Sunday, July 31, 2016

Place a Demand

Sunday 31 July
READ: : Exo 14:15
MORE LESSON: JExo. 14: 21 - 29

Life sometimes does not give to you what you deserve, it gives what you demand. Life will not just naturally put things in your hands because you like those things, you will only get what you make a demand on and pursue. Men that sit down, waiting and hoping that things will become better, die sitting down in the same place. It is go-getters that possess their possessions in life. Imagine a man that wants to travel to a destination and sits idly in his room and expects to arrive at the destination that he never boarded a vehicle for. You can lie idly in your room, do nothing and wish yourself to be in London. If you love being in London with all your heart and you do nothing but close your eyes and pray yourself to London, by the time you open your eyes, you will realise that you are still in your room. The natural way to go to London is to get a visa, buy a ticket, pack your load and board an aircraft that is going to London. It is only in making such efforts and taking such steps that your prayer becomes effective.

You don't make impact in life simply by admiring those that are impactful. You can't become successful by merely clapping for those who are successful. You get what you want in life by working and walking towards it. The people of Israel were slaves in Egypt and they wanted to go to Canaan; the Land of Freedom. For many generations, they cried, complained and prayed about the anguish and pain of Egypt as they were told by their fathers that there is a land flowing with milk and honey. They dreamt about Canaan and wished they could get out of Egypt to the Promised Land. Then one day, God remembered their prayers and delivered them by a mighty hand. They left Egypt in a joyous euphoria and celebrated as the bondage of 430 years was over. However they soon realised that getting to a place worthwhile in destiny will place a demand on you. The Israelites thought they would just leave Egypt and stroll to Canaan the next day but the first thing that brought them to face reality was the obstacle of the Red Sea.

When they faced the Red Sea, all the excitement of leaving Egypt evaporated. They became scared and started screaming to God. God replied and told them to take steps and start working and walking towards their dream land of Canaan. Life does not hand over to you what you were promised, it gives you what you contend for. Eventually they realised that those who will enter Canaan will have to take big steps; they will fight wars, cross rivers, climb mountains and survive difficulties. Today, go and place a demand on your dreams and vision by taking steps in the direction of your aspirations. God bless you.

* Today I receive power to contend with every giant hindering my advancement in destiny.
* I receive anointing for extra in the fight of destiny.
* I command every grave to vomit my glory, in Jesus’ name.

Father, I have confidence in You that You are able to make me see the last day of this year as I have seen the last day of this month. Thank You Jesus, in Jesus' mighty name.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

He is Coming Back II

Saturday 30 July
READ: Thess. 4: 16-17
MORE LESSON: Rev. 22: 14-17

Jesus died, resurrected, ascended and He is seated with God the Father in Heaven. This is the glorious story of redemption, but this is not all there is to it; He is coming back again. The glorious story of redemption is not complete until we talk about the return of the Lord. There is a song which says, 'He's coming back again, My Lord's coming back again, He went away and promised that He's coming back again. He's coming back again, My Lord's coming back again, Oh glory, Hallelujah, He's coming back again.' For the righteous who have been washed in the blood of Jesus, the coming of the Lord will be a joyful occasion. It is like the bridegroom arriving at the wedding for his bride. The coming of the Lord is not an occasion to be looked forward to in fear; it is to be anticipated in joy by those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

Living for the Lord and being ready for eternity with Him at His return should be the joyful preoccupation of our lives; so that when the trumpet of the Lord will sound, we will be taken up to meet Him in heaven. The Lord is coming back for His saints that are living for Him, We which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord: 1 Thess 4:17. Those who are dead also are exempt from anticipating the coming of the Lord. The Scripture says, ...the dead in Christ shall rise first: 1 Thess 4: 16. This means that those who died after accepting Jesus as their Lord will be part of the joy of the glorious appearing of the Lord. Death is no hindrance for a man who has accepted Jesus Christ, such a man is only as if he sleeps. The trumpet sounding that day will wake him up and He will join the Saviour in the sky.

On the other hand, the man who is alive but has not given his life to Jesus will be left out. If you are alive, you can be anything else, but if you are not saved, you will not join the Lord when He comes for His own. Money, political power, influence, beauty will not count; God cannot be bribed. The only thing that counts is that you give your life to Jesus. A man that is saved but dead has hope that he will live again. A living unsaved man’s only hope is to accept Jesus before he dies. If a man is unsaved and he dies in that state, all hope is gone. Sinner, why will you die without repentance? Jesus is coming back, please do not let him meet you unprepared. Act now, the count down began over two thousand years ago.

* Today and for the rest of my life, I preoccupy myself for the second coming of Jesus.
* I declare today that for me to live is Christ and to die will be gain at eternity, in Jesus’ name.
* I am Heaven bound, wife, husband, money, job, children or anything cannot be a distraction.

Father, like Abraham, let the angels of performance and blessing visit my house and destiny before the close of today, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Friday, July 29, 2016

He is Coming Back I

Friday 29 July
READ: II Pet. 3: 3 - 11
MORE LESSON: Acts 1:10-11

After the resurrection of the Lord, He showed Himself to His disciples for forty days and expounded to them on the matters of the kingdom of God. His disciples scattered after He was crucified but His resurrection reassembled them. However, the resurrection of Jesus is not the end of the story of redemption. He ascended and sat on the right hand of the Majesty on High. Right now, Jesus is seated at the right hand of God and there He reigns as King and Priest; advocating and mediating for us (Heb. 8: 1).

At the ascension of Jesus Christ, as the disciples stood fixed to the ground, looking up into the glorious cloud that enveloped Him as He was taken up in majesty, two angels appeared and spoke to them, Men of Galilee, they said, why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven: Acts 1:11 (NIV). This timeless sentence was made more than 2000 years ago and it is still as true as ever.

The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is the message of the hour. It is closer now than ever; so close that He might appear in the clouds before you finish reading this message right now. Since the return of the Lord is this close, the question is, 'Are you prepared for the coming of Christ?' Preparedness entails being born-again and becoming a Christian, but beyond that, it takes living in daily consciousness and readiness for His coming. It is not enough to know that Jesus is coming back, you have to be prepared. Holy living, being prompt in God's service, witnessing to unbelievers and living a zealous and spirit-filled life on a daily basis are indicators of a prepared life. It was preparedness that differentiated the wise virgins from the foolish ones in the parable of Jesus in Matt. 25: 1-13.

Many times, when told that Jesus is coming soon, the response that doubters give is, “They have been saying Jesus will come since the time of our great-great-grand fathers and He has not come.” The Bible has accounted for such people and made a ready response to them before they were born ...I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires. They will say, "What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again? From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was first created. . . But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day: II Peter 3:3-9 (NLT) Friend, long or short, Jesus will come.

* Lord, help me to be focused and ready for your coming anytime, in Jesus’ name.
* Today, I make up my mind to live a rapturable life everyday.
* Like Paul, I declare today that one thing I do is to live for Jesus and be ready for His coming.

By the force of mercy and righteousness, I dislodge every lie and evil story blocking my favour, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Double Honour

Thursday 28 July
READ: Isa. 61: 4-7
MORE LESSON: Joel 2: 25 - 27

The devil delights in putting shame on a man but God has provided a way of escape. In Isa. 61:7, the Bible says, For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them. God has promised that instead of your shame, He will restore double honour to you. This means that in whatever area of life the enemy has made you to suffer pain, God will give to you double honour.

