Saturday, August 31, 2013

Winning over Pain III

READ: Jam. 5:10-16, MORE LESSONS: Acts. 16:23-33

We have established in the last two studies the fact that pain is common to man. Therefore, if you are hurting at this time, don't feel too bad but deal with the pain God's way. I pray that the Lord will not allow the pain that you cannot conquer to come your way, in Jesus' name. Several people in the Bible went through different types of pain which they handled in different ways. Many of them won, especially those who looked up to God for help. Such winners left for us examples to follow today. A few of those winners are Job, Daniel, Abraham, Paul and Peter.
Among these generals, the case of Job stands out as the most graphic picture of pain in the Bible. Some people don't read some sections of his book because pain is plainly spelt out, but I recommend that all people read the book. In one day, all his seven children and all his cattle (thousands of them) died, his servants all left, his health deteriorated, he moved from abundance to nothing, all without prior notice. It is good to note that he did not commit any sin, nor waiver in his commitment to God for one day; rather, he declared, Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him Job. 13:15.
Eventually, the pains of Job were over; God visited him and gave him double of all that he had lost. The greatest lesson was revealed – his ordeal was a test! That implies that the pain you are going through could be a test, after all. Friend, watch your reaction.
Finally, in everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you I Thess. 5:18. I pray that your pain works for your good and produce a miracle, in Jesus' name.

* Give thanks to God for everything going on in your life.
* Ask God for strength in pain.
* Ask God for divine direction and understanding and maturity when things sometimes go wrong.

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Friday, August 30, 2013

Winning over Pain II

TEXT: II Sam. 12:1-16, MORE LESSONS: Psa. 51:8

In addition to David's prayer as we saw yesterday, he also fasted. Fasting helps the spirit man to make intercession. It helps to make one sober enough to pray and be less distracted. Fasting won't bribe God but it will show commitment to the matter at hand. Jesus instructs, And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting Mk. 9:29. David lay all night upon the earth. This is unbelievable for a king, but David did it. In fact, v21 tells us that David even wept. In times of pain, it is human and natural to weep. Note, however, that David did not just sit in ashes; he fasted and prayed.
The most exemplary act of David in this matter was clearly demonstrated when the child died, Then David arose from the earth, and washed, and anointed himself, and changed his apparel, and came into the house of the LORD, and worshiped: then he came to his own house; and when he required, they set bread before him, and he did eat II Sam. 12:20. This is an incredible act of maturity by David.
After the worst had happened, he put an end to mourning; he washed, anointed himself, changed his black mourning clothes, went to worship Jehovah and then he went to his house. When the baby was ill, he refused to eat but at his death, he asked for food, And David comforted Bath-sheba his wife, and went in unto her, and lay with her: and she bare a son, and he called his name Solomon: and the LORD loved him v24.
When his servants asked him why he behaved like that, David responded, And he said, While the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept: for I said, Who can tell whether GOD will be gracious to me, that the child may live? But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me II Sam. 12:22-23.
That was great grace and maturity. Learn from David's act of ending his pain, be an example of the believer in all things, including pain. Never refuse to be comforted in pain, it is not a Christian way. All things work together for good for a child of God.

* Tell the Lord to make you an example of a true believer in pain.
* Tell the Lord that no pain will be bigger than you.
* Ask that you will not deny God because of pain.
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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Winning over Pain I

TEXT: II Sam. 12:1-5, MORE LESSONS: Job 1:12

Pain is part of human experience that comes once in a while. The first thing to note about pain is that it is very unpleasant. However, if you are in pain, I want you to know that there is a way through it and you can win over pain. No two people have the same pain, or experience it in the same way.
But whichever yours is, you can overcome it. The effect of pain on a man's life is mostly determined by how he handles it. It is important to note that a king so powerful and loved of God like David could have such experience of pain as he had in the text above. But it was David's sinful act that led to his pain, Wherefore hast thou despised the commandment of the LORD, to do evil in his sight? thou hast killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword, and hast taken his wife to be thy wife, and hast slain him…. II Sam. 12:9.
God gave His judgment, Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die v14.
The baby became very sick, which was a painful period, David therefore besought God for the child; and David fasted, and went in, and lay all night upon the earth v16. First, David prayed and pleaded with God. Handling painful/difficult situations begins with prayer. You must never get to a state of not praying. You need to pray to ask for forgiveness of your sins, in case an act of sin was responsible. It is more profitable to pray in time of grief or pain than to cry, or lose control of oneself. David prayed; never get too sad to pray. Prayer is a positive act in pain, anything less than prayer is an unproductive act and it must be avoided no matter how consoling it looks. When life challenges come, prayer is the first anchor as David says, From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I Ps. 61:2.

