacher whose teachings are with authority and life changing power as testified by His disciples. They enjoyed and profited from the teachings of Jesus through the help of the Holy Spirit. You must acquire the attitude of the disciples, he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us.... Lk. 11:1.

Being teachable has several advantages
1. It helps to avoid waste of time in ignorance over what you lack skills to do.
2. It leads to increased knowledge for the learner.
3. It adds skills to you as you put yourself under the appropriate instructor.
4. It reduces stress that comes from lack of the know-how.
5. It leads to success without struggle.
6. It is the key to inherit eternal life.

When you stop learning, you stop growing, spiritually and physically, because no man is created an island of knowledge. Somebody always knows something you do not know, and you always know what somebody does not know, it is in exchanging what you know for what you don't know that you become better informed and greatly empowered. Never refuse to learn because knowledge is power; seek for knowledge, buy it, make it a part of all you do. Don't allow any opportunity to learn pass you by. It is one way to be great.

* Reject unteachable spirit out of your life.
* Tell the Lord to grant you a teachable spirit like little children.
* Declare that no counsel of hell will prevail over your day.
* Ask God to increase you in knowledge and understanding.

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Monday, May 26, 2014

No Longer Gentiles

Text: Eph.4:17-24
More Lessons: Col.3:3-6
Bible Reading in One Year: John 11-13

The day you truly gave your life to Jesus, your citizenship changed. In the spiritual realm you were moved from the clan of the Gentiles into the family of God, Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: Col.1:13. Gentiles are people who have no portion in God. They are outside of Christ, therefore they have no hope of enjoying the promises of God (Eph.2:12). They are like dogs who can only stay outside and not permitted to enter the house. When Rev. 22:15 says, But outside are dogs.... it refers to Gentiles who do not deserve mercy (1Pet.2:10), but are objects of the wrath of God. In the realm of the spirit, Gentiles don't count; anything can happen to them and nobody will be held responsible. They are slaves of the gods they serve; and just as the slave master is free to do whatever he likes with his property, so is satan, the head of the clan, free to do what he likes with his subjects. Gentiles live for the pleasures of their flesh which their master imposed on them. They have become so consumed by the passion of their flesh that their understanding has become darkened; alienated from the life of God, they are spiritually blind, have lost every sense of feeling, given over to all works of uncleanness, and filled with greed (Eph.4:18-19). But the good news is that you have been brought into the fold of God, But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ: Eph.2:13. It is a privilege to be in Christ Jesus.

So much has been invested in the making of the believer that it will be a great abuse of rights and privileges and a disservice to oneself to contemplate the way of the Gentiles. The Scripture reading today admonishes the believer not to follow the way of the Gentiles, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness: Eph.4:21-24.

Since you no longer belong to the gentile family, you are to live a separated life from them in every way. Although they may think it strange that you do not flow with them and may persecute you, the Scripture says they shall give account to God who will judge the quick and the dead (1Pet.4:5). God encourages you to purge yourself of gentile characters and attributes, come out from among them and separate yourself. Nothing about the unbeliever should give you reason to envy him, rather seek to open their eyes of understanding so that they may come out of the flood that is carrying them to damnation. You are light and must continue to walk in the light. Only those whose gentile root has not been properly cut off, being dogs, go back to their vomit.

* Lord, purge me of the character of the Gentile.
* Denounce the old nature and confess your new citizenship.
* Ask for grace to always do what is right even if you are being persecuted.

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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Declaring the End from the Beginning

Text: Isa 46:10-11
More Lessons: Rom. 4: 17-22
Bible Reading in One Year: John 7-10

Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Isa. 46: 10.Faith is all about the audacity to declare the end from the beginning. There is power in your ability to proclaim what you want to see before it ever comes to the physical. Those who want to see things before they declare them are not walking in the Christian faith.

In the world, people say seeing is believing but for Christians, believing is seeing. Because you believe it, you will see it. The people that hinder the move of God in a place are always those people who want to see everything before they believe. God did not see the earth and the heaven before He declared them. He spoke them into being. Nothing happens in the physical except it has been concluded in the spiritual. If you want a miracle, start declaring the end from the beginning. If you insist on seeing it to in the physical before you declare it, you will lose it but if you declare things from the spiritual realm ever before you see them, you will have them. ...Before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were: Rom 4:17-18.

In the Christian faith, we are blind to our environment; we walk by faith and talk by faith.When God is building a structure; while the foundation is not yet on ground physically, He is already talking about the roof. God does not start from the foundation, He starts from the top. By the time you see the foundation in the physical, just know that the structure has been completed because God completes His own structures before their foundations are ever laid. That is why the Bible talks about some things God has finished before the foundation of the world.

Some get discouraged because they have been declaring things they have not seen them. It is not the day a baby is given birth to that it was conceived. As there is a period between the conception and the day of delivery, so also is there a period of time between the day you start declaring a thing and its realization. So you have to continue to say it until you see it.However make sure your declarations are according to the Word of God. Our victory is in declaring what God's word says. . If God has said it, He will surely bring it to pass by two immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lie. (Heb 6: 18)

* Father, I declare a successful end for every present situation I am going through
* Ask the Lord to complete everything that concerns you.
* Declare the Word of the Lord over specific situation in your life, declaring the end of it to be in accordance with God’s Word.

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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Solid Foundation

Text: Matt. 7: 24-27
More Lessons: Mark 1: 2-8
Bible Reading in One Year: John 4-6

Anybody can build a house, but houses are in grades and categories. When you look at some houses, you can tell how long they will last. There is a mud house I know of that has been standing for over ninety years. There is another structure in Zaria, Nigeria; the first church built by the Europeans in the entire Northern Nigeria, with mud many years ago and it is still standing. What makes a house last and stand when others are crumbling? The answer is in the foundation. How good the foundation of a house is determines how long it will last.

Though good foundations are very expensive to build, the wise always pays the price to put a solid foundation in place. The unwise person thinks that since the foundation will be hidden, he can do a shabby work of it and continue with the part of the building that is open to all to see. He forgets that no matter what is built on top; if the foundation is faulty, the whole structure will collapse.

The secret of advancement in destiny is the foundation. Whether your life is going to become a bungalow, a storied-building or a skyscraper is determined by the foundation. By foundation we mean the preparations you are putting in place and the silent prices that you are paying for where you are going in destiny. Your Christian foundation includes things as quiet time; studying the Bible and other Christian literature, learning memory verses, fellowship with other believers, fasting and prayer. These are foundations for tomorrow. Giving, paying tithes and offerings and contributing to kingdom projects are financial foundations for your tomorrow.

Everything in destiny needs adequate preparation. Your preparation determines your strength which in turn determines your speed; which then determines your advancement. So in destiny, preparation determines strength; strength determines speed and speed determines advancement. In Mark 1:2-8, the Bible tells us how John the Baptist was sent in preparation for the birth of Jesus. Even God makes preparations before He does things. It is easy to confess and claim wealth; marital, academic or career success but until we see your preparations before we can tell whether your confession is valid.