God is concerned with every situation that brings shame in your life because He has not called you to shame but to glory. 2 Pet. 1: 3 says, According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue. God called you into glory and virtue. He has called you into grace and not disgrace. Therefore God desires that you enjoy double honour in life as compensation for all that the enemy has done in time past to afflict you, the Lord delights in compensating His children. According to Joel 2:25, The Lord is saying to you today, ...I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

All these He will do because of His name sake and His covenant. As a covenant child of God, the reproach that men put on you is actually a reproach to God. You must learn how to invoke the covenant of God when situations arise that want to put you to shame so that His name shall be feared among the Gentiles. As you live according to His covenant and remind Him of His covenant in the face of imminent shame, God will give you a full restoration of honour and make you to be satisfied in every area of your lack, And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name: Isa 62:2.

In every place where you have been called a name that is shameful, the Lord God will announce a new name for you in a glorious way. In the name of Jesus, wherever you have been disgraced, you shall now be embraced. Wherever you have been shamed, you will be celebrated. Rise up now and begin to prophesy honour, success, breakthrough, victory, prosperity and celebration to your destiny. Say it and believe it. It is God’s plan for your life and as you declare it, it will run speedily to fulfilment beginning from now.

* As I step out today, I shall tread in pleasant places of celebration, in Jesus’ name.
* Oh Lord, give me laughter in place of shame.
* This year, those who look down on me before will look up to me, in Jesus’ name.

I prophesy, today's goodness will reach me without fail, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Beware of Distraction

Wednesday 27 July
READ: I Kgs. 20: 39-40
MORE LESSON: Matt. 6: 22

Distraction is anything that prevents you from giving full attention to your object of attention. Anything that prevents you from concentrating on your assignment and meeting your target is a distraction. When God gives you an assignment, a vision or a task, it takes refusal to be distracted, a determination to stick at it till you get the desired result.

There is a parable in the Bible of the king's servant whom the king gave a prisoner-of-war to guard with his life. The king warned him that if the prisoner escaped , he would have to pay for it with his life. The Bible says, While the servant was busy here and there, the man disappeared...: 1 Kings 20:40 (NIV). Distractions make you busy here and there at the expense of the assignment God has given you in destiny.

Distractions can occupy a man's day from morning till night as he traverses the whole city, all for him to get home in the night to realise that he can't point to a specific thing that he achieved for the day. This is why it is important to look back moment by moment, day by day and year by year and see whether we achieved our objectives for the moment, or spent time on distractions. If at the end of each day,, you reflect on the day and cannot point to one single thing that has been achieved for that day, that day was wasted. This is the reason you must beware of distractions on your journey of life if you must move forward and not miss your targets and visions.

Distraction makes a man lose focus and makes him miss his mission. . Unproductive and unfruitful lives, unfulfilled and distorted destinies have resulted from distractions. At the direst, it makes him lose his life. In the text, when the prisoner escaped and the prisoner was to be judged, it was decided that it was binding on the guard to lose his life as it was agreed when the prisoner was put in his custody. Distraction can cause a man his life. Take a good inventory of your life today and check everything that is not in direction with your purpose in life and is merely serving as a distraction. It could be a habit, a relationship, a game or sinful pleasure. Whatever is a distraction, destroy it today.

One of the strongest prayers you need in your journey forward in life and eternity is to bind everything sent from the enemy to distract you. Similarly, one of the best decisions you can make is to decide that you will not allow anything to distract you and you will not distract yourself. Go and live a life that is not subject to distractions, in Jesus’ name.

* I bind every force of distraction hindering my moving forward, in Jesus’ name.
* I separate myself now from agents of distraction that make a man to lose focus in life.
* In my journey of destiny, I am unmovable and unshakable, in Jesus’ name.

I am appointed today as an ambassador of good news, I shall not give or receive evil news, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Prepare to meet your God II

Tuesday 26 July
READ: Lk. 3:1-9
MORE LESSON: Rev. 22:12-15

It is common knowledge that if a man doesn't prepare for a thing, when it comes, he will be caught unawares. Lack of preparation leads to regret because whatever is not prepared for will not be properly done. If there is a visitor coming to you at a time and you do not know the time he will come but he said that he could walk in at any time, the best thing to do for such a visitor is to be prepared 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week, thirty days in a month, all year round. You just get ready for that visitor so that any moment he comes, you are not caught unawares. This is the attitude to assume in the issue of preparing for life after death and the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. This issue needs urgent attention because Jesus can come at any time.

Life is fragile and death can come any time. Death is not the end for all men are heading somewhere after death. There is life after death and it will be either spent in hell or in the presence of God. Whatsoever we do now or do not do, will determine where we end. The body will return to dust and the spirit will return to God. Whatsoever we do now to prepare for that time is what is most important. Everything on the face of the earth is good, but any life that is lived with the abundance of every good thing without a good relationship with God will be regretted. It will obviously be regretted because a time will come when you will have to stand before your God and explain how you spent your time on the face of the earth. All the things that God has given you the privilege to attain, all the things you have acquired, those you were not able to get, one day you will stand before God to give account.

God told the people of Israel to prepare to meet their God (Amos 4: 12). God had to forewarn His own people about the danger of living a life without preparation to meet Him. Those of us who are privileged to be in the world today need to be warned and warned again. So the Lord is calling our attention to this great issue again today, prepare to meet your God, But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death: Rev. 21:8.

* The coming of the Lord shall not meet me unawares, in Jesus’ name.
* I shall not be ashamed to meet with my Lord at the end of my life, in Jesus’ name.

Today is a good gift from God, I reject evil from dawn to dusk, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Prepare to meet your God I

Monday 25 July
READ: Amos 4:12
MORE LESSON: Isa. 40:3

Therefore thus will I do unto Israel, and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet the Lord. The way people live today, one would wonder whether they are conscious that a day is coming when all things on the face of the earth will be over. People live for money, self and material pursuit. The desires of many men these days are more towards things of the earth than heavenly things. These are truly the last days as people have lost natural affection and perversity is idolised. Many kill for position and fame. Riotous living among youths is on the increase and even adults are partakers of atrocities. When you go to our schools and institutions, you will see how young boys and girls live in unrighteousness as if it is the order of the day. All manner of reckless dressing, some with the consent of parents, occult and fetish things have taken over everywhere, including the Church.

It is at such a time as this that everyone has to pay attention to preparing to meet the Lord. The increase of unrighteousness shows that the coming of the Lord is here. So instead of waking up in the morning and pursuing money till evening to come back home, eat, sleep, and leave again the next day to continue the vicious cycle, men should prepare for the coming of the Lord. There is more to life than food, drink and material things.

Israel was once like that in the text of today. They forgot about God and everybody was just doing what they liked and running their lives as if they had no God. God sent His servant Amos to go and speak to them to either return to Him or He would visit them with His anger. And He said, if you will avoid my anger, prepare to meet your God. This is the message for this time and season. Both the young and the old, parents and children need to return to God. We need to examine our lives, and begin to remember that after this place, there is another place we are going and if we don't prepare for it now, it will meet us unawares. Death can come at any time and it will be very disastrous to leave this face of the earth without having any contact with God. Do not be deceived by the fast pace of the world today that keeps men busy as if there is nothing else apart from daily survival and acquisition. Take a pause to reflect, break out of the rat race and prepare to meet your Lord.

