Monday, June 30, 2014

The Usefulness of Riches

READ: Psa. 105:23-45
MORE LESSONS: Prov.3:9-10
Bible Reading in One Year: Hosea 11-14

Our text today describes the exodus of the Israelites when they left Egypt with all their labour fully rewarded (Exo. 11:2-3; 12:35). They left with silver and gold and clothings, and did not have to purchase anything in the wilderness and the Lord constantly supplied them food (Exo.16:35). Moreover, they did not have to spend their money on their journey because the Bible says there was no feeble person among them. Their shoes and clothes were growing with them, a rare occasion when non-liiving things assume the characteristics of living things, (Deut. 29:5; Neh. 9:21). They were neither cold or hot in the wilderness, contrary to the natural order. All these made serving God in the wilderness easy. All the blessings were ploughed back to serve God in the wilderness, including building a tabernacle for God..

There is God in heaven who cares so much for His people that He will pay all your bills if you fully surrender your life to Him. You will not spend your salary or profit on any waste because Jehovah will take over.

However, as He delivers your harvest from the waster and prevents you from wasting money on sickness, diseases, e.t,c. You too must deliver his work from rot and lack! Note that every good thing God has given you is first an empowerment for service. When you use them to serve Him, they will increase till you have no more room for the blessings of God in your life. Make a commitment towards a need in your church today or better still make a covenant with God that you will use the riches He gives you not only for personal use but also for His Kingdom and people, just as Israelites did in the wilderness and their provisions never ceased in 40 years. Your riches is not only for comfort but for the Kingdom of God’s use.

Prayer / Action
* Make a demand on the heavens to lead you to the store house meant for your prosperity.
* Ask God to open the windows of His treasury to your destiny and make you a Kingdom financier.
* Destroy every root of poverty over your life, family and destiny.
* By the blood of Jesus, rebuke satanic strongholds over your prosperity.
* Don’t stop at praying, start today by giving towards a project of the Kingdom at your local assembly. Don’t watch others do it, give your little.

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God bless you

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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Keep the Gates Closed

READ: Psa. 15:1-5
MORE LESSONS: Prov. 4:23-27
Bible Reading in One Year: Hosea 8-10

In most Nigerian cities, many houses are fortified with strong iron gates and fences for security purposes. Believers must be conscious to do the same in the spiritual, so that their spiritual treasures will not be robbed. Solomon, the wise king, counsels, Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life: Prov. 4:23. Our Lord Jesus further warns, For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murder, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: Matt. 15:19. Also, David in our text examines the root cause of disqualification of many from the presence of God. He then provides a list of attitudes, habits and practices that qualify one to be in the presence of God. Uprightness, righteousness and truth in the heart among others, are the top requirements for remaining in God's presence.

When a heart is porous, vices like backbiting, evil imagination, judgmental reproach of brethren and pride will dominate the character. However, a submissive, sanctified and consecrated life always seeks to keep the gates of his or her heart closed to rampaging habits and ways of life that dominate the present world.

Do you want to ascend to God's holy hill? Then keep your hearts closed with all diligence and keep the gates closed to all influence of sin. This is an important ingredient of revival in a world that is daily seeking to enroll thousands into hell. You must work out your salvation with trembling and contend earnestly for your faith: And Judah said unto Simeon his brother, Come up with me into my lot, that we may fight against the Canaanites; and I likewise will go with thee into thy lot. So Simeon went with him. Jud. 1:3. Mind your environment and company; many things going on around you are not good for your faith. Deny the devil access to your thoughts and actions and watch your life carefully to ensure the enemy does not infiltrate it. Keep the gates closed.

Prayer / Action
* Invite God to come and regain firm control of your heart today and ever.
* Pray against negative influence over your life by sinful environment.
* Handover your heart to the Holy Spirit of God for an unbreakable contact and strength.

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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Bring Down this Jericho

READ: Josh. 5:1-14
MORE LESSONS: Josh. 6:2-5
Bible Reading in One Year: Hosea 5-7

The city of Jericho symbolises the seemingly insurmountable obstacles (sickness, poverty, unemployment) that hinder men from possessing their possession. While Jericho was a visible obstacle on Israel’s pathway, they first had to deal with something in their own lives. The children of Israel had to do three things before confronting the enemy called Jericho.

First, they had to be circumcised (vs 2-5) as a mark of surrendered hearts in which the reliance on the flesh was cut and put off (Rom. 2:29). Circumcision involves putting off of the sinful nature. Your total commitment and consecration are prerequisites for conquering your Jericho.

Second, the Israelites celebrated the passover which symbolises a thankful heart. Beloved, regardless of the obstacles and problems confronting you, have a thankful heart. Eating of manna ended and they received a new and more satisfying food. As you give God thanks and praise for what you are passing through, I see God bringing down your wall of Jericho, in Jesus’ name.

Third, they had a battle plan from God. Josh6:3-5 You need a battle strategy from God to bring down your wall of Jericho. God’s instruction may sound foolish; just obey. For Israel, it was the shout of victory, yours may be different. The Bible has all the battle plans of God for your life; read it, memorise it and obey the instructions. Surely that will make your ways prosperous and you will have good success

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Josh.1:8.
Jericho must fall today!

Prayer / Action
* Lord, send your angel to bring down every wall of Jericho in my life and destiny in Jesus’ name.
* Lord let the power that pulled down the wall of Jericho, come upon the walls of Jericho in my life and terminate them.

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Friday, June 27, 2014

Visa to Heaven

READ: Psa. 15:1-5
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 24:3-5
Bible Reading in One Year: Hosea 1-4

One great desire of many people today is to get an immigrant visa to a developed nation, especially United States of America. Young people in particular are doing anything (negative and positive) to get this visa. But then there is a visa that is far more useful and of eternal value than American immigrant visa: the heavenly immigrant visa, without which you are eternally doomed.

As expected, there are conditions for qualifying for this visa and for retaining it. Some of the conditions are outlined in today’s text:(1) Walking uprightly - without blame (v2). To be blameless is to be without blemish, irreproachable, having no outstanding fault (Psa. 19:13), being sound, having an undivided commitment to God (Deut. 18:13). This implies integrity, sincerity and whole-hearted devotion to God and to His laws (Gen. 17:1; Psa. 119:1). (2) Working righteousness (v2); righteousness means goodness, the act of doing right and having a right standing before God, without which no man can qualify for Heaven. (3) Speaking the truth from the inward part (v2) which is speaking the truth from the heart (Psa. 12:2; Isa. 29:13). (4)Being free from backbiting (v3); all seekers of heavenly citizenship must abstain from slandering other people, speaking evil or falsely accusing others. (5) Not doing evil to others (Rom. 12:17). (6) Receiving no reproach about neighbours (Psa. 15:3). A Heaven seeker does not gladly repeat an account of or rejoice at another man’s misfortune. (7) Not keeping the company of evil doers rejected by God (Psa. 1:1,4). (8) Keeping one’s word even to one’s hurt (v4; Lev. 27:10). (9) Not taking advantage of one in need to increase riches (v5). (10) Refusing bribe (v5) because it aids corruption. (11) Protecting the innocent (v5).

Today, make a conscious effort to walk by these principles and let others see you as a sincere icon of righteousness and angels with their beauty and music will celebrate your approval and eventual entrance to Heaven. When life is over on this side, where will be your next abode for eternity?