Everything in life answers to preparation and laying the right foundation. May God give you the grace to start paying the price for building a solid foundation for your destiny in Jesus’ name.

* I declare that my foundation is firm and solid in Jesus’ name
* O God, wherever the foundation of my life and destiny cracked, fix it for me in Jesus’ name.
* Commit all preparations for your destiny afresh into God’s hands.

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Friday, May 23, 2014

Appointed Season

Text: Psa. 104: 9-19
More Lessons: Gen 1: 14-18
Bible Reading in One Year: John 1-3

I want you to know that seasons don't just happen, they are appointed. The reason we see daybreak, nightfall and the climatic seasons happening as if naturally is because Someone appointed them to so happen since creation. God appoints seasons and He has given you the authority to appoint your seasons as well. A lot of people remain stagnant in life because they think things will happen for them naturally, they are ignorant of the principle of the appointed season. Remember ye not the former things; neither consider the things of old. Behold I do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert: Isa. 43:18-19. The seasons of old have stayed too long in your life, it is time for a new season. But for the season to change, the responsibility for the appointment of a new season lies on you.

When Joshua saw that the season was becoming unfavourable for him as night fall was approaching and he had not finished the work God gave him over the enemies, he commanded the sun and the moon to stand still. (Read Josh 10: 12-14) That is a man appointing the kind of season he needs for his assignment in destiny. You can appoint your season as Joshua appointed his; tell the sun and the moon to stand still until you are done; tell things to work in your favour. A new season only comes by the force of appointment The Bible says Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you; (Matt. 7:7) Appoint your season and it shall be appointed unto you.

If the doctor has said to you that you have a terminal disease or you are faced with failures, disappointment, and lack. The Lord is saying to you, 'That was yesterday, you can appoint yourself a new season today.' I declare a new season to spring forth in your life in Jesus Name. And He changeth the times and the seasons, He removeth kings and setteth up kings: He giveth wisdom unto the wise and knowledge to them that know understanding: Dan. 2: 21.

God changes the times and the seasons. Your unfruitful and unproductive seasons can be changed to fruitful seasons. NEVERTHELESS he left not Himself without witness, in that He did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and FRUITFUL SEASONS, filling our hearts with food and gladness: Acts 14:17. The doctors might have their unfavourable reports or you might have been struggling in poverty Nevertheless I assure you that your time for a new season has come. Nevertheless means regardless of what the past has been your change has come. Your appointed season has come in Jesus Name.

*Ask God to reappoint the seasons of your life to begin to favour you.
* Declare every unpleasant season in your life over.
* Ask the Lord to you a favour for every disappointment.

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Applying the Kingdom to your Destiny II

Text: Rom. 14:17-19
More Lessons: Prov. 11: 1-11
Bible Reading in One Year: 2 Samuel 22-24

Righteousness is the key to the Kingdom of God and the key to prevailing in destiny. Wherever there is righteousness, peace and joy will follow. When you do things right, you live free of guilt which makes you peaceful and this brings joy. It is impossible for a person who has no peace to be joyful. This is the relationship; right living ensures peace and this brings joy. The Kingdom of God is full of joy because everybody does right, but anywhere you see disorderliness, there can never be joy there. For your destiny to prevail, you must live a righteous life.

God's demand for righteousness is not to terrify us; it is to make things work for us. If you are not living right, you are actually denying yourself of the key to destiny. When you apply the Kingdom principle of righteousness to your life, you make profit. Prevailing is always by doing things right, even in business. Righteousness ensures that you have good products and make a good presentation to your costumers. There are people you do business with and regret; they have no attraction, excitement or sense of humour; they are always frowning at customers and clients; they do not take care of people and items. This is not right! It is not the Kingdom way of doing business.

Righteousness opens the door to wonderful results. There is no where righteousness rules and things don't work. Righteousness is the rule of law; it is ensuring that things are done according to God’s law. If things must work in a nation, there must be adherence to the rule. To prevail in life by applying righteousness, find out the rules of whatever you are doing from the Bible and strictly follow them. No matter how skillful a person is in a game, he can never win if he doesn't even know the rules. Righteousness is about knowing and following the rules. Be it in finances, marriage, relationships, academics and careers, you can't score a victory outside of righteousness.

Righteousness is beyond not committing sin; it is about doing things correctly as commanded by God. There are certain things that are not sins but are not the right ways of doing things if you must get results. Such things become acts of unrighteousness because they are not right; and no man gets good result out of unrighteousness. Always remember that if you do things right, you will get the right result in destiny. Through the accomplished work of Jesus on the cross, righteousness has been purchased for as many as will believe in it and ask for it, and that includes you today.

* Ask God for grace to live a righteous life and always do things right.
* Ask God to pour the spirit of righteousness upon His Church afresh today.
* Pray that you will be an example of righteousness.

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Applying the Kingdom to Your Destiny I

Text: Rom 14: 17
More Lessons: Phil. 4: 4-8
Bible Reading in One Year: 2 Samuel 19-21

For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost: Rom 14: 17. What makes the Kingdom of God work is also what makes a destiny work. We must understand the principles of God's Kingdom and apply them to our destiny if we must live a prevailing life. The Kingdom of God is not in eating and drinking and so your destiny is not about eating and drinking. There are physical and spiritual dimensions to the Kingdom of God and so your destiny is not just physical but there is also a spiritual perspective to it. What applies to the Kingdom also applies to each individual’s destiny. The point is that you must understand and apply the principles of the Kingdom to your destiny for you to prevail in life.

Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost matter in God's Kingdom and in destiny. Righteousness, simply put, means doing right; it is having the spirit of doing things right. Peace is a state of being at rest while joy is an unconditional expression of happiness.These three things are proofs that God rules over the Kingdom. When God rules in your life and destiny, you love to do things right; you are at rest and have joy. When a person understands this, he won't find it difficult to sing, dance, clap and praise God either in church or outside. Even when facing difficulties and challenges, if you are a true member of the Kingdom of God, you understand that life in the Kingdom of God is about joy and that the church is a sanctuary, not a mortuary. The Kingdom of God inside you swallows the things of the world around you.

When you see people that understand that the Kingdom is about peace and joy, they might have had a loss but you hear true worship flowing from them. A person may not have a child but be the most excited person in church because she understands that the Kingdom of God is not about the number of children you have, but the number of men that you've brought to Christ. There is peace in the Kingdom. You prevail in destiny by maintaining peace even when there is financial hardship and the enemy is striking; somehow you are restful on the inside of you. When you are a member of the Kingdom of God, you know that your tears shall be wiped away. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away: Rev 21:4.