* Father, I receive grace to live each day ready to meet the Lord, in the name of Jesus.
* Ask the Lord to deliver you from every distraction of this age.

I step into this week in the power of the Holy Ghost, nothing shall fail, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Flashlight

Sunday 24 July
READ: Psa. 119: 105
MORE LESSON: Psa. 18: 28

The study and understanding of the Bible is vital for life. Light is crucial to life because it is life through light that plants synthesize food and animals eat plants. So light is actually a basic source of food. It is only in light that men walk around well for there are so many difficulties associated with trying to walk around in the dark. The Bible therefore says, Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path: Psa. 119:105. It is in the Word of God that we get divine guidance. People always go around looking for someone to tell them what lies ahead. People patronise seers, prophets, diviners and horoscope because of the quest to be guided into tomorrow. Some businessmen pay huge sums to hire consultants, experts and forecasters, all because of the uncertainty of tomorrow. One of the greatest limitations of humanity is the knowledge of tomorrow.

The Word of God is the giver of assurance for tomorrow. The Bible in your hand contains enough divine direction to tell you the mind of God about what tomorrow ought to be and how to enter into it. With the Word of God, confusion about tomorrow is removed. You can know tomorrow without confusion or guess work, all you have to do is search and locate it in the Word. A man that lives by the Word is not confused about tomorrow and does not stumble. The Living Bible puts it in an exciting way, Your words are as a flash light to light the path ahead of me and keep me from stumbling: Psa. 119: 105 (TLB). The Word of God is a flash light showing you the path ahead; it clearly shows you the future so that you will not stumble as you go through life.

As you become full of the Word of God, confusion about what to do, where to go, how to go, disappear. You find answers and directions and walk accurately in the light. Where is your Bible? How well do you read it? Have you ever got a direction on how to go in life and what to do in life through the Bible? If you cannot point to certain decisions, guidance and answers to life's questions that you have personally discovered through reading the Bible, then you have not started reading no matter how much of the theory you have read.

Today, I commend you to the power of the Word of God that is able to keep and strengthen you and solve all the riddles that surround your life. Read the Bible, imbibe the Word of God and the Father of Light will show and lead you in the pathway for a successful tomorrow, in Jesus’ name.

* Today, I receive illumination through the Word, in Jesus’ name.
* Oh Lord, let Your Word that I read today unveil every form of darkness in my destiny.
* My destiny will shine more and more through Your Word, in Jesus’ name.

Every strong man of delay and stagnancy, I terminate you right now by the power of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, July 23, 2016


Saturday 23 July
READ: Exo. 14: 15
MORE LESSON: Jam. 2: 26

In achieving destiny, oftentimes there is the need to push. Pushing denotes exerting energy in the direction of your vision. For you to make a success of what you are doing, you need to put the whole of your weight -your ability, strength and capability-into it. Therefore you need to throw your spiritual, physical, financial and mental weight into your purpose and vision. Fasting and praying is an issue of pushing in the spirit and not merely for you to make yourself 'feel spiritual'. Acquiring more knowledge, reading books and taking courses also denote pushing. Physical work and exerting yourself at a productive venture is part of pushing. Pushing is putting everything inside you into a matter to see that it gives the desired outcome.

Failure is not spirituality, so rather than watch a matter fail in your hands, put everything in you into it. Put everything you have into making Heaven; going to hell is not an option at all. Put everything into succeeding in your academics by going to class, reading through the night, buying books at the expense of shoes and wristwatches. Push yourself to achieve a first-class grade. Put everything into your business to succeed.

Some people try something a little and then start crying and complaining that it is not working. The energy you are using to cry and complain could be used to push. This is what God pointed to Moses in Exo. 14: 15; the Israelites got to the Red Sea and started crying. God told Moses that instead of using their energy to cry, they should push forward. Stop crying to people around, by so doing, many have cried themselves into wrong hands. Pushing demands that you do something. You will not arrive in your promised land having done nothing, you need to engage yourself in something productive.

Each time people complain that God has not done something for them, it is good to ask them what they have done themselves. Before you accuse God of not lifting you, ask yourself what major steps you have taken to go up yourself. God is only committed to you when you are committed. Stop complaining that God is doing nothing, you are the one that needs to do something. As you take faith-inspired steps and push on to accomplishment, the Lord will back you up and there shall be a performance for you. To push is to say like Jacob, I will not let you go unless you bless me: Gen 32:26 (NLT). In the battle to return home and meet Esau, Jacob did every thing possible to appease his brother whom he wronged (vs 3-8), then he prayed (vs 9-12). He evaluated his strategy and rearranged (vs13-22). Finally he went back to pray in a vigil alone with God until an angel met him and he wrestled to a breakthrough (vs26-30). Beloved, push until something happens. If one strategy fails, try another- push now!

* I receive grace to keep pushing until something happens.
* In 2016, I shall not give up in the fight of destiny.
* Oh Lord, renew my strength like the eagle to keep pushing.

I connect with the blood of Jesus right now to disconnect me from all my sins and guilt, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Friday, July 22, 2016

You Can do It

Friday 22 July
READ: I Sam. 17: 45 - 51
MORE LESSON: Phil. 4: 13

The story of David against Goliath shows us that you can achieve anything you want to achieve if you will believe. David, the teenage shepherd boy of Bethlehem, chanced upon a battle where the Giant of Gath was threatening and blaspheming against Israel, her army and her God. Before David came to the battle to give food to his elder brothers, Goliath had been coming repeatedly to defy and challenge Israel. Every other Israelite had heard these insults for days, but they were crippled by fear. But 1 Sam 17: 23, says, And as he [David] talked with them, behold, there came up the champion, the Philistine of Gath, Goliath by name, out of the armies of the Philistines, and spake according to the same words: and David heard them. The Bible says, and David heard them, as if the others did not hear Goliath since the first day. It is the same thing that losers hear that champions hear. The difference is how they hear – their attitude and response to what they hear. This is the reason the Bible says, Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have: Luke 8:18. How you hear determines whether you win or lose.

Before you can do what you set your heart to do it is important how you respond to what you hear. When David's brother talked to him in such a way that was discouraging(1 Sam. 17: 28), David heard the words but he didn't let the words hinder him. The Bible says that he turned away from him to another. What you hear matters and how you hear matters. When David heard what would not help his destiny, he ignored it and turned to where he would hear the correct thing so that he could continue his quest. There are people and statements you have to neglect in order to do what you want to do. You sometimes need to disregard some people and what they say and apologise to them later after you have achieved what they wanted to prevent you from achieving.

You can do it, irrespective of what people say, if you will believe. The Bible says, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me: Phil 4:13. This should be your confession, your belief and your approach to life.

* Today, I can do all things through Christ that strengthens, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive boldness to face every challenge on my way forward, in Jesus’ name.
* I reject every spirit of limitation that says I cannot do it, in Jesus’ name.

