Sunday, May 25, 2014

Declaring the End from the Beginning

Text: Isa 46:10-11
More Lessons: Rom. 4: 17-22
Bible Reading in One Year: John 7-10

Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Isa. 46: 10.Faith is all about the audacity to declare the end from the beginning. There is power in your ability to proclaim what you want to see before it ever comes to the physical. Those who want to see things before they declare them are not walking in the Christian faith.

In the world, people say seeing is believing but for Christians, believing is seeing. Because you believe it, you will see it. The people that hinder the move of God in a place are always those people who want to see everything before they believe. God did not see the earth and the heaven before He declared them. He spoke them into being. Nothing happens in the physical except it has been concluded in the spiritual. If you want a miracle, start declaring the end from the beginning. If you insist on seeing it to in the physical before you declare it, you will lose it but if you declare things from the spiritual realm ever before you see them, you will have them. ...Before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were: Rom 4:17-18.

In the Christian faith, we are blind to our environment; we walk by faith and talk by faith.When God is building a structure; while the foundation is not yet on ground physically, He is already talking about the roof. God does not start from the foundation, He starts from the top. By the time you see the foundation in the physical, just know that the structure has been completed because God completes His own structures before their foundations are ever laid. That is why the Bible talks about some things God has finished before the foundation of the world.

Some get discouraged because they have been declaring things they have not seen them. It is not the day a baby is given birth to that it was conceived. As there is a period between the conception and the day of delivery, so also is there a period of time between the day you start declaring a thing and its realization. So you have to continue to say it until you see it.However make sure your declarations are according to the Word of God. Our victory is in declaring what God's word says. . If God has said it, He will surely bring it to pass by two immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lie. (Heb 6: 18)

* Father, I declare a successful end for every present situation I am going through
* Ask the Lord to complete everything that concerns you.
* Declare the Word of the Lord over specific situation in your life, declaring the end of it to be in accordance with God’s Word.

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