The Kingdom of God is about living in peace and joy; no sorrow is found in it. Receive the joy, peace and righteousness of His Kingdom today and forever.

* Ask God that the Spirit of the Kingdom rest upon you.
* Reject the spirit of sorrow and unrighteousness in all areas of your life.
* Pray that no force will be strong enough to pull you out of God's Kingdom.
* Rededicate yourself into His Kingdom.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Why We Worship II

Text: John 4:21-24
More Lessons: Psalm92: 1-3
Bible Reading in One Year: 2Sam.16-18

A great and dynamic tool that can connect mere mortals to the supernatural power of the spirit is the medium of worship. All religions on earth no matter their beliefs admit to one thing that there is God and He is to be connected with through prayer and worship. The very fiber of the human soul is designed to desire connection with a supernatural intelligence which is God. True satisfaction streams from a life that is connected to God in continuous worship and praise. Genuine worship is extremely powerful because it takes our focus off the problems, pressures and frustrations of this world and fixes our gaze on Jesus. And as we concentrate on the goodness of Jesus, the burdens and pains we feel are lifted. This is the reason why it is easy to be healed and delivered from the works of Satan under the thick anointing in worship atmospheres or meetings. Satan cannot stand the character of a worshipper. (Psa 22:3)

Worship cleanses us from satanic activities and activates us towards the things of God. It is easier to hear the voice of the sweet Holy Spirit, be inspirited in righteousness and exercise deeper levels of spiritual authority in worship because worship is a tuner; it is a doorway to encounter God. A true worshipper is always renewed and revived, full of joy and peace because there is no better place to be than where God is praised.

When the Bible admonishes all that have breathe to praise the Lord, it actually means that praise should be spontaneous to the believer as breathing is to all living. In all the miraculous signs and wonders that the children of Israel saw and witnessed in their exodus from Egypt to Canaan, they didn't learn to worship God for His wondrous acts enough. Consequently most of them didn't get to the Promised Land; not because God lied on He promise but because they murmured against Him instead of praising Him. When we worship we accelerate the promises of God over our lives.

Worship makes it easy for God to bless us. I tell you, the good life is for the worshipper. I don't care what you are going through now, I dare you to praise God anyways. I dare you to lift those hands even in that struggle and give Him all the glory because He is good and His goodness isn't any less just because you had a bad day. This is what David meant when he said in Psa. 34:1 I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

* Thank The Lord because no matter what you're going through, he is still faithful.
* Ask the Lion of the tribe of Judah to ride on your praise and destroy the enemy of your destiny fulfillment.
* Pray that the miracles, signs and wonders that follow true worshippers will be your daily experience.
* Declare that every sin, guilt and the spirit of condemnation that dilutes the power of praise and worship is dismantled and dislodged now, by the blood of Jesus.

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Monday, May 19, 2014

Why We Worship I

Text: I Chron.16:29-34
More Lessons: Psalm 150: 1-6
Bible Reading in One Year: 2Sam.13-15

One of the most important questions to answer in the Christian race is why we worship? Do we worship just to feel good at the beginning of the service to prepare our minds for the message? Or do we worship to sing along with the choir who had rehearsed all week so they can be encouraged to 'keep up the good work'? Do we worship to bribe, cajole or compel God to bless and favour us? Could it be that we worship to make people think we are good Christians? So many people in the Christian faith worship God for different reasons. We cannot discern or understand the right and acceptable reason for worshipping God if we do not understand worship and what it means. In simple Christian terms, worship is expressing worth-ship to God. So worship has to be a deliberate effort to appreciate God. It requires a heart that can reflect on the goodness of God (Psa.111:1, Exo.15:1).

Worship is more than just another nice song. It is more than the stage, the smoke machines, the lights and the choir's excellent delivery. We cannot separate worship from fruitfulness and grace because what we appreciate, appreciates in our lives. God is good, so when we appreciate Him, good things increase and appreciate in our daily lives. But if we spend all our days murmuring and complaining about the things we do not yet have or the things that are undone, we will keep moving in circles of low and sluggish circumstances. Worship is a protocol of spiritual exchange because when we praise God He raises us. And when we fulfill our obligation in worshipping God, God is committed to fulfilling His divine pleasure, which is to bless us beyond boundaries.

We worship God because we love God. Worship is not a means to an end or a machine for producing miracles. It is not an opportunity to show the world style and talent. It is the love language of God. We cannot parallel the goodness and faithfulness of God or pay him back. Therefore, in response we live for Him. We might not all be good singers but we can all be good worshippers. Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.: Psa.150:6

* Thank God for the opportunity God has given you to enter his courts with praises and make acceptable sacrifices before Him in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God for a deeper revelation of the the purpose and power of worship.
* Ask the Holy Spirit to forge in you a grateful heart and grace to make worship a lifestyle.
* Declare that there will always be something to thank God for in your life.

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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Everyday at Mount Zion

Text: Heb. 12:22-24
More Lessons: Psa. 48:11
Bible Reading in One Year: 2 Samuel 9-12

Whenever you wait upon the Lord in His presence, you are at Mount Zion-the mountain of the Lord's presence. The mountain of the Lord is the place of help; this is why King David said: I will lift up mine eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help. (Psalm 121: 1) At Mount Zion you connect with help- help for success, help for breakthrough and for advancement.

At mount Zion you also connect with rejoicing when you come before the innumerable company of angels in joyful assembly.

Let mount Zion rejoice, let the daughters of Judah be glad, because of thy judgments: Ps 48:11.
Each morning in God's presence you connect with the spirit of rejoicing for the rest of the day and dispel sorrow, weeping, disappointment, shame, and embarrassment from the day and so good results await you for each day. The spirit of rejoicing is the spirit of getting good results because it is having good results that brings rejoicing. At the Lord's presence where there is help and rejoicing, your good result is sure. The way to get good results is to have faith in the words that God has spoken. For by faith the elders obtained a good report. (Heb 11:2 .I gave God's word to a woman who had been waiting for children about the children that she was going to have and even gave her their names. As things will happen after I gave her the Word from the Lord, her husband died; and it was as if the word was not going to come to pass. After this I spoke to reconfirm the words to her even though naturally it looked as if it was impossible because she was widowed with no children and even financially things were hard for her. But today she is an Associate Professor; with two male children; and now she is not a mean woman by any means. That is getting a good result even when it looks as if it is no longer possible. The word of prophecy to her came to pass.

There is no prophecy from Jehovah that will not come to pass. If Jehovah says that you are going to give birth to a baby in 24 hours, you had better believe it; it is true and correct. There is help and rejoicing at Mount Zion because the Lord gives you good results and celebration follows. This is your portion as you use this time to wait in God's presence today.

