Monday 11 May
READ: Gen. 2:18-20
MORE LESSON: Ecc. 4:9-12
The most honourable of all kinds of relationship among humans is marriage (Heb13:4). It is an honour from the Lord when a man marries a woman though it is not an honour without responsibility. It is a call to duty; the husband at work in the life of his wife and the woman at work in the life of her husband for a much more productive life (Eccl.4:9-12). Moreover, for the wife it is a call to a help ministry, And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed: Gen.2:18. God saw the situation of Adam in the garden and made up His mind to improve on it by giving him a help that is suitable for him. God is always ready to help man whenever He senses an inadequacy. It is not just that God can always make help for man, God is help to His people, as the Psalmist confirms, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble: Psa. 46:1.
God is our refuge, He is our strength, and above all He is our very present help. To help Adam in the garden God made a woman, brought her to him and joined them in holy wedlock. The procession of the wedding ceremony is described in Gen. 2:23-25, when Adam identified what God brought to him, And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, (he named her as he did others) because she was taken out of Man (by divine revelation, Adam understood what God did). Then, God did the joining, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh... Eve became Adam’s wife and one with him.
A wife is a valuable divine helper in the life of her husband. She represents God as a very present help to her husband; that is, she helps the man in the task he cannot manage alone. At times, she can be an expert assistant in her husband's life and destiny; that is a type of help given by those who know more than one does in a given task, and so can teach how to do it.
Invariably, God created and brought out the woman to fulfil an important task in the life of man, so she is neither inferior nor superior to the man, but is very essential in his life. Therefore, every wife should be alive to their God-given role in their marriage and serve well. The wife's success in her marriage and home is tied to her love for Jesus. She must learn to sit down with the One who has the hearts of her husband and children in His hand and receive all it takes to fulfil her role as a very present help to make good what is not so good. God help the wife in carrying out this role.
* Pray that God will raise help for you, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that God will help all women to be helpers indeed.
* Pray that no man will lack a help mate in your church.
I receive the baptism of God’s favour right now, in Jesus’ name.
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