Text: Jonah 4:1-3
More Lessons: Psa.94:1-3, 22-23 Bible Reading in One Year: 1Sam.8-10
Nineveh was a city built by Asshur after the flood of Noah. It was the capital of Assyria, situated on the river Tigris and was first called Nina. And to this city was Jonah the prophet sent. And as a prophet, Jonah was obviously in close communication with God. Yet when God told him to go to Nineveh to preach, Jonah was scared. Nineveh then was the capital of Assyria and was known for its wickedness. Jonah was afraid for his life and for his nation because he was likely thinking, ‘if they believed what I preach, God might save their nation, then they might in turn conquer His nation Israel’. So, he refused to go and paid to go down to Joppa. And to confirm that Jonah knew God so well, God forgave the nation and Jonah became angry. He didn't have the faith to leave the situation in God's hands.
Do you have faith to trust the Lord even when everything goes wrong? Dearly beloved, we must allow God to have His way in our life. He is all knowing and good. We must trust God's judgment. God asked Jonah a great question in the last verse (v11) And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle? All things and people belong to God, including your enemy. It is always better to allow God to deal with our enemies rather than taking over.
Our God is the Lord of Hosts. Let Him take over the battle and you will surely be victorious in Jesus. You must know that the devil is your only enemy although he specialises in using the ignorant humans to achieve his purpose. Let's face the enemy in battle and he will flee in Jesus' name. Read the following scriptures: Exo.14:25, Deut.1:30, II Chron.32:8
* Come against every work of the enemy in your life that will not allow you to always obey God.
* Ask the lord of Hosts to fight the battles of your life.
* Declare yourself victorious and more than a conqueror in Jesus' name.
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