Father, today by the blood of Jesus, I dissolve the roots and foundations of bad luck in my life, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Your Brainchild

Thursday 21 July
READ: Gen. 1: 28
MORE LESSON: Matt. 26: 7-13

When God created man, He blessed him and told him to be fruitful and multiply. This includes but not limited to giving birth to biological children. It is important to know also that there is something that has been conceived in your mind that needs to be delivered to the world. Like a pregnant woman, you have an idea, a vision or a gift inside the womb of your destiny that you must birth to reality. There is a 'brain-child' that you need to give birth to. This brain-child is the seed for your glory and greatness; do not die without giving birth to it. You have been consuming things that come out of other people's brains; it is time for people to use a product of your own brain as well. In Nigeria, it is amazing how people do as if they cannot survive a minute without phone. A few years ago these same people did not have access to any phone at all. Many people spend all their money buying the latest smart phones and i-phones. Technology is good and it is okay to have good phones but be informed that you are spending your money on someone's brain-child. There is something inside you that the world should also pay for; discover it and release it.

Let the glory inside of you come out. There is something inside you that you have been tying down for too long, let it come out. There is a bestselling book inside you that needs to be written, there is a song in you that needs to be heard, there is an invention in you that needs to be made. There is a business in you that needs to be started. Whereas some people have strangled their visions by procrastination and postponement, you must decide to be a person of impact and action by delivering your brainchild to people. You will be celebrated only for giving birth to something unique. There is no great man in the world that doesn't have a brainchild that other people need and use. Your impact, celebration and renown is in your brainchild, don't let it die.

One major determinant in giving birth to your brainchild is the willingness to think out of the box. You can't do things the way everybody is doing it and say that is your brainchild. You must dare to be unique and do something that stands out. Do not be boxed into a particular way or method of doing things. Break the box and let the precious ointment inside you come out. Do not keep up a cycle of ordinary routines from day one to the last day of your destiny; let today be the beginning of greatness as you break out of the status quo and step into uncharted territories for your destiny and generations.

* Today, I shall manifest the glory of God in me, in Jesus’ name.
* I refuse to bury my God-given talent. I will profit with it, in Jesus’ name.
* Let every hidden gift and talent in me begin to manifest, in Jesus’ name.

Today is the 21st day of the second half of the year, like Daniel, my delay is over, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wisdom Key of Praise

Wednesday 20 July
READ: Psa. 100: 4 - 5
MORE LESSON: Psa. 33: 1 - 4

Praise is a sort of celebration, rejoicing and expression of satisfaction and joy. The text of today shows that the way to enter the courts of God is through praise. When you want to access God, you enter through celebrating Him and expressing satisfaction and joy at all He is and has done for you. The book of Psalms has a lot to say about praising God. Praise is not just something you give God when you feel like; praise is a command in the Scripture.

It is quite easy to praise God when all is well and things are going the way we want them to. The difficult part of praise is giving God praise when things are difficult. Only great people can give God praise regardless of situations. The Psalmist says, I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth: Psa. 34:1. 'All times' means when things are right and when they are wrong.

Only wise people give thanks; a fool has no capacity for praise. A fool is full of complaints to God while a wise man approaches God's gates with thanksgiving. When a man praises God, the gates of Heaven open to him and miracles happen. It is wisdom not to approach God in your strength and based on your circumstances; approach Him in praise. Wise people are full of thanks even in undesirable situations because they already know the end of the matter.

Praise has the ability to make things happen without stress. Praise is a key that opens all doors. The Scripture is full of keys like prayer, giving and confession. Every key has a limitation or the other; however, praise has no limitation. Whatever door is shut against you, a life of praise will open it. Praise brings healing more than medicine; it heals faster than drugs. It has been medically proven that when people are excited, their medical condition improves. Praise brings prosperity; a joyful person goes around with an atmosphere of favour. People love to do business with an excited and praise-filled person. Customers run away from a gloomy and unfriendly person. Praise brings deliverance. Praise brings open doors and answered prayers. God loves to hear the prayers of a man of praise. The story of Paul and Silas (Acts 16: 25 – 26) and of Jehoshaphat (2 Chron. 20: 22 – 25) also show that praise is a weapon of war.

There is wisdom in praise; it is a key that opens all doors. It takes a positive mindset to really praise God effectively. It is foolish to carry a frown around, grumbling and murmuring, it turns both God and men away from you. Life becomes easy when you stay in continual praise. Praise the Lord!

* Declare that nothing will take praise away from your mouth today, in Jesus’ name.
* Give God thanks for your home, work, healing, victory and open doors.

God of Israel, give no one the opportunity to sympathise with me the rest of this year, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Press for More

Tuesday 19 July
READ: Luke 18: 1 - 7
MORE LESSON: Gen. 18:17-33

People don't get answer to their prayers today because they fail to understand the principle of pressing forward. A woman in labour must continue to push until the baby comes out; if she dares stop pushing she may kill the baby and herself. The trouble may not give way immediately you begin to press but the trouble doesn't have the ability to last forever; it is just for a while! In the parable of the unjust judge, the judge said, Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me: Luke 18:5.

Everything that is worth doing is worth doing well. Everything that is worth having is worth pressing for. If your marriage is very important to you, then be ready to pay all the price you need to pay to make it the way you want it to be. The woman kept coming to the judge; she had no money to pay the judge; she had nothing that will make the judge to rise up on her behalf speedily except her persistent coming. Your continual working at your marriage, work, business, academics, spiritual life, child bearing or whatever project without giving up, fainting and losing strength will eventually qualify you for a miracle. The Bible says that the widow asked the unjust judge to avenge her of her enemies and he would not for a while (Luke 18: 4). Delay is not denial. The man would not answer her for a while but with persistence, she got him to. This woman was intentional and she got what she wanted from an unjust judge.

We have a Just Judge; our God. Our God is not an unjust God. Jehovah is a Just Judge so He will not give you failure when you are supposed to succeed. He will not deny you when you press. If the widow eventually got her desires with an unjust judge, then you will get yours with the Just Judge; the Creator of Heaven and earth, the Everlasting Father, who authored and finished the plan of your life, will not deny you. What you are experiencing today is not the end. All these things will turn out to be testimonies for you. You must press till you are victorious over that situation so that you will be able to comfort other people that will walk that path after you have come out of it. Congratulations, victory is yours.

* Father, thank You because You are always there for me.
* Pray that you shall not give up on God.
* Ask God for strength to push on till answer comes.

My father and my God, the strength of Jacob, please fast forward my miracles this month, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Keep Pressing On

Monday 18 July
READ: Luke 18: 1-7
MORE LESSON: Phil. 3:13-14

What you ask for may not be given to you, but what you demand for will be given to you. If there is any time to be much more intentional, earnest, and apply more force in life, it is now. In Phil 3:13-14 Apostle Paul said, I press towards the mark for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. He had his eyes on a mark and he decided that he was going to press towards it. When your eyes are set on the mark, your hand must be on the plough. Getting your eyes without your hands on the plough is wishing without doing; it leads nowhere. When you have a purpose that you desire to achieve, you must work at it. Intention without doing is frustration. You must press, apply more force and become intentional. Remember the Scripture says, ...from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force: Matt 11:12. This shows us the need to press.

In Luke 18:1-7, Jesus teaches us how to press, Jesus spake a parable unto them until this end that men ought always to pray and not to faint…. Fainting means to lose strength, to give up and stop pressing. Jesus gave this parable to show us the importance of pressing without giving up.

