Saturday, May 30, 2015

Revival Prayer

Saturday 30 May
READ: Dan. 9:3-16
MORE LESSONS: Jer. 29:12-14

The request that a man offers to God will determine the type of answer he gets. Survival prayers will bring bread and butter but may not bring the type that Daniel got in answer to his revival prayer. Survival prayers are about “me”, “mine”, “ours” and “I”, and are mostly about temporal things. The prayer of Daniel in today’s reading differs significantly from survival prayer. It was a prayer of total repentance to the extent that Daniel did not exonerate himself.

He said, We have sinned.... Neither have we harkened unto thy servants the prophets,...: Dan.9:5-9. Then he pleaded,... I beseech thee, let thine anger and they fury be turned away...: v16. O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive...: v19. Such must be the prayer of a man who wants to experience revival - it must be deep, truthful, humble and pleading. This is not to say that survival prayers are not good; after all, the Lord taught us to ask for our daily bread. But we must also set aside time for revival prayer, not only for ourselves but also for our family, church and nation. Then there shall be revival and God will save our land.

Revival prayer seeks to restore a man back to perfect union with God. It is the prayer that seeks for the will of God to be done in a man’s life. It goes beyond immediate temporary needs to seeking to bring eternal result. The good thing about such prayers is that they bring other results beyond what is requested. It is one stone that can kill two birds. Revival prayer can bring survival answers along with the revival. You should therefore grow to pray revival prayers more as mature Christians. You must grow beyond asking for your daily bread only; you must also pray thy kingdom come, thy will be done. You must learn to agonise for lost souls in your family and beyond. You must spend quality time praying for your leaders, the nation and divine purpose. This is Jesus’ pattern of prayer and must be yours also.

* Today, pray for the revival of the city where you stay and the people you live with.
* Ask God to give you the burden for issues beyond your personal needs and grant you grace to intercede for divine purposes.
* Today, find out someone’s prayer request and take it to the Lord in prayer.

My joy shall not be short-lived; my glory another will not take and my future shall be guaranteed, in the name of Jesus

Friday, May 29, 2015

Pray for Nigeria

Friday 29 May
READ: Psa. 122:6-9
MORE LESSON: Neh. 2:1 - 8

God is a very present help in trouble (Psa. 46:1). Every individual needs help because as diverse as our faces are, so are our troubles, but we thank God who gives immediate help when we call. It is not only individuals that need help, even nations do; Nigeria needs the help of God. If there is ever a time to pray for Nigeria, it is now. And when you pray for Nigeria, you are praying for yourself, especially if you are a Nigerian, Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee: Psa. 122:6. Your prosperity is linked to your praying for your nation.

Nehemiah has heard about the condition of Jerusalem and is moved to the point of prayer and fasting. After praying for Jerusalem, he goes to King Artaxerxes, still burdened for his nation. We need people that will carry the burden of Nigeria in the place of prayer. The prayer of Nehemiah obviously works because there and then, the king asks him what he wants done. Then Nehemiah does the incredible, The king said unto me, for what dost thou make request? So I prayed to the God of heaven. And I said unto the king . . . Neh 2:4-5. When the king asks Nehemiah what he wants, in the twinkle of an eye, Nehemiah speaks to Heaven again before he speaks to the king. I believe he must have prayed, Lord anything I ask this man, let him do it for me. He has done a lot of praying in the secret place before he comes to the king, so he doesn't need hours of prayer in the king's presence. He just does a short prayer and the king goes ahead to give him everything he asks for. Eventually, the walls of Jerusalem are rebuilt by the order and financial support of a heathen king whose own predecessors destroyed the walls. This is because a man prays.

There is help for Nigeria from the Lord but you must not keep quiet. It is time for us all to arise and take the responsibility to pray against evil, terrorism, political unrest, bad governance, economic instability and war in our land. Do not assume that God knows what should be and what will be, will be. Nehemiah doesn't assume that God will just do it; he fasts and prays for his nation. As we stand in the gap for our nation, I assure you there shall be help for Nigeria. The enemies of this nation shall be confounded and Jesus shall be glorified over Nigeria. I see the hand of God stretched over Nigeria today to keep it from evil and to grant it peace and help from above-Say Amen if you believe. Amen!

* Pray Psa. 121 for Nigeria and its people.

The cloud of glory, rest upon me today and give my destiny rest, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Visa to Heaven

Thursday 28 May
READ: Psa. 15:1-5
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 24:3-5

One great desire of many people today is to get an immigrant visa to a developed nation, especially United States of America. Young people in particular are doing anything(negative and positive) to get this visa. But then, there is a visa that is far more useful and of eternal value than American immigrant visa: the heavenly immigrant visa, without which you are eternally doomed.

As expected, there are conditions for qualifying for this visa and for retaining it. Some of the conditions are outlined in today’s text:(1) Walking uprightly - without blame (v2). To be blameless is to be without blemish, irreproachable, having no outstanding fault (Psa. 19:13), being sound, having an undivided commitment to God (Deut. 18:13). This implies integrity, sincerity and whole-hearted devotion to God and to His laws (Gen. 17:1; Psa. 119:1). (2) Working righteousness (v2); righteousness means goodness, the act of doing right and having a right standing before God, without which no man can qualify for Heaven.

(3) Speaking the truth from the inward part (v20) which is speaking the truth from the heart (Psa. 12:2; Isa. 29:13). (4)Being free from backbiting (v3); all seekers of heavenly citizenship must abstain from slandering other people, speaking evil or falsely accusing others. (5) Not doing evil to others (Rom. 12:17). (6) Receiving no reproach about neighbours (Psa. 15:3). A Heaven seeker does not gladly repeat on account of or rejoice at another man’s misfortune. (7) Not keeping the company of evil doers rejected by God (Psa. 1:1,4). (8) Keeping one’s word even to one’s hurt (v4; Lev. 27:10). (9) Not taking advantage of one in need to increase riches (v5). (10) Refusing bribe (v5) because it aids corruption. (11) Protecting the innocent (v5).

Today, make a conscious effort to walk by these principles and let others see you as a sincere icon of righteousness and angels with their beauty and music will celebrate your approval and eventual entrance to Heaven. When life is over on this side, where will be your next abode for eternity?

* Take a thorough study of the following scriptures and use them to pray for yourself:
* Psa. 15:1-5
* Psa. 1:1-3.

Oh Lord, I wait on you, let me not wait in vain and let not my expectations be cut short, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Discovery for Recovery

Wednesday 27 May
READ: Judges 16:1-21

Discovery is to find knowledge of what hitherto has been unknown or hidden, while recovery is to restore what was missing. Only God can never have a reason to discover or recover because nothing is ever hidden to Him nor does He ever have a loss. There are several reasons why a man can have a loss. It could be by carelessness, mistake, satanic attack, cheating, sin, ignorance etc but the most important thing is recovery.

However, to recover in life, a man has to first discover that something is missing or lost and only then can the journey of recovery begin. Like Samson, many people today both within and outside the Kingdom of God are seriously ignorant of their losses, and so they cannot recover. By carelessness and carnal living, Samson lost his power to a woman. The most terrible aspect of it was that he didn't know anything had happened to him until there was a shout that his enemies were around (Judg. 16:20). What a disaster! What a sleep of death!

