Monday, February 29, 2016

Quit Her Bosom

Monday 29 February
READ: Prov. 7:25-27
MORE LESSON: Ezek. 18:20

While here on earth Jesus lived a life that was free from sin and did great works of salvation, healing, restoration, deliverance, because He laid on the bosom of God. Where do you live? On the bosom of Christ or the bosom of sin?
John the beloved knew the secret of success and thus leaned on the bosom of Jesus. He learnt how to live free from sin and to love. He was filled with the Spirit of Jesus and in his last days he began to experience the very essence of the Gospel. John knew the desires, taste, needs and feelings of the Master and he received grace and power for accomplishment. John heard the heart-beat of Jesus, which is love. On the contrary, Judas leaned on the bosom of sin. He heard the hellish gospel of satan and was weakened, filled with anger, greed and murder. Consequently, he could not hear the warning of the Master, therefore he died a terrible death. He that carries fire on his bosom shall be burnt (Prov.6:27).
When Adam and Eve sinned, the glory of God departed from them. They became naked and had to sew leaves together to cover their nakedness (Gen.3:1-7). When Israel under the leadership of Aaron made and worshipped the molten calf instead of God, they were not spared by the sword. Moses looked and beheld the people were naked, because the glory of God had disappeared (Exo. 32:1-10, 25-28). The road to righteousness and peace with God is acknowledgment of guilt, confession of guilt, as well as forsaking sin, and accepting and confessing Jesus as your Saviour (Prov28:13).
The consequences of God's anger are better imagined than experienced. The never quenching hell fire, the never dying worms, the thirst, hunger, agony, shame and fear of hell are too great. The Bible says God is angry with the wicked everyday.
Repent now to avoid His anger. Sin stings, Jesus saves! In whose bosom are you going to spend your day today? Choose Jesus’ bosom.

*Ask God to cleanse you of every past hidden sin and take you out of any wrong location and position.
*Tell the Lord you choose to live and die on His bosom only.
*Pray for as many as are still struggling with any type of sin, that the yoke of sin be broken off their necks today.

Thank you Jesus, You won again in February, You will win beyond December, glory to You forever, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Add and Add

Thursday 25 February
READ: II Pet. 1:1-9
MORE LESSON:Mk. 9:23-24

It is challenging to hear the Apostle Peter urge fellow believers (pastors and congregation) to live a dynamic and ever growing Christian life. The apostle says that although as believers the knowledge of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ has already been given to us, …all things that pertain unto life and godliness….: II Pet. 1:3 plus …exceeding great and precious promises….: II Pet. 1:4, we still need some other things to add to be able to stand solid enough so that we cannot fail or fall. He outlined such things, …add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity: II Pet. 1:5-7. Three things are the challenge in this scripture. First, I thought if we have already been obtained with the precious faith through Jesus Christ our Saviour, meaning we are already born again and on top of it we have been given, …all things that pertain unto life and godliness and have been … glory and virtue: II Pet. 1:3, then we are complete. Therefore, there is nothing to add.
Second, the things the apostle asks us to add other things to are things that look sufficient in themselves alone: faith, virtue, temperance, patience, knowledge, godliness, kindness, charity. In any case, the apostle does not say we do not have some of these things already, but that we must add to them. Third, all this increase aside from having already …escaped the corruption that is in the world: II Pet. 1:4. So, what then is the lesson? That whatever be your height in the Christian faith, you cannot afford to stop adding. The secret of increase and growth is addition. No matter how small, just keep adding consistently and permanently. When you stop adding, you stop growing and start reducing. Even stagnancy is a reduction. May you increase more and more. This year you will not decrease, the Lord shall be your increase.

*Ask God to reveal your small areas to you and add to you.
*Pray never to stop increasing.
*Ask the Lord to increase every area of strength and deal with every deficiency in your life.
*Ask God to add every missing thing in your faith today.
Take a definite decision on what you can begin to do to increase your faith. For instance, how many books to read per week. How many hours of prayer you will add per week. How many souls you will harvest per day. How you will intercede for them each day.

As I walk into this day, the Lord shall preserve my going out and my coming in; He shall defend me on every side, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Force of the Spirit 2

Wednesday 24 February
READ: Luke 1:30- 35
MORE LESSON:Heb. 1: 2-3

It is not everything that happens that can be accounted for by natural laws. There is more to life than meets the eye and it is the consciousness of the invisible force of the Spirit working for you as a believer that enables you to have faith. An angel appeared to a virgin called Mary and told her that she found favour with the Lord and she would conceive and give birth to a son. That is impossible in the natural; nobody in his right senses would believe that a virgin could give birth to a child because we all know that it takes a man and a woman to come together to make a baby. So Mary innocently asked the angel, 'How shall this be?' The angel explained to her that it was impossible in the natural but by the force of the Spirit, natural laws can be over ruled. The angel answered and said, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God: Luke 1:35.
It had never been heard before that a virgin gave birth to a child but Mary became the first as the force of the Spirit came upon her. You might want to do something and it is tagged impossible because nobody has succeeded in doing it
before, but that is not a problem, when the force of the Spirit comes upon you, you become the first to do it. If they tell you it has never happened before, tell them it will start with you, For with God nothing shall be impossible: Luke 1:37.
The birth of Jesus bypassed the natural order, His life defied natural laws, His death and resurrection were supernatural. As a spiritual being engrafted into Christ, you can suspend natural laws and get results from the realm of the spirit. Your health, business, career, child-birth, academics and ministry can defy natural explanation. All you have to do is to get into the spirit and engage the forces of Heaven. There is a power that bypasses natural order to get certain things done in life, that power is yours through the Holy Ghost.
Ask God for the power of the Holy Spirit to operate upon your life like in the life and ministry of Jesus.

* In the name of Jesus, I deploy the ministering angels of God to attend to matters that are proving to be beyond me.
* Father, let the force of Heaven swallow up every force of bondage, affliction and evil inheritance working against my life today, in Jesus’ name.