* Ask the Lord to teach you how to tarry in His presence
* Ask the Lord to release upon you the benefits of staying in His presence.
* Pray that God will make you walk in faith and receive the manifestation of all that have been written concerning you

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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Blossom in your Wilderness

Text: 2Sam.17:27-29
More Lessons: Psa.6:8-9
Bible Reading in One Year: 2 Samuel 5-8

In our text, David was going through a wilderness experience. He had been driven out of the palace in Jerusalem by his own son, Absalom; his trusted friend Ahitophel had taken counsel against him. His concubines had been defiled publicly by his son, Absalom. The king had been humiliated and driven into the wilderness together with his royal troop with no food, or provision. All was hot and dry.

Then God sent three men with abundant provision to refresh David in the wilderness. This is the way God works. When you find yourself in the wilderness of life for whatever reason, He sends provision to refresh you, so that even in the wilderness you can blossom. When Israel was crossing the wilderness into their inheritance in Canaan, God gave them abundance of manna, meat and water from the Rock that followed them, to refresh their souls. The Lord will never leave nor forsake His people. What is it that you have been going through? In what wilderness experience have you found yourself? The Lord is there for you even in the wilderness. He will supply all that you need. He will send helpers who will bring provisions that you need. Even in the wilderness God is still a God of provision, He will furnish a table in the wilderness.

The only question today is, Who hath believed our report?....Isa.53:1. Who is ready to believe that God can do all things, including turning a wilderness to a table of provision,

The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly…. Isa.35:1-2.

No matter the dry situation you are going through, call Jehovah to it. Hand over your position, debts, financial crisis to Him and leave them there with Him. If you believe in the power that makes the wilderness to blossom as the rose, you will see the miracle of the Lord.

* Give God thanks for His power to make the wilderness to blossom.
* Pray that the Lord will send you abundance of what you need in your present situation.
* Pray for a divine intervention in the finance of your home, church and nation, and that you will have more than enough no matter the situation.

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Friday, May 16, 2014

God's Hedge

Text: Job 1:6-12. 
More Lessons: Isa. 59:1-3
Bible Reading in One Year: 2 Samuel 1-4

In the Word of God, there is provision for safety or defence. God is emphatic about this, When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee Isa. 43:2.

It is of paramount importance for us to have the right attitude to the Word of God. Your trust in someone's word reflects your relationship with the person. What is your relationship with Jesus?

God built a hedge around Job, thus satan could not touch him initially. Similarly, God's hedge has been raised around your family, finance, business etc that is why there is safety. May the Lord's hedge be strong around you.It is God's hedge that is constantly around you when you sleep and wake up. There are many that sleep and have bad dreams, unpleasant experiences, some even die in their sleep. But David says, I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me Psa. 3:5. God's hedge around you is your security, strong and lasting since God is everlasting. Our non-consistency, disobedience, broken relationship, weaken the hedge, He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him Eccl. 10:8. You need to repent of your secret sin or else the serpent will strike you. A sinner can be attacked at anytime because he doesn't have God's defence/hedge. Ask the Lord for forgiveness and make your way straight with Him.

Thereafter, God's love will be available for you all your lifetime, As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about his people from henceforth even for ever Ps. 125:2. I proclaim this shall be your portion. However, you must dwell in the secret place of the most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Ps. 91:2). Henceforth, you will not be afraid of the terror by night; nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness. As David declares in Psa. 91:5-6,

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
So shall it be for you, in Jesus' name.

* Give thanks to God for His cover over you and your family.
* Declare that this cover shall never be removed.
* Pray that you will live up to God's expectation and that He will keep the hedge around you intact.

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Receiving your Healing

Text: Mk. 2:3-12.
More Lessons: Mk. 11:22-31
Bible Reading in One Year: 1 Samuel 29-31

All the miracles of Jesus have lessons for us and make our situations easier to respond to His healing power. In our text today, Jesus encountered a terrible case in Capernaum, which was like His operational headquarters. Expectedly, much crowd followed Him, looking for one miracle or the other.

The case of the paralysed man and his faithful helpers brought tremendous lessons in trusting God for a near impossible healing. 1) The helpers were not discouraged by the barrier (the crowd). Don't quit. Trust God for what next. 2) They removed the roof in order to have a way. Where there is a will, there is a way. Be determined that God the healer will make a way for your healing. 3) They broke the ceiling and let down the man in front of Jesus. Break your hindrances and take a step of faith to come to God's presence. No one who is determined to receive anything while in the presence of God ever gets disappointed. 4) Jesus saw their faith. God must see your faith; when you trust Him, He is excited to prove His ability and power on your behalf. 5) Jesus forgave the sick man's sins. Christ cleanses totally so that satan will not have any reason to return affliction to a person that receives healing. 6) The man received his healing despite the unbelieving Pharisees around. God is depending on your faith in Him for your healing, And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all.… Mk.2:12. You too will go forth today with your miracles no matter the hindrances and difficulties, in Jesus' mighty name. You will win over whatever has kept you down. And you will not lack faithful and committed friends at the hour of need.

The absence of friends who can go an extra mile like the friends of this sick man is responsible for the untimely death and affliction of many today. As you believe God for such helpers, pray also that God will use you to be a dependable hand for somebody needing help to come out of an affliction. Be a healing hand today, heal and be healed! Whoever carries whatever you need for a healing, you will not miss him/her. And whatever obstacle you need to overcome to reach your miracle you will overcome. I prophesy today is a healing day!

* Rebuke every force of paralysis, physical, financial and otherwise.
* Refuse to be helpless in life.
* Renounce and destroy the power of sin that could be responsible for your affliction and receive forgiveness and healing.

Anoint yourself and everyone around you for healing.
Give thanks for answered prayer. Take a step of faith and do what you couldn’t do before. I see healing of any sickness. Receive it, it's a healing day!

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Developing Strong Family Ties

Text: Gen. 2:15-25 
More Lessons: Matt. 19:4-6
Bible Reading in One Year: 1Sam.25-28

One of the earliest things God did to establish and consolidate all He created at the beginning was instituting marriage, And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him: Gen.2:15-18. Marriage is an institution ordained by God for the blessing of mankind. Let us therefore examine issues about it:

1. Married life may be likened to a marathon race. The fact that you did not start well does not mean you will not end well. Great beginnings are not as important as the end. When you are tired along the line and feel like giving up, all you need is the determination to keep plugging and moving. Only then will you be able to make it to the end.
2. To have strong family ties, we must close up gaps between members in the family by loving them as you love yourself. Forgiveness, dialogue and togetherness enhance good family ties. Unforgiveness is usually one of the main causes of disaffection in the family.
3. One major purpose of marriage is for the man to have an agreement partner. This can be promoted by being open enough to the other person and agree quickly in adversity. Not allowing anger to linger brakes adversity like nothing else. Amos 3:3 encourages us to stay together in unity.
4. Neglecting your marriage for service to God can be a problem. This was part of what Eli did that in one day both Eli and his children died. And if you neglect your service for marriage as it was in the case of Vashti, partying here and there, it is also a big problem. Marriage and service to God must be wisely balanced by creating enough time for the two.