Prayer / Action
Take a thorough study of the following scriptures and use them to pray for yourself:
* Psa. 15:1-5
* Psa. 1:1-3.

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Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Seed for your Miracle

READ: II Kg. 4:1-7
MORE LESSONS II Kgs. 17:2-16
Bible Reading in One Year: Obadiah, Jonah 1-4

Often when you need a miracle from God, your whole attention is drawn only to what God can do. However, you need to realise that for every miracle, there is the aspect of what you have to do either to make the answer come or to quicken or fast track the answer. For every miracle we expect from God, we have a responsibility and a role to play. In today's study, the prophet asked the widow that came asking for a miracle and help, What do you have in your house? The widow like us never expected such a question. When looking for a miracle we just except results without considering what we can do or give to provoke God to action. The same thing happened between Elijah and the widow of Zarephath. When Elijah said bring me…a morsel of bread, quickly she responded, …I have not a cake but an handful of meal…. I Kg. 17:2-16. But reluctantly she obeyed the prophet's instruction, and that was it, her miracle of provision manifested beyond her expectation.

The disciples of Jesus too needed a miracle to feed the five thousand in the desert where they had been running a healing crusade for days. Because they had no solution, they told Jesus to disperse the crowd but Jesus said they didn’t have to go away, ...give ye them to eat. Matt. 14:16.. Then they brought what they had, five loaves and two fishes just as it occurs in Jn. 6:9, the contribution was from a little boy and again thousands ate with twelve baskets left over. Even for Moses to step into his destiny God asked what he had in his hand and he had to drop it before he saw a miracle.

Am sure there is a seed in your hand that God is expecting you to drop as your contribution for a miracle, no matter how small. It may or may not be money; it could be service, a material thing, etc. no matter how small or expensive to you, just to provoke God to speedily release that which you have been waiting for. If the Zarephath woman or the prophet's wife refused to contribute what was in their house, would the story be the same today? Today, sow a seed for your performance and provoke Heaven to do something extra ordinary in your matter. Give and it shall be given to you. Give a seed for your miracle.

Prayer / Action
* Ask God to help you not to withhold the key to your miracle.
* Pray that whatever seed you are sowing today will provoke an answer from Heaven.
* Ask God to help you discover what that "little thing" is that you need to sow.

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Vessels of Praise II

READ: Luke 8: 1-3
MORE LESSONS: Mark Luke 21: 1-4
Bible Reading in One Year: Amos 7-9

We are considering being a vessel of praise and today we will see things that a man can do that will make him become a vessel of praise unto Jehovah. And it came to pass afterward, that He went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: AND THE TWELVE WERE WITH HIM, And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils, And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance: Lk. 8:1-3.

In the text, Jesus had twelve disciples who were with Him when He was preaching the good news. These disciples became vessels of praise simply by following Jesus around. Without these twelve the gospel wouldn't later have gone abroad. So a man can become a vessel of praise by giving his life time for God’s service.

Certain women that Jesus healed were also mentioned who were always ministering to Him. Some of these women’s names were mentioned, others were grouped as 'many others. . . .' but they all ministered to Jesus. You can become a vessel of praise by taking note of what is lacking in the lives of ministers of God and taking out of your substance to meet their needs When God blesses some believers they usually hide behind the pretext that,'There is nothing we can give to thank God enough', and they truly give nothing. That is no correct reasoning, As a vessel of praise you should give God what you have.

The widow in the Bible gave two mites, it was the least but that was her all and the best. What is left after you have given to God is what determines the quality of what you have given and whether it can be called your best or not. A vessel of praise will never come empty before God; he will always bring Him his best.

Another widow was the old prophetess Anna who was serving God with fasting and prayers.(Luke 2: 36-38)She was married for just seven years when she became a widow, probably without a child. But she stayed in the temple and worshiped God with fasting and prayers. She didn't give in to self-pity neither was she fasting for money, husband or children but rather she gave herself to worshiping God with fasting and prayer. That woman was a vessel of praise. With all the challenges you are facing in life, are you still worshiping God? This woman was an example of worship by fasting and prayer instead of fasting for needs. You can become a vessel of praise by creating time to fast and pray for God’s work and people. It is another form of worshipping God that brings praise to Him. I pray that you will be a great vessel of praise to God in Jesus' name.

Prayer / Action
* Help me oh Lord to ever give my best to You.
* Father, may the challenges of life never becloud my cheerful giving in Jesus' name.
* God gave you His best, what have you given Him thus far?

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Vessels of Praise I

READ: Lk. 11: 27-28
MORE LESSONS: Acts 3: 6-11
Bible Reading in One Year: Amos 4-6

A vessel of praise is one whose actions causes men to praise God. Jesus was a perfect example of a vessel of praise by His works and His words. In the main text, Jesus was teaching and doing miracles and a woman was so impressed that she could not but burst out saying; Blessed is the womb that bare thee… Lk. 11: 27. And it came to pass, as he spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto him, Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it: Luke 11:27-28. Jesus by His work caused praises to go forth. There are also vessels of disgrace. When people repeatedly make negative statements to God and man because of your actions, you are a vessel of disgrace.
Children who are well taught but living contrary to the teaching and causing people to make negative remarks about their parents are vessels of disgrace. May you be a vessel of praise in Jesus’ name. You become a vessel of praise by providing solutions to problems.

If you solve problems anywhere you find yourself even when not called upon you will be remembered as a vessel of praise. Some people only cause problems anywhere they go making themselves so difficult to get along with. Such people will also be remembered for that. In life being a vessel of praise or of disgrace is a choice. Everyone will be remembered for something. The good that a man does will speak for him while he is alive and even after he is dead. In the same way there are those who will be remembered for the problems they caused.

Today I urge you to make the choice to be a vessel of praise- be the reason why somebody is happy and praising God every day from today. There is a reward for being vessels of praise.

The little boy whose lunch pack was used by Jesus to feed 5,000 people obviously has God’s reward and may be the owner of the 12 basket left over! Paul says: and let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not: Gal. 6:9. It is wonderful to be a tool of blessing. Jn. 6:9-11.

Prayer / Action
* Decide to always be a vessel of praise to your generation.
* Ask God for forgiveness in whatever way you were a vessel of disgrace.
* Make up your mind to solve problems of at least two people today.

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Monday, June 23, 2014

Bearing Fruits

READ: Gal. 5:13-26
MORE LESSONS: Matt. 7:15-20
Bible Reading in One Year: Amos 1-3

Every tree is known by its fruit, But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith: Gal. 5:22. A mango tree cannot produce an orange fruit nor can an orange tree produce a mango fruit, For every tree is known by his own fruit: Lk. 6:44a. The character and acts of a man will always tell who he is on the inside. The best way therefore to prove a man is by his works, deeds, words and behaviour. These tell who a man is because they are the fruits of a man's life. The proof of a believer is in his character.

One man of God once said, You cannot eat rice and vomit pounded yam. A good man cannot produce bad works nor can a bad man do good works. A believer will bring forth only godly acts proving who he is on the inside and a sinner will do sinful things naturally, Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit: Matt. 7:17. So don't expect good from a sinner no matter how pius and a believer should not have a reason for evil sinful acts under any circumstance.