Another man who had such a disaster was King Saul but the difference was that King Saul knew God had departed (I Sam. 28:15). Unfortunately, Saul did not recover because although he knew the problem, the steps he took toward recovery were wrong, unlike Samson who recovered because he eventually discovered what was lost and sought the help of God through prayer.

The challenge however is if you desire recovery in destiny, you must begin from the place of discovery. You must take stock of your life and destiny, your work, property, relationship with God and men and ask yourself, Is anything missing or is hidden or a loss that you don't know like Samson? God forbid that you should discover when it is too late. God’s promise is that you will recover.

Ask God to open your eyes to your hidden losses before the philistines show up to pluck off your eyes and disgrace you like Samson.

*Ask God to expose your hidden losses today.
*Tell God you believe in His power to restore all things to you.
*Declare that there shall be no more loss in your destiny.
Fill your heart with expectation of recovery today and you will testify.

He that digs a grave for my destiny shall be buried in it himself and no plot against me shall see the light of day, in Jesus’ name.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

God Hates Divorce

Tuesday 26 May
READ: Mal. 2:13-17
MORE LESSONS: Matt. 19:1-19

We live in a world where the fundamental values that make for peaceful living are being eroded day by day. God says He hates divorce, For the LORD, the God of Israel saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the LORD of hosts...: Mal2:16. But many societies in the world insist that you can put away your wife and marry another. It is worrisome that the doctrine of divorce and re-marriage is growing fast in the Church of God. If the elect of God, the body of Christ, the light of the world and a witness of God's righteousness, openly or in disguise, practises, encourages and aids divorce, the Day of Judgment is indeed at hand.

Beloved, there is a plot of hell to scatter many homes today. As we continue in our Christian race, don't allow that plan of the devil to prevail over your home. Keep your marriage vows. The troubles associated with marital unfaithfulness are grave to your person and to your entire family. The Scripture reading today says such act covers one's garment with violence (v 16b), You weep and cry and cover the altar of God with tears, but your prayers will not be answered; your services, offerings and scarifies God will not regard (v14). It takes a husband and wife living together in love and harmony to raise godly offspring.

When you are separated, the children are at risk of growing up without the fear of God and respect for the marriage institution. I encourage you today that whatever is the issue, settle it and live together with your spouse by God's grace. May the Lord Jesus bless and keep your home. If you are not yet married, pray for your future home today, that it will not be built only to be scattered. The solution to marriage crisis and divorce is living according to the Manufacturer’s manual for marriage - God’s Word. It has all the counsel that your situation demands. Read it and obey it and all shall be well.

* Ask for God’s intervention in as many homes as Satan is working to break.
* Pray for children who have been affected by broken homes that God will take them up.
* Pray for yourself, married or not, that you will not be responsible for the break of any home.
*Pray against the forces of divorce and satanic arrows in your nuclear and extended family. Pray also for a particular family by name.

I shall not dance to the music of my enemies and their desires shall fail over me.

Spiritual Leaders

Monday 25 May
READ: Heb. 13:7-17
MORE LESSONS: I Tim. 5:17-19

Our spiritual leaders need our prayer for many reasons. They are the custodians of our spiritual estate and they are generals at the forefront of all spiritual battles. They serve as examples and link us to God and are Satan's greatest target. The fall of one is a great disaster for the entire body of Christ. As representatives of Christ on earth, spiritual leaders lead the battle against all satanic oppositions to the Gospel. This places an enormous task upon them as the destinies of hundreds of millions are in their hands. Their conduct, family, work, joy and pain are of importance to Heaven, hell and of course, the earth (both within the Church and outside).

Being human themselves, they are not infallible and though they run almost round the clock for their sheep, they have their own needs and pains. This is why Heb. 13:7 urges, Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God….: Heb. 13:7. You should remember them in your prayers often, supporting them as much as God enables you and by doing nothing that will make their work difficult.

In fact, v17 of our reading is so explicit about this, Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves… that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. Three things are to be noted here: (i) Obey them, (ii) Submit to them (iii) Ensure they do their work with joy for your own profit. Verse 18 says, Pray for us….

Finally, in I Thess. 5:13, Paul says …to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. Anything you do that is less than these, needs immediate change. Remember, whatever is done to and for God's servants is done to the God who called them, and He will not take lightly whatever you do (positively or negatively) to His called ones.

* Pray that our spiritual leaders will not fail or fall.
* Lift three spiritual leaders including your pastor to the Lord in prayer- ask God to bless, keep and sustain them in destiny.
* Ask that God will be an enemy to the enemies of our spiritual leaders.
---Spend five minutes today to pray for your spiritual leaders and repeat same for the next 12 months.

I shall not wither and my days shall be full of joy and gladness.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

What God Won’t Do

Sunday 24 May
READ: Psa. 22:1-11
MORE LESSONS: Mk. 15:33-37

Jesus Christ was forsaken that you and I might not be forsaken. God the Father forsook His Son on the cross when Christ was made sin for us (II Cor. 5:21). Therefore you cannot be forsaken because the Saviour was forsaken in your place; you can't be forsaken because of His promise, … I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee: Heb. 13:5. You cannot be forsaken because of His presence, … and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen: Matt. 28:20. You cannot be forsaken because of His purpose, And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose: Rom. 8:28.

In spite of your circumstances and your feelings, remember that God will not forsake you. Our text today records how King David complained and murmured about his prevailing situation, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me….: Psa. 22:1. But from verse 3, David resorted to praises. He remembered God's goodness towards his fathers and in verse 11, he stressed his helplessness, Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help.

This is how to face an adverse situation. It is high time you quit complaining and try to remember your blessings. Then you will know that God has not forsaken you, I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid…. God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew….: Rom. 11:1-2. This scripture is an assurance that God does not forsake His own. Are you a child of God? Believe that God Almighty does not cast away nor forsake His own.

* Renounce every suggestion of the devil that God has forsaken you.
* Pray that the faithfulness of God will be your testimony this year.
* Ask that all things will work together for your good this year.
--- What will God not do or what cannot happen with God, Isa. 40:28? Relate this to God’s promises to you.

I shall not see reproach, and my enemies will not rejoice over me as the Lord lives, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Antidote to Delay

Saturday 23 May
READ: James 4:1-3
MORE LESSONS: Lk. 18:1-8

I once tried to find out why most of our young and single people within and outside the Church desire to marry, and sometimes very desperately. I also sought to know why people want children, and again sometimes at any cost, godly and otherwise. I just wanted to know the reasons why God's promise against barrenness is being so seriously violated by the devil. I wanted to know why many of our singles are being delayed in marriage despite many of God's promises against such.
After a little time of questioning and counseling brethren, not necessarily a research, I came to the conclusion that many of our beloved waiters are delayed for lack of knowledge of purpose. A lot of brethren need to know that God does not do anything without a purpose. It is easy to say that your purpose of desiring a home, property and marriage etc. is to raise a child or home or property solely for the sake of God's use, but if you examine yourself sincerely and deeply on your inside, is it as you have said?

The truth is that like our text of today declares, Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts [pleasure]: Jam.4:3. How many of our waiting brethren can say before God that they want a child that will be truly dedicated and consecrated from childhood for God's use like Samuel, or want to own a house purposely so that the church will not rent again? How many want to marry just to support a brother who is on a mission field? The truth is that you need to critically examine the purpose for your request and make sure that your purpose tallies with God's purpose. And speedily like it happened to Hannah, another Shiloh (year) will not pass before an answer comes. May the Lord hear you speedily.