* Ask God to grant you grace to win over any pain that confronts you.
* Ask for strength, wisdom and grace to handle pain with God's standard.
* Tell the Lord when your heart is overwhelmed you will not go to any other place than to Him.
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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

His Guided Missile

TEXT: Lk. 5:1-10, MORE LESSONS: Isa. 34:16

God's Word is a guided missile which doesn't miss His targets. God's Word is perfect and direct. When Jesus called Lazarus out of the grave, Lazarus came out. That instruction had the capability to resurrect every dead person in that graveyard but the address was to Lazarus. God's Word is directed to you today instructing your day, month and year to be filled with glory and it will not miss you. There were many fishermen fishing on the sea with Peter when Jesus directed him to launch into the deep. As soon as the word was spoken, every fish in that sea began to look for Peter's net. This will be for you a great year of recovery, promotion, success, help, victory and joy unspeakable. If the word for Lazarus, Peter, Jonah, etc did not miss them, every word of prophecy that has been spoken to your destiny this year will speak for you, in Jesus’ name.
Sometimes you don't even wait for the prophet to prophesy on you, just find one of God's promises that is relevant to your need and begin to claim it and I assure you it will not miss its target. That was what the woman with the issue of blood did. Jesus’ Word and ministry did not reach her for whatever reason, she was just hearing of His wonder work of power. So she decided to reach Jesus, she touched just the helm of His garment and she was healed. Reach Jesus today by locating His promises and pour them on your destiny before you start the day and it shall be a blessed day, month and year for you. I command God's blessings to locate you today, in Jesus' name.

* Say to God, Your promises will not lack their mate in my life, in Jesus' name.
* Command that your destiny will respond to God's blessings and promises.
* Claim the following promises in prayer: Deut. 28:1-13; Ps. 90:2-16.
* Give thanks for answered prayer.
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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hope for an Esau

TEXT: Gen. 27:30-40, MORE LESSONS: Heb. 4:16

The story of Esau has been told us from kindergarten. We know about the cause and consequences of Esau's action. Esau no doubt attracted judgment and hatred of God (Mal. 1:2-3) to himself by being nonchalant about his birthright. He lived out the prophecy that went ahead of him from the womb (Gen. 25:23). In Gen. 27:1, Esau is seen as the beloved son of Isaac who qualified for and was entitled to Isaac's blessing but thieves of destiny were privy to Isaac's intention to bless Esau. Say to yourself: My blessings can only be delayed, I will not be denied. Esau's destiny was hijacked by the subtlety of his own mother and brother and he narrowly missed his blessing (v30).
However, Esau rescued his destiny by insisting that his father give him just one blessing. When you access one blessing from God, you are made. Esau did not give up. What did he do? He wept aloud and he waited before his father without shame (Heb. 4:16). What do you do with what you believe in? Many of us have been quiet for too long in pain. It is time to ask the Father for just a blessing. Become agitated in your spirit that the dominion of the oppressor might come under your feet. (vs 39-40). Put your past behind you like Esau did in Gen. 33:4. Move forward so that you can access your blessings and have the testimony of Esau (Gen. 33:9).
Let this new glory not pass you by, stand up, be restless, take your stand as a child of God. He loves you, He proclaimed this Himself when He sent Jesus to redeem you. Take advantage of God’s promises and be persistent; pray especially when it seems all hope is lost like Esau. Do like the persistent widow in Lk. 18:1-10. There is hope for you if you don't give up holding on to God. He is the God of a second chance! If one is lost, there is hope for another. Stir up your spirit and call on God for help today.

* Father, I take my stand in your presence, give me a blessing that will rescue my destiny today, in Jesus' name.
* Declare that no enemy of destiny will be able to rob you of your destiny.
* Proclaim today a day of restoration of everything that the enemy might have stolen.