What is the secret of righteous living? Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit: Matt. 12:33. Redemption by the blood of Jesus is the only way to plant a good tree in a man's life. With Jesus in a man's life, the tree is good and the life will be good. Any time the acts recorded in Gal. 5:19-21 are found in a believer's life, that believer has heard a word for such tree, Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire: Matt. 7:19. What type of tree are you and what fruit do you bear?

Prayer / Action
* Ask God to remove from you any character that is contrary to Jesus.
* Command every satanic tree in your life to catch fire.
* Receive grace for godly living.
Lay your hands on your head and begin to prophesy to your destiny to bear godly fruits from today on!

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Who is on the Lord's Side?

READ: Exo. 32:21-29
MORE LESSONS: I Jn. 2:15-17
Bible Reading in One Year: Joel 1-3

Joining the multitude to do evil is the in- thing in the world today and it has started spreading to the Church of God. Christians now do things without understanding and it does not bother them. The only explanation for the type of dressing and the type of words and language that a lot of Christians use today is simply that is what everybody is doing. Everybody wants to do popular things but Jesus warns, …for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Matt. 7:13.

A true child of God should not follow the multitude to do evil. The believer should be the example that people of the world are copying not the other way round. In my early Christian days, it was not difficult to differentiate a Christian sister from the worldly ladies but today, all that has changed. Church music and the worldly one are also hard to differentiate, not to talk of the dance. I don't know how Jesus feels in Heaven right now, especially each time He looks down to see His Church; the Church He sacrificed so much to purchase.

When Israel messed up in the wilderness by making a molten calf to replace Moses and God because Moses delayed in coming back from the presence of God, Moses’ only call to them was; …Who is on the LORD'S side?.... Exo. 32:26. God is asking the Church the same question today, Who is on the Lord's side? Who is going to forsake the multitude even if alone and walk the pathway of consecration (Exo. 32:29)? Who will deny the crowd, the broad way and follow the Lord in the unpopular, lonely way of consecration? Who will declare like Daniel, others may, I shall not. Both the pew and the pulpit must cry to God for forgiveness and ask for God's grace to return to the Lord's side of being the example to the world and not being influenced by the world.

Prayer / Action
* Ask the Lord to purge you of anything you might have copied from the world
* Declare war against every form of worldliness in your life.
* Tell the devil you are on the Lord's side
Find a hymn book before the close of today and locate the hymn "The Old Rugged Cross". sing it and pray it.

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Friday, June 20, 2014


READ: Lk 16:20-26
MORE LESSONS: Lk. 16:27-31
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 24-26

Eternity refers to not having an end, being endless or infinite. God is eternal, heaven and hell are eternal; I mean forever. Anybody who accepts Christ as his Lord and Saviour and has his name written in the book of life will live with God eternally. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life (ESV) Jn. 3:16. Let us examine some things the believer will enjoy with God in eternity:
1. a new name – Rev. 2:17,
2. an immortal body – I Cor. 15:52-53,
3. eternal life – I Pet. 5:10, I Jn. 2:25,
4 . the tree of life – Rev. 2:7,
5. no second death – Rev. 2:11,
6. the morning star – Rev. 2:28,
7. his name shall not be blot out of the book of life – Rev 3:5,
8. Jesus' new name – Rev. 3:12.

On the other side of eternity is the lake of fire, where Satan, his host and those who served him on the earth shall be. This also shall be forever, eternal and unending. Let us consider the activities and characteristics of this side of eternity:
1. weeping and gnashing of teeth forever
– Matt. 13:50,
2. darkness forever – Matt. 25:30,
3. unending wailing and gnashing of teeth,
4 torment of fire – Lk. 16:24, Rev. 20:10,
5. eternal separation from God – Lk. 16:26,
6. regrets and guilt – Lk. 16:27-30,
7. worms that never die – Mk. 9:44.

These are the two places available to spend eternity, but each is by choice. You and I have the great honour of making our choice. The rich man and Lazarus both had a choice between eternity in hell or in Heaven (Lk. 16:25), the prodigal son had a choice between riotous and prudent living (Lk. 15:11-15); Israel under Joshua had a choice between Baal and Jehovah (Josh. 24:15). To spend eternity on the side of God you have to be reconciled to God, accept that you have been a sinner and that you now want Jesus to come into your life, forgive you, wash you with His blood and accept you as His child. It can not be delayed anymore, not even for a second. Remember, eternity is a long! long!! long!!! time. Where will you spend eternity?

Prayer / Action
* Pray that whatsoever takes men to hell will be removed from your life.
* Pray that your name shall not be blotted out of the book of life.
* Pray that the power that kept Jesus on the earth will keep you till you see Jesus face to face.

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Dare to be Different

READ: Gen. 5:1-25.
MORE LESSONS: Dan. 1:1-9
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 21-23

Life is about choices; you write the report of your life (good or bad) through the choices you make. A man will continue to make the usual and common record for as long as he goes after the popular demand, thought or choice of the people. However, you need to dazzle your generation. The world is too small to contain you, make it impossible for the world to predict you.

Enoch broke the record in his generation by being different. His walk with God was matchless, setting itself up as a paradigm of the perfect walk with God. He refused to be trapped in the mistakes and apathy of his peers and ancestors. Rather, Enoch was driven by a vision and purpose to make a difference in his time. No wonder he made a record no man has ever had. This is particularly outstanding considering the fact that Enoch, like other men, had a wife, children and probably had a job that kept him busy. However, he did not allow all this to hinder his consistent walk with God.

The decision you made to come to Jesus should carry with it a determination to walk with God despite your busy schedule and family demands. You can be the Enoch of your generation if you dare to be different in any way necessary. Remember, human excuses will not change the purpose of God that man should be in His likeness. Purpose in your heart to be like Daniel in Babylon who decided to be different from others by refusing the king's portion and he never regretted it. Choose to be different from the world today. Dare to be different at work, when others are lazy, idling, gossiping, and doing eye service, be committed to your assignment.

When your peers are living in worldly pleasure, fornicating, partying, and being riotous, be godly and different. Dare to be different in the society, in the neighborhood, your compound, e.t.c. Dare to be a Daniel, Paul, John. etc Dare to be a saint in a corrupt, decaying generation. Stand out for God.

Prayer / Action
* Pray for courage and grace to be who God wants you to be in the face of opposition.
* Ask God for strength not to bow to temptation even if others bow.
* Thank God for the power of the Holy Spirit to make you a role model everywhere you go.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Engraved upon Stone II

READ: Matt.16:13-20
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 19-20

The Bible says that whatsoever the Lord doeth abides forever. This is a serious statement because It means that God is no joker. His words are as writings engraved on a stone; that cannot be reversed or erased. If you stick with God you will come back with lasting testimonies because what God intends to do with your life will establish you forever. The process maybe painful and uncomfortable but if it's God dealing with you, you can count it all joy. Even when the enemy means it for evil, God will work it all out for your good. This is why our decisions are powerful because decisions that are taken outside the word and voice of God too may create negative engravings that can testify against us in life and destiny.