This year, I shall not reduce but increase greatly and all forces of stagnancy shall be no more in my life, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Force of the Spirit 1

Tuesday 23 February
READ: 2 Cor. 4: 18

The universe operates on the basis of spiritual forces. There is the force of the Holy Spirit ruling the universe and there is the force of darkness prowling around devouring people. If you are ignorant of the reality of spiritual forces, the force of darkness will swallow you up. Whenever the Bible speaks about darkness, it is not talking about lack of electric power, it is talking about a tangible force that afflicts and confuses people. The force of the Holy Spirit is the force of light and where light shows up, darkness automatically disappears.
I want you to know that life is entirely spiritual and it is the spiritual that governs the physical. This is the reason we do not live life by the things that we see but the unseen ( 2 Cor. 4: 18). Breakthrough in life doesn't come by physical exertion or mental analysis; the distinguishing authority on the earth is the force of the Spirit. Enough of toiling without discernment in the physical, get spiritual and engage the Holy Ghost to intervene in your situation. Living is a struggle until you engage the force of the Spirit.
There was a time that a road in Zaria, Kaduna State where I live, between the University main gate and the Police gate always had people die there. No matter what measures were put in place, that road would claim lives every week. It continued and several physical measures were taken to no avail until one day, one brother in our church also had an accident at that same point; he narrowly missed death. It was then that the Lord told me to go take charge over that place. So I took my oil by twelve midnight and stood at the center of that road. I said, 'oh thou force and spirit that suck blood for sacrifice on this point, today I by the grace of God that is upon me, confront you to relocate from here and return to hell'. I anointed that spot with oil, entered my car and left. That was it, as far as that spot was concerned!
Also, at that time, students and lecturers were dying; a high ranking official lost his two sons in one day and then the professor living next to his house lost his two sons another day. There were obituaries of both students and lecturers everywhere. It was obvious that a dark force was let loose on that campus. The Lord spoke to me to engage the force of the Spirit to terminate what the enemy was doing. We organised a meeting and the Catholic, Protestants and what have you came together under one umbrella, the Vice Chancellor and high ranking officials sat down at the meeting. There are times when all qualifications need to be forgotten because only the force of the Spirit can help at that point. After the meeting, to the glory of God, the plague stopped.
Today, the force of the Holy Spirit will terminate every operation of wickedness in your life. That power is yours for the asking.

* By the Spirit of God, I lift up a standard against every force of darkness assigned against my life, home, career and church, in Jesus’ name.
* Every force of darkness perpetuating evil in my family, I command you to relocate from here and return to hell, in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I shut the door against the devourer in my finances permanently today.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Eternal Priest

Sunday 21 February
READ:Heb. 7:24-25
MORE LESSON: Psa. 110:3-4

The text for today, referring to Jesus, says, But this Man, because He continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. Wherefore He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them: Heb. 7:2-25. Priests are mediators between God and men; they take requests from men to God and bring the oracles of God to men. Every religion has an established form of priesthood by which they claim that their adherents can have access to God. Even in the Old Testament, there were many priests but they were always terminated by death; they died and could not function anymore.
However, Jesus the Great High Priest, unlike all the other earthly priests, could not be stopped by death. There are several reasons why only Jesus is qualified to be the only Mediator between God and man; the first reason being that He died, rose again and is still alive up till today and is going to still remain alive forevermore; so He lives forever to mediate for those that believe in Him. He has an eternal priesthood – no other priest qualifies on this count. Also, Jesus is sinless and doesn't have to offer sacrifices for His own sins before He atones for the sins of the people. No other priest also qualifies on this count - every other priest was born in sin.
This explains why Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me: John 14:6. Jesus is the only way to God: He is the only One qualified to mediate between God and man. He is the eternal priest who lives forever to intercede, forgive and save to the utmost those that believe in Him. I don't know who you have chosen as the priest over your life. You might even be living without any priestly coverage over you, but you surely need an advocate and mediator with the Father because, whether you like it or not, you have an accuser. Satan is the accuser that accuses you day and night. With Jesus, however, you are safe because He neutralises the ministry of the accuser by defending your case before the Lord.
You need Jesus, the eternal Priest, He who sits at the right hand of the Father to defend you and make sure you get safely to your eternal home. To accept Jesus as your priest; come to Him, confess your need of Him and receive Him as the Priest over your life and your position with God the Father is secure.

* Thank you Father for giving me Jesus as my High Priest.
* The High Priest has spoken favourably on my behalf to the Father, therefore, I shall not live in the guilt of my past, in Jesus’ name.

I decree that the spirit of advancement and increase to take over from the spirits of retardation and reduction in every area of my life today, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

God Cannot Lie

Saturday 20 February
READ:Num. 23: 19
MORE LESSON: Titus 1: 2

It is impossible for God to lie; whatever He says must come to pass. If He made a promise to you; either through His written Word or spoken Word, He will definitely bring it to pass. Even when it looks as if the promise will not happen anymore, you just hold on to it because it will come to pass. Remember the word of Jesus, Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away: Matt 24:35.
In Isa 7:14, God gave a word through Prophet Isaiah, Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Isaiah had been giving prophecies and they came to pass. But on that particular one, it seemed as if he missed it because time passed and no virgin gave birth. He lived and grew old and some people must have started saying that he lied; others would laugh and say 'the old man tried, it is just that he missed it on this one. Let's forgive him, at least there are others that he got right'.
You know, when a promise takes so long and it is not coming to pass, people start thinking it is a lie. In the lifetime of Isaiah till he died, it seemed as if he carried one reproach as the prophet who lied that a virgin would give birth and it never happened but he went to the grave
refusing to deny that God did speak to him. Isaiah died still insisting that God spoke to him and God cannot lie. The rest is history today; the prophecy still came to pass after Isaiah was long gone. God lived up to His Word.
I've declared the word of God before and it took so long like it would never happen but I refused to bother because I know God cannot lie. There was a time I prayed for a spiritual daughter of mine who had no child. As I prayed for her, I saw children surrounding her and I declared the word of the Lord. But do you know what happened after that? Her husband died! I prayed for her and again I saw children around her and declared it. She laughed and said, 'Daddy, is it children that I didn't have when I had a husband that I will have now that I am a widow?' I said that I don't know and I'm not bothered but I just speak as the Lord told me. The long and short of the story is that another man came and married her even though she wasn't young anymore. She has three children now.
God is not a man that He should lie (Num. 23: 19), whatever He has said concerning your life will come to pass, refuse to doubt.

* Ask the Lord to be true to His promises over you and your family.
* Father, I receive grace to wait for the performance of Your word in my life.