The woman in the parable got what she wanted by pressing. Every desire has a price tag. When you press to the point of meeting the price, you get the result. This woman lacked so many things but she had something - she had the ability to press. The judge would not have given her attention because he feared neither God nor man. But the woman knew what to do; she wearied him out by pressing persistently. You can weary your situation out. The devil cannot resist you forever; you can press on till satan gives up on you as far as that matter is concerned. Press in prayer, press in fasting, press in words and press in action. That affliction cannot continue forever; it is not possible! That challenge can only last for a while. It can’t last so long as you learn to press. Don't give up; let your situations and enemies give up, I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed. This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles: Psa. 34:4-6. This shall be your own testimony also, just keep pushing on by faith.

* Father, I receive unwavering faith and focus to press on to my goals in destiny.
* Father, I receive grace to be focused until I attain the price tag for my goals, in Jesus’ mighty name.

In the name of Jesus, like Abraham, I shall not miss my appointed time.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Strength in Weakness

Sunday 17 July
READ: Psa. 61:1-2
MORE LESSON: Luke 22: 40 - 45

There was a time when Absalom conspired against his father King David and deposed him from the throne. He took over the king's concubines and sent him out of the kingdom. As David was running away from being killed by his own son, an unbeliever followed with insults and curses (2 Sam 16:5 – 13). This was a situation of great anguish for David as his own son sought his life and disgraced him. When he was in this state of great pain, he said, Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I: Psa. 61:1-2.

Though in great pain, David didn't complain or speak against God; he cried to God. Strong men also get to the place of weakness, but when they start to get faint, they don't turn their backs on God. The time of weakness and challenge is the time to come to God. The place of weakness is the right place to cry to the Lord. It is a grave mistake to leave God because you are in trouble. It is a deadly step to become embittered against God and turn away because you get to a place of discomfort.

In Luke 22: 41-42, Jesus got to the place of weakness. He had a challenge in front of Him which His strength couldn't carry through. He was demoralised and full of anguish, and His disciples were equally weakened because of the sorrow. Jesus, in the time of weakness, prayed to God. He ran to God when He got to the place of weakness and not away from God. The disciples, on the other hand, were so weak that they began to sleep. The time of weakness is not the time to sleep and cry. For instance, losing a loved one is a very challenging incident that brings weakness of heart, but the response is not to keep crying and refuse to go to church.

At the point of weakness, Jesus prayed and the Bible records that an angel came to strengthen Him. The angel strengthened Him because He prayed. In Luke 22: 44, the Bible says that being in an agony He prayed more earnestly... The more the weakness, the more should be your prayer, the more the agony, the more should be the prayer. Do not allow any weakness, agony or challenge to weaken you so much that you cannot pray anymore. Do not allow anything to so disturb you that you shut yourself away from God.

Weakness and challenges should drive you to the place of prayer because there, you will find strength in weakness.

* Ask God to grant you strength in weakness.
* In the days of adversity my strength shall not fail me.

Today, I declare, even if gross darkness covers the whole world, God's light of glory shall shine upon my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Make your Calling Sure

Saturday 16 July
READ: 2 Pet. 1: 10-11
MORE LESSON: 1 Cor. 7: 20-24

Everyone has his own God- given call. Some are called to the five-fold ministry, while some are called to other areas of endeavour. Whatever God has committed in your hands, you must pay diligence to fulfil it. Whatever ministry that God has given you, whether in the Church or in the secular world, make sure you fulfil it. Col. 4:17 urges, And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it. This is the same urge that is being given to you today, make sure you fulfil the ministry or assignment that God has given you.

You must also know that there is no competition in God's call; do not try to be like another person or compare your call with someone else's. This is amply expressed in the Bible, For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise: 2 Cor. 10:12. Don't start doing something just because you want to be like another person who is doing it. Make sure you allow God to lead you into whatever assignment you are to do. If you realise that your motive for entering into a call was wrong or you went into a calling that is not yours out of competition, it is not too late to correct it.

Do not fight for position, but allow God to call you and put you in position and when He does, put everything in it to make your election and calling sure. Do not look at other people and envy their calls because you think that it is better than yours. Rather, do everything to fulfil the assignment that God has given you and He will be glorified in your life. Whatever God has called you to be or do, I want you to stay in it and make a full proof of your calling. There is no calling that is small; you can make the best out of whatever you are called to do.

The purpose of each calling is to glorify God, so whatever you are called to do, stay there and make sure that God is being glorified through your life. After God, diligence is the next key to success. No life accomplishment comes easy; no lazy man has a story of success. Both in the service of God and all other areas of life endeavour, hardwork is essential. Ministry work particularly is not for lazy people. If you know you are lazy, find another carreer in life; serving God takes all. The apostle is emphatic, So, dear brothers and sisters, work hard to prove that you really are among those God has called and chosen. Do these things.... 2 Pet. 1:10 (NLT).

* Thank God for His call upon your life and receive grace to fulfil it.
* Pray that God will grant the pastor of your local assembly grace to fulfil his/her calling.

The wicked wishes of the enemy shall never see the light of performance in my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Time of Courtship

Friday 15 July
READ: Heb. 13:4

The period between the acceptance of proposal and the actual marriage is what is referred to as courtship. It is a period of time when conjugal love develops between two people who are genuinely in love with each other. It is sure that people with blossoming love will want to do things together, but they must avoid the wrong assumption that they belong to each other. Deeper intimacy must not be allowed in courtship because it is just a shadow of marriage and not marriage itself.

The period at which two people who have the conviction of God that they are meant for each other and so choose to acquaint themselves with each other is very important because it is like the first stone in foundation laying. Courtship is the first step in preparation for Christian marriage and not the actual thing, so parties involved must exercise caution and great discipline as they are not yet married. Christian courtship must not involve petting, caressing and any type of sex or sexual arousal, but a time to pray and plan the future together. If two people in courtship will focus solely on marriage and godliness not carnal appeals, they will be able to run a successful courtship without sin. Therefore, Christian courtship involve the following things:

1. Not a time of series of do's and don'ts but a time to depend more on the truine God, His Word and His Spirit. The two parties must fully surrender to the Lord and allow Him to rule in their life.
2. Long period of courtship extending over several years may not be so desirable and may be dangerous. It can lead to unwanted sins and pregnancy if care is not taken. It is better if the two people in courtship have their marriage date in view so that they can work towards it without distraction.
3. Courtship time is a time to learn to understand each other and every necessary marital demand such as the dowry, the partners’ backgrounds and cultural beliefs.
4. Courtship time is a time to know your in-law to be. It is good to plan to visit the two families together. It is necessary to see each other’s relations and know them. There is danger in going to the altar of marriage without knowing your partner’s people.

5. It is a time to fix the wedding date and plan things in preparation. Courtship must not accommodate physical passion, kissing, petting, carousing, and sleeping together, they are sinful in a Christian courtship. To do these is to deceive yourself and lay a foundation for a difficult and unbearable pain in marriage.
You can trust God for a pure courtship by surrendering totally to His Word and His Spirit. I had a five year long courtship and by the grace of God without sleeping with my partner. It wasn't easy to do that but my anchor was God’s Word (Prov. 6:32).

* Father, give all our youths the power to enjoy courtship that is void of sin, in Jesus’ mighty name

I shall advance in destiny and nothing shall be able to turn me back, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Trouble with Riches

Thursday 14 July
READ: James 5:1-6

King Solomon (the richest king who ever lived) in his attempt to express his view about the importance and worth of money said that money is a defence and it answers all things (Eccl. 7:12, 10:9).