When God gave the law to Moses, He wrote it with His hands on tablets of stone; but today, in the New Covenant God shows us the perfection of what He intended when He gave Moses the tablets of stone; as He engraves His word in the tablets of our hearts by His Spirit. That is what the psalmist yearned deeply for and said, thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you. By that, he meant, if only His word can be engraved on the tablets of his heart, the power of sin was broken over him. Satan is powerless over people who have the engraved word of God in their hearts. Until we begin to desire that our lives become as engravings on the eternal stone of God, we might not experience the prosperity, sustenance and supernatural supply that the Bible promises us. And how do we engrave God's word on the tablets of our hearts? It is by meditating and insisting on the report of the Lord irrespective of what the immediate situation dictates.

As we confess and ponder on God's word, it holds firmer with the very fiber of our being. It is when we are one with the word of God, that every work of Satan is dissolved and destroyed. This is the way to victory. It is more than lifting verses of the scriptures to memory; it is making God's word your first response to situations and circumstances that confront you daily.

We need to be firm in professing what we believe. Jesus is our solid rock so we can stand strong. God is building His Kingdom on earth but He needs a rock to engrave it upon just like He found in Peter in our text. When He does, the very gates of hell will not prevail against you.

Prayer / Action
* Thank God because you know that the enemy has lost over your matter because you have been engraved upon the Stone of the Rock of Ages
* Ask the Holy Spirit to engrave the Word of God in your heart on a daily basis.
* Pray that you will receive the grace to contend in meditation and prayer for the word to take roots in your life.
* Declare that the word of God is working in you and bringing eternal rewards for you.

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Engraved upon Stone I

READ: Gen.28:11-22
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 16-18

Amongst all the great and beautiful things that God created some that stand out for their size, firmness and immovable posture are rocks and mountains. These stony objects form a large part of the topography of the earth amongst many things. But most interestingly, in the 'stone age' the early man used pieces of stone from rocks to craft the basic necessities of life like instruments of war to domestic tools, writing materials, houses, tombs e.t.c. The word of God also shows us that stones have been of great significance in the fellowship of man with his Creator; From the raising of altars unto the LORD 1Sa.7:12. Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizpeh and Shen, and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, Hitherto hath the LORD helped us, Exo.28:11 says With the work of an engraver in stone, like the engravings of a signet, shalt thou engrave the two stones with the names of the children of Israel: thou shalt make them to be set in ouches of gold, the delivery of the 10 commandments by the finger of God Exo.31:18 And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God. And even in the conquest of the enemies of God 1Sa.17:50 So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him; but there was no sword in the hand of David.

Even today stones are still the symbol of strength, stability and lasting impact. All these point to the fact that such is what God expects of us. We are to be living stones all the way. God intends that in your local church and place of work your live and conduct should leave lasting impacts in the work environment and lives of the people there. Even in tough circumstances, God expects our faith to be stable and immovable as a rock. Christians are not just heaven bound, we are born for breakthrough on earth. Eph.2:20.And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; This means that our calling in Jesus Christ is actually a calling to permanent impact. This is why a Christian never dies but only sleeps. Sickness or poverty cannot take you out because you are engraved upon the rock of ages. Your safety, protection and security are sure. When others are being cast down, it is then that you will arise and declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living because your life is engraved on the rock of ages.

Prayer / Action
* Thank God that Jesus Christ is the rock of our salvation and so we have a sure foundation and refuge in Him.
* Pray for divine stamina and fortitude in the things of God so that you will be able to stand firm against attacks and satanic opposition.
* Ask the Lord to strengthen you in every weak or broken area of your life so that the enemy will not take advantage of your weaknesses.
* Decree that the strength of Zion goes ahead of you into the day to help you by His mighty hand.

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Monday, June 16, 2014

Enduring Works

READ: I Cor. 3:6-15
MORE LESSONS: Jn. 4:34-38
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 13-15

From today's reading, we can see that every believer has an assignment in the Kingdom of God as no one is saved to be redundant or idle. There is a part in God's vineyard that you were created to tend. It could be to plant, to water or to build; everyone is called to labour together with God. However, it is not every work that will get to the point of reward, every man's work shall be tested I Cor. 3:13; some works will burn but the works that endure will be rewarded.

In order to have works that will earn rewards at the end, it is vital to consider factors that can help you.
1. The work must be by the Lord and to the Lord, not with eye service, but with singleness of heart -Col. 3:22-23.
2. It must be done to serve the Lord-Col. 3:24.
3. It must be done without murmuring -Phil. 2:14.
4. It must be done without strife, selfish motive or vain glory-Phil. 2:3.
5. It must be done faithfully -I Cor. 4:2.
6. It must be done in humility-Phil. 2:8.

Check the work you are doing in the Lord's house. Does it have these characteristics? In order for your work to abide, you must ask God for the right attitude to the work. Doing anything presumptuously may bring no reward, so check yourself today so that you will be bountifully rewarded after your labour here on earth. The works that will be rewarded must be those that are done according to the will of the Father, ...My meat is to do the will of him that sent me…. Ananias and Sapphira did the work of God but not according to the will of God, they had instant judgment instead of speedy reward (Acts 5:1-10). The Pharisees did their praying, fasting and alms giving for public applause and praise, ...They have their reward Matt. 6:2-4 which is the praise of men.

However, men like Paul worked and testified, Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness.... II Tim. 4:8-10. In the name of Jesus, you will not work in vain. Your labour in the Kingdom will not be a waste. Every of your contributions as usher, cleaner, giver, helper, Sunday School teacher, security, singer, counsellor, driver, protocol, physical planning etc, shall be blessed, in Jesus' name. But work as unto the Lord, no murmuring, no complaint, no eye service, no praise of men. Work unconditionally.

Prayer / Action
* Ask the Holy Spirit to check your work now and help you offer an acceptable service to the Lord from today.
* Ask the Lord to purge you of wrong and unacceptable works.
* Ask God to forgive you every past murmuring and complaint in His service, right or wrong.
* Ask the Lord to bring to manifestation His blessings upon your service

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Strengthened For Battle

READ: Eph.6:10-18
MORE LESSONS: 2Tim.2:1-7
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 3-5

Strength is defined as a state of being strong. A strong army, strong financial base, strong personality e.t.c. all speak of strength. In this age everything is about strength, from the cradle to the grave, from Egypt to Canaan. Weakness is the absence of strength and a weak Christian is a defeated Christian. Wherever there is weakness, failure is imminent. So if you hate to fail, you must increase your strength.

There is nothing that makes a man succeed that is related with weakness. Grace, anointing, help, glory are all strength related. Apostle Paul ends his letter to the Ephesians, strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might Eph 6:10. Then he enumerates what the Ephesians must do to be strong. They are to put on God’s armour made of truth, righteousness, preaching of the Gospel of peace, faith, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit, i.e the Word of God, constant prayer and supplication in the spirit, being watchful always, perseverance and intercessory life (Eph.6:14-18). An armour is a protective covering which Paul wants us to wear in order to resist the enemy and as a shield to stop the arrows that satan aims at us (Eph.6:13,16)

From these verses, it is obvious that the Scripture, written over 2000 years ago, is now being fulfilled in our days. So you need to strengthen yourself for the battle. Verse 13 speaks of the “evil days” and verse 16 gives the definition of the evil day as a time when the devil will shot his “burning arrows” (G.H.T.D) at believers. The burning arrows are now all over-insecurity, church bombings, assassination of Christians, abject poverty, strange diseases, heresy, false prophets, worldly churches, worldly brethren in the name of liberty and globalisation, e.t.c.