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Monday, August 26, 2013

Peace in the Midst of Trouble

TEXT: Matt. 8:23-27, MORE LESSONS: Acts 16:23-26

Peace is not the absence of trouble, problems or challenges in one's life but the ability to rest or stay calm despite the troubles all around. The main reason why many people hardly stay calm in the time of trouble is that they don't remember God's abiding presence. If Jesus is right there in the boat of your life, it is impossible for the boat to go under.
Don't run up and down when you are faced with challenges of life. If God be for you nothing can be against you. God will never abandon His children, no matter the situation or circumstance of life. He was with the Hebrew children in the fiery furnace (Dan. 3:24), He was with Joseph in the prison (Gen. 39:21) and He was with Daniel in the lions' den (Dan. 6:22). When you remember that Christ is with you, you can act calmly in the face of painful and difficult situations. Jesus has the ability to calm a mighty storm, He will certainly calm the storms you are encountering and overcome any force of evil that comes against you.
One reason why people feel agitated in the face of storms is that they forget the promises of God - the Lord will deliver you from all your afflictions (Ps. 34:19). He will never assume the state of man to lie (Num. 23:23). If you are a child of God, He will deliver you from that sickness, barrenness, lack, oppression etc. Have the knowledge today that His Word has already gone ahead of you. Believe God for whatever He says in His Word that He is: a fortress (Ps. 18:2); a helper (Heb. 13:6); a healer (Exo. 15:26); a deliverer (Ps. 18:2); a sun and a shield (Ps. 84:11); a shepherd (Ps. 23:1) Your glory and the lifter up of your head (Ps. 3:3), a shield and a buckler (Ps. 91:4). Believe and stand on the promises and surely the storm will give way to peace.
Like Apostle Paul says in the midst of storm, …for I believe God.... Acts 27:25. Believe God despite the storm. I command peace to you, in Jesus' name.

* Say, Lord, thank You for being the God that can be present in the storm.
* Say, I declare peace to every storm around me, in Jesus' name.
Today, take a worship and praise song, give thanks to God for His power to calm storms. Praise Him sincerely because I can hear in my spirit that the storm is over.

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Dare to be Different

TEXT: Gen. 5:1-25, MORE LESSONS: Dan. 1:1-9

Life is about choices; you write the report of your life (good or bad) through the choices you make. A man will continue to make the usual and common record for as long as he goes after the popular demand, thought or choice of the people. However, you need to dazzle your generation. The world is too small to contain you, make it impossible for the world  to predict you.
Enoch broke the record in his generation by being different. His walk with God was matchless, setting itself up as a paradigm of the perfect walk with God. He refused to be trapped in the mistakes and apathy of his peers and ancestors. Rather, Enoch was driven by a vision and purpose to make a difference in his time. No wonder he made a record no man has ever had. This is particularly outstanding considering the fact that Enoch, like other men, had a wife, children and probably had a job that kept him busy. However, he did not allow all this to hinder his consistent walk with God.
The decision you made to come to Jesus should carry with it a determination to walk with God despite your busy schedule and family demands. You can be the Enoch of your generation if you dare to be different in any way necessary. Remember, human excuses will not change the purpose of God that man should be in His likeness. Purpose in your heart to be like Daniel in Babylon who decided to be different from others by refusing the king's portion and he never regretted it. Choose to be different from the world today. Dare to be different at work, when others are lazy, idling, gossiping, and doing eye service, be committed to your assignment.
When your peers are living in worldly pleasure, fornicating, partying, and being riotous, be godly and different. Dare to be different in the society, in the neighbourhood, your compound, etc. Dare to be a Daniel, Paul, John. etc Dare to be a saint in a corrupt, decaying generation. Stand out for God.

* Pray for courage and grace to be who God wants you to be in the face of opposition.
* Ask God for strength not to bow to temptation even if others bow.
* Thank God for the power of the Holy Spirit to make you a role model everywhere you go.

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Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Foolish Act

TEXT: Exo. 12:32-42, MORE LESSONS: II Sam. 15:31

Sometimes when God wants to deal with your enemies, He makes them to behave foolishly. Can you imagine that when the Israelites were leaving Egypt permanently, they asked the Egyptians to lend them silver, gold and clothes? The Egyptians were foolish enough to give to the Israelites such as they required. Why did the Egyptians make that kind of foolish decision? Because God was behind it, And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required.... Exo. 12:36.
The Lord can cause your enemy to make a costly mistake in order to help you. When God wanted to take Esther to the throne, He made Vashti the queen to disobey the king her husband as recorded in Esther 1:12, But the queen Vashti refused to come at the king's commandment by his chamberlains: therefore was the king very wroth, and his anger burned in him.
As a child of God, God can do anything for you. He can give men in exchange for your life, Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life Isa. 43:4.
God can take away the throne of your enemy for you to reign in his stead. Never be afraid of any boss that is threatening you as long as you know that your relationship with God is intact and that you discharge your duties as you should.
Believe God for divine intervention. The Lord will cause your enemies to make a costly mistake that will be your uplifting, in the mighty name of Jesus. Today is a great day for you. For your enemy to act foolishly to your benefit, you must act wisely by remaining committed to pleasing God in all that you think, say or do. Have a great day.