Moreover, for a family to have very strong family tie, there must be altars of personal time with God as well as couples altar where burdens are shared together. Issues about how to raise the children, deflate tension in the family and similar challenges can be prayed upon at the family altar. Having leisure with family members and creating excitement for one another is a great boost. Creating time to listen to each other and keeping the terms of the marriage covenant will keep both the marriage and family in a good state.

* Lord Jesus, help me to develop a stronger sense of commitment towards my family.
* Father, I receive all it takes to build good family ties in my home.
* I rebuke the power of family breaker over my marriage and family, in Jesus’ name.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Some ways to be Joyful in Christ

Text: Psa. 23:1-6
More Lesson: Jn.15:4-7
Bible Reading in One Year: 1Sam.21-24

The Christian life is not that of pain and trouble, it is rather a life of abundant supply of every good thing. Being in Christ Jesus is the only way to have abounding joy in this world of sorrow.

Our main text, Psa. 23 explores the conditions for walking in and enjoying the great supply. To be happy in Christ and live in joy, you should have a day to day experience of being in Christ and develop a simple heart of complete trust in God to take the word of God as it is all the time. You will therefore need to do the following;

1. Vs.1 The Lord is my shepherd...., This means you have to develop the heart of a sheep and keep the shepherd in front of you always. Willingly submit everything you have into His hand. Allowing Him to have the final say in every issue of your life.
2. Vs.2 He maketh me to…. Allow God to make you what He wants you to be. He will lead you if you take every instruction from Him. Let Him be the one to prescribe how your daily live looks like by knowing what He says about you everyday.
3. Vs.3 He restoreth my soul:.... This happens when you turn your difficult times to prayer times. Every true Christian who wants joy without bounds knows that there is no alternative to prayer.
4. Vs.4 ...for thou art with me;.... A true believer must stay connected to God in perfect obedience. Heb.10:25 commands the believer to keep fellowship attendance. In Mal.3:8, the Bible makes tithe and offering essential. Matt.6:15 makes willingness to forgive compulsory for anyone who wants to enjoy God. Pro.3:9 advises us to give our first fruit to God.
5. Jn.15:11 These things have I spoken unto you, that ... your joy might be full. In as much as the believer abides in Christ he/she is bound to bear fruits and more fruits because the word of God daily purges the believer and he is given “whatsoever” vs.7

All these therefore are some of the things the believer needs to do in order to enjoy abundant life that God promised. God bless you as you begin to strive towards it in Jesus’ name.

* I reject poverty of all kinds today because I can see how rich I am in Christ Jesus.
* I receive the heart of a sheep to enjoy the shepherd’s provision to the fullness, in Jesus’ name.

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Monday, May 12, 2014

Following Instructions

Text: Exo.26:15-25
More Lessons: I Sam. 15:22-23
Bible Reading in One Year: 1Sam.17-20

Orders, directives, guidance, facts and figures are some ways by which instructions are passed from one person to another. Instructions are vital to human existence for when all else fail, read the instructions. Where there are no instructions, error, mistakes, and abuses are inevitable. God has given many instructions- to love, to be kind, to obey parents, to respect authority and to go into all the world with His gospel. Are we following His instructions? To the people of Israel for making the tabernacle, he gave instructions in great details so there would be no mistake. What would have happened if one member of the working team said “forget it, I know a short cut?” then all would have ended in vain. I once heard a man of God say “take every instruction as prescription.” If life will not be struggle without harvest, we must obey God's instructions no matter how we feel.

In life there are many instructions to keep and many people to obey;
1. We must obey the Lord in all things Exo. 19:5, Deut 13:4.
2. Children must obey the instructions of their parents Eph. 6:1, Col.3:23.
3. The laws of the land must be obeyed by the citizens Titus 3:1.
4. People in authority must be obeyed Heb.13:17.
5. Wives must obey the instructions of their husbands I Pet.3:1.
6. And when it comes to clashes of instructions between man and God, we must obey the Lord Acts 5:29.
7. The instructions of the servants of the Lord must be obeyed II Thes.3:14

The Bible is a book containing many instructions of life. Each day we open it to read we are taking instructions from God. And it is wisdom if we obey. Isa.1:19-20

* Lord Jesus, give me the heart of flesh to obey you in all things.
* I receive the grace to obey the instructions of the Lord as a command all the days of my life.
* I will follow the commandments of the Lord no matter how difficult it is in Jesus’ name.

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Sunday, May 11, 2014

God Cares

Text: Psa. 34:15-22
More Lessons: Job 36:5-12
Bible Reading in One Year: 1Sam.14-16

Our text today is the answer to one of the greatest questions we are confronted with today. Our God is Jehovah the breasted One; ever ready to help all those who come to Him. If you want to know whether someone cares about you or not check whether he often offers you a listening ear, a helping hand, and encourages you when you are downcast. These are the things the Lord does in the life of His children and much more.

Sometimes you hear people say “no one will ever know how I feel, and no one seems to care” David had a similar experience of abandonment by his friends and alies. However, understanding the God in whom he trusted, David later said God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psa.46:1. How comforting it is when we are in trouble to know that God cares. The Lord is always near but especially tender with us when we are broken-hearted. No situation is too difficult for God to handle and he is ever willing to help His own. I Pet. 5:7 says Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

To receive constant care from the Lord we must learn to call upon Him in prayer and live in His presence daily. Thereafter, He will command people to bring succor and care to you in any situation.

Moreover as a child of God, if you are in any need, feel free to talk to other children of God about it. God can use them to meet your need and He will, in Jesus' name. Many a times children of God languish in their troubles because they listen to the enemy. Satan can say “Don't tell anybody, they will not help you.” All these are Satan's gimmicks to keep you in trouble perpetually. Break the chain today and be free forever. God cares for you and so do other children of His.

* Father, help me to always remember that you care for me.
* I receive the grace to give and receive care from others.

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Saturday, May 10, 2014

It is What is Inside

Text: I Sam. 16:1-7
More Lessons: Jer. 4:14
Bible Reading in One Year: 1 Sam.11-13

Appearance, personality, beauty, cleanliness are all important but as important as they are, they cannot be the most vital things in your life. Your life is more than your face and how you appear. Our text today brings out the vital part of man; the heart, that is the source of everything in man. The way a man appears, dresses, talks and walks is a reflection of the state of his heart. Verse 7 of our text makes us to understand that God looks at man from inside out. For us to please the Lord we must handle our heart correctly. For example, Prov.4:23 says Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. it is never a thing to play with ...for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Matt 12:34. When wisdom entereth into thine heart... Prov. 2:10. We need a heart that knows wisdom because a heart full of wisdom is a tree of life; everyone can feed from it. Wisdom is a principal thing.