Beloved, it is war time, only those who wear their armour are safe. Look at those elements of the armour once again, and ensure that none is missing on you, from your helmet of salvation on the head to the Gospel sandals on the feet. That is the only way to be strong for the battle. Guide against weakness and failure.

From today be armed with your weapons, put on your armour and you will be strengthened for the battle of faith. The song writer has rightly spoken, “Christians seek not yet reposed, hear your guiding angels say, thou art in the midst of foes, watch and pray”. Don't retreat. I hear our Captain say we shall overcome.

Prayer / Action
* Give God thanks for not allowing you to be swept away by your weaknesses.
* Thank God for the provision of defensive armour ahead of the days of evil.
* Ask the Lord to empower you against every form of weakness in your Christian race.
* Prophesy the armour of God in Eph.6:14-18 to your life one by one.
Create time to memorise all the armours today. Finally, prophesy that you will not loose any battle to weakness this year.

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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Perilous Times II

READ: II Tim 3: 2-3
MORE LESSONS: I Jn 2: 18-24
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 6-9

We started by pointing out the attitudes in the world and the Church that indicate that we are truly in the last days. Today we shall consider more of these attitudes.
For people will love only themselves and their money; they will be proud and boastful, sneering at God, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful to them, and thoroughly bad, they will be hard hearted and never give in to others: IITim 3: 2-3 (TLB).

The Living Bible translates the word rendered 'unholy' in King James Version of the Bible as 'thoroughly bad'; and truly this present world is thoroughly bad. Men are without natural affection in a world where homosexualism is being legalised. Even among children we have had to minister deliverance from homosexualism on primary school pupils. The world has truly become thoroughly bad. This shows that the coming of the Lord is here.
Being unthankful is very prevalent and each `person has to check himself or herself on this. How thankful have you been to God and to man? Anybody who is not thankful to man cannot be thankful to God. Many people take things for granted. Everybody keeps emphasizing rights, while neglecting their obligations and then they proceed to take privileges for rights. As a child, you must know that all that your parents are doing for you should be seen as a privilege not a right. All of us should know that being alive, waking up every morning and breathing are all privileges from God not rights. Taking things for granted is one of the reasons why people are ungrateful.

Ingratitude is a sign of ignorance of the cost of doing good. Many people look at what somebody has done for them and feel that the person should have done more but they are ignorant that it could have cost the person a great sacrifice to do even that which he did. Being unthankful is a demonic trait; there is such as the spirit of ingratitude that rules over peoples' lives. That spirit will not rule in your destiny, in Jesus’ name. Many live an unthankful life because they always see challenges ahead and do not pay attention to the ones that they have overcome. Such people need to see well by not focusing on challenges even though they exists; they should focus on the victories that God has helped them to win.

One other reason why people are ungrateful is that they do not think. It takes deep thought to be deeply and sincerely grateful. When you think, then you thank. Remember that being unthankful is one of the signs of the end. Be thankful.

* Pray against what the Bible calls “thoroughly bad” and declare that you will not be part of it.
* Pray that you will not be unthankful.
* Pray that the Church of God will not be ruined by the spirit of the end time.
* Pray that you will be part of God's Holy remnant to the end.

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Friday, June 13, 2014

Perilous Times I

READ: II Tim. 3:1-7
MORE LESSONS: I Tim 4: 1-6
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 3-5

These are the very last days before the return of the Lord Jesus. We are in what the Bible calls the perilous times which are difficult times characterised by several happenings that indicate that the appearance of Jesus is any moment from now. The Bible mentions the indicators that make us know that we are in the end times. For men shall be lovers of their own selves.… This means people will be seeking their own interests without regard for the interest of God or others. As long as they make money, it doesn't matter what happens to others. You will agree that this is what is happening in our days; these are truly the last days.

The spirit of pride and boastfulness is on the rampage in the world; you must make sure that it does not rest on you. The pride and boastfulness of the world has found its way into the Church. Pride in church could be in the form of having an ability to do something and believing that nobody else can do it as well as you can. A musician, preacher or pastor might believe that unless he does something, it is not being well done and the congregation cannot be imparted. We have to watch against this spirit in our lives.

The level of rascality of children in this generation is unprecedented. Children are being disobedient to parents; parents now have to beg their children to do what they want them to do even though it is the right thing. But that's not correct! Parents should assert authority over their children to stop them from bringing disgrace to the family.

The liberty that children have as a result of knowledge and increased information in this generation is good. It is good to have a good rapport and be friends with our children to discuss matters with them and show them what the Word of God says about issues. But the place of respect and obedience to parents should never be forgotten.
Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord: Eph 6:1-5 (KJV).

Uncontrolled behaviour in children is a sign of the end time. We should not allow it to thrive in our homes and churches. The reason we have looked at these signs is so that we can pray and watch against them. Watch and pray, therefore, that you will not be caught unaware by the spirit of the end time.

* Pray that you will not be a victim of the end time signs.
* Ask God to help you win over the end time spirits and powers.
* Pray against the spirit of lukewarmness, pride, boasting, covetousness, blasphemy and disobedience.

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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Fellow Labourers

Text: Phil. 2:19-24
More Lessons: Acts 28:13-15
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 1-2

Co-labourers are people appointed by God to fulfil their destiny through supporting their leader to do what God has appointed him to do. This way, both the appointed leader and his fellow workers/helpers fulfil destiny by working together although in different capacities. In the wisdom of God, no one church/ministry/assignment is raised to be headed by two persons side by side. Just as there is no human with two heads, in God's order, it is usually one leader, many followers. Any assignment, human or spiritual, that is saturated with competitors will fail, but where there are co-labourers, success is sure.

Every leader should deliberately pray for co-labourers in his/her assignment. A leader should also watch out for who is a co-labourer around him and draw such closer for greater collaboration. Among other things, co-labourers are people who:

1) Handle every assignment as though it is theirs personally, they do the work as if it is theirs.
2) Do not wait to be instructed or supervised to get the work done.
3) Never do eye service – whether the boss is present or not, they do whatever is required.
4) Work without attaching any condition to their service. They serve with little or no incentives.
5) Go extra mile – they are not restricted in service, they do as much as will bring result.
6) Are of absolute commitment – they are prepared to sink or float with their assignments.
7) Believe in and carry the spirit of their leader.

The ministry of Paul the apostle, though very tough and challenging, was made easy by the gift of men and women who were co–labourers, supporters, givers and helpers of all time, such as Timothy and Epaphroditus who Paul refered to severally as brothers, fellow workers, fellow soldiers, messengers and ministers (v25); they nearly died for the work (v30). Are you a co-labourer or a problem in God's Kingdom?

Prayer / Action
* Ask God for team spirit in every area of your service in His Kingdom.
* Pray for the grace to satisfactorily love God and His work.
* Pray that God will send faithful co-labourers to His vineyard.
* Examine the seven steps above and ask yourself, under God, which of them you lack.
* Give thanks for the ones you have and pray that you will increase in them.
* Take practical steps on the ones you consider lacking in your life.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Pass the Baton

Text: Acts 1:1-2
More Lessons: John 9:4
Bible Reading in One Year: 2 Kings 23-25

The book of the Acts of the Apostles opens with a statement, what Jesus began to do and to teach. It is important to note that Jesus did not just teach the Word and the ways of God, He first did it before teaching it. However, we are made to understand here that He only began the process of doing and teaching the Word. He has commissioned us disciples to continue what He began and bring it to a conclusion at the end of the age, when He will come back to gather in the harvest and reward His servants.