* Ask God to turn all the counsel of your enemies to foolishness.
* Declare that your enemy will make a great mistake today to your advantage.
* Bless the Lord for being a great deliverer at all times by all means.

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Friday, August 23, 2013

God's Hedge

TEXT: Job 1:6-12, MORE LESSONS: Isa. 59:1-3.

In the Word of God, there is provision for safety or defence. God is emphatic about this,
When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee . Isa. 43:2
It is of paramount importance for us to have the right attitude to the Word of God. Your trust in someone's word reflects your relationship with the person. What is your relationship with Jesus?
God built a hedge around Job, thus Satan could not touch him initially. Similarly, God's hedge has been raised around your family, finance, business etc that is why there is safety. May the Lord's hedge be strong around you.
It is God's hedge that is constantly around you when you sleep and wake up. There are many that sleep and have bad dreams, unpleasant experiences, some even die in their sleep. But David says, I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me Psa. 3:5. God's hedge around you is your security, strong and lasting since God is everlasting. Our non-consistency, disobedience, broken relationship, weaken the hedge, He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him Eccl. 10:8. You need to repent of your secret sin or else the serpent will strike you. A sinner can be attacked at anytime because he doesn't have God's defence/hedge. Ask the Lord for forgiveness and make your way straight with Him.
Thereafter God's love will be available for you all your lifetime, As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about his people from henceforth even for ever Ps. 125:2. I proclaim this shall be your portion. However, you must dwell in the secret place of the most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Ps. 91:2). Henceforth you will not be afraid of the terror by night; nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness. As David declares in Psa. 91:5-6, Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
So shall it be for you, in Jesus' name.

* Give thanks to God for His cover over you and your family.
* Declare that this cover shall never be removed.
* Pray that you will live up to God's expectation and that He will keep the hedge around you intact.
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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Price and Reward

TEXT: Dan. 10:1-7, MORE LESSONS: Ps. 128:2.

There is no revival in history without a price; even when we can't tell how it came, someone somewhere past or present, laboured for it. Just as there is no smoke without fire or a baby without pregnancy, revival is always a product of someone's labour. If you want revival, seek for the price and pay it. Daniel's need was not personal, it was for the entire nation of Israel in captivity, yet he paid the price, In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled Dan. 10:2-3.
In addition, Daniel spent many hours in long intercessory prayers, then the answer came (v5). However, when the revelation came, he noted something significant in v7, And I Daniel alone saw the vision: for the men that were with me saw not the vision; but a great quaking fell upon them, so that they fled to hide themselves.
The lesson is simple: only those who pay the price get the reward. The reason why many have not experienced the spectacular is not because God is partial, but they have not paid the price. God is just, He will give to you that which you have paid for, Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap Gal. 6:7.
If you sow to your life fasting and prayer, you will reap miracles and blessings, just for you, it won't be harvested by another person. If you sow financially, you'll reap back financially, good measure, pressed down together, it goes only to your account. If you sow a seed of sin, nobody will harvest your punishment, The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him Ezek. 18:20.
God is just, He will pay every man according to his work, Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings Isa. 3:10. Watch what you do in life, the harvest will come directly to you.

* Ask God to help you sow only the seed of what you will like to harvest.
* Pray that you will not lack the grace to pay the price for great things.
* Ask that God will dislodge every evil seed that you ever sowed.