* Ask God to help you not to faint in the day of adversity.
* Pray for waiting brethren for the grace not to faint.
* Ask God to guide your prayer life not to ask amiss.
---Take anointing oil and anoint yourself for speedy answer to every prayer.

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever; with my mouth I will proclaim His faithfulness to all generations, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Worth of your Affliction

Friday 22 May
READ: Psa. 119:66-71
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 55:1-9

Obviously, from our scriptural passage, there is something good after all from affliction, It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes: Psa. 119:71. This is a confession from someone who has gone through it directly and not just an observer or a commentator. King David was one king in Israel who really went through affliction in life. Before he became a king, he suffered in the hands of his predecessor, King Saul. In fact, during that crisis, he once burst out in frustration, Because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked: for they cast iniquity upon me, and in wrath they hate me.

My heart is sore pained within me: and the terrors of death are fallen upon me. Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and horror hath overwhelmed me. And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest Psa. 55:3-6. And even after he got to the throne, it was one battle after the other that sometimes he even wished he was dead, yet one day came when he looked back and said, … it is good for me that I have been afflicted.… Psa. 119:71.

Today, I prophesy to you, you too will get there, when your affliction will become a blessing, in Jesus mighty name. What benefits did David get from his affliction? (i) …that I might learn thy statutes Psa. 119:71. Affliction can get us to a clearer knowledge of the working of God's Word. (ii) Affliction can bring out the best that is hidden inside you. (iii) Affliction can reveal your level of strength. You may never appreciate the level of grace and ability that you carry until it is tried in the fire. Job said, …when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold Job 23:10.

My father once told me that it is a fruitful tree that is always stoned. No man throws stones at a tree that has no fruit on it. Understand today that it is not every affliction that is from the devil. God could be taking you via a challenge to a higher ground. Even afflictions that come from the devil can work together for your good (Rom. 8:28) as long as you love the Lord and stay in His Word. Today, I reverse every affliction and I turn them to your advantage.

* Everything must work together for my good this year.
* I receive strength to go through every challenge of life and to come forth as gold.
* Every enemy's desire over me shall fail hence forth.
* I turn every adversity to flight today, in Jesus' mighty name.
--- Create time today at about 12pm -1pm and 12am - 1am and call upon God to look at the afflictions of your life and speedily turn them to good (Psa. 55:1).

As the day of the Lord gets closer, so shall my walk with the Lord get stronger, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

End Time

Thursday 21 May
READ: Matt. 24:1-13
MORE LESSON: Matt. 24:31–44

The disciples of Jesus were fascinated with the beautiful architecture of the temple buildings in their time and wanted the Lord Jesus to share their fascination. However, Jesus’ response was an awakening to the disciples and one of the greatest teachings of all times on the issue of end time, And Jesus said unto them, see ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown: Matt. 24:2.
Men all over the world are like the disciples in this passage as they tend to think that this world is forever, and that everything about man's existence ends here. But the earth is a transient place that will eventually be destroyed with fervent heat and fire. The real world where men will live forever is in eternal Heaven or eternal hell. No wonder it is said that the world is just a market place, we will all go home one day.

Signs that will usher in the rapture of the saints and Christ’s second coming are being fulfilled gradually before our eyes. Three of the four gospels tell of Jesus' description of the end time events. In addition, the book of Revelation describes the events in some detail (although not completely in a sequential order): false christs (Matt. 24:5), wars, famine, earthquakes (Matt. 24:6-7), tribulation of believers (Matt. 24:9-10) and the preaching of the gospel to all nations (Matt. 24:14), among others.

We are in the final dispensation to end the Church era here on earth. Jesus is emphatic about this, verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled: Matt. 24:34.What attitude should you have to the end time?

1. Do not neglect the issue of salvation as some did in the days of Noah (Heb. 2:3, 10:26-29).

2. Refuse to be offended or hate others (Matt.24:10). Several will miss Heaven not because they are not saved but because of unforgiveness, bitterness and malice. Refuse all such.

3. Refuse to be deceived (Matt. 24:5,11,24). Several herbalists now use the internet to peddle their deception. Avoid wolves in sheep’s skin.

4. Stay fervent, refusing to be lukewarm as Jesus says He will spit out the lukewarm person. Refuse to be lukewarm. Be prayerful, focused, evangelistic and relevant.

5. Finally, endure to the end (Matt. 24:13). The saint that endures to the end will not miss the rapture. Get ready!

* I choose to be in the number that will make Heaven, oh Lord, save my soul.
* I receive the right attitude of readiness for the rapture of the saints. I will not be left behind.
---List at least 5 things you can keep doing to be rapture – ready and do them conscientiously daily, evangelism is one such things.

The rod of the wicked shall not rest upon me and I shall not put forth my hands into iniquity, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Possibility Mentality

Wednesday 20 May
READ: Mark 9:14-24
MORE LESSON: Mk. 6:5-6

One of the pre-requisites to receiving help is to have a mindset that always sees possibilities. Possibility mentality is an attitude that opens the door of help from Heaven. A man will not seek for help to do something until he first believes that he can do it. It is only what you have resolved that you can do that you seek for help to do. Possibility mentality is a language of faith and without faith it is impossible to get anything from God, But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is: Heb. 11:6. So the first step to doing the supernatural, even those that you have never seen anybody do before, is to agree that you can do it. I want you to agree with God and His Word that it is possible for you to do that thing which you desire to do.

You need to know that greatness, good results, success and the anointing are not the exclusive right of a few. All you need is God’s help to access them. Each time I see my fathers in the faith preach the Word with great power and manifestations, I say to myself, This is not an exclusive right to them. I can also get it from where they got it. This is the kind of thinking Peter has when he sees Jesus walking on the water. While some disciples are busy screaming that it is a spirit and others are evaluating and interpreting the situation, Peter says, ...Master, if it's really you, call me to come to you: Matt 14: 28.

There are many in the boat but only Peter is helped by the Master to walk on water; and even when he starts sinking, the Master helps him up. Possibility mentality truly releases help from above. In our reading today, Jesus makes His disciples to understand that they too can do what He has done but they must have faith, ...If thou canst believe, all things are possible.... v23. Although Jesus is talking to His disciples it is the father of the sick boy that gets the message and quickly cries out, ...Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief: v24.

Whatever has seemed difficult or impossible, I want you to see it with a mind of possibility: think it, believe it, imagine it, dream it, talk it everywhere, pursue it, pray it and create it. The help of God is coming to you to achieve your desire today. If anyone has done it, you can do it. The people that did it have only one head like you, not two heads. Even if no one has ever done it before, you can do it because of the help of the Lord.

* Reject the spirit of doubt, fear, negative and impossibility thoughts in any area of your life now, in Jesus’ name.
* Command the spirit of faith and soundness upon yourself now.
* Say to yourself, I receive the spirit of possibility.

I shall not be cut short; I will not go to untimely grave, and as the days of trees, so shall be my days, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Speaking in Tongues

Tuesday 19 May
READ: Jude 1: 20
MORE LESSON: Rom. 8:26

I know of a woman who had never been to school and couldn't speak English. She wasn't born-again till her son, who was a pastor, died. When her son died, instead of becoming bitter, she decided that she was going to dedicate her life to her son's God. So the following Sunday she went to church, got saved and was baptised in the Holy Ghost. She was uneducated but she began to speak in tongues. The typical uneducated woman was shouting, Oh God, my God, I will praise You, I will give You glory and honour in Queen's English. After she finished speaking in tongues, the people around spoke to her in English but she didn't understand a word of it. She replied in her local dialect, What are you saying?