The book of the Acts is an account of how the early apostles continued with the task of world evangelism. The baton has been passed on from one generation to another. The book of the Acts is still being written and it is now your responsibility to add your chapter in this generation. As a person, in what ways are you going to partake in what Jesus began? What are you going to do to bring the harvest to a conclusion? Remember, you can pray, give, sing, teach, witness, contribute your skills and talents. You can give your money and house, expertise, e.t.c. so that the kingdom of this world might become the Kingdom of our God and His Christ. Pass the baton on with all you have and possess, it will not be in vain. What are you going to do for God in your generation?

Peter was a fisherman yet he made contributions that cannot be forgotten. Matthew was a tax collector, Luke was a physician and Paul was a professor emeritus. All of them made their mark.

The disciples ran errands (Matt. 21:2), Simeon the Cyrenian helped carry Jesus’ cross (Luk. 23:26), Joseph of Armathea provided His grave (Luk. 23:51-53). The Galilean women provided the perfume for His burial. What will you do with His grace upon your life? What will you do for your God and Saviour?

Don't be a waster of God’s glory upon you, don't be a bench warmer in destiny, it is time to be a kingdom participant by active participation not as an on looker and a consumer.

* Ask God to anoint and use you to be part of those who will continue what Jesus began to teach and to do.
* Ask God to lead you to a definite contribution to His Kingdom this year.
* Pray that you will not keep away from God whatever you have that can advance the Kingdom of God.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I see Jesus II

Text:II Cor. 3:11-18
More Lessons: Mark 14:24-31
Bible Reading in One Year: 2Kings 18-22

In all our doings, we must remember that the eyes and ears are doorways into the mind. The things that the eyes see and the ears hear form the images that fill the mind. Nothing influences the thoughts and imaginations like what we see and hear. This is why God asked the prophet Jeremiah, what do you see? (Jer. 1:11) And two verses later God asked him again in Jer. 1:13. God admitted that the prophet saw well and He would hasten His word to perform it. It is what we see that God hastens onto performance. Whatever we do not imagine, God may not perform. It is one thing to just mutter words to God in prayer and it is yet another thing altogether to pray with a heart that is full of faith and focused on the desired result.

The life that will enjoy continuous answers to its heart desires is the one that has a picture caption of the future it wants to create. What we desire, we see and what we see, we perceive, and our perception creates passion to pursue a designated purpose until it is created for us. The word of God is full of God's big pictures for your finances, family, faith and career. As we hear the word of God, faith comes, (Rom.10:17). And when we see the word of God as a template for living, it creates the future we want to feature in. But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. I hear people say, “it's tough to believe”, but I say, as light sends darkness away without argument; the greatest key to breaking doubt and releasing faith is focusing on the personality and power of Jesus.

As long as Peter saw Jesus, he walked on the water. The moment he began to see the storm more than he saw Jesus, he began to sink. Focusing on Jesus, not yourself or the storms of life, will keep you afloat and walking on the water.

Imagine what your life will look like, if you started focusing on what God has to say about your life. We must begin to renew our minds to the point that when next we face a turbulent storming situation, we ask ourselves, ‘if Jesus were here, would He run for His life or walk on this turbulent waters?’ See what Jesus would do and do it.

Thank God because he has given to us plainly, the mysteries of the kingdom that the world cannot.
Pray that no person, circumstance or thing will be strong enough to erode the image of Jesus away from your mind and spirit.
Ask the Holy Spirit to brood over your mind and create Christ consciousness in you.
Confess that no matter the storm you face, you will not miss sight of Jesus in the storm.

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Monday, June 9, 2014

I see Jesus I

Text: Matt. 14:22-32
More Lessons: John 12:21
Bible Reading in One Year: 2Kings 15-17

We cannot underestimate the power of vision, desire and imagination. The imagination is the picture-producing part of the mind in the human soul. The things we imagine today determine what we will eventually achieve tomorrow. The pictures that are formed in our imagination shape our desires and release the passion required to pursue those things that have been conceived in the mind. For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he...: Prov. 23:7 This means that the real measure of a person's worth is not determined by the amount of money and influence he has but it is a function of the nature of his thoughts. Everything we see today started with a thought. When in the beginning God said, let us make man in our image; He was sharing His thoughts with the other two Persons of the Godhead; the Word of God and the Spirit of God. Look at the result of that singular thought today. Creativity and invention are really about what possibilities you create for yourself in your imagination.

Imagination is the seed for manifestation. It is on this principle that faith works. Whatever we want to experience we have to first believe in our heart and mind that it is possible by faith We must create and allow pictures of the desired output to occupy our minds until they control our words and actions so much that they come to pass. This is why the hallmark of Christianity is to see Jesus. Peter learnt this lesson while walking on a turbulent sea at Jesus’ command; he lost his focus on Jesus and began to sink. The Bible confirms to us that the moment he took his eyes off Jesus and saw the winds, he began to sink.

Walking in the supernatural power of God is only possible to those who will see Jesus rather than their pain and difficulty.

(Heb.12:2) As we see Jesus we find strength to overcome all the burdens and shame until we ascend the throne that God has set for us. Whatever miracles Jesus wrought we are empowered to do more if we fix our gaze on His finished work on the cross and never stop believing. It was this mind that was in Peter. He told himself, ‘if my master can, then I can too’ if you fix your eyes on the possibilities that are in Jesus, they become your possibilities too.

* Thank God for giving us a perfect model of victory and breakthrough in Jesus Christ.
* Ask in prayer that the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened so that you will see and walk in what the resurrected Christ has done and finished for you.
* Pray that God will grant you power to keep looking at Jesus for everything, everyday of your life.
* Declare that in every area of your life where you have sunk before, you are now walking on the turbulent waters of life.

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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Power of Access

Text: Heb. 10:19-23
More Lessons: Matt 27: 50-54

Bible Reading in One Year: 2Kings 11-14
Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, Heb 10:19. When a man has access to the highest seat of authority, there is nothing he cannot get done. When Esther got to the highest seat of authority in the kingdom of Persia and Medes, she could change a decree that was already made and also destroy Haman, the enemy of the Jews and his ten sons in one day (Esth. 9: 13).

There is so much power in having access to God. When the Blood of Jesus was shed at Calvary, something happened in the sanctuary. The Bible records that the veil of the temple was rent into two: And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; Matt 27:51. This signifies the act of God to give us access to the most powerful place in the whole universe by the work of the Blood of Jesus. By this Blood we can enter into the Holies of Holies of God and ascend into the throne room where God sits. The Blood opens the door for you to reach where God is, and when you get there you can press any button and determine the destiny of several people. By access to God through the Blood of Jesus, you have everything that God created at the tip of your fingers. It is my desire that you will stop complaining and start using your power of access to God to start changing situations, determining things about yourself and even so many other people by the Blood. There is so much power in the Blood of Jesus.