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A New Name in Glory

TEXT: Rev 2:17, MORE LESSONS: Rev 3:12

It is obvious that in many cultures, names are not ordinary. Some do not like the names they bear, and, like Jabez, you can ask God to change your name.
Why do we desire a new name? It is amazing how in newspapers some people change all their names without any explanation; for some others, you can guess the change is due to marriage/divorce, conversion from one faith to another, or just mere conviction that the name
no longer suits them. While these changes may be sincere and true, they do not free from the liabilities or encumbrances of previous names.
In the Bible, some people changed their names. Examples include: Abram to Abraham (Gen. 17:5-10), Sarai to Sarah (Gen. 17:15-16), Jacob to Israel (Gen.32:28-32) and Saul to Paul (Acts. 13:9-12). Each of these instances signified a turning point and an establishment of a new covenant relationship between God and the bearers of such names. No wonder when a person gets born again, he becomes a new creature (II Cor. 5:17; Rev. 3:20, 21:17), old things are passed away (Psa. 103:12). God becomes your Father by a relationship through Christ who paid the price for our redemption by His sacrificial death on the cross. He is our repudiation for adoption into sonship and with His Holy Spirit, God seals us as His property. We become God's stewards of every good work. He writes our new names in the Lamb's Book of life, He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches ; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it Rev. 2:17.
Do you have a new name in glory before the Father? Whatever name you bear on the earth, negative or positive, good or bad, must end here one day. There is only one place where the enlisting of your name is most important, and that is in the Lamb's Book of life. The qualification for this new name is cleansing and forgiveness by the blood of Jesus made possible by personally acknowledging your sins, asking God for forgiveness and accepting Jesus as the Lord and Saviour of your life. Let me remind you that no matter who you are and what you have done, God loves you and wants to give you a new name written in the Lamb's Book of life.

Examine the following scriptures and use them in prayer, meditation and self examination: Rev. 2:17, 20:15, 22:14-15.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What’s your Name?

READ: I Chron. 4:1-10, MORE LESSONS: Hos. 1:2-11

There is so much about a name, it tells one’s history or heritage. Jabez was so named because his mother had him in pain. Jabez did not like it so he asked God to bless him, enlarge his coast and keep him from evil (1 Chronicles 4:10).
When Phinehas' pregnant wife heard the sad news that the ark of God had been captured and that her husband, his father, and brother were dead, and that the army of Israel suffered heavy losses and fled before the Philistines, she went into labour and gave birth to a boy whom she named Ichabod because of the bad events surrounding his birth (1 Samuel 4:17-22). Jesus was named Jesus because He was born to save His people from their sins and Emmnauel because God came to dwell with man (Matthew 1:20-25).
What is your name? Is your name a memorial of pain, an epic of sorrow, despair, frustration, rejection, doom or a symbol of faith, hope and abundant life?
We have many examples in the Scripture of how a man's name can determine his destiny, some had the name from birth, others had theirs changed. Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Peter, all had a change of name, while Jesus, John the Baptist and Isaac had their names from birth. All of them had their destinies influenced by their names. Although Jabez had a bad name, he did not drop the name but had a change of the influence of the name. The Bible says …And God granted him that which he requested IChron.4:10.
The point is, names have effect and influence on one’s destiny, negative and positive. But unlike what many believers think, the first thing to do about a name with a negative influence is not to change it but to pray for deliverance and a divine instruction on what to do with the name. You need not rush to change your name, rather give prompt attention to the force behind the evil name. Even names that come out of negative events will respond when there is a change of force behind the story. When the power of God breaks the yoke and the story of barrenness, lateness, failure, sorrow etc. changes, obviously the evil name will go. I agree with you, every evil force working against you by  your name is broken. Receive power for a greater life now.

* Rebuke every evil name that any negative situation could have forced on you.
* Send any force working with your given name back to hell.
* Ask God for divine direction on any name that you bear or think that people call you today.
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Monday, August 19, 2013

When Fire Falls

READ: I Kings 18:36-39, MORE LESSONS: Exodus 13:20-22

God has manifested His presence and His power by fire and in diverse ways. He does great things by fire. May God accept your sacrifice and answer you, in Jesus’ name.
When God was about to call Moses He brought him closer to Him by fire. Moses saw a strange sight of the bush that was burning but was not consumed. God got Moses’ attention through this great sight. Wherever there is fire people give attention to it. I see God send fire to your life today and burn off everything that is contrary to your joy. A flowing fire shall come upon your life, flow over and ahead of you, sweeping away everything that constitutes danger and hindrances in your life. The streams of the river of fire shall make glad the city of God, which is you.
God proves His greatness by fire. One day He told Moses to prepare the Israelites to meet Him on the mountain where God was going to appear to them by fire; His coming was announced by thunder and lighting. The Israelites were frightened and could not stand the awesome sight. So shall God chase your enemies by His fire upon your life.
There was a time that Israel rebelled against God and were deaf to all of God's calls to them to repent. Finally judgment came, God came down by fire and confirmed His prophet, Elijah. The prophets of baal were slaughtered that day.
Today the prophets of baal represent the agents of darkness and every tool that Satan is using to perpetrate his falsehood and wickedness. Wherever these agents are working in your destiny and family, I prophesy destruction and an end to them; they will continue no more, in Jesus’ name. Each time the fire of God falls, something significant happens; you can connect with this and ask the fire of God to fall upon every enemy location in your life.