Every believer can and should receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. It is a promise meant for all believers, And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues: Mark 16:17-18 (NIV). It is not right to think that speaking in tongues is a gift reserved for some. There is a difference between speaking in tongues, which is meant for all believers, and the gift of diverse kinds of tongues, which the Holy Spirit operates through some believers as He wishes. The gift of diverse kinds of tongues is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit where a person receives an immediate supernatural ability to communicate in a language (mostly another earthly language) that they didn't learn naturally. There are several testimonies of men that go to a place and under the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, they start preaching in the language of that location without having learnt it before; that is the gift of diverse kinds of tongues in manifestation. It is not every believer that has this gift but every believer can and should speak in tongues. The analogy to this is that all believers have faith but some believers are further graced to have the gift of faith.
Every believer should harness the power of speaking in tongues. When you speak in tongues, you speak mysteries to God and settle issues that you don't even know about (1 Cor. 14: 2). When you speak in tongues your spirit man is strengthened to be strong in the Lord (Jude 1: 20) and you disband demons and wage war against the enemy (Eph 6: 18) . Through it you connect with the Holy Spirit and other gifts of the Spirit begin to find expression in your life. I pray that you will not be found lacking in any good gift, in Jesus’ name. Speak the supernatural language to the supernatural God and your life will transcend the natural.

* Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
* Ask God for the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of a new tongue.
* Ask God for fresh in-filling of the Holy Spirit and power.
Spend a minimum of 30mins to pray in the Holy Ghost daily.

I shall shine more and more and no force of darkness shall be able to stop me,in the name of Jesus.

Monday, May 18, 2015


Monday 18 May
READ: Matt. 15:22-28
MORE LESSON: Matt. 15: 22

The story of the Canaanite woman shows how you can get anything through persistence.
She needed healing for her daughter at a time when the era of ministering to the Gentiles had not come. She could have claimed that Jesus was not going to heal her daughter because she was a Gentile but she neglected the barriers and asked the Lord to have mercy on her. She knew that the Lord is merciful and always willing to help. I want you to know that it is God's will to meet that pressing need you have if you do not give up.
This woman cried to Jesus, O Lord, thou Son of David . . . verse 22. She acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah. When many Israelites who were the children of the promise didn't believe or accept Jesus as the Messiah, she already knew Him as the Messiah, the only One who had the answer to her prayer.
You will persist with God only when you believe that He alone holds the answer and solution to your problem.

The woman cried to the Lord but the Lord didn't answer a word; however, she wasn't deterred. She kept crying after Jesus and the disciples. The disciples wanted the Lord to send her away and probably tried to but she refused to leave. So the disciples begged Jesus to send her away or do something because, as they said, ...she crieth after us: Matt 15:23. They had to report her to Jesus and that was what she actually wanted; she wanted the attention of the Master. When she got it, the first thing she did was to worship Him (verse 25). Your persistence should not only be in asking the Lord but also in worshipping Him.

Don't stop worshipping the Lord because you have not got what you want from Him; in fact that is the time to worship Him more. Jesus told her, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs: Matt 15:26. This is where many people would have left in anger but the woman knew that it takes humility to be persistent. Jesus was not being derogatory here, rather He was testing the woman’s humility in persistence. It takes humility for a man to go back to a place where he has failed before and start all over again, not minding whether people mock him or not. The woman answered, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table: v27. Jesus knew she had passed the test of persistence and He answered, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt . . . Persistence was counted as faith to the woman. You shall acquire your desire if you perspire and do not retire but re-fire.

* Pray that all the blessings due you will get to you today , in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God for grace to persist in the place of prayer and not give up.
* Pray against every obstacle that can hinder you from getting the blessing God has for you.

My portion is with the great; I shall not be less, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Lord's Jealousy

Sunday 17 May
READ: 2 Cor. 11:2
More Lesson: 1 Kings 19:9 -10

When we hear the word 'jealousy', the first thing that comes to mind is being envious; that is, to feel bitter and unhappy because of someone's advantages, possessions or luck. We also see it as being suspicious of rivals, especially in regard to a loved one or being possessively watchful of someone or something. But the Bible tells us about men of God that were jealous for the Lord and even God being jealous for His inheritance. It thus appears that jealousy could either be positive or negative. Jealousy could mean having warm feelings, that is, zeal for or against someone or something. It means demanding extreme loyalty or adherence from someone.
Elijah saw the children of Israel leave God and go after Baal and he became jealous for God. He called the nation to Mount Carmel and called down fire so as to make the people go back to God (1 Kings 18: 20 - 40). God also displayed jealousy for His people when the heathen oppressed them, making Him to execute judgment on the oppressors, … Thus saith the LORD of hosts; I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy: Zech. 1:14. God indeed is a jealous God (Deut. 6:15), but God's jealousy is an expression of His zeal for His people to bring His promises concerning them to pass.

God also expresses His jealousy by punishing His people when they backslide in order to bring them back to Him, They stirred him to jealousy with strange gods; with abominations they provoked him to anger: Deut. 32:16. God shows His jealousy or anger against sinful children to move them to repentance. God is jealous anytime the enemy oppresses His people, The LORD shall go forth as a mighty man, he shall stir up jealousy like a man of war: he shall cry, yea, roar; he shall prevail against his enemies: Isa. 42:13. Man's jealousy always carries a negative impulse of envy and vengeance, which are borne out of selfishness and distrust, For jealousy makes a man furious, and he will not spare when he takes revenge. He will accept no compensation; he will refuse though you multiply gifts: Prov. 6:34-35 (ESV). Human jealousy is cruel, devilish and selfish. This is not what we are called to indulge in as Christians because the jealousy of man cannot work the righteousness of God.

But jealousy for the Lord made Paul to say, for I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ: 2 Cor 11:2. This attitude of jealousy for the things of God is what we must develop. God is jealous for you; will you also be jealous/ zealous for God?

Declare as follows:
* O Lord, let Your kind of jealousy consume me just as it was with Jesus.
* Arise O God and kindle the fire of Your jealousy for me against my enemies.
*O Lord, by Your zeal, bring to pass all Your promises concerning my life and destiny.

Today, I forbid the forces of destiny robbers over my inheritance and divine provision, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Glory that Speaks

Saturday 16 May
READ: Acts 4:13
MORE LESSON: Acts 3:1 – 4

There are levels of glory, beauty and results that God gives a man that even when you don't speak or broadcast it, it is obvious and undeniable. I fondly call it the glory that speaks because you don't need to announce such glory; it speaks for itself. Until the glory of God in your life begins to show without you announcing it, you haven't started enjoying glory yet. Glory is never to be covered or hidden. This is why Jesus teaches, Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house: Matt 5:15. Dormant glory is not glory. When you carry glory, people should be able to identify it. Your glory will speak expressly for men to see, in Jesus’ name.

In Acts 4, Peter and John displayed a level of glory that spoke for itself. They were on their way to church at the hour of prayer when they saw a man cripple from birth. They walked up to the man and Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk: Acts 3:6.