The Word of God is another door opener. It is said that wherever the word of a king is, there is power. Applying this, we know that God is more than a King. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. If the word of an earthly king can open doors, what about the Word of the Everlasting King? The sent Word of God into any situation is equivalent to the voice of the Lord (Psa.29:4-5). And when a child of God declares the Word of God over any situation, it becomes the voice of the Lord which is capable of removing any lock. This explains why the Bible says, Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways Job22:28.

* Using Psa. 24:7, ask God break every satanic road block and gates that are against your progress.
* Ask God for favour before everyone from whom you need a help.
* Ask that the doors of help shall not be shut against you.

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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Prevailing Destiny

Text: Gen.32:24-28
More Lessons: Hos.12:3-6
Bible Reading in One Year: 2Kings 7-10

A prevailing destiny is one which wins in every area of life, be it spiritual, physical, financial or in the area of career. It is a destiny which conquers on all fronts from birth to the tomb. To prevail in destiny, one must live with the consciousness that when you die physically on earth, you start living somewhere else, and that what you do with your destiny while on earth is eternally important. The Bible says, For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit: Rom 14: 17 (NIV).

Life and destiny are not about drinking and eating; you cannot afford to live only for what you will get, eat, drink, enjoy and other mundane things of life. No! Your destiny is far beyond that. A man who lives just to satisfy himself- his belly and other appetites-cannot be a prevailing Christian. A prevailing destiny has a vision to pursue a career, to actualise, to raise children for God and bless people around him/her. All these are part of your destiny so you have to think about them.

Also, the prevailing destiny is not that which didn't have a fight but that which was able to handle the fight of life. We can't talk about prevailing and expect a smooth life that is devoid of any challenge. As a matter of fact, life becomes dull without challenges. The best of life comes from the moment of victories over battles. If you want an exciting and remarkable life, look for battles in life, and then go ahead and bring out the triumph. A lot of people give up the moment there is a challenge in life but what you need is to put up a fight of faith and lay hold on the victory by bringing out the best of the situation. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, .... 1 Tim 6:12.

Finally, a prevailing destiny has the wisdom to avoid distractions in all areas. Avoid things and relationships that don't take you to the right direction in destiny. Brethren, beware that sometimes the devil brings a fight for the purpose of distracting you in destiny. Your ability to overlook that distraction and concentrate on what you are doing is very important.

You will prevail in destiny, in Jesus’ name. Jacob was a symbol of many battles of life; in fact, from the womb to old age. He battled in life so much that he even had to wrestle with God but he prevailed and out of that the name Israel came forth, … for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.v28.

* Ask God for help to be a winner on the earth and not a loser.
* Ask for the blessing of Israel to prevail with man and with God.
* Ask God for a sound of rejoicing over every battle of your life.

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Friday, June 6, 2014

Maintaining the Glory

Text: Num.20: 1-12
More Lesson: Rev. 3:11
Bible Reading in One Year: 2Kings 4-6

We have been talking about the great glory that Moses experienced in God but do you know that he didn't enter into the Promised Land? The Bible says it came to pass on one occasion that the Israelites were murmuring because they wanted water; they murmured as usual and by then you would think that Moses should have been used to the murmuring of the people. Just this one occasion, the great man of glory struck the rock instead of speaking to it. He was angry with the people so he said and did things he shouldn't have and the Lord told him, 'That's it. You will see the Land but you will not enter into it'. He was to see the glory but not to partake of the glory. Moses, the man that the Bible says was the meekest man was brought down by a bout of anger. The man who said that without God's presence he would not go and God gave him a guarantee of His presence still missed it. If someone like Moses could miss it, then we all have to be careful. Thank God he made heaven.

Brethren, the great challenge I throw to you today is to daily take the responsibility of maintaining and guarding God's glory in your life. Job was another man who had experienced God’s wonderful glory but one day, something happened that made him say: He hath stripped me of my glory, and taken the crown from my head: Job 19:9. This shows us that glory can be withdrawn and removed. So, you don't only need to know how to prepare for glory; you also need to know how to handle and manage glory.

The first thing in sustaining glory is that no matter how great you have become, it is necessary for you to remain with God because it takes only a little thing for glory to be stripped off you. When pride, anger and arrogance begin to come into a man's life, the man's glory is nearing its end. If some men in the world today know that they can be stripped of glory, they will be more careful of how they handle it. Friends, do not allow wealth, titles and position to get into your head because glory can change.

O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame? how long will ye love vanity, and seek after leasing? Selah: Psa. 4:2. The worst thing is that glory can turn into shame; and sin and seeking vanity (idolatry) are what cause this.

If your glory will not depart, cease or change, then you need to ask God to defend your glory. And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: FOR UPON ALL THE GLORY SHALL BE A DEFENCE: Isa 4:5.

* Today, you need to cry to heaven that your glory shall neither be taken nor become a shame.
* Ask that your glory and place another shall not take.
* Pray that you will start and finish well and strong.

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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Ask for The Glory

Text: Exo 33: 18
More Lessons: 2 Chron.1:1-12
Bible Reading in One Year: 2Kings 1-3

A man was travelling from Nigeria to the United States of America and asked his son what to buy for him when coming back. The little boy requested for cakes and biscuits. Some years later, the man was travelling out of the country again and asked the boy what to buy. The boy asked the father to buy him a good pair of shoes. The father smiled and thought within him, ''Good, my boy is growing up; he is no longer asking for cakes.'' Years later the same boy asked for a car. The father knew that very soon his son would ask to go with him so that he could also do what the father was doing there. As the son grew, his requests changed. The requests you make to God are determined by the level of your growth and they determine the level of your glory.

Moses started a journey to another dimension of glory by making a request that nobody before him had ever made. Many of his forefathers had encountered God and at best asked for material things but he was different. Jacob was leaving home and he encountered God on his way; he got to a place where as he slept and had a revelation of angels of the Lord descending and ascending through a ladder to heaven. He testified that the Lord was in the place but he didn't know (Gen 28: 16). That would have been a wonderful opportunity to ask God for exceptional glory but Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, so that I come again to my father's house in peace; then shall the Lord be my God: Gen 28:20-21. Jacob stumbled upon the bedroom of God, got into the presence of Glory Himself and there he asked for bread and clothes.

And a lot of us are like Jacob; the glory and presence of God break forth in a meeting with signs and wonders but instead of using the opportunity to request for God's glory in our lives, we start watching the people falling under the anointing and analyzing the situations. Moses had experienced God at the burning bush (Exo. 2,3 ) He had spoken to God one on one as a man with his friend (Exo 33:11) and had seen and performed miracles, signs and wonders but he was still not satisfied so he asked for more: “Lord, show me your glory”.

Glory starts when a man desires and pursues the right thing, which is the knowledge of the glory of God. King Solomon was another man who made such wise request; his testimony and that of Moses remain indelible till today. I pray for you that you will make the right request from God today.

* Ask God for His unending glory.
* Ask for the glory that surpasses that of your fathers.
* Ask that the glory of God will beautify, impact and fill your whole life from today.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

His Glory II

Text: Psa 30: 10-12
More Lessons: Job 11: 13-19
Bible Reading in One Year: 1Kings 20-22

Glory can be described as the beauty, power, presence, favour, goodness and mercy of God on a man. Glory has many phases; there is the beginning of glory, the management of glory and the growth of glory. Glory in a destiny has to be requested for and when the glory comes it has to be maintained and sustained so that a man doesn't mess up the glory that God has given to him. Finally, the glory has to increase so that the man enjoys ever increasing glory from the beginning to the end of his life and ministry. I want to let you know a few things about the glory of God on the destiny of a man.