* Ask that the pillar of fire will go with you into the rest of this year and that you will have rest.
* Pray that God will intervene in every difficult issue of your life by His fire.
* Command every life threatening danger around you to be consumed by the liquid fire of God.

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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Strange Fire II

READ: I Kings 18:36-42, MORE LESSONS: Isaiah 43:18-19

To conclude this study, be reminded that the fire of Jehovah consumed dust, even stones and water. Let us first consider the characteristics of a stone. It is hard, signifying difficult things and situations, things that you have patiently endured, yet they have not changed. Stones can take the form of a mountain, very lofty and solid. Dust on the other hand refers to tiny ubiquitous particles found everywhere, even in locked rooms. Dust therefore stands for things that make you dirty yet you don't know how they enter your life. You do everything to prevent them, but they keep coming. Water is the ever powerful, touchable, visible thing which has a great force to destroy and to quench anything in your life, just as water has no respect for anything on its course.
With the strange fire, the people acknowledged the sovereignty of God, ...when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the God. And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there. Vs 39-40.
Elijah the man of God slew all the prophets and priests of baal. Similarly, every force and priest contrary to the priesthood of Jesus in your life, I proclaim them slaughtered. As the stones were consumed, so are the evil forces in your life consumed, in the name of Jesus.
And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain v41. This instruction is to you for your future. I say to you today, get thee up, and don't be down anymore, for the things that put you down have been burnt by the fire of God.

* Command that every hard and impossible story of your life be consumed by fire today.
* Ask God to take hold of bow and arrow and destroy every agent of hell in your life just like Elijah destroyed the prophets of baal.
Create a time of prayer today between 12pm and 1pm, Use the following scriptures to pray- Psalm 68:1; Psalm 3:1-5, Psalm18:37-40

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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Strange Fire I

TEXT: I Kings 18:36-38, MORE LESSONS: Jeremiah 32:27

The difference between a prophet and others in the body of Christ is that, like Elisha, the prophet receives divine instructions from the Lord. The water in Jericho was bad because Jericho was a cursed land. Pregnant women who drank from the water had miscarriage and they requested Prophet Elisha to ask God what to do.
Elisha poured salt into the water as Jehovah instructed. There was no record of anybody using salt to deliver from any situation before then, but after Elisha poured salt in the water, it was no more destructive, And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith the LORD, I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land. So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha which he spake II Kings 2:21-22.
That is the life of a prophet. Sometimes divine instructions are not common, and people may wonder why anybody should do things that way. Sometimes they look like rituals but it is better to obey.
In our text, after Elijah prayed, fire fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice. One key word here is “fire”. There are two kinds of fire: the fire that the enemy makes and the fire that Jehovah makes. But how do you differentiate between the fire of your enemy and that of God? The fire of God consumes strange things. It is not strange for wood to be consumed by fire. The enemy's fire can do that. It is strange, however, that the fire of God consumed stones. Other strange things happened- the dust and water were consumed. Naturally, water consumes fire, it quenches fire but the reverse was the case as there was no trace of water on the altar after it was consumed by the fire.
This strange fire will burn off every dirt in your life today.

* Release the fire of God upon every work of the devil in your life and family.
* Command the fire of Heaven to swallow up every name and act that make you to cry.
* Prophesy and renounce every satanic activity working against your destiny.

