Sunday 3 May
READ: Gen. 1:26-31
MORE LESSON: Psa. 8:4-6
If you place a dead dog and a dead man side by side, there is no difference because both are dead. Man was created out of dust and so He is nothing but dust. However, when God breathed into man, the glory of God came upon man, and ordinary dust became a thing of greatness. Man was given the mandate to exercise dominion over everything that God created by the reason of God's presence and glory upon him. Thus, a nobody can become somebody when the glory of God comes upon his life.
The glory of man is in the dominion that God gave him. I have spoken to different things before, both dead and living and they responded and obeyed in such a way that I knew it could not have been me as I was born; it could only have been by the glory of God upon my life. Dominion comes upon you as the glory and presence of God comes upon you. You cease to be an ordinary human being; you become a God-being because you are now a product of the Godhead. Man is not just a higher animal because man didn't evolve from monkey, I said,"You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High: Psa. 82:6(NKJV).
You have the dominion, which means the ability to put everything under you. You have dominion over nature, sickness, demons, animals, and even over fellow human beings. The dominion, power and presence of God upon your life is what is called the glory. People should wonder what manner of man you are, as they wondered about Jesus. What puts other people on the run should not chase you because there is something inside you that is greater than what everybody is running away from; that is the dominion. Nothing will chase you around anymore, in Jesus’ name.
So when sickness, depression, poverty and misfortune befall other people and they say, We are human and that is how it is supposed to be, tell them you are not an ordinary human and so it cannot happen to you the way it happens to others. You have the genes of the Almighty God in you and so you have dominion. You were born a human being but translated to a God-being when God came into you at the new birth. Live with the consciousness that God has given you the dominion.
* Prophesy every declaration of God in Gen 1:26-27--dominion, blessedness, fruitfulness, multiplication e.t.c --upon your life.
* Declare war against every enemy of your God-given dominion.
Father, I completely distrust my power and might, my abilities and efforts, I give myself into the arms of grace today, help me!
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