To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto thee forever: Psa. 30:12. The Bible talks about glory singing; glory sings when it is manifested. This is when the goodness and beauty of God is so evident on your life that all men can see and identify it without you even mentioning it. When your glory begins to sing, you become celebrated.

Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope: Psa. 16:9. When your glory rejoices, that is the superlative form of glory singing. God's glory upon a man is beautiful enough, but when the glory becomes extraordinary, it becomes like a sound of rejoicing. Not only do people see the glory on you and praise God for you, but even your own life praises God that it is chosen to bear such glory because the presence of God upon you is enough statement to the world. It is good to have the Spirit of God upon you but there are some people that the Holy Spirit Himself is rejoicing that He reside in them because they are such wonderful vessels God causes such people's glory to rejoice.

If your glory must rejoice, there is a condition. The righteous shall be glad in the Lord, and shall trust in him; and all the upright in heart shall glory. Ps 64:10

The Scripture makes us know that it is not whether you are rich or poor, educated or not, high or low born that determines glory. God's Word, which cannot be broken, says that all you need to be part of God's glory is to be upright in the heart. This means everyone is qualified for glory if they are willing to fulfil God's conditions for it. The conditions are that you must become righteous by being born again and that you must have a right heart with God.

* Pray that the glory of God will manifest fully in your life.
* Pray that the glory of God will not cease upon you.
* Pray that you will not be a waster of glory.

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

His Glory I

Text: Exo 33: 11-19
More Lessons: Exo. 40: 33-38
Bible Reading in One Year: 1Kings 17-19

Today I will like to expound on what the glory of God is so that the desire for more of His glory will be fanned up in your heart. Moses asked to see God's glory and God told him, You cannot see my face: for no one may see me, and live: v20. But God didn't leave him empty handed. He said to him, I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the LORD, in your presence: Exo. 33:19 (NIV).

Moses asked for glory and here was God talking about His goodness and His Name. I want you to know that God's goodness is part of God's glory. You experience glory when God becomes so good to you that it cannot be explained. The name of the Lord is also part of the glory of God. When the name of the Lord is upon you, you start enjoying glory. His name is wonderful, so your life becomes wonderful, attractive, and beautiful. His name is The Prince of Peace; and you will become full of peace in a world where everyone is seeking for peace.

And God passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, "The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin: Exo. 34:6-7 (NIV).

Moses asked for glory, and God talked about His mercy, His love, His faithfulness, His compassion and His forgiveness. But when we look at the life of Moses after this encounter, we cannot deny that He experienced the glory. So God's graciousness to you is glory. You cannot access the glory of God except by His grace; it is not by labour and strength, but it is a gift of God. God told Moses “I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and show mercy to whom I will show mercy”. He enjoyed God's mercy, compassion, help and presence.

Moses knew he couldn't fulfil his assignment without God so He asked that he might know God and His ways. Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight. And consider that this nation is Your people: Exo. 33:13 (NKJV).

Divine direction is part of glory. Moses always knew what to do in each situation to produce the miracle. Many people are struggling, pursuing the wrong vision and career without success. Glory comes when you discover your purpose and when God shows you His way, that you may know Him and that you may find grace in His sight. I am sure you know what God's glory can do in your destiny and that you are ready to ask for His glory now.

* Ask that the glory of God will perfume your destiny.
* Ask God to beautify your destiny with His glory.
* Pray that you will never walk a day without God's glory.
* Ask God for His goodness, mercy, grace, compassion and faithfulness.

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Monday, June 2, 2014

Pray, Don’t Faint

Text: LK. 18:1-8
More Lessons: Lk. 11:1-3
Bible Reading in One Year: 1Kings 14-16

Knowing the prayer life of Jesus, And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; Luke 18:1

I can say without any fear of contradiction, that he is the best prayer teacher in history. His life and teachings on prayer once challenged the disciples so much that they requested, …teach us to pray…: Lk.11:1. That challenge led to the Lord's prayer. However, in our reading today there is another crucial teaching on prayer by the Lord, emphasizing this time the need to persist in prayer.

From this teaching of Jesus, it is clear that the strength of prayer is in the place of persistence, that is, praying until something happens; never giving up no matter how tough. Here, Jesus did not deny the possibility of delay, And he would not for a while…:v4. Note that he says it is for a while. But in verse 8, he says, …he will avenge them speedily....

Note that the speed is for those who do not faint but call on or cry to God, and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily....: Lk.18:7-8. Hab. 2:3 says, … at the end it shall speak and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Reading this same scripture from the New Living Bible excites and encourages me any day. I don't have to worry about any request to heaven. It says, slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled.

Beloved, hold to this promise and don't faint. It can be slow but it will be steady and will not fail. If it tarries wait for it. It does not say when it tarries, you should walk away to look for other ungodly options or cry and give up. It says, ‘wait’. This year you will not wait in vain. Wait, don't faint! Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. Psa.27:14

* Ask God to renew your strength in waiting.
* Rebuke every force of discouragement over your life.
* Release the power of speedy result over all your prayer points this year.
Sing two songs of praise and worship Jehovah for being a prayer answering God.
Start doing a rehearsal how you will give your testimony on the day of answer.

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Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Wisdom from the Lord

Text: I Kings 3:1-13
More Lessons: James 1:5
Bible Reading in One Year: 1 Kings 11-13

Wisdom is a gift of God that you cannot do without, And the LORD gave Solomon wisdom, as he promised him...: I kgs.5:12a The presence of wisdom in a man's life will be glaring to all the world while its absence will also be clear for all to see. The Bible speaks clearly about wisdom and what it does in a man's life. Here are examples of what wisdom does:

1. Wisdom makes the face of a man to shine - Ecc.8:1.
2. Wisdom is better than strength - Ecc. 9:16.
3. Wisdom is better than weapons of war -Ecc. 9:18.
4. It is by wisdom that kings reign -Prov.9:14-15.
5. It is by wisdom that a house is built -Prov.24:3.
6. Riches and honour come by wisdom -Prov.8:18.

It is very clear from God's Word that wisdom is not an act, it is a spirit. When the spirit of wisdom rests upon an individual, it shows in everything he or she does. May the spirit of wisdom rest upon you. Even Jesus our Lord did not operate without the spirit of wisdom,

And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD Isa.11:2.

I am glad that wisdom is a gift from God and it is available to everyone who desires, pursues and asks for it. Solomon got it by asking and if you too ask today, it shall be given to you.
However, possessing wisdom does not come just by asking; it begins with walking in the fear of God, The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom…. Prov.9:10. Therefore, if you want God to send the spirit of wisdom upon your life, then make sure you:
* Desire it.
* Walk in the fear of the Lord.
* Ask for it like Solomon did.
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding Prov. 4:7.

* Ask God to pour upon you today the spirit of wisdom and might.
* Ask God to baptise you with wisdom to do exploits within and outside His Kingdom.
* Declare that the wisdom of God at work in your life will positively affect your generation and beyond as Solomon did.

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