They didn't have silver and gold but they carried glory. Your glory is in what you carry and every born again child of God carries something. When the cripple man walked, a crowd gathered to Peter and John and began to pay attention to them. They didn't need a signpost or poster because the glory spoke for them. The Jewish religious leaders arrested Peter and John and questioned them on why they were preaching in the name of Jesus. That gave them another opportunity to say more about Jesus. So they spoke again and when they had finished, the religious leaders looked at them and noticed such level of glorious eloquence, knowledge, intelligence and power though they were ordinary, uneducated men. They were uneducated but they were not ignorant, Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus: Act 4:13.

The religious leaders concluded without anybody telling them that there was a glory in these men. They also noted that the glory of super intelligence and miraculous power in the men proved that they must have been with Jesus. Jesus didn't give them a certificate for the years they spent with Him but the glory they contacted spoke for them more than any certificate could. The Pharisees had to let them go even though they didn't want to because the man they healed was standing for everyone to see. That was the evidence of their glory. From today, God will give you results that will be the evidence of your glory.

* Say, Lord, let Your glory speak expressly in everything I do.
* Ask God for great results that announce a man’s destiny.
* Ask that your glory will speak for you in impossible situations and celebrate you.

Father, in the name of Jesus, permit nobody to ever again say to me, “Sorry, it’s unfortunate, accept my sympathy.”

Cure for Stagnation

Friday 15 May
READ: Is 51:1 -2
MORE LESSON: Gen 12:1 - 8

God is a God of movement and He hates stagnation. This is the reason why He made movement an integral part of the attributes of living things in creation. Movement is evidence of life and so the Living God doesn't want His children to remain stagnant in life; He wants them to move higher and higher. The Bible also is a book of movement. In it we see people moving from one place to another, from one situation to the other and changing from one level to another. The Bible is replete with the account of God taking men to where they could never have reached and giving them what they could never have attained by their own strength, by His grace coming upon them to move them from the ordinary to the extra ordinary.

Our second text summarises the story of the movement of Abraham from his own land to the land that God prepared for him. He was one man when he was called but God advanced him and increased him till he became many nations. The secret of Abraham's advancement to greatness was faith and obedience. He could have remained in the land of Ur and he would have been stagnant forever, but he obeyed God's instruction and broke out of eternal stagnation. I want you to know that your break out of stagnation will come by your obedience to the command of God. This might not be a command to physical movement as in the case of Abraham but a command for you to start doing something good that you were not doing before or to increase your expectations and effort in certain areas of endeavour. God wants to move you to the level that you have been hoping and praying for, and the secret to actualising it is your obedience.

Trust and obey God as He leads you on from where you are to where He wants you to be. Divine direction is the heavenly cure for stagnation and when you get direction from God, you must be prompt to obey His Word. As the Word of God comes to you through the voice of the Holy Spirit, through the Bible and through God's servants and you obey, you will see the force of stagnation broken over you, . . . Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper: 2 Chron 20:20-21 (NKJV).

You cannot move forward by your own strength, it takes divine push which comes by divine direction. Divine direction will deliver you from a monotonous life of moving in circles. There is an instruction for you, and unless you hear it, you cannot move. Today, that instruction will come your way and your situation will turn around positively, in the name of Jesus.

* Tell the devil no amount of road block can stop your progress in life, you will move.
* Declare that every delay must turn to blessing.
* Tell the Lord you will always trust and obey Him in all things.
Announce today as your day of victory over stagnancy.

As the Lord lives, my hope shall not be dashed this year, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Vessels of Mercy and Wrath

Thursday 14 May
READ: Rom 9:2 – 23
MORE LESSON: 2 Tim. 2:20-21

Today we celebrate the power of God and His mighty salvation when we remember what He did to Pharaoh and the hosts of Egypt. Pharaoh and his hosts were a creation of God as much as Moses and the Israelites, but one is a story of the wrath of God and the other, a story of the mercy of God. When God wants to show His power, terrible and fearful, He selects certain vessels over whom He will display His power so that the whole world will see it and fear Him. Such vessels are described in Rom 9: 22 as vessels of wrath prepared for destruction. A major attribute of such vessels of destruction is the hardening of their hearts against all hands of peace and amnesty that God extends to them. Vessels of wrath are produced by divine predestination, but they have an active part to play in becoming such vessels by deciding in their hearts to draw the battle line against divine tolerance and damn the consequences of the warnings of the Living God. Such is the story of Pharaoh and as many as tread the path of God's wrath today. My heartfelt prayer is that you will not be a vessel of God's wrath, in Jesus’ name.

The Scripture also talks about the vessels of mercy, which He prepared beforehand for glory (Rom 9:23 NKJV). When God wants to show how kind He is, He selects a man by grace to find favour and be the object of His mercy. It is not about the person's qualification or lack of it, his strength or weakness, his background or pedigree. God, that cannot be questioned, just decides to use the man to explain what His mercy looks like. How else can we explain Jacob and Esau still in the womb, having done nothing and God had selected Jacob to be master over his elder brother. That is selection by mercy! Many people start seeking theological explanations of why God chose Jacob over Esau, instead of them to throw theology away and say, God I don't know the explanation of what made you select Jacob over his elder brother. But whatever You saw that made You choose him as a vessel of mercy, by the same discretion, choose me as a vessel of mercy above those more qualified than me. Mercy has no explanation; it is God using His veto power to one’s advantage; nobody questions the King's veto.

That's why He said to Moses, I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion." So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy: Rom 9:15-16 (NKJV).

* Lift your hands to God and say, Father, grant me Your mercy in life and destiny.
* Say, Lord, divinely choose me as Your vessel of mercy.
* Ask that your cry for mercy will not go unanswered today.

I declare that from now on, life shall be easy for me; my ways shall be prosperous and Jehovah shall be there for me, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Principles of Sweet Savour

Wednesday 13 May
READ: Lev 23: 12-13
MORE LESSON: Psa. 119:89-90

There are several types of sacrifice and offering that God requests in the Old Testament. All of these offerings are for different purposes, and each has specifications. In Lev. 23: 12 – 13, God gives His instructions for burnt offering. The fact that God gives descriptions and specifications for offerings to be brought to Him shows that God works by laid down rules, principles and prescriptions. He doesn't do things anyhow, so if you want to walk with or work for Him, you must agree to His principles.

It was not only offerings that God gave specifications for, He also gave directives on the feasts to be observed by His people. These feasts are annual celebrations for the nation of Israel, and God gave the purpose, peculiarities and principles for each of them. The implication of this is that you can't offer to God on your own terms; it must be on His terms. There are believers who are suffering just because they lack knowledge of God's terms, principles and prescriptions. Anybody who wants to enjoy God must learn His principles. God is very principled and He is not a respecter of persons. When He states what He wants to do, He is bound to do just that. God binds Himself with His principles and standards, how much more will He expect you to work with the standards. Whenever a man meets God's standards or principles, nothing can stop that man from achieving the desired goal.

For example, God's principle for dealing with the problem of poverty is for you to live a life of giving. To put an end to poverty, begging and slavery to money, you have to walk by God's terms, Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again: Luke 6:38. Weeping, crying, fasting and prayer are not the principles for prosperity. It is seed sowing and giving, There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself: Prov 11:24-25.

The point is that in serving, working for and walking with God, there are conditions that He has set for you to adhere to. These principles and standards were not fixed by the pastor or preacher, but by God who binds Himself and everybody else with these principles. As long as a man does not operate by these principles, he will not get the desired result. Only when you operate according to His principles will your offering be a sweet savour that is acceptable to Him.