The forces of favour and help will work together to bring my testimony today, in the name of Jesus

Friday, February 19, 2016

Just Believe

Friday 19 February
READ: 2 Kings 7:1-20
MORE LESSON: Isa 55: 8-9

I have noticed that the first step in walking in the miraculous is not to imagine how God will do something but just to believe it. When God gives you a word; you don't start calculating how it will come to pass; leave the calculations to Him. You just receive the final answer from Him. Such childlike faith is what is required for experiencing the miraculous.
There was a very sore famine in Israel and Elisha prophesied that by the morrow, food will be surplus. An economic expert and analyst in the king's cabinet reasoned that there was no way that could happen. The prophet told him that it would happen, he would see it but he would not partake of it. Things turned out just as the Lord had said.
There was a time in our church that some faithful final year brethren who were university students had so many carry-overs. I heard the Lord say that He would by-pass the natural law and graduate them, so I called them and prayed for them. I was ministering to them and I declared, 'go all of you and graduate'. I had no idea how that would happen because they were in the final semester and already had so many carry-overs that necessitated them to stay behind for an extra year or so. I didn't care how it would happen, I just believed what the Lord said and declared it.
Then suddenly something happened; the university announced that year that they were going to have what is called a third semester. It wasn't planned in the school calendar, it wasn't according to curriculum and it had never been done before. But the school decided there would be a third semester and students were free to register any pending course, write the exam and graduate that year with their mates if they pass. When I heard the news, I laughed because the university governing board sat down and agreed on a physical decision but unknown to them, they were responding to a spiritual arrangement .
Today, everything that God has promised your destiny receive performance in the name of Jesus Christ. Even when it looks as if it is impossible by human calculations, the creative power of the Holy Ghost will descend upon the promise of God on your life and bring it to pass, For with God nothing shall be impossible: Lk. 1:37.

* Lord, because I believe, nothing shall be impossible for me, in Jesus’ name.
* Prophesy that all things will work together for your good today.

Father, You will satisfy me early this year with loving kindness, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Breaking Limits

Thursday 18 February
READ:Isa. 10: 27
MORE LESSON:Psa. 124:7

The enemy is always excited at drawing limits of where a man cannot pass in destiny. It is also our responsibility to terminate his limitation over our lives. Sometimes the limit is a line of demarcation drawn for a whole family; you see a trend of limits that nobody in a family can transcend, but as a child of God, you must decide to go beyond the enemy's limit over your life and family. It starts with a determination before a confrontation and then an elimination of all limits over your destiny,
One of my children in the Lord once said to me, 'Daddy, I will be thirty years old.' I was happy and said I will celebrate it for him. He said that it wasn't celebration that he called for. He counted about three of his elder ones who died a day to their thirtieth birthday. Obviously, the enemy had set a limit of thirty years that no one in his family would cross. I assured him that he would live beyond thirty and made him promise me a cake on his thirtieth birthday. I laid hands on him, and declared that every limit of thirty years over his life was broken.
A night to his birthday, he called me and reminded me that he would be thirty the next day, he asked if he could come sleep in my house. I told him not to worry but to call me when it's 5mins to 12am. At night, he called and along with him we sang a song of thanksgiving. He said, 'Daddy, I thought you will pray.' At 12 o'clock I was still singing, when the young man burst into tongues. I told him, 'we are still singing, let's sing now'. He joined me and from there on, we moved on to praying in tongues. When I stopped, he continued. So, I put my head on my pillow and slept off, I left him singing. The next morning, he walked to my office and said daddy, I am glad to be thirty, he is still alive today. Hallelujah! The anointing of God broke the evil family yoke off his neck like the Prophet Isaiah prophesied. There is no limitation or affliction, no matter how strong that the power of God cannot break.
Don't run helter-skelter, God’s Word has promised that by His anointing, your yoke shall be broken, so take your matter to Him and to Him (Jehovah God) only. Don't patronise satanic agents, even if they bear church-title-pastor prophet-they may be herbalists and by their unscriptural fruits, you shall know them. The anointing of God operates by God’s Word, take hold of God’s Word and promises, like today’s reading. It has every authority for victory, proclaim it over your life and stand on it. Find others like it also and keep discharging them in the place of prayer.
Today, the Lord will break every limitation that has been placed over your destiny. May be your colleagues have gone ahead of you because of the limits that have kept you on the same sport, the Lord give you speed and break every boundary, in Jesus’ name. Every curse that has kept you stagnated is destroyed today. By the provision of the covenant of the Blood of Jesus, you are exempted from every family barrier. You will go beyond your parents. I always pray for all my children physical and spiritual that where I stop will be their own launch pad, that is your portion, in Jesus’ name. The limits are broken.

* Thank you Jesus for breaking every satanic limit in my life.
*Declare that from you to your generation yet unborn, no satanic limit shall prosper over your destinies.

By the covenant right of Abraham, he that work against me in 2016, does it at the risk of his life, in the name of Jesus

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

There is Hope 2

Wednesday 17 February
READ:Micah 7:7 - 10
MORE LESSON:Prov 24:16

Hope is the assurance that something good can still happen even in the midst of glaring present bad situation. It is the expectation of the positive to come out of the negative. It is the anticipation of light to rise out of present darkness. A man of hope does not judge by what his senses, feelings and situations tell him, because his attention is on the invisible. This is the reason he can rejoice even at the point of death. It is when a man loses hope that he doesn't see any reason to live anymore, Job said that there is hope for a tree even if it is cut down. A tree cut down has no contact with the root anymore so it has no source of nutrients and water. When a tree is cut, its leaves wither and its root withers in the ground. This implies that there is no green leave to process the light energy that should be the source of food manufactured for the tree. Job refused to give up on such a tree. He said there is still hope (Job 14: 7). It takes a man like Job to believe that such a tree still has hope. Job was the richest man in the East who was virtually cut-off from all he had, his family and his health in one day. He lost all he had in life. He was left alone to die. He was just abandoned, looking as if even God was against him and things were in such a bad state. His wife saw no hope for him, so she felt he was better off dead than alive the way he was. So she asked him to curse God and die. Things were really bad for him but he never lost hope. Job was a great man to listen to on the issue of seeming hopelessness and what he had to say was there is hope.
I don't know how much you have been cut down, I want you to know that there is hope. Mic 7: 8 should be your confession, Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me. You can rise again from whatever your present situation is. Light can rise whatever your present darkness. Never lose hope, God will come through for you because there is hope for you
* Decree that your expectations shall not be cut off, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that in the name of Jesus there is a rising up for you this month.