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Friday, August 16, 2013

Never Forget

TEXT: Psa. 106: 7 – 13, MORE LESSSONS: Psa. 89:1

Psa. 106 is a summary of how God led Israel out of captivity in Egypt and brought them to Canaan. The chapter has some lessons for the believer. First is the reason why the Israelites consistently rebelled against God in the wilderness. The psalmist says it was because as soon as God gave them a miracle and they celebrated they forgot the miracle and began to either lust for another thing or murmur about their latest challenge, Our fathers understood not thy wonders in Egypt; they remembered not the multitude of thy mercies; but provoked him at the sea, even at the Red sea v7. The people forgot the miracle of the killing of the firstborn in Egypt in order to free the Israelites. The moment they saw the Red Sea, they lost the memory of yesterday's great acts!
Even then, the psalmist says God overlooked their ingratitude and went ahead to divide the sea, He rebuked the Red sea also, and it was dried up: so he led them through the depths, as through the wilderness. ... And the waters covered their enemies: there was not one of them left vs 9-11. They soon forgot this also.
The miracle of yesterday is the key to unlock today's miracle but when you forget it, you lose its worth and purpose. The miracle of old helped David to deal with Goliath, Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them.... The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion... he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine....1 Sam 17:36-37. Such is the power of testimony that King Saul was no more afraid for little David when he heard David’s testimony. Saul affirmed, ...the LORD be with thee 1 Sam.17:37. Truly, David triumphed over Goliath in the encounter.
There also came a day when David's city was invaded by the enemy and they made away with all that David had. The Bible says David and his men were discouraged and they wept publicly. However, ...David encouraged himself in the LORD his God 1 Sam.30:6. One of the easiest ways to do this is to remind yourself of God's great acts in your life. There is strength in the knowledge of God’s acts in the past, keep them alive. Satan will always want to make you forget or despise your great days so as to weaken you and make you hate God; but never forget. Write them down, tell others about them, remind yourself often about them and they will make you find strength for your journey, especially in the days of trouble.

* Call back some of God's goodness of old to you and give thanks to God for them no matter how you feel now.
* Ask that God will do these great things again in your life.
* Rebuke the spirit that makes you forget or doubt God's goodness to you.
* Share with a friend/colleague at least one testimony of God's goodness.
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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Indicators of a Dying Fire

TEXT: Rev. 3:14-22, MORE LESSON: Psa. 27:1-4

There are some ways to know whether the fire of the Holy Ghost in a believer's life is going out. The first thing is lukewarmness. When the fire is out, the person becomes lukewarm and gradually becomes cold. How hot are you in the spirit? How consistent is your life of Bible study? How is your prayer life and witnessing for Christ? Even as a minister of the Gospel, have you not become lukewarm in sitting at the Lord's table to obtain spiritual food and drink for the congregation?
Another indication of a dying fire is the dominance of ashes representing past testimonies. If you do not have current and living testimonies of your walk with God, it is evident that the fire is out. If your testimony is constantly in reference to past victories, it is historical. Aaron and his sons were commanded to constantly dispose of ashes on the altar of sacrifice. When ashes are not disposed of, it is difficult to ignite a new fire (Lev. 6:11). God's desire is for your fire to constantly burn and not die (Lev. 6:13). A burning fire produces noise signifying that it is active. A dying fire however is silent and eventually passes out. When King Saul lost the abiding presence of God, he could not hear directly from God again (I Sam. 28:5-6). Do you still hear from God?

Another indicator of a dying fire is the gathering of flies. When a stove is hot and burning, flies dare not move around it. When it is off and cold, all sorts of insects can perch on it. Flies represent satanic messengers and demons. They also represent old habits and lifestyle gaining dominance again. They pollute lives of saints and destroy anointing (Ecc. 10:1). A dying fire also produces darkness. Let your light shine. Ask God to ignite your light again so that your lamp may burn consistently.

* Plead with Heaven to keep your light burning.
* Ask God for fire on the weak areas of your life.
* Ask God to do a new thing in your Christian walk.
* Pray that your sins and weaknesses shall not be hidden from you no matter how little.

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Night Comes

TEXT: John 9:4, MORE LESSONS: Ecc. 3:1-2
Everything in life is about time and season; man, plant and animal, even the earth, all have seasons. All of creation have seasons and what is done in its season prospers (v1). Jesus recognised this and insisted, I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day Jn.9:4a because ...the night cometh, when no man can work Jn.9:4b. Time is a very essential commodity and to a child of destiny, every second counts. Except by God's intervention, when a man misses his season, he loses it for life. Therefore be conscious that you don't have all the time and begin to manage your time well. Many people are in ruin because of how they managed their youth. They messed up their morning hours thinking there would always be opportunities. Unfortunately, they realised too late that they made a mistake.
I have heard people say time is money but the truth is time is more than money, time is life. Even God does things at the right time, But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law Gal.4:4. Anybody who messes up your time has messed up your life. How then can you manage your time?