The way man looks at another man's face to judge him is the way God looks at man's heart to discern him. When God wanted to choose a king, He looked for someone with the right attitude- David. And when God gave Samuel instruction for finding the king He said ...Look not on his countenance,…:vs7. While it is good to take care of ourselves in the area of cleanliness and attractiveness and in using the personality that God has given us, these should not take top billing. Neither should they be the basis for choosing friends, marriage partner, as some people do. It is not what is on the outside that makes the person it's his or her attitude.

Check your heart, not just your appearance. How beautiful and colourful are you on the inside? Is it clean enough for the King of kings to be resident there? Hear the admonition of the Lord on how you can become clean: Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil; Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Isaiah 1:16-18

* I subject my heart to the cleansing power in the blood of the Lamb.
* Father, help me to put more emphasis on the beauty of the spirit more than that of the body.
* I receive a heart that is well pleasing unto the Lord.

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Friday, May 9, 2014


Text: Jonah 4:1-3
More Lessons: Psa.94:1-3, 22-23 Bible Reading in One Year: 1Sam.8-10

Nineveh was a city built by Asshur after the flood of Noah. It was the capital of Assyria, situated on the river Tigris and was first called Nina. And to this city was Jonah the prophet sent. And as a prophet, Jonah was obviously in close communication with God. Yet when God told him to go to Nineveh to preach, Jonah was scared. Nineveh then was the capital of Assyria and was known for its wickedness. Jonah was afraid for his life and for his nation because he was likely thinking, ‘if they believed what I preach, God might save their nation, then they might in turn conquer His nation Israel’. So, he refused to go and paid to go down to Joppa. And to confirm that Jonah knew God so well, God forgave the nation and Jonah became angry. He didn't have the faith to leave the situation in God's hands.
Do you have faith to trust the Lord even when everything goes wrong? Dearly beloved, we must allow God to have His way in our life. He is all knowing and good. We must trust God's judgment. God asked Jonah a great question in the last verse (v11) And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle? All things and people belong to God, including your enemy. It is always better to allow God to deal with our enemies rather than taking over.
Our God is the Lord of Hosts. Let Him take over the battle and you will surely be victorious in Jesus. You must know that the devil is your only enemy although he specialises in using the ignorant humans to achieve his purpose. Let's face the enemy in battle and he will flee in Jesus' name. Read the following scriptures: Exo.14:25, Deut.1:30, II Chron.32:8

* Come against every work of the enemy in your life that will not allow you to always obey God.
* Ask the lord of Hosts to fight the battles of your life.
* Declare yourself victorious and more than a conqueror in Jesus' name.

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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Real Faith

Text: Jam. 2:14-18
More Lessons: Eph. 2:8-10 Bible Reading in One Year: 1Sam.4-7

The Christian faith is described by Paul as ...the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen: Heb.11:1. Faith is bringing into reality that which has never been. Believing in what you can see is not as real as believing so much in what you have not seen. Biblical faith is active, not passive. Real faith produces a changed life. Heb.11:2 says For by it the elders obtained a good report. Active faith is a great force on earth. We can achieve so much by it if properly exercised. God's gift of salvation as the result of genuine faith must result in good works as we can see in verse 2 of our text. Verse 15 of our text says turning away a friend who is cold and hungry with empty words “be warmed and full” but doing nothing to help is like somebody saying that they have genuine faith when their lives give no evidence of being changed.
Faith in Christ should produce the good works that God's Word teaches. Talking about Jesus and being aware of what He can do is not enough. Real faith is total commitment to Christ and the Word of God which brings about a changed life. It is faith that is more than just words; it is faith that works. Verse 17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Since your work is a proof of your faith, you can know the dimension of your faith by the size of your work.
Laziness which people exhibit by just confessing the word and not doing the work in it is not of faith because James 1:25 says there is work in every word ... he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work,.... God's blessing comes when we take steps of faith and do what we should because we know that God brings increase upon man's labour and He rewards people for their labour of love and faith. The names of Abel, Noah, Abraham and others entered the chronicles of faith because they exercised their faith. It is about time you begin to put your faith to work because faith without works is dead.

* I receive power to activate my faith.
* Father help me to honour you every day by the way I live my life.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Knowing the Author Helps

Text: Heb. 12:1-11
More Lessons: Heb. 5:9 Bible Reading in One Year: 1Sam.1-3

One way to know a true child of God is his/her thirst for the Word of God. The one who truly loves God will want to read about Him. David the king, the man after God’s heart describes his love for God by how much he values God's word. Psa. 19:10, More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Psa.19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. Psa.19: 8, The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.
David having tasted the sweetness and the authenticity of the Word of God declares it in his book. Many teachers of literature will tell you that reading a certain person's book will help you to understand the author. But Christian authors often reveal their true happiness and joy as they put their thoughts on paper. As you read, you feel you are getting to know the author. And there is no book which so beautifully expresses the love and concern of the author as the Bible. The more you read it, the more you learn to love the author. There is no deep knowledge of God except through his Word.
Our text today points out attention to the fact that Jesus is not only the author of the Bible but of our faith and the finisher of it. This means that there is no faith in God outside of Jesus Christ. Being in Christ is determined by how we see the Bible, read it, study it, memorise it and live by it. All these are possible only when you take time to personally find out that God's Word is a lamp, a light, a defense, a guide and our spiritual food.

* Father, help me to love your Word more than ever.
* Cause me to see you through your Word as I need it all the time.
* I receive divine capacity to love in Jesus' name.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

It's a Shadow

Text: Amos 5:8
More Lessons: Psa. 23:4
Bible Reading in One Year: 2 Pet.1-3

In life there are so many things that look so real but without reality or substance. Nevertheless, there are other things that look so abstract but are much more real than things that can be touched physically. God ...calls those things which do not exist as though they did: Rom 4:17 (NKJV) (declaring shadow; a reality). Whereas there are some things in existence today that are actually a shadow of things yet to be. Col.2:17, Heb.10:1. Believers in Christ Jesus, everything outside of God's counsel are shadows, that cannot happen unless you permit them. One of God's servants admonishes us to declare old anything you don't want to see again. So when it comes to pain, death, affliction, hunger, lack, and deprivation; they are shadows that must pass away. Shadows cannot hurt, it cannot kill, it cannot destroy.

One day I was standing on the street corner and the shadow of a huge, heavily loaded truck passed right over me.

Did it hurt? Of course not. Shadows can’t hurt. That is why the Bible tells us that believers walk through the valley of the shadow of death (Psa. 23:4). But when an unsaved person dies, he walks into torments of the awful jaws of death itself.

It is only in God that all things are real, because they are good and perfect. This is why the book of James calls God ...Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. Jam. 1:17. Num. 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?.