* Ask God for grace to walk in His will and precepts.
* Pray that God in His faithfulness will remember His promises for your life.
* Declare that your life will be a sweet smelling savour to God forever.

My Father, as I go out today, let my eyes see the place and people ordained for my blessings this year, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ministry of Angels

Tuesday 12 May
READ: II Kgs. 6:8-23
MORE LESSON: Acts 12:7-10

One sure way the help of God comes to man is through His angels. Angels are heavenly beings created by God to guide, protect, deliver and provide for God's children. They are ministering spirits to God's people on earth, Are [angels] not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? Heb.1:14 Angels heralded the birth of Jesus (Lk.2:10-12). And until the world ends, angels will work for God on earth.

Moreover, as we can see from our text, Elisha and his assistant woke up one morning to find themselves surrounded by armed enemies on horses and chariots. The assistant panicked, but Elisha did not, and he encouraged his assistant, … Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha: vs16-17. As the eye of Elisha's assistant opened, I declare that your spiritual eye open, and you will begin to see into the spirit realm as from now on, in Jesus' name. Psa. 91:9,11 say, Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;…For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Since Jehovah is your dwelling place, angels shall become your body guards and armour bearers as from today, in Jesus' name.

Perhaps you can remember a time when you were rescued from disaster, and nothing but an angel could have done it. What about times of suffering? What about death? Jesus told a story about a man named Lazarus who suffered poverty and illness, but when he died, angels carried his soul to Heaven (Lk. 16:22). As far as we are on earth as God's children, God's chariots of fire surround us. So, go and do all you will today with a sense of security and protection because God is with you as a mighty warrior to defend you. No evil shall befall you again as you carry this awareness wherever you go, in Jesus' name.

* Pray that the activities of ministering angels around your life will be more obvious than ever.
* Ask that God will give His angels charge over you in all your ways today.
* Ask that you will not be disconnected from your ministering angels.
Prophesy Psa. 91: 11-14 on your life and family.

Like King David in Ps 103:4, I receive the crown of loving kindness and tender mercies to achieve what my strength and labour cannot achieve today, in Jesus’ name.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Help Meet for Man

Monday 11 May
READ: Gen. 2:18-20
MORE LESSON: Ecc. 4:9-12

The most honourable of all kinds of relationship among humans is marriage (Heb13:4). It is an honour from the Lord when a man marries a woman though it is not an honour without responsibility. It is a call to duty; the husband at work in the life of his wife and the woman at work in the life of her husband for a much more productive life (Eccl.4:9-12). Moreover, for the wife it is a call to a help ministry, And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed: Gen.2:18. God saw the situation of Adam in the garden and made up His mind to improve on it by giving him a help that is suitable for him. God is always ready to help man whenever He senses an inadequacy. It is not just that God can always make help for man, God is help to His people, as the Psalmist confirms, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble: Psa. 46:1.

God is our refuge, He is our strength, and above all He is our very present help. To help Adam in the garden God made a woman, brought her to him and joined them in holy wedlock. The procession of the wedding ceremony is described in Gen. 2:23-25, when Adam identified what God brought to him, And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, (he named her as he did others) because she was taken out of Man (by divine revelation, Adam understood what God did). Then, God did the joining, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh... Eve became Adam’s wife and one with him.

A wife is a valuable divine helper in the life of her husband. She represents God as a very present help to her husband; that is, she helps the man in the task he cannot manage alone. At times, she can be an expert assistant in her husband's life and destiny; that is a type of help given by those who know more than one does in a given task, and so can teach how to do it.

Invariably, God created and brought out the woman to fulfil an important task in the life of man, so she is neither inferior nor superior to the man, but is very essential in his life. Therefore, every wife should be alive to their God-given role in their marriage and serve well. The wife's success in her marriage and home is tied to her love for Jesus. She must learn to sit down with the One who has the hearts of her husband and children in His hand and receive all it takes to fulfil her role as a very present help to make good what is not so good. God help the wife in carrying out this role.

* Pray that God will raise help for you, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that God will help all women to be helpers indeed.
* Pray that no man will lack a help mate in your church.

I receive the baptism of God’s favour right now, in Jesus’ name.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

God has Power to Help

Sunday 10 May
READ: 1 Sam. 7:1-13
MORE LESSON: Psa. 27:1-6

Seeking the help of the Lord and not accessing it may sometimes be an indication that there is something God is not pleased with somewhere. The Scripture says HIS HANDS ARE NOT SHORT. In our text, Israel was going to lose a great battle if not for the early intervention of Prophet Samuel who cautioned, …if ye do return unto the LORD with all your hearts, then put away the strange gods and Ashtaroth from among you, and prepare your hearts unto the LORD, and serve him only: and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines: v3. Israel followed the prescription of the prophet and they were helped of the Lord. When we remove the obstacles between us and God's help, then we see God in action on our behalf.

The second thing they did to get God's help is to sacrifice a suckling lamb to God for a burnt offering after which Samuel cried to God for them, And Samuel took a sucking lamb, and offered it for a burnt offering wholly unto the LORD: and Samuel cried unto the LORD for Israel; and the LORD heard him: v9. Immediately, God intervened and the table turned against the enemy, And as Samuel was offering up the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to battle against Israel: but the LORD thundered with a great thunder on that day upon the Philistines, and discomfited them; and they were smitten before Israel. And the men of Israel went out of Mizpeh, and pursued the Philistines, and smote them, until they came under Beth-car: vs10-11.

God has power to help, and to cast down, so don't fret because of your enemy. What you need to do is to make your way right with God. When your way is right with God you become a spectator in your own battle because the Lord will fight for you. Moreover, the Lord will not only fight for you, He will send His agents on errand for your victory. The Lord will send His agent to the enemy of your joy and fulfilment today and you will sing the song of victory so that you may boldly say as it is written, …The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me: Heb. 13:6.

* Declare that God’s help shall not cease in your destiny.
* Renounce sin as it hinders a man from accessing God’s help.
* Give thanks to God your help.

I will arise and shine for my light has come and God’s glory is risen upon me today, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

God will Help Me

Saturday 9 May
READ: Isa. 41:10-26
MORE LESSON: Psa. 22:4-5

The most authentic help a man can enjoy is that of God because He does not lack what it takes to help. God has all things at His disposal and He is ever willing to go to any extent to give help to man. Thus He invites, Call unto me, and I will answer thee…. Jer. 33:3. When God promises to help you be rest assured that He will do it. So, no child of God should run helter skelter because of a need; all you need to do is to call for God's help.

When David the king is in dire need of help in Ziklag, God sends him the type of people he needs-helpers to help with the war, Now these are they that came to David to Ziklag, while he yet kept himself close because of Saul the son of Kish: and they were among the mighty men, helpers of the war: I Chron.12:1. God will send you the very type of help you need today, in Jesus' name. But you must do like David, who keeps close to God; he goes into a secret place and calls upon God, He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence: Psa. 91:1-3.

When we turn to God in prayer in times of need, God's unfailing help comes immediately. Sometimes we look at the gravity of the need or the strength of our adversity and panic, but God assures, Now the Egyptians are men, and not God; and their horses flesh, and not spirit. When the LORD shall stretch out his hand, both he that helpeth shall fall, and he that is holpen shall fall down, and they all shall fail together: Isa. 31:3. God can help you despite the extent, scope and gravity of the issue, simply confess, Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish. Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nought: Isa. 41:11-12 throughout today as you trust absolutely in the Lord. He will show His might in your situation, in Jesus' name.