Money is the universally accepted medium of exchange, be it Naira, Dollar, Pound, Euro, etc. With good amount of money, one can do a lot of good things. The Bible says God gives us power to get wealth, and truly speaking, some people have enjoyed this “power” to an extent that they have so much more than can be counted. A good example of this is Abraham and Lot as expressed in Gen. 36:7. But to my amazement, the rich always contribute very little when it comes to issues that do not concern them. A popular author, Vance Packard, says that the USA has at least 800 people worth more than 100 million dollar. How much do they give to the church and charity? Less than 2%!

There was this story told by a man who while on a visit to Haiti, saw a poor elderly woman at a missionary station walk miles for a meal, which she shared with a young girl. He said, “The very poor are much more generous than the very rich”. Right from the Old Testament prophets until now, many of the rich have exploited the poor. Apostle James in our text today warns that the wealth of those who oppress the poor “will be a witness against them and will eat their flesh like fire (James 5:3).

Silver and gold belongs to and must be used to serve God and humanity. But a great percentage of the rich people are very strong and can hardly part with what they have without any hope of return. Realising this, we should honour the wealthy who are generous and pray for the stingy and mean ones that they will be as lavish as they can out of their abundance. Every rich believer should share testimony with rich believers in Macedonia as stated in II Cor. 8:1-6, specifically, vs 4-5 say, Praying us with much in treaty that we would receive the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints. And this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God.

Rich believers must first give themselves to the Lord in full surrender and serve Him actively with their possessions. Using your money to spread the Gospel, take care of your priest, the needy in your assembly and the neighbourhood is a must for you. You must also not rob God in tithes and offerings; bring all, ten percentage of all earnings belong to God whether you are in business or you are a civil servant. In addition, you must give pledges, mission offering, building offering, prophet's offering, Sunday offering, first fruit, etc.

* Today I receive the power to give generously in my assembly, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, let Your Gospel spread through me, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive the heart to minister to the saints’ need, in Jesus name

Father, thank You for making me Your battle axe against all satanic onslaught in my generation, in Jesus' mighty name.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Information or Revelation?

Wednesday 13 July
READ: John 8:32
MORE LESSON: Luk. 24:13-31

An average Christian has information about the finished work of Christ. Many know about the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, the fact remains that the finished work of Christ is merely head knowledge to many. Most people have not really began to explore the authority Christ purchased for us on the cross of Calvary. The death of Jesus on the cross, His triumph over death and the victory He left for us need to be properly appropriated. Often times, when we find ourselves in difficult situations, we keep banging on the gates of Heaven calling on Jesus to descend. But the truth is that Christ never went away with the victory He won for us. He plainly stated this, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you: Lk. 10:19. He left the power with us; the power you are crying to Heaven to send down is already resident in you and you only need to have a revelation of it.

The reason situations in a believer's life seem to defy all solution is because the dividends of the finished work of Christ has not become reality to the believer. That is, it is still just information and not yet a revelation. Except you begin to exercise your authority over the forces attacking your destiny, satan will keep thriving on your ignorance. It is the truth you know and work with that makes you free not the one you are aware of. Move from just being aware of your place in Christ and start working in the reality of it.

Many people have information without revelation. Pontius Pilate was the man that handed Jesus over to the Jews. He had been looking forward to see Jesus and had been searching for the truth. However when Jesus, the Truth, stood before him, he could not recognise Him. He asked Jesus if He was a king and Jesus told him that He was. Pilate even wrote on the cross a sign that read, 'Jesus; the King o f the Jews.' but all these were information to him not a revelation. So he was not saved.

You could hear the Word a thousand times over, but until it becomes a revelation, it will be mere information that doesn't change you. It is the revelation of Jesus as King that puts an end to all life's struggles. The Word of God is a spirit and it is only by walking in the spirit that we can understand it. Therefore, the more of the Holy Spirit we allow in our lives, the more depth of God’s Word that we wil have. All who attempt to understand and interprete God’s Word by human knowledge will enter into error. But if we by prayer and deep connection to the Holy Spirit we seek to understand the Word, there can be no limit to the revelations. Next time you read the Word, ask the Holy Spirit to give you revelation.

* Pray that your eye of understanding be enlightened.
* Ask God to give you fresh revelation of His Word each time you read/hear it.

From today onward, as the Lord lives I shall never again be cited as a negative example, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Above All

Tuesday 12 July
READ: John 3:25-36
MORE LESSON: Eph. 2:6-10

We are seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above principalities and powers. John 3:31 tells us, he that is from above is above all. Everyone who has Christ on the inside is above all. When Jesus was on earth, He lived as a King. After He resurrected, He ascended to the right hand of the Majesty on High and we are seated with Him. The authority of a believer is as a result of who Jesus is, and not because of who we are. Jesus is King and it is He in you that makes you a king. And if you are a king by the virtue of redemption, nothing can put you under any more. Kings are above not below. This is the reason the Bible says concerning you, the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath.... Deut 28:13.

You are above financial difficulties, health challenges and life situations. Whatever you go through, say to yourself, ‘I am above all’. Make your destiny run in victory by having a consciousness that you are above. Jesus is King over nature, demons, death and all things and He is in you, then you are also a king over all things. No longer must you act and live as a slave, you are to act and believe as royalty.

The Kingship of Jesus has an implication for us. The implication is that satan has lost authority over all things in our lives forever. When we are conscious of Christ on our inside, we become a people above every situation. My Christian life took a new turn when I recognised the fullness of what Jesus did for me on the cross of Calvary. It makes it easy for me to access forgiveness when I need it, strength when I need it and the power of the Holy Spirit in the time of need. Righteousness has been imputed unto us. We are in Christ and since He is above, we also are above. When next someone asks you where you are, tell him you are above. My son once said to me, “Dad, how far” and I replied “Far above principalities and power!” It sounds like a joke but it is real.

David saw and declared this (Psa. 110:1) Every human being can determine his position in life and eternity by this verse. All who are in Christ are not only comfortable by the sitting position but are in addition, sitting at the right hand of God, which obviously is in the highest of all and all who make themselves servants of the devil are not only located at the lowest level but serve as footstool for the righteous. The conclusion is simple: who you serve determines where you are located. This is what John was telling those who came to report Jesus’ activities to him (John). In our text, that same Jesus is far above, He cannot be compared with John. Jesus is above all.

* Father, in the name of Jesus, the veil of ignorance that has covered my eyes is hereby destroyed by fire,
* In the name of Jesus, I take my place of authority, power, divine health and prosperity where I belong.

I affirm and confess that it is well with my soul this year and it shall never be ill with me, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Great Calm II

Monday 11 July
READ: Mark 4:35 -39
MORE LESSON: Psa. 93: 4

Jesus was in the boat with His disciples and despite His presence, a storm struck the boat. The presence of storms in your life does not indicate the absence of the Lord. The fact that you are experiencing difficulties doesn't mean that the Lord has forsaken you. It is however expected that you must know how to handle storms when they come so that you will not be a victim but a victor over the storms of life. The first thing that should be noted from this story in the Bible is that God expects you to invite Him to act on your storms and not for you to assume that He will act automatically. Jesus didn't calm the storm the disciples found themselves in until they invited Him.