1. Spend your time with eternity in view.
2. Never invest your time in anything that is not beneficial to your destiny in the short or long run.
3. Never be ruled by procrastination. Tomorrow may never be yours, so if something is worth doing, do it now.
4. Don't be intimate with people who have no purpose for their days.
5. Never give room for an enemy to steal or while away your time; redeem your times.
6. Don't ever be careless with an opportunity in life because it may never come again.
7. Invest every hour of your life profitably and never forget to review how you spend your day at the close of it.

If you have lost certain seasons of life, God is the God of all seasons, so, there is hope for you. Abraham and Sarah, Zachariah and Elizabeth all lost their season of child birth, yet God made all things beautiful for them in His own time. He gave them all that they were supposed to have, Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's Psa.103:5. I prophesy restoration and fulfilment to you. I give you back your season.

* Pray that God will give you back all your lost seasons.
* Ask the Lord to raise you permanently above season spoilers and stealers.
* Say, “I enter into my fruitful seasons, no more drought, no more famine and no more small harvest, in Jesus’ name”.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Servant-Leader

TEXT: Phil. 2:5-10, MORE LESSONS: Jn. 13:4-5.

In the process of redemption, Jesus not only brought into existence a new and redeemed type of power, He came up with new ideas of and modelled a new kind of leadership to handle power. Jesus’ response to His disciples is revealing ...Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister Matt. 20:25-26.
He cancelled the legitimacy of all existing concepts of leadership and introduced the model leader who can be entrusted with power.

Two kinds of leaders exist: the strong natural leaders who are always trying to take charge of things, make decisions and give the order, and the strong natural servants who assume leadership simply because they see it as a way of service. Jesus exemplified the servant-leader who ...made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: Phil. 2:7.
Joshua was a type of Christ who naturally served Moses for about 40 years. No wonder God chose him as the natural successor to Moses, acceptable to God and His people. What a challenge!
Are you faithfully serving a man of God, a ministry, a fellowship or even in the circular? Never be in a hurry, allow God enough time to train you for the position He has for you (Heb. 10:35). If you serve faithfully and committedly, you will reap the harvest, you will receive the crown and you will get divine promotion. Let the servant-leader mind be in you as it was in Christ. Whether in church, family or politics, let authority be for the purpose of service; you are not qualified for power if you are not going to use it for service. Jesus is our perfect example, He took a towel and washed the feet of His disciples to teach humility and service. That should be an example to follow in every opportunity of leadership.

* Ask God for the spirit of service as it was in Christ.
* Pray that you will be an example of faithfulness in service.
* Rebuke any trace of pride in your life.

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Monday, August 12, 2013

August Not Alone

TEXT: Psa. 46:1-7, MORE LESSONS: Ps. 145:18-19.

Loneliness, which is an inner emptiness yearning to be filled, is a common experience of life. Loneliness is like common cold that people catch in different ways, but unlike cold, loneliness is not a disease, it is an empty feeling that can be filled with God's presence.
In a dream, a man once saw Jesus approach three praying men. He knelt beside the first with great tenderness and love, He simply placed His hand on the second and gave him a look of approval and just passed by the third without even looking at him or stopping. Then He explained, without constant assurance, the first man will fall. The second man's faith is stronger and can be counted on. The third however, is being trained for the high calling of all.
He knows me so intimately that he doesn't need signs of my approval. No circumstance discourages him because he knows that ultimately he can trust me.

When you hit rough spots, the tendency is to feel abandoned yet the opposite is true because at that point, you are more than ever the object of God's love and concern. In our text, the psalmist says, God is present with us in trouble. When people intimidate and criticise you, when diseases threaten, when death haunts, when pressure weighs you down, it is very comforting to know that God is with you and help is available. There is some void in a man's heart that no human being can fill. Therefore having Jesus with you all the time and surrounding yourself with good people of like mind will get you out of loneliness and bring divine speed, fulfilment and satisfaction your way. Get close to God and let Him fill your void and surround you with helpers of destiny.

* Pray that today you must get help all-round.
* Pray that what no man can do God will do for you this year.
* Pray that by the presence of the Lord, every storm must cease today.
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