Moreover, our text today makes us to understand that there is no shadow in God; ...He turns the shadow of death into morning....: Amos 5:8 (NKJV) Child of God, this is your portion. Declare every hurtful and negative situations shadows today and they will pass away. Declare what must be and the angels of God will bring them into your life right now, in Jesus' name.

* I overcome the spirit of shadow casting evil into my life.
* I declare every negative issue of my life a passing shadow now in Jesus' name.
* Father, turn my shadow into morning in Jesus' name.

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It's a Shadow

Text: Amos 5:8
More Lessons: Psa. 23:4
Bible Reading in One Year: 2 Pet.1-3

In life there are so many things that look so real but without reality or substance. Nevertheless, there are other things that look so abstract but are much more real than things that can be touched physically. God ...calls those things which do not exist as though they did: Rom 4:17 (NKJV) (declaring shadow; a reality). Whereas there are some things in existence today that are actually a shadow of things yet to be. Col.2:17, Heb.10:1. Believers in Christ Jesus, everything outside of God's counsel are shadows, that cannot happen unless you permit them. One of God's servants admonishes us to declare old anything you don't want to see again. So when it comes to pain, death, affliction, hunger, lack, and deprivation; they are shadows that must pass away. Shadows cannot hurt, it cannot kill, it cannot destroy.

One day I was standing on the street corner and the shadow of a huge, heavily loaded truck passed right over me.

Did it hurt? Of course not. Shadows can’t hurt. That is why the Bible tells us that believers walk through the valley of the shadow of death (Psa. 23:4). But when an unsaved person dies, he walks into torments of the awful jaws of death itself.

It is only in God that all things are real, because they are good and perfect. This is why the book of James calls God ...Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. Jam. 1:17. Num. 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?.

Moreover, our text today makes us to understand that there is no shadow in God; ...He turns the shadow of death into morning....: Amos 5:8 (NKJV) Child of God, this is your portion. Declare every hurtful and negative situations shadows today and they will pass away. Declare what must be and the angels of God will bring them into your life right now, in Jesus' name.

* I overcome the spirit of shadow casting evil into my life.
* I declare every negative issue of my life a passing shadow now in Jesus' name.
* Father, turn my shadow into morning in Jesus' name.

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Monday, May 5, 2014

Flee What?

Text: II Tim.2:15-22
More Lessons: I Tim.6:11
Bible Reading in One Year: 1 Pet.3-5

Often, we get into trouble or make irreparable mistakes in life just because we do not know how to handle our challenges. Experience is not what happens to you in life, but how you handle it. Exposed to evil or temptation and doing nothing about it makes children of God live a life of shame and reproach even though God has promised us grace and glory.

Our text today tells us how to cope with temptations and how to become the kind of disciples Jesus wants us to be. Jn. 15:14 says Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Obedience is the issue when it comes to true Christianity. Salvation is a free gift from God but you won't grow much unless you take definite steps of obedience. There are so many things to flee from in the scriptures: if we will remain God's friends; I Cor. 6:18 Flee fornication....: I Cor. 10:14 ...flee from idolatry: II Tim. 2:22 Flee also youthful lusts: Matt.3:7 ...flee from the wrath to come.

Being complacent about what can destroy us is not courage, but carelessness. Running away or doing everything possible to escape from evil, danger or temptation is the wisest thing to do. We must know that our spiritual life is one of motion. So many times, God tells us to do one thing or the other, and unless we are swift in response to his instructions, we fail even when we are not supposed to.

Can you anticipate any temptation that might hit you today? How will you handle it? In Matt.22:41, Jesus said ...pray, that ye enter not into temptation....: because wit every temptation, there is a way of escape(I Cor. 10:13). You must be guided 24/7. The tempter is never tired at all; when you hear his roar, flee. God will keep you from the hour of temptation in Jesus' name (Rev. 3:10)

1. I receive the grace of God not to fall into temptation again in Jesus' name.
2. Father help me to keep the word of your patience daily in Jesus' name.
3. Father keep me from the hour of temptation which shall come on all men, in Jesus' name
4. Oh God, help me to pursue righteousness daily in Jesus' name.

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The Ministry of Help

Text: Isa.41:1-10
More Lessons: Exo. 2:17
Bible Reading in One Year: 1Pet.1-4

Giving assistance and the act of bearing other people's burden is a vital issue in human survival. It is one of the gifts of God to mankind.

I Cor.12:28. Many a times, we do not know how to or lack the expertise to do what we want to do and that is why God has given some people the talent to help others.

How many people do you know who are lonely and discouraged? Suicide and attempted suicide among teenagers and youths are very rampant in many countries of the world. These people are crying out for people with the ministry of help. As Christians, we need to go out of our way to share the good news of salvation with unbelievers and also encourage other believers to remain steadfast in faith. I Thess.5:14 outlines some ways we can help others;

1) Warning of the unruly: That is to tell a person of danger or to caution about certain acts or notify in advance about issues or acts that can bring negative consequences. When we do this as believers, we are helping the individual, the church and the society.
2) Comforting the feeble minded. This means lessening of misery or grief by cheering, calming or inspiring with hope of engrieved believers with promises from the word of God. It also includes going extra-mile to do what we can to help fulfil this ministry.
3) Supporting the weak. This is the act of keeping from falling, slipping or sinking of any member who is no longer strong in the body.
4) Patience towards all men. This is the ability to wait or endure without complaint or perseverance in performing a task of the individual “towards all men” everywhere in all things.

Helping others is a ministry of all for the body of Christ. How helpful are you? Making a long term impact on others by listening to people's needs, praying with them, sharing with them material things and scriptures that helped you and the habit of making daily prayers asking God to direct you to someone who is in need of help are ways we can fulfil this ministry.

* Father, help me not to fail to help people around me.
* Today, I receive all I need to fulfil this ministry perfectly in Jesus' name.
* Do something daily that can make someone to tell you “thank you” throughout this month.

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Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Church

Read: Heb. 10:19-25
More Lessons: I Cor.12:28
Bible Reading in One Year: Ruth1-4

The Body of believers; which are the called-out ones is generally referred to as the bride of Christ or the Church. The name Church which is given in relation to Christ are people who have been purchased by the blood of the lamb, saved by grace, sanctified and cleansed by the word of God and subject to Christ in everything (Eph.5:25-29, Acts 20:28, Eph.5:26, Rom.7:6). The word, Church has different meanings to different people. But the true Church; the church of the Lord Jesus can be defined as:

1) A body of believers in Christ Jesus.
2) A general assembly representing believers from many local assemblies. (Acts 15:22)
3) A local company of Christians who regularly meet for spiritual services and to transact necessary business for the proper functioning of the local or general Christian work (Matt.18:17).
4) The general assembly of Christians in heaven (Heb.2:12).

The Church of Christ is a living entity of believers where members have an obligation to take part in Church life; that is taking up responsibilities for the effective growth and advancement of the local assembly. Where members fail to play their parts in the running and the growth of the church, there is grave consequences.

