Saturday 2 May
READ: Eccl. 9:10
MORE LESSON: John 10:10
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. Eccl 9:10 (NIV)
You have only one life and you have to live it with all your might by putting everything you have into it. The following are the things you need to do in order to make the best of life.
1. Live on purpose: Discover your life's purpose in God and pursue that purpose to the outermost. Do not just live by doing anything and everything; live a purpose-driven life.
2. Accept responsibility for your life: You are the one responsible for your life. Stop complaining about what someone did or didn't do for you. Your life is not about anybody, it is about you. If you think that you are where you are today because you were denied opportunities in the past by some people or situations in your life, then decide not to be stopped by the past but take responsibility for your own life and move ahead.
3. Live a sacrificial life: Do not be selfish about life. Life is too short for you to spend it all on yourself: It is those who live and die for others that live long. If you are living only for yourself, you are dying without knowing.
4. Meet people's need. When you stop meeting needs you are no more needed. Let somebody's need be met because you are alive. Those that remember others are themselves remembered. Jesus is celebrated today because he met the need of mankind. Whatever God has blessed you with don't consume it alone, create opportunities for others.
5. Don't despise the gift of redemption: The best of life comes through redemption in Christ. Redemption is being reconciled to God and laying off all activities that are against God. Jesus died for you at Calvary; the bus-stop for every curse and the starting place of every blessing of life. Surrendering at Calvary ensures that you have the good life here on earth and also in eternity. Righteousness, salvation and redemption are the tickets for making the most out of life. Isa 3: 10 -11 says, Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him. For it to be well with you in life, you must embrace God and receive pardon by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.
Do not ignore salvation and redemption, if you must make the best out of your life on earth and in eternity.
* Say, “I will not live a wasted life”.
* My destiny shall be full and fulfilling, nothing lost.
* The best of life and opportunities will be my portion in destiny.
This month, grace and anointing shall characterise my life,in the mighty name of Jesus.
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