My destiny, you shall not struggle to achieve in 2016, you shall have power to press to the prize mark, in the name of Jesus

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

There is Hope 1

Tuesday 16 February
READ:Job 14:7-9
MORE LESSON:Rom 4:18 -20

One of the major societal problems in our time is hopelessness. People get so frustrated because of the challenges of life that subject them to emotional, mental and spiritual despair. This is the reason for increase in hypertension, depression, suicide, crime and other vices in the world today. Though hopelessness is darkness, there is light at the end of the dark tunnel. The light that God wants to give to everyone in a hopeless situation is the light of His Hope.
Job 14: 7 says, For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down . . .. God offers hope even in the face of hopelessness. The scripture in the text talks about a very bad situation in life when it looks as if things will not work anymore. But then when God comes on the scene, hope comes. The book of Job is actually about the story of a very rich man who had everything going on fine for him until one day when he was put to test whether his hope was in the material wealth he had or in the Almighty God. He lost all his property and children in one day and even his wife told him to curse God and die. Yet this same man proclaimed that he wouldn't give up because there was hope for him.
Today I don't know what you are going through, I don't know what exactly your situation is but I have confidence in the Almighty God the Creator and the possessor of the whole universe that your situation can change. Never lose hope because if there is hope for a tree that has been cut off to bud again at the scent of water, then there is more hope for you. Even if it looks like all things have been shut down against you, at the entrance of the Word of God which is the Living Water, you will rise again. Never give up in life because there is hope for you. Your situation will change for the better as long as you do not give up on God. My prayer for you today is, Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost: Rom. 15:13.

* Pray God to turn every hopeless situation of your life for the better, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the roses of your destiny will blossom again, in Jesus’ name.

2016, I sign up for progress on every side, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Scent of Water

Monday 15 February
READ:Job 14:7-9
MORE LESSON:Isa. 1:18-20

In Job 14:7-9, the Bible points out that there is hope for a tree which has been cut down, its roots waxed old, its stock dead and its leaves withered. One would have thought that a tree that has such a dire condition would need a mighty miracle but then the Bible says that all it needs is the scent of water, Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant: Job 14:9. 'Scent of water' literally means that what it needs is to 'smell water'. A little drop of water brought close enough for this tree to 'smell' is all that is required for this tree to experience a turn-around. It would have been logical to look at such a tree and prescribe that it needs a flood of water, or at least buckets or cups of water. The Word of God which cannot lie says that the tree needs just the scent of water.
Many times men are faced with situations that they feel are the most difficult and they behave as if God would have to personally come down from Heaven with heavy duty spiritual machinery and work out a breathtaking miracle for them. But I want you to know that your situation is not as big as you think, all you need is a touch from the Master. A little intervention from the Lord is all that is required and your change will come.
This also applies to a sinner who feels so condemned because he has done so many terrible things and thinks that he would require a special salvation package to pay for his own sin other than the one required by every other human being. But your condition is not as impossible as you think, all you need is the scent of the Blood. Jesus, the holy and blameless Son of God, was crucified on the cross of Calvary so that you may be saved. He shed His priceless blood, resurrected on the third day and now He is seated on the throne of glory. He has the keys of life and eternity with which He opens to every man who believes in Him. A drop of the blood will transform the worst of sinners to the greatest of saints. Just come to Him and accept salvation and watch your life turn-around.
It is only if a man refuses the scent of the blood that brings salvation that he is condemned to the lake of fire. The greatest pain in eternity is to realize that you could have had an all expense paid eternity of joy at no cost to yourself as all the cost has been borne by Jesus but you turned your back at it. That will not be your portion in Jesus’ name. Today is the day of your turn-around.Say from your heart to Jesus right now, Jesus I accept you as the Lord and saviour of my life, forgive my sins , wash me with your blood, write my name in the book of life .. thank you for doing it! Now I am a new creature, no more a sinner, in Jesus’ name. Congratulations on accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

* Today, let me experience a turn-around by the Word of life, in Jesus’ name.
* Speak to your destiny to come alive by the Word of the Lord.

Thank you Jesus because you have fixed my latter days to be better than my former, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Privilege of Well-Being

Sunday 14 February
READ:Lam 3: 21 - 26

There are acts of benevolence of God that men receive and take for granted. For example, sleeping and waking up every day is by God's mercy but people take it for granted (Psa. 3: 5). So men sleep, wake up and jump to start another day without even acknowledging what they have received from God. Having food and being able to eat, having water and being able to drink, and breathing air freely are gifts and privileges that we receive from God. The fact that everything is alright with a man is not a right but a gift of privilege from God. A man's approach to life generally takes a new perspective when he realises that everything good about his life is not a right but a privilege and gift from God.
It is only when things go wrong that most people complain. When things are alright, they take it for granted. As a wise child of God, you must learn to see everything you have as a gift and privilege from God and live in gratitude.
Well-being is not a right, it is a gift. Being at ease in life is not a right, it is a privilege. This is the reason you should learn to reciprocate the kind gestures of God on a daily basis. The first way to reciprocate is to thank Him for everything in life. As you praise Him for the kindness you have received, there is an increase of privileges He gives to you. According to His Word, Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us: Psa. 67:5-6.
You should also reciprocate God's privileges by living in righteousness and the fear of the Lord. Recognising that your life is a gift from God, you should live with a consciousness of Him. As you live in the fear of the Lord, He multiplies His gifts in your life. Psa. 25: 12 – 13 says, What man is he that feareth the Lord? him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth.
You should also reciprocate by extending God's goodness to others. As you become aware that all you are and have are not earned rights but privileges of grace, you should extend the same grace to others by seeing to their well-being not because they deserve it but because you are being gracious to them. Remember, . . . freely ye have received, freely give: Matt 10:8.
God is committed to your well-being as an act of privilege to you. He has determined that your good is His priority. Learn to embrace His blessings with a consciousness that they are privileges and also extend privileges to others.

* Lord, thank You for the privilege of seeing another day.
* Father, today make me a tool to bless someone, in Jesus’ name.