We must also take note of how Jesus calmed the storm. When Jesus was invited into the storm, He rose up and spoke to it. You must learn to speak to your situations in life. Complaining and panicking will get you nowhere, only faith inspired words bring a miracle. The disciples said to Jesus, Teacher, don't you care if we drown? Mark 4:38 (NIV). That is a question not a declaration! You must learn how to speak the Word of God to your situation and not speak words of complaint, murmuring or questioning God. In Jer. 22:29, the Prophet spoke, O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord. That is the kind of declaration you are expected to make; speak the Word of the Lord to the storm. There is no storm that will not respond to the Word of the Lord in your mouth. Your power is located in your vocal chords and whatever you cannot declare, you may not receive. So speak the Word! Even salvation is gotten by declaring and believing. The problem with many Christians is that they stare at storms of life instead of rebuking them.

In Ezek. 29:2-3, the Lord told Ezekiel to set his face against Pharaoh and prophesy against him. You also must set you face against your storm and prophesy against it. You don't have to wait to feel the Spirit of God like goose pimples on you before you prophesy. Just face that crisis and begin to make decrees from the Word of God against it. A decree is a declaration backed by the law. A decree carries full authority and the greatest authority and law is the Word of God, so when you speak God's Word against your storm, it must bow. Job 22:28-29 agreed, thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. So make sure you control the situations on your outside from your inside. Speak words of command from the inside and every storm on the outside will bow. Use the constitution, which is the Word of God to back up all you say and that storm will give way, in Jesus’ name.

* Help me not to lose sight of Your presence with me even in the face of the storm, in Jesus’ name.
* Speak the Word of God against the storm confronting your home, health and finance.

In the name of Jesus, this day, this week, this month, this year, the sun shall not smite me by day nor the moon by night.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Great Calm I

Sunday 10 July
READ: Mark 4:35 -39
MORE LESSON: Psa. 89: 8 - 9

Jesus had gone for a meeting with His disciples and as they were coming back, the wind began to beat at the ship so ferociously that the disciples were greatly afraid. The ship had begun to be filled with water and it looked like it would sink. Water, in this context, represents trouble. Troubles and storms in life are a reality that we must face; it is how you handle them that determines whether you are really in trouble or not.

Many of the disciples were fishermen; they were skilled in the water business. So they must have immediately swerved into action as they tried to do all the professional things like removing excess load to make the boat light, rowing in the direction of the wind, etc. However, all they did was to no avail as the storm increased and the water became so overwhelmingly out of control. It was at that point that they realised they needed Jesus. They had tried all the physical things to correct the problem but there was no result. Most times, the reason for the struggle of men is that they are trying to handle a spiritual problem using a physical technique.

A great calm came when they realised that their knowledge of the sea could not help and they cried to Jesus. It was when they shouted out loud to Jesus for help that He rose up to calm their storm. What is intriguing in this story is that Jesus was in a boat and the boat was sinking and He didn't do anything. Don't think that Jesus was so dead asleep that He was unconscious of His surrounding and needed to be awakened by His disciples so that He would not drown with the ship.

The truth is that Jesus knew about the storm but He would not do something until He was invited into the situation. Jesus was waiting for them to recognise His presence and ask Him for help. This shows that Jesus could be in a boat and storms still attack the boat. This also teaches us that Jesus will not automatically calm a storm unless you ask Him to. God works by principles and one of his principles is that you only receive when you ask (Matt 7: 7). A desire without prayer is wishful thinking; you must talk to the Lord about your desire. The ship of your life could be filled with trouble today just as theirs was. You need to call the Master of the storm and He will bring a great calm. Prayer is the way to experience calm in the midst of the threatening storm. Don't assume that you are a Christian and a worker in church so the Lord would automatically calm the storm of your life without you expressing your need to Him in prayer. You must pray to the Lord for calm to come.

* Jesus, come into my home, work and life and still the storm around my life.
* Pray that you will walk through any storm with Jesus in view.
* Declare that no storm will be able to swallow you up, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I use the token of the blood of Jesus to wipe out the handwriting of all ordinances programmed against my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Power to the Faint II

Saturday 9 July
READ: Isa. 40: 29 – 31
MORE LESSON: Isa. 52:1-6

Weakness is a choice and strength is also a choice. A man chooses to be weak or strong by the things he does and how he does them. A man that is running away from fasting, prayer, church service and spiritual exercise is choosing weakness while a man that waits on God chooses strength. The reality of fainting and becoming weary in this life is inevitable but God also has made available the provision of power to be strong. However, accessing the provision of strength from God is a choice. This is portrayed in Isa. 40: 29 – 31, He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

The Scripture states emphatically that all men, including youths that are renowned for strength, will faint and utterly fall. However before the problem of fainting comes, the Word of God has made a provision for the solution to as many as will make the choice to receive strength. When you carefully examine the text, you will realise that God gave the promise of strength even before He announced the problem of weariness and fainting. In verse 30, the problem of fainting and weariness was announced but in verse 29, God had already promised that there is power available to the faint. It is only Jehovah that can promise the solution even before the problem shows up. This is the reason it is choice that eventually determines whether you stay in the place of weakness or strength. As far as God is concerned, there is provision of strength for you even before the advent of weakness, all you have to do is to make the choice to receive strength.

The secret of power in the time of fainting is shown in the Scripture, those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. This Scripture talks about a man who stays with God until his change comes. Job said that all the days of his appointed time he will wait until his change comes. Job is one man who stayed on with God till his change came (Job 14: 14). I want you to decide that whatever the situation in the country and around the globe your faith will stay fixed on the Lord. When you wait upon the Lord, your strength will be renewed and you will be able to move forward without becoming tired, Awake, awake! Put on your strength, O Zion; Put on your beautiful garments...: Isa. 52:1.

* In the name of Jesus, I choose strength, not weakness.
* In the name of Jesus, my strength shall not faint and my points of strength shall not become weakness.

I declare my moments and times are defended by God and His Word from this day on, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Power to the Faint I

Friday 8 July
READ: Isa. 40: 29 – 31
MORE LESSON: 2 Sam. 11: 1 - 5

Men at times get to the point of tiredness and they grow faint. When a believer, who used to be on fire in the place of prayer, begins to find reasons to postpone prayers and avoid prayer meetings, he is fainting. The signs that show that a man is tired and fainting include that he starts to complain about the things that he was zealous about. When giving offering/tithe, evangelism, fellowship and personal devotion become wearisome to a man, such a man is becoming worn out in his spiritual experience. He needs to pay attention quickly and receive renewal or else grave consequences loom in the corner.

The point of fainting is a vulnerable point; it is a dangerous position. A man who has grown faint can fall at any time. A faint man will accept any offer given to him because he has lost his strength to insist on what is right. In the face of tiredness, a man will take any solution offered to him, godly or ungodly. A little adversity, temptation or pressure can topple a fainting man over and then everyone stands amazed at the fact that he demonstrated such weakness. However, it is not the actual incident that toppled the man; it is the fact that he has been weak inside and carried the weakness around without receiving strength and renewal.

This is the reason Prov. 24: 10 says, If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. When a man falls or caves in at the time of challenge, it is most probably that he has gradually been fainting and he didn't pay due attention for renewal. It is spiritual wisdom not to wait till a time of fall before you cry for renewal and strength, but to come to God as soon as you sense any trace of fainting or weakness show up in you. Do not wait till it becomes obvious to everyone or till it shows in a major defeat.
David the great warrior king of Israel was already getting weak and when it was time to battle, he stayed at home claiming that he wanted to relax. He should have noticed the fainting and corrected it by receiving strength from God to rise to the battle. But he didn't till he stayed at home and he fell to the temptation of sleeping with another man's wife.

