Monday 29 February
READ: Prov. 7:25-27
MORE LESSON: Ezek. 18:20
While here on earth Jesus lived a life that was free from sin and did great works of salvation, healing, restoration, deliverance, because He laid on the bosom of God. Where do you live? On the bosom of Christ or the bosom of sin?
John the beloved knew the secret of success and thus leaned on the bosom of Jesus. He learnt how to live free from sin and to love. He was filled with the Spirit of Jesus and in his last days he began to experience the very essence of the Gospel. John knew the desires, taste, needs and feelings of the Master and he received grace and power for accomplishment. John heard the heart-beat of Jesus, which is love. On the contrary, Judas leaned on the bosom of sin. He heard the hellish gospel of satan and was weakened, filled with anger, greed and murder. Consequently, he could not hear the warning of the Master, therefore he died a terrible death. He that carries fire on his bosom shall be burnt (Prov.6:27).
When Adam and Eve sinned, the glory of God departed from them. They became naked and had to sew leaves together to cover their nakedness (Gen.3:1-7). When Israel under the leadership of Aaron made and worshipped the molten calf instead of God, they were not spared by the sword. Moses looked and beheld the people were naked, because the glory of God had disappeared (Exo. 32:1-10, 25-28). The road to righteousness and peace with God is acknowledgment of guilt, confession of guilt, as well as forsaking sin, and accepting and confessing Jesus as your Saviour (Prov28:13).
The consequences of God's anger are better imagined than experienced. The never quenching hell fire, the never dying worms, the thirst, hunger, agony, shame and fear of hell are too great. The Bible says God is angry with the wicked everyday.
Repent now to avoid His anger. Sin stings, Jesus saves! In whose bosom are you going to spend your day today? Choose Jesus’ bosom.
*Ask God to cleanse you of every past hidden sin and take you out of any wrong location and position.
*Tell the Lord you choose to live and die on His bosom only.
*Pray for as many as are still struggling with any type of sin, that the yoke of sin be broken off their necks today.
Thank you Jesus, You won again in February, You will win beyond December, glory to You forever, in Jesus’ mighty name.