I connect with the power that destroyed Satan, death and hell and I declare every force of red light crushed in my 2016, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

When Death is Gain

Saturday 13 February
READ:Phil 1:20-21
MORE LESSON:Psa.116:15

If Jesus tarries, death is a reality that all men must face. Heb 9: 27 says, And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. Death is actually an appointment. Appointments are meant to be honoured. Death is not an appointment fixed by man, but God and will have to be honoured by all men. My prayer for you is that you will not die an untimely death.
However a believer that has lived his life for the Lord is not afraid of death because he has a different perspective to it than the people of the world. This is the reality that Paul the apostle was talking about when he said, According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. While people see death as a loss, Paul saw it as gain. This is because he lived a life that assured him of gain after he died. It is important to know that death is not the end of life. There are a thousand and one things that happen to a man after he dies. Death is the beginning of a new phase of life – an endless phase. Death opens the door of a man's life to eternity. When a man invests his life on earth into the kingdom of God, death transits him to eternity where he will reap his rewards. So for such a person, it is time to reap the harvest of all his labour for God. Death for him becomes gain. However, a man that lives for himself and doesn't have any record in Heaven dies and is translated into an eternity of torture. That is loss. So death is not the loss; it is what happens after death that determines whether there is a loss or a gain.
Psa. 116:15 says, Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. When you become a saint of God who is washed by the Blood of the Lamb and lives in dedication to the cause of God's kingdom, death becomes a precious thing. So do not fear death rather live a life that prepares for it by becoming a saint of God and living your life to lay up treasure for yourself in Heaven. When death comes, which will definitely happen one day, it becomes gain for you. You will not die an untimely death. Whenever it comes, death shall be for you a gain, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray against untimely death in your family and put an end to it.
* Ask God to help you to number your days that death will be gain for you, in Jesus’ name.

This year, I shall not suffer in the midst of plenty, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Tithe of your Day

Friday 12 February
READ:Lev 27: 30
MORE LESSON: Psa 90: 12

One of the displays of wisdom that governs increase is that you must give God His own portion of all that pertains to you. It is when you give God His portion that your own portion becomes productive and fruitful. God's own portion is the tithe which belongs to Him. According to Lev. 27:30, And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's: it is holy unto the Lord. When you give God the tithe of whatever you have, He will restrain devourers and wasters from touching your own portion (Mal 3: 10 – 11). This spiritual law doesn't just apply to finances alone but in all areas of life.
When Abram met Melchizedek, he gave him a tithe of all. This is the secret of the greatness and generational fruitfulness that Abraham contacted. Gen 14:20 says, And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all. It reads tithes of all, so tithe is not just of money but of all things.
The wisdom for having a fruitful day is to give to God at least one tenth of your 24 hours in the day. Knowing fully well that it is fruitful days that culminate into fruitful years which lead to a fruitful lifetime, you must make sure that every
day is fruitful and none is wasted. One of the ways to do this is in tithing your day. Just like it is not right for a child of God to take all his money or property to himself but he is to dedicate the tithe to God, so also you should not spend the whole of your day on trying to meet up with routines and demands, no matter how demanding the day is. There is wisdom in dedicating one tenth of your day to spend time with God, do something about God or do something for the kingdom of God. There should be a part of your day that goes into praying, studying the Bible, telling others about the Lord Jesus Christ or any act of service to God as a mark of honour for God in the day. You don't have to religiously set a 2hr 40minute schedule with God as a tithe of everyday. However, the goal is that you should have a portion of your day that you 'tithe' to the Lord.
David said, So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom: Psa. 90:12. One area of wisdom in accounting your day is to dedicate a part of it to being with, hearing from and doing something for God. Don't spend the gift of 24hrs God gives you everyday selfishly and carelessly. Note that the priority of your life should be the Giver - God.

* Today I surrender to God all that belong to Him- my life, time and wealth.
* Pray against every devourer that eats up people’s labour, in Jesus’ name.

I announce the sound of abundance of rain over my year in 2016, no more droughts, in my life in Jesus’ name.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Unlimited God

Thursday 11 February
READ:Isa. 7: 10 – 14
MORE LESSON:Jer. 32: 27

In receiving blessings and gifts, it is not just important to know what we want to receive. It is of importance that we have an in-depth knowledge of who we are receiving from. Who is he? What can he do? For example, if you come to me to ask for a premeditated amount of money without knowing how much I have on me; two things are likely to happen. It is either you ask from me more than I have to give or you ask less than I am able to give. If you ask from me something more than my capacity, I will tell you I can’t afford that much and give you how much I can afford. But if you ask less, too bad for you, because I will just keep quiet and give you what you ask and keep the remaining in my pocket. So, the knowledge of ability is vital in maximally receiving from a person. This is the reason the Bible is full of stories of the exploits done by the Lord; it is God’s attempt to educate you about His ability. He taught a little of the account of His deeds in peoples’ lives in the Bible so that you will know what He is capable of doing and so believe Him for such.
In the book of Isaiah, God spoke to Ahaz, saying, Ask a sign for yourself from the Lord your God; Ask it either in the depth or in the height above. But Ahaz said, I will not ask, nor will I test the Lord! Isa. 7:10-12. Here God was telling a man to put a demand on Him; He wanted the man to make it as difficult as possible. It was like giving a man a signed blank cheque and asking him to fill in any amount of money he wanted. But Ahaz replied that he would not ask for anything in case he asked for something the Lord could not do and so embarrassed the Lord.
This is the mentality carried by many believers; they don't pray for big things, they are afraid for God that He might be overstretched in His attempt to do such things for them. They don't dare big things in case God is not able to carry them through and they fail. But hear the response God gave Ahaz, Hear now oh house of David! It is a small thing for you to weary men, but will you weary my God also? Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call His name Immanuel.
God is not a man that your request will be too great for Him. There is nothing you need that is too big a burden for God. This is the reason you must not limit the Holy One, But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible: Matt. 19:26.

* I receive faith to see You Lord as God of all possibilities, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord, do to me above what I imagine or dare to ask, in Jesus’ name.
* Henceforth, I refuse to doubt You Lord, in Jesus’ name.