* Say, Haba Father, help me, in Jesus’ name.
* Prophesy that with God on your side, the forces of Egypt and their horses shall fail in your matter.
* Give thanks to God because He is a very present help in trouble, therefore you shall not be troubled.

Today, I receive God’s deliverance from blindness to good opportunities and right timing, in Jesus’ name.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Men who would not Bow II

Friday 8 May
READ: Dan. 6:1-10 MORE LESSON: Dan. 13:15

There come times when it becomes difficult to profess faith in God, and it is at such times that men are differentiated from boys in the things of God. When the going gets tough, it is only the tough that get going. There was a time in the kingdom of the Medes and the Persians when the rulers conspired against Daniel to make King Darius sign a decree that outlawed the worship of Jehovah God. They knew that they would never find any basis for charges against Daniel unless it had something to do with the law of his God (Dan 6:5 NIV). So they manipulated the king to make a law that nobody should worship any god except the king for one month.

Daniel didn't bow to the ungodly legislation but when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks to his God, as was his custom (Dan 6:10). How many of us would not bow to the ungodly system in the same situation? If a law is made in your working place that prohibits identifying with Jesus, will you refuse to bow to that law? If you are threatened to be fired from work unless you compromise your faith, what would you do? We should not love our job more than the God who gave the job. God is looking for men that will stand for Him and defy ungodly laws. I want you to know that it is God who gave you that job and He can give you a better one. Moreover, if the Lord says that job is yours, nobody can move you an inch. Those who rise against you will rather fall for your sake (Deut 28:7). This is what happened in Daniel's case; those that conspired against him finally fell for his sake.

Peter and John also preached and healed in Jesus’ name, and the Sanhedrin, the Jewish religious ruling class, summoned them and after beating them, prohibited them from preaching or speaking in that name anymore (Acts 4: 18). But Peter and John stood their ground and told the council members, Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard: Acts 4:19-20 (NIV). They refused to bow to the ungodly injunction that they were given. The result of their stand for God was that the gospel spread abroad and we benefit from it today. If they had bowed, generations would have been doomed to hell. Your refusal to bow to ungodliness is not just for yourself but also for the destinies of generations to come. Make up your mind and receive grace from God not to bow.

* Pray that God will help you to be a perfect example for other believers to see at home, work and in your neighbourhood.
* Pray that no conspiracy of the enemy will overcome your faith.
* Ask God for grace to stand firm in the face of any challenge.

Today, every strongman of bad luck attached to my life, be roasted by Holy Ghost fire right now, in Jesus’ name.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Men who would not Bow I

Thursday 7 May
READ: Dan 3:14 - 18
MORE LESSON: Rom. 8:35-39

These are days when it is challenging to stand in the faith, but there is no challenge we see now that has not been faced by men before. Our fathers faced the challenges we face today but they never failed God. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were Hebrews in the land of Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, made an idol and told all the people to bow to it. It was either they bowed to the idol or were thrown into the fiery furnace. If you were the one in such a situation, what would you do? Don't be too quick to beat your chest and say, “I would not bow, I would rather be burnt”. Examine yourself in the light of similar situations you face before you make your claim: if you are told to do something wrong or be sacked at work, would you bow? If you are asked to give bribe or lose a contract, job or fail an examination, would you stand or devise some 'spiritual' rationalisation for your compromise? If religious terrorists hold you and say you should deny Jesus or be killed, what would you do? I know people that have changed their faith to secure or maintain a position. Those have bowed to the idol of Babylon.

Many of us have not faced great challenges as the Bible heroes faced and we have already run out of church. Men are quick to deny the faith in our time but Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego boldly declared, ...our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up: Dan 3:17-18 (NKJV).

It is only men who will not bow that will stand as testimonies and witnesses of God in this end-time. When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace, the Lord God showed up for them and the king saw what he had never seen before: He saw the King of Heaven in the fire and king Nebuchadnezzar bowed to King Jesus. It is only the people that refuse to bow in this world that will cause the world to bow to Jesus. The reason our communities, workplaces, schools, institutions, states and nations are not bowing to Jesus is because believers easily bow to the same things unbelievers bow to. Today God is asking you to decide to be one of those that will not bow.

* Pray that you will not bow to any challenge you may face.
* Ask God for grace to stand firm in faith and never to fail.
* Pray that you will stand as a testimony and witness of God in this end time.

I use the token of the Blood of Jesus and all it speaks to silence all the speaking from strange altars into my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Moving to the Next Level

Wednesday 6 May
READ: Exo. 14:1-15
MORE LESSON: Joshua 1:2-5

Movement characterises life. At every point in time, we are either retrogressing, stagnant or advancing. There are forces that are responsible for our movement, either forward or backward. As children of God, we are mandated to move forward for God is a forward moving God. There are certain disciplines that are needed in moving forward and such include prayer, the Word of God, faith, consistency, persistence, diligence and having a good self-esteem, among others.

It is the grace of God, which comes upon a man that makes him do the extra ordinary in life. So it is God's grace that moves a man forward. Abraham moved forward from his own land to the Promised Land because God had prepared something better for him. God wants to launch you into the next level where you get something better than you can see now. God is not through with you yet; for there are more things that He wants to do in your life. Many have lost excitement in life, happiness in their homes and the passion to forge ahead in life because of the challenges all around. But Jesus can bring life to that situation again. If you are yet to accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour, you have to do that today. And if you have lost the spiritual drive to move ahead with Him, you can always come back to Him to refire you. Moving ahead means experiencing new and better things in life, and remember that if anyone is in Christ, ...he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new: 2 Cor 5:17 (NKJV). So being in Christ is what qualifies you to move to the next level in life.

However, unless you dedicate your life to Jesus Christ, all other disciplines you undertake to move to the next level are but mere empty activities. Call on Him to come into your heart today. For as many as have accepted Him and live a holy and righteous life, it is time to move forward in their walk with Him. God is ready to take you to Canaan, so don't underestimate yourself by thinking that you don't have what it takes to move on. Trust in God to empower you for what is ahead because He has greater things in stock for you.

* Ask God to move you to the next level by divine force.
* Ask God to give you an extraordinary idea that will move you to a higher level.
* Pray that all opportunities that come your way today will produce in you a greater glory.

Lord, let Your great love and power preserve me from the arrows of untimely death, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Don't Hew the Altar II

Tuesday 5 May
READ: Exo. 20: 25-26
MORE LESSON: Psa. 127:1-2

We have seen how God doesn't want us to hew the altar with human tools by using ungodly human effort to bring to pass what He has promised us. This also applies to serving God in the ministry; God doesn't want you to 'help' His work by human effort without dependence on the Holy Spirit. As a minister, make sure that everything you do is initiated by the Holy Spirit and also sponsored and executed in utter dependence on Him. Do not try to use the flesh to birth that which is of the Spirit. You cannot serve God by mischief, backbiting, lobbying, manipulating, blackmailing people or using violence to propagate yourself or God's work. You cannot 'help' the Holy Spirit to move by conjuring up miracles and manifestations by soulish means or by using external materials (holy water, anointed pictures, cross etc.) to induce the activity of the Holy Spirit, no matter how innocent they look. That is walking on the verge of witchcraft. You have to depend solely on the Holy Spirit and not trust in 'hewn stones' for your altar as a servant of God.