Other vital functions of the church include World evangelism, (Matt. 28:18-20), edifying the saints (Eph. 4:11-15), guarding the truth (II Tim.2:1-2) and to discipline the unruly (II Cor.13:1-10). Our text today urges us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. Ps.100:4 makes us to understand how God should be approached when believers gather. Attendance of every meeting organized by the church is vitally important. God's word commands it, are you obeying Him?

* I confess that as a Church of Christ, I will service the body.
* My seat and service in the Church will not be vacant.
* The Church of Christ is matching on and the gates of hell will not prevail forever, in Jesus’ name.

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Friday, May 2, 2014

Are you ready?

Text: I Thess.4:13-18
More Lessons: Titus 2:13
Bible Reading in One Year: Judges 19-21

The second coming of the Lord is much closer than ever before. Rapture (the taking away of the believers from the earth before the tribulation) is the event the world will soon experience whether we are ready for it or not.

After hearing a message about the rapture, a teenage boy said “I know the Lord is coming someday but I hope it isn't right away, I have got a lot of things that I want to do!” Most Bible scholars and preachers agree that the signs of the times are pointing to the soon coming of Jesus Christ to rescue believers from the earth to the marriage supper of the Lamb in the sky for three and half years. Unfortunately, some Christians are no longer waiting or eager about the taking away of the believers from the earth (rapture). Rather a number of believers are becoming so much involved with the things of the world of becoming indifferent about the second coming of Jesus. We should be living in constant expectation of that glorious event since no one really knows for sure when Christ is coming to take away His own.

Jesus gave us the key and made us to understand how we should live while awaiting His coming …Occupy till I come: Lk.19:13. That is to say, while we are waiting for Christ’s return we should be involved in active service for God in His vineyard. I Cor.15:52 makes us to understand how it will happen; In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,.... Beloved, it will be a very snappy thing, with no time to pray sinners prayer then. Why not pray, restitute and preach Christ to all today? …at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound,… Rapture will be a secret silent event and it will not happen twice. It is the very one and only last trumpet blow for the exodus of the believers from the earth. …and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. That is to say, we shall not stand before God in this our mortal body, there shall be a change! Are you ready to put on another body? Are you ready to walk on the streets of Gold? It wouldn't be long again, so get ready.

*Father, let my heart not depart from you. I want to love you more.
*Lord Jesus help me love your appearing.
*Today, I break my league with anything that will not allow me to be ready when You come.

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Text: Eph. 4:14-16
More Lessons: 2 Pet.3:18
Bible Reading in One Year: Judges 16-18

Maturity has remained a crucial matter for the body of Christ. Most of the traits the church exhibits like selfishness, instability, gullibility, being tossed to and fro by new teachings come out of immaturity.

The following are a few of the essentials the church needs to grow to maturity,
1. Growth and maturity come by nutrition and not just by addition. The church body matures from within when we feed on the Word of God. God's truth ministered in love provides spiritual nutrition to the body. However, when the church is faced with the famine of the word it becomes an entertainment centre. Pastors and Sunday school teachers need to realize how great a responsibility it is to teach the Word of truth.

2. The church matures in an atmosphere of love. Apostle Paul in Eph. 4:15 said truth and love must go together; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ. He meant, “saying” the truth and “doing” the truth. Truth is objective; love is subjective, and we must have both. The preacher must preach the truth in love; we must apply the truth in love. Love without truth is hypocrisy and truth without love is brutality. Once truth starts to vanish, no amount of love will compensate for it. At the same time, when love vanishes truth becomes hard and brittle.

3. The body matures as each of the fivefold ministries goes to work. It is good to know that each of us has a ministry to fulfil in building the body of Christ. We must ensure we do our part because nobody else can do it. And if we don't, we miss the blessing and rob the church of growth. We need to fellowship with the local church to grow and to serve. We can help people grow through our prayers (I Thess. 3:10). Because God perfects and equips us through suffering (I Pet. 5:10), if we allow Him in our sufferings we will grow and mature.

4. The body matures to a predetermined image. God wants His people and His church collectively to become like the Lord Jesus Christ. We are not to become like our preacher or minister whom we greatly admire (Eph. 4:13); Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: The effectiveness of the local church should not be based on annual or quarterly report but it is measured by the changes that take place in the lives of people as they serve one another and become more like the Son of God.

* Pray for all round maturity in your life.
* Ask God to make you an agent of maturity to all the church.
* Ask God to cause you to grow in grace and knowledge of Him.

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Thursday, May 1, 2014

MAY 2014, Month of MANIFEST GLORY.

MAY 2014, Month of MANIFESDT GLORY. Jn. 2;1-11.
Prayer the prayer points and say amen where necessary.... use your mouth to safe your destiny

1. In the month of May, no matter the impossibilities, probabilities or challenges there in, I shall dance.
2. When others are getting ‘no’ for answer in the month of May I will get ‘yes’.
3. The things that are obstacles for me in the previous months I turn them to stepping stones in the month of May
4. Everything Satan hates me to get, I will get it in the month of May. I will wake up every day.
5. I will celebrate more than the celebrants.
6. There shall be landmark achievements for me. Something that I will not be able to forget in the history of my life will happen to me in a positive way.
7. I shall become a sign and a wonder: John 2: 11
8. Whatever makes people reproach me will disappear this month: Josh. 5:9

Ten (10) things that must happen to you in the month of May
1. There must be a promotion before time, the promotion that you are not yet qualified for. Before you are due you will be promoted.
2. In the place of weeping and crying, you will smile. There must be laughter instead of crying.
3. You will look at storms in the face and you will smile.
4. Everything your heart has been longing for, the month of May will bring them to you. This month is the take off of all your heart desires.
5. You will open your eyes and see positive things, everything around you will change for good. You will see it and will step into it. The environment of poverty and insecurity will change. You will not run in the streets weeping and crying.
6. You will not wear black for sorrow. It is the portion of your enemy
7. There is stepping up for you this month.
8. The reproaches will go. Whatever signboard is on your head and you don’t want anybody to see will disappear. No matter how tiny or how small they are, they will disappear.
9. Whatever is called a miracle will be your portion. Your doctor will tell you only God can do this for you, your lecturers will tell you only God can do this.
10. You will get to the high places. Whatever is called the higher ground, you will get there, even your colleagues will not see you as their equal any more.

In the month of May, you will manifest glory.
You will be a sign in  the enemy's land.
Even if hands are joined against you, you will be a wonder. Josh 5:9.
In the month of May, I destroy everything that makes people ask where is your God.
There are reproaches within, without and front, wherever they are, in this month, they shall be no more.
I give you the right to manifest glory this month, your enemy will see it and be glad.
Every demon will be subject to u this month.
c JAWOM 2014