I declare that the dead bones of my life shall rise again and bring a greater glory into my destiny

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Greater Life

Wednesday 10 February
READ:John 14: 12
MORE LESSON: Mk.16:15-20

Today, I want you to know that God is not glorified in your living a mundane life. God is not happy about your poverty, debt, sickness and failures. God is not proud of the fact that life is difficult for you. Any one that portrays Christianity as a life of struggles and hardships is not correct. A victorious destiny is God's design for you.
Did you know that God doesn't want you to have less than what Jesus had while He walked on the earth? He doesn't want you to be less than Jesus was; that is why Jesus said, he that believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do because I go to My Father. Jn 14: 12 (NKJV). What excites God in Heaven is when He sees His children living the greater life.
Smith Wiggles-Worth the great preacher went to preach somewhere and when he finished, he retired to the room where he was to sleep. In the night, he was woken by noise in the room; so he opened his eyes and rolled away the blanket to see what was responsible for the disturbance in the room, he saw a demon bouncing up and down in the room, he hissed and said, 'I didn't know it is you', pulled the blanket back to cover himself and continued to enjoy his sleep. Without a prayer or a command, the devil left, angry. That is the greater life! it is not when you dream that a goat is pursuing you and you start running to see all the prophets in the country.
There is a greater life in every area of your life. You can be greater in your spiritual life, finance, in success and impact, and in your ministry. That is God's will for you. Jesus is our perfect example; He lived on top of every situation when He was here in the flesh. He faced hard times and challenges and He overcame them; that is the greater life.
The greater life is not a life void of challenges; it is the life that prevails. Paul the apostle was in a shipwreck and everybody was devasted and unable to eat but he stood up and started encouraging everyone else; including his captors (Act 27: 22 – 27). He assured them that he had spoken to God and had secured all their lives with God and none of them would die. The greater life is victorious in tribulation and cannot be quenched by trials of life. Today, go for the greater life in every area of your endeavour; that is your inheritance in Christ Jesus. You were born to be great, don't do anything less; go for the greater life in Christ Jesus. You will do greater works as He has said, in Jesus’ name.

* I declare that I was created great and shall do great things, in Jesus’ name.
* No devil shall be able to truncate my greatness, in Jesus’ name.

No defeat or loss shall be found in my life anymore, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Unsearchable God

Tuesday 9 February
READ:Isa. 40:18-28

God is unsearchable and unfathomable. The person who knows the greatest about God on earth today has only discovered an infinitesimally small percentage of who He really is. The more you seek and search to know God, the more you will discover that there is more to know about Him. The noblest pursuit of any man is to seek to keep knowing more and more of God.
Someone once told me that he did his PhD research on pepper. I was intrigued that a whole thesis can be written on mere pepper; I kept wondering what there is so much to write about pepper that will take the volume of a PhD thesis. So I asked for further details only for him to tell me that actually the whole thesis was not on pepper generally but he narrowed down his study specifically to the seed – the pepper seed. He also added that when he began to study the seed he discovered that there are still more areas to study in the seed of pepper that were outside the scope of his work.
If that can be said of pepper then I wonder how you can ever know everything about God. Throughout your life, you must sustain a heart posture of someone that is still a learner in your quest to know God. You can’t exhaust all there is to know about Him.
This is what necessitates the need for more of the Word and the Spirit in your life no matter how far you have gone in the Christian journey. Some people feel that they have read so much of the Scripture and got so full of the letter that no one can preach God's Word to them anymore. If anyone wants to preach; they summarise the sermon, conclude and grade the preacher even before he finishes saying the introduction. Don't you ever become like that; you must never outgrow reading the Bible, listening to genuine Word of God from others and you must never outgrow staying with the Holy Spirit to learn.
God is unsearchable but the Holy Spirit can help you to keep discovering more of Him. It is the Holy Spirit that reveals God to us in our spirit. To know more of God, you need to develop your spirit man by deep and intimate communion with the Holy Spirit. As the Scripture says, But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God: 1 Cor 2:9-10.
You are given the privilege of knowing more and more of the unsearchable riches of God as you fellowship with His Spirit.

* Lord, grant me grace to know you the more, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, cause my understanding to be enlightened more about You, in Jesus’ name.

In this month, all things will work for my good and fulfilment, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Bitterness to Sweetness

Monday 8 February
READ:Ruth 4:14-17
MORE LESSON:John 9:1-6

Many times, Christians are faced with unpleasant situations and experiences. Even in the path of obedience to the Lord, there may be losses, suffering, pain, death and injustice. No child of God is without trouble, but God always solves them, Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all: Psa 34:19.
Troubles and trials are not to make us bitter, but better; God allows them because He knows they will end in sweetness. What is considered a loss now often leads to gain for God's children. Do you know that a believer's major goal in life is not to be comfortable, satisfied or even happy, but to glorify God? (see Job 5:17-21). A man was born blind in the Scripture and the disciples asked Jesus, “Why was this man born blind?” Jesus, replied, “It is that God might be glorified”. Your situation is allowed so that God can be glorified. He knows you can bear it and that you will not deny Him because of the pain. Jesus endured the cross, and Paul the apostle endured much persecution. Also, bitter herbs are used in the Passover meals (Exo. 12:8, Num. 9:11). All these analogies should prove to you that the bitterness you are experiencing is not taking God unawares; He wants to use it as the stepping stone to your celebration and victory.
Unpleasant experiences, persistent
problems and unexplainable tragedies may happen but we must know that God uses trouble to purify and refine men. Hannah was barren, Bartimeus was blind and Naomi suffered so much loss that she wanted her name changed to 'Marah' which means, 'bitterness'. In fact she said, for the Almighty has afflicted me....: Ruth 1: 20-21. At the end, all these people mentioned testified of sweetness; Hannah, Bartimeus and Naomi all became subjects of testimony. Naomi's testimony was that a son was born to her in old age (Ruth 4:17).
Bitterness, however, does not turn to sweetness on its own. It usually takes spiritual authority and the anointed ones to stand over one to have it (Exo. 15:23-25). The solutions to all the problems of church members largely depend on the priest that God has placed over them. James 5: 14 -15 says, Is any one sick? Let him call for the elders and let them pray over him anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.
Marah water was made sweet by Moses in Exo. 15:23-25. Elisha also ended the bitterness of the people of Jericho by divine directional prophetic act. God has placed the cure for every bitter water of your life in His vessels. You must honour and connect with these vessels. I prophesy sweetness to you today, and through God declare that you are free, in Jesus' mighty name.

* Oh Lord, turn my bitterness to sweetness, in Jesus' name.
* My pathway will no longer be that of Marah, but of sweetness, in Jesus' mighty name.
* Let the travail of Jesus on the cross make a way for me, in Jesus' mighty name.