A church worker or servant of God that uses human effort and tactics to progress in ministry and doesn't wait for God to lift him may gain promotion for some time. But when he begins to come down, nothing can hold him up, not go up to my altar on steps, lest your nakedness be exposed on it: Ex 20:26 (NIV). Do not use human effort to ascend in ministry and thereby put yourself in a high position where God has not placed you by reason of grace. If you do, the Bible says that your nakedness will be exposed. This means that your weakness, struggles and faults will be obvious to all. However, if you allow God to promote you in ministry, His grace will cover your weaknesses. If you think your lifting in ministry is being delayed, just continue to walk faithfully before the Lord because your lifting will surely come. When it comes, those that lifted themselves and are gone ahead of you will come down and leave you staying up.

Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: Psa 127: 1. You will notice that the scripture doesn't say that if the Lord doesn't build the house, it cannot be built. It only says that it will be built in vain. What is the use of using your human calculation, effort and power to build something that is not built by the Lord, when all you build will later crumble? I pray your service to God will not be a wasted effort but that it will last till eternity, in Jesus’ name.

* Say to the Holy Spirit that you depend on Him to guide and instruct you on every step you need to take.
* Ask God for promotion that comes from the Lord in all areas of your life.

Father, where all else have failed, let Your mercy promote, advance and defend me this month, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Don't Hew the Altar I

Monday 4 May
READ: Ex. 20:25-26 (NIV)
MORE LESSON: Gal. 4:22 -23

If you make an altar of stones for me, do not build it with dressed stones, for you will defile it if you use a tool on it. And do not go up to my altar on steps, lest your nakedness be exposed on it: Ex 20:25-26 (NIV). This scripture can be used to illustrate a vital truth in life and ministry. God says if you want to serve Him you should build an altar. Your altar is the place of communing, walking and receiving from God. But God also says here that you should not build an altar for Him by cutting, hewing or dressing the altar with the use of tools.

The tools denote the human element. Many claim that they want to receive from God's altar but they try to 'help' God's altar by using human means. This is not to suggest that man has no part to play in walking with and receiving from God, but to let you know that any ungodly act or effort that is not from the Holy Spirit defiles the altar of receiving from God. How do you explain someone trusting and earnestly praying to God for a job and still lobbying and bribing to get a job. Many parents pay money for their children to pass exams or get admission and then 'add' prayer to it. The Bible says if you want to build an altar for God, do not use your human effort to dress the stones by your tools. Let it be built with un-hewn stones.

God had promised Abraham a son and after many years of waiting, he and his wife decided to 'help' God to get the promise. They began to hew the altar by their human strength. This brought about Ishmael who became a problem to them and everyone around him (Gen 16: 12). Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman, But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise: Gal. 4:22-23. Whenever you use human ability or lobby to get that which the Lord has promised, what you have is after the flesh, but that which God gives is after the Spirit. When you use human effort (the flesh) to obtain the promise, what you have is not from the Spirit, it is from the flesh, That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit: John 3:6.

Whatever God has promised you - prosperity, promotion, success, distinction, greatness, marriage, children or fruitfulness- it does not only matter that you get them, how you get them also matters to God. Make sure it is God that gives them to you and not ungodly human effort. Do not hew the altar with human tools. Do not 'help' God with ungodly efforts.

* Ask God to help you wait on Him in complete trust for your miracle.
* Renounce every ungodly human act and effort that defile your altar.
* Pray that God will strengthen your faith as you wait on Him.

In the name of Jesus, this month I receive speed and direction to make up for every delay and loss.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Dominion

Sunday 3 May
READ: Gen. 1:26-31
MORE LESSON: Psa. 8:4-6

If you place a dead dog and a dead man side by side, there is no difference because both are dead. Man was created out of dust and so He is nothing but dust. However, when God breathed into man, the glory of God came upon man, and ordinary dust became a thing of greatness. Man was given the mandate to exercise dominion over everything that God created by the reason of God's presence and glory upon him. Thus, a nobody can become somebody when the glory of God comes upon his life.

The glory of man is in the dominion that God gave him. I have spoken to different things before, both dead and living and they responded and obeyed in such a way that I knew it could not have been me as I was born; it could only have been by the glory of God upon my life. Dominion comes upon you as the glory and presence of God comes upon you. You cease to be an ordinary human being; you become a God-being because you are now a product of the Godhead. Man is not just a higher animal because man didn't evolve from monkey, I said,"You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High: Psa. 82:6(NKJV).

You have the dominion, which means the ability to put everything under you. You have dominion over nature, sickness, demons, animals, and even over fellow human beings. The dominion, power and presence of God upon your life is what is called the glory. People should wonder what manner of man you are, as they wondered about Jesus. What puts other people on the run should not chase you because there is something inside you that is greater than what everybody is running away from; that is the dominion. Nothing will chase you around anymore, in Jesus’ name.

So when sickness, depression, poverty and misfortune befall other people and they say, We are human and that is how it is supposed to be, tell them you are not an ordinary human and so it cannot happen to you the way it happens to others. You have the genes of the Almighty God in you and so you have dominion. You were born a human being but translated to a God-being when God came into you at the new birth. Live with the consciousness that God has given you the dominion.

* Prophesy every declaration of God in Gen 1:26-27--dominion, blessedness, fruitfulness, multiplication e.t.c --upon your life.
* Declare war against every enemy of your God-given dominion.

Father, I completely distrust my power and might, my abilities and efforts, I give myself into the arms of grace today, help me!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Making the most of Life

Saturday 2 May
READ: Eccl. 9:10
MORE LESSON: John 10:10

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. Eccl 9:10 (NIV)

You have only one life and you have to live it with all your might by putting everything you have into it. The following are the things you need to do in order to make the best of life.
1. Live on purpose: Discover your life's purpose in God and pursue that purpose to the outermost. Do not just live by doing anything and everything; live a purpose-driven life.

2. Accept responsibility for your life: You are the one responsible for your life. Stop complaining about what someone did or didn't do for you. Your life is not about anybody, it is about you. If you think that you are where you are today because you were denied opportunities in the past by some people or situations in your life, then decide not to be stopped by the past but take responsibility for your own life and move ahead.

3. Live a sacrificial life: Do not be selfish about life. Life is too short for you to spend it all on yourself: It is those who live and die for others that live long. If you are living only for yourself, you are dying without knowing.

4. Meet people's need. When you stop meeting needs you are no more needed. Let somebody's need be met because you are alive. Those that remember others are themselves remembered. Jesus is celebrated today because he met the need of mankind. Whatever God has blessed you with don't consume it alone, create opportunities for others.

5. Don't despise the gift of redemption: The best of life comes through redemption in Christ. Redemption is being reconciled to God and laying off all activities that are against God. Jesus died for you at Calvary; the bus-stop for every curse and the starting place of every blessing of life. Surrendering at Calvary ensures that you have the good life here on earth and also in eternity. Righteousness, salvation and redemption are the tickets for making the most out of life. Isa 3: 10 -11 says, Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him. For it to be well with you in life, you must embrace God and receive pardon by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

Do not ignore salvation and redemption, if you must make the best out of your life on earth and in eternity.

* Say, “I will not live a wasted life”.
* My destiny shall be full and fulfilling, nothing lost.
* The best of life and opportunities will be my portion in destiny.

This month, grace and anointing shall characterise my life,in the mighty name of Jesus.