Today, the Lord promises power to the faint. A time comes when even the people expected to be strong will become faint. The only secret that guarantees your continual strength is constant renewal by receiving strength from the Lord, they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint: Isa 40:31.

* Father, renew my strength for every area of my weakness.
* Lord, send a fresh fire upon my altar, a refreshing upon my soul and a quickening and awakening for my spirit.

Father, into Your able hands I commend my destiny today, Let it not be ill with me, make me hear joy and gladness, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Greatness is Mine

Thursday 7 July
READ: Lk.1:27-38
MORE LESSON: Jn.6:62-63

Greatness is God's plan for all His children. The inheritance of the benefits of the Highest, that is God Himself, is God's will for us all, He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: Lk.1:32. The throne is God's destination for His children. God never created anyone to be a slave to satan, sin or the world. Reigning is our lot in Christ Jesus, a reign with permanence and relevance. But like Mary, several of us wonder if that greatness, that throne and reign will ever be a reality because we do not know men; like Mary we ask, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? Lk.1:34b. This has been the question several people ask when it comes to making it in life. They conclude that they will not make progress because they don't have connections.

Some say they are from poor families and know nobody, therefore they can never get to high places in this world. Fulfilling a great destiny is not first and foremost by knowing men. Men are vital but to get to the throne and have everlasting impact can only be by the angel's answer in Lk.1:35, And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

True greatness is a reality by the power of the Holy Spirit coming upon and overshadowing you. Therefore let the following keys sink in you in your pursuit of greatness
1. Find favour with God. Several people seek favour from men at the expense of favour with God. It is foolishness for a female student to seek favour to pass examination from a lecturer in the university by giving the man sexual favours or gratification. This is an example of seeking favour from man at the expense of the Lord's instruction and commands. Such people will never have lasting greatness.

2. Connect to God by getting incubated by the Spirit of God and by acknowledging His presence daily. As a child of God, fellowship with Him daily; allow Him to speak and relate with you; walk in obedience to His leading and be inspired by Him. The Holy Spirit is the highest connection you need to make it in life; He will order your steps to the necessary men and places that will propel you to your throne. Learn to fellowship with Him and you will get to that desired place of greatness, relevance and prominence. What men have tagged as impossible will become a reality and fulfilment in your life, in Jesus’ name.

* Prayerfully list your areas of desired greatness and begin to commit them to the great God who makes people great.
* Declare that by the power of the Holy Spirit you will get to the peak of your God- given destiny in life.

Dear Lord, I frustrate the tokens of liars over this month and I make all diviners, enchanters and sorcerers mad, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Fruits of Repentance

Wednesday 6 July
READ: Luke 3:8-14
MORE LESSON: II Cor. 7:9-10

Repentance is an essential part of the Christian faith. Repentance literally means to turn. It is the commitment to personal change and the resolve to live a more responsible life. It results in confession and changing of our minds about Jesus Christ, about God and about self. You must accept Jesus as the only Saviour and not just as one of the prophets. You must know that it is impossible to please God outside of Jesus Christ. Admit that it is through Jesus that you can access God who is always ready to forgive any type of sin and that you can live a sinless life in this world.

Genuine repentance ought to produce the kind of character change that results in a qualitative difference in the way we live. Biblical repentance will show itself in the believers’ life by its fruits as we can see below:
1. Repentance must result in a real hatred for sin and not just for its consequences. It is manifest in hatred for all sins and particularly of the root itself which is self will.
2. It must result in godly sorrow for sin (Prov. 28:13, Psa. 32:3-4, I Jn. 1:9). We must know what sorrow consists of, when we sin, who is the sin against.
3. Repentance results in an actual turning from sin (Acts 3:19, II Tim. 2:22).

Moreover, both inward and outward sin must pass away for you to be called a true Christian. Repentance involves more than mere “sorrow” for the wrong act. It entails a resolve to stop the wrong conduct, replacing it with godly living. and making things right personally with the victims (Exo. 22:1, Luke 19:8b).
Proof or fruit of repentance is required in genuine repentance in order to discourage mere profession and outward show. It is actually a desire for righteousness and holiness; the desire to put into practice what the Scripture says and deep desire to please God in everything (Eph. 4:24, Titus 3:8, Heb. 12:14).

Fruits of repentance must show supremacy over the following:
1. body of sin
2. power of satan
3. lust of the flesh
4. world
5. vile affections
6. lust of the eyes
Manifesting the following fruits of the Spirit as listed in Gal. 5:22-23 (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness etc) is a proof of repentance. Beloved, to what degree are you experiencing each of these fruits of repentance? He who truly repents, truly believes.

* Loudly say, Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins today; forgive me for doing so much wrong, and make me Your own today, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord Jesus, give me grace never to sin again and write my name in the Lamb’s book of life now.
* Father, thank You for accepting me as Your child forever.

Father, in this second half of the year, redeem my times and seasons from the hands of the wicked.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Divine Restoration II

Tuesday 5 July
READ: : Isa. 1:21-31
MORE LESSON: Eze. 16: 7 - 23

God is a specialist in restoring men. God wants to restore every dimension of man's existence: spirit, soul and body; including your health, finance, family, possessions etc. Today, the focus is on a kind of restoration which is of particular interest to God; that is, the restoration of a soul that is in a backslidden state. Often it is not easily noticeable to a man as he gradually falls away. This is the reason the Bible says, ...let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall: 1 Cor 10: 12(NKJV). It is dangerous to have lost touch with God and not know; such a man is beyond the reach of the divine restorer.
In the text of today, the Lord wonders how the faithful city has become a whore. How does a man lose the sense of inner life and yet feels unashamed and unaware? In describing this backslidden state, the Bible introduces a term that has to do with marriage. Faithfulness is a matter that is paramount in every marriage and it is expected that the husband will be faithful to his wife and vice versa. The Lord reckons lack of marital faithfulness as whoredom. This is the reason everyone that divorces his spouse and gets married to another is counted by God to be an adulterer; a whore. This means the spouse is no longer keeping his part of the covenant and he has been drawn away by a strange lover.
A man drifts when his object of love is changed. As it is in the marital covenant so is it in our covenant relationship with God. When a man begins to love other things, other than God, his faithfulness will diminish; he will only love one and hate the other. So Jesus said in the last days, which we are in now, the love of many shall wax cold. Friendliness with the world will breed enmity against God; love not the world or anything that is in the world, if any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. When your affection is beginning to shift away from God, know surely that the faithful city is drifting towards becoming a whore. Allow the Holy Spirit run a heart check on you today by answering the following questions:
1. What is your love level with God? How much time and resources have you dedicated to Him? Are you increasingly getting drawn towards Him or you are getting withdrawn from Him?
2. How faithful are you to the things of God? What priority do you give to money, career, and other legitimate things that pertain to you? Is anything ahead of God in your life?
In case your answer is below satisfaction, or you are unsure, God- the divine restorer-says He is more than willing to return you to the height from which you have fallen.

* Lord, restore my first love for You, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, rekindle my fire and zeal for Your service today, in Jesus’ name.

Oh God my creator, my eyes look up to You in this month of July, cause that my dreams and expectations will not fail to see the light of fulfilment, in the mighty name of Jesus.