Today, I release the power of life and good living into my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

A Fresh Anointing

Sunday 7 February
READ:Psa. 92:10-15
MORE LESSON:Psa. 23:5-6

One of the things God does when He wants to move His people forward is to anoint them with fresh oil. Psalm 25: 3 says, You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil. My cup runs over: Psa. 23:5 (NKJV). It is not possible to enjoy a running-over-cup in the presence of the enemies without the anointing of the Lord. This is because if the enemy is present and you are not empowered with fresh oil by the Lord, satan may steal your cup. Today, God will anoint you with His Spirit and you will be secured and make progress, in Jesus' name.
When a man is to be promoted and exalted, He needs to be anointed afresh. Psa. 92:10 says, My horn You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil (NKJV). Anointing with fresh oil is needed for victory over the enemy so that his desires will not be fulfilled over you. This is why verse 11 says, My eye also has seen my desire on my enemies; My ears hear my desire on the wicked Who rise up against me. I prophesy to you today that everyone risen against you will fall for your sake, in Jesus' mighty name. Spiritual prosperity and fruitfulness is another great advantage of the anointing. You will not dry up; you will not stop growing and you will be green and prosperous all the days of your life.
When a man is anointed with fresh oil, he is planted and he cannot be displaced; he is fixed, settled and flourishing. He experiences limitless fruitfulness till old age, and that is to say that a man that is anointed has broken the barriers of old age. What a young person cannot do, he can achieve because of the oil; the oil of the Lord on your head will not run dry, in Jesus' name. Similarly, the psalmist says all of this will happen to you to prove that the Lord is upright; He is a rock and there is no unrighteousness in Him. The Lord will make you a show and a proof of His grace and power. May you prove His strength and uprightness as you journey from earth to Heaven, in Jesus' name. This is why you must always crave for the oil of the anointing. The believer must be anointed constantly by the Holy Ghost and by His priest. Go for the anointing each time you have the opportunity and cherish it.
Moreover, when a man is anointed by the Lord, he walks in goodness and mercy all the days of his life as recorded in Psa. 23:6. As you continue on the path of daily freshness by the Spirit, your heaven is sure. What a journey, what a destination! Your journey today will end in goodness, and may God bless you abundantly.

* Oh Lord, anoint me with fresh oil now, in Jesus' name.
* I shall flourish in the court of the Lord; I shall not go back to the world, in Jesus' mighty name.
* My days, weeks, months and years are anointed with fresh oil and I will see the goodness of the Lord in them, in Jesus' mighty name.

I command every gang up of wicked spirits against my advancement, in 2016 to be scattered now by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Stop the Robbery

Saturday 6 February
READ: Mal 3: 6-12
MORE LESSON: Zech. 5: 3-4

All-round prosperity and total well-being is the plan of God for all His children. Sickness, affliction and every negative thing are signs of ungodliness. In Luke 9: 1-2 Jesus called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the Kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. The believer has been given authority over all the works of the devil, so no child of God should live a miserable life.
When a believer begins to see the activities of the devourer in his life, then something is wrong. When you notice that it is when you plant that rain doesn't fall, or it is when you invest that there is problem and all the investment is lost; or probably, you even manage to get a harvest, but then it is blown off, you should know that satan is gaining an upper hand. You have to quickly return to God.
In the text of today, God told Israel their calamity was due to their backsliding. Israel had forgotten God and failed to offer unto God what was due Him. In Mal 3: 8, the Lord asked, Will a man rob God? Yet ye say, wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offering.
When a man robs God of what belongs to Him, God allows the enemy to rob the man in return. But if we return to our first love and serve God adequately, He will avenge us of the enemy. Rev 2: 4 says, Never the less I have some what against thee, because thou has left thy first love. When you return to love God in giving tithes and offerings, He will open the window of Heaven for you, pour you a blessing, rebuke the devourer for your sake and all nations shall call you blessed. If robbing God allows the waster to waste you, it is wise to return to the Replenisher so that He can replenish you. As God said in Joel 2: 24-25, And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the Palmer worm , my great army which I sent among you.
Our God is a restorer and He will restore what the enemy took from your life when you left Him and yielded to the enemy. All you have to do is retrace your steps back to God. Repent of your backsliding, ask for His mercy and He will return to you, as He promised, Return unto me, and I will return unto you saith the LORD of hosts…Mal 3: 7. Return in holiness and with the tithes and offerings. I decree that everything that the enemy has stolen from your life is restored a hundred fold as you obey the Word of the Lord today, in Jesus’ mighty name.

* Father, I repent of any backsliding today; let Your mercy reach me now.
* I receive the power and grace to remain in the Lord to the end.
* I rebuke the activities of the devourer over my life, in Jesus’ name

I command every obstacle on my way to glory to be evacuated now, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Rule over your Enemies

Friday 5 February
READ: Psa. 110: 1-3
MORE LESSON: Gen 42: 3 - 26

When God wants to give a man rest, He empowers him to reign over his enemies. The Bible clearly expresses in Psa. 110:1-2, which is a prophecy over your life as a member of the body of Christ, that there is a spiritual empowerment that enables a man to rule over his enemies, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies: Psa 110:1-2.
God is determined to give you rest in spite of your enemies. According to the Scripture, God doesn't want to achieve this rest by an annihilation of your enemies: He will not make them to cease to exist, but He will give you rest by making you rule in their midst.
The following are the implications of ruling in the mist of your enemies:
1. You have superiority over your enemies. Just as Jesus prevailed over satan, sin, death and sickness and they can never do Him any harm but they panic and flee at his presence, so also will you prevail over your enemies when God makes you rule over them.
2. Anybody that chooses to be your enemy becomes your slave. When God gives you the rod of strength, any one that chooses to be your enemy has signed up to be your subject. Your enemies may increase because some people will just choose to be your enemies out of envy as the blessings of God increase in your life. but you don't need to worry as enemies abound because you will rule over them. In fact, the more they hate you, the more you rule over them and the longer they choose to be your enemies, the longer your year of reign.
3. You stand while your enemies bow. God will lift you so much that the people who hate you will always have to come to you to beg you for help. This is what God did for Joseph in the Bible; his brothers hated him but they eventually had to bow to him and beg him for food. Anyone that chooses to be your enemy will be for your comfort; they will bow to beg you.
4. It means power to take decisions over your enemies. Your enemies will find themselves at the mercy of your decisions from today. Joseph had the power to decide over his brothers; he even put some of them in prison and later released them at will.
5. It means that the fate of your enemies will be in your hands. From today, the fate of your enemies is in your hands, in Jesus’ name. Rule thou over your enemies.

* All my enemies shall serve me, I shall rule over them all.
* Father, let the fate of my enemies be determined by my hands.
* The rod of the wicked shall not rest upon my lots, in the name of Jesus.

This month, I receive the good news of the termination of every satanic agents working together against me, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Stirring the Heart of God

Thursday 4 February
READ: Gen. 22: 1-18
MORE LESSON: Gen 22: 9 - 18

God will do great and mighty things for a man who will stir Him up. There are things you do that stir God to action on your behalf. When you touch the heart of God, you will see His hand move on your behalf. 2 Chron 16:9 says, for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him . . . . God is willing to show Himself strong on your behalf, but there are things you need to do to stir Him up.
The following are things you can do to stir God to action on your behalf:
1. Praise Him: praise moves God. When you want to stir God to action concerning your matter, you need to give Him heartfelt praise. When your situation is adverse and you still give God quality praise, you will see His hand move for you. Always be grateful and thankful for whatever the Lord has done in time past before you make the next request. Don't complain about what you have not got, praise Him for what He has done for you in the past and then praise Him in advance for the things you don't have yet.
2. Pay your vows to Him: if you make a pledge out of faith to God, and you pay your vows and pledge even though it is not convenient, you have stirred the heart of God and committed Him to action. Psa. 50:14 says, Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High. And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify Me.
3. Make sacrifices: when you live a sacrificial life towards God and His Kingdom, you will move Him to action for you. When God saw that Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son for Him, He was stirred to bless him with an irrevocable blessing (Gen 22: 15 – 18). When Solomon sacrificed one thousand sheep to God, God showed up that very night to impart uncommon glory on him. You can stir the heart of God by your sacrifices.
4. Live in righteousness: Enoch walked with God and he was no more for God took him because he pleased God. You can touch the heart of God by righteous living; righteousness stirs God up and sin turns Him off. In our world today, you may have to pay a price and do without some things in order to maintain your righteousness with God but when you decide to stand firm for righteousness despite the cost and price, you will stir God up to bless you.

* Father, by sacrifice Abraham entered into irrevocable blessing, lead me into such sacrifice that will work for me an uncommon glory.
* Father, let not my praise and my life of devotion to You go unnoticed by Heaven, let it attract your attention to my destiny.

In this second month, I overthrow every force working as a road block to my moving forward in 2016, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Loving God

Wednesday 3 February
READ: John 14: 23 - 24
MORE LESSON: Mark 12: 30

The secret of endearing the heart of God to do great and mighty things for you is to love Him. God has so many special packages that are reserved only for His lovers. When you love God with all your heart, mind and soul; you will walk in uncommon grace, access and blessing. There are general benefits for every born-again person but there are realms of favour, anointing, blessings and defence that God reserves for those that are addicted to Him in love, service and sacrifice, As it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him: 1 Cor 2:9.
Jesus puts it this way in today's text; If a man loves me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him: Jn 14:23. This means that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit agreed together that whenever they find a genuine God-lover, they will come and rest upon and live with him. That is God's perpetual presence guaranteed for every lover of God. God's presence is the secret of miracles, signs, wonders, blessings, favour, protection, defence and wealth. So loving God brings all these into your life.
There are ways to prove that you love God:
1. You keep His commandments. According to John 14:15, If ye love me, keep my commandments. The proof that you love God is that you keep His commandments.
2. Spend time with Him. Another proof that you love God is that you always want to be in His presence. Observe true lovers in courtship and see how they just want to be together and you will know whether you love God or can't wait to jump out of His presence to go to other places.
3. Seek God and not just His gifts. When a man is offended at God each time he has not received something, He really is not seeking God, he is merely seeking something from God. The prove that you love God is that even when He has not given you what you ask Him, you can still keep His commandments, even if it is painful. Friend, when you convince God that it is Him you really long after and not the things He gives, He will open His unlimited treasure to you.
4. Give to Him. Giving is evidence of love; when you love someone, you are always looking for an opportunity to give to Him. Anyone complaining about tithes, offerings and Kingdom seeds doesn't really love God.
5. Live for Him. A true lover of God does not live for himself; He lives to do God's will and give Him pleasure.
I beseech you that you've had enough of living for yourself; now live for God.

* Father, help me to prove my love for you by my complete obedience to Your Word, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, shed abroad Your love in my heart and make me a true lover of Christ.
* My love for God shall not grow cold, in Jesus’ name.

In the name that is above every name, no man born of a woman shall be able to stand as a barrier to my destiny from this day on, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Practical Praise

Tuesday 2 February
READ: Psa 50: 10 - 15
MORE LESSON: Psa 147: 1-7

Praising God is the expression of gratitude to God for His goodness. Praise begins from the heart and flows unrestrained to God. When you give God praise, you should practically involve the totality of your being; spirit, soul and body. Praising God should be a way of life for you whether in public or in private. You must learn to praise God in all situations; even when you have hopes that are not yet realised. You must praise God with who you are, what you have and every part of your body.

I went for an occasion sometimes ago and a drummer began to play the talking drum for me. In my part of the country, it is customary for a drummer to use the talking drum to praise and then you spray him with money. The man played so well to praise me that before I knew it, I had begun to respond to the rhythms of the talking drum without premeditation and my hand was spontaneously going into my pocket to bring money out to spray the man. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who cautioned me and reminded me that I have a principle against such; then I withdrew. After the programme, I quietly went to the drummer and put some money into his pocket. The drummer stirred at me until I almost lost consciousness of myself. If I as a man can be praised up to the point of bringing out money, how much more God?

Beyond using our body to sing, dance and praise God, we must also give our substance in praise to God. God has given us so much and out of it, He expects us to bring something to Him in gratitude. The substance to be given in this case is not limited to money. We can give anything that God lays on our hearts to give. The gift must be from the heart and it should be something we value. God is not a beggar to whom you throw your crumbs. Each time you want to give your substance to praise God, remember you are giving to the God who made everything, including you and what you are giving Him.

However, don't ever say you don't have anything to give God; you must have something no matter how little. It is comforting to know that the little you have is not too small to give to God. God doesn't despise the tiniest gift of a man who does not have much. Remember how much Jesus appreciated the widow who gave a dime (Mark 12: 41 – 44). God is interested in your praise. Give Him practical praise in singing, dancing, thanksgiving, tithes, offerings, sacrifices and your giving will be a memorial before God.

* Father, grant me an attitude of praise in all situations, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, I shall no more deny you Your praise in my life, in Jesus’ name.
* I replace every ungrateful attitude with attitude of thanksgiving, in Jesus’ name.

Jesus, on the authority of Your accomplished work on the cross of Calvary, I declare my destiny a barrier breaker